Consistency Check - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Dear all,
I just bought the XDA II yesterday and I found the following annoying instabilities. Has any of you had identical experiences?
1. The screen display retards for some seconds after I pushed on and off button (e.g. I have to wait for about 5 seconds for the screen to turn off after I pushed off button). The XDA I does not have this funny flaw (the screen pops up almost instantly when the on/off button is pushed).
2. WMA cannot be used as a ringtone
3. Shortcuts for third-party programs placed in "start-up" (e.g. pocket nav, reset, toolman) do not function properly once the device is re-booted. I have to place the whole ".exe" file instead to make it work
Are these normally expectable in XDA II or am I having these problems on my own? Any one?

sorry, but i don't experience the screen retarding-thing so i can't help you there. about the wma being used as ringtones; don't know about that but i do know you can now use midi files as well as the usual wav files. for the third; i use a number of start up apps and they're all fine after a reset.
2 cents worth, cheers mate


caller id monitor

Hi i have problem some times caller id show just number when someone call me sometimes(same number) show name from contacts how to fixit
Same thing here...
Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not... Actually it has only worked a couple of times...
At first I thought I was closing the ID Contact Monitor when I used an application close button (Battery Back from Omega One). But then I noticed that it still does not work even without the app closer.
Any clues?
I believe that this is probably down to the 32 process limitation of WM2003 on the XDAII 28 processes open automatically as you open programs the XDAII will close what it thinks isn't needed any more.
Can anyone confirm? :?
Hmmm... It could very well be that... :roll:
If you don't use the "permanent save" feature, then you can delete the 4 flashman files out of the \windows\startup folder.
this gives 4 more process slots. Making the number of running processes at startup more in line with a normal XDA.
wasting 4 process slots on 4 different programs that do the same thing to 4 different databases is rediculous. Having them running even when the feature is turned off is also rediculous.
Yes, thanks... I deleted the task I don't use and now IACaller is working fine ever since...
I've upgraded to the new ROM, and only the lesser 19 processes now, meant to alleviate this problem.
In addition, it's a newer fix of Caller ID.
And even more, I removed the FOUR flashman/mem processes from startup too.
And even then, I find after just half a day of running apps and stuff, Caller ID no longer shows a photo, and requires a reboot to work properly.
Not happy at all, not in the slightest. Not in the least bit impressed, because i see little else that can be done to fix this, so no likliehood of a solution.
VERY poor to say the least.
Are you using an application closer like Pocket Plus or Wisbar?
If not, I suggest you use one. Remember that whithout an app closer you are consuming valuable resources and the X only minimizes them.
Best regards,
I was using SideBarX.
What I find however, is that this is the WORSE thing to use, as it closes ALL apps, so if the Caller ID HAD happened to just recently update itself, it would close that too, so in effect, closing the very thing with any potential to fix things.
Alas, I find the only thing that works, is to do a soft reset twice or three times a day.
Not a great loss given how quick re-boot time is, but a bit of a stupid solution nonetheless.
Additionally, I find another slight issue, in that if I get an SMS, when I click the notification envelope on the top bar to open it (if I had left it, not catching it straight away, so the first pop up of it had already gone) then the 'speech bubble' that appears with the message in, is REALLY slow now after the new ROM update, taking a second or two to draw itself properly. I can see the outline of the bubble for a fair while before the bubble 'draws' on screen properly.
Sadly however, it even does this after a soft reset to speed things up, so I am very concerned about this aspect of things.
It worked a lot faster before the update.
The rest of the update has been a good thing for me, but I am a bit angry about the Caller ID problem still being here at least for me, but more worryingly, I am concerned at the apparent speed slow down for some things! Especially as I have read tales of others experiencing this too.
But overall, its nothing earth-shattering I guess.
As far as the CallerID problem, at first I was having the same problems but I managed to fix this by removing unwanted items on the startup folder (remember the 32 process limit?) and by using Pocket Plus, since it allows you to exclude CallerID from closing.
I also use ScaryBear Software's Check Notifications to remove duplicate events on my system's databases.
Good luck!
Pocket Plus? Cheers mate - I'll go search now.
Here's hoping it works.
Also, the new ROM is only meant to have 19 things running. I have further removed the four flashman files from startup.
Do you know of anything else I can remove?
Cheers mate.
Can't find Pocket Plus mate (at least not as a free app).
Any link for me please?
I don't remember what things where in the Startup folder but this is the stuff I have now:
CheckAutoRun.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ChgDfLnk.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
ClearTemp.lnk <--- I installed this
MMReg.lnk <--- No idea what this is for
Pocket Plus.lnk
VoiceCommand.lnk <--- Microsoft's Voice Command
Cheers and good luck!
You can find it here
Hi all,
I've the problem with with my XDA II and IA Caller ID. It works for one or two hours and then impossible to see a picture. The only thing to do is a soft reset.
I've checked the processes and I'm now with 16 processes (using PHM Task Manager to see the processes) and when the problem occurs, the IA_Caller_ID process is still active.
For information, I use WisBar advance to really close my programs and I kill ActiveSync every time I leave the XDA from the cradle.
Thanks for your help...
Do you put pictures in your SD Card ?
If yes, try with pictures in your phone memory.
I have the same problem with ringtone in my old Qtek (first generation SPV by Orange)
Sometimes, the sdcard is poweroff to preserve battery life...
test and come back ;-)
THe picture is in "/my documents" none on the SD card
Now it's new, sometimes the XDAII doesn't ring at all. The screen lights on but no ring and no information. :shock:

A beauty but what a quality beast

G'day all
I recently got myself a lovely HTC wizard (branded O2 XDA Mini S, ). It's a device I've been researching for a while so I was very much excited to try out my first WM product when it arrived this morning.
However, for all it's beautiful design, it's really been a bit of a big pain on several ways. Most significantly and immediately noticable is the very sluggish interface. Some things, like notifications, I can dismiss fine, but the majority of actions, such as starting a program, opening one of the left-hand buttons or switching to landscape mode, take several (maybe 10) seconds to happen and even then the screen will only be partially and very slowly redrawn. This seems to only occur at the 'today' screen (other programs are pleasantly snappy). Anyway, it's rendering the today screen pretty useless and since it's the starting screen it means everything is taking much longer to do. Is this just my device or is this a recurring issue?
Have you reinstalled without the o2 Active stuff (basic mode option I think). It the real hog.
Other than tat have a look around the messages is the forum for various registry hacks to speed this baby up.
It does work well, you just have to tweak the heck out of it.
So it's a matter of going around deleting stuff that 02 put on?
Basic install plus something like SPB or Magic button to close apps properly (apart from the ones you regularly use, such as phone/messaging/IE) makes the device at least twice as quick.
wilesd said:
Basic install plus something like SPB or Magic button to close apps properly (apart from the ones you regularly use, such as phone/messaging/IE) makes the device at least twice as quick.
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This is exactly what I've done on my mini S...O2 Active is really doggy, the interface looks fine, but mini S can't affort....
Basic intall with SPD Plus work fine for me....I can now play mp3 & mp4 files smoothly with beta player, connect BT GPS receiver with TT5...
To really clear all the clutter, perform a hard reset and when you get to the 'about to customise' step (short countdown) perform a soft reset.
This results in a completely clean OS thats much more responsive. SPB pocket plus is a good app to install next.
There are other registry tweaks such as disabling menu animation that make an additional improvement to the responsiveness
There are plenty of discussions about this in the other threads - have a search around.
Dunno if this works on the Wizard but on the magician, if you map one of your buttons to the "Start" menu, then you can do a lot of program switching without going via today page - and the whole re-draw of it.
Particlulrly if you chose wisely the 5 programs that you can specify for the start menu.
jacro said:
To really clear all the clutter, perform a hard reset and when you get to the 'about to customise' step (short countdown) perform a soft reset.
This results in a completely clean OS thats much more responsive. SPB pocket plus is a good app to install next.
There are other registry tweaks such as disabling menu animation that make an additional improvement to the responsiveness
There are plenty of discussions about this in the other threads - have a search around.
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The soft reset method is OK if you don't use MMS as the MMS app will not be installed, if you want to use MMS though the Basic install is better
I cleaned my mini-s the hard way
Hard reset, soft reset, then installed some of the extROM cab files manually and setup the GPRS manually too. Wizard now runs ok, its not fantasticly fast, TTN5 still takes time to load, and incoming calls while it loads cause problems (but thats only 15 secs!). Magic button is great, pick the apps you need to keep open (phone, text messages, etc) and "keep alive" and "hide when inactive" then just use close all to keep the RAM free.
Alright - I'll try one of these hard/soft reset cleans. But...
Another problem I've been having is that ActiveSync refuses to detect my device over USB. The USB connection seems fine (Windows XP detects new but unkown hardware - seems to lack an RNDIS driver or something), but a sync I can't make work.
So I can't install anything again. After a hard reset will applications such as phone and messaging be restored or will the require a reinstall (that I can't do)?
Also, remapping the buttons sounds like a brilliant idea. I'm not so big on IE so if I made that my start menu toggle I could reach a whole load of things one-handed. One thing that oft annoys me is when you have to close a program or dialogue box with the cross in the top-right. Can that be remapped to, say, the voice recorder button so I don't have to keep awkwardly touching the screen?
That Magic Button sounds handy also - freeware by any chance? I'll google it in a sec. It's annoying (well, peculiar, coming from a PalmOS background) to have several applications running at once - all that's needed is the phone/messager apps and perhaps the music player.
Thanks for all yer replies!

Problems with the Titan

I was just wondering if anyone else have had any of these problems that I have been having.
1. Sometimes the phone will not play any sound at all no music,slide sounds, or ring but i can make a call and hear and talk perfect and the phone will vibrate when i get a call i made sure the sounds are on. Soft reset fixes this everytime but it seems to happen more now like every other day.
2. I have the 6 tab HTC home plugin on my today screen and it used to play music right off the today screen on its own media player not WM. Now when i try to use it it opens WM and i cant change songs from my today screen and it seems stuck on a song but it does not change or update the track info. The only thing it does is open WM when i tap the song name but nothing else. I think I might of messed this up when i reinstalled the WM play button today plugin and i now set the plugin to use the HTC audio manager but i would like it to control WM like i wanted to and the 6 tab plugin to control the HTC audio like its supposed to
3.Almost everytime i get 2 text messages at the same time or a phone call and text at or close to the same time this thing goes nuts vibrating till i turn it off.
4. Sometimes when i use Windows media player and use one of my playlist some of the songs say file cannot be found and i have to delete the song and go back and add it again when its in the same folder as it always is.
Anyone else having any of these problems or am i the only one? I have the new ROM installed and alot of other junk
the no sound problem i have encounterd. as a matter of fact it happened twice today. don't know what that's about.
as for the rest of your issues i have never experienced them. i do have the 6 tab home plugin and i do play music but i've never experienced number 2.
Do you have anything setup in your calendar? On one of the HTC Home tabs, it has the sound settings. If it is set on automatic, it will put the phone on vibrate if you have any appointments on your calendar, and turn back the sound when the appointment is over.
5.0stang said:
3.Almost everytime i get 2 text messages at the same time or a phone call and text at or close to the same time this thing goes nuts vibrating till i turn it off.
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I also have the same 6 tab HTC today installed.
And almost everytime I get a txt or an email notification + a phone call at the same time, the unit freaks out, I can't answer the phone and I almost have to always perform a hard reset.
I have these installed:
- HTC Home Customizer
- flashlight
- Google maps
- Opera Browser
- PHM RegEdit
- PocketCMD
- RDP Port Switcher
- Telus Mobile Email (visto client I think)
- X-Button
Running WM6
Same Problem.. No Sound
I am having the same problem!!
I am on my second Mogul now due to the fact that intermittently
all the sounds from the speaker stop working. (Ringer, Music, everything)
The sounds come back after a soft reset but it's very annoying!
I have seen other posts with people having this problem but no solutions.
I believe this is a software issue not a hardware as this is my second Mogul this is happening to (the first one I RMA'd for this same issue) and I have tried several different software products on the phone.
This is the what I had on the first mogul:
SPB Mobile Shell
SPB Phone Suite
SPB Pocket Plus
SPB Backup
IM Plus
Resco Explorer
Sk Tools
This is what I put on the second mogul:
HTC Home (6 Tab)
IM Plus
Resco Explorer
SPB Backup
SK Tools
Both are losing all sounds after a period on time!!
If anyone can help me figure out I am periodicly losing sound I would be forever in your debt!!!!
Here's a crazy thought.... any of you try to do a hard reset and NOT load any third party or non-native apps onto the Mogul to see what happens for a few days?
TC1.... The phone is useless without some of these apps.... I can't pull out the stylus everytime I want to do something on the phone....
There are usually alternative apps. I guess the question is would you rather find the cause to the sound problem or run those apps?
ImCoKeMaN said:
There are usually alternative apps. I guess the question is would you rather find the cause to the sound problem or run those apps?
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This is troubleshooting 101... need to setup a controlled experiment. Start with the basic product and go from there. Note your observations. Add one application at a time and note your observations. Using deductive logic you'll eventually find the cause.
And others please don't whine about the Mogul being "unusable" without these extra apps. The Mogul functions out of the box as a phone and WM6 PDA. Do some of these apps make you more productive? Absolutely. But in order to troubleshoot you can live without them for a few days.
This is my 2 pda in less than 3 months when i 1st had it i didnt know i could install all these apps so it was at least a week or two before i found this site and a few others and i remember i installed the new ROM hoping it would fix the problem...still hoping...
Some people have claimed that it's IM+ thats causing the issue........ I will uninstall it and see what happens.... Let's keep this post alive and get the bugs out!....
Got #2 onmy list fixed now i can use the HTC audio manager on my 6th tab and my windows on the today screen on the bar right underneath if i knew how to get a pic of my screen it would be easier to explain what im talkin bout...still waitin on a ROM fix or something.... or REV A
TC1 said:
This is troubleshooting 101... need to setup a controlled experiment. Start with the basic product and go from there. Note your observations. Add one application at a time and note your observations. Using deductive logic you'll eventually find the cause.
And others please don't whine about the Mogul being "unusable" without these extra apps. The Mogul functions out of the box as a phone and WM6 PDA. Do some of these apps make you more productive? Absolutely. But in order to troubleshoot you can live without them for a few days.
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I agree 100% with you TC1.. I have similar apps listed installed on mine and have no issues. Now when I first came across HTC Home installer I did have issues with certain alerts / ringers not working. This was mainly if I had removed my SD card temporarily and at the same time received a call / alert. Of course it wouldnt sound but when I would put back the SD it still wouldnt sound so I had no choice but to reboot the device.
What I determined is setting the HTC profile to SILENT prior to removing the SD card avoids having to reboot in the invent I would get a message / alert / fone call. Since then no issues.
Also installing the more current HTC home helped out.. As ringer profiles on occasion would set itself to SILENT / VIBRATE on it own.
Ive always thought it had something to do with the 6tab HTC home plugin but i removed it and it still did it
I believe it has nothing to do with any 3rd party software but the phone (windows,HTC,Sprint) itself.... I just wish there was a way to fix it!!
Have anyone with WM5 loaded on their titan had these problems? I really wanna know y i cant use any playlist on my windows media player more then 5 times before it says file can not be found in libary when i have not moved anything
same probem quick fix
i get the same problem.
but all i do is turn it of and then turn it back on and it works great.
haven't figured out what is causing it, all i know is that it does it after i get on line. don't have any third party software on it yet so that could not be the problem. i am how ever looking for spb phone suite or anything with smson it for mobile 6. mogul titan

listening to music in background possible?

hi there,
well i think this was answered before and i tried the searchfunction, but the only keyword i can imagine is "background" which results in many hits related to design-stuff :/
so here's the question: is it possible to keep on listening to music while browsing the web or typing a sms? or to even do so, when the screen is turned off? i would like to use this phone as a mp3-player because i dont like taking more then one device with me but in the way it works now thats just impossible.
ohh and before i forget: its an xda terra
If you have the TOUCH-IT Rom by Itje or the HTC Kaiser Homeplug You will get a Today Player with it which allows you to do all that.
Or search for something like the Today Music Player
wirry said:
hi there,
well i think this was answered before and i tried the searchfunction, but the only keyword i can imagine is "background" which results in many hits related to design-stuff :/
so here's the question: is it possible to keep on listening to music while browsing the web or typing a sms? or to even do so, when the screen is turned off? i would like to use this phone as a mp3-player because i dont like taking more then one device with me but in the way it works now thats just impossible.
ohh and before i forget: its an xda terra
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Yes, it's possible in all the ROMs I've used, but it requires two things:
1. X-Button/The Taskmanager is set to MINIMIZE instead of CLOSE apps with a tap.
2. You leave the screen on.
or you set alttab.exe to on hardware button - then you return back from tcpm or else. or you set a button in tcpmp to "screen off" ....
well windows media player (or tcpmp) still runs it background, but both are set to pause.
i mean i can go to settings -> system -> memory -> running programms (don't know exactly the english labels, coz i have the german version) and it's listed there - i can switch to it, hit play and it'll playing from the very moment it stopped when i minimized it - but while it is minimized -> no sound.
ok i tried the HTC HOME plugin now but it playes music for 1 second only - strange...but i'll go through the diffrent options, maybe i find something.
I usually use the Audio Manager ... set whatever songs I want to hear, then click on START, then TODAY to "minimize" it.
you guys are totally missing out on how to do it the quick and easy way:
1) Load up the audio program of your choice, pick a song/playlist
2) Hit the red phone button on the lower right(next to the OK button)
result: the music continues to play in the background
I've just tested this with Winamp, HTC Audio Manager, and Windows Media Player
omg really? haha. It's all basically the same thing man.
well...MY phone stops playing music then...ohh wait...i found a setting IN windows media player -.-
nvm, thx 4 all the help at least there is a approvement for me - i got HTC home

No ring tone, no alert sounds, WMP not functioning.

Hi, today my HD2 started to behave oddly - when receiving a call the screen wakes up as normal but no sound nor vibration (as preset) comes with it. The same goes for any other alert - SMS, e-mail...When I try to change the tones of any alert the common preview while selecting doesn't cannot be heard. Even worse, when I tried to play any music from my library with Windows Media Player it started to skip quickly from song to song without playing a note, stopped at the end of the playlist. When I tried TCPMP it work without any problem - music and video.
Any suggestion before I will be forced to proceed to the next logical step - Hard Reset? BTW I am on stock ROM 1.66.479.2 (76641)WWE, I didn't install anything new recently nor have beeb experimenting with any SW.
Thank you in advance.
ive had issues with sounds when setting the system temp locations to a location that doest exist (experimenting with a ramdisk, but i suspect the pricipal would be teh same). maybe some kind of system temp location corruption?
hunt down all you can find on clearing temp locations. start uninstalling apps one by one,
(personally id backup and go for a straight hard reset for the hour it takes to be fully fundtional again vs the hours spent fault finding.)
I think I have your fix ...
I just came across this thread and thought I'd answer immmediately because I, too, have sufferred from this issue in the past. It took me a while to figure out why, but I did. Give me about 5 minutes to collect my information, and then I'll respond again...
Here it is ...
I have a document that I've prepared in Microsoft Word to store all the handy registry tweaks and solutions to previous problems. Here's the entry for what I believe is your problem:
Sounds or Ringing or Vibration Don’t Work
There MUST be a directory called Volatile here:
Mobile Device\Application Data\Volatile
The "Volatile" directory can be empty as long as it's there within the main device Application directory.
Thank you very much, will share the result
I face to same problem using HD2, thank you. your point is help me to fixed.
Whoa, you just saved me from a hard reset thanks alot Peter.
PETER HTC you are great! Thanx man!
Thanks I fixed it too

