Synchronising Emails Sent from XDAII onto a Desktop?? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have just become the proud owner of an XDAII
When I send an email from the XDA (using GPRS) it is stored in the 'Sent Items' of that account folder. How do I then get that email into the ActiveSync account so I can sync it with my desktop???
I can only seem to move emails within the same account
Basically, how do you get copies of sent emails off the XDA (without sending carbon copies)
Please HELP!!![/b]

Boy thats a turf one, but take a look at MightySync it might work.
MightySync can be found at:


activesync inbox to outlook

If i check my emails on my fone, how can i then ensure that outlook then updates while syncing from the fone?
activesync should update your normal outlook unless you delete the mails from your xda
though personaly i set my xda to leave the mails on the server so i can still get to them without using activesync
I have my emails from my pc in the ActiveSync folder on my xda2. If i delete an email in this folder when i sync next it puts this email back on the phone.
How do i select to leave the message on the server from the xda?
to tell you the truth then i dont know how to turn it off it's not something i choose it just does it or in this case it just dont do it
as in delete the mails from the server
about moving a mail from the pop3 mail box to the activesync hhmmm now thats a good question not sure right now
i just had a play around and discovered that the message is automatically left on the server, which is good and bad, since ive got an email address just for my xda (not that its much point...just got loads of pop3 accounts to use up and couldnt resist)
well most mail box's got a www interface aswell as a pop3 one
so if your xda mail addy also got a www interface then you could use that to empty the mail box
also does it download the same mails all over if you connect again ?
and does it also do it if the mail is deleted ?
ok now im confused.
Sent email to address
Recieved email on xda
Download full email body
Deleted email on xda
Checked email on xda...didnt recieve again
Checked email in outlook didnt recieve email
Sent email to address
Recieved email on xda
Didnt download full body
Didnt delete email on xda
Checked email in outlook, recieved the email
Check email on xda, xda removed the email in the inbox
Sent email to address
Recieved email on xda
Downloaded full email body
Didnt delete email on xda
Checked email in outlook, recieve email
Email deleted on xda when send/recieve done again
Sent email to address
Recieved email on xda
Download full email body
moved email to another folder (not inbox)
check email in outlook, recieved email
Email remained in ther other folder when sebd/recieve redone
note, activesync was sync while i was testing.
The only way it seems, to keep an email on the phone after youve downloaded it in outlook (if this email is not your synched address) is to copy that email to another folder.
Maybe a thirdparty email app would be better than the built in program. Could be a project for me to do, tho im sure theres plenty out there

email - how to add server to outlook email folder?

hi guys,
having an issue where bulk of my email is synced to the outlook email account on the univ. Which is fine. but on the move I want to check for new mail, only way I found is to add a new pop3 account. which then proceeds to download all 130 emails for that day that already exist in the outlook folder, and the 4 new ones! takes ages and a pain, anything I send from the new account on the univ is also not synced to the pc, which is only syncing the outlook folder. basically I just want to add a pop server to the standard syncronising outlook email folder, to add mail to it on the go.
Any one cracked this???
Nothing to crack..... be sure you are correctly setup!
indeed i think it's setup issue. i'm running one outlook mailbox via an [email protected] and three pop3 [email protected] and they all sync just fine, automated via gprs and just what's new and not yet brought to the home or work desktop.
i know this doesn't help you much, maybe you can send some more info in how you try to setup your system
THanks for the replies so far. The only way I have found to enter pop settings is to create a new account, where I then end up with one account no pop but synced, the second account no sync but pop - both pulling the same mail.
Or maybe my question should be, how do you add pop/smtp server information to the default (created when I synced) Outlook Email account?
greg123, I had exactly the same issue with my XDA II. Does your organisation use Exchange 2003? If so, and they are patched up to SP2, then your solution would be to use push email which comes in the latest firmware upgrade for the Universal (from most providers).
If they don't use Exchange 2003, or won't upgrade to SP2 (or won't configure push email) there are some cheap external companies who will provide the service for you. You then simply need to setup an account with them and they will sync email to your phone. I don't know if they do this with a different account or not though.
I use push email and it all works from the same account. when I am docked it syncs over the lan, and when I'm mobile it syncs over the web.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
No I'm not using exchange or push or anything that complicated, I simply connected my xda to the pc and let it sync. After which I find all my email in the 'outlook email' section, along with mms and text messages on the phone.
All I want to do is when I'm out be able to drag new emails into that 'outlook email' section via pop. But I see no option to do this. I have to create a new account, add the pop settings to this account, and then send receive on that. Which then results in having to download all my mail (even the old stuff) on the 2nd 'new' account, most of which is already contained in the 'outlook email' account.
I just want to add a pop server to the default account that is created to house your synced email from the pc!

XDA EXEC - Email Sync via outlook & PC - How to Connect

Hi All,
Please excuse this question, complete novice here.
I run Gmail & have integrated it using POP with my PC Outlook 2002. This works fine & allows syncronisation with my XDA EXEC.
However, If I send an email from my EXEC I need to Sync with my PC.
Is there a way that I can also pick up my gmail from the exec when away from my pc.
I have tried, but end up with a second account setup on the exec.
If I go this way I will end up with duplicate copies of all emails, from both the exec - gmail & outlook gmail.
Any Help is much appreciated.
Unfortunately, that is the only way to go about it. The only consolation is that you can set up to download headers only and then d/load the full versions of important messages while away from the PC. I have duplicate settings for the past week of mails and headers set to 5KB each w/out Attachments

How does email sync with Outlook actually work? Plus syncing sent items

Hi there, I've searched quite a lot but there isn't much I could find regarding syncing with Outlook via activesync..
Like a lot of people I have a gmail account and download that via pop mail on my pc via outlook. I've also set up the same gmail account on my hermes. Now, how is outlook syncing meant to work exactly?
I can see that when synced, all my emails that arrive and are sent on my pc get copied to the "outlook" folder on my phone. Fine, I can view all my pcs messages on my phone.
However if I send any emails via gmail, these do not get copied to my PC's sent folder, and I can't see a way to get this to work. I cannot copy any messages from the gmail sent folder on the phone to the outlook sent folder on the phone. So I can't keep a tab or archive any messages I sent on my phone, on my PC.
If I use the 'outlook' account on my phone to send an email, it just waits on the outbox until I resync and then sends through my outbox email, right? Isn't that pretty pointless? I'm wanting the emails to be sent when I'm not ON my pc! So I can either send emails (but they won't sync) or get synced emails, but only if it sends when connected to my pc (pretty useless).
Does anybody have a way where I can send emails from my phone, using my gmail account so that it sends straight away, and the sent messages will be copied to my outlook sent messages upon syncing?
I realise that I could use an imap server to fix this but I don't really have access to one. I know google can keep a record of all sent mail, but there will still be holes in my outlooks sent items - I am looking for a solution that works with all pop mail accounts.
Thanks a lot!
FWIW, I usually get rid of my Outlook eMail account (it's so redundant ... I already received that mail in my OptOnline POP box) by first ensuring that the Messaging app is pointing to Text Messages, and then browsing to
in a Registry Editor and deleting the entire key underneath that for "ActiveSync".
Then ... whenever I send mail (that I wish to keep a copy of) from my 8525, I BCC myself on it. Maybe there's a better method, but this procedure works OK for me.
Just remember (if you're gonna delete the Outlook Account through the registry edit) to make sure that Messaging is currently parked on a different account than the one you're deleting before making the reg change!
Hope this helps,

Best way for e-mails?

I'm just asking for everyone's opinions please.
At the moment I'm using a GMail account, where I forward all of my mail to mail2web and that in turn gets sent to my Hermes and on my PC I'm using Microsoft Outlook, so if I receive an e-mail it get's read three times. Now I like my GMail interface and I was wondering if there was anyway at all that I could simplify this so that if I open the mail once, it's shown as being read over them all?
I don't mind having to drop GMail if need be, but my main annoyance is reading an e-mail on my Hermes and then having to click it as read in Outlook on my PC.
Use Gmail if you want.
Download your Gmail to your PC with Outlook and use EMOZE to push your Outlook mail into your Hermes.
This way if you write and Email with your Hermes and send it gets in your Outlook Sent Items folder and if you erase an Email using your Hermes it gets erased in your Outlook.
Unfortunately I don't keep my PC on 24/7 when I'm away from it. I've just found an Applet by Google (found at from your PDA), the only problem is that it doesn't refresh itself and it doesn't notify on new mail. If anyone knows how I can arrange it so it does then I'd love your assistance.

