email - how to add server to outlook email folder? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hi guys,
having an issue where bulk of my email is synced to the outlook email account on the univ. Which is fine. but on the move I want to check for new mail, only way I found is to add a new pop3 account. which then proceeds to download all 130 emails for that day that already exist in the outlook folder, and the 4 new ones! takes ages and a pain, anything I send from the new account on the univ is also not synced to the pc, which is only syncing the outlook folder. basically I just want to add a pop server to the standard syncronising outlook email folder, to add mail to it on the go.
Any one cracked this???

Nothing to crack..... be sure you are correctly setup!

indeed i think it's setup issue. i'm running one outlook mailbox via an [email protected] and three pop3 [email protected] and they all sync just fine, automated via gprs and just what's new and not yet brought to the home or work desktop.
i know this doesn't help you much, maybe you can send some more info in how you try to setup your system

THanks for the replies so far. The only way I have found to enter pop settings is to create a new account, where I then end up with one account no pop but synced, the second account no sync but pop - both pulling the same mail.
Or maybe my question should be, how do you add pop/smtp server information to the default (created when I synced) Outlook Email account?

greg123, I had exactly the same issue with my XDA II. Does your organisation use Exchange 2003? If so, and they are patched up to SP2, then your solution would be to use push email which comes in the latest firmware upgrade for the Universal (from most providers).
If they don't use Exchange 2003, or won't upgrade to SP2 (or won't configure push email) there are some cheap external companies who will provide the service for you. You then simply need to setup an account with them and they will sync email to your phone. I don't know if they do this with a different account or not though.
I use push email and it all works from the same account. when I am docked it syncs over the lan, and when I'm mobile it syncs over the web.

Hi, thanks for the reply.
No I'm not using exchange or push or anything that complicated, I simply connected my xda to the pc and let it sync. After which I find all my email in the 'outlook email' section, along with mms and text messages on the phone.
All I want to do is when I'm out be able to drag new emails into that 'outlook email' section via pop. But I see no option to do this. I have to create a new account, add the pop settings to this account, and then send receive on that. Which then results in having to download all my mail (even the old stuff) on the 2nd 'new' account, most of which is already contained in the 'outlook email' account.
I just want to add a pop server to the default account that is created to house your synced email from the pc!


Any way to Config OUTLOOK to send/ Receive?

Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
little_rock said:
Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
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I was asking the same question on other forums, but it seems that no1 considers this as a "normal" question; I have never got a reply...
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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You do make sense, but… you have just explained to us what we’ve already knew. I would just like to have normal SEND/RECEIVE in pOutlook without having to setup the same thing on the side (my Yahoo pop3). And after that they could synchronize normally…
I hope that I made some sense now…
Yup perfect sense,
the phrase that airbag14 was looking for was:
'no you can't, not to our knowledge'
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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Or just use exchange
I struggled for quite some time to make email work 'properly' on using my MDA Pro.
First, note that I use Outlook on the desktop. My situation is complicated because I have multiple accounts that I want to sync.
What I found was:
1. Syncing desktop & pocket outlook mail is useless, unless one uses exchange. There is no way to send and receive mail short of syncing with the desktop. And given that activesync 4 cannot sync over the net, means that messages I want to send are stored until I manage to get close to my desktop. Totally stupid design. Someone must have been smoking illegal substances when s/he came up with it.
2. Switching both desktop and PPC to POP sort-of works, but there are severe problems. The first is that a pop account on the PPC is completely separate from the outlook-synced account, so messages appear twice on the PPC. The second is that if either the desktop or the PPC delete messages off server, then the other device gets confused. Copying a message to another folder on the PPC causes the message to be removed from the server, so that it never arrives in the desktop. Read message indications are not reliable. etc etc.
3. Switching to IMAP on both the desktop and the PPC works the best. One ends up with a set of IMAP folders on both the desktop and PPC, separate from the 'normal' outlook inbox (which are no longer used). Operations on either the desktop or PPC are reflected in the other device when mail is checked. Of course, it is absolutely imperative that both devices download messages, not just headers.
So, in the end I have a set of IMAP folders on both devices for each account. Both devices are set up to download messages + headers. The desktop downloads the entire message + attachments. The PPC downloads 15K of the message and no attachments. Deleting a message on one deletes on the other (when mail is checked). Reading a message on one caused the message to be marked 'read' on the other.
Messages sent from the PPC show up in desktop outlook's IMAP sent items folder. The reverse is not true, because desktop outlook puts sent messages into a generic 'sent items' folder, not the IMAP one. This is not a problem for me.
I have turned off activesync for all mail folders, because sync is done using IMAP. I still use activesync for contacts etc.
FWIW, IMAP in desktop outlook has a few problems. The worst is that sometimes it decides to duplicate a message. IMAP is also a bit more sensitive to network glitches, "disconnecting" from the server and requiring outlook to be restarted to reconnect. In addition, as messages are left on the server more-or-less permanently, one might run into quota problems.
mailbox copy
I stumbled on this mailbox problem here again.
I got exactly this issue, as my provider gives me Pop3 (can't get imap to work), and I cant reply on mails when i'm out (outlook mailbox has no send-receive)
Now I figured out, that in case if I COULD do an mail-box copy on my device from outlook-inbox to anonther account inbox, and before syncing do and send-items-box copy back to outlook send-items-box, this would solve a BIG part of my problem.
Has anyone EVER heard of an app that can let you copy whole mailboxes between accounts on your PPC device?
I also posted this question befor but to be sure are you all saying in a round about way.........
i ave a pop email account on my laptop, this i sync with a cable to my Exec, And on my Exec i also have a pop3 account the same account as on my laptop....
so if i am out ( and my laptop is not on) i use the pop3 account on my Exec for sending and recieving mail no problem, BUT if whilst out i see from my Sync,ed email from the laptop befor i left in the morning a email i need to repley i cant, i wish i could read the email then tell it to reply / send via the proper pop account on my Exec not the sync account
Do you all have this problem
I prolly dont understand the problem fully, because I think it has a simple answer. On your PPC dont sync the mail from outlook through activesync but set up a new (p-outlook) pop3 account with the parameters from the pop3 outlook account (minus the smtp-server offcourse, this should be the smtp of your phone operator). I have this setup and can send/recieve mail on my MDA Pro. When I get home I recieve all mail from that day on my pc, storing it on my pc. At the next send/recieve on my MDA Pro, all the mail collected by the pc will dissapear (on the MDA Pro) and new mail will arrive. If you want you can sync the outlook mail with your PPC but it will function as a old-mail-database next to your p-outlook pop3 account.
what I did was:
1. I Created a new mail account - POP3 - and configured it to be read just in O2 exec.
2. I configured my mail account to forward all mail to the mail account I created for the PDA, and also keep messages in my mail account, so I can read them in my PC as well.
3. I dont SYNC mails, just check them by using WIFI/GPRS/3G.
This is not very "polite" but works for me. anohter solution, IMAP, another, REAL MAIL from Vodafone.

Sync mail accounts and Outlook account?

I've not seen this one answered before, so hopefully someone knows now...
You can set up POP3 mail accounts on your phone, so you can download e-mail on the go. You can also sync the mail on your computer's Outlook onto your phone. But can you do both?
Is it possible to read the mail from your POP3 on your computer, via Outlook, sync it to your phone, then when you're away from your computer, download and read your new mail on your phone, then when you get back to your computer, have that e-mail that you downloaded sync'ed back to Outlook on your computer?
Very interesting question. As far as I'm aware it can only go one way. You can sync (download) to your phone, but I don't believe it's possible to sync in reverse (have mail sync from your phone to your pc). But just out of curiosity, why would you want to? As long as your "Leave copy on server" option is checked in outlook, your mail will always be on your email account's server until you delete it, so that should negate you having to sync mail back to your pc. Unless when you are downloading mail directly to your phone while you are away from home there is no copy left on the email server, which is definitely a possibility. If that is happening, I would contact the cellular service provider to see if there is a way to view basically a copy on your phone while leaving a copy intact on your email server.
Hope this helps.
Been thinking about the same question recently. And i can see the reason for wanting to reverse sync.
Say i have e-mail sync'd between pc & wizard. I go out and check my mail and download 5 new messages (leaving on the server). Now i go home and my pc gets the new 5 messages. when i sync will i end up with a double copy of my e-mail on my Wizard?
i cant currently test as my PC is in pieces so i've been using my wizard for e-mail, but its not under "outlook mail" but a new account conencting directly to the pop server, can i have 1 account that will sync to outlook or pop?
Sry i dont answer anything!
you can sync outlook and a pop3 account if seperate
for instance, i sync my inbox with my outlook which works fine
i also have a new "account" in my messages area which downloads my pop mail via gprs or wifi (whichever is in access).
when you download mail from pop, it still stays on server which is good... then when you get home, you can download these on the machine
as far as i know, you cannot sync the mails back to outlook because of the way it treats the mails but i might be wrong as ive not tried it... if i remember, i will trty when i get home.
also there is limits and attachment restrictions etc so not sure how they would work.
What the poster means (At least what I like to know), is if it's possible to sync Outlook mail. Then, on the go, you want to check if there's mail. Here you have to create an account. Is it possible to have the Outlook-account of the pda have the mail checked? So only the new messages, which haven't been outlook-synced are downloaded...
Because, now, on the go, when I do a Dial-in or on a Wifi hotspot, my 'Outlook' can't download new mail. And another account (the dial-in one) starts downloading messages of 3 days (I know you can set this, but that's only half a solution...)
No way around this?
The only two-way sync to the desktop is Outlook Exchange mail.
Hi I've been tracking this topic on many sites, and have seen no answer.
If you only have POP3 (imap and exchance are ok), you are screwed.
I have on the PPC the oulook boxes, and a seperate account (setup like the account on my PC-outlook), that works fine on Pop3 via wifi or gprs.
What any pop3 user likes to do, is sync your PPC, get out and reply, send and receive mails. This is how it works:
- read your mails, do a reply! (which is not possible, as the oulook on you PPC cant send receive)
- so you like to copy that mail to the seperate account (Which is not possible too, you cant move mails between boxes)
- so you copy the content to a new mail in the seperate account, (and add all the cc's that where in the list, ohw!) and do there a send/receive, done...
- really?... how to get your send-mail back to your outlook send items box???, so you set yourselves in bcc for all send mails (or get a program for that)
Its a pain and a waste of time (anyone who knows a better solution, tell me and dont tell me the Imap or exchance story)
I think the solution can be 2-ways:
- or a patch that makes the send/receive available for the outlook account on your PPC
- or a mailbox-copy / move function, that eases the copying between the accounts.
Anyone has these solutions?

Email Synchro - Help needed

Here's the scenario:
- On my PC I have Outlook 2000 with my Gmail POP account.
When I synchronize with Universal, it puts all my messages to "Outlook-Email". But when I set up my Gmail POP account on the Universal, it doesnt let me use the synchronized message folders to store new retrieved messages. It only allows me to create another set of inbox called "Gmail". Which is annoying because I might have some messages on my phone which I dont have on my PC.
I cant even move messages on the Universal from Inbox (Outlook-Email) to Inbox (Gmail)....
Any help, or anyway of merging and using same pop settings as Outlook on PC to send mail from the Universal??
Please Help, and Im sure some people are facing similar problems.
you are looking for a microsoft hosted exchange account. Gmail doesn't support imap so that is the only wat right now
sign up for a trial account, and you'll find what you need!

Sync e-mail accounts

Searched the place but could not find it.
Is there a way to sync all external e-mail accounts setup on the hd2?
There are some send items i really need on my desktop.
You mean send/receive all accounts at once without having to do that one by one?
If so, look for "sendreceiveall" in the "Windows Mobile Development and Hacking" section of XDA, post by Crazy_About_Technology. I'm using it and works like a charm on my HD2.
If not, can you pls be more specific?
Thanks. I've got several e-mail accounts setup in Outlook on my HD2
The only thing avctive sync synchronise is the Outlook e-mail and not my other accounts.
When i'm pulling mail from my mail provider i get a copy of the mail and the original will be delevered @ work (outlook2007). But when i reply a e-mail using my HD2 the sent e-mail box ís only on my HD. I think iphone has a auto tions to send to a copy to your default e-mail. This options could do it for me regarding the backup/sync options for the send items.
You just need to use IMAP for all your accounts, then each device will sync with the server. This means that it will "look like" your HD2 is in sync with your computer.
But what about my home mail. This uses POP and keeps the mail local on the laptop. I don't want all my e-mail standing at the providers server. I think that the online mailbox doen't support so many mail standing there.

Outllook user who converted to Gmail...

I have used Outlook forever and thinking about changing but there are some things I do not know about Gmail that may not be possible. I have been stuck on Outlook because I have total control of my mailbox on my home server (.pst file) and I use a two business emails addresses from domains I own.
1. I own two domains and I have emails addresses I created from them. How or can they work in Gmail so email from my paid email addresses hit gmail then my device?
2. How much stored mail can I keep in .pst file for Outlook is big?
I have had a gmail address for years but do not use it at all besides for the market I use emails from my domain but I would like to get the wireless sync going if it all can work in gmail...
you can setup forwarding to forward all ur mail to gmail.
if these servers support imap/pop u can do wireless sync without having to first go to gmail. the phone fully supports configuring your own server settings for mail.
I run a small biz off of google apps.
While I'm not savvy on everything outlook has to offer at the server level, I was amazed at the options google apps domain and email hosting offered to make a transition from any platform.
Well looks like it works but I have one problem...
I setup the pop mail account in gmail from my PC off the website. I can send\compose emails and select my pop mail account to send. However from the Droid, when I compose I only see can I see the pop I created from the website to push to my DINC? I want to be able to select the pop account I want to send from off the phone for gmail?

