Outllook user who converted to Gmail... - Droid Incredible General

I have used Outlook forever and thinking about changing but there are some things I do not know about Gmail that may not be possible. I have been stuck on Outlook because I have total control of my mailbox on my home server (.pst file) and I use a two business emails addresses from domains I own.
1. I own two domains and I have emails addresses I created from them. How or can they work in Gmail so email from my paid email addresses hit gmail then my device?
2. How much stored mail can I keep in gmail...my .pst file for Outlook is big?
I have had a gmail address for years but do not use it at all besides for the market I use emails from my domain but I would like to get the wireless sync going if it all can work in gmail...

you can setup forwarding to forward all ur mail to gmail.
if these servers support imap/pop u can do wireless sync without having to first go to gmail. the phone fully supports configuring your own server settings for mail.

I run a small biz off of google apps.
While I'm not savvy on everything outlook has to offer at the server level, I was amazed at the options google apps domain and email hosting offered to make a transition from any platform.

Well looks like it works but I have one problem...
I setup the pop mail account in gmail from my PC off the website. I can send\compose emails and select my pop mail account to send. However from the Droid, when I compose I only see gmail...how can I see the pop I created from the website to push to my DINC? I want to be able to select the pop account I want to send from off the phone for gmail?


email - how to add server to outlook email folder?

hi guys,
having an issue where bulk of my email is synced to the outlook email account on the univ. Which is fine. but on the move I want to check for new mail, only way I found is to add a new pop3 account. which then proceeds to download all 130 emails for that day that already exist in the outlook folder, and the 4 new ones! takes ages and a pain, anything I send from the new account on the univ is also not synced to the pc, which is only syncing the outlook folder. basically I just want to add a pop server to the standard syncronising outlook email folder, to add mail to it on the go.
Any one cracked this???
Nothing to crack..... be sure you are correctly setup!
indeed i think it's setup issue. i'm running one outlook mailbox via an [email protected] and three pop3 [email protected] and they all sync just fine, automated via gprs and just what's new and not yet brought to the home or work desktop.
i know this doesn't help you much, maybe you can send some more info in how you try to setup your system
THanks for the replies so far. The only way I have found to enter pop settings is to create a new account, where I then end up with one account no pop but synced, the second account no sync but pop - both pulling the same mail.
Or maybe my question should be, how do you add pop/smtp server information to the default (created when I synced) Outlook Email account?
greg123, I had exactly the same issue with my XDA II. Does your organisation use Exchange 2003? If so, and they are patched up to SP2, then your solution would be to use push email which comes in the latest firmware upgrade for the Universal (from most providers).
If they don't use Exchange 2003, or won't upgrade to SP2 (or won't configure push email) there are some cheap external companies who will provide the service for you. You then simply need to setup an account with them and they will sync email to your phone. I don't know if they do this with a different account or not though.
I use push email and it all works from the same account. when I am docked it syncs over the lan, and when I'm mobile it syncs over the web.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
No I'm not using exchange or push or anything that complicated, I simply connected my xda to the pc and let it sync. After which I find all my email in the 'outlook email' section, along with mms and text messages on the phone.
All I want to do is when I'm out be able to drag new emails into that 'outlook email' section via pop. But I see no option to do this. I have to create a new account, add the pop settings to this account, and then send receive on that. Which then results in having to download all my mail (even the old stuff) on the 2nd 'new' account, most of which is already contained in the 'outlook email' account.
I just want to add a pop server to the default account that is created to house your synced email from the pc!

Online Address Book in WM6.1

Anyone use the online address book feature of the messaging program? I want my contacts from my different email sources. I could type them into outlook but would prefer something more automatic. Open up a messaging account like Gmail then choose menu - tools - options. Then the 3rd tab is address. Try to add an address book. Thanks
I had seen some tool, can't remember name!
It's allow to synchronize your contacts with internet!
So you can easy recover all your data, even if you PC will be formated
I think I am asking the question wrong. What I was hoping to do was to use my contacts I have on gmail or yahoo. When I type an email on my phone the only contacts I can pull up are the ones in my contacts under outlook.
Now I could copy the email accounts but the nice feature of Yahoo and Gmail (and many other email accounts) is that they will automatically add new addresses.
Now back to my original question. On our phone is a place to put a server address for an online address book. Anyone use this feature to tap into either yahoo or gmail address book?

Disappearing emails with Gmail(workaround)

I was having some setup issues with Gmail pop; I’ve found a workaround so thought I’d share it.
I like to check my email regularly with the HD2 throughout the day, but manage the majority of these through Outlook when I get home. So on my HD2 I set up a pop mail account to check my Gmail at regular intervals (5 mins), get the entire message but leave a copy of the message on the server so I can still access these with Outlook later.
Problem was whenever the HD2 downloaded an email despite the setup being configured to leave the message on the server these mails were marked “as read” by Gmail and archived, presumably because my Gmail account was set to “archive emails that have been accessed through pop”. This was clearly overriding the “leave a copy on the server” setting. So I’d get an email on my device, this was then automatically removed from the Gmail inbox and archived, 5 minutes later the HD2 would check again, see the inbox was empty and therefore delete the email from my device. Outlook never got a look in as when I got home all the emails had been archived so it was seeing no emails at all.
Hence the disappearing email problem.
Firstly I tried changing the Gmail setting to “keep Google mails copy in the inbox when it had been accessed by pop”, this worked to a degree but I found it slightly irritating having to go in and manually erase all the emails in my Gmail inbox once I had downloaded them.
I then tried enabling imap in Gmail and binning pop access altogether, i.e., accessing all my emails through imap both on the HD2 and on Outlook. Again this worked to a degree but I have Outlook set up a particular way and I found that imap didn’t really work for me in that regard.
Eventually I sussed getting it to work the way I want, I set up both pop and imap access in Gmail. I had the HD2 accessing mails through imap, and Outlook accessing through pop (with the setting for ” archiving emails once accessed through pop” enabled in Gmail). So the HD2 would accrue all the emails that I received throughout the day and keep these in the Gmail inbox so when I fired up Outlook at home these were still there to be downloaded. Of course once I had retrieved these emails through Outlook these were automatically archived by Gmail and only then were they removed from the HD2 then next time it checked the server, which was fine as they had been dealt with and were no longer required, perfect!
So that’s been my weekend really, hope it helps anyone that wants a similar setup.
POP is the wrong method for your interest.
POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it.
You only need to use IMAP method to leave a copy on the server.
Just that easy.
You could have saved a lot time if you only setup imap in your email settings in the phone.
All other stuff was completely too much. Sorry
Im using that method since i had the Touch HD and still use it with Gmail on the HD2 and my mails stay on the huuuuuuge google servers too.
Undoubtedly imap has its advantages, certainly on the phone its working well for me.
You did raise a point:
"POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it"
Should this happen when the you have set-up an account on the device thats configured to "do not delete messages from the server"? Because despite my account being set-up this way my emails were being deleted (or archived, either way, disappeared!) nevertheless. That's specifically why i wanted to detail why I did what I did as I'm sure this issue could catch other people out.
POP is designed to catch mails AND clean up your email account on the server.
This makes sense when you have limited storage space (i have an arcor account too and have only 25mb on there).
From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option.
This is mostly the reason that the emails get deleted when using POP.
IMAP is designed to give you the opportunity to have a look at your emails like on the server.
When you read an email on your pda the mail will be automatically flagged as read on the server too.
It is some kind of sync.
There are these two well known ways just to give you the opportunity and fulfil your needs. Just use the one that serves you well.
In your case this will be IMAP
"From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option"
When i was setting up the account on the HD2 I was ticking this option to leave message on server upon deletion (see screen shot), although it seems i was misunderstanding this function.
Yeah the function you checked was only for the deleted mails.
It just tells the server what to do with the mails that you deleted on your device.
Sounds good, I'd just replace imap access on the HD2 with activesync, even better.
I'm interested in what your "weird configuration in outlook that makes you not able to use imap" is though.

Non-Gmail Mail Client

I hadn’t seen this in any of the reviews and I don’t use gmail (assuming that there are at least a few out there in the same boat), so I figured that it would be worth mentioning.
While I was excited to see the slick mail interface of gmail, I was concerned that (as part of some “Thou Shalt Use Gmail” initiative) the regular mail client would suck, but that’s not the case at all.
So far, it seems to work exactly like the gmail app (seen in videos/reviews).
I have 2 IMAP accounts plugged into it and it works like a champ.
There is a widget that you can add and point it to any specific account or a consolidated inbox. Right now, I have 2 widgets on my main home screen (one for each of my primary accounts).
Once inside the mail app, you can very quickly cycle between accounts or the consolidated inbox by clicking on the account name in the upper left corner.
Also, all of the server-side folders show up on the left. However, as worth a few mail apps in the past, it doesn’t show sub-folders under the 1st teir.
Very usable. Very happy.
Have you seen a way to reply to an email for one account, using the email address of your second account?
I have a POP3 account mixed with an Exchange account. I reply to a lot of emails on my Exchange account using the POP3 account on other devices (laptop/phone) but it won't allow me to choose which account to send email from on the fly.
I have Exchange and Gmail synced, and so far all I can see is that you can set the default mailbox to send from. Haven't seen the ability to switch on the fly yet.
So far, Exchange sync has worked flawlessly.

Email to Always "Load more Details"

How do you force the email client to always Load More Details or always show the complete email with full html. It initially shows up in txt, and I always have to click load more details. I want it to load details by default.
First of all, you can set how much email size you want to retrive in email settings. Assume you aleady set it to 'All', I'd guess you're encountering this issue receiving from Hotmail accounts. If so, this is a work around for Exchange sync deficiency on Hotmail server. Hotmail ActiveSync protocol does not officially suppor HTML email at all (I know it is lame for a MS server) at the declared protocol level. To work around this issue, email clients have to ignore the declared ActiveSync protocol version and go ahead assume it supports HTML anyway. This is how iOS and Windows Phone 7 works today. Samsung/Google seems to take a more conservative approach that it let you to force it to display HTML by click on the 'Load more details' button. If it is an true Exchange 2007 or later server, you don't need to click (and won't see) that button.
MS posted some length excuses about why it can't make Hotmail server compatible with ActiveSync 2.5 (which supports HTML email) protocol while Google has no problem make GMail support such protocol.
foxbat121 said:
First of all, you can set how much email size you want to retrive in email settings. Assume you aleady set it to 'All', I'd guess you're encountering this issue receiving from Hotmail accounts. If so, this is a work around for Exchange sync deficiency on Hotmail server. Hotmail ActiveSync protocol does not officially suppor HTML email at all (I know it is lame for a MS server) at the declared protocol level. To work around this issue, email clients have to ignore the declared ActiveSync protocol version and go ahead assume it supports HTML anyway. This is how iOS and Windows Phone 7 works today. Samsung/Google seems to take a more conservative approach that it let you to force it to display HTML by click on the 'Load more details' button. If it is an true Exchange 2007 or later server, you don't need to click (and won't see) that button.
MS posted some length excuses about why it can't make Hotmail server compatible with ActiveSync 2.5 (which supports HTML email) protocol while Google has no problem make GMail support such protocol.
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Thanks! This has been a BIG help. I didn't realize but your right. My paid for exchange account shows HTML email fine. But my hotmail account does not unless I push load more details. What if I switch the Hotmail account to a pop account. Would that help load emails as HTML?
Yes, it will but pop account has too many problems (sync issues, no push email featurs, no calendars, no contacts etc.). You just have to live with it for now.
foxbat121 said:
Yes, it will but pop account has too many problems (sync issues, no push email featurs, no calendars, no contacts etc.). You just have to live with it for now.
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Great! I have HTML email now. Its not push, but atleast I dont have to load more details anymore. Does POP not support folders? I only have my Inbox.
You've been a great help. I really appreciate it, this was very annoying until you resolved my issue.
Nope. Pop3 is one of the oldest protocol ever. So if you have multiple computers access the same account using pop3, it is very difficult to sync with each other. And it requires SMTP server for sending emails. Some networks won't let you pass out any SMTP mails for the sake of preventing email spammers.
Here is one of my work around:
I setup my gmail account to periodically grab emails from my Hotmail accounts from me and put a label on these emails. So all my emails goes into GMail with Hotmails with proper label. You can even setup your GMail (on the web account settings) to reply your email with your Hotmail as your return email address. This way, you get easy email management from GMail as well as proper HTML email support.
foxbat121 said:
Nope. Pop3 is one of the oldest protocol ever. So if you have multiple computers access the same account using pop3, it is very difficult to sync with each other. And it requires SMTP server for sending emails. Some networks won't let you pass out any SMTP mails for the sake of preventing email spammers.
Here is one of my work around:
I setup my gmail account to periodically grab emails from my Hotmail accounts from me and put a label on these emails. So all my emails goes into GMail with Hotmails with proper label. You can even setup your GMail (on the web account settings) to reply your email with your Hotmail as your return email address. This way, you get easy email management from GMail as well as proper HTML email support.
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Thanks! I may try this.
Thanks for the info.
I thought I was going crazy. I used iPhone 4 before and I didn't have any problem using Hotmail exchange (ActiveSync) and work Exchange. Now I have to click "Load more details" all the time on Galaxy Tab, and Infuse. It's bit of pain. I think it's more to do with the email client. If I use TouchDown or Hotmail (new from MS) client, they don't have issues.
I hope Samsung release new updated email clients.
You more than likely right. Its the email client, b/c the HTC Flyer and my HTC EVO3D don't have these issues.
Strange to attribute it to Samsung, Microsoft, etc., because Hotmail works normally (automatically loads all details) on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus phone. Why do they make it work (let it work?) there but not on the Galaxy tab?

