[Help needed]: cprog.exe and OS stripping - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Please help me out a little, I am rather new at XDA development.
I'm developing an embedded application for GPS/GSM vehicle tracking, so there is this app which autoanswers GSM data calls, and provides access for software on the operator pc, so it can read the vehicle's position when needed. I have a problem with cprog.exe and the OS in general - it's getting in the way. I need to do the following:
a) Put a logo in the bootloader, so when it boots it needs to show a picture and some text
b) Somehow disable cprog.exe gsm phone app, detach it from the green button etc... but I still need the GSM to be operative and come up (I disabled the pin on the sim card). I don't want any announcements of any kind, just that it register to network and can recieve data calls.
c) To remove the ugly start button and the upper status line, so that nothing else can be run besides my program. I have put the program in startup but am wondering is there a more suitable way to run it... I don't need the today screen or any other **** OS provides, just the GSM data functionality and the application running. How do I strip down the OS and loose all the unnecessary features?
Thanks for your kind help in advance,
p.s. Oh yes, the device is a T-Mobile MDA ARM SA1110/206, PW10A2, ROM 3.16.48, Radio 3.19.00, Protocol ver 32S54


WME2003 my experience so far, good & bad.

First off XDA Dev forum rocks! I think it is so great that so many people have really helped every level of user. I believe this is truly the best-run forum on the net. XDA developer Peter Poelman, Jeff S., Lance, and I'm sure I'm leaving someone(s) out, please don't take it personally (God I feel like I'm giving an Oscars speech). No really, these guys are great! It's always nice to see a virtual community that actually works like a community. Anyways Tits Up! to ya all :lol: I hope that wasn't inappropriate I mean it is a real expression...... ...I think? :shock:
OK back to my experience so far:
(Theses experiences are based on a Previously US T-Mo PPCPE device with the ATT wireless SX56 latest Radio Stack running obviously WME2003 on US Cingular's Network. As a side note I think we should encourage people making posts for help or in general to start each post with your location, country, service provider, device variant, & ROM+Radio info. This sounds like a lot but these things really aid troubleshooting. Not to mention many of these things can be the thing that makes someone go :idea: I know the answer to that one! Anyway just a thought)
a.) I don't mind all the name changes, win CE, Handheld PC, Pocket PC + 1 and a 1/2 incarnations, and now WME. Just as long as it doesn't get changed to The Operating System Formerly Known As :roll:
b.) If you are having trouble with ring tones this is what I experienced. After using the add ringtone app in setting my ring tones wouldn't show up once I went to the phone app to change the ring tone it was not their. I then snooped around and found some differences.
1.) 2003 ring tones (ROM) are actually .wma files or have that extension
2.) Strangely these files differentiate from regular .wav files by having a space after the name (i.e. ringtonfilename .wma verses ringtonfilename.wma or ringtonfilename.wav) I am not sure this is how the OS tells the diff.
3.) Even weirder now everything works as it should space no space, use +ringtone app, or direct copy file to Rings folder in \windows DIR. So, if you're having problems try adding the space and putting it in the windows directory folder then once it shows up move it back to the rings folder and all should be well. Haven't toyed with .midi ring tones or polyphonic ringtones yet.
c.) If you want .wav files to show up in the sounds & notification / notifications tab just name the beginning of the file with Alarm i.e. Alarmwavfilename.wav and put it in the \Windows DIR folder and their you have it. I use Looney Toons TAZ talking when I get a new SMS as an example. AlarmTAZ.wav
d.) There seems to be a lot of stuff left over from the old OS if that is possible, or I'm not sure why it would be included as duplicates or not used by .Net 4.2x
Under Settings:
I have 2 power icons under settings. They both seem to work fine except one uses a newer Icon and is missing hyperlinks to other apps. I wonder if 4.2 see both but not the key that has the hyper links. Might be fixable. I'd suggest delete one of the keys but not before figuring out adding a new value for the hyper links. I still don't quite understand the registry. I have no computer training just self-taught and now have hard resetting down to blind folded, underwater and in my sleep :lol:
(If anyone understands the registry please PM me I have some interesting ideas I’d like to try that could benefit everyone )
Auto Config icon links no where.
Device Information doesn't get all the information right.
Other stuff that seems to do nothing but is present
\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
[I think these files were added by the developer of this beta to aid the team/soft dev/beta testers familiar with the old layout. I don't think this is the raw WME2003 OS (could be wrong). I would love to get my hands on that, incase service providers tweak & load junk on their that make the device work the way "they" want it to and not what it "is" capable of doing.]
These all now live in (with the exception of the last) in a new location that gets used (with new sub folders called content.IE5 & history.IE5) \Windows\Profiles\guest\
You'll need to know this if you wish to move the location of your temp internet files to be stored on your SD or MMC card. (p.s. don't delete your index file when manually deleting files in these folder it does not remake itself on warm boot. This may not be the case any more)
Also, you may want to download & install VBruntime for pocket pc 2003 from MS. I looked all over and for the life of me I can not find the file to post the link, but don't worry once you do anything that requires it I was prompted to download it by the OS :shock: 8)
e.) Also under \Application Data\Volatile\ DIR & \profiles\default\ DIR these don't seem to serve any function either.
That's about it for the oddities, of course there's the snooze hangs your device alarm bug. Not sure if that's going to be so easily fixed might be vibrate option related? Haven't toyed yet.
Also, radio signal display isn't all that accurate. Signal still the same, just not displayed as accurately.
OK now on to the cool stuff! (I'll just focus on the functionality issues as not to repeat too much that we already have in the forum:
f.) True Class B GPRS (Strange seems to be OS side not GSM Radio Side, as I didn't upgrade the Radio Stack :?: )
Always on + True GPRS Suspend feature! (I can't believe I waited over a year! for this common basic function :evil: and MANY people out their are still! waiting. I'm surprised this device even did as well as it did given this was already a feature in Bluetooth phone+PDA combos. I almost took it back to the store the day I bought it (Like all the handheld computers in my PDA graveyard from Casio Boss-Sharp-1st CE-Psion-RIMBlackberry-HPC both form factors-PPC, I must be the first to have it! I'm ill that way :roll: early adopter is a light term :shock: )
g.) Today Plug-in big improvement Calendar gives you a heads up the next appointment down the road (you'll either love this or hate it & it's not an option so hope for the first)
Inbox plug-in shows all your accounts SMS+All email accounts. Taping on the specific account launches that account 8)
h.) Pac-Man anyone just go to \Windows\Pac-Man.exe and copy via file explorer into your \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games and Tap & Hold select paste shortcut. Then Tap & Hold rename and get rid of "shortcut"
i.) Inbox rocks now almost Blackberry like functionality (sort of) When you set up a new account their is an option to check called connect & check for messages every "" minutes. Max value is only 60min not so good if you’re trying to watch kb charges or battery life. But the really cool part is it really works. Even if you ready for this kids 8) DO NOT have a current data connection it will at the appointed interval launch a data connection and run! :shock: way 8) This will take place even if the devise is turned off, but requires inbox to be open and I think on the top (not running in the background a stupid MS bug. Not the case when the device is on will run in the background)
Now for the things I do hate :x :
Once again Microsoft just blows me away in their omission of a function that is so obvious, basic and expected and just cripples the device at the point of it's "Main" cool sell factor (i.e. data connection killed on power off, data connection terminated on call dial/receive) that I just can't believe it :shock: The moment the little thought ran through my head "Oh, #%[email protected]! I might have to wait a year for this tiny #%[email protected] pivotal bug to get worked out I almost threw my device out the window I was so pissed :x :evil: So hear it is and your not going to believe it:
The inbox as stated above works awesome, very automated, great, etc, but if you have more that one email account it will ONLY auto connect and check the one that is on top! Even worse, if your SMS account is on top wont check any of your email accounts :shock: I just cant believe it all that functionality and just like before...Up the dirt path! :shock: What were they thinking? I don't think this is going to be fixed by any of the operators. I'd be curious if the non Phone Edition WME2003 has this same roadblock? Two little things; work in the background on or off, and check all accounts. Makes sense the app has to be open.
One last OMG can't believe it MSN Messenger is very flakey with GPRS Suspend sessions. Meaning sometimes it does not reconnect and other times it does. The problem is you will have no idea unless you go look to see, at this point...What's the point? Defeats the whole purpose. Again, these are most likely on the MS side not likely to be fixed by the service providers
I recommend copying the tmail.lnk file located in \Windows\ to \Windows\StartUp\
One cool thing you might really want to do :
This is a must have http://www.phm.lu/Products/PocketPC/RegEdit/ for the following:
It seems many people like to program their voicemail password in with the voicemail number so it gets entered automatically. I, like many others, initially tried adding the p's to the number in Start, Settings, Phone, Voicemail but after a soft reset the p's change to 0's.
The following seems to work on an SX56 with AT&T Wireless and T-Mobile. This involves editing the registry, if you're not careful you can break things requiring a hard reset. You might want to do a backup through ActiveSync before trying this. I'm not responsible if you break it.
If you don't already have it, download and install a registry editor. The one from PHM (www.phm.lu/products) seems to work great.
Open the registry editor.
Navigate to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Vmail
Edit the PhoneNumber key to include your voicemail access number, pauses (use "p"), and your password.
Edit the RegOverridesSIM to 1, instead of 0.
Close the registry editor.
Soft reset the device.
Go to SpeedDial and verify your voicemail number includes the pauses and password.
After this, do not go into the Voicemail settings, ie. where it says "Reading settings from network...". Doing so will reset the RegOverridesSIM key and you'll have to do it again.
Hope this helps someone out.
Source: PocketPCPassion user boostaddict
Mike Collins
thank you mike for this tip now it gets a little trick on 2003 here's why. In the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Vmail there is no RegOverridesSIM key beleive it or not I a non-programmer am going to teach you anyone how to write a registry key :shock: (only for this instance! It's probably not really this easy. I had no idea what I was doing. Just guessed right the first time, shew!) OK kids here we go (doing this wrong may well destroy the very fabric of our 4 dimensional universe or.....It'll just #%[email protected] up your machine :roll: ):
Then from edit on the command bar select "New DWORD Value"
Value Name: RegOverridesSIM
Value data: 1
Base: Decimal
Hit OK
Now go to Phone Number 1 Edit your phone number to include your pauses and password or what not under
Value Data
and hit OK
Exit the program (Close It not minimize)
Soft Reset your device and that's it!
OK enough my conclusion (To WME2003 or SER1.2 or not):
If you read this post and said "#%[email protected]! me, do I really need to know all that?! :evil: I just want my device to work. (You want a stable reliable device, and never look under the hood of your own car. Oil what's that? you get the idea :mrgreen
Also if you are counting kb (GPRS data) and only connect for information, for fun, or not more than 5+ times a day
Then Go with SER1.1 or 1.2 both excellent very well done and way stable. Nice job guys 8)
If you are not counting kb, you really "need" connectivity 24hrs a day (other than the novelty factor i.e. I do wireless & software consulting for corporations in the US wanting to go wireless or paperless, and I provide Technical support via IM clients. Now imagine how free "I" become being able to be truly mobile :shock: This is what wireless is really all about baby! I'm also an Actor here in Los Angeles...no really it just sounds like a joke :lol: )
don't mind getting your hands dirty, tinkering under the hood, or every time someone give you back your phone after looking at it you caress and utter under your breath "My Preeeeeciouse...."
Then go with WME2003
Hope this helps.
P.s. If there are any programmers for CE4.2 out there I have some ideas specific to these devices and I have the resources to get these ideas to companies and the entertainment industry. The demand is getting stronger, the future is being realized in business, and right now my hands are tied to what already is. Not, what should be. Big difference, even bigger market.
Funny thing, the PHM registry editor was already in my windows directory so I am guessing it is part of the ROM image to begin with. Since this is a developer ROM image I can see the need for this. Can anyone else confirm this so I can stop wondering whether or not I installed PHM in my sleep and didn't know about it.
I did the double wammy, I installed the ATT SX56 update and then immediately MW2003 on my T-Mobile PPC. Bad move, sort of. My GPRS signal was MIA for a good 80-90% of the time after that after the 2003 install. Maybe it was the network but I thought it was funny that all of a sudden after several months of almost no downtime I start having connection problems after updating the radio stack. After a couple days of this I decided to revert back to the ATT SX56 rom. So far my signal is back to what it should be.
I have to conclude it is the 2003 ROM and the type of SIM or coverage in my area. Voicestream showed up as the carrier under 2003, but under 2002 it shows as T-Mobile. Is this the case for all T-Mobile users I wonder? I wish I could figure out why my GPRS wasn't working under 2003 but until then I will stick with what I have at this point. At least I can rule out the radio stack upgrade as the problem.
Uninterupted GPRS with Thunderhawk will have to suffice for now.
If you are sticking with 2003 I envy you. Even with this pre-release version of the OS I can see definite speed increases with games, so I am guessing it across the board too.
Thanks for XDA Developers and Jeff for their contributions and more importantly time to this community.
@ ottoman3
Yes that is the case with my unit, in the LA basin, too.
But I really don't mind if it says Voicestream or T-Mobile, my service here reports Cingular :shock: since they share network and towers in the area. And yes PHM Registry edit is on the ROM, with some other Registry thing, Wallaby (xda) stress test tool and PacMan
I'm sticking with it, because I like the experience, see
I have no need for Blackberry-style email, in fact I *like* the fact that I can control email flow (manually yes but it's ok 4 me).
The +'s outweigh the -'s in my case, ymmv :wink:
PHM Registry is indeed in the 2003 ROM. But it is v0.2 instead of the latest v0.7
PHM reg edit in ROM I decided to encourage people to use the latest version, but old one works just fine too.
The other reg edit tool is manual (I think kind of like a command line registry edit)
If you'd like please post what device hardware you are running (who you bought it from) and upgrade revisions i.e. Here's what I did. Started with latest t-mo ROM & Radio from US T-Mo website, then successfully (no bumps) updated to AT&T latest ROM & Radio, then updated (with a few hangs, simply solved by pulling the device from the cradle closing the desktop session putting the device back in the cradle and running set up again. Never soft or hard reset my device. The upgrade program sees where you left off and picks up from there) SERv1.1, Then successfully upgraded just the ROM image to WME2003.
My radio rom combo works fine - being quite temperamental from time to time. Radio seems to be fine, just rom temperamental.
Couple of things:
I assume your phone was SIM Unlocked, if so it will show the actual network provider for the tower you are using. If your device is SIM locked to a certain network provider AT&T or T-Mo it usually only shows that provider unless you are roaming. Voicestream is the old name T-Mo is the new name so maybe some locations still ID as VS. Where are you located? Like vagelis said CA, New York, and I think one other allow these two providers to sell service in areas they were not in.
Once you upgraded successfully to ATT ROM did you soft reset allow the radio to register on the network, connect to GPRS and then did the 2003 update? Just curious. Shouldn't make a difference but when handshaking with networks it might want to log the IMEI number or something first. Just guessing:?
Usually if you are able to connect to GPRS some of the time and not other it is not necessarily on the device side. That usually denotes an operator problem.
And vagelis what's a matter with you :wink: not wanting instant or timely email notification! No really, I understand there are two opinions to everything one is mine the other is wrong :roll:
I just wish they would have not stopped short, seems like a simple yet obvious ooophs .
One last thing, if you want email notification without incurring data costs, try the following:
Open a hotmail account, go to alerts tab, and set up alerts via SMS to your cellular phone number you.
Then at your POP3 account home simply set up “forward copy of mail” received (not all POP3 services allow this and HTML services do not allow forward to another account) to your new hotmail inbox. Now you will know via an SMS message that you need to “Manually” check your Inbox on your device. It also includes the subject line in the SMS but not the body of text incase you decide it’s not important enough to check right now. If you already use a HTML mail account most of the major ones have SMS alerts for email. So, you will know when you have to log-on and sign in to your mailbox.
I followed the upgrade path pretty much the same as you erickbryce minus the Dev 1.1 upgrade. I went from the latest T-Mobile rom to the latest ATT SX56 rom. Reset the device, signed onto my service, played with GPRS just to see what uninterupted GPRS was really like. It said T-Mobile with the ATT rom so I know it had something to do with MW2003. I then upgraded to MW2003. Then it went downhill from there.
I bought my PPC phone last August from CompUSA so I am guessing it is the unlocked version. I just read a very interesting thread over at PPCPassion about someone getting their SIM replaced with a new one from T-Mobile and their Voicestream idenitification changed back to T-Mobile and their GPRS improved greatly. It sounds just like my situation. And since my phone was purchased right around the time Voicestream changed over to T-Mobile maybe something was left behind on the SIM. I never really followed up on GSM and SIM technology to know what exactly is stored on these cards outside of Account information. I will see if I can get my SIM replaced with a new one and try MW2003. I really miss the speed boost.
Thanks for your input and suggestions.
Can you give a little more detail on the "Then it went downhill from there" part? :lol:
The GPRS connection went downhill from there. Sorry for not being too clear with that statement. It started out okay, then for the next several days I pretty much was never able to establish a connection. It must have been connected with MW2003 because my connection was dead prior to returning to the ATT rom. 10 minutes later after the upgrade my GPRS came back. It has been solid ever since.
Hmm very interesting
Just wondering did you try the new SIM card solution yet? I am just very interested now to see if swapping the SIM makes GPRS work now. The curious thing is, it worked then didn't :evil: . If your provider disable some provisioning on their end changing the SIM will only load the same provisions on your account as before on the new SIM. Please let me know and ask your service provider why this would work if it does. Always learning, so would like to know. :idea:

Smart Dialing not working

My smart dialing is not functioning...I have the 'Smart Dialing Options' item on my Phone Menu, but it doesn't bring up the options screen.
Is this because I did a soft reset during initial setup (to prevent all the o2 customisation)?
If so - am I missing anything else?
That's almost certainly the reason. I lost smartdialler when I stopped the ExtROM loading on my JasJar. (I was happy about that though!)
Unfortunately I also lost the i-mate phone dialler skin and with it, the ability to make video calls. And the MMS section of messaging didn't work properly either! I think some of the other cab's in the ExtROM are patches etc, so it's probably advisable to let it run...
hi,if you go through the cabs installing 1 after another you will find both the skin and the smart dialler,i have bits of the o2 rom and bits of the tmobile rom on my exec because i have a tmobile sim.ENABLE-VT-RTPLUGIN-0727-2-SIGNED.CAB seems to be these

Switch Radio on&off from .NET

Hi, I'm a .NET developer and I want to start to develop mobile apps.
My last device is a KJAM that need pen-tap to toggle radio on & off and this is a little frustrating for me (especially when it rains). So I decided to develop a simple (!) app so I can switch my phone on and off simply pressing the "red" button (for example).
Now I found how to bind the red-button-press event to my app but I really not yet found the (damn) method that let me to switch the phone (radio) on and off.
Can someone give me PInvoke samples to use in my C# app?
At least I can point you to an application, that does what you want.
read the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=34831&highlight=
See my posts there (Conchas), and the .exe turned available by Koksie.
The same .exe toggles between enable/disable.
It is really great
thanks a lot ...
even if I wish to develop this app by myself (to start to "surf" the PInvoke hell) of course your advice will help me to reduce my frunstration switchin on my phone
You can always PM Koksie, asking for the function call he used.
I'll do it but he downloaded the program ... in the meantime ... the hardware button "4" now switch my radio on and off

WM6 Typhoon bugs and issues

It would be may be good to create a list of known bugs and other problems with the WM6 ROM for Typhoon. Please post here if you know about some bugs or strange behaviour.
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
-bug tcmp looks like the same most games have; there is sound but the screen will freeze in a few seconds (sound continues )
..tried to add T9 language according to instructions described at Ronswens pages for WM5. During writing sms I can choose the new language, but after choosing it only beep occurs when pressing a key. I suppose there should be changed also some another key in registry...do we have some experiences already with the T9 languages on this WM6 rom?
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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I have this problem too and I back to wm2k3
r0c0 said:
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
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I have found the decision:
We open "exe" a file with game in any HEX-editor, we find gx.dll and it is replaced on g0.dll
We clean the signature from a file by means of SignRemv and it is done new by means of Signed tool
To place the changed file back, and a file g0.dll to place in folder Windows
or 2) To replace a file gx.dll in folder Windows, in any a file-manager to put "read only" and restart (there can be problems with other programs)
As example Bustem
PS: forgive for my bad English
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
is there Java support with this WM6 ROM? I can't seem to find it. Very useful for Opera Mini and Gmail standalone app.
sebip said:
how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
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Use regeditSTG2.exe to modify the following phone registry keys:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001001 = 1 (that will enable the rapi_config, 1 means full access to rapi config, 2 means user controlled access)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001005 = 40 (that disallows the check for security cirtificate etc)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001017 = 144
Run SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe from the PC with the phone connected via ActiveSync. This will unlock the phone.
Disconnect and switch the phone off then back on again.
I can't use voice talk (via handset bluetooth) before in wm2k3 and wm5 i have the fonction to add voice command with contact, but now no.
It is normal ?
...I also revealed interresting behaviour when you are trying to connect to internet via GPRS. There sometimes occurrs error message that it couldnt be established GPRS connection because of missing GPRS coverage. (the "G" is also missing in homescren icon bar). But I am sure there is no GPRS coverage problem in my location.
So in this case you have to go into the phone settings and choose your network again. Afterwards when you are re-registerd in your network, the symbol G is present in iconbar and you can run the GPRS connection. Sometimes prolongomenous procedure...
I had pretty much the same thing as a few of the others.
WM5 - WM6
It flashed all ok, the phone booted all good and worked fine - but then after around 15 min of running, reciving one call and 3 failed attempts at sycning it died.
Well - actually, I re-booted it for something and it never came right after that.
These are the issues which appeared;
Contacts wouldn't open (yet the proccess was fired),
Calendar threw a 'missing file' error,
Start menu wouldn't work (no response from the button),
GPRS service was dropped ("no service available" - even though there was and the phone could see it if you seeked for it),
Yet the phone recived text messages while in this state and while calling the phone it just wouldn't do anything - yet to the caller it would appear to just ring and ring (not a provided service).
An interesting thing - I found that by making a change to the home screen or theme would allow the start menu too function as it should and the the clock to be displayed on the home screen.
Could be an area worth investigating....
I've had a taste now.... I want WM6!!!
What can I do to help?
...it also would be interresting to know whether there is a possibility to run the USB modem - I couldnt find it in start menu/accesories nor in the windows folder...
How to install for QTEK 8020 (T-Mobile SDA) joystick? please help... fuctional joystick in WM06 (my english low sorry)... right is up, left is down and left not functional and right... ???
///... please delete topic... ///
I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
DoctorT said:
I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
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Because WM6 for Typhoon Error on Dumprom.
WM6 looks fantastic, however...
I also have a few disappointments the most important of which are:
- No "Headset" option in the profiles menu!!!
- No STK menu!!!
- Very easily crashing on games and some progs (hope to fix it as stated above)
and the camera is definately worse than in 2003SE
..various language t9 cab files - I tried it and it works fine on WM6
do anyone try the standard calculator in wm6 ? It show error in my c500 so I have to use other calculator program
..it looks that my calculator works properly...

Sony Ericsson Bluetooth Watch MBW-100/MBW-150 on Windows Mobile! btWatch v0.1.8

btWatch is an application developed for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 based Smart Phones and Pocket PCs. It allows for communication with bluetooth enabled watches, such as those from Sony Ericsson (MBW-100 & MBW-150) and Abacus. Due to the fact that these watches were manufactured to work with specific phones only, they have previously been just out of reach for those of us partial to WM5/6 based technology.
While these watches were designed to support basic CallerID presentation and messaging alerts (some also control audio playback) I have taken it a step further by adding new features and improving upon the basic features.
Here's the latest version of btWatch. Currently at version 0.1.6
If you are having trouble getting your watch to work with btWatch, consider using smartWatchM which is being developed by MoneyToo.
This version currently supports the following:
1. Pairing of a new Watch directly through the app.
2. Establishing communication with an already paired Watch.
3. Creates a registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\btWatch) for device setup and options.
4. Options Menu to enable/disable features.
5. Current Options: CID, SMS, EMAIL, VIBRATION and Number of rings to Vibrate on.
6. Fully functional incoming call notification (2-line name/number + vib for n rings)
7. Notification of incoming Text Messages (displays name/num and full message).
8. Notification when new Email arrives (displays name/email and subject).
9. Digital Date and Time are synchronized with the phone.
10.Debugging mode to allow you to see behind the scenes for testing purposes
("Monitor Connection").
11.Added EKG annimation when connection is established.
12.Watch will now auto connect after going out of range and coming back within range.
13.Added 2-line text support.
14.Added basic support for MBW-150
15.Reject a call by pressing upper right button twice (much more responsive)
16.Display phone status info by pressing crown(play)
16.1. Number of unread email messages
16.2. Number of unread SMS messages
16.3. Number of missed calls
16.4. Voicemail Notification Icon
16.5. Current phone battery charge Icon
16.6. Headset Pairing Icon
16.6. Live "bars of service" from phone
17.Lists all appointments for the day by holding crown(FF)
18.Control WMP (press upper right button to activate/deactivate control) via crown
18.1. Pause, Play, Next Track
18.2. Displays current Artist/Track name on watch
19.Fonts are loaded dynamically from bmp files allowing users to modify fonts
20.Display task list with priority and due date by pressing upper right button when
viewing appointments menu.
21.New Menu System - Press and hold Crown(FF) to access, then press upper right to cycle.
Note about fonts: You can edit the bmp files with windows paint. Do not alter the height of the files (8 pixels), but you can alter the width and content. Must be saved as monochrome (1bit) bmp file. Do not change the individual file names in any way.
Installation: To simplify installation I have also compiled 2 separate cab installers. One for Smart Phones without the touch screen and one for PocketPC style phones. Should work on WM5 and above.
Disclaimer: While I make every effort to thouroughly test btWatch before each developmental release, I cannot guarantee compatibility with your phone/watch. As this is beta software, you use it at your own risk.
Price: btWatch is currently free for you to use as you please, but if you feel that the application is worth pursuing you may make donations to help further its development.
Anyway, I hope you all like the new version!
version 0.1.8
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​version 0.1.7
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​version 0.1.6 Buggy - Use newer version!
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​version 0.1.5
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​version 0.1.4
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​version 0.1.3
btWatch for PPC
btWatch for SP​
I want to Test your Programm because (little) Problems with sWM INFO ("moneytoo" could not find the solution ).
But "Pairing" is not possible, btWatch find my MBW-150 but could not Connect. If I want to connect my PPC (Asus P750) with MBW-150 Ex. PPC "Freeze" / see only WM "hourglass".
Pernod99 said:
"Pairing" is not possible, btWatch find my MBW-150 but could not Connect. If I want to connect my PPC (Asus P750) with MBW-150 Ex. PPC "Freeze" / see only WM "hourglass".
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Try something for me so that I can get a better idea where the problem is. If there is a com port associated with your watch in start-settings-bluetooth-comports delete it, then delete the watch from the list of paired devices. Ensure that you do not have moneytoo's app set to startup with WM (or temporarily remove it) and soft reset. Then please pair the watch directly through btWatch and let me know what happens. I will take a look at the code in the mean time.
pcfixitman said:
Try something for me so that I can get a better idea where the problem is. If there is a com port associated with your watch in start-settings-bluetooth-comports delete it, then delete the watch from the list of paired devices. Ensure that you do not have moneytoo's app set to startup with WM (or temporarily remove it) and soft reset. Then please pair the watch directly through btWatch and let me know what happens. I will take a look at the code in the mean time.
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At first i had the same problem, i couldn't get the watch connected to my Tytn II (Kaiser), after deleting COM6 and removing Moneytoo's program and reinstalling BTWatch it works great. I will test it in the field over the coming days.
Donation will follow....thanks for creating a second program for us PPC users.
Little Question ..... btWatch have a Appointment notify Feature ?
btWatch hangs
Tried it out and i like the overall functions of the program. It potentially can become a true opponent for smartwatchm. But what makes me change back to this program is that btWatch keep stalling as soon as the ppc is turned off for a while. When i turn it on (wake it up) and try to open btWarch is only see the turning circle, forever (it seems that way), apparantly this is the case when i've been out of reach from the ppc and come back to it. When that happens i cannot reconnect and i have to soft-rest the ppc to start thing up again....so good effort but alas....i'm switching back to smartwatchm and waiting for a stable version...keep up the good work...
Edit: while btWatch still hangs (turning circle) it seems to reconnect....+1 for btWatch...
If your program displayed incoming emails (like Sender Name and Subject) it would make it perfect!!
I'll have an eye on your program too. I like the little icon stuff going on there, headset, battery meter and signal level, oh boy I'm such a kid
But since I have a MBW-150 your app isnt fully up to moneytoos programs possibilities yet. But I'll definitely keep an eye on your work, I like how far we can take those watches already anyway, if I remember how proud I was using it with my SE P1 back in the days to skip tracks in the music player... Ridiculous
I wonder though what SonyEricsson can come up with. The MBW-150 is listed as a compatible accessory for SonyEricssons upcoming XPERIA X1 which runs WM6.1...
would btwatch work with the LG Style-i as well?
the program seems to find the style-i but hangs when trying to connect to it
Version 0.1.7 Released!
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life got busy this week.
Anyway, here's the latest version of btWatch!
Version 0.1.6 seemed to be a bit buggy for most, so I re-worked a lot of the code. It should connect and reconnect more reliably now. I added email sender and subject to the email notification as requested. I added a minor update to the Appointments menu: now shows 1st all day event as well. Unfortunately, this version still does not show appointments that are setup using a recurring pattern (eg. every monday), but I will add these in an upcoming version as well as appointment notifications. BTW if you connect the watch and click "Test Menu" in the test menu you will get a glimpse of the new menu system for v0.1.8!
Link is on 1st post.
consy said:
would btwatch work with the LG Style-i as well?
the program seems to find the style-i but hangs when trying to connect to it
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Currently this device is not supported, as it uses far more commands than the bluetooth watches. But, btWatch could be ported to a new application to support the Style-i in the future. I will look into supporting the Style-i, but do not expect an app until btWatch is at a very stable version.
Tested the latest version with my HTC S621 and my MBW-150. After I sent myself an email to see how it works, the program crashed... I repeated the test, it crashed again.
p.s. I dont know if you have a landscape device or not, but on my Excalibur the text area gets cutoff at the bottom. It really gives it an unrefined look... :/
NRGZ28 said:
Tested the latest version with my HTC S621 and my MBW-150. After I sent myself an email to see how it works, the program crashed... I repeated the test, it crashed again.
p.s. I dont know if you have a landscape device or not, but on my Excalibur the text area gets cutoff at the bottom. It really gives it an unrefined look... :/
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Click to collapse
Sorry to hear it crashed. Currently the app looks for an account named ActiveSync to pull email from. I will update it in a few minutes and post a version that defaults to the 1st account if this one is not found. The next version will include a place to select the account you want to check in the options menu. I will also look into having the app auto detect screen orientation, etc.
EDIT: If you downloaded v0.1.7 earlier and had trouble with appointments or email, try downloading it again. I altered the code to handle the error from the appointments menu properly and the email alerts now default to the 1st email account in the device. Please let me know if it is working better. Again, I will update the options menu of the next version to allow for account selection.
I spent the last few hours working on another update. I added a menu system accessible by holding the crown(FF). Once you enter the menu, you simply tap the upper right button to cycle through the different options. Once the menu you want is selected just wait and it will load after 3 seconds. I also added a new item in the setup menu to allow you to choose what email account to monitor (instead of just ActiveSync/Exchange).
For now I am not posting the newer version. I want to test it out tomorrow and make a few changes, but it should be posted in the next day or so.
Are these watches any good? I was thinking of buying one, but they are expensive to buy without seeing them in the flesh first.
Also other than styling are there any major differences between the mbw-100 and the mbw-150?
I'll wait for you to release the newer version, before I go though the ordeal of uninstalling smartwatch, deleting com ports, reboot, install your app... etc
Also last night the app would hang while it was drawing the EKG animation at startup. It would draw 2/3 of it and then stop. It did it a few times until I got pissed and uninstalled it. Hehe
Hey I got a question for you, pcfixitman... Do you know if it's possible to modify an app like yours to communicate with a device over the "handsfree profile" in the same manner ? Sending and receiving GSM AT commands ?
This is really cool, works like a charm on my Elfin
Thanks a bunch for this great software
Hi, this program can run whith car kit Sonyericsson whith screen for use contact ?
which watches support this protocol? How to search for them? How much does they costs?
It's not a protocol, it's an application. The model numbers are MBW-100 and MBW-150. Do your own research.... google.

