anyone managed to get MMS working? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

After ages messing with various settings i eventually realised MMS was'nt enabled on my sim.
All is now enabled and seems to be working but everyone i know who has an MMS phone either doesn't know how to work it or hasn't got it set up properly.
Would someone be so kind as to send me an MMS so i can test it out? I'll send ya one back but I've promised the wife I won't send the naughty ones so you'll have to make do with my car :lol:
My numbers 07739178234 and i'm in the UK.

If nobody responds just send one to yourself, thats what I do! 8)

i tried that but did'nt get anything.
Do you have to check for new messages or something?
How do I set a notification for them as theres no option for this in the notification options?

Got one from ya John and recieved it fine. I sent one back, did you get it?


Cant reply to sms's

I have a strange problem. I cant reply to a sms. Everytime i try to, a box pops up and says "Cannot send message".
I can send a message, if i create the sms from scratch, but............ thats not the point with a "reply" :evil:
I hope some of u guys has the solution.
By the way - its a XDA2 (M1000), from Orange, Denmark
Pleeeeeaase, somebody.......
when you try to reply can you see what nr it's trying to reply to ?
i'm thinking if it add +45 in front or not
Yes, it puts +45 in front of the number. I've also checked that the sms central number is correct (thats why im able to send a new sms).
Rudegar, any other suggestions? I guess youre danish as well
Now i've tried to remove my email accounts as well, but that didn't help either....
i would check if when you send a normal sms if it include the +45
in front if it dont then when you try to reply to removing the +45
and see if that works
I've tried that too. Ive tried to alter almost every setting. Nothing seems to work. I'm running out of ideas. Its getting a real pain...
try going into contacts>>tools>>options. Then, make sure that you have it set to your country, and enter the right area code number. Then click on ok, and it might work. I had some probs with my phone, and I changed this and then it was fine.
IT WORKED!!!! Thanks a lot. Finally i can reply to all those nice people sending me sms.
I actually thought i had changed this setting. but..........

MMS settings Orange NL

I just can't get MMS to work on my XDA II (Qtek 1.66 rom).
I filled in the info I think is ok.
I let someone send me a MMS.
I see I received a MMS but when I "open" it, I only get message info.
The actual message is not there.
Also in the toolbar above I see an icon that says (after tapping on it):
MMS Receiving:
But it stays on for more than 10 mins now.
The MMS sent was only text so it's can't be it's still receiving...
Can anyone help me out?
Finally the icon in the toolbar was gone, but no message. When I open the "message" I can download it...
But it wont download the mms..
xda2 settings
hi marcel
hope you and your girlfriend well
try the link it help you to set your xda it covers loads phones/pdas
i hope it will help
it is fun setting xda2 i keep trying mms settings on it
ta for now
Hey m8,
Everything cool here, hope you are fine too.
Problem is that MMS just wont work.
I tried all settings that I got from the Orange NL site but I think I'm doing something wrong...
Anyone else please...

tytn and cingular prolbem with mms

for some reson i cant receive mms i can send them and that works fine.
i checked on the settings and there right. i don't know whats going on but this is making me mad but is it just my phone doing this cuz i keep getting an error.
llmo128 said:
for some reson i cant receive mms i can send them and that works fine.
i checked on the settings and there right. i don't know whats going on but this is making me mad but is it just my phone doing this cuz i keep getting an error.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Post your settings so we can take a look please.

How do you get back the default MMS app after install Palm threader??

I Keep getting Out of memory errors when tryng to send MMS through the Palm threader app and I haven't been able to find a fix on the boards. So basically I want to see if its possible to use both the Default MMS for sending pics and Palm threader for sending Txt's. Is that possible? after i install palm threader the default MMS app that came with my Tytn II dissapears. How can i get that back?
My phone is the Tytn II and I'm with cingular I know this is not the keiser section but I figured I would ask here since they are similar phones in some ways and there is more activity here on this forum.
Thanks for your support
Id love to get that back too... even after changing the settings in the palm mms it still will not send or recieve... very weird.
I dont believe its possible to get the mms portion of outlook back. If I remember you could keep it around after install if you didnt change mms1 to mmsold with a reg edit.
If anyone knows how to get it working (on cingular preferably) let us know..
and yes I have read every single one of the 55 pages on the palm messaging app thread in hermes...
thanks for the reply its good to know that I'm not the only with this problem hopefully someone could help us out on this.. Crossing fingers

MMS - Picture Arrives, 2 days later TXT arrives...?

I'm using a Sim Free Touch Diamond 2 on T-Mobile UK. Got a strange problem going on at the moment.
When someone sends me an SMS (From any network T-Mobile, Orange, O2 etc). I usually get the MMS with the picture downloaded within a couple of minutes. I can view this on the phone as you would expect. BUT, two days later I will then receive a TXT from T-Mobile saying that someone has send me a MMS, please go to - When I go and login the same picture message is waiting for me...?
Anyone else had this problem? Strange thing is that this only appears to have started happening since I returned from a trip to europe.
I've tried T-Mobile customer service - all they can suggest is that this is probably a setting on the handset....
Can anyone help or throw any light on this?
I am having the same problem.and also experiancing sms coming through late or not at all. however i actualy work for T-Mobile.. and know its not a problem with the is more likely network issues. but am not aware of any issues..i will speak to technical next time i can and will let you know what they say..i is starting to bug me as well but it is some thing that started for me back in June and i was using my D1 at the time..
Hi there,
I have a similar problem.
When I receive a MMS I only get a sms/text notification saying that I have received a MMS and that I have to go to the t-mobile website. I can't view the mms on my phone.
Is this because I need to install a program to view the MMS?
I am able to send MMS, I just sent a MMS to myself and I received it without a problem, but as a sms/text message, not the MMS itself.
Really annoying!
Hoping to get an answer.
It sound like a problem with your settings...
Go to the t-mobile website :
and send the settings to the phone once installed do a soft reset.
you should install both MMS and internet settings...
if this still doesnt work then you may have to try setting them up manualy ..
Heres a link to the manual on how to do it and the settings you need:
if that still doesnt work you will need to call customer service there maybe a problem with the settings on your account. tell them you have done the above steps cos they will want to do them again with you and if you get someone in the phillipines this not a easy task.. they should transfer you to technical support and they will sort it..
any more problems just ask as i have worked for T-Mobile for nearly 4 years..
Thank you!!
It worked!! Thank you very much!
The first option didn't work as I have a dutch number. I did try to send the mms options to my phone via the dutch t-mobile site but they don't have the settings yet for this phone!
I then googled for "t-mobile mms instellingen" (settings) and I found them. Did it manually and now it works like a charm.
For the dutch people interested, here is the site with the settings: instellingen
Thanks for pointing me in that direction!!
You normally get that text about going to the website to get your MMS when the network thinks your phones not MMS compatible or you don't have MMS messaging live on your acc.
Hi sorry only just getting back..
managed to speak to technical and what they said is they need 5 examples.
date time number and postcode of area you where in.
so they can raise the problem and get your mms profile reset and should then be fine.

