very confused about xda booting etc, pls help - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi everybody,
for years I was playing working and doing other weird things with my computer, I finaly was able to get svcd working and I was doing many how to files for other people like newbies and other human beings :wink:
So, some weeks ago I got to know about the xda, well, I bought one, cause I love this boys toys and I also need this kind of stuff professionaly, while traveling alot.
I was reading now for days forth and back here and in some other forums, ending up completly confused and not sure what I should do.
Please dont be angry with me for asking stupid question, I promisse I also will answer some as soon as I know for sure.
Here is the case:
I have an xda, I dont know which radio version (how to I get to know the basic informations about my xda inside?
I have some very strange looking stuff on that machine (bought it used over ebay)
I would like to remove all that crab and set the machine up fresh.
I know about the kitchens but could not make the roman one working.
I have an sd card plus reader writer (the card is an 128mb) the writer is from hama germany
I will try to make it short, is there no realy newby how to about how and what to do with the xda? I will write one in german and even in english with some help for the english version, but I need to have a start somewhere.
Please help, I dont mind the work and will be greatful for any help.
Thanks, this is a great place where people help each other.

The FAQ over at PDAPhonehome is a good place to start:

Good initiative ... I believe many will be greatful for you
I have an xda, I dont know which radio version (how to I get to know the basic informations about my xda inside?
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Start -> Settings -> System Tab -> Device information
I have some very strange looking stuff on that machine (bought it used over ebay)
I would like to remove all that crab and set the machine up fresh.
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Start -> Settings -> System Tab -> Remove programs
or if there is nothing valuable, do a hard reset (the tiny hole to the right of the XDA connector ... marked with a red battery icon)

got it started
Tahnks to all which replied. I have started and found thr first steps.
Thanks again


Changing the OS language

I have been using a Wizard for about a year now but last week i dropped it really hard and its having some problems. So, I was thinking about getting the Hermes.
I live in Taiwan and the Hermes that I can get through the phone company (unlocked. No phones here are locked) has a chinese version of WM5 on it. I was wondering how easy it is to change this. Is the ROM actually WM itself? Meaning that I could just download a ROM?
That's my main question.
Another question I'd like to pose to yuio guys is how you feel abuot the Hermes in general especially as compares to the Wizard (if yuo were a past user).
Thanks in Advance.
Basically Im just wondering if a ROM is a whole new OS.
Would really appreciate a response.
Read the wiki:
Hi Marlz, I'm with you.
I have a XDA II since about 3 years and I'm pretty sure I was amongst the first who got the Language changed from German to English.
It worked nice until now. Today my PDA is acting up, the phone "hangs" a lot lately. I missed several calls due to that. Also, every time I want to send an MMS it does a hard reset...
Now, why am I telling this?
I'm in the process of buying a french Hermes (TYTN). So I said to myself, no big deal, just hop on the Forum and look for some info like I did some years ago and change it in English.
Well, in the mean time there is so much information on this site that I really can't see the wood through the trees, if you know what I mean.
If been surfing for a while now but I can't find a clear and simple guide or information in order to change the language.
Did you manage to do it?
Anyone with a clear guideline or link... feel free.
Thanks and greetings from Belgium
Yes i managed to do it with no problems. After reading the wiki i pieced together the needed steps whichn outlined here:
I think the step depend on what version of bootloader you have.
Good Luck.
Thanks but I kinda circumnavigated the problem, I bought a new UK one.
Thanks for the tip though.

QTEK 9100 in Russian - How to get it in English ?

Hi !
I recently bought a QTek 9100 "Deluxe" while passing by Moscow ! The version is in Russian and I was convinced I could manage to get it into English , but .........
When trying it, probably as it is a G4 device, I can not do anything !
Could anyone advice please ?
IPL 2.18.0001
SPL 2.18.0001
GSM 02.20.11
If you can navigate a little in russian, try hitting start-->setting--> go to the second tab at the bottom (system) and then regional setting (looks like a globe) and in the first tab there is a drop down menu that will allow you to change the language. Then, do a reset and your language should change. I've never actually done this so I'm not gauranteeing it will but I remember running across a post once saying that it would. It's worth a try anyway.
Look through the options until you see (this is as close as I can do in roman rather than cyrillic)...
Ye3NK (only the N is backwards - this is "language" - the E may be curvy with two dots above it)
AH7nNCKN (with the 7 and Ns displayed backwards and "n" is very like the maths symbol for pi - is "English")
Alternately look up each of the letters in "yezik" and "angliski" here for the exact picture...
I dont have cyrillic on this server, but even if i did you would need it installed too or you will just see mainly vowels with phonetic symbols above.
And good luck!!!
Not functionning yet !
Hi guys !
Many thanks for your feed-back !
Unfortunately I tried before and the "international" language is already selected on "English", but all menus etc. remain in Russian.
I had a talk this morning with the national provider of QTek of my country stating that there were no way, but through the net with some 80 % risk that the mobile would simply crash and be of no use !
I would really appreciate if anyone would have a "positive" experience in this regard.
Many thanks in advance !
You have to use "" Shell Tool", can find it on this forum to reflush G4 Wizard.
Read this:
Thanks Fresh,
but unfortunatelly I am not really a specialist in I.T. and do not really understand what I am supposed to do.
Especially the pages starting with "ftp://" remain unreable to me ! I guess I do something wrong, but do not know what !
Thanks for any help !
Nice day
Approches said:
Especially the pages starting with "ftp://" remain unreable to me ! I guess I do something wrong, but do not know what !
Thanks for any help !
Nice day
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"ftp://" if you have this, you have to copy this to the address bar of your browser, then you wil see something like list of folders and files.
Click on the files you want, then it will start to download.
Looks like you need to navigate here:
go ftp://[email protected] find ''Uploads'' folder, then ''WIZARD'', then "Unlocking''
and copy all staff to your computer
Hello Free breaze,
Sorry, but at my level it seems I am even not able to log in what you adviced : ftp://[email protected] !
Trying but still no any success with passwords !
Sorry !
Strange, password is xda, i logged in one second....
I am trying but with xda as log and xda as pass and do not get through !
I brought my mobile today to a specialist, but he said that the Russian version was more advanced than the English one he had, and could not downgrade in Russian !
It is looking such a headache !
Next time I will take a simple and very small Nokia I think !
Well, i am russian, i don't have G4 Wizard, but on russian forums
a lot of people had done upgrade and downgrade G4, so you need another spesialist
I will try to search for you and make english manual how to this week, but did you think to upgrade to the WM6?
Another chance, try this:
Wizard Service Tool
Hi Fresh Breeze !
Many thanks for your permanent help (and there is much to do with such "specialist" as I !).
About WM6 I have read and understood that it is not yet stable, but if you have any advice would be much appreciated !
It seems the downgrade of the Russian version is a kind of must as no equivalent version in English could be found.
I had a look as well on Service Tool, clarifying now some aspects !
Many many thanks to you !

What can a newbie do?

Hi all, another noob!
I've done a few searches to no avail so a simple question with lots of possible answers I'm sure:
As I have just received my O2 XDA Orbit, what, if anything, would the Moderators/Admin guys recommend I do to improve the performance of my Orbit (not that I am aware of any limits so far) or what essential bits of software should I have? Please be aware that my knowledge of computers, PDA's and all this other techno-wizardry could be written on the back of a nano-bot in large font, so please, it will have to be kept to a very very simple level.
If I am too dumb to be able to do anything other than enjoy what I have, please feel free to say so!
Garneth said:
Hi all, another noob!
I've done a few searches to no avail so a simple question with lots of possible answers I'm sure:
As I have just received my O2 XDA Orbit, what, if anything, would the Moderators/Admin guys recommend I do to improve the performance of my Orbit (not that I am aware of any limits so far) or what essential bits of software should I have? Please be aware that my knowledge of computers, PDA's and all this other techno-wizardry could be written on the back of a nano-bot in large font, so please, it will have to be kept to a very very simple level.
If I am too dumb to be able to do anything other than enjoy what I have, please feel free to say so!
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You could try reading the wiki - or using the search button for a start.....
But U guess that being a noob you have the honour of asking 1 silly question!!!
Enjoy the forums.
chandlercjh said:
You could try reading the wiki - or using the search button for a start.....
But U guess that being a noob you have the honour of asking 1 silly question!!!
Enjoy the forums.
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You see, one stupid question and I get access to something I wouldn't have known to look for. Now all I have to do is understand wtf it's all about. Never heard of a wiki before so I'm not sure what to do about that. That link looks great, but again I have no idea how to utilise it.
Sometimes, some of you guys forget just how difficult it is for noobs to this game!
Thanks though.
Since you are not looking for anything particular, using the search would be useless - the wiki is good but has many information for advanced noobies so why don't you start with reading all the threads that you find to be interesting.
I'd recommend you to go to and check out the "best sites" section and start reading about pdas in general, download some apps and get to know Windows Mobile. Try your first registry hack or simply take a look inside to find out how it funtions.
When you have managed this (could take a month or more) then pick a ROM and flash it to your device. Before you do this be sure to do use the USPL patch and make sure you are doing everthing right BEFORE you do it! When your device is "bricked" you probably need help from somebody in the forum. It's better to have a working backup plan before you try that.
I think Meschle's ROM is a good start if you ever wanna try because he included the USPL patch to be sure that uploading his ROM doesn't mess with your pda.
Have fun using this great pda!
Registerme said:
Since you are not looking for anything particular, using the search would be useless - the wiki is good but has many information for advanced noobies so why don't you start with reading all the threads that you find to be interesting.
I'd recommend you to go to and check out the "best sites" section and start reading about pdas in general, download some apps and get to know Windows Mobile. Try your first registry hack or simply take a look inside to find out how it funtions.
When you have managed this (could take a month or more) then pick a ROM and flash it to your device. Before you do this be sure to do use the USPL patch and make sure you are doing everthing right BEFORE you do it! When your device is "bricked" you probably need help from somebody in the forum. It's better to have a working backup plan before you try that.
I think Meschle's ROM is a good start if you ever wanna try because he included the USPL patch to be sure that uploading his ROM doesn't mess with your pda.
Have fun using this great pda!
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Thanks for that...things do start to become clearer. I will check out that web site and I think I now realise that this site is more for advanced users than complete newbies like me...sorry!
I will try a registy hack (once I find out how to do it... )
Thanks for your reply! <beer>

(Dumb-ass question again) is there a how-to guide....??

seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
I am new as well, but as far as I can help:
A .cab is much like an .exe on your PC, you can put it ANYWHERE you want really. To install, you simply navigate to where you have put it on your phone through the file explorer and run the .cab from there which will install the application.
I don't know anything about Roms I am afraid.
how to
just type "install cab pocketpc" in a google field, i'm sure your find what your looking for in the first five answers. I know it's could be hard to understand but this is a though forum: if you want to learn from the beginning here you got to search a lot and read more. That's what i'vedone or you google for simple words.
PS: Put the cab in your storage card from activesync, open file explorer in ppc, click your cab, choose where to install ( on ppc for everyday use, on storage for big files). Continue to ask but in the right thread. In french : "tous les grands chenes furent des glands". Rom is the "windows" you got in you ppc, it could be arrange , or modify before by someone (adding or suppressing)
NB/ edit: apologize, you can find people like ScarySquirrel How could you have 116 posts without flashing once ?
HTC Touch HD said:
seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
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I guess your'e going to have to "pee and poo all over the living room carpet" as you so eloquently put it. Just read up the forum and use the search, using context clues to figure what you want to do. Around these parts, people aren't very keen on spoon-feeding info to people. Also check out the Blackstone wiki as well. The blackstone is slightly difficult to mod for newbies at this point due to it being so new, but i'm sure in a few months there will be .CAB files for pretty much everything.
Try this wiki page:
CABs are just like setup.exe files on Windows. I suggest you forget about ROMs if you are new for now.

Orange TOUCH 3 G. A few issues... Comments please.

Just had my HTC Touch 3G on the UK orange network for a few days and have been trying to set it up for my personal tastes etc...
The Orange UNIQUE function, is there a way to just have WiFi on or off, not the hybrid thing that orange seem to want you to use. On my previous HTC phone , a Titan, I just stopped GPRS connectivity and used WiFi but with the UNIQUE setup it doesn't seem possible to do this..
The contacts list, is there anyway to show the list with first name FIRST... I have tried to find a option in the setup menus but have not managed it yet..
Most if my contacts are on first name terms.. I know to look for Joe, Fred or Sally but trying to remember the last name or if I just saved as Joe @Garage etc is a pain for me...
Strange but if I view a individual contact, it appears in the correct order, First name first, last name last etc...
Any thoughts, help etc would be appreciated on a otherwise (so far anyway !) very good device..
Thanks Phil-w
The unique thing is bobbins, I contacted orange about it and the lady in customer services basically admitted that it meant I wouldn't be able to use wifi for normal data connections! So I took the plunge and flashed it to standard HTC ROM, all is well now! I would recommend you do the same!
Yeah as jmrenshaw said just flash your phone with htc rom.Those operator roms are blocking many things on the phone.Good luck.
Where can I get the standard ROM from HTC
Hi everyone,
I'm having a nightmare of a time with Orange's changes to the phone. I want to have the phone as it would be if I bought it offline. Please help me with this.
I assume I need to flash the ROM to the standard ROM but where do I get a hold of this and how do I flash the ROM? And would I be able to get back to Orange's setup in case need to warranty purposes?
Any help would be appreaciated.
First Name list
phil-w said:
The contacts list, is there anyway to show the list with first name FIRST... I have tried to find a option in the setup menus but have not managed it yet..
Most if my contacts are on first name terms.. I know to look for Joe, Fred or Sally but trying to remember the last name or if I just saved as Joe @Garage etc is a pain for me...
Thanks Phil-w
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What you can do is: put first names in "File as" field, then the contact list will display first names. "Files as" will default to last name.
jmrenshaw said:
The unique thing is bobbins, I contacted orange about it and the lady in customer services basically admitted that it meant I wouldn't be able to use wifi for normal data connections! So I took the plunge and flashed it to standard HTC ROM, all is well now! I would recommend you do the same!
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I need help. I have started a new thread here :- to request help to debrand and flash an Orange HTC 3G. Please help me if you can.
ziffos said:
I need help. I have started a new thread to request help to debrand and flash an Orange HTC 3G. Please help me if you can.
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have you tried looking at this thread
? All you need to know is pretty much there.
jmrenshaw said:
have you tried looking at this thread
? All you need to know is pretty much there.
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Yes I have seen the thread you suggest, so many thanks however, as I say in my seperate thread - it is not the "reading" of the tutorial but it is the actual carrying out of the advice because of my physical disabilities.
ziffos said:
Yes I have seen the thread you suggest, so many thanks however, as I say in my seperate thread - it is not the "reading" of the tutorial but it is the actual carrying out of the advice because of my physical disabilities.
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I've managed to do what you want to do by using one of the dumps posted on the forum here and converting that into a ROM and then flashing the phone with that ROM. Its quite straight forward but I guess you're asking if someone can do that for you. Where abouts are you based?
ziadmannan said:
I've managed to do what you want to do by using one of the dumps posted on the forum here and converting that into a ROM and then flashing the phone with that ROM. Its quite straight forward but I guess you're asking if someone can do that for you. Where abouts are you based?
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Yes thanks, I am asking if someone will do it for me - sorry if I was vague but get a bit embarrassed! I have to use my mouth to type so using a "Touch" phone is great but when it comes to more intricate and complicated tasks, I am afraid it gets too difficult. I will be happy to pay of course - postage as well as paying for the job to be done. I just want to get rid of the Orange branded software as I find their software is too "fidly" and I also find that normal access to wifi is easier for me when not using Orange's silly "Unique Manager".
I am based in the UK.
Thanks Azahidi,
Slowly going through all the cantacts entries, pity there is no GLOBAL way to change the name order. (Unless I have missed it !!)
ziffos said:
Yes thanks, I am asking if someone will do it for me - sorry if I was vague but get a bit embarrassed! I have to use my mouth to type so using a "Touch" phone is great but when it comes to more intricate and complicated tasks, I am afraid it gets too difficult. I will be happy to pay of course - postage as well as paying for the job to be done. I just want to get rid of the Orange branded software as I find their software is too "fidly" and I also find that normal access to wifi is easier for me when not using Orange's silly "Unique Manager".
I am based in the UK.
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Hi Ziffos,
I didn't quite understand the bit at the end 'EDIT - NOW SORTED - THANKYOU'. Does this mean that you've managed to get your phone flashed? If you have then great! If not then I might be able to do it for you. Let me know.
Any help apreciated????
I have just read all the posts here about the Unique Manager and I completely agree. It is a nightmare, Orange UK have wrecked this phone. I have just got my Mrs. a contract on this phone as I intend to set up sat nav on it for her and I have the touch HD, so off the back of your comments I am looking to flash it.
It is running V1.71 and from reading the thrads I have to revert it back to V1.41, how easy did you find it to debrand it as it appears many people have had problems and I am worried about rendering the phone useless!!!!
I have never done anything like this before but I do understand the instructions as they are very indepth, but I am worried that if any exceptions or problems present themselves I won't be able to deal with it.
How straight forward is this process?
Any help is very much appreciated.
It was a long process but worth it!
Hi there,
I've flashed my phone about 2 weeks ago now and am having a much better experience. Actually I really love the phone now so my advice would be to go for it and flash it. I didn't actually read too many of the comments, I just followed the instructions and did it. Maybe just as well as I might have been put off.
Anyway the process was very long winded as I had to take someone's raw dump and then convert that into a ROM and then flash the phone with it. Took quite a long time but I definitely feel that it was worth it. I don't know how risky it is so can't really advise you on that.
I can send you the ROM file that I did generate if you want do it. I hope it goes as smoothly as it did for me if you do decide to go ahead with it.
Wadsy_uk said:
I have just read all the posts here about the Unique Manager and I completely agree. It is a nightmare, Orange UK have wrecked this phone. I have just got my Mrs. a contract on this phone as I intend to set up sat nav on it for her and I have the touch HD, so off the back of your comments I am looking to flash it.
It is running V1.71 and from reading the thrads I have to revert it back to V1.41, how easy did you find it to debrand it as it appears many people have had problems and I am worried about rendering the phone useless!!!!
I have never done anything like this before but I do understand the instructions as they are very indepth, but I am worried that if any exceptions or problems present themselves I won't be able to deal with it.
How straight forward is this process?
Any help is very much appreciated.
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does the UMA ability to connect to orange network via a wifi access point then a cell tower still work
for the benefit of people who may be subscribed to this thread, I think I have found a fix for the orange rom using data connection instead of wifi, read on here:-
post back to that thread if it works for you!

