SMS Message Location - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Does anyone know which folder SMS messages are saved in. Basically if I do a Hard reset I want to be able to copy the SMS messages before hand then copy them back to the unit after the reset.
here is a tool

That software doesn't seem to work. Maybe it's only for Phone Edition 2003? At any rate, it doesn't show any of my existing SMS messages.


Backing up messages

I wonder if I can copy everything from my XDA2 which is not backed up by xBackup or ActiveSync, and then restore them again. I don't want to copy the softwares though, just the data. SMS messages, MMS messages, call list, stuff like that, because it is very annoying to lose them all everytime I hard reset my XDA2. I have to browse all my messages write down any important info stored there, and then write them into one note.

Please, help. SMS problems

All operator settings are correct. I can send SMS and they are delivered, but (problem #1) outgoing SMS are not stored in the folder "Outbox".
Then, I can't receieve any SMS (#2). Actually, I do receive them, but the only way to learn about that is to keep looking on the screen, because when the device is turned off it will turn on for awhile and that's all. Messages are not even stored in device, so I can't read any of them.
Concerning e-mail: similar problems but not the same. I do not receive notification message or any sound. But incoming e-mails are stored and standart outlook says "x unread messages" or something like that. Outgoing mails are not stored either.
What I tried to solve these problem:
1. made a Backup - removed ALL installed programs = didn't help.
2. hard reset - everything works fine - restore Backup - sucks again...
I'm a newbie user of such kind of devices and a little bit desperate at the moment, so I would appreciate any help.
Thanks beforehand.
First ragarding the SENT ITEM, in OPTION you must enable this option
in SMS go to TOOLS then Option and put a check mark under "save a copy of sent messages in the sent item folder" (or something like this, I'm just translating French to English)
Second: after your hard reset, install your programs one at the time, and see if this still work.
Do not use your backup.
So you can see what program is interfering with the SMS fonction
And you can then eliminate the program that mess with your SMS
Hope that help

Ghost sms problem on my xdaIIi

Hi, I'm having a a slight problem with my XDA2. After an accidental hard reset when I was changing my simcard, I restored it using activesync but now there's a rather annoying problem with the sms menu where there's one sms that I cannot delete. The annoying part is when that sms counts as unread and now the today screen constantly shows I have one unread message when in truth there's none. I tried moving the messages to another folder but now I have another undeletable sms in my drafts folder(and when i try to open these messages, a blank message comes up even though the content summary shows perfectly well on the message list screen). I also have one more corrupted message in my inbox that shows [no sender] and [no subject] which remains at the top of the list and cant even be opened. I try to open it, the messafe opening screen transition comes out but then nothing happens. I'm sorry if I may seem ranting on but this is my first pda and I'd rather not lose all the SMS i keep in my archive folder. Any help is appreciated. Oh, after reading some posts here to find a solution, no, I'm not using Sprite Backup or anything.
I have exactly the same problem except I have more ghost messages, I am using sprite backup though if that has any relevance...?
any ideas?
yeah i had the second problem with the sms u can't open on my xda II, but i had hundreds that i couldn't view or delete.
seemed the only way to fix it was to hard reset.. but u might try and get that pocket mechanic i think it is, where you can edit the system databases.. just a thought.
You may use dbView to directly delete these messages from WinCE database (make backup first).
Most probably this message is located somewhere in fldrXXXX data table.

SMS inbox

Hi im a new member of the forum.
I have had my XDAII for a year now and i needed to restore my data after a hard reset using xbackup.
I thought that restoring restores everything that was backed up, but no. My inbox has my sms messages shown but i cannot open them to read; i cannot even delete them. My messages show up with out an envelope on the left hand side of the list.
Can anyone either tell me how to get my messages back or get rid of my old messges, as i have tried to delete them, but no joy; i have also tried select all and delete but only to delete my sms messages recieve since restoring.
Thanks in advance
cant delete sms messages
HI there - I know you wrote about your sms deletion issue back in 2005 but did you ever get a reply? I have the same issue, with a selection of items in the Inbox, Outbox and Deleted folder, which just wont go, doesn't matter what I do. Just wondered if you managed to fix the issue?

Text Msg Storage. PLEASE HELP!!

I got a replacement phone and i want to keep my text msgs. Is there anyway to save the text msgs and put them on the new phone? I need to know ASAP!
I assume its the same phone - use spb backup or sprite backup both can backup and restore messages.
Similarly, I want to archive my text messages, but SPB backups doesnt seem to do what I want.
Any idea where SMS messages (not emails, it copes with those fine) are stored on the device?
Or any way I can output them into text files?
Oh, and I dont really want to use outlook if I can help it. Something nice and simple like zipping the SMS messages on the device and beaming it to a bluetooth PC would be wonderful..... (if only life were that simple, eh?)
the sms is in the email part!!! you have to do a job lot!!!
Thanks for your reply. I shall have a rummage and see what I can find....
Use Jeyo Mobile Extender to copy all your Text Messages via ActiveSync to your PC (just like your contacts, email, notes and stuff like that).

