Success! Fixed gsm-error in bootloader and 1%-error XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

because my posting in this forum wasn'n answered i tried to fix together with Mr. Wolf from Wolfsoft ( - also great for fast XDA RAM-Upgrades) with the informations i found.
Everytime i write the i did something - i mean - we did it! We worked hard together for this solution.
Maybe, surely you can destroy you XDA-ROM more than it was destroyed before. I not guarrante or take responibility for any errors or damages occuring while trying the next steps.
I upgraded my german O2-XDA in the wrong way. After this I had the following problem:
- The O2-bubbles appearing after soft- or hard resetting the XDA are displayed for 3 or 4 minutes. In the right bottom corner of the display the Version of WinCE ist dissplayed (3.14), after some times someting more was shown but that seemes to be from a crashed source.
- After the "pling" a white screen with a blue bar on the top is displayed. The screen-light doensn't turn off. Nothing more happened, after 20 or 30 Minutes the XDA performs a soft reset automatically - after this the same problems occuring
Requrements I needed to fix my problem:
- 1 (better 2 SD-Cards with minimum 32MB Capacity)
- XDA Cradle connected to the PC and Power
- in some cases 1 Charging cable (USB or Power) with a connector for the XDA
- The Program A and Program B - Files provided by german O2 website
- The provided by XDA-Developers
- A second XDA or a SD-Card-Reader connected with your PC
- many time
- Your XDA must have a working bootloader (mine was Version 5.15), try it by holding the Power-button while performing a soft-reset.
What I did:
- After entering the Wallaby-Bootloader an "gsm-error" - message appears after 1 minute of "wait"
- I entered the SD-Card-Menu by pressing the Contacts-Button on the left-top of the XDA
- I choosed Write CE to SD in order to save my original CE in order to avoid unuseful Questions in case of repair-fail by O2-Support
- After this I performed a soft reset an waited for 1 or 2 Minutes after the white screen appeared
- While tis time write the contents of the unzipped to the SD-Card using the SD-Card-Reader or the second XDA
- Now i pressed the "Volume" - Button on the left side for many times, after some trys (if it is not working perform a soft reset and try new) I saw a non-working Today-Screen
- Now insert the SD-Card on you have written the files from
- There are 2 possibel reactions:
First: You get a message to format your SD - DO NOT!!!! In this case remove your SD-Card, connect your XDA with the Charging Cable and perform a soft reset. It is okay that there is no charging light. After you entered the Today-Screen insert the SD - do not remove the Charging-Cable! Then it will work.
Second: Installing beginns without any problems
Now your Radio Stack-Module will beginn to be updated. In my case I got the 1% Error discussed in the forum.
- Remove the Power cable, connect your cradle with the PC and the Power, perform a soft reset and wait what is happening. After the error occurs don't push the ok-button. Simply press the start-tab (or anywhere other excluding the message). Now take the XDA out of the cradle and after this put it in again, still with the error message on the screen. Now an active sync connection will be shown on both, your XDA and the PC! If you have this case, it looks good.
- If this doesn't work, replace the from the with the same named File, whats included in the program_B.exe (extract first, you will find the result in <Harddisk-Device:\Programme\Programm B) and writhe both on your SD
- Soft reset the XDA, ignore all errors, do not put the new written SD-Card in - open the Active sync-connection and delete the both newest files in the Windows-Directory of your XDA. If you can't delete, rename the file. After this perform a new soft reset.
- You will get a "file not found error". Try to temove and insert your XDA in the cradle to get an active sync-cennection. If this doesn't work insert the new written SD
- Try new flashing again again, maybe it works. If not try to push on the screen and remove and reinsert your XDA in the cradle to get a Connection.
- If there is no possibility to get a connection - i do not know any futher solutions - sorry.
If you get the connection, perform the normal Flashing with Program A provided by your Provider. After this is successfully completed you will see the loading-LED again! Congratulations!
If this is completed charge your Battery to at least 70% - be patient, it will take up to 1 Hour!
After this perform Programm B provided by your Provider. If this successfully completes - Congratulations - you are up and running!
I don't know, if I had happy circumstances, but this worked to gat my working XDA back!
If it do not work, use the first SD-Card containing your old CE to copy back your old ROM in order to not loose your support by your Provider. Simply insert the card into your XDA and perform a soft-reset while holding the Power-Button. Everything looks broken but original!
Please feedback in the XDA-Forum-Thread, if it worked at your XDA or if you have any hints for improvements this steps. Thank you!
Best regards from Berlin/Germany to all XDA-Fans like I am!

Very detail.....thanks a lot ! :lol:

Tried your solution but i don't know which files i should delete cause when i delete the latest two files i get no error message...
When trying to install Programm a anywway i get a Connect Power Message and the installation stops.
I managed to get the file not found error by renaming the RsUpgrade executable but still get the Power Adapter not plugged in Error...
So it would be very important to know which Programm A you used.

Have you been able to get an active sync connection as I described?
You have to delete the file causing the Radio-Stack-Update after restart, I think they are located in the Windows directory of your XDA. If you let your XDA order the files by date the 2 newest files are the ones for updating the Radio Stack and causing the 1%-error. In deleting these files you can get your XDA booting without starting the gsm and getting the Active-Sync-connection. To break up the Installation you must delete these files (i remenber that on (the one that must be renamed) was only 35k or in this area, the other one was much larger).
After deleting and restarting by soft reset you don´t get the 1%-error-message, but another one like "The file can´t be found). But if you see this message (do not press okay!!!!!) you can use your Active-Sync-Connection to flash with Programm A and after this programm B.
The files (germen version) are located here.
Klick at the link "Download Software-Update" and accept the conditions by clicking "Akzeptieren". After this a new window is displayed for downloading the Software. The versions are:
CE: Version 3.19.01 -
Radio Stack Version 4.21
"Teil 1" means Programm A
"Teil 2" means Programm B.
Remember, it is the german version with some german specials like the "Homezone". But you can turn it off and while I see, that you are from Austria, I think you won´t have any problem with the language...
Isn´t it very strange, that 2 german speaking people trying find solutions in english??? :?
Best regards from Berlin!

I have no problem starting an Active Sync Connection, my problem is, that i get this odd Error Message which tells me to plug in the Power Adapter, which is obviously connected...
There is a much easier way of getting rid of the Flash Prog bei simply deleting the RsUpgrade link in the Auto Start Folder in the wwindows directory and its also possible to start an Connection via AS.
My real problem is the battery charge check before the real flashing of the RSU.
I tried it with the mentioned O2 files and also with files.
A solution may be to "crack" the installation file or to write a small prog wich tells PPC that the battery is chraged.
Many thanks for your help, but it didnt solve the problem for me.
PS: Well its an English Forum so i think we should stay in that language

Oh, I forgot to write that one.
The charging light, wich may be an indicator for the XDA-OS for the supplied Power came back as we installed the O2 Radio Stack via the Active Sync-Connection bevor performing Programm A - Upgrade. Try to perform Program B - Update first, in our case we got our lovely orange light back and then performed the Programm A and Programm B - Update again!
Regards again!

Didn't work for me either.
The BIG question is how the hell did you get your XDA charging his battery again ? I believe that this will help many people to get their 1% Flash failed problem solved.

Hi !
I will try this method tomorrow.

I do not know why, but after (failed) installing Programm B after connecting via Active Sync first it worked . Maybe because of the working version-combination of Radio Stack and CE.
@Sebi Please post if it is working!

Hi !
Don't work for me.
My problem is same this:
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:26 Post subject:
I have no problem starting an Active Sync Connection, my problem is, that i get this odd Error Message which tells me to plug in the Power Adapter, which is obviously connected...
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Best regards

I followed your steps and got the following message on my device:
The file "\Windows\RSUpgrade.exe" is in use or is in ROM. If the file is not in ROM, please close the application using the file.
Please advise

if this messege appears then rename the file "\Windows\RSUpgrade.exe" with an new name like "\Windows\RSUpgrade_used.exe" restart the device and follow the further instructions.
Hope that helps

I cannot rename it, nor can I delete it, I think because it is in ROM. Please keep in mide that the I have not closed the error message after the 1% halt.

I reached the point were I can access my device and can sync with my PC. If I try the Programme A install, I get the message " WARNING 001: POWER ADAPTER NOT PLUGGED IN, Please plug the power adapter into your Pocket PC". Every time I try the RSU upgrade I get the 1 % error. Any suggestions will be appreciated

Hi anaq8i,
please try to rename the file by using the Active-Sync-Connection an the Explorer of your big Desktop-PC. The file cannot be in the rom, it is located in the ram of your device in order to get deleted after upgrading. Try to rename the file this way, then perform a soft-reset (not a hard one) then you will get an error-message that sonds like "the file ... cannot be fount", then put your device in the crade for active sync and try to install the original Programm B of your Provider (not the file from That worked at my XDA.
Please answer how it worked.
Regards this time from Hamburg/Germany

thanx a lot, have the same error, now all worx fine!

czeky thanks for answer. I am glad that my description was helpful Doe it work for other users?

@ czeky
would you also please be so kind and tell us if u tried any other steps than mentioned by miwu ?
If i treally worked with your XDA there you must have done something different then anaq8i, Sebi and i did...

I reached the point that I can boot my XDA and can sync with my PC. But I still cannot install /upgrade the RSU software, I still get the 1% error. If I try to install Porgramme A, I get the "POWER ADAPTER NOT PLUGGED IN" error message. I never reached the orange light stage on the XDA.
Anything else I should do?

Did you try to rename the described file via Active Sync? I posted it some day ago ...


XDA 1 not working

I was upgrading the software upgarde on my device. I successfully upgraded the Pocket PC software on the O2 XDA, but when I tried to upgrade the GSM radio/GPRS software of the O2 XDa, it gave some error and after this my device is not starting at all. The only mistake I did was that "I did not remove the SIM card before upgrading the GSM radio/GPRS software" The device does not start even after cold booting the same. When I start the device, the O2 screen comes and after a quite long time the main window does come but I cannot do anything. I tried to tap on contacts, time, tasks but nothing happens. I can see the windows logo wall paper but cannot do anything. Please help on how I can restore back my O2 as a cold reset also does not work. :?
Thanks and Regards
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error,
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error,
I have tried all the available options but it still does not work. To restore the ROM how do I get access to the O2 cause niether serial nor USB is detecting it.
Please help.
SD card install guide
Ok here you go, its a little outdated but its what I still use:
Qman's how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card aka the Bootloader Method!
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you're going to use a .nbf file you'll have to manually change the "Files of Type" to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
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Thanks Chief, I will try out and let you know.
Hi Rudegar,
I tried the procedure given by you. I was able to write to the flash successfully. After writing to the flash it gave a message "Checksum OK, Please cold reboot to reset".
I did a cold reboot. After starting the O2, it showed the O2 logo screen and after quite a long time, it asked me wether I want to format the SD card or not. After that it took me to the default screen of XDA wher eit showed options like "Add today's date, Contacts, Schedule etc etc. but upon tapping any of the options the O2 behaves erratically. If I tap on today's date it takes me somewhere else. Inshort it does not work.
I again did a cold reboot and now the device is in its original position i.e not going after the O2 logo where it gets stuck up.
One thing I would like to mention is that all these activities have been done putting the O2 on the cardle only as the battery is totally discharged and the device turns on only after putting it on cradle. Even after the cold reboot it does not start unless I put it on the cradle whichis connected to the mains. Is it Ok with this or am I doing something wrong? The battery does not charge and hence I have to do it in this way.
Please suggest what wrong am I doing? Any suggestions from anyone will be welcome.
Someone posted the original O2 ROM on this site and I downloaded the same after which I was partially succesful in flashing the ROM and reviving my dead O2 back to half life. :roll:
I burned the ROM on
to my SD Card and flashed the ROM on to my O2. After
successfully flashing the ROM I rebooted the device.
The device now starts Windows but it takes atleast 15
minutes to start. I get the today screen. WHen I cick
on start the start menu appears after a delay of 10
seconds and all applications run normal, however all
this happens only on the Cradle only.
When I go into the Battery Settings it shows "Battery
Status Unknown".
Also none of the phone functions work. The SIM card is
not recognized and in device information it does
dispaly the "IMEI number" and the "Protocl Version"
I am only able to use inbuilt phone applications.
Is there some problem with my battery cause it is not
charging even on the cradle.
Device Information does not show Radio Version, Protocl Version & IMEI number at all.
Can anyone please help me?
hello all,
it means that your radio stack are dead. Currently, We don't have any real method to fix this problem. When the radio stack is error, you can not upgrade it or do anything to make it work. We can only upgrade or downgrade the radio stack if it works. Also if you try to upgrade the radio stack, we realy need to flash the chip using a speceial tool or need the sd card which build in radio stack with we can only flash in bootloaading mode. Howerver, in some case, we can fix it but .... I think it is just lucky or the xda error when battery problem.... in this case, just disconnect the battery few minutes and connect it again by pressing the battery hole.
p.s. I have dead xda. I killed it when I upgraded the RADIO STACK. Therefore, if you are really need to upgrade the radio stack, I recommend use the official upgrade for secuirity. or just upgrade the rom only.
To eliminating the error, you need to upgrade the rom or the radio stack, you need to check if the rom fix the radio stack or the stack you are trying to upgrade it fix the rom or not.(ie, Tmobile Rom have to use it radio stack built for Tmobile pocket pc...... I know that in some case when we mix between the radio stack and OS it works but I don't think it work propertly. Anyhow the mixing bettween radio stack and OS is very dangerous if it doesn't suppport then you have to reflash the radio stack or rom(the OS is Okay but the keep upgrading the radio stack may cause the radio stack killed)
Hi Jineshd we
have the same problem and we are sure that the only way is to do SD uptade
and U said U have a serial cable to Yours device. With that we can be able to download flash gsm rom from working device and put it back via SD card to ours. Pls tell me where can I get a serial cable or some schema how to prepare it and I will try to repair ours dead pdas. Its our only chance
Thanks all for the replies.
Can anyone tell me how doI repair the radio stack?
no way without having special RSU rom update on SD card and run it from bootloader or dissembling the device and reprograming GSM rom on special rom/bios programing socket. (Here on forum is user Cgigate from Toronto CA who can do it but I cant contact him)

Big problem

I am new here and i have problem
When i turn on my qtek9000, i recieve message Serial V.100.
If i connect USB cable it displays USB instead of Serial.
This happened when i tried to do radio upgrade (through usb hub, sim and sd were also in phone...).
I have 1gb SD card and also card reader mounted in laptop, so transfering files should not be problem.
Can someone help me with step-by-step procedure how to make my qtek work back. I used a lot of search but i am even more confused....
I just remember that when qtek worked Radio was something like and also WWE was writen somewhere....
Probably i should put rom to sd with ntrw (which wersion of both),.......
please help....
might be a dumb question on my part - but have you tried a reset (initially a soft one but then a hard one of course, if nothing else works...) ???
I mean you will at least be able to revert back to the condition 'out of the package'...
Hope everything works out!
jup.both things NOT HELPED
looks like you're stuck in the bootloader mode....
try flashing the rom & the radio rom once again by connecting it to your laptop's usb...
i guess something screwed up while you were upgraging your radio rom...and you'd need to redo it!
can you please write me a procedure?
You might want to check the following thread. Everything is well described.
i am trying to download files but i get permission denied all the time
You mean you get an error when clicking this link ?
ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]/Universal
I don't understand that, it works perfectly well for me
I have solved problem with Radio upgrade. I am in much better mood now. 8)
Anyway i have 4 more questions.
1.) I am using bluetooth car-instalation Parrot CK3100. I am wondering if is possible to transfer any other sound except telephone conversations to that device. When i had Nokia 9500 i was able to hear every single click,tone,...i made on phone also on car-instalation. I also heard nokia ringtone in car instalation.With qtek i am getting generic car-instalation ringing tone instead of phone ringing. Otherwise primary intention (hands free talking) works fine. I would like to have that to be able to hear voices from various GPS software.
2.) Since QTEK9000 is PDA and phone in single unit I would like to have in car GPS application "always on top". Like previously mentioned i can easily manage my calls with car-instalation. Therefore i would like to run Phone section in background or GPS applications on top.I hope you will understand what i would like to say
3.) I also need in-car holder for qtek. Do you have any reccomendations?
My settings:
R: 1.04.02
G: 42.37.P8
D: 1.13.64.WWE
Is that ok or should i upgrade?
Stuck in bootloader mode
Hi guys,
Got stuck in bootloader mode following an upgrade attempt. Tried to reflash radio using the files from the pload folder only to get an error saying it's for the wrong device - tried this several times with the same result.
any ideas?
Is there a binary and a tool I can just do a straight upload?
Re: Stuck in bootloader mode
Bauser_uk said:
Hi guys,
Got stuck in bootloader mode following an upgrade attempt. Tried to reflash radio using the files from the pload folder only to get an error saying it's for the wrong device - tried this several times with the same result.
any ideas?
Is there a binary and a tool I can just do a straight upload?
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try it with this file -
1. put radio.nbf and the file attached below in the same folder and run the exe with ur device connected to usb in bootloader mode...
2. hope it flashes it
Thanks DreamTheater
Thanks for your help - unfortunately I got the same message, ie this rom is not meant for this device etc...
Will see O2 can do anything (who's that laughing...???) - was going to buy a new xda mini anyway...!
1. REMOVE your SD/MMC card.
2. Soft/hard reset.
3. Run the upgarde again.
Step 1 above solved my problem.

problem magician

I am new of the forum, I have just purchased a nm8 used magiacian (t-mobile MDA) it is I bring a problem.
The preceding owner has begun an updating of the rom that has not gone to good end and the device doesn't now set out anymore and from the following error:
USB V1.00 (if connected USB).
Serial V1.00 (if disconnected).
Bootloader mode ?
What must I do for going on?
I hope in a help
Best regards Luca
I pray you helped me, the first post is from beginners, but believe I have followed the standard procedure.
unloaded the rom
unloaded no-id
always tried upgrade more times failure.
for the beginning you should use a standard ROM to get familiar with the device.
just go to the t-mobile website, downloads, chose your device type and then look for files named softwareupdates or so.
they will be in zip-format.
there will be an application in there. just go into bootloadermode, connect your device and start the upgrade. it's completely guided and will last about 20min.
although most of the ppl that read/write in this forum didn't install the eROM, I think you can start with all the cusomization stuff. If you have become more familiar with your mdac, you can try other modified ROM's.
just ask if you have more questions
greetz Stefan
i have to say that using standard rom (jam rom downloaded from club imate)
the upgrading applications hangs.....
and leave magician in booting mode, ready to be erased....
i was desperaded, but last experiences with motorola phones and its firmwares advice me to try again
so i had to launch againg that apps and it starts erasing actual rom....
i think there is a bug in few roms.... may be only in its installer
Have tried with the T-mobile rom but doesn't even go with that!
Have you tried a hard-reset?
If so: I guess you've got a decent TMO magician rom downloaded. So get maupgradeut_noid.exe from the ftp. Extract all the files from your TMO shipped-rom & put them in a directory, so you get some .nbf files, enterbl.exe & maupgradeut.exe. Now put the maupgradeut_noid.exe in the same directory. Connect your magician to the usb. It should read usb v1.00, if your magician isn't in bootloader press camera&power&soft-reset at the same time for a few secs. till you get the usb or serial reading.
After connecting it to the usb execute the maupgradeut_noid.exe twice, first execute might give an error 120 second should finish.
If this fails make sure you got a magician & not a charmer.
If it's a magician return it, cause I think it's broken. Hey why buy a device that's in an inconclusive state??
Regards, M
I think really that It broken.
Have picked it because little cost!
non one reply .......
caslu said:
I think really that It broken.
Have picked it because little cost!
non one reply .......
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Download the latest shipped ROM for the country your magician was first sold in.
Ensure Activesync is in the normal mode (USB check is ON).
Run the executable ROM update program.

Upgrading PW10A1 to wm2003se (or whatever)

Hi all! was hoping someone can advise me what to do...
My device is ESCORT PCT206, which is a turkish version of Wallaby (PW10A1, ROM version 3.14.13ENG, bootloader 3.15).
So, I tried upgrading via SD card and couldn`t get it to work. When I start bootloader I can see that message to press action if I want to download, but when I do I get only regular first screen from where you get those various tests etc.
Then I tried upgrading with XDA Tools and also directly with .exe files (some downloaded from xda-developers ftp, some cooked on romkitchen) and whichever option I try - it simply doesn`t work - pocket pc resets millisecond after the upgrading line shows on the screen and active sync on my PC dies (then when I start it again it won`t sync with pocket pc before restarting windows).
Anyone had similar problems? Or simply knows another way of upgrading to wm2003se or wm2003?
Thanks in advance!
PeckoPivo said:
So, I tried upgrading via SD card and couldn`t get it to work. When I start bootloader I can see that message to press action if I want to download, but when I do I get only regular first screen from where you get those various tests etc.
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Are you sure that you have pressed the action button of the device? As much as i know, if you press any oder button you will enter the bootloader as normal....
Hi Stefan,
thanks for your reply.
Well, I guess I have - if action button is the central joystick button. If not, then please tell me which one is it...

Not digitally signed with a Trusted certificate/ Activesync keeps UNINSTALLING!

First of all, I had some minor problems getting Activesync to recognize my 8525. (XP, Net 2.0). After a couple of driver updates or whatever, it finally worked!
I tried flashing to a different ROM but had problems during the HardSPL procedure. I stopped it, but THEN had some problems trying to connect my 8525 to the PC!! (Activesync again, ugh!) I uninstalled & re-installed Activesync like 3 times, and FINALLY got it to work again!
Now I have problems installing .CAB files to my 8525. I keep on getting the warning:
"The program is from an unknown publisher. You should install it only...."
I press "YES" and it comes as "unsuccessful".
I press "NO" and I get the "... program cannot be installed because it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate".
Besides having installation problems, I also noticed that Activesync keeps on disappearing/uninstalling from my PC. I have to install Activesync 4.5 every time I turn on the PC.
Can some one tell me what's going on? What should I do? Should I do a "HARD RESET"? (I have done a SOFT RESET but to no avail). I would appreciate some help. Thanks!
I found out that I shouldn't do a HARD RESET because it will erase the "unlocked" feature in my phone. (I bought the phone unlocked).
I have researched the wiki, and some threads, and ACTUALLY someone else had this problem, way back in 2006. (The .CAB problem). But no one responded.
I also had to uninstall a program I had previously installed in my 8525 due to the fact that it stopped responding. It just wouldn't work anymore. I got the same "unsigned certificate" message.
I guess I'm going to RE-INSTALL Activesync ALLL over again. Maybe it will help it or something...
(This is literally going to be like the 5th time I install Activesync. And I just got the 8525).
(I'm running WM6 Pro, AT&T)
freakin piece of crap!
It USED TO WORK! I used to be able to install .CAB files. I have only installed 2 .cab files into internal memory (NO external. dont have one yet). I installed Opera Mini, and Wifi Radar. I also installed a couple of themes. I also installed animated themes but deleted them since they wouldn't work. (I think they required some other stuff). I also deleted all the themes except for one.
THEN one day, i tried doing that HardSPL-V7, and I got to the last step but quit since I got an error telling me that if I continue the (usb?)device could stop working.
Another time I tried installing SPB Finance 2.8 .CAB and that's when I noticed it would no longer install .CAB files. (It also won't install directly using .exe)
I researched Google and the forums, and found out a guy that had the same problem (no one responded).
Today I noticed that Pocket Wifi Radar wouldn't run. It said something about the certificates. I uninstalled it, tried to install it again, but it wasn't successful.
So far this has been the history of my 8525. Could it be because the "certificates" were installed in the ORIGINAL computer profile? Since I have installed Activesync many times, I noticed every time it creates a new profile. For example, the first time it was called "Windows PC". Then it was called "Windows PC2". Just right now I installed it again, and it was going to be named "Windows PC3", but I changed the name to something else, and of course it still didn't work.
Could ANYBODY give me some tips as to what I should do? Thank you.
go to settings>connections>usb to pc. uncheck "enable advanced network functionality".
if it syncs a few times with no problems run unlocker tool found in upgrades section. then hard spl then if you feel game enough upgrade os with one of your choice.
Hope this helps... cheers
holy cow, relax guy. you are not the only person to ever get the not digitally signed message.
as for the hardspl problem, i responded to that thread you created, didnt you see?
Ok, I tried what you mentioned ultra, and I got this message upon connecting the 8525 to the PC. (BTW, this is the SAME message that appeared when I was attempting to install HardSPL-V7),
has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatability with
Windows XP.
Continuing your installation of this software may impair or disabilize the correct operation of your system either immediately or in the future. Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop this installation now and contact the hardware vendor for software that has passed Windows Logo testing.
I pressed "Continue" and it installed HTC USB Sync. But then I got the a message telling me "Activesync 4.5 or greater needs to be installed" (even though it IS installed). I ran through the setup again, and it would only let me "repair" or "uninstall". I pressed "repair". Afterwards it asked me to "restart". I did. Then upon loading back up, I connected the 8525 to the PC again, and I got the SAME message again (the one about it not passing Windows Logo). This time I pressed "STOP" and then I got the message about HTC USB Sync not being installed in the computer.
I have been fed up with the problems the 8525 has been giving me. My Clie UX was so much easier to manage. Quick question, I am REALLY leaning on doing a HARD RESET, but I think/kinda know, that if I do, it will ERASE WM6 correct? And go back to WM5?
Oh and yes xtreme, I have searched this on the search bar. And yes, I know you replied back, but you were referring to the Hard SPL. I am having problems w/ installing .CAB files.
neojammer said:
Ok, I tried what you mentioned ultra, and I got this message upon connecting the 8525 to the PC. (BTW, this is the SAME message that appeared when I was attempting to install HardSPL-V7),
has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatability with
Windows XP.
Continuing your installation of this software may impair or disabilize the correct operation of your system either immediately or in the future. Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop this installation now and contact the hardware vendor for software that has passed Windows Logo testing.
I pressed "Continue" and it installed HTC USB Sync. But then I got the a message telling me "Activesync 4.5 or greater needs to be installed" (even though it IS installed). I ran through the setup again, and it would only let me "repair" or "uninstall". I pressed "repair". Afterwards it asked me to "restart". I did. Then upon loading back up, I connected the 8525 to the PC again, and I got the SAME message again (the one about it not passing Windows Logo). This time I pressed "STOP" and then I got the message about HTC USB Sync not being installed in the computer.
I have been fed up with the problems the 8525 has been giving me. My Clie UX was so much easier to manage. Quick question, I am REALLY leaning on doing a HARD RESET, but I think/kinda know, that if I do, it will ERASE WM6 correct? And go back to WM5?
Oh and yes xtreme, I have searched this on the search bar. And yes, I know you replied back, but you were referring to the Hard SPL. I am having problems w/ installing .CAB files.
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dont hit stop dude, u're suppose to hit continue. hitting stop prevents the drivers from being installed and then the RUU wont run
Well I did press "Continue" the first time and I did not see any improvements. I just saw that it installed "HTC USB Sync".
I AM able to successfully install Activesync, I just can't get .CAB files to install.
Could it be because I pressed "STOP" whenever I tried using HardSPL? Should I try and run HardSPL AGAIN and this time pressing "Continue"?
Oh, and are you sure I'm supposed to press "Continue"? After all, I do get that error about Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop this installation. It sounds fishy pressing "Continue".
I just installed Activesync ALLLL over again, but this time in the D:/ drive... still the same .CAB problem.
Oh, and I no longer have the problem where Activesync would uninstall by itself. I noticed it fixed itself yesterday.
BUT I'm still having problems installing .CAB files.
1). hard reset will reset it back to factory its true BUT, and like j-lo's this is a big but, it will re install the last os on the phone (wm6) NOT the stock rom...
2). are you installing the .cab files from the computer or copying them to the memory card and installing from there?
If you install the .cab from the memory card it seems to work fairly well (at least from my experience). if its in a .exe format then it runs from the computer and requires activesync. if you have the .cab file then my suggestion is try to run it from the memory card.. Cheers..
Try installing the SDK certificates and see if that helps
Finally Works!!!!! Hard Reset!
OK, so I've been up for about 3hrs straight trying to figure this out. Reinstalled/uninstalled activesync... tried installing HardSPL again (twice)... didn't work. So I was like, you know what...f* it. I'm going to do a Hard Reset. I'm just gonna try it.
IT WORKED!!!! AND IT STILL STAYED IN WM6!!!! And I think it's still unlocked (although I've read from threads that a HR will disable the unlocked feature).
I AM GLAAAAD THAT I CAN INSTALL FILES NOW!!!! YAY!! (hehe). THANKS TO THOSE WHO TRIED TO HELP!!! SERIOUSLY. It feels really bad when no one tries to help you, even though you don't have a CLUE as to what to do.
** I solemnly swear I will no longer try to use HardSPL or try flashing to a different ROM*. I will use the ROM that came with the phone, and be glad everything is WORKING **
*= at least for until a couple of more months
AND for those who are having this problem (and it's a lot of ppl, based from search results), try a HARD RESET. It helped me anyways.
"and like j-lo's this is a big but"
Glad it worked but I wouldnt allow one bad experiance to turn you off flashing... If I were you I'd still flash hard spl ( in case you find something that you really like). It DOES make it easier to fix "bricks". But just to satisfy your curiosity, go to bootloader and see if it says that you have 2.10 or 2.30 SPL. Also if you want to try flashing, try the sd card method. Its a heap safer (from my experience) than flashing by activesync. Check the wiki for how to do it.
PS. you dot need to reformat the sd card. if you have all the stuff you want on it then just copy the .nbh to the root of the sd card and rename to "hermimg.nbh", it will load as soon as the hermes is put into bootloader and you wont have to re-install anything. Works every time for me and I've done it about 30 or 40 times...Cheers......
ultramag69 said:
1). hard reset will reset it back to factory its true BUT, and like j-lo's this is a big but, it will re install the last os on the phone (wm6) NOT the stock rom...
2). are you installing the .cab files from the computer or copying them to the memory card and installing from there?
If you install the .cab from the memory card it seems to work fairly well (at least from my experience). if its in a .exe format then it runs from the computer and requires activesync. if you have the .cab file then my suggestion is try to run it from the memory card.. Cheers..
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i think his problem is that he can't install .cab files period. he's having the same problem as me. my first phone had that prob, i updated .net 2.0 and it was fine. got my second phone here, update .net to 3.5, but still can't transfer/execute ANY cab files to my phone. the pc just doesn't recognize the phone period. i can't copy/paste, can't push anything through onto my phone. it's crazy. so what else can we do? i'd like to think i'm pretty tech savvy, but this isn't cool LOL
now I cannot execute a 'not signed' .exe from my diamond, because of the 'not signed' error message.
I tried to see the first steps of the android port on the diamond touch. I had to remove the battery to stop the application. Since, it's not possible for me to execute any non-signed application (total commander, putty, ...).
Did you find a clean solution? I prefer not to go through the steps of reinstalling a new firmware (windows isn't accessible on my computer & I have a rather old backup of my diamond's files).
I allready have a hardspl, because my orginal ROM is from SFR (french operator)... and I prefer the original HTC version which is more beautiful & more uptodate.
geh said:
now I cannot execute a 'not signed' .exe from my diamond, because of the 'not signed' error message.
I tried to see the first steps of the android port on the diamond touch. I had to remove the battery to stop the application. Since, it's not possible for me to execute any non-signed application (total commander, putty, ...).
Did you find a clean solution? I prefer not to go through the steps of reinstalling a new firmware (windows isn't accessible on my computer & I have a rather old backup of my diamond's files).
I allready have a hardspl, because my orginal ROM is from SFR (french operator)... and I prefer the original HTC version which is more beautiful & more uptodate.
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I've got the same problem. please help
sascha.egerer said:
I've got the same problem. please help
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I finally done a hard reset, and now all is OK.
No other solution found.
geh said:
I finally done a hard reset, and now all is OK.
No other solution found.
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Trying the same thing for my Diamond after trying out Android on it.
Same problem here. Running android 1.0 got me into this trouble.
(Running android 0.8 multiple times did not cause this problem.)
Did anybody find a better solution than hard reset?
Same problem here cant run .cab files after trying run Android 0.8.
Damn , dunno why i tried to run Android 0.8

