Special Edition ROM 1.2 and PhonExt - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Rom version 1.2 Rocks, but I cant set ringtones using PhonExt via either contact or category settings......I've made sure the country code is correct and tried numbers with UK country code and without..... Can anyone help

Make sure your PhoneExt is running and you haven't accidentally closed it. You will see a little mobile phone on the extreme right of the Today screen Taskbar. You can click this icon and add Category (Group) Ring tones, or you can go directly to your Contacts, select a contact by holding down the stylus on the name and choose 'Set Ring Tone' in the menu that pops up.
Hope this helps.

Thanks, just check and its definatley running, any more ideas ?
Thanks again

No further ideas, I'm afraid. When all else fails, RTFM! :wink:

It seems you have to put the wav file inside the \windows\ringtone folder to get it works.

thanks everyone still no joy and even read the manual ! any more ideas !

Hope this story helps. I have ROM 1.1 and couldn't get PhonExt to ring the way I wanted. I discovered tonight that the .wav files should be <100k otherwise it doesn't ring. Perhaps bigger files take too long to load???
......just discovered that this is not true....it still doesn't work. If the files are too big though, the ring is not previewed when assigned to a category or contact.

I am having the same problem with the ringtones as they don't want to work for the people calling. Guess I'm gonna end up switching to different program for rings until it's figured out what's causing it not to work. I haven't tried the less than 100k thing but will today.


HTC Caller ID Sucks

Is it only me, or does the inbuilt Caller ID app that HTC provides suck rather large rocks?
My ROM is pretty recent (unlocked 1.12 WWE), and the Caller ID says it is version 1.20 (Build 18567), but I have the following problems with it:
- Very slow to load my 200 contacts
- Very difficult to find a contact. Click one of the short-cut letter combinations at the top, and it seems to go to a random contact
- Type in a letter/combination, and it finds that letter/combination in every contact (ie RE gives me fREd), rather than using that as the first two letters in a name
- Overall very slow and sluggish to respond to anything. It would be quicker to call Directory Enquiries and then type the letters in using my toes
- Unless I start it (and its running in the background), I don't get any of the PhotoID on ringing functionality
- Setting the font size of the incoming call has no effect - the name still comes up in microscopically small font.
Any suggestions? Shall I unmap the contacts button and use the default Microsoft contacts manager (without any of the cool pictures/ringtones functionality), or is there an update or an alternative?
Thanks, guys
I've some issues with it as well.
When I try to change the storage path for photoid files, my CallerID keeps crashing.
Is there a registry location where I can change this? I've tried finding it in the registry but I failed at it
I gave up on the HTC version it really is slow, bug ridden and generally crap.
Try Photo contacts instead, its fast, easy to set-up and doesn't alter contacts when you attach pictures as instead of being attached they are simply referenced by the name you store the contact under.
E.g. If your contact is Joe Bloggs then the contact picture is bloggs,joe and it will display full screen too!!!!!
It's slow and buggy memory hug and has ****ty functionality. Don't install this (ie. by preventing from customization) unless you are planning to use ArcSoft MMS 2.5.
I agree its slow but never found a bug with it (until now with the GPRS problem).
Its the best photo contacts software I have seen for the imate and good for when you're in the car with its full screen id and large display of contacts to dial.
Unless you know of another program which is better?
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
madinga said:
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
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So I thought this was pretty interesting. I installed this software today and overall I really like it until the first time I try to sync and I get the old "Unable to connect..." error message. This is the first time I have gotten this message in over a month since doing the downgrade but it is also the first time since then I have installed a prgram that was some sort of contact/caller ID related software.
I uninstalled this program and it seems the error message has gone away..... wierd
nothing better than this : http://www.pocketx.net/products/photocontactspro_ppc/#photocallerid
Tried every program that is related to photo contact and photo dialing. And I came to one conclusion, they all suck.
There is really no program that doesn't slow your ppc down or give an error of somekind...
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
to fut*
I don't know to uninstall it but there is a way not to install it, but you have to do a hard reset. See instructions here http://pocketpcdubai.infopop.cc/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/582600994/m/237102159/r/237102159#237102159
Question for Jarek
Why should you use PhotoContacts if you use ArcSoft MMS 2.5?
I also don't like the PhotoContacts prog but don't want to spoil anything else.
Re: Uninstall HTC Caller ID
futsoulja said:
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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1. delete the IA_CID_Startup shortcut file from the \windows\startup directory
2. delete the IA_CID_Startup from the \windows dir.
I think the Caller ID function of this program is decent, but there is no way to backup/restore your photo/ringtone assignments which really sucks. So after every hard reset you have to do it all over again..... :evil:
After I came to this forum and so tired of the htc caller ID I decided to give a try to photo contact as bruxelles5 suggested, and I have to confess that it did impressed me. It was been working perfectly, photos stored in sd card so after hard reset I don't have to set it up again, full screen image and picture arrangement. Very good *****
PS: I got rid of caller ID with anansky method and got 27 mgs store!
Photo Contacts bug?
Does anyone else have a bug in Photo Contacts Pro like me: I have to pick up the phone useing touchsceen button otherwise (with hardware button) both me and caller(!!!) hear nasty "fragmented" end of ringtone wich rings (ca 1 sec) AFTER pressing the button
It doesn't seem to depend on location of ringtones folder (main memory, storage card)...
BTW, all the ringtones are in wma-format. Should I try another format?
Any thoughts?
PS Sorry for my English
SOLVED: Mort, thank you very much for your MortRing!!!
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
How can you choose which of the caller ID apps opens when a call comes in?
marsonist said:
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
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Just try this s/w http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=20711&highlight=mortring
I'm happy with MortRing as I don't need Photo ID on my phone but I like to assign individual ringtones very much
It is unbelievable that HTC ships products with this crap. Even a cheap cellphone has better Caller ID functionality. Not only is the program very slow when editing, you can't backup/restore your ringtone/photo assignments. Caller ID doesn't work 50% of the time, and after a lot of troubleshooting, I have not reached a firm conclusion as to why. The only credible explanation I found was in the XDA-developers forum and it simply seems that unless you have plenty of free resourses the program won't work. And still, I have an upgraded Jam (128 MB).
This is very very sad. I miss the solid performance of my iPaq.

Phone app notification (payg credit amount)

Every time i send a text message i get a bell and a box come up telling me my remaining credit. This is all very well but i cannot silence this bell. Even if i turn all the volume sliders onto silent and uncheck the play sounds boxes in the sounds settings.
anyone help me get rid of this ?
proud new owner of o2 xda mini s
anyone help with this ? i thought i must be able to just delete the wav it uses (notify.wav) but its in the rom and doesnt go.
It's really annoying that even with the vol sliders all the way down and the sound unchecked this sound STILL plays
anyone help ? please !!
I had the same problem with the message sent sound, it really got on my nerves! Just create a silent wav sound in Nero wave editor or a similar application and then transfer it to your wizard's windows directory to overwrite the existing one. sorted!
tried that, i created another notify.wav but cos the original is in rom it wont let me overwrite
ok following a recommendation to use total commander to do the copying, i did, and it worked.
Not sure how, as the original file is a read only file in ROM but nevertheless it worked. Windows explorer using the pc to browse/copy whilst synced wouldnt do it.

Message sounds?

My first post in this incredible forum, I have all ready found so much help here and are most thankful, please keep it up.
Is it possible to make your own message sounds and use them when recieving text messages etc.
If possible at all what format should the file be in (mp3 wav)?
Tried with an mp3 placed in the windows folder it seems it cant find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
skidoo said:
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
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Actually, you are 1/2 right, they need to be wavs, but they go directly into windows, not in the rings folder.
Yep steve is correct the sound file will need to be a .wav and place into the windows folder, ring tones can be mid,wav and so on and they are placed into the rings folder within windows.
Sound file converter???
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
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You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.
Re: Sound file converter???
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.[/quote]
Thanks very much mate, will give it a go and see the results.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
Just downloaded the file.....works a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/
Just downloaded the file.....works a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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YW -- (but I'm a GAL -- not a guy)!! LOL!! But, that's ok -- none of my friends can believe how "techy" I am, either. But, I'm the first one they come running to with a problem. Go Figger!!
Cheers all,
You keep refering to ring sounds, I am looking for Sounds for alarms and recieved messages, and alerts in general.
But I will try it now with wav files in stead of mp3.
I'm using Sound Forge 7, but then again I really need it for all my music stuff, so give Audacity a shot.
Update Works fine with alarm and message sounds, thank you all.
Is there any way, hack or otherwise, that will allow you to point your rings/sounds to your SD card? Thought it would be nice to free some space and stop having to move files on and off the card. I change my ring tone with my mood
I've been loking for a hack/program/setting that will do that, but no luck so far.
Unfortunately, all SMS & ring tones must be located in main memory!
But there's a possibility to create a program that will browse a folder of ring tones on SD card & once u select a tone, it will be copied to main memory (and of course erase the old default tone from main memory) & will set this new file as the default ring tone for the phone.
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
Mikebj said:
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
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Thanks a lot Mikebj, it worked like a charm & without soft reset
I just copied all my favourite ring tones to the Storage ROM & it works 100%
Thank youuuuuuuu 8)
Mikebj said:
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
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AGREED !! I've got WM2003SE tried the steps mentioned http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks no use.......it still picks up the default folder from \windows\rings, where as I am pointing it towards \Storage Card\Sound\ not working
ok just double checked.....in sounds and notifications options it goes to \windows\rings folder.....but I have o2 plus installed as well...and in o2 plus sounds and notifications options it points me to \Storage Card\Sound any ideas ?
Happy t worked for you, can't say the same for me.
Well it is getting more and more weird, when I look in my registry it only points to \windows\ not even \windows\rings\, despite this it still manages to pick up ringtones/sounds in the rings directory, and all sound files placed in the root of the SD Card(go figure).
I'm out of ideas right now, but am still looking for a solution and will be back if I find one.
I just used Resco Explorer with the registry editor add-in.
It worked with me without a soft-reset!
What device do you have, Mike?
Maybe some nice sounds
Hello everyone!
It's a little bit off topic, a little bit not
My advice: SD card is not really a good place for sounds, at least in my case. Why? Sometimes it happened that when I got a phone call, instead of my nice ringtone I've heard the standard one. I think it has sth to do with powering up SD card while changing from standby mode. It's just my impression.
Secondly: I'm looking for some nice SMS ringtones, not the funky ones... I'm getting a lot of messages and it's really boring if you hear "Heeeeellooooo! Your message is coooooomingggg!" every now and then. I will appreciate if you could share your ringtone with me

Disable SMS Sent notification

I've just got an XDA mini S on O2. Despite the check box in the messages section being unchecked, the sound being entirely off or on vibrate and the setting in sounds and notifications being left off, I still get the really irritating SMS sent message and ring tone. I don't mind the pop up but I want the phone to actually be silent when I tell it to be. I've tried the Reg changes using Total Commander - both SMSNoSentMsg and SMSDisableNotification neither seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me mad.
tmcox said:
I've just got an XDA mini S on O2. Despite the check box in the messages section being unchecked, the sound being entirely off or on vibrate and the setting in sounds and notifications being left off, I still get the really irritating SMS sent message and ring tone. I don't mind the pop up but I want the phone to actually be silent when I tell it to be. I've tried the Reg changes using Total Commander - both SMSNoSentMsg and SMSDisableNotification neither seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me mad.
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I'm not sure what version of Windows Mobile you are using on your device, but there is a way to correct this in WM6. Download and install the program I have attached below and then configure it however you like.
It is called Schaps Advanced Configuration Tool. It will allow you change a number of settings including the Message Sent notification.
This should work for you. Good luck!
its wm5. the latest from O2.
Would that tool work in wm5?
To tell you the truth, I don't know. I have never tried it on WM5.
The only thing I could really tell you is to give it a try and if it didn't work then what do you have to lose? If it doesn't work then just un-install it.
I tried it and it didn't work.
Thoroughly annoying.
tmcox said:
I tried it and it didn't work.
Thoroughly annoying.
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Hmmm... I don't know any other way. Sorry man. Try flashing WM6 to your phone and then install it. This way I know it will work.
Nice one, I'm using WM6.
I'll try this one this week.
tmcox said:
I've just got an XDA mini S on O2. Despite the check box in the messages section being unchecked, the sound being entirely off or on vibrate and the setting in sounds and notifications being left off, I still get the really irritating SMS sent message and ring tone. I don't mind the pop up but I want the phone to actually be silent when I tell it to be. I've tried the Reg changes using Total Commander - both SMSNoSentMsg and SMSDisableNotification neither seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me mad.
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First download totalcmd (another file browser)
Create a blank wav file.. call it notify.wav (sometimes notify.wma)
Use totalcmd to replace the one in the windows directory with the one you created..
It works with some versions of wm5 though, so good luck..
I finally got it to work using the blank wav method above. Took a while as I forgot to change the read only bit. Bizarrely I can't delete the original so currently have 2 versions according to some explorers but only 1 according to others. Either way a test proved that I no longer get the tone.
Fantastic stuff guys, this has been annoying the hell out of me for ages. It is the notification of how much credit left on the PAYG card from O2. Does my head in!
Disable SMS Sent Notification
Click on Inbox (make sure the Inbox is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
Name the New Key as "Settings"
Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
Soft reset your device
What about notifications of the network?
There are some notifications (i.e. network messages) that still notify with a sound even when the device is on silent mode. Is there any workaround on this?
Great program! I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out how to disable the notification sound on my Htc Touch, none of the registry hacks worked for me.
Awesome app! I can't thank you enough for posting it--that noise was getting really irritating.
thanks dharvey for the application!!! it works great!! no more irritating notification!!! =)

"Speak" caller id

Hi All,
First question from me. I have just moved to the TD2 from nokia n95. On the N95 you could set it so that is would say the callers id when they rang. So, I had a short ring tone that would play, then it would say the name and cycle.
Does any body know if it is possible (or how to do it) on the TD2.
thanks for your help and ideas.
if it is installed on your device.
thanks jdwilson,
it is not installed on my device - do you know how I would get it?
Search on this forum or Google.
Well, I have got it installed and working for everything but the caller id (despite all the things ticked and setting the bits from other threads). If anybody has any great ideas they will be welcomed, but I will play.
It certainly allows a gap in the tone, but the phone is silent, then the tone starts up again, so I think it is trying to do it.
Use this:
But can it be used on other ROM versions?
I was never clear what, exactly, this update did - and since HTC said it could only be applied to a ROM version that pre-dated mine (and 6.5) I never found out!
If this 'fixes' any issue for Caller ID is it applicable to WM6.5???
thank fighter for the suggestion, but my rom version is not suitable
Read this:
thanks again fighter, my caller id displays fine it is just not annouced.
When you open Voice Command, and select the phone option, on the right side of the screen, is a notification button, select that, then you will have 3 options for the announcement, make sure you select the one you want.
Yes, I have tried all of the options in notification, thanks. I will keep digging.
NetCallerID does not work in all countries and has no audio, but as an alternatieve;
billkelly said:
Yes, I have tried all of the options in notification, thanks. I will keep digging.
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Hi What is the version on MSVC? hope you installed in RAM itsef and not in storage. try uninstall and install again - soft reset.. after that in VC notifactions choose second or third option .. it should work
Hope this will help
billkelly said:
Well, I have got it installed and working for everything but the caller id (despite all the things ticked and setting the bits from other threads). If anybody has any great ideas they will be welcomed, but I will play.
It certainly allows a gap in the tone, but the phone is silent, then the tone starts up again, so I think it is trying to do it.
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Take a look here, I hope it will solve your problems http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=619358
You can also download the cab file from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5485644&postcount=44
I never tried the cab but it should work.
Thanks for the help.
my version is 1.60.4622.0
I have tried most of the settings in the first link (and some others in another thread).
The control cab generates errors (I have installed mortscript)
I was wondering if the system was not putting the ttscallerid.wav in the volatile, so I am trying to search the the phone for the file, I have not found it yet - using activesync and explorer.
Still digging, but the other features are quite good.

