AventGo went!!! - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Since upgrading to the SE ROM, I cannot get my Avantgo channels to show up in IE. During the syncing process, it shows Avantgo being updated, but when I go to IE it isn't there! :? What have I done wrong?

Uhmm, we never really used AvantGo. So it's well-possible we killed it. We killed quite a few things: for instance the entire 'Action Engine' framework is gone, and I have no idea if AvantGo ties into that somehow.

huh?!.. i use this a lot. Can this be re-installed into the RAM? i.e just copy the AE engine exe file in the startup folder?

If you see avango still synching in activesync, you should be allright.
in Pocket IE, go to view / show address bar, then type in:
and you're back in avantGO. Set this as your home page if you use it often.
some other useful one if you want to create your own homepage:
Google for PPC/Palm:
<hr><FORM method=GET action=http://www.google.com/palm target=_self name=gs>
<INPUT type=text name=q maxlength=2048 size=19 value="">
<input type=hidden name=hl value="en">
<input type=hidden name=lr value="">
<input type=hidden name=ie value="ISO-8859-1">
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google"></form>
Avantgo, MSN, O2, PDA phone home, Pocket Pc Thoughts:
[*][url="http://mobile.msn.com/pocketpc/"]MSN Hotmail[/url]
[*][url="http://pdaphonehome.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=5"]PDA Phone Home[/url]
[*][url="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=33"]Pocket PC Thoughts[/url]
[*][url="http://wireless.weather.com/o2xda/weather/uk__london.html"]London Weather[/url]

so u can confirm that the above means that AvantGo still functions after the special rom patch? You have tried this?

I got AvantGo woking.
It was in favorites in IE.
Open IE, click on favorites icon and there it is.
I mostly use Netscape, so couldn't find this at first.
I made it my home page.

ansaar99 said:
so u can confirm that the above means that AvantGo still functions after the special rom patch? You have tried this?
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Yes, and yes


Slow Performance, wrong storage, missing calc

Today I got a new MDA Compact (T-Mobile, German, Ext-ROM-Version: 1.01.125).
I synchronized about 1.500 contacts and the whole system went so slow, that I had to disable the contact synchronisation. Is that to much for the Magician?
It was no problem for my MDA II and MDA III.
Using the intellidialer is also awfull without any contacts. It needs more than one second to delete a dialed number.
Another annoing point is that the email attachements can only be outsourced to storage - not to the storagecard. Is that "normal" for the Magician?
Last but not least ist the calculator Missing. Its only the link and I could manage to make my own link to the calc.exe, but it seems that this software version is a bit buggy.
Do you have also problems like this?
MBastian said:
Today I got a new MDA Compact (T-Mobile, German, Ext-ROM-Version: 1.01.125).
I synchronized about 1.500 contacts and the whole system went so slow, that I had to disable the contact synchronisation. Is that to much for the Magician?
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If you installed all T-Mobile apps from Extended ROM, then you may run a bit short on RAM. Do a hard reset, and after you aligned the touchscreen, just before the MDAc starts installing programs, a soft reset. You will get a clean MDAc, and a freely accessible Extended ROM, from where you now can selectively install only those apps you really want.
Then try to install only those apps that are deeply connected to the system (mainly today plug-ins and stuff that gets launched automatically) into RAM, and all other apps to \Storage_Card.
Using the intellidialer is also awfull without any contacts. It needs more than one second to delete a dialed number.
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If you mean the backspace button: this is due to the sound that is played every time you hit it. Disable the sounds for intellidialer, and backspacing will be much faster.
Another annoing point is that the email attachements can only be outsourced to storage - not to the storagecard. Is that "normal" for the Magician?
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I do not know, but you can extend the Storage to 27MByte (not trivial, though), which should be big enough for a few attachments.
Last but not least ist the calculator Missing. Its only the link and I could manage to make my own link to the calc.exe, but it seems that this software version is a bit buggy.
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Never heard of this before. Are you sure it was neither in the Programs menu nor in the Start Menu directly?
Now I reduced my contacts and everything works quite well... So it had to to with the mass of contacts. I hope, that there'll be another rom update wich fixes this inconvenience...
Yes, I meant the backspace button - I hope a software update will fix this, too...
Is there a chance to set the path for storaage of mail attachements. Tweaking the "Storage" to a bigger sice may be a sollution, but I'd like to use my 512 MB storage card.
I looked mor than twice for the calculator. I inspected a second MDA Compact (also T-Mobile). The calculator was missing, too.
Bad Rom...
Hi MBastian,
looks like an Ösi could help you out of your calculator misery: :lol:
Go to your MDAs /Windows-directory (this can be done with the file explorer - opening the directory will take some time, as this is a biiiiig one). There should be a file named calc (with a lovely calc-icon :wink - that's your calculator!
So you should be able to make a shortcut wherever you want (start menu, programs folder, etc.).
My calculator is working but there is no calc.exe in \windows
The shortcut I have is pointing to this target :
If it could help...
MBastian said:
Is there a chance to set the path for storaage of mail attachements. Tweaking the "Storage" to a bigger sice may be a sollution, but I'd like to use my 512 MB storage card.
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Open the email application. Go to Tools - Options. On the Storage tab you tick the box labelled "Store attachments on storage card". Done.
@BGK: Thanks for the Tip. I allready linked the Calc.exe. I was just wonderung, how buggy the new Rom is,
@Bamse: The problem is, that this option only allows to store the attachements at "storage" not "storage card". That sucks.
Buggy Rom...
Interesting, that german and austrian T-Mobile ROMs differ that much.
I'm using the original austrian T-Mobile ROM with which the device was delivered and haven't had any problems with it wheras I often read of problems with other buggy roms (lousy phone sound, etc.).
Although they have the same version number, they obviously differ in other ways except the language too. Strange, but true...
P.S.: ...but you're right - M$ calculator s*cks. They never enhanced that since their early versions of Windows CE (had most of them)...

New Version of Pocket Informant ready to go

Have a look over at http://www.pocketinformant.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=8904&st=0 for the latest (Release Candidate) of Pocket Informant.
Its well worth installing as it has a much smaller memory footprint (see the discusion in the forum above), and seems a lot faster to me. Also if you can find any bugs, make sure you post them into the forum.... I found one yesturday, and its been fixed already.
The guys at Web IS seem to have done a great job (and no, I'm not linked to them in any way.... its just that their product makes the PDA calendar features usable!!!)
Oh !£@[email protected]!&&! Installed this and now my right soft-key won't bring up the internal (default) contact program (which is so much better than the one in pocketinformant). Anyone know how to change it back? I managed it before but no amount of registry changing seems to work now
I'm not an expert on this, but one suggestion I would make is that you tap on the PI icon on the bottom of the screen (the red dot surrounded by a multicolour ring) and de-select "Make Default PIM" ... this then makes all the MSFT links work with the MSFT apps rather than PI... hope this helps
BudgieUK said:
I'm not an expert on this, but one suggestion I would make is that you tap on the PI icon on the bottom of the screen (the red dot surrounded by a multicolour ring) and de-select "Make Default PIM" ... this then makes all the MSFT links work with the MSFT apps rather than PI... hope this helps
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This is one of the beefs I (and several others) have with PI, and AF for that matter, which seem to fall on deaf ears in their cosy cartel. Why won't they let the user choose which modules they want to use, instead of their software taking over the whole machine?
If you installed a non-MS planner on your Desktop PC, you wouldn't stand for it replacing all your other PIM apps too. So why should you on the PocketPC?
There is a page in the wiki that shows the registry settings for the soft keys, but I found this method unreliable. I managed to change the text but the app remained at the default setting.
The way I did it was to download Buzz's SoftKeyAppletEx, which goes into your control panel [you do need to register to download the file].
This is a replacement applet for the SoftKeyApplet.cpl. I called it SoftKeyAppletEx.cpl (to be original) ;)
This applet does exactly the same thing, but with more features
1. you can browse your ppc to get the desired application or link dedicated to the soft key.
2. you can change the name shown on the soft key.
3. you can place the applet icon on the settings tab you want (personal, system, connections).
4. you can specify only one soft key (left or right) or both
5. you can reset to defaults, so I think it's the phone and the calendar
That's really useful stuff - thanks!
As others have said, I want to use PI for my Diary but the built-in contacts application - which is far better for quick dialling etc.
I still have a problem though - PI seems to have replaced my /Windows/poutlook.lnk file with its own, so if I make the right soft-button point to this file it still runs PI. Can anyone send me their default contacts.lnk file (and possibly poutlook.exe too?) or tell me how to make a new link to the default contacts application (which I assume must still be in ROM?)
Thanks all. Love PI but this hijacking on my contacts is really annoying!
PReDiToR said:
The way I did it was to download Buzz's SoftKeyAppletEx, which goes into your control panel.
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Where'd you put the file? What control panel are u taliking about? Help is appreciated.
BudgieUK said:
I'm not an expert on this, but one suggestion I would make is that you tap on the PI icon on the bottom of the screen (the red dot surrounded by a multicolour ring) and de-select "Make Default PIM" ... this then makes all the MSFT links work with the MSFT apps rather than PI... hope this helps
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I tried this and I can report some success. I use PocketBreeze on the Today screen which is tightly linked to PI. Nothing I say here is relevant if you don't use PocketBreeze.
Now, with PI the non-default PIM, my PocketBreeze links take me to PI's calendar, tasks and contacts applications. My hardware contacts button and the contacts soft key in the phone now take me to Pocket Outlook's contacts app.
Couple of caveats: PI does seem to revert to being the default PIM after a soft reset. Also, the 'special days' feature in PB (lists upcoming birthdays and anniversaries) seems to grow duplicate entries over time, but these can be cleared with a soft reset. It's never worked properly for me anyway so could be unrelated.
I have yet to see any problems syncing. I do expect it to work OK as I believe that PO and PI run off the same database.
Hope this helps those with PB and PI.
-- TK
Lovely program, but the last few versions hae been a complete dog speed wise.
belfast-biker said:
Lovely program, but the last few versions hae been a complete dog speed wise.
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I agree. Rev 4 was often very slooowww, although I had installed it in RAM. But this new version is different. The footprint is much smaller in WM5.
But although I have installed the new version entirely on the storage card, it is MUCH FASTER now!
I found some other improvements too, like the timeline now shows you total hours for your different projects, and there is a real fullscreen option now.
Didn't find any bugs so far, but I just downloaded it two days ago.
Cheers and thanks to this great forum! I have benefitted a lot already from the tips and tricks posted here

WM6 Typhoon bugs and issues

It would be may be good to create a list of known bugs and other problems with the WM6 ROM for Typhoon. Please post here if you know about some bugs or strange behaviour.
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
-bug tcmp looks like the same most games have; there is sound but the screen will freeze in a few seconds (sound continues )
..tried to add T9 language according to instructions described at Ronswens pages for WM5. During writing sms I can choose the new language, but after choosing it only beep occurs when pressing a key. I suppose there should be changed also some another key in registry...do we have some experiences already with the T9 languages on this WM6 rom?
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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I have this problem too and I back to wm2k3
r0c0 said:
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
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I have found the decision:
We open "exe" a file with game in any HEX-editor, we find gx.dll and it is replaced on g0.dll
We clean the signature from a file by means of SignRemv and it is done new by means of Signed tool
To place the changed file back, and a file g0.dll to place in folder Windows
or 2) To replace a file gx.dll in folder Windows, in any a file-manager to put "read only" and restart (there can be problems with other programs)
As example Bustem
PS: forgive for my bad English
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
is there Java support with this WM6 ROM? I can't seem to find it. Very useful for Opera Mini and Gmail standalone app.
sebip said:
how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
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Use regeditSTG2.exe to modify the following phone registry keys:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001001 = 1 (that will enable the rapi_config, 1 means full access to rapi config, 2 means user controlled access)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001005 = 40 (that disallows the check for security cirtificate etc)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001017 = 144
Run SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe from the PC with the phone connected via ActiveSync. This will unlock the phone.
Disconnect and switch the phone off then back on again.
I can't use voice talk (via handset bluetooth) before in wm2k3 and wm5 i have the fonction to add voice command with contact, but now no.
It is normal ?
...I also revealed interresting behaviour when you are trying to connect to internet via GPRS. There sometimes occurrs error message that it couldnt be established GPRS connection because of missing GPRS coverage. (the "G" is also missing in homescren icon bar). But I am sure there is no GPRS coverage problem in my location.
So in this case you have to go into the phone settings and choose your network again. Afterwards when you are re-registerd in your network, the symbol G is present in iconbar and you can run the GPRS connection. Sometimes prolongomenous procedure...
I had pretty much the same thing as a few of the others.
WM5 - WM6
It flashed all ok, the phone booted all good and worked fine - but then after around 15 min of running, reciving one call and 3 failed attempts at sycning it died.
Well - actually, I re-booted it for something and it never came right after that.
These are the issues which appeared;
Contacts wouldn't open (yet the proccess was fired),
Calendar threw a 'missing file' error,
Start menu wouldn't work (no response from the button),
GPRS service was dropped ("no service available" - even though there was and the phone could see it if you seeked for it),
Yet the phone recived text messages while in this state and while calling the phone it just wouldn't do anything - yet to the caller it would appear to just ring and ring (not a provided service).
An interesting thing - I found that by making a change to the home screen or theme would allow the start menu too function as it should and the the clock to be displayed on the home screen.
Could be an area worth investigating....
I've had a taste now.... I want WM6!!!
What can I do to help?
...it also would be interresting to know whether there is a possibility to run the USB modem - I couldnt find it in start menu/accesories nor in the windows folder...
How to install for QTEK 8020 (T-Mobile SDA) joystick? please help... fuctional joystick in WM06 (my english low sorry)... right is up, left is down and left not functional and right... ???
///... please delete topic... ///
I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
DoctorT said:
I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
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Because WM6 for Typhoon Error on Dumprom.
WM6 looks fantastic, however...
I also have a few disappointments the most important of which are:
- No "Headset" option in the profiles menu!!!
- No STK menu!!!
- Very easily crashing on games and some progs (hope to fix it as stated above)
and the camera is definately worse than in 2003SE
..various language t9 cab files - I tried it and it works fine on WM6
do anyone try the standard calculator in wm6 ? It show error in my c500 so I have to use other calculator program
..it looks that my calculator works properly...

Full WM6 or 6.1 on Shift

This is one of my first posts. I have been reading the threads on this and cannot make heads or tails of what's going on. I have a Shift for eval purposes and after playing around with it, I think it's a pretty amazing device. HTC has crippled the phone capability in the US versions because they haven't certified it for voice use with the FCC yet. If we can access "file explorer" and some of the other features of WM6, I think a lot can be done to modify it or even to use it for voice. Has anybody made any headway as far as a new ROM that enables all of this functionality?
nobody has yet developed the crack. The reason is because nobody has the machine yet. Can u comment a bit about the battery life. Is it very disappointing?
well, now that several people actually have the device in-hand, could somebody please confirm that the ability to expose full WM6 exists as described by Pawel062:
Pawel062 said:
hmm dont really understand the last part about snapvue. the snapvue for athena is snapvue from shift with a small mod to re enable the softkeys and start menu. it will work on shift and also re enable the soft keys and start menu making the shift's wm6 "Full" again
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This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
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Me too!
So Any luck running/installing any other programs on SnapVue?
what about athena projects rom? that rom is actually from shift right?
snapvue is actually a today plugin pretty much. it hides the soft keys and start menu of the original wm6. then from the plugin u have access to messaging, settings, and other basic stuff.
this is ment so u use vista but with only 2hrs max battery on vista many people would like to use the less power hungry wm6. i am working with paul from modaco.com on re enabling the full wm6 by putting a modded dll that will unhide the start menu. after that ull be able to get into file explorer and get a reg editor to re enable the soft keys.
heres the challlenge:
--no usb port like regular htc phones to sync the shift and get the dll on their. only usb host
--no bluetooth in snapvue/wm6 side
--no wifi in snapvue/wm6 side
--no ir in wm6 side
--vista device central doesnt see the wm6 side
--cant save files from email to windows folder
and i cant remember now the other blockades. i will continue working on it though.
Seems like that there is some kind of file transfer, it uses it when you install a certificate in shift control center, but how to crack it open or replicate the process for other files, and then execute the file on snapvue site ....
Think its time for a "taskforce thred" where all info is posted so everyone can work on it.
Sounds a lot more difficult then I first imagined....
(No BT??? OMG! had no idea!)
Sounds like I have to be a bit more patient...
This doesnot sound like it´s gonna be solved in a couple of days....
It´s great that you´re workin on it guys!
thanks Pawel062, I appreciate your efforts in trying to find a way to get this to work!
Just saw if you edit a contact and then try to attach a picture, you can browse the WM6 folders.
Unfortunately you can only see the pictures, because it's using the picture manager from HTC..
Silly thought: The miniUSB connector on the dongle formally is only meant to provide additional power to devices that otherwise would not be detected (External Harddrives etc). Would it be a silly thought to assume that the same miniUSB port could somehow allow us to access the SnapVue part? The miniUSB port is located at the back next to the cable leading back to the Shift.
I hadn't even noticed that.
I just plugged mine in for the first time, the only drivers Vista installs are for a Generic USB Hub and a USB to Ethernet Adaptor. There doesn't seem to be anything else hidden in there.
If anyone needs anything tested on a shift dont hesitate to ask. Full WM6 functionality would be greatly appreciated and would turn snapview from a gimick into a usefull tool.
OK so thanks to Michael who commented on Browsing using Contacts and Pictures, I managed to gain access to the Windows Mobile File Explorer and other software on the device.
First step is to create a new email.
From the menu Insert - Picture.
Using the browse capability go to the Windows folder
Locate Start Menu and press Ctrl C
Browse to Settings
Press Ctrl V
Go to Snapvue homescreen and goto Settings
Start Menu will be visible and you can then access File Explorer etc.
Hope this helps....
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of PHM.lu's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
Wiz said:
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of PHM.lu's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
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Great! Any possibilty to enable blocked things like office or is it not installed?
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
I ama anew user of Shift. I am did not understand clearly what did you mean about full WM6 or 6.1. Knows somebody how can we have a full WM6 on it? Pls help me I really need a full WM6 system also.
Ok, so I've accessed the Start menu using Vs1979s instructions, and I've found that Windows Live messenger is on the device and works ok. I'd like to try and install Opera, but I need a registry editor that isn't a CAB file in order to add back in the registry key to support CAB files - can someone point me in the direction of one?
Vs1979 said:
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
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How did you load Resco Explorer on Snapvue?

syncing diamond connected as hard drive?

Hi all,
is there a (free) sync tool to use with a diamond connected as hard drive without ActiveSync?
Great would be if the program does a diff/merge on the .txt- or .docx-files etc. and not just decide by changedate.
Armin_M said:
Hi all,
is there a (free) sync tool to use with a diamond connected as hard drive without ActiveSync?
Great would be if the program does a diff/merge on the .txt- or .docx-files etc. and not just decide by changedate.
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A good one which i've used for a while, is "Beyond Compare". I'm afraid it's not free, but it can be found elsewhere. Personally I think it's worth the charge, as I use it for all kinds of things. It does date, content, binary, CRC and many other comparison techniques to detect changes in files, and shows yu a side by side vew of a directory tree.
Um, doesn't your diamond ask you if you want to sync or use the internal storage as secondary drive ?
It's ok but you don't have access to the phone's ram or rom.
Armin_M said:
Hi all,
is there a (free) sync tool to use with a diamond connected as hard drive without ActiveSync?
Great would be if the program does a diff/merge on the .txt- or .docx-files etc. and not just decide by changedate.
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I believe WinMerge does the job
it already does
Try GoodSync
Thanks a lot for the replies.
The tools look promising. I will test them the next days.
@dan168: Are you sure WinMerge has syncing capabilities?
You could use synctoy - its free from microsoft and does folder syncing.
StarMonkee said:
You could use synctoy - its free from microsoft and does folder syncing.
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Thanks for the hint. In general it seems to be useful. Do you know a way to use it not so much as an application but as a deamon syncing automatically.
As far as I know it relies on a specific Folder - in this case the drive letter. Is there a way to assign a specific letter to the diamond that does not change after reconnecting?
SyncToy seems to do the work - without merging.
Thanks to spone1 and the tutorial on about.com the diamond now is always drive letter "P:".
For syncing I start a batch file including this:
"C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.0\SyncToyCmd" -R
Last thing is, that I have to disconnect the pda manually by clicking the icon in the task bar. Does anyone know a command line command?
That tool should do it, but I rather would use Vista directly.
1st of all the internal default (if you choose to sync as disk storage), is you will only be able to see and read and write to the main memory and the internal storage is off limits.
the rest of the solution offered are you need some sort of software to sync the folders from PC to Phone (vice versa)
what the thread starter wans (and what i wan also) is to turn this phone into a thumbdrive / portable flashdisk, with out activesync or any software and default as that when i pluck into any PC.
anyone has any solution to this?

