Possible Way for resolve RSUpdate 1% Crash - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

In this day i have tryed to upgrade a Xda with 1% Radio Stack problem. I mind that the possible way for solve the problem are:
1) Understand what is software PC MONITOR in Wallaby Menu.
If it is possible start this modality he would also be possible have a copy of the GSM Rom on SD
2) Disassebler On RSUpdare.exe executable.
It checks anything. Perhaps the charge of the battery or tries to disarm the GSM part of the telephone.
1% he is false.
It implement an control before begin. Only a assembler developer of ARM is able to analyze RSUpgrade.exe
thing do in those 2 seconds ?


Is network browsing with Smartphone possible ?

I love the network browsing/mapping of "Resco Explorer" on the PocketPC ...
Yet, This feature is crippled in the Smartphone version ... and over there they keep telling us that it is impossible to implement.
when it comes to XDA-Dev ... I always think of the "POSSIBILITIES" ...
any solution(s) ??
load it throught the BA FTP cab
IT will work make sure to add moloski reg tweak to blow the conection open and keep it open disable ie or at least all security it will work to i forced the q and the black jack to take battery status my goal was to sink one they rejected 50% took the rest how ever the rom was locked and i fell asleep.
Windows is good if it takes 70% chance of software will work 30% chance3 phone will freeze and you will have to start over with a hard reset.
huh ?
I have no problem with my pocketPC device ... it's the smartphone that seem to having this issue.
Please be more specific as I'm sure many "smartphone" users are trying to have this feature but unsuccessful so far.

Need Basic Info Plz........

Hey friends,
its around 6months, m using a PPC. now i have learnt a lot abt it, got familier with it. but still i dont know much of the things related to it.
Few things i wntd to know :-
1) Whts a Radio image
2) Wht is SPL
3) Can i enable GPS & WIFI in my GENE and HOW
4) Can i have a Radio (like In P3300) so tht i can listen to the local stations.
5) how can i create my own ROM.
Now few Problems with my GENE.
1) bluetooth does not work properly.
2) how to use bluetooth explorer
3) uses only 20mb of RAM (and it decreases it usage, even after closing all apps.)
4) gives GWES.EXE error.
5) network connection a;so takes a lot of time.
6) sends single SMS multiple times when i send it to more then 1 person at a time. (i mean while group msging)
i hard reset my ppc my a times but the problems persists.
how do you say it in english mmm... "many questions few answers"?
Let me recomend you a great website where I'm sure you'll find the answers of a lot of your questions: www.google.com, it's a search engine.
Ya ya too many questions but atleast i will try to help for some...
For group sms check Skb Group SMS 3.03 and Group SMS v1.0.
i am using vodafones (mobile connect is a 24 hrs free internet service) and it automatically activated gprs ya need to soft reset it and its working fine. i was able to call skype from my mobile install fring. its not that fast but good for text and checking mails.
I am 99% sure it has no wifi, think u need to buy a sd wifi card.
rest if i find answers in xda i will text u. or whenever possible. see u
abhinitagrawal said:
Hey friends,
its around 6months, m using a PPC. now i have learnt a lot abt it, got familier with it. but still i dont know much of the things related to it.
Few things i wntd to know :-
1) Whts a Radio image
2) Wht is SPL
3) Can i enable GPS & WIFI in my GENE and HOW
4) Can i have a Radio (like In P3300) so tht i can listen to the local stations.
5) how can i create my own ROM.
Now few Problems with my GENE.
1) bluetooth does not work properly.
2) how to use bluetooth explorer
3) uses only 20mb of RAM (and it decreases it usage, even after closing all apps.)
4) gives GWES.EXE error.
5) network connection a;so takes a lot of time.
6) sends single SMS multiple times when i send it to more then 1 person at a time. (i mean while group msging)
i hard reset my ppc my a times but the problems persists.
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Answers for your above questions
Radio i mage is associated with the hardware and network ..Its some thing like BIOS in a computer and thats the one which decides the network range , battery life and stability of your device(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2161276#post2161276 )
hard spl ; When you buy a phone which is factory imaged , its core ROM is locked by the manufacturer inorder to prevent unauthorised flashing of ROM's and creating problems. By Doing Hard SPL We basically Unlock the CID lock by the manufacturer which would intern allow us to try these New ROM's available in the forum `( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2159381)
there is no GPS or Wifi hardware inbuilt in P3400,D600 ( Gene) you have to use external Device and pair it with Bluetooth ( SATGUIDE in india ) but its very expensive - the best thing is download google maps and activate GPRS in your phone , it works almost like GPS.
WIfI can be activated by using a SDIO card ( its basically a SD card which has Wifi capabilities ) so you have to buy that card and activate Wifi (http://www.socketmobile.com/products/oem/wireless-lan/ )
4. Radio ...? no at all.. Unless they discover some thing like SD Card FM radio .
5. Creating your OWn ROM .....Long way buddy ..!( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=371852 )
ALL that problems that you are facing is that in WM5 , which ROM are you running on your phone now
thnxxx bryangopan.
i m using WM6.1 now but still the same probs. its sending multiple sms to a single contact whenever i send a group msg. hey and one more help plz. how can i change back to my original SPL.

HELP: How can I debug radio?

Using AP3.0 I seem to have a very unique problem as I can not find any references to it, so I would like to debug the radio or at least look at what is going on between the cell company(fido) and the phone. I have 10+ years of c/c++.
The problem is that the phone is not connecting 50% of all calls in or out. If I dial out, after 3 seconds it hangs up. Inbound calls are fw to vm.
How would I go about producing a log file to begin with?
The thread below is for an application built into most WM phones (but not the Athena) which shows the cellular engineering data coming from the celluar radio. Unfortunately most of the functions only appear to work for a very short time before they lock up, which is probably why the application wasn't included in our Athenas. However, it does demonstrate that its possible to interface with the radio - if you can find the documentation that tells you how. Works great on my wife's Tilt.
If you manage to write a similar program that works on our phones, please post it!

My 614c can't activesync and battery issues

I've read many forums on the internet, but didn't find a solution in this case:
My 614c cannot sync with PC activesync on any computer in any way. When I put the cable, all PC with different Windows with/without firewall etc. says "USB device is not recognized" (I have other PDA wich syncs with no problems). Led is orange, PDA is charging, phone works as usual. At least I've synced with bluetooth, but it doesn't help when I need to upgrade firmware. So the question: is it the iPAQ hardware problem and the only way is to get to service (warranty has expired)?
Next issue:
I've managed to upgrade to latest original OS via SD card, but I didn't found solution, how to upgrade Radio without activesync (now I have 0.77 version). Does anybody know?
Last issue:
Battery drains too fast. Overnight just in stand-by (with GSM, not 3G) it goes down 20%. In normal use, the phone will last a day. Is there any solution how to check if it's the battery problem or the phone? As activesync doesn't work, could it be some electrical shortcut that drains battery just for nothing?
Thanks for your opinions and answers.
falko said:
I've read many forums on the internet, but didn't find a solution in this case:
My 614c cannot sync with PC activesync on any computer in any way. When I put the cable, all PC with different Windows with/without firewall etc. says "USB device is not recognized" (I have other PDA wich syncs with no problems). Led is orange, PDA is charging, phone works as usual. At least I've synced with bluetooth, but it doesn't help when I need to upgrade firmware. So the question: is it the iPAQ hardware problem and the only way is to get to service (warranty has expired)?
Next issue:
I've managed to upgrade to latest original OS via SD card, but I didn't found solution, how to upgrade Radio without activesync (now I have 0.77 version). Does anybody know?
Last issue:
Battery drains too fast. Overnight just in stand-by (with GSM, not 3G) it goes down 20%. In normal use, the phone will last a day. Is there any solution how to check if it's the battery problem or the phone? As activesync doesn't work, could it be some electrical shortcut that drains battery just for nothing?
Thanks for your opinions and answers.
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Guess you need to check how your device's settings for USB are. (see System | USB-to-PC and check or uncheck the option) ...
For the batterydrain, if you have indeed the latest OS installed, you can easily check what app is still running when you disconnect the phone in the HTC Taskmanager.
The radio is now fw 0.89 and some guys managed to update it through SD. Read about it in this thread.
Did you tried to uninstall the device's drivers (from the PC)? Did you tried a hard reset?
USB-to-PC tried in all variations - USB Device is not recogized.
From all PC's software was installed-uninstalled. I did PDA hard-reset few times, even upgraded to Manilla 6.1 ROM, but still impossible to sync.
I use FdcSoft Task Manager, so I know how to shut down apps, but there are many other processes that I don't know what each means and does it have connections with battery drain.
I copied to SD card few files from extracted Radio, and waited for a long time in Modem bootloader, but it really doesn't work.
Strange. Go to device manager while you are "connected" with the cable and and try to uninstall the device and delete the driver.
Known issue
My 614C had exactly the same issue (battery empty within a day, and no USB connection possible). Fortunately this happened within the guarantee period, and I got a new one from HP.
I read somewhere that another user had the same issue after using a car charger, which I used as well. Maybe that creates the initial problem, if the charger doesn't output 5V but more.
Did you flashed your (radio) firmware ?
Good luck repairing your HP,
one more thing about battery
take battery out then pull out the minisd and insurt it back
now check battery life
sometime minisd is not plased well then you get such...
good luck
btw - if you can try working one day with on nimisd card to check...
charlieMOGUL, somehow I think your version is right, it's not the PC or miniSD, or old radio firmware problem. I bought this phone from ebay so who knows who was it's previous user. Maybe he even didn't activesync, because he didn't need it.
The interesting part is how much would it cost to repair this HP and could it be possible to do it by non-HP experienced technician, we have friends, you know..
And I still haven't found radio firmware flash solution via SD card.
I used to have battery draining fast problem as well. That's because one of the Spb applications that came bundled with the device was causing the processor to run continually even during sleep.
Try installing this freeware application to check if the device really sleeps when suspended:
With Spb program caused this issue?
yes it's hard to believe but it's true. I think it was SPB pocket plus or mobile shell but both the older version. After I installed the latest version it really sleeps.
I know exactly its spb because one by one, for each of the services i stopped it, then restarted. I did this for every services that's running. I restarted or soft reset the device literally a dozen times. Then I found out the device really got suspended when the spb application was stopped running. I removed the application at once then everything went fine. I updated the program, reinstalled the application and all is a OK...
I was at my wits end for days trying to figure out why..
Of course for others it may not be spb but some other software that isn't compatible with the other softwares that's concurrently running.
Thanks for the info.
You can try to do it yourself - I heard that it has something to do with the USB connector. Buy the parts on repair hp pda dot com (or a similar site) and, well, good luck!
I had quite some good experiences with the HP support, you can ask them for a quote.

Dead WiFi on my Touch HD. Possible reason: corrupted WiFi EEPROM.

MY problem is. The wifi won’t turn on, and when u go to wifi icon in the connection the turn on wifi won’t be ticked. I have tried a lot off rom and even back to the original Orange rom and spl, all the same didn’t change anything.
I’ve been advised that my WiFi EEPROM has been corrupted or blanked somehow, that's the usual cause.
I need to get hold of an EEPROM from another device and write it onto mine.
This problem has already been known and solution has been found for Hermes model (below is the link to that thread) :
Can anybody help me in my problem? I need tools (something similar used for Hermes model) and working Touch HD.
P.S. As I can see, by reading this forum, this is not only my problem.
I got the same problem as u, The wifi wont on and ticked.
But some times it will. I also doubt this is an hardware problem.
Because some time it will turn on and some times it wont.
any help here?
Now, I found My problem.
When ever I instaled any program. the wifi will stoped working.
is that software issue?
or hard ware issue?
But when I didnt instal any third application the wifi work perfectly, I have changed to several rom including 6.5 coocked.
i'm sorry to tell u this guys, because i used to have the same problem and even worse the camera used to show only blank screen and i my pc couldn't detect my HD via USB, so i searched for solutions but i couldn't find any. I guess the only solution for this problem is by replacing the main board by HTC so if ur mobile is still under warranty go and replace it as i did. I'm also afraid to face this problem again cuz i found that many people are having this problem. plz let me know if manneged to get it works without replacing the main board.
I am trying to attract our gurus' and moderators’ attention, because I believe that we can solve this problem without replacing mainboard. I also believe that HTC corp is making profit by receiving our some kind of broken mainboards, reflash them with the stock EEPROm and sell it as a new again.
Our gurus are spending their times to create bulk of custom ROMs, where at the same time solving such problem with WiFi, looks more interesting and challenging.
Also I understand that if we had real hardware problem, no Wi-Fi, no Bluetooth, nothing would work. But everything is OK, apart from Wi-Fi.
If we have done this for Hermes model, why not to do something for HD as well.
Intermittent wifi
I now also have this problem, having just received a replacement from Orange for my original HD, which I dropped resulting in a badly cracked screen. This first unit had no problem with wifi, and I used it regularly on my home network. I loaded up the new one with all the same software, and, lo and behold, the wifi has become intermittent. Sometimes it works fine, at others when I attempt to switch it on the wifi symbol appears at the top of the screen momentarily and then disappears again, and there are also periods when it won't switch on at all. I have been trying to detect some pattern to this, or if there is something specific that triggers it, but so far without success. I am close to asking Orange for another replacement, and the comments above re corrupted wifi eeprom reinforce this. I also would be interested to hear from the gurus about this issue.
Loads of people report the problem, here and on other sites, but HTC has never explained what was wrong with the returned units (simply swopping MoBos and sending them back) and neither has anyone shown what combination of things "triggers" it - if indeed there is a trigger. It may just be a QC issue.
There was an anecdotal suggestion that the BT/WiFi antennas are too close to the board, so despite the EM shielding running the two together could cause damage, but nobody's been able to replicate it (and I doubt they ever will, as it requires someone to intentionally fry a working handset - not a cheap way to prove a point!).
I've had this problem now for a while and even sent my phone back to HTC for repair. It came back to me about 3 weeks ago and they said they fixed it. I never tested it when I got it back (stupid, I know!) and recently found it not working again. Today I hard reset the phone and found it worked but then didn't after installing Copilot SatNav. Bugger!
Does anyone have a solution to this that doesn't involve sending the phone back because when HTC reboot the phone they'll find that it works (surprisingly as no software will ghave been loaded!)
Any ideas?
+1 No WIFI + Camera + Strange USB connection (IT IS SOFTWARE)
+1 No Wifi, No Camera and stupid USB
The USB works I can flash from computer so it must work.
The USB dosnt ussually work unless flashing.
The Wifi just wont go/stay on at all
6.5 Roms there is no Camera Icon
6.1 Roms when the Camera Icon is hit, nothing happins
This has to be fixable by software, I know I can get the USB working and it is ONLY software as I can Flash it through USB, and in Bootloader it shows up USB when connected. Note:- Also my battery wont charge from USB, testing to see if its battery problem soon, but semi sure it is Software problem, as it will charge a little bit when left in Bootloader mode all day.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP, I brought my phone from China (actually came from Belgium) and I am from Australia, don't wanna send my phone a million miles away to Europe.
Edit: USB seems to be charging under Energy Rom and (I don't know if this helps) Radio.
Seems to me that we can try the EEPROM fix if we find out the WLAN EEPROM address for the Touch HD.
Any experts here to shine a light on this?
Edit: Have been doing some more testing and when I try the emapiTest command in MTTY USB mode (with HardSPL 1.56) here is the output I get:
emapi init 1251 Test
1. Power on WiFi
2. Init WLAN SDIO interface
SD clk rate 19MHz
SD clk rate 144KHZ
SD Clk rate 24 MHz
6. DeviceID Test
eMapi1251 Read ChipID : 0x4B00
WLAN 1251 detect fail...
7. Write/read Test, block size = 512
[eMapiSdInterfaceTest] mismatch at 1!!!
eMapiSdInterfaceTest NG!
8. Interrupt Test
eMapiTestInterrupt WIFI_IRQ = 0
eMapiTestInterrupt FAILED!! intr active state = 0, non-active state = 0
Can anyone who knows what they are talking about shed some light on this?
To be sure it is not Software related.
Can people post their Rom
And the registry key
(note this is the Registry key for the Diamond Wifi to work directly, Blackstone Wifi could have another GUID)
Also try to locate the wrlsmgr.exe in windows folder and try to start Wifi with that default Windows CommManager.
I've seen other devices where the address in the WLAN key was wrong, and it would show the behaviour one user posted here, you see Wifi pop up a second or two but disappear again)
Noonski said:
To be sure it is not Software related.
Can people post their Rom
And the registry key
(note this is the Registry key for the Diamond Wifi to work directly, Blackstone Wifi could have another GUID)
Also try to locate the wrlsmgr.exe in windows folder and try to start Wifi with that default Windows CommManager.
I've seen other devices where the address in the WLAN key was wrong, and it would show the behaviour one user posted here, you see Wifi pop up a second or two but disappear again)
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First of all, thanks Noonski to stop by to check out this thread
My rom is the official 1.56.405.1 WWE Wm6.1 ROM
Even wrlsmgr cant switch my wifi on.
My wifi worked initially then started niggling, the whole switch on, switch off thing, and now it doesnt switch on at all...
Oh and my reg key at the location is the same
I have tried quite a few roms now including doing MTTY task 29 to format phone and load new roms from sd card followed by 2 hard resets...
Ai, wouldn't know where to go for MTTY and hardware issues.
I do remember the Dying radio on the original XDA issue, so it's not improbable.
I'll make this temp Sticky to see if it get's some attention by others.
My WIFI is dead also....but thank god I got dataplan....but I still wished someone can solve it.
Noonski said:
To be sure it is not Software related.
Can people post their Rom
And the registry key
(note this is the Registry key for the Diamond Wifi to work directly, Blackstone Wifi could have another GUID)
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Just to confirm that Blackstone Wifi has the same GUID as shown here above. My Wifi is still working, official stock ROM 1.56.401 WWE, radio version 1.13, no ROM or radio flashes performed so far (other than official ROM upgrade) ...
Noonski said:
To be sure it is not Software related.
Can people post their Rom
And the registry key
(note this is the Registry key for the Diamond Wifi to work directly, Blackstone Wifi could have another GUID)
Also try to locate the wrlsmgr.exe in windows folder and try to start Wifi with that default Windows CommManager.
I've seen other devices where the address in the WLAN key was wrong, and it would show the behaviour one user posted here, you see Wifi pop up a second or two but disappear again)
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Thank you for stopping by. Without you guys, we will not be able to attract our gurus attention to this problem. By the way, Blackstone Wifi has the same GUID as shown above. My ROM is one of the EnergyRom 3.0 , radio version
Just let me know what to do and I will start testing. Also I have working Blackstone around from which we can extract working EEPROm. Just give me tools and instructions.
I remember that I issued this command on my phone and has exact output you've posted. I also rememer that I've done that on the working one and it has different output stating that wlan is OK and there was not any 7. Write/read Test, block size = 512
tabi13 said:
Seems to me that we can try the EEPROM fix if we find out the WLAN EEPROM address for the Touch HD.
Any experts here to shine a light on this?
Edit: Have been doing some more testing and when I try the emapiTest command in MTTY USB mode (with HardSPL 1.56) here is the output I get:
emapi init 1251 Test
1. Power on WiFi
2. Init WLAN SDIO interface
SD clk rate 19MHz
SD clk rate 144KHZ
SD Clk rate 24 MHz
6. DeviceID Test
eMapi1251 Read ChipID : 0x4B00
WLAN 1251 detect fail...
7. Write/read Test, block size = 512
[eMapiSdInterfaceTest] mismatch at 1!!!
eMapiSdInterfaceTest NG!
8. Interrupt Test
eMapiTestInterrupt WIFI_IRQ = 0
eMapiTestInterrupt FAILED!! intr active state = 0, non-active state = 0
Can anyone who knows what they are talking about shed some light on this?
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I remember issuing this command on my phone and has exact output you've posted. I also rememer that I've done that on the working one and it has different output stating that wlan is OK and there was not any 7. Write/read Test, block size = 512
Noonski said:
To be sure it is not Software related.
Can people post their Rom
And the registry key
(note this is the Registry key for the Diamond Wifi to work directly, Blackstone Wifi could have another GUID)
Also try to locate the wrlsmgr.exe in windows folder and try to start Wifi with that default Windows CommManager.
I've seen other devices where the address in the WLAN key was wrong, and it would show the behaviour one user posted here, you see Wifi pop up a second or two but disappear again)
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I find it very interesting that the Trinity has the EXACT same registry entry. Also, the exact same WLAN Radio. So, is there a different WLAN Radio that is having the same issue (I don't remember the Hermes one), or is it solely the TNETW12511 that has the issue? Would be nice to help narrow it down a bit.
Could it be that by using these dumped ROMs that we are inadvertantly flashing code for a different WLAN Radio that is corrupting our eeproms? Maybe there is a small part of code hidden within the DUMPS that still remains? Just some thoughts... This problem seems to be happening more and more since WM6.5?
But I also realize it may be happening more and more because more people are flashing now than ever!
I have same situation with WiFi on my HD.
I would like to say something, which could be useful for gurus.
Sometimes my phone catching WiFi after a few soft resets. 3-4 times and I could connect to WiFi network.

