Roll back - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have updated my UK o2 XDA with the latest ROM, however an essential part of SMS messenging I want has gone - namely when I receive Vcards from phones, such as Nokia's, I used to get the raw text in my SMS inbox,
Now after my upgrade my XDA ignores incoming Vcards
How can I get this functionality back - or roll back to 3.14 - which I think I was on before - however I can't find a ROM download anywehere for this version.
please help.

I seem to remember we noticed vcards being swallowed by the phone part before even reaching the PDA part. MAybe this is a feature on newer phone software versions only. SO rolling back to an older PDA OS may not help you. Did you upgrade RSU ?

yeah I upgraded both the PDA and Phone parts so this is most likely to be the case.
So How can I roll back the Phone part ? Is there an archive of previous releases etc ?
Sorry, I'm a newbe - what is RSU
Alternbativly, if anyone can write me a program to intercept them and stick them in a databse I would be glad to hear from you

Radio Stack Update


Downgrading T-Mobile Radio 6.24.01 TO 6.18 (Original)

For warranty issues i have to send the pocket pc phone in for a replacement, but i have upgraded to T-Mobile 4.01 with the new radio Stack.
I can downgrade the OS to original 3.18 but the radio is not downgrading - can anyone please help and post instructions on downgrading to the original Radio...would greatly appreciate.
As far as i have read (and I've read several posts) there is no way to go back to a previous RS version.
If it is a hardware fault on the phone and is under warranty and not due to misuse like dropping it or breaking screen etc, I cant see that they would bother checking the radio version, probably just chuck in a box with a bunch of others.
Yeah... I've had to return a couple of them. I've always flashed them back to the old rom, but not the radio stack. I've never had any comments on it from TMObile.
I may have been wrong, I have heard that its possible to downgrade the same way you upgrade. Copy the original RUU files into the windows dir and run them. I hear that this might bring it back to it's original radio.
If you try and it works let us know, this is something that is discussed often but never really answered.
I returned a phone cause i dropped it and cracked the screen. I put the original rom back, but left the radio stack. they never mentioned anything.
But, my current problem could be due to the radio stack, cause the new phone i got often times turns off (soft reset). I don't want to call in a warranty issue until i can either put back the old RS or until t-mo officially releases the new one. So... if you find a way to do it, please, please let us know.
I tried the method ntwebguy mentioned, but with no luck, but i don't remember exactly how it failed... I think it just said a newer version already existed on the phone.
I assume there must be a way to do it for the sake of testing if nothing else, but I have not seen anyone that was able to.
john - it's most likely hardware, i've had 4 different XDA's from Tmobile and they all did the same thing. i'm in the same boat as you with 4.01 and 6.24 installed waiting for the official release to send this one back in.
that being said, i have an idea - too risky for me though
what if you "upgraded" to ATT or O2's radio stack and then "upgraded" back to Tmobile 6.18?

Rollback from 6.1 to 6.0 (vzw xv6800)

Is the original WM 6.0 ROM for the vzw xv6800 up on the vzw or htc site?
(I'm paranoid so I really would like to download it from one of those two sites.)
Or are there tools that will allow me to copy the ROM out to later restore?
I ask because I'm about to upgrade to WM 6.1 and I want a rollback option before I take the plunge. Basically, I would hate to find out that after the upgrade one or more apps I have working on 6.0, stop working on 6.1. I would, specifically, hate to loose ability to make free international calls with Skype. (Has anybody got Skype working on 6.1?)
I don't think there is an easy way back as the 6.1 ROM also has a new Radio ROM and PRI version. You would have to contact VZW to get the 6.0 ROM but there is an unofficial one in the Wiki for the Titan. You would need to follow the process for taking your phone back to stock or 6.0 and see if it works or not. I would call VZW and see how they would advise on how to do this as well. Using both 6.0 and 6.1 I personally have not found any issues with any of my apps but there were a few that others did. You might check the build version in DCD's custom ROMs and see when his went to 6.1 and if people had any issues with any third party apps.
I'm going to give this a try anyway. After upgradeing to 6.1 from verizons link the bluetooth in my xv6800 wouldn't sync my contact listing with my 2007 mercedes e350 anylonger (it worked great when I was running the orig ROM with 6.0). And verizon support says I'm stuck at 6.1 whether I like it or not. UTC said the same.
So, my options are to either
A) upgrade my Benz to an 09 model that can handle this new bluetooth obx profile stuff so I can resync my contact list to my car. lol
B) pay for a new phone for $400 (yes, i'm so lazy I'd pay $400 just to get my contact list in my car back)
C) attempt to revert back to windows mobile 6.0
if I brick it or can't make any progress I go back to Verizon and show them I bricked my phone trying to upgrade and see what they say.
So, with that said, here is my plan. Someone correct me if I'm way off here or saying something you know or suspect will not work
WILL THOSE INSTRUCTIONS NOT WORK? It says in section II, step 7...
"Press the CAMERA-POWER-RESET buttons at the same time in order to enter the bootloader. You should see a screen that says SPL-2.07.0000. If you see this text, your SPL has been sucessfully updated. If you do not, power of your phone and start over from step 1. To return back to your phone, press the RESET button. "​
well, I'm at 2.07.0000 right now so I should be good to proceed with the remaining instructions, correct?
OR... do I need to go thru the hassle of first moving up to 2.40 bootloader... then back down to SPL 2.07.0000 and THEN I proceed after section II step 7?
wish me luck.
Yep! It worked. I'm back at 6.0 now.
Just booted for the first time and it self installed all those first time CABs.
Now I'm restoring from an spb backup that I had made just prior to my upgrade to 6.1 and I should be back in business.
*edit: and my bluetooth in my phone is fully integrated and working my my mercedes once again... yay! 6.1 was pretty cool other than that one issue I was having. I wouldve left it at 6.1 otherwise. But its good to know you can go back if you really wanted too.
Thanks for blazing the trail, Ben. Skype stopped working for me (both the beta and the latest version). Looks like I'll be heading back to 6.0.
send me a message if you have any questions during your rollback. It is very simple to rollback to 6.0 from the verizon 6.1 ROM update.
Here is what I did:
I bought a 1 gig micro card and card reader and formated it to FAT32 from my laptop... format ?: /FS:FAT32 /A:1024
*where ? was the drive letter of my card
Then I downloaded the verizon stock ROM ruu_signed.nbh file and copied it to the root directory of the card... renamed it TITAIMG.nbh.
*edit: i used the stock verizon ROM from the wiki Titan Stock link... Verizon themselves do not have a 6.0 ROM, hard to imagine but thats what their support people said. Or maybe they think we, their customers, are too dimwitted to do anything with it.
plugged the card into the phone and then I pressed the POWER + CAMERA + SOFTRESET buttons (to enter into bootloader) and watched it do its stuff.
Then I had to call verizon support (from a different phone of course) after getting back into Windows 6.0 and they had me reprogram my phone by calling *228 and select option #1... then the support person gave me a new authentication number and they had to re-setup my ip address settings from their end.
WHen that was done and I confirmed I could make and receive calls and had data connection, I then restored my applications and contact info etc from a backup I took prior to upgrading to 6.1.
Then I was back to exactly how I was prior to upgrading to 6.1
The verizon guy was impressed. They hadn't heard of anyone being able to go back after upgrading to 6.1. Without the wiki links from this forum I wouldn't have been able to do it.
It really sux that vzw doesn't have a rollback for this. Not only does skype not work on this phone but I can't get my bluetooth GPS to work either. (yeah, I upgraded to 6.1 so I could use the built in aGPS but it does not look like aGPS works with mgmaps.) I'll be buying a 1GB microSD come Monday.
Thanks again, Ben.
well, I get to do this again. Yay!
I dropped my phone onto the cement sidewalk while I taking out the trash and damaged it pretty good.
Asurion (the insurance company I have my plan with) just shipped me overnight a new (refurbashed?) phone with the 6.1 already loaded. And yep, the OBEX bluetooth handsfree profile won't work with my car. The phonebook doesn't synch with my car. So I'm rolling back this one to 6.0 too.
Too bad really. I like 6.1. Anyone know if 6.1 is available on a cooked ROM but with the original vzw 6.0 bluetooth obex profiles?
Anyway, here I go again at least I know I can do it and I'm not stuck with 6.1
When you did the rollback to version 6.0, did it update your PRI back to the 1.35 version as well?
blancmik said:
When you did the rollback to version 6.0, did it update your PRI back to the 1.35 version as well?
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I don't know what PRI is or to see what version it is. If you tell me where to view that I'll post what I find.
here are some of the #s I do know...
SPL 1.04
R 1.30.60
D 2.09
By the way, the rollback worked on this refurbashed phone that came pree loaded with 6.1... the rollback worked the same as when I rolled back my original phone with the VZW mr1 download. Except this latest time I didn't have to reauthenticate the number. They did have to reset my ip info though but that took only a few minutes.
I don't know why but I find this thread amusing. The 2007 benz os works fine with whatever radio and rom combination I have ever used. Did you try and and do a stock verizon 6.1 update? Let me share something and its not just because I am a tech junkie. I can obviously see that there is fear in updating outside of stock vzn rom, but let me paint a picture for you; DCD'S ROMS ARE FAR MORE STABLE AND PRODUCTIVE THAN ANY CARRIER ROMS. They have less junk that you don't need crash much less and sync with everything seemlesly. A bluetooth receiver for a titan? Come on. Do you know that you have a built in gps one receiver in your titan that with verizon you can have locking in 30 seconds or less every time? It is not hard to update to one of these roms, especially if you have everything backed up. If you pm me I will glide you through the process. It may take you 1-2 hours of your time but you will be so much more satisfied with your titan.
PM sent!
which 6.1 ROM do you recommend?
Something interesting for those of you who are downgrading...
If you follow the instructions on the Wiki, not only will it revert the phone to true stock condition (rom version, prl, pri, etc) but it will also restore your gpsOne settings.
I had a phone that has the bad pickles on the screen... I was bringing it into the store for a replacement and upgraded to MR1. They were of course out of replacements and shipped a dummy phone and I was in need of GPS (I had issues with the adapter program and iGuidance and MR1) so I reverted back to stock (following the WIKI instructions) and then DCD 3.34. I was having issues with GPS after reverting back and when I checked the gpsOne setting that I had made with the QPST program, my prior changes had been overwritten.
Just an FYI...
yeah, I rolled back from the mr1 using the wiki instructions and it is a pieace of cake.
actually my phone is doing all I need it to do at the moment and I've been exceedingly pleased with it.
guess i'm somewhere between intermediate and advanced. ha.
I may get bored ovr the holidays tho and try out the DCD 3.34 rom.
Sweeny, I sent you a PM... can you confirm the DCD3.34 works with your mercedes 2007 and can synch the contacts? would be good to have confirmation before I spend a few hours only to have to rollback again
blancmik said: I reverted back to stock (following the WIKI instructions) and then DCD 3.34. I was having issues with GPS after reverting back and when I checked the gpsOne setting that I had made with the QPST program, my prior changes had been overwritten.
Just an FYI...
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just to clarify, are you recommending against upgrade to 3.34 then because the gpsone setting gets overwritten?
thanks and I apologize for my newbish questions.
well, I am an "intermediate" afterall. ha. I just read 30+ pages of the 3.3.4 rom and it looks great! but at the same time there are quite a few reports of people having some issues (keyboard, capslock, start menu dissapearing, etc.. that may all be install/user errors or related to version of the taskmanager they have).
But I've decided that since I'm intermediate level and admittidly a little "scared", I'm going to stick with my boring ole stock ROM at least for now.
Thanks for the info though guys.
*EDIT: well, I'm feeling adventurous. ha. I'm going to give the DCD 3.2.6 a shot tomorrow... and considering using radio 3.42.40 (or any reason not to try the 3.42.50?)... and the Nue SPL 2.47. Shoot, if it don't work all I've got to do is downgrade back to the stock vzw 6.0 right? I'm assuming I can still go back to that factory vzw 6.0 rom using the unlocked bootloader or at least using the lock 2.07 bootloader (the stock verizon bootloader is actually 1.04 and their isn't a way to get back to it after upgrading)
Oh, and blancmik... I did finally see where the pri # is in my EPST settings... yes, the rollback did set it back to 1.35_002
Also, thanks to Russ for the PM. appreciate the info.
This thread has shifted slightly off topic and I apologize for that... hopefully though it will give insight to the newbs who didn't like the factory MR1 6.1 UPDATE for whatever reason.
I've gotten really good at flashing ROMs, SPLs and Radios lately. lol. I've tried the VZW MR1 6.1 ROM... the DCD 3.3.4 and 3.2.6 both using the 3.37.20 radio and nue2.47 SPL. none of these 6.1 ROMs work with mercedes <=2008 model year bluetooth
Mercedes 2007 COMMAND system does not work with the obex bluetooth handsfree profiles in that the contact list from my phone does not synch with the mercedes. Incomming and outgoing calls work fine if I don't mind typeing them uing the dashboards keypad... but that defeats the purpose of the "hands free" profile.
With the good ole 6.0 factory rom and radio I'm able to use my steering wheel control buttons to scroll thru my address book, place/receive calls, adjust volume, speak thru the built in mic on the rearview mirror, and listen using the stereo system. Its one of my favorite features on the car and sucks that MERCEDES has not updated their firmware to handle 6.1 bluetooth profiles.
So I've once again, for the 3rd time, rolled back to vzw's original 6.0 ROM, RADIO and SPL (and pri too). I think I'll try some custom windows 6.0 ROMs sometime later but what I've got now works good for me (no GPS but I don't need it I guess)

614c radio firmware v0.89 (and a solution to the call waiting problem) WITH LINKS

Good news!
hp have packaged up 614c radio firmware FW v0.89 and are shortly to release it. Early indications are that this provides a fix to the "call waiting problem", as well as improved in-call volume in both directions... and presumably other minor fixes.
A radio firmware upgrade can be performed irrespective of whichever system ROM you are using - so whether you use the original WM6.0, or a WM6.1 version, you can still apply the radio firmware upgrade without affecting the operating system or OS ROM version.
However, the upgrade will automatically perform a clean boot, so take all the necessary backups first and be prepared for a couple of hours of effort to "rebuild" your precious ipaq...
It is realy good news, but could you, pls, place some link to this 0.89 firmware upgrade or write its SP version? Cannot find it at HP site, maybe I have some wrong search method
BTW: as to some your prior post about Yevg001's tests with loosing data connection when voice comes - he couldn't test it in Moscow because he lives in Jerusalem But as I know he works there just with 3G, just maybe he didn't test this feature... But now he sold his 614c so we cannot count on new OS releases from him. Maybe not definitely but it something appears then it will be not tested from now :-(
oh wow, that's huge. Lets hope they release this thing ASAP.
Sorry for misunderstanding... afraid it will not be too quick looking on their speed...
If anyone will find how to downgrade firmware to 0.77 or its SP name, pls write...
I now have the radio firmware v0.89. It works well.
The call waiting problem is not present. It is possible to use voice and data concurrently. I haven't noticed any problems yet.
If someone can show me how to make a file available for everyone, I will post it. The radio firmware is about 6Mb and an additional patch (0.25Mb) is required to resolve the call waiting problem.
And by the way this is an official hp firmware pack... with the standard hp executable that patches your radio firmware to v0.89. No messing around with SD-cards or flash files is required, it just runs through a USB/activesync connection.
It does not affect the OS firmware - whatever OS ROM image you have (whether WM6 or WM6.1) will not be affected.
However, it will cause a clean boot so you'll need to reinstall any non-ROM software and data.
hipppo said:
I now have the radio firmware v0.89. It works well.
The call waiting problem is not present. It is possible to use voice and data concurrently. I haven't noticed any problems yet.
If someone can show me how to make a file available for everyone, I will post it. The radio firmware is about 6Mb and an additional patch (0.25Mb) is required to resolve the call waiting problem.
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upload here my friend or u can upload to 4shared or mediafire
If it doesn't affect the OS rom, why is it doing a clean boot?
Hippo, mail it to me [email protected], I'll find a way to upload it. Is it fixing the auto shutdown issue btw.
hipppo said:
And by the way this is an official hp firmware pack... with the standard hp executable that patches your radio firmware to v0.89. No messing around with SD-cards or flash files is required, it just runs through a USB/activesync connection.
It does not affect the OS firmware - whatever OS ROM image you have (whether WM6 or WM6.1) will not be affected.
However, it will cause a clean boot so you'll need to reinstall any non-ROM software and data.
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hi hipppo,
but who gives ou this radio fw? or did HP return you a 614 with radio fw 0.89?
hipppo, use free upload (free temporary storing for files smaller than 100MB) or axlastro proposal, asap
No matter how it work and what after cleanboot - we will check it quick
hipppo, what about mentioned low audio signals level fixing? Is this also corrected in this upgrade?
It is a very good news. Please, send it to me via mail (, i will integrate it to Yevg001 ROM.
For gmail it must be compressed with 7-zip or other not serviced by gmail. Each exe, also compressed with rar/zip, will not be transferred by gmail....
Netzmark said:
For gmail it must be compressed with 7-zip or other not serviced by gmail. Each exe, also compressed with rar/zip, will not be transferred by gmail....
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Well i just compress it with RAR and rename the file *[email protected] - and voila , gmail is tricked. I was actually going to put it in free rapidshare too or on ipmart. I hope they fixed the ipaq shutting down at 30% but probably they haven't.
Excellent news!!!
I wasn't able to find it on HP webpage.
Could anyone send it to me please?
[email protected]
Very much appreciated.
Try to download and install SP38904, as wrote our friend jovanny from, it fixes this problem on some 614c devices. Bootloader should be then 1.01.00, not 1.01.05. Pls know that as he fund it is the problem of some incompatibility of 1.01.05. with some hardware subversions of 614c. SP38905 works already wrong, seek just for SP38904.
axlastro, where is this link to 0.89???? . Understand you have this already?
Nope, i don't have it, I was just referring to my proposal to hippo to e-mail it to me and I wrote i was going to use rapidshare to upload it, when i have it. I don't have it. Sorry, must be my bad English
Sorry, you wrote "Well i just compress it" and I was full of hope that "it" is "it" - it means 0.89 .
However try this SP38904 to solve your 30% battery problem.
Thanks. I will Does it have sopething to do with the sd card? I use a sdhc 4gb - could it be the card causing the promlems. Sorry for the offtopic. Hippo c'mon give us the 0.89 we need it so bad.
No it is HP upgrade executed by usb.
It is available here:
hipppo, don't sleep, pls

Original 1.172 Software anywhere?

Hi all, i currently have a XDAII running windows 6.5 but is going to be downgraded to the original 1.172 os as i get sms a day later or no delivery reports. When i rebooted the phone a got numerous messages saying "text message not sent, sim card not valid" so enough is enough iam going to go back to the original rom, next question is , do anyone have the original software anywhere which i can download from as i no longer have my pc with the original software on (the HDD when pop!!!!) any help would be appreciated or a way to sort the current software out would be a added bonus too.
Try this thread
Thank you.

Official ROM Upgrade for HTC HD2 (T-Mobile) UK 26/04/10

Sorry if other people have already seen this, I did a search and couldn't find anything. I just noticed that T-Mobile have released (via HTC) an official UK (and Germany and Czech Republic) a 1.72 version of the ROM for the HD2 on the 26th April 2010 (2 days ago).
Is .net 3.5 included in this ROM?
pdahunter said:
Is .net 3.5 included in this ROM?
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Im installing now...where do I find that info ? biggest noob of em all
Is this just for T Mobile usres as the name sugests??
Im on O2, completely new to Winmo and smart phones at that!!!
Not rele sure what i need to do, but im trying to sort things out.
No to 3.5..... shocker
Manila 2012 but I can't see any differences over the former 1920..... please feel free to correct me
Personally, I can't see / feel many if any decent changes.......
If you install, your phone will be as you originally received it (save the updated software) so you will have to re-install everything...
If I had the previous 1.43 I would flash back...
I havent added anything as yet as i only had it since monday!!
Sorry to sound dumb, was is flash back??
Then you have nothing to worry about....
is there some sort of changelog for this?
please do report on what its like, particularly stability and messaging
then i might do my first HD2 flash...
i upgraded from original 1.43 stock rom and must say its a lot smoother than before, doesnt freeze up as much very little lagging.
no real difference in battery life, maybe a touch better but the main difference for me is that HTC messaging works instead of me having to rever back to wm messaging.
also, it came with .net 3.5 so i dont know why others have said it doesnt.
well im sold!
will DL and flash tonight!
thanks for the report jonyid
Any Ideas
Hi Guys
I cant seem to be able to download the T-Mobile rom from HTC's site. When I enter my serial number the site says that Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device. Yet I am a UK user on T-Mobile with rom version 1.66.405.2 what am I doing wrong?
bLaZeR666_uk said:
Hi Guys
I cant seem to be able to download the T-Mobile rom from HTC's site. When I enter my serial number the site says that Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device. Yet I am a UK user on T-Mobile with rom version 1.66.76641 what am I doing wrong?
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What ROM are you using, as T-MobUK have only had 1.43 and now 1.72?
I am also with T-MobUK but I quickly dumped ROM 1.43, HSPL'd and went for the HTC standard WWE 1.66 ROM. Since T-MobUK 1.72 is WWE1.66 with T-Mob bloatware added, then there is no point updating.
If you really want the 1.72 ROM, I'll get it for you.
Hi Please ignore above I have just discovered even though I bought my phone as a t-mobile one it is in fact the unlocked phone, so am I right in understanding that the latest rom for my phone (according to HTC's Site) is 166.405.2
bLaZeR666_uk said:
Hi Please ignore above I have just discovered even though I bought my phone as a t-mobile one it is in fact the unlocked phone, so am I right in understanding that the latest rom for my phone (according to HTC's Site) is 166.405.2
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Yes indeed.
Can the US HD2 use this rom?
bLaZeR666_uk said:
Hi Please ignore above I have just discovered even though I bought my phone as a t-mobile one it is in fact the unlocked phone, so am I right in understanding that the latest rom for my phone (according to HTC's Site) is 166.405.2
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sorry noob question but how did you know/find out it was the unlocked phone? i also tried to get the new rom and it said i could not have it.
fred_up said:
What ROM are you using, as T-MobUK have only had 1.43 and now 1.72?
I am also with T-MobUK but I quickly dumped ROM 1.43, HSPL'd and went for the HTC standard WWE 1.66 ROM. Since T-MobUK 1.72 is WWE1.66 with T-Mob bloatware added, then there is no point updating.
If you really want the 1.72 ROM, I'll get it for you.
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I recently upgraded my Tmobile 1.43 Rom to the new from the HTC website. So far it seems to be ok. Not much of a difference: Solitaire and Bubble breaker have been added, You Tube, Bing search and one or two additions as well. Most importanly however is the performance of the HTC messaging program. I used PIM back toback up for my text messages, contacts, calender. Ugraded the ROM, (took about 10mins or less) and restored text messages from the back up file.
Restore process showed me 7000+ texts copied to the device. Restarted the device, checked messaging and got the "restoring messages" status bar. Took about 1 hour since then, I have noticed a marked improvement in the HTC messaging application. Can now continue using the phone even when a text comes in, can delete without having to wait ages for the device to start up again.
BTW I have some apps installed: TomTom 6, Swype, Skype, TCPMP player, Registry editor, etc.
Hope that information helps or encourages someone!
does anyone know if its possible to go back to the 1.43 ROM??? (just curious....)
Noob question here... as I have flashed my device and installed a custom ROM (or many) already will this take HSPL off my device? Will it be ok to do the normal install or will it brick my device?
I'm just trying to get my phone back to stock Rom levels as I need to return it to Tmobile and this is the only place I've managed to find the TmobileUK stock ROM.
Help? Please?!
Can anyone help with this at all? Please?!

