i love you developer guys :) - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi ppl!
i just passed by to say a BIG THANK YOU.
now i have something else to play around with. *gg*
but to stay serious:
i just flashed my T-Mobile MDA from austria, and am now looking for a way to include auto config for GPRS ect for T-Mobile Austria.
any ideas? sorry i didn't read ALL the topics in every forum so maybe i missed it.
kind regards,

Download the 'mkrom' set of files and look in the operator directory. Create a working setup, extract the registry keys listed in the file for one of the other operators and put those in a file in the same way.
Adapt the (binary) operator index file and recompile the ROM.
We hope to make this easier in future, and we're working on some mass-import from a list of providers and settings we've got.

thanks for the speedy reply....
can i send my changes somewhere so they can be included in future versions? (to make things easier for those who might follow)
regards izeman

izeman said:
can i send my changes somewhere so they can be included in future versions? (to make things easier for those who might follow)
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Yes please. This goes for everyone: If you make AutoConfig work for your operator, we'll include the provider registry settings in our next ROM.


Inserting country specific registry settings into the device

Newbie question - thanks for hearing me out. Bought an Asian XDA 12 months ago, but live in Belgium and would like to include the Proxmius settings I found on the "xda-developers.com/incoming" folder into my device so as not to have to set up all the connections etc myself.
Can this be done "pre-kitchen" or after having used one of Jeff's cool kitchen recipes? Could I simply copy/paste all the keys into a XDA registry file? If so, what file is it?
If not, what can I do?
Proximus autoconfig settings were included in specia edition, unfortunately not in kitchen....
Thanks for any help!

I have rom - who will put it on a kitchen?

I have a T-Mobile ROM that I would like someone to put on a kitchen for public usage. If you can do this, please let me know...
I will!, please email me at [email protected]
Oooh a new rom, eh? Give us the scoop. Is it another T-Mobile one? What's new? What's different? Equiring minds want to know!
me too
me too, me too
@Yorch, where is your kitchen? I remember you talking about building one with someone else's help but never saw a link. What is the address?
Please, give us the link for download
the kitchen is ready, we are working to set it up in its own linux box, ('cause when is live it will be pretty popular we assume), the kitchen is not a one man's work, there are various fellow users with me. Patience, we are getting closer and closer, (we actually have the box already, and we are setting it up).
Believe it will be worth the wait!
That good news , please send to me , i will put it some where to every one
Is it up somewhere?
GMoney said:
I have a T-Mobile ROM that I would like someone to put on a kitchen for public usage. If you can do this, please let me know...
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why not post a download link ?
I don't have a place where I can make it publicly available, so I've sent it to Yorch - he should have his kitchen up soon.
you could upload the file to my new created Pocket PC phone Group in Yahoo.
So everybody could test it
Ok, ready to download!
go to my website and check the downloads section!
I extracted the ROM only, since I don't want to try the whole Radio upgrade until, I know that it is for the T-mobile and is safe to install.
I can tell you that the difference so far, is that there is no AIM, there is an icon for Synchrologic I hope they don't charge for this.
also there is a screen that tells you about the GPRS connection at the beginning.
Any other findings, let us all know!
The full structure analysis between T-Mobile' 16 and 21 versions in PDF format.
The analysis is based on CRC and content.
http://www.op.ro/xda/analysis t16 - t21.pdf
Glad it's smaller and leaves more room for personalization.
Well I've looked @ Yorch & I can't find it. Has it been removed again??
Its there, look under Software!
just make a new ROM based on 4.00.21 and succesfully stiched:
* sbp gprs monitor
* resco explorer 2003
* vbirthday
* ewallet
* ssnap, ipaqovrclk, cabinstl
still figuring how to remove some files and add others
for the people that cannot find this out:
params config
Still no WModem.... I wonder when we will see a PPC2003 release with the WModem.
If you provide me with a link to download (use Private Message if needed), I will make sure everyone can get cookin'.
Credit to Yorch for putting this up:

Creating A Settings CAB??

Hi. I Would Just like To Know How To Create A Cab File That Had All The Settings I Used On My Phone.
I Just Upgraded The Firmware On My TyTN To The AT&T AKU 3.3 Rom And Being From The UK This Ment I Had A Lot Of Information To Change In Order To Get My GPRS,WAP,MMS,E-Mails And Keyboard Layout To Work Again. It Would Have Been Really Handy If I Had Had A Cab File Wich Would Have Added All That Data For Me.
So I Was Just Wondering If Anyone Knew How To Do That.
I don't think that's possible.
Even if it was possible, you could have lose some settings when upgrading, because registry keys' locations might have changed.

Date long and add a town

Hello all,
I've been searching for a while, even in this forum, but dont find any solutions concerning these two issues:
1) how can i set the date long (dddd dd mm yy) in the today page? My Diamond 2 runs the original French rom, wm 6.5.
2) I ve found a lot of solutions on the Internet to add a town, but no one works, and most of the time i must hard reset the device. HTC Sense doesnt start again. Softs like Weather Database Editor for example make HTC Sense not working and doesnt even add the town i entered...
If someone knows the right way to do so, i would be grateful
Thanks in advance
Siber said:
I ve found a lot of solutions on the Internet to add a town, but no one works, and most of the time i must hard reset the device. HTC Sense doesnt start again. Softs like Weather Database Editor for example make HTC Sense not working and doesnt even add the town i entered...
If someone knows the right way to do so, i would be grateful
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I found this thread (particularly post 2) most helpful and got it working on WinMo 6.5 but it never worked on WinMo 6.1 for me
Superman_1122 said:
I found this thread (particularly post 2) most helpful and got it working on WinMo 6.5 but it never worked on WinMo 6.1 for me
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I confirm it works perfectly with both WM6.1 and WM6.5, just follow the instructions carefully..if you have any problem you can PM me, tell me the city you want to add and I'll make the manila file for you.
Thanks to both of you. I've already tried this method but it didnt work. As i said in my first post, each time i install "Weather Database Editor", it makes my HTC Sense unable to launch. I'll try one more time... but i almost sure i'll must hard-reset...
It would be kind of you Superman122 - sorry, Sualc - if you could make it for me. The town i want to add is Valence, in France, and the AccuWeather code is : EUR|FR|FR022|VALENCE
Thanks again!
Siber said:
Hello all,
I've been searching for a while, even in this forum, but dont find any solutions concerning these two issues:
1) how can i set the date long (dddd dd mm yy) in the today page? My Diamond 2 runs the original French rom, wm 6.5.
2) I ve found a lot of solutions on the Internet to add a town, but no one works, and most of the time i must hard reset the device. HTC Sense doesnt start again. Softs like Weather Database Editor for example make HTC Sense not working and doesnt even add the town i entered...
If someone knows the right way to do so, i would be grateful
Thanks in advance
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Advanced Config - Menu - More settings - TouchFLO 3D - Push "ok" for the error - Home page date format - ok - reset...
Hope it helps you
Valence (FR) weather Added
@ Siber:
Here's your city weather on manila!! (see attached screenshot)
I made a .cab file so that you don't need to install Weather Database Editor anymore,by the way this may interest everyone..
ATTENTION:Since I have an italian ROM, the modified manila file I'm posting contains country names in italian, if that causes any problem or simply you don't like it, please post your manila file and I'll work on it. You can try the one I posted just for the fun of it but BACKUP your manila file first!
Thank you sualc for your help,
Is there an easy way I can edit the files you posted to add a couple of cities to my TD?
Lugano (CH) and Como (IT) ADDED
The easy way is to install the .cab I posted above and then manually add your cities using SQLLiteAdmin. If you have an italian ROM you can modify the manila file in previous post, you could edit the "Valence" line (if not interested in..) and any another city you're sure you're never go to .
I am being very brief because I assume you read the "official" instructions, if you have any problems,PM me
EDIT: Well, Since It's almost Xmas and I feel Santa Sualc, i modified the manila file for you, but remeber to install AddCityWeather.cab aswell!!(AGAIN: this file is certified to work in an italian ROM, if something goes wrong I will need you ORIGINAL manila file)
P.S: It's really stupid not to put those cities by default, ok they're not enormous cities like Tokio but they are regional Capitals in their respective countries..
Sulac, you are the best! it works great!
Yes, countries are in italian in the list, but it doesnt matter. Thanks again!
No prob,mate..But seriously, if you want a nice&neat work,just post your manila
koen-ronse said:
Advanced Config - Menu - More settings - TouchFLO 3D - Push "ok" for the error - Home page date format - ok - reset...
Hope it helps you
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Hi koen-ronse and thanks... but i dont find "TouchFLO 3D" in the settings. Are you talking about HTC Diamond 2?
He's not online at the moment, I think I can answer for him:
Advanced config is an application that you have to download and install (google for it), then follow his instructions
Sualc, i didnt want to bother to much, but since you tell me, i post my manila file
Thanks also for the answer about the advanced config!
Here you go, Valence in french database.
Sualc, thanks for your help, and your fast reply!
@ koen-ronse, thanks also, i found the soft "Advanced Settings" and it allowed me to do exactly what i wanted.
It's nice to see there are always people ready to help when needed.
Thanks Sulac,
I can confirm that it works perfectly on my Italian ROM
You are very nice!!!
Buon Natale
Siber said:
... 1) how can i set the date long (dddd dd mm yy) in the today page? My Diamond 2 runs the original French rom, wm 6.5. ...
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See "Show Weekday" (thread 303771) in Modaco Topaz forum.

Package list?

Hi all!
I've searched and dug, I've used the forum search as well as google with operands, I've searched sites other than XDA and come up with nothing.
What I want to know is, somewhere, is there a list of the packages with their descriptions? I'm new to cooking (As in two days new!) and after receiving no help in trying to learn from a tutorial, I was forced to guide myself.
While using a kitchen, I'm presented with the SYS packages which all come with nice descriptions telling me what they are, and then I can choose whether or not I need them. The EXT packages however do no such thing.
There are a few which are obvious, such as the first on my list, "Advanced Network v1.0.9.0". This is obviously the software for the advanced network settings under control panel/connections.
Not all EXT packages however are so obvious, and attempts thus far to identify them have failed
So, I wanted to ask whether or not there was a listing, partial, complete or in the making, of the standard and regularly included (Stock) EXT/OEM packages for the Touch HD.
BarrettBear said:
Hi all!
I've searched and dug, I've used the forum search as well as google with operands, I've searched sites other than XDA and come up with nothing.
What I want to know is, somewhere, is there a list of the packages with their descriptions? I'm new to cooking (As in two days new!) and after receiving no help in trying to learn from a tutorial, I was forced to guide myself.
While using a kitchen, I'm presented with the SYS packages which all come with nice descriptions telling me what they are, and then I can choose whether or not I need them. The EXT packages however do no such thing.
There are a few which are obvious, such as the first on my list, "Advanced Network v1.0.9.0". This is obviously the software for the advanced network settings under control panel/connections.
Not all EXT packages however are so obvious, and attempts thus far to identify them have failed
So, I wanted to ask whether or not there was a listing, partial, complete or in the making, of the standard and regularly included (Stock) EXT/OEM packages for the Touch HD.
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IMHO try to PM some of the known cooks from this thread(or others) to help you: it might be the most successfull way to get yourself a cook sooner!!!
Thanks for the post bib*oops, but I'd already considered that.
I'd prefer it if the information was put into this thread, that way, even after I've used it, other people who want to cook their own roms can figure out just exactly what they have in it, so they can remove, or add SYS packages based on what they need.
I'm probably not the first, nor will I be the last person to need this information. Better than it is available in one post than people making new posts with "What is the XYZ package & what does it do?"
BarrettBear said:
Thanks for the post bib*oops, but I'd already considered that.
I'd prefer it if the information was put into this thread, that way, even after I've used it, other people who want to cook their own roms can figure out just exactly what they have in it, so they can remove, or add SYS packages based on what they need.
I'm probably not the first, nor will I be the last person to need this information. Better than it is available in one post than people making new posts with "What is the XYZ package & what does it do?"
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I see... Good idea , so far!
Unfortunately all I can find is reference to some packages on the other sub-forums, not for the Blackstone >_<

