flash error 01 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi all i have same problme on flash % and now it can not start to appication phone will restart and see only 3.08 u g few sec come to blank screen i try to connect to pc program will scan port longtime and retry retry have anyone please help!!!!


Trying to Upgrade ( Flash ) and now I am stuck in Bootloader

I tried the Upgrade, but it did never start, so when I tried to get it back to normal, doing a reset, I only get the Bootloader screen, with the USB and v0.60, I tried a Soft and Hard Reset but nonthing, I have tired to re-flash it again, but also nothing, please any help, thanks
The same thing
i have the same thing happen with you
the pda always in bootloader condition,but can't flash completely
it always stop at 78 on erasing rom
and then the computer display CE ERROR
somebody help please
many thanks
I can not even to start the Flash program, I get ERROR : 101

Cannot flash my SPV M650 anymore :(

I have an unblocked SPV M560 (HTC3300).
Few weeks ago I have installed the B&B rom with WM6 on it. Now I would like to install the adinfinitum rom (http://www.adinfinitum.fr/wm6_gps_m6...d_and_the_ugly) to solve the GPS problem we can have with the M650 but I cannot flash anymore.
Here are some explanations:
After starting "start_uspl.exe" I get the Linux screen then the RUU application starts on my PC. RUU is trying to connect to the device but after few seconds it displays the error "ERROR[260]: Update error".
After this I tried to restart the pda, wait for Activesync connection and try to restart RUU.
This time RUU can connect, I can see the grey screen on the PDA and it starts updating... but after 2% I get a black screen on the PDA and RUU displays the error "ERROR[270] Update error".
I'm now reading this forum since 2 days and saw that other people already had this problem but I did not find any working solution.
Does anyone of you have an idea of what can I do to solve this problem?s
Thanks in advance for your help.
REad this...
Remove sim and mem card from phone use clear storage to clean phone memory then again try start_uspl.exe wait to 100% finsh do not disconect phone and run then romupdateutility i hope that this can help mine problem is resolved and i flash spv m650 many times.
Hi, i have similary problem, when i try re-install WM on my xda orbit 3.15.118 i have alert : flashing error check your update utility..when i try install another WM6 i have alert : error 270:update error
battery full charged
anyone help me ;-)
I finally managed to do the update. The only difference is that when RUU has started after getting the black screen I clicked on the cancel button.
After this I let the terminal with this black screen for few minutes (about 5 minutes) and starts again the RUU application.
And this time is works... don't ask my why, maybe it takes some time to the terminal to be ready to accept connections. At least now SPL 1.1 is installed and I can upgrade. My GPS is now working
Spv m650 arte100
when i run the start_uspl.exe i have this window after the run
No Device Connected
Would You like to try copy again?
boy my SPV is in bootloader mode and i can't riun it in different mode
i have IPL 3.15.0001 and SPL 3.15.0000
What i have to do ???

Stack in the welcome screen...PLEASE HELP

I have loaded a long time ago an old version of ROM Gelly.
This ROM worked perfectly to a friend who suggested to do the same with my trinity.
The PROBLEM is that when i try to open the pda it freezes to the first srceen showing the rom version and after....nothing!
I tried to load again Gelly from the bootloader, it begins to run, it runs about 1% then the trinity makes a flash (this means it loses the connection with the pc) and then shows me again the first screen....
Please i need help!
In the bootloader it shows:
And in the first screen:
D 01 Gelly
and then it stack....
same problem as me now i cant unbrick or change my rom anyone help please

ERROR 260: update file corrupt...

I ALWAYS have ERROR 260...
I installed the original rom --> succesfull
trying USPL ---> fails
trying shady's ROM ---> fails
trying own cooked ROM ---> fails
AAAALWAYS error 260, phone is fine connected to usb, bootloader starts also when i run uspl, but aaaalways error in bootloader (phone reboots and ofcourse connection is lost then)
please help!!!
Can someone please help??
I have reinstalled the drivers for Vista to XP, like asked and said in a lot of topics, but this doesn't help, my device is recognized in bootmode but fails to update ...
easy solution
Simple way : take out microSD card and Simcard
babbelut said:
I ALWAYS have ERROR 260...
I installed the original rom --> succesfull
trying USPL ---> fails
trying shady's ROM ---> fails
trying own cooked ROM ---> fails
AAAALWAYS error 260, phone is fine connected to usb, bootloader starts also when i run uspl, but aaaalways error in bootloader (phone reboots and ofcourse connection is lost then)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. Have u unlocked your SPL??? try using uspl
2. Remove SIM card and Storage Card
3. When you're booting your phone, go to Bootloader by pressing the "Record key" (left key) and Power key together! Press left ley first and by holding it, press power key!
* Shady's Rom (especially the lite need USPL unlocked by cmon! The link is in Shady's ROM page)
I hope I helped!!!
phuongxuanhieu said:
Simple way : take out microSD card and Simcard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Many thanks. I keep forgetting to remove the SDHC card when I try to update. This thread helped me out again.....

impossible to flash any rom

hello guys, I have this problem: I'm using ROM manilla 2D from Josh, but it's very slow, it takes about 5min to boot and start. Second problem is the anouncement in start screen: No GSM. I know, radio rom is missing. But when I tried to upgrade radio or other ROM via pc, it's saing: error 262 or 260. I tried it with windows installers, with RUU, with device in bootloader mode, but no efect. When I'm flashing via SD card, it says numerical error (few numbers in red) can somebody help me to fix it? Thx
and when I'm trying to update it via USB in bootloader mode, it begins good, but about 2% it says: Error 270 - Image file is corrupted. Help pls

