New xda ROM's available on Source O2! - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

3.17.03 (Wireless Modem!)
4.21 Radio

these are the differences with the 3.16.52 rom:
"CBSTSpeed"=dword:00000047 ( was 7 )
"CSDISDNEnable"=dword:00000000 ( was 1 )
these files have changed:
mxip_sync.ver coredll-dll.sig nk-exe.sig
oem.htm ctpnl.htm default.htm
wince.nls oem.gif csdlinetype.htm
backup.exe csdtype.exe device.exe filesys.exe gwes.exe
nk.exe stk.exe ussd.exe
calstore.dll cemapi.dll chngtrk.dll commdlg.dll coredll.dll
ddi.dll fatfs.dll irsir.dll keybddr.dll ne2000.dll note.dll
pcmcia.dll pimstore.dll rilgsm.dll sd.dll serial.dll serial2.dll
serial3.dll toolhelp.dll touch.dll usb.dll wavedev.dll
these files are new:
ons20412.gif ons23410.gif ons26207.gif ons27202.gif

I also noticed the bootloader is newer, this is version 5.22
... still researching what differences there are.

research done: this bootloader is more like 5.15 than it is like 5.17
- two 5.15 commands are back: 'r2ca' and 'sddump'
- one new command: 'stress'
- 'u' command is gone.
- 5.17 'checksum' command is gone
- a new menu entry to save gsm+ce to sd was added to
the flash utilities menu
- they left in a lot more debugging stuff in the sd-card code
( as they did in 5.14, 5.15, but not in 5.17 )
- monitor got a new command '0x0c' to get the version.
- the 'flashkey' stuff is gone

Hi, XDA developer Itsme
What tool do you use to tell the changes of files?

ida but In this case strings would have sufficed I think.
and the actual comparing in this case I did with vim, you view differences of up to 4 files simultanouosly. diff might have done the trick too.
and for the differences between rom versions, I wrote a little perl script
to parse the output of 'md5sum */files/*' and sort the output such
that the differences stand out.

more differences, in the operator section:
myO2.lnk added to start menu
O2 smart Menu Light.PPC_2577.CAB added to startop for O2-UK
Action Update.lnk moved to programs ( from start menu)
AEB_o2_en.dll added to action-backup dir
AER_o2_en.dll added to action-resource dir
AEU_o2_en.dll added to action-update dir
AE_o2_en.dll added to action-lock dir
AECommon.dll added to .../AECommon
AERASManager added to aecommon
aeresource.exe added to aeresource
AE_en.dll added to action framework dir
framework.exe added to framework dir
myo2.exe is gone is gone
selfupdate.exe is gone

Where can one download this update?

Anonymous said:
Where can one download this update?
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Just take a look at:
It's not really difficult.....

hi all
is RSU 4.21 safe outside the UK on non O2 xda's?
i have a Qtek 1010 running xda-delevopers ROM 1.1 and RSU 3.23.01.

ridaz said:
is RSU 4.21 safe outside the UK on non O2 xda's?
i have a Qtek 1010 running xda-delevopers ROM 1.1 and RSU 3.23.01.
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Too many people report problems during the RSU upgrade process. This is not specific to 4.21, but it's our guess it happens to all RSU upgraders equally. Our advise: use whatever OS ROM makes you happy (ours is best...), but change radio firmware only if you know some known bug that is affecting you is fixed in the version you're upgrading to.

this new rom version....
o2 have been sneaky ****s and you can no longer connect and browse on the net using WAP dialup also does it with wap browser too
it comes up on the page as:
You were denied access because:
Access denied by access control list.
i can now no longer display a page and browse the net the real propper net for free
it does the same on wap too usine ezos v2.5 it was working all fine on rom v3.15.15 but with this version it just doesnt do nothing
to get wap working in dial up wap i have to make it use wap to dial then once connected i go into its optiongs and change it to alwats dial gprs and then the wap works fine on wap dialup.
wap works fine on gprs but i dont have a contract for gprs data so i cant use the real net with gprs...
anyone got a solution to sort this please????
lmk thankyou

cs response?
gee... what did o2 say when you rang up to complain?


List of New and Updated Softwares in Extended ROMs

I have checked through almost all of the Extended ROMs of the various versions of the 1.12 ROM at ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/ and ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Magician/
The following is a list of useful add-on softwares and most up-to-date HTC programs:
SPB GPRS Monitor Version 2.2.0 build 487
(Registered version)
PacketVideo pvPlayer Version 3.3 build 007
(for playing .mp4 and .3gp files)
Fonix Version 2.0 UK English
(voice dialling)
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
EmailWiz Version
(by DAT Group, UK, simplifies email settings)
UXC T-Mobile RC23
(Today plugin for T-Mobile, more convenient access to camera, phone, contacts, etc.)
Acrosoft MMS V2.5.0.28
ftp://xda:[email protected]May06.CAB
Java Version 101276
CallerID WWE RC22 Version 1.20 build 20047
Camera Wizard WWE RC23 Version 2.70 build 20117
IntelliDialer RC20 Version 1.0 build 19317
IntelliPad RC20
You don't seem to have attached the latest ArcSoft MMS CAB, would appreciate it if you could, cheers!
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/MDACompact_WWE_1.12.152
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Extended_Roms/
Could someone give the complete address to these downloads since Pocket IE only downloads the PHP-files on attachments in these forums.
Could someone give the complete address to these downloads since Pocket IE only downloads the PHP-files on attachments in these forums.
Thanks Talents, you've saved everyone alot of time there
Some of you may be interested in this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Ma...500_WWE1.06.175/
It adds a disconnect option to the GPRS popup. Only realised it was an Orange thing when i put the 1.12 rom on my M500 and saw it had gone.
some of the files you've attached say tmobile on them.. does that brand the phone? will i have t-mobile popping up on every app i open. I bought my jam from dubai and using it on cingular.. i'm also on the WWE rom, just wondering if these .cab's are compatible.
The cab files are compatible with all HTC Magician machines (i.e. i-mate JAM, O2 XDA mini, Qtek s100, T-Mobile Compact, Dopod 818, etc.) and will not pop up any brand or logo after installation.
thanks for that info, i will do these updates in about an hour. thanks again
Are these cab-files ripped of the default install on the windows-dir?
Fonix voicedial is eating a lot of memory of the ppc. The normal installation (downloadable at fonix) can install on the sd card, but the extended rom versions i have seen only install totally on phone memory
pkaak said:
Are these cab-files ripped of the default install on the windows-dir?
...... but the extended rom versions i have seen only install totally on phone memory
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Use CAB-Installer. With that, you can choose where to install.
Many thanks for your efforts. Very informative.
Thanks for the effort mate, I shall have a play with those.
Will ask one more time: I am on holiday so my only internet-connection right now is with my Magician and GPRS. Pocket IE will not handle attachments on the forum (downloads the php-file). Could they be downloaded in any other way or could someone upload the cab-files to the ftp? Please..
EDIT: Of course I found the files on the ftp and succesfully downloaded them with resco. Sorry, should have looked better. Even so it is quite irritating that attachment downloading is not working with Pocket IE
hrb said:
Use CAB-Installer. With that, you can choose where to install.
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I tried that.. but if the path is an hardcoded default in de cab, cab-installer uses that default
Also, i do not see the programs of the extended rom (when i install them myself) in my 'remove programs'-list.
crisscross said:
Will ask one more time: I am on holiday so my only internet-connection right now is with my Magician and GPRS. Pocket IE will not handle attachments on the forum (downloads the php-file). Could they be downloaded in any other way or could someone upload the cab-files to the ftp? Please..
EDIT: Of course I found the files on the ftp and succesfully downloaded them with resco. Sorry, should have looked better. Even so it is quite irritating that attachment downloading is not working with Pocket IE
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In fact, downloading works in PIE. Just download the file (it'll show as download.php, correct) and then rename it to whatever it should be with the extension that it's supposed to have. Alternatively, when trying to download via PIE, in a "Download" popup dialog tap "Change" and change the name of the file to what it is supposed to be. After your download is completed, use your file explorer to locate the file and change the extension of the file from .php to a correct one.
I just installed that poxy T Mobile UXC T-Mobile RC23 and it just hard reset my bloody Jam.
In fact, downloading works in PIE. Just download the file (it'll show as download.php, correct) and then rename it to whatever it should be with the extension that it's supposed to have. Alternatively, when trying to download via PIE, in a "Download" popup dialog tap "Change" and change the name of the file to what it is supposed to be. After your download is completed, use your file explorer to locate the file and change the extension of the file from .php to a correct one.
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Aha! Thnx very much for that info mata!
But how does this work?! If I want to install for instance the Camera Wizard to update my camera, where do I have to install it? I asume it has to overwrite the original camera app, or can I really put it everywhere I want? And to make it clear... does this hard reset your device?!

O2 Please - Download link required

from where I can download "O2 Plus"
Adv. and disadv. of the O2 Plus Please
If you still need this PM me and I'll email it to you
O2 Plus 1.7
This O2 plus is including inside my extend rom.
There is version of O2 plus can be download from from
You must owe a O2 XDA before downloading this file else it will not work for your device. Or you can register your IMEI and download. It seem that the 1.7 is no more. Is it version 2.0 which is in the website.
This file is version 1.7.
Different between version 1.7 and 2.0.
Version 1.7
- Stable version
- no mp3 files support for ringtone but use less memory
- has a Profile Menu (Silent, Loud, etc, just like Nokia phone)
- has a Divertion Menu (divert your handphone, just like Nokia phone)
Version 2.0
- Uses alot of memory
- it allow you to use mp3 files as the phone ringtone
- very cool design
- hang sometimes
- same feature as 1.7
Make sure you remove SPB Battery Plus or Battery Pack. It is not necessary to install any battery monitoring as O2 Plus come with it, Profile Selector and Divertion Menu.
One more thing, make sure you use Plugs Rom or your own customize roms with without any O2 Connection Junk.
O2 Theme Only
O2 Theme Only
Other Roms
My Customize Extended Roms together with Plugs Roms
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Alpine/Extended ROMs
Inside this folder o2 Extended_ROM (English v1.11.171)
- (BlackBerry)
- (Bluetooth for carkit)
- (Sim Mgr Update to 2.2.1)
- (SMS)
- (It just a replaced for the extend version, '1.11.171 WWE') for those who wish to replace the 'PLUGS'.
Inside this folder iMate Extended_ROM (English v1.11.144)
- Default_Alpine_Fix_Jabra800.CAB (For my Jabra headphone/set)
- Default_Alpine_WIFI_v20302_05102005002.CAB (Wifi fix)
- Default_SkypeForPocketPC.CAB
- O2 Plus 1.7
And of course some other software
If you have any CAB file inside the ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Alpine/Extended ROMs, and wish to know what it is. Post it here. I can reply to you what is the cabfiles for, as I have tried install everything from the 3 folder and my xda2i hang and have to hardset afew times. Just for testing to see what cabfile is that use for.
wat if i dont strip the spb monitoring program? what will happen?
jeffkewin said:
My Customize Extended Roms together with Plugs Roms
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Alpine/Extended ROMs
Inside this folder o2 Extended_ROM (English v1.11.171)
- (BlackBerry)
- (Bluetooth for carkit)
- (Sim Mgr Update to 2.2.1)
- (SMS)
- (It just a replaced for the extend version, '1.11.171 WWE') for those who wish to replace the 'PLUGS'.
Inside this folder iMate Extended_ROM (English v1.11.144)
- Default_Alpine_Fix_Jabra800.CAB (For my Jabra headphone/set)
- Default_Alpine_WIFI_v20302_05102005002.CAB (Wifi fix)
- Default_SkypeForPocketPC.CAB
- O2 Plus 1.7
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is there any possibility to upload these files somewhere? thanks
O2 plus required for Xda IIi
Can anybody help me in giving a file link aor a file in itself
Many many thanks
Thanx for providing the link.
Still need help of EXPERTS
Dear Jeffkewin, Let me first thank you for that file, secondly, I unzipped that file, copied that .cab file in "my storage" under "my device"(thru active sync) and installed it. It did install, but gave me a pop up screen O2 Plus is designed for some models of Xda check for more details.
Summing up it's not working very fine, Like if i do soft reset while on the startup it again gives me that same message.
It is working like on the main screen i see those O2 plus programs but under application tab i cannot open anything.
Let me clarify that i have O2 Xda IIi with UK Rom, I have set it to corporate user, with no O2 Active running on it.
Please help. can u provide me ur mail id. mine is rajiminhas at the rate yahoo dot com.
Thanks in advance.
What does the wifi fix do?

2.xx ExtendedROM unlocker that work

The guys at :
have this file:
- unpack
- copy it over to your device
- run it
This will make your ExtendedROM writable, NOT visible.
Use TotalCommander CE to display content of your ExtendedROM for now (by entering "\Extended_Rom")
Sometimes, files in ExtendedROM are marked as READONLY and you have to clear that bit.
Does anybody has a good description of each file present in the Extended_Rom and if we can delete it or not?????
After readin that whole thread it seems some say it works some say it does not.
Can anyone confirm it works with the latest Submitter Cingular Rom? I do not want to have to reinstall everything again
I just got things perfect from the last Hard Reset I did.
I tried it on my 2.08 Qtek rom. Does not work (YET as Buzz is still trying!)
This was merely a test version btw.
I flashed my Qtek s200 with the lastest dopod rom (from the ftp page) then did a soft reset just before customisation begins (preventing the extrom files from loading - I don't use MMS or smartdialing).
Copy buzznet's prophet extrom exe onto your device and run it (You should get a little popup saying "success"). I can't view the extrom files and the memory settings are still the same but my system runs a lot faster and I've gone from having to do a soft reset almost twice a day to once every 5 or 6 days!! (I run a large program thats eats up RAM).
It seems so much more stable, reponsive and quicker
Hope this helps......
garywiscombe said:
I flashed my Qtek s200
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This is why this stuff gets dangerous. The s200 is not the same as the Wizard from what I understand. Folks read things like this in what is a Wizard specific forum and think it's really working. On the buzzdev forums they seem to say it works on Prophet based devices and not on wizards.
That is why I asked here on a wizard specific forum about anyone having success.
From Bootloader / ROM structure perpective the Prophet and Wizard are said to be similar.
Buzz has developed his tool without any of these devices so hes still in a test phase.
Worked For me
with the last RRU Qtek IPL 2.15 Radio 2.30
Hi guys
I tried it but it gives me message that it is not a valied Pocket PC application
the ExtROM version is 2.06 from

HIDE / SHOW ExtROM on HTC TyTN (Registry Tweak)

Hide/Show Hidden ROM (at least works on my TyTN - German ROM)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\EXT_FLASHDRV] "Bootphase"=dword:00000002
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV] "MountHidden"=dword:00000000
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\EXT_FLASHDRV] "Bootphase"=dword:00000001
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV] "MountHidden"=dword:00000001
For me this was the default:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\EXT_FLASHDRV] "Bootphase"=dword:00000002
So, I only had to change this from 1 to 0:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV] "MountHidden"=dword:00000000
Now I can see the extended rom, my device is an HTC TyTN WWE, I will post the ExtROM to FTP in a while.
I also have updated the wiki page with your hack:
pof said:
I also have updated the wiki page with your hack:
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Now we still need 2 very important Registry Hacks (or missing links to get them work):
1. A hack for presenting a differentiation between GPRS/EDGE and UMTS/HSDPA
2. A hack for invoking the EngineeringTest Mode
I've been unable so far to get that working on the Hermes platform. Keep trying.
pof said:
I also have updated the wiki page with your hack:
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Now we still need 2 very important Registry Hacks (or missing links to get them work):
1. A hack for presenting a differentiation between GPRS/EDGE and UMTS/HSDPA
2. A hack for invoking the EngineeringTest Mode
I've been unable so far to get that working on the Hermes platform. Keep trying.
pof said:
Now I can see the extended rom, my device is an HTC TyTN WWE, I will post the ExtROM to FTP in a while.
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Thank you.
I finished uploading my ExtROM, I also created a wiki page with the contents of all the available Extended ROMs on FTP so far:
If anyone has a different version not listed, please do the following:
1) Unhide it
2) Zip it
3) Upload it
4) Update the wiki page
pof said:
I finished uploading my ExtROM, I also created a wiki page with the contents of all the available Extended ROMs on FTP so far:
If anyone has a different version not listed, please do the following:
1) Unhide it
2) Zip it
3) Upload it
4) Update the wiki page
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Heh, youre busy one.
I added a registry tweak to change the titlebar clock to an annalog one, if someone is interested.
Hopefully we can keep the wiki growing and useful.
My default setup was also:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\EXT_FLASHDRV] "Bootphase"=dword:00000002
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV] "MountHidden"=dword:00000001
So I just changed to:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\EXT_FLASHDRV] "MountHidden"=dword:00000000
and did a soft reset. The extended rom then appeared but it was still write protected. How do I get rid of the write protection?
Use the cab file in the wiki, it unlocks and unhides ExtROM.
After using the cab fille and/or making the tweaks myself, and the are the same as described as above, the result is that I can see the ext. rom, but it is still write protected. I can't delete any file or write a file to the ext. rom. I've got a Tytn WWE. What is the problem, or better: what is the solution???
Should be wrtitable using this cab:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Tools_and_Programs/HERMES_MountExtROM.CAB
If it's not, then try to hard reset and then use the cab without messing with registry keys before.
Problem with Extended ROM
I have tried all the methods in the wiki and also all the reg. edit trick but I still can't see my extended ROM. When I run the cab to Mount Extended ROM it crashes my TyTN. Locks it up befor making it to the windows screen. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this or tell me where to look? I was going to mess around with bootloader but I am not that computer savy.
hard reset and install the unhider&unlcoker cab file. it should work after hard reset.
Have tried to Hard Reset my Taiwanese CHT9000 and only apply the HERMES_MountExtROM.CAB tweak, now can see the Extend ROM, but still cannot "unprotect" the ROM. Cannot make it writable. Any other methods? Like modifying the registry? Thanks a lot in advance!!
ghl10000 said:
pof said:
I also have updated the wiki page with your hack:
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Now we still need 2 very important Registry Hacks (or missing links to get them work):
1. A hack for presenting a differentiation between GPRS/EDGE and UMTS/HSDPA
2. A hack for invoking the EngineeringTest Mode
I've been unable so far to get that working on the Hermes platform. Keep trying.
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On my Vario 2, when I'm using 3G (and therefore, HSDPA) the [3G] icon is shown in the top bar (and when it connects a small connecting icon with the moving arrows and 3G in it is diplayed, next to the square 3G indicator) - when it drops back to GPRS, it just changes to [G].
Does yours not do this?
rcyh said:
Have tried to Hard Reset my Taiwanese CHT9000 and only apply the HERMES_MountExtROM.CAB tweak, now can see the Extend ROM, but still cannot "unprotect" the ROM. Cannot make it writable. Any other methods? Like modifying the registry? Thanks a lot in advance!!
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Unsure whether it works myself, as I've not tried it yet, but I'd put (a small amount of) money on it that it works
Hi Chris, Thanks for your reply!!
Unfortunately, my device is still un-protectable after following the whole process. And the registry settings I have checked are exactly the same as the described. The Extended_ROM directory is still write-protected. Couldn't add or delete files in it.
Maybe I am the unlucky one that couldn't change the extended ROM at all...
Since the digital signature security autentification for CABs in ExtROM is on by default, putting in any CAB file that is either not digitally signed, or loses its authenticity because it was modified will not be installed during the Customization phase after a hard reset.
Any ideas how to solve this problen on TyTN?
There was the soluton for the Universal devices wiht the Default_Signed_DisabledSecurity.CAB. This CAB has the right signature for Universal, but it dosn’t work on TyTN.
From this MSDN discussion about Windows Mobile 5 code signing,
"Looks like you won't have to sign the cab if wceload.exe isn't used to install it. Although if it is used to install the cab file you will need to sign it."
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A possible gap? If someone could come up with a third party CAB installer that could be used during customisation, maybe it could bypass the official CAB installation procedure (and therefore the signed certificate verification) entirely? Just a thought.
For Universal this problem i think was decided here ( with the help of Default_Signed_DisableSecurity.CAB. But this CAB not work on my TyTN. I think it because of wrong digital sign.

WM6.1 Pro CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

I keep it clean as i can
Rom version: 6.10.00
Rom Date: 27.02.2008
Page Pool: 16 MB
Core: 5.2.19199
Build: 19199.1.0.0
AKU: 1.0
OEM Software updated:
Sim Manager 6.38
InvokeSIMMgr.dll 1.12
PhoneSetting.dll 5.38
STK_Service.dll 4.58
STK_UIPPC.exe 4.56
USSD_Dll.dll 3.16
Comm Manager 2.06
DataDisconnect 1.12
Changes from the original 19199 rom:
Replaced the calculator with SPBCalc and added Touch skin to it
Replaced today images with black ones
Groupped the start menu items in subfolders like in all of my roms
Replaced Welcomehead.96.png with one matching the today images
Removed most of the ringtones
Removed the default themes (left only windows default it can not be removed)
Removed Windows Update
Removed Windows Marketplace
Removed Remote Desktop Mobile
Removed VoIP
Removed Transcriber
Removed Office
Most of this software is available as cabs see the following
Example EXTROM:
Extrom_version.CAB - sets the extended rom version to xplode_7.00
AdobeReader_2.00.288531.CAB - Latest Adobe Reader from the original 19199 rom
htcflashlite.CAB - Latest HTC Flash Player from the original 19199 rom
HTC.Album.1.0.822.716.CAB - Old but working
HTCHome.2.1_1005.722.CAB - Old but working
JbedJava_MIDP_0_0_20070822_1_1_WWE.CAB - Latest Esmertek Jbed Midlet Manager from the original 19199 rom
RDM.CAB - Remote Desktop Mobile from the original 19199 rom
VoIP.CAB - VoIP Support from the original 19199 rom with configuration addons
WU.CAB - Windows Update from the original 19199 rom
WU_enable.CAB - Enable Windows Update (windows update will not work without installing this cab)
Office_6.1.19199.CAB - Office 6.1 with OneNote from the original 19199 rom
Arcsoft_MMS_5.0.31.7.CAB - Arcsoft MMS Client from the original 19199 rom (for some reason the mms settings not show, this is a common bug with this version)
NetworkPlugin_1_0_30468_1.CAB - Latest HTC Network Plugin from the original 19199 rom
AudioManager.CAB - 1.02 409.721 Old but usefull
BT_BPP_1_6_1_0.CAB - Latest HTC Bluetooth Print Plugin from the original 19199 rom - Latest Windows Live Mobile
MMS_enable.CAB - This cab enables MMS folder in the mesaging application
BlackBars.exe - This program automatically makes your up and down bars black
Upgrade HOWTO:
1.Download the archive below
2.Extract it to folder in your computer
3.The password for the archive is blueangel
4.Copy EXTROM folder to your SD card (customize it if you want to)
5.Put your device in bootloader mode - For help with this step read here
6.Run Upgrade.exe to start the upgrade procedure
7.After finishing the upgrade wizard soft reset your device to exit bootloader- For help with this step read here
9.Hard reset your device - For help with this step read here
10.Allign screen
11.Wait for the instalation of the cabs from the EXTROM after that the device will soft reset
Congratulations, you are ready to use your device
If you have problems or errors with the upgrade utility kill activesync, remove the SD and sim card and retry. After upgrade is completed before pressing the soft reset to exit bootloader insert your sd card in order for EXTROM to kick in. Anyway you can use the rom without any extrom
The HTC Home theme is not included because i have no permission to use it
Mirrors - by LGSilva
Known Bugs:
The comm manager icon in system tray does nothing on tap - solved see the attached cabs
WMP is skipping when playing MP3 - solved see the attached cabs
Wlan has problem with authentification and does connect very hardly to a protected network - solved see the attached cabs
Camera app crashes after recording MP4 video - working on it (actually it records the video but can not preview it in camera app, but you can view it from any multimedia player which is mp4 capable like WMP, TCPMP, CorePlayer ...)
MMS Settings does not show at all - working on it - temporary solution use the previous version - from here or from cabs2.rar from helmis rom thread (here and here)
OBEX problem (can not recieve files trough BT) - install attached, go to Start=>Settings=>Connections=>Beam and check "Recieve all incoming beams"
Attached fixes: - this is a registry setting that maps the comm manager icon in system tray to Wlan Manager - this is a registry setting that maps the comm manager icon in system tray to Comm Manager - this is a fix to WMP skipping during playback
! - this is a fix to WLAN authentification issues (wifi just does not connect or connect very hard) - as the name show this cab hides sim contacts from the contact list - adds IsEnabled=0x1 in [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Obex] - enables obex service on startup
If someone needs .NET CF 3.5 Press Here - for all of you with FlightMode problems this is a lil app from which switches flightmode on/off - the shortcut is created in Communication folder
Cool ! Thank you very much, Xplode.
So, how did you managed to do it without a working BA ?
Also, 2 questions:
1) I though WM6.1 was not officially released yet, is this a alpha, beta, RC or the final version ?
2) Would be nice to see what improvements could we expect from WM6.
Great !!! Waiting for your ROM long time man.Thanks
i got new screen from ebay but it stopped working properly i am disassemble my BA again to see what happened ... (i have no luck with it)
well there was only one official WM6.1 rom by Vodafone for Kaiser this is a port from it
Improvements over WM6 are posted all over the board, don't be lazy do a search
How about WIFI and .NET CF?
xplode said:
i got new screen from ebay but it stopped working properly i am disassemble my BA again to see what happened ... (i have no luck with it)
well there was only one official WM6.1 rom by Vodafone for Kaiser this is a port from it
Improvements over WM6 are posted all over the board, don't be lazy do a search
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Yes i have seen other WM6.1 threads in the forum (in fact there is a lot of them, specially from pdaviet), but you don't mention for instance if you are using "wifi driver v2" or not, nor if any other speed or stability improvements will this ROM bring versus your WM6 ROM, i meant.
Also any know issues from BA's WM6 solved, etc.
Just a thought.
AAAA, can´t wait longer !!!
i have checked 3 times a day for an update ! (the last 2 weeks !)
(have donate already......)
We must wait... I have PDAviet 6.1 rom but i think that Explode's rom will be better. Respect man you have made grate work!
a couple of minutes to go... must... wait... a little... longer...
thanks for keeping it "clean", which bolsters my hope that it doesn't have the zoomsms application
it's very considerate of you to include the steps on how to upgrade, and to give a description of the ROM.
congratulations on your work, xplode, and good luck on your screen.
Good work explode
thanx a lot man ur the best . I will try it soon ...Im sure it will be great
thnx 1 milliard times
i'm install now
Thanks alot for this great rom!
I found the same wifi-issues like in pdaviet-roms 191999. Wifi isn't really happy to connect to wpa-protected networks. As workaround you can turn on wifi, configure your network settings, turn wifi off without connection. Than turn on wifi several times and wait. On my BA ist will connect after 2x turn on/off most of the time...
Will test other nice features of wm6.1 now...
Hi Xplode! Thanks again for your great releases.
Does this Rom includes Wifi v2? if not, have You tested if it works in this rom?
Thanks for your great rom
Thank you very much.
The rom has the default .NET CF 2.0 SP2, It has not WIFI Driver 2 (i am not sure why you calling it that). Wifi behaves the same way as in my and helmi wm6 roms.
Waiting for a long time till today!
Thanks in advance!
But cannt download...
Nice ROM!
One of the MOST anticipated release...
Thank you so much for the effort Xplode...
Most excellent work!
xplode said:
I keep it clean as i can
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And clean it definitely is ... running very smoothly and stable. I've not run into any issues with using the applications/setup I use, including the entire EXTROM as you've provided.
WM 6.1 ... Mmmmm ... yummy.

