XDA Sync problems with Windows XP - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Everytime I try to sync the XDA with my sharp laptop running windows XP I get problems in connection. The XDA works fine with my office PC's running XP and 2000 version of Windows.
:x :x :x
The XDA gives a fatal error in connection. I now want to resolve this problem, if possible on a machine running Linux. Any clues guys?

Here's a clue:
ActiveSync uses serial IO, even when using USB, and sets up a PPP connection over it.


problem with connection to laptop by ActiveSync, need help!!

hello all,
After the installation of ActiveSync, i insert the usb cable to laptop and put the Xda II on cradle, the ActiveSync in computer couldn't find any device (Xda II) and i can't setup the partnership, however, my Xda II display the "connected" only for 2 seconds and then interrupt for ever, i have installed the ActiveSync many times and hardreset the XdaII, but it is still not connected, what's wrong with this? :?: :?: :?:
When the xda 2 is first plugged into usb you should get a message on your laptop screen saying device found htc etc, once this is done activesync should see it. Which version of activesync are you using?
I tried the ActiveSync 3.7 and ActiveSync 3.8, the results are same. The laptop can find the USB, but the ActiveSync can't find the XdaII.
I am assuming Active Sync works on other computers?
If you are using XP,
Make sure the device is plugged in.
Open up task manager, (Ctr + Alt + Del), go to processes and end task on WCESMgr.exe and or wcescomm.exe.
Right click on My Computer, select Manage. Expand Device manager, Windows CE USB Devices, right click on PocketPC USB Sync and Uninstall, click Yes.
If you see any devices with an explanation point or marked Red, Uninstall them too.
Unplug your device.
Open up Active Sync, under the settings, make sure USB is checked.
Plug in your device.
I have seen this happen if windows did not configure the device properly at first.
As a thank you for my time, send me naked photos of your wife!!! KIDDING!!!! :shock:
Thanks for your help, i have done this by following what you said, but it is still not connected. When the laptop find the Device USB first time, the XDAII just display the "connected" for 1&2 seconds. I click the "Error" on XDAII, which is Synchronize with Server, then it displays:
The connection failed due to mising server information or user credentials. Tap Options, and then the Server tab to verify that your server name is correct. Then, tap'Optaions..." to verrify that your user credentials are correct and try again.
I haven't changed ther Server Synchronization in "Option", and my laptop doesn't need any user name and password to logon.
What's wrong with this? How to set up the "Option" in XDAII?
It is hella confusing.. BUT... You do not use the Server setting.
I use the Server setting but I have my own Exchange server 2003 and using Exchange Server 2003 Mobile Services, I have my Contacts, Calendar and Inbox always up to date via the Internet, (I have unlimited Internet through T-Mobile for $19 a month).
You need only to use the PC synchronization. Open Active sync, Tools, Options, Options again and check to make sure it is checked and USB is selected, OK, make sure the other two are "Ticked" as well, OK.. Then try.
This Time I only want naked photos of your DOG!!! :lol: :shock:
There should be some problems with laptop, because everthing is ok when i connect my XDA with other PCs. I can't find what problem is with my laptop. It is running Windows XP professional edition.
Darge, this isnt going to sound very logical, but if you have more than one usb port, please try the other port, I have had similar problems with activesync whic have been resolved by doing this, dont ask me why because i dont know.
May be should try othe type of connection other than USB. Try using either bluetooth or wifi. May be you should search in the forum regarding connection using bluetooth or wifi.
My Xda and laptop are connected and working very well after i reinstalled the Windows XP for my laptop. It was the stupid and only way what i could do, because i have tried all kinds of solutions which were not useful.
Thanks a lot for your advice and help anyway. 8)

Pls help! i cant sync my htc p3300 with vista

hi everyone,
i have an artemis (mobile5) and the OS in my computer is VISTA, i tried to install activesync 4.5 but it told me cannot run on this computer, i downloaded the activesync for vista from microsoft website, but nothing....
Please if anyone know how to sync, send me a message
thank you in advance
I don't use Vista, but I think you should try Windows Mobile Device Center which is designed for replacing ActiveSync in Windows Vista.
Hmmmm yes if you have Vista, like I do, then it's not Activesync, but Windows Mobile Device Centre. Have you downloaded this?
When connecting my Artemis to Vista, it connects, but then takes a good 30 seconds before it begins synicing, but then completes very quickly.
If you have WMDC, what firewall are you using? Is WMDC and Sync Centre blocked?
thank you for your help, i already have wmdc but i think the problem is from the firewall, i sould disable it . i will try when i arrive home. thank you very much
anoir - have you now resolved this?
my vista notebook does not sync with my p3300!
no reaction at all from windows mobile device center!
try go to settings - connections -USB to PC and uncheck "enable advanced network functionality"
this worked for me. started to sync after 10 sec
Thank you did the trick

ActiveSync won't sync after installing USB 3G device

I've been using ActiveSync for my iMate Jam for the past 2 years through the USB connection on my laptop.
Last week I signed up for a 3G broadband connection with MTN (South African company) and got a [email protected] E220 HSDPA modem which also connects through USB port.
Since installing it there seems to be something blocking ActiveSync through the USB as although ActiveSync does 'Connect', it can't synchronize. (Syncronise is lowlighted)
Uninstalling [email protected] fixes the problem, so it definately is something in that software conflicting with ActiveSync. Obviously uninstalling is not a workable solution as my broadband won't work, and I need it.
I've downloaded and installed the latest ActiveSync and [email protected] applications, but it made no difference.
My PC is a Dell Inspiron 640m running XP SP2 and my PPC is a iMate Jam running Windows Mobile 2003SE. I know ActiveSync uses port 990.
I've searched the www for a solution without success. Tried calling MTN support, but their techies were busy and not available..."
Has anyone got any suggestions on how I can fix this - Please.
Alternatively, if someone can point me at a website where I can find out how to set up synchronisation using BlueTooth between my Dell (Windows XP SP2) and iMate Jam (Windows Mobile 2003SE) I'd be very happy. I can only find sites that refer to other combinations and I'm unable to get it right.

Touch HD's HSDPA Connection As Internet ?

We just had a power failure here but thankfully it's up.
But during that time, I couldn't work out how to use the Touch HD's internet connection to connect to the internet via my notebook computer's Bluetooth.
The only thing I could do was use the Touch HD as a modem to dial up but that's not what I wanted.
Any thoughts?
is it vista or windows xp? i use vista and managed to both sync and get internet via using bluetooth.
Vista Home Premium SP1.
I'm sure it's possible but it's not exactly clear what you have to do to make it work !
well i did mine with many try fails. if you use msn please add me that way i can help you in real time. [email protected] after we done you can delete from your msn

Active Syn AND Windopws Mobile Device Center

Hi - will i encounter any issues if i connect at work via one means (XP) and at home (vista) by the other?
sorry if its a dumb question.
I use this config on a daily basis: XP in the office and Vista at home.
So far no problems....
When you connect at work with Active Sync 4.5 on XP you can connect without syncing mail etc.
I do it to just to transfer files.

