Active Syn AND Windopws Mobile Device Center - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hi - will i encounter any issues if i connect at work via one means (XP) and at home (vista) by the other?
sorry if its a dumb question.

I use this config on a daily basis: XP in the office and Vista at home.
So far no problems....

When you connect at work with Active Sync 4.5 on XP you can connect without syncing mail etc.
I do it to just to transfer files.


Sync XDAIIs with laptop via GPRS

I understand that you can sync XDAIIs with outlook on my laptop connected to a server through some software, any ideas please.
Many thanks
I'm not 100% sure on what you mean. If you can "physically" connect your IIs to the laptop (WiFi or USB or even BT) then you can simply use the normal ActiveSync route, install ActiveSync 3.8 and just link the two together.
Otherwise you can instead have ActiveSync (on the device itself) running in Exchange server mode and it'll ActiveSync straight with the server IF you have an Exchange server. I use this method myself and it works perfectly even over a GPRS connection.
Hope that was of some help. Sorry if I missed your point.

Pls help! i cant sync my htc p3300 with vista

hi everyone,
i have an artemis (mobile5) and the OS in my computer is VISTA, i tried to install activesync 4.5 but it told me cannot run on this computer, i downloaded the activesync for vista from microsoft website, but nothing....
Please if anyone know how to sync, send me a message
thank you in advance
I don't use Vista, but I think you should try Windows Mobile Device Center which is designed for replacing ActiveSync in Windows Vista.
Hmmmm yes if you have Vista, like I do, then it's not Activesync, but Windows Mobile Device Centre. Have you downloaded this?
When connecting my Artemis to Vista, it connects, but then takes a good 30 seconds before it begins synicing, but then completes very quickly.
If you have WMDC, what firewall are you using? Is WMDC and Sync Centre blocked?
thank you for your help, i already have wmdc but i think the problem is from the firewall, i sould disable it . i will try when i arrive home. thank you very much
anoir - have you now resolved this?
my vista notebook does not sync with my p3300!
no reaction at all from windows mobile device center!
try go to settings - connections -USB to PC and uncheck "enable advanced network functionality"
this worked for me. started to sync after 10 sec
Thank you did the trick

windows mobile device centre

on vista you have to use the windows mobile device centre instead of activesync, when i use this with my spvm600 the connection with the pc is very eratic, usually crashes half way through syncing something (although contacts, calender seems ok) and when i use active sync 4.5 on an xp machine the connection is fine and constant.
I have usb switch on the device, is there any difference with what setting is used, serial or RNDIS, when serial is used a window appears checking the connection but does'nt on RNDIS. I am connected via usb
is there a quick fix for vista?
just downloaded and installed wmds 6.1 and seems to be behaving itself

Sync with Exchange via GPRS and USB

after trying for hours I really need help:
ELF (Htc Touch)
Laptop with Vista and Mobile Device Center 6.1
Office/Outlook 2007
Server 2003
Sync with our company exchange server both via GPRS (when I'm traveling) and USB (when I'm in the office)
Sync via GPRS works flawless. I configured the exchange settings manually. Synchronization of mails, contacts, and calendar works fine.
Problems start when I connect the device to my PC via USB.
The PC is in this case connected to our company LAN. After I plug in USB mobile device center connects and the synchronization starts. Problem is that it never ends. My device shows "waiting for network" and nothing happens thereafter. In the mobile device center error messages begin to pile up (saying that sync failed).
Aparently the device cannot connect to the exchange server via USB and the PC as gateway (at least, that's what I conclude from the messages). I've been playing with all settings I found but I'm stuck with the same problem.
There must be a way to do this! After all I had that in my old company (Windows xp and Windows Mobile 5), although i had to manually chose which connection I wanted to use.
PLZ Help !!!
I found something!
Our exchange server has for internal (LAN) and external (internet) access different adresses. No wonder that it could not connect.
But there's the next problem: How do I configure so that I can chose the server depending on the connection I'm using? Of course, I could go to the exchange settings and change them every time I want to access but there must be an easier was that allows me to preconfigure two profiles for the same outlook mobile account.
Ideas please ...

Touch HD's HSDPA Connection As Internet ?

We just had a power failure here but thankfully it's up.
But during that time, I couldn't work out how to use the Touch HD's internet connection to connect to the internet via my notebook computer's Bluetooth.
The only thing I could do was use the Touch HD as a modem to dial up but that's not what I wanted.
Any thoughts?
is it vista or windows xp? i use vista and managed to both sync and get internet via using bluetooth.
Vista Home Premium SP1.
I'm sure it's possible but it's not exactly clear what you have to do to make it work !
well i did mine with many try fails. if you use msn please add me that way i can help you in real time. [email protected] after we done you can delete from your msn

