bootlogos - How to create Moto G7 Boot Images and install them? - Moto G7 Questions & Answers

Dear Experts,
I'm trying to make some boot images for the Motorola Moto G7.
Also the Moto G7 Plus, and G7 Power
The idea is to eliminate the image with the error:
"Your device has been unlocked, and can't be trusted.
To learn more, visit:
Your device will boot in 5 seconds"
I did see this post:
Custom Logo.bin(s) for all Moto G7- get rid of root warning screens hide "bad key"
Sep 13, 2019
Custom Logo.bin(s) for all Moto G7- get rid of root warning screens hide "bad key"
Custom Logo.bin(s) for all Moto G7- get rid of root warning screens hide "bad key" Neither of these logo.bins are going to shorten the 5 second wait Motorala puts on a unlocked. Rooted phone. That is only going to happen with a custom ROM...
For G7 variants
Downloaded the .bin files
Followed the instructions
It did work.
However, the resulting boot image is white.
Not blue.
Which I think looks a lot better.
logo.bin to remove unlocked warning and WITHOUT N/A! (flashable .bin + instructions)
Feb 28, 2018
logo.bin to remove unlocked warning and WITHOUT N/A! (flashable .bin + instructions)
Hello guys, I've created with the help of the Motorola Boot Logo Maker ( two boot logos to remove the odd "Your device has been unlocked and can't...
For Moto Z
9 different logos in various designs, and colors.
However, the screen of the Moto Z is bigger than the G7 displays
And, some responders pointed out that after installing, it was cropped.
Also saw this by Thiago Silva in 2015.
Customized Moto logos
How to use these? For TWRP files: Just flash the ZIP in TWRP For bin files: Run these commands in fastboot fastboot flash logo_a (filename).bin fastboot flash logo_b (filename).bin
Great colors: Lineage green on black
But made for the Moto G, too small for the G7 variants.
And some people had trouble installing them.
AT least with TWRP
How can I make a custom bootlogo?
Then install it onto the G7?
Thanks a lot

Look at this post.


Remove unlocked message - with the correct Motorola logo...

I made a proper logo.bin to remove the unlocked message. This is from the 5.1 stock firmware, so it's the correct Motorola logo. Flash using fastboot:
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
Thanks! He had tried others and this has just like the stock bootloader
Enviado desde mi MotoE2(4G-LTE) mediante Tapatalk
ronasimi said:
I made a proper logo.bin to remove the unlocked message. This is from the 5.1 stock firmware, so it's the correct Motorola logo. Flash using fastboot:
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
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How did you make the logo.bin? I'd like to create my own custom one, but haven't had much luck finding (or maybe understanding?) any info.
Some one have the original bootloader? after flashing this my devices restart some times and when i put it to charge, bootloader turns on
Can someone make a black background on the logo so it doesn't burn my eyes out everytime I start the phone in the dark?
Seems to work great, I flashed it when I had already flashed one of the other logo.bins.
It has a really clean smooth look to it, it seems to effect more then the boot logo, the bootloader theme seems to be stored in the logo.bin
Or the bootloader menu stores its graphics in logo.bin too and flashing a older logo.bin breaks the button graphics, I'm not sure.
I have a XT1527 that was updated with the 5.1 update (though I'm running CM now), and flashing one of the other logo.bins changed my bootloader menu graphics in a minor cosmetic way,
flashing this didn't just mod the bootloader logo, it also restored the bootloader menu (volume down + power) button graphics to how I remember them.
_ck_ said:
Can someone make a black background on the logo so it doesn't burn my eyes out everytime I start the phone in the dark?
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Hey i made one and flashed my Moto E rev2 (XT1527) and it seems ok.
I don't know how i can share it here though i am a new user,
what i did was i extracted the images with a white background (3x)
then i inverted the colors but replaced the Moto logo with the exact original color
then put back the original color red lines on the battery images.
then i used fastboot to flash it and i tested.
Starting from the recovery menu and on a reboot and also plugged in charging.
hooray stock logo but black
i was thinking the same thing lol
I used MotoBootLogoMaker (Custom option) with the logo posted by the OP.
The forum download link for it came up as nginx 404.
but i found the dev's github page and downloaded a compiled build v2.3.1020.0513
And i used Adobe Fireworks to make (flattened) PNG's
let me know how i am suppose to share it and i will post it.
Oh.. i don't know how to change the animated Boot Logo part though sorry..
thanks for sharing OP !
Can I flash this on Boost XT 1526 with stock 5.0.2
drshreenivaas said:
Can I flash this on Boost XT 1526 with stock 5.0.2
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Yes, probably. There is a tool to make any logo with any Moto resolution, and after that can be flashed via fastboot.

unlocked bootloader warning removal from nougat

Can anyone please share me the latest nougat boot logo, the one in blue colour, so as to remove the bootloader unlocked warning message...
Take a look in this tread.
Thanks dear, got the nougat logo...
does anyone actually have a working method to remove the boot loader warning as none of the steps listed in the link actually do anything. the image was flash without error but the warning remains
brostar2017 said:
does anyone actually have a working method to remove the boot loader warning as none of the steps listed in the link actually do anything. the image was flash without error but the warning remains
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How do you mean by 'the warning remains' though, can you still see the 'device has been unlocked' message even after flashing the logo.bin via fastboot (using the adb terminal)? Can you show us which logo.bin you're trying to flash and what steps you're using to flash the file?
If you've got TWRP, you may wish to try some of the TWRP flashable logo.bin
The only other way I know of removing the bootloader warning is to re-lock your bootloader. The custom logo.bin, though they don't shorten the 5-10 delay on booting, at least hide the bootloader warning (and the N/A bit too).
The v1 Android logo wouldn't even flash, the V2 logo says it's 100% completed but the full warning remains and no logo of powered by Android. I am using the minimum abd package which is working fine as I did everything else without issues via fast boot command, I'm using the commands listed on xda for it I've tried both fastboot flash logo logo.bin and mfastboot flash logo logo.bin Sudo fastboot flash logo logo.bin and flash logo logo.bin all came back as 100% complete without any errors being displayed then I did fastboot reboot.
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Could it be because moto just pushed a new software update to this model ending with .67 the latest nogurt build, sorry for any typos.
Could it be because moto just pushed a new software update to this model ending with .67 the latest nogurt build, sorry for any typos.
brostar2017 said:
Could it be because moto just pushed a new software update to this model ending with .67 the latest nogurt build, sorry for any typos.
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If you're running an update ending in .67, are you using a G5 Plus with NPN25.137.67? If so, you may wish to look here for logo.bin images
No using a moto G4 plus XT1642 Australia variety.
brostar2017 said:
No using a moto G4 plus XT1642 Australia variety.
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I'm confused now as you've mentioned you've had an update pushed to your device with .67? For Moto G4 Plus, I recall the latest update is NPJS25.93-14.4 (March 2017), unless you're on a soak test.
So, just to clarify, you've:
1) Downloaded the zip of the logo.bin
2)Extracted the logo.bin from the zip file
3)Copied the logo.bin to your adb directory (ensuring that there aren't any other logo.bin files in the directory or the original/your new logo.bin has been renamed, if for example you had your stock ROM there), or made a note of the path directory to your desired logo.bin
4)Rebooted your device to the bootloader and plugged your device into your computer
5)In adb, typed 'fastboot flash logo logo.bin' (ensuring that the 'logo.bin' is pointing to the correct logo.bin)
Yes I have e followed all those steps and nothing changed. Don't even know what a soak test is or how to get it.
brostar2017 said:
Yes I have e followed all those steps and nothing changed. Don't even know what a soak test is or how to get it.
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I was getting confused as you quoted an update version that doesn't appear to exist currently on Moto G4 athene devices (to the best of my knowledge). Out of interest, can you post a screenshot of your device info under Settings>About Phone? I'd just like to verify what build you have. You'll either get a soak test from the Motorola Feedback Network if you signed up to be a tester, usually. It'll appear as a software update (and accompanied with a questionnaire, if I recall).
It's odd these steps aren't working, I've got a XT1642 (on the retgb retail software channel) and have been able to flash these logo.bin images. Perhaps someone else can chime in with solutions.
That information hmwas removed when lineage is was installed onto the handset I own the XT1643 which is an Australian model. Definitely not a moto tester that would break my contract with Jide technologies. Both my moto G4 plus device got the update so did most the people I know here with that model. Updated about a week ago. Ending in .67 my moto G5 plus which I just got has no software updates and is ending in .14
brostar2017 said:
That information hmwas removed when lineage is was installed onto the handset I own the XT1643 which is an Australian model. Definitely not a moto tester that would break my contract with Jide technologies. Both my moto G4 plus device got the update so did most the people I know here with that model. Updated about a week ago. Ending in .67 my moto G5 plus which I just got has no software updates and is ending in .14
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I think you've got your devices mixed up - as far as I know:
Moto G4 Plus - updated to NPJ25.93-14.4 (March 1 2017 security update) - which would be your XT1642. XT1643 is the Indian model. Thus far, does not have an update ending in .67.
Moto G5 Plus - updated to NPN25.137-67 (March 1 2017 security update) (you've even posted getting this update on your device in the G5 Plus OTA thread! As far as I know, Moto G5 Plus devices have only received .15, .33, .35 and .67 updates.
LineageOS will still show if you're running a Moto G4 Plus or Moto G5 Plus under the Device info. Also, the build will tell you whether it's for Moto G4 ( it'll list athene as the codename) or Moto G5 Plus (listing potter as the codename).
chottu109 said:
Thanks dear, got the nougat logo...
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Brother could u please give me the stock nougat logo.bin

Moto G5 Plus XT1680 Flash Mode with other Bootloader

A month ago my Moto g5 plus died trying to fix a Moto Z Play from a friend. I had mistakenly connected my cell phone thinking it was my friend's and I ended up flashing mine by mistake. Since then my Potter died! I have tried everything to be able to relive it but I can not find the way. I have downloaded all the official Stock Roms and none has been able to raise my phone again.
The result after the flash was that the original bootlader that I had changed completely! Now I have the data of a Moto Z Play on my Moto G5 Plus.
AP Fastboot Flash Mode (Secure)
BL: C1.07 (sha-9d7f987, 2017-04-01 13:44:07).
Is there any way to relive it again? The Model is Moto G5 Plus Potter XT1680 32GB P3B. Every day I try to do something new but I can not find the way anymore ....
diegosilvax8 said:
A month ago my Moto g5 plus died trying to fix a Moto Z Play from a friend. I had mistakenly connected my cell phone thinking it was my friend's and I ended up flashing mine by mistake. Since then my Potter died! I have tried everything to be able to relive it but I can not find the way. I have downloaded all the official Stock Roms and none has been able to raise my phone again.
The result after the flash was that the original bootlader that I had changed completely! Now I have the data of a Moto Z Play on my Moto G5 Plus.
AP Fastboot Flash Mode (Secure)
BL: C1.07 (sha-9d7f987, 2017-04-01 13:44:07).
Is there any way to relive it again? The Model is Moto G5 Plus Potter XT1680 32GB P3B. Every day I try to do something new but I can not find the way anymore ....
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I think you need to use the blankflash from albus. If you flashed Z Play's firmware then you changed the bootloader of your G5 Plus to Z Play's. Have you tried the albus blankflash? Please report after trying.
psychopac said:
I think you need to use the blankflash from albus. If you flashed Z Play's firmware then you changed the bootloader of your G5 Plus to Z Play's. Have you tried the albus blankflash? Please report after trying.
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I can not download the albus blankflash from the page because it does not exist. I got a BlankFlash from Moto Z Play from another side but when I run the .bat it remains on waiting device.
In device manager I am listed as "Fastboot Potter S", after installing the driver, it is in ADB Interface. But from there I can not execute Blankflash.
Another solution?
This is the flash file that no longer appears on the page but I can not find it on the other hand the same link
cloud vache-android com/Moto/albus/blankflash/
Try downloading blankflash from here...
Is your ADB and Fastboot working correctly on PC?
Download the flash blank but it still does not work. The ADB and Fastboot works correctly but it does not let me run the blank flash. Any other idea?
If I try to load a rom from Fastboot, it works. But if I try to do blank flash with the qbot.exe command from the .bat it does not work.
It is always on <waiting device>
@acejavelin, can you assist please?
psychopac said:
@acejavelin, can you assist please?
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Not really sure why I'm tagged here... This isn't my area of expertise at all.
Sorry, but I have no incite here.
@NZedPred, @echo92
Hmm, is your bootloader unlocked? In the G5 plus unbrick guide, those users who managed to recover their device after using the albus bootloader and the addison2potter GPT/bootloader were only able to use stock TWRP flashables (though you didn't hard brick, flashing the Z play bootloader is a similar result). I'm not sure if flashing a stock ROM via fastboot is an option, due to the different bootloader. There are reports that the stock ROM may be flashable if you omit the GPT and bootloader, however you'd need an unlocked bootloader and also you'd have to forget about using OTA updates at all. Else, you'd likely actually hard brick this time with an OTA update.
Thus, if you can, stock TWRP flashables or a custom ROM are likely your best options.
Just checking if you've tried these:
- Fastboot to boot a TWRP image (i.e. fastboot boot twrp.img, where twrp.img is a TWRP file)
- Fastboot to flash just a bootloader from the right device
This isn't really my area of expertise either. I usually fix things after having broken them myself, but I don't want to try this

Is it possible to change boot logo / splash image on H872?

I have just acquired a new H872. I have promptly unlocked the bootloader to prepare for rooting/ROMs. As you all know, unlocking the bootloader causes the boot logo/splash screen to display a "warning" that the system cannot be checked for corruption. Is there a way to replace that image? On all my Moto phones & my Xiaomi, I was able to. For the Moto phones it was a logo.bin that was replaced, and for the Xiaomi it was a splash.img.
I am hoping it is possible as well on the G6 H872, but I have not found any threads in regards to it.

[logo.bin] Custom bootloader images on Z2 play (boot, charging, loader)

Hello! I'm currently working on some custom moto boot logo (not bootanim, just logo.bin which is related to the bootloader)
I'll release them soon as I can (I don't have much time)
Thumbs up if you're interested :silly:
