9212B Haed Unit in BMW 1 Series (E81) - Android Head-Units

I have an Android 9212B unit fitted in my BMW 120D (E81) which I had to reset after a car battery replacement.
Now the unit does not seem to talk to the car properly, for instance it now shows kph instead of mph etc.
Looking in protocol (CAN ID) section I cannot see any reference to my car?
Does anyone have any ideas?
P.S. car was fitted with this when I purchased it.


Chinese Headunit Canbus

Not sure if this is the correct forum for this or not so apologies.
I've just bought and installed a chinese Android Auto head unit into my Ford S Max. I think the unit is an XY Auto 3.1 8227L, nothing on the box but this is what is specced in the system info. I've purchased a Connects2 Canbus adapter to use with this so that i can retain steering controls etc.
Everything is all wired up correctly and working but I can't find Connects2 in the Canbus setup list or a Ford S Max under any of the other canbus manufacturers. Does anyone know how I can sort this out?
Other issue is that I no longer get my parking sensor beeps - does this go through the canbus as well?
Not fitted a aftermarket unit in years so no real experience with canbus setup.
You need to have a look at the right forum... I asked a mod to move your posting to the right one: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android-auto/android-head-units

BMW e90 keeps displaying metric instead of imperial on start up

I installed the Joying JY-BO124N3 Android head unit which works great. The problem I'm having is the car is displaying metric units on start up. To fix this, I have to go into the head unit settings and change to imperial/American units which will then display the correct units on the dash/climate control. The headunit itself always displays the correct Imperial units (mph, F, etc). I contacted the manufacturer who said it wasn't possible to permanently change through the head unit. The Eunavi Android head unit in my Toyota doesn't have this problem so I'm assuming the problem is with the BMW. Is there anyway I can permanently program/code out metric units so only Imperial information is displayed on my dash?
I did a review on the head unit and show this problem at 3:23:
hhttps://youtu.be/Qo9wvzU1L_s?t=203 (Delete the first 'h'. I can't post links on here yet)
kazbek1 said:
I installed the Joying JY-BO124N3 Android head unit which works great. The problem I'm having is the car is displaying metric units on start up. To fix this, I have to go into the head unit settings and change to imperial/American units which will then display the correct units on the dash/climate control. The headunit itself always displays the correct Imperial units (mph, F, etc). I contacted the manufacturer who said it wasn't possible to permanently change through the head unit. The Eunavi Android head unit in my Toyota doesn't have this problem so I'm assuming the problem is with the BMW. Is there anyway I can permanently program/code out metric units so only Imperial information is displayed on my dash?
I did a review on the head unit and show this problem at 3:23:
hhttps://youtu.be/Qo9wvzU1L_s?t=203 (Delete the first 'h'. I can't post links on here yet)
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Click to collapse
I can’t help other than to say I had the same issue with my BMW E90 and an Eonon unit so it seems like this might be an E90 thing with these aftermarket head units?
britain4 said:
I can’t help other than to say I had the same issue with my BMW E90 and an Eonon unit so it seems like this might be an E90 thing with these aftermarket head units?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah, thanks for the reply. This is super helpful. I'm just relieved to hear that someone (unfortunately) had the same issue as me. If my Joying and your Eonon are doing the same thing, then I can pretty much narrow down that it's on BMW's end.

xtrons pst90szk query

Hi, could anyone tell me if the xtron range units themselves are kinda generic? ie the main units are the same, only car brand fascia and iso harness supplied the differences? ive just aquired very cheap SUZUKI Android 9.0 Car Stereo with DSP (PST99SZK) unit, and looking at it it seems it can be unscrewed and removed from its suzuki specific facia, so my question is are the pinouts on the connections at the back on the different units the same, or are they different, and could i use this unit in my vehicle (2007 audi TT 8J) using this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004539995254.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.41681802yBnZsH
also is there custom rom that would be able to be flashed to this device?
Hal9k possible ???​

BMW e87 with Junsun 8259 8gb no car info...

So this is my problem:
Car: BMW 2005 e87 with original Flap screen working
1. I connected my Junsun Android 11 8259 8GB RAM 128GB storage to my car (I think I managed to get everything done right...). The Junsun headunit works very good, but there is no Car Info.
2. I coded my car with NCS Expert and NCS Dummy (FLAP nicht_aktiv) - triple checking everything, but still nothing in the Car Info app...
3. Today I decided to reconnect old Flap screen....but I don't get anything on that either...NOTHING...
4. Again, I decoded the ECU (FLAP aktiv), I triple checked everything...but nothing is displaying on the Flap screen...and can't get it to display on the Junsun Headunit either...
I just don't have any more ideas....
Whatever you think...I am willing to discuss it.


Hello everyone, i'm new here and know nothing about this stuff but im learning slowly . I bought at local dealer this radio Isudar T72 10'' screen, 4GB/32GB and place it in a VW Golf 7. everything is working fine and im happy with it but every then and there after the ignition of a car audio starts but screen is DEAD.
If i press buttons on a radio after half a minute screen gets activated. Next time radio works fine and so on......
I have also replaced the radio with a new one and today this error happend again. I been told that could be some error with CAN BUS of a car and the radio?!
Does anyone have any idea what could be a problem??
Thanks and bye
Hello. Do you have it properly wired and set to MQB?
How to connect car radio for MQB car(T72)
1. Connect the cable like this photo. 2. Pls connect car radio to wifi. 3. Choose car module on setting-factory setting-123456- select module.4. Choose canbox -Raise- VW- MQB- then pubic.
If you have a defective canbus box, write to the seller to send you a new one, or contact Isudar and buy a new one, specifying that you need an MQB golf 7.
ISUDAR Car Canbus Box
For some car dvd, the canbus is necessary. What conditions need to buy it? Your car is advanced configuration: With air conditioning display. With digital power amplifying speaker. With ceiling display.
Isudar T72 has TS10 UIS7862, try searching here, maybe someone has solved the same problem:
New TS10 UIS7862 6gb ram 128gb head unit q&a's
So I bit the bullet and bought myself this head unit: https://a.aliexpress.com/_9JZiHu Ad stated that unit is 4gb ts8, but unit shipped and arrived is 6gb TS10. Plugged everything up unit works nice and smooth as expected, but one seriously...
Try turning sleep on or off in the settings, page 16:
Thanks for the reply.
Just because i was affraid of this problems i took a car to this dealer who installed everything. Also as he said he never had problems and been already installing into this kind of cars. Now he sent me second radio but without canbus module. The error is the same.
My original radio didnt have separated MOB and it was all installed directly into the screen. Sleep mode doesnt affect much and its just too long to be activated every day.
Maybe we need to think also about replacing this canbus module.
I will check your links.
