Difficulties w/ BLU C5L - Blu Studio 5

I realize the BLU C5L is a very inexpensive (meaning cheap) phone and I'm not expecting some 'miracle cure to make it the latest, greatest phone ever". I'm having a number of issues w/ this phone and feel that re-flashing may/should be the answer(?) Right now ,#1. I can't even get WIN 10 to recognize the phone so that I could flash it. #2. read that phone needed to be rooted before flashing and I've tried 3 different programs and all get to 78 -83% and quit saying phone can't be rooted.(???) I've made sure I have USB debugging, 3rd party apps checked, and MTP checked. Oh, that's another thing, MTP will NOT stay on...upon sleep, shutdown or comp to phone disconnect, it always reverts to PTP. C'mon, is Android 8.1 GO that difficult? Sure would appreciate some "know-how" concerning this phone. THANX
Addendum: Just tried KingRoot (again) and it and said " too many phones connected select only one device" Yea, well...had only one???? got that solved and next: "KingRoot says failed to obtain root permission" C'mon...it can't be that difficult on such a cheap phone??? ANYONE....what the hell is going on? Hope to hear from someone who knows about this phone and what I need to do to get it rooted/re-flashed. THANX


Phone has 2 ESN's...Activation problems!

Ok here is the deal.
The the phone has two esn's. THe one on the back of the phone underneath the battery is a clean esn. The one inside the phone belongs to someone on a different account and she (sprint used she thats how i know its a girl) has her phone activated on her account with no problems.
They can't use the clean esn on the back of the phone to get the msl because the msl to unlock the phone belongs to the girls account. We can't go into the settins and remove her esn and put mine in.
If we try using esn from the back of the phone to get the msl the msl wont unlock the phone.
I have to bring it to a coperate store tomorrow morning. The sprint tech said that they may be able to completly wipe the phone and the esn should return to the one on the back of the phone.
If the coperate store can't do it, is it possible for me to change the esn of the phone to the esn thats on the back of the phone. Im not trying to do anything illegal. The phone is clean the esn is clean, it belongs to me However its just recognizing her esn instead of the one that belongs to the phone.
I flashed the swiss cheese rom if I odin back to stock will coperate know that I rooted the phone?
I dont want to return the phone becuase I got a really great deal. 180$ and its in mint condition. but the seller offered a full return.
First, thnxs for creating a new thread and not hijacking the other... If you Odin back to stock, they shoudln't know anything about you rooting your phone, but fwiw, don't offer any additional information about custom roms or anything... If they ask you anything about it, pretend not to know...
The fact that you got such a great deal on the phone, means the seller probably new there was an issue to begin with... After your trip to Corporate, if you are not satisfied, you can either return the phone for a full refund (if that is what the seller guaranteed) or see if you can get a discount or a new one from Corporate... I've had to take my phone back already and they didn't have any refurbs yet to hand out... I've only had my phone for about 2 months...
Edit: After you Odin back to stock, see what happens... You may clear out whatever issue is on the phone to begin with... Worth a shot...
I really didn't want to hold up that rom thread anymore. I figured I would get more attention if I created a thread.
debonairone said:
First, thnxs for creating a new thread and not hijacking the other... If you Odin back to stock, they shoudln't know anything about you rooting your phone, but fwiw, don't offer any additional information about custom roms or anything... If they ask you anything about it, pretend not to know...
The fact that you got such a great deal on the phone, means the seller probably new there was an issue to begin with... After your trip to Corporate, if you are not satisfied, you can either return the phone for a full refund (if that is what the seller guaranteed) or see if you can get a discount or a new one from Corporate... I've had to take my phone back already and they didn't have any refurbs yet to hand out... I've only had my phone for about 2 months...
Edit: After you Odin back to stock, see what happens... You may clear out whatever issue is on the phone to begin with... Worth a shot...
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Yeah I was planning on playing stupid.
Do you mean that they will offer of a new epic? I probably need to put 7$ protection on it then huh? I just bought it but I bought it on ebay.
I will odin back to stock tonight. I am waiting for my usb cables. They say they should be in today.
If they wont give me a new phone will it be possible for me to program the esn into the phone?
Im a complete noob when it comes to android but I would be willing to learn and give it a shot.
Giving the phone back is pretty much my last option. I really dont want to. I already spent around 50 dollars on accesories for this phone.
Corporate may or may not make you an offer for a new device, but I would put the insurance on the phone anyway... Purchasing off of eBay may only allow you to take advantage of the typical mfg warranty, and not one offered by your isp... the insurance on the phone (which you will be adding) usually doesn't ask for proof of purchase, but they usually reserve the right to provide a refurb product of equal or greater value...
Again, reprogramming the ESN for the phone is illegal, even if it the correct one (the premise is that if you can do it, then you will do it even when the ESN is incorrect)... Your option there would be to leave it to Corporate, and they may not do it... They may swap out your phone and then fix it and sell it as refurb...
As for the accessories, if the last option becomes the only option, you can probably find the phone at your local Radio Shack with a $100 down and walk out of the store with a new device and a two year shackle (errr contract)...
Good Luck...
Edit: Oh, and any micro usb cable will work... Especially one from a blackberry - nice, thick and sturdy...
regardless of your esn...you can get your current msl with a free market app
msl reader
your msl is not tied to the esn
your phone was reprogrammed...there is no mistake
without delving too much on this forum because its not permitted...i will say this
the epic is an easy phone to program
and for the record...the epic is an MEID device...the ESN is calculated from the MEID
It's possible to "repair the ESN" though it, along with the discussion surrounding that topic are both highly frowned upon. It is not for someone who lacks a relatively deep understanding of CDMA (and Google!) so I would suggest looking around local classified ads to see if someone is able to assist with reverting back to stock.
With Epic's being so cheap now through BB/RS/Sprint, it may be wise just to buy it from there and call it a day.
ok guys I may have found a way but my first obstacle is that my phone wont go into USB debugging.
I turn it on and connect the usb but it doesn't say usb debuggin in the notification taskbar.
If I try turning it off while the usb is connected it tells me. "Attention Usb is connected. Remove the cable"
When I connect the usb it tells me that usb is connected.
If I turn usb debugging off and connect the cable it tells me the same thing.
The phone wont go into usb debugging mode.
Im on the swiss cheese rom.
I know the cable works because My Optimus S goes into usb debugging mode when I connect the cable.
Can you guys help me.
why do you need usb debugging?
just curious
go into your dialer and press ##8778#
then change the usb mode to modem (leave uart alone)
may require doing it twice if it pops out of modem mode
then plug your usb cable in
as far as Sprint and their 'system' or network are concerned.. the msl that they have on record that shows up when they enter the MEID, IS the msl that you would need to program back into the phone along with the MEID that's under the battery.
If they run the MEID that's under the battery and it comes back clean, then you're in good shape. .. The corporate store isn't gonna use any software that will write the correct MEID back to the phone.
If you're decent with a computer, and a search engine, I'm willing to bet that you can write the MEID back to the phone that belongs to it and get it activated properly.
Wouldn't be a bad idea to have the corporate store write down that msl (that belongs to the "under the battery MEID' for you as well.. you'll need to write that back to it as well.
PM me if you need a little guidance.
Further discussion is frowned upon but I might have a suggestion or two for you
eigerzoom said:
why do you need usb debugging?
just curious
go into your dialer and press ##8778#
then change the usb mode to modem (leave uart alone)
may require doing it twice if it pops out of modem mode
then plug your usb cable in
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thank you but it didn't work..
and its Uart is on modem and usb is on modem.
I shut off the phone put in the ##8778# and its both is on modem.
Having the same problem
guys Im not trying to break the law or do some magic with the esn...
I just want this phone activated. I payed for it. The esn is clean. SPrint even told me. So i dont understand what the big deal is.
Try this. opin Odin. load a tar file EB13 or EC05 or what ever one. on the checkboxes make sure the Phone EFS clear its checked. that will restore the factory ESN back to the phone.. I this know because my epic its on boost mobile. and by accident I checked that box when going back to stock ROM and my boost ESN disapiered completely and it went back to the ESN printed in back of my phone.. I was so freaking pissed. so i had to reflash my boost esn to go back to boost again. so in other words what i did proofs that checking that box will wipe any other ESN and it returns the phone back to original ESN.. So remember check the normal Auto reboot along with Phone EFS clear. let me know if that worked out...
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Here is a recommendation from another member. BUt i first have to get my phone to go into usb debugging which its not and its starting to piss me off
USB should be set to PDA for normal everyday usage...
set USB mode to PDA
thats probably why you were having usb issues
i thought you were trying to program the phone which needs USB set to modem mode
UART should always be set to modem mode
the fact that it was already in modem mode is your proof the previous owner modified the phone
all phones ship and function in USB PDA mode
eigerzoom said:
USB should be set to PDA for normal everyday usage...
set USB mode to PDA
thats probably why you were having usb issues
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still having the same problem.
My optimus S goes into usb debugging no problem with this cable.
what are you trying to do?
i think is the more relevant question here
Modmyppc said:
guys Im not trying to break the law or do some magic with the esn...
I just want this phone activated. I payed for it. The esn is clean. SPrint even told me. So i dont understand what the big deal is.
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the big deal is that you're in need of "repairing the MEID" on the phone.. it's jacked up and you need a solution to repair the MEID.. the solution is very easy however, we're not able to discuss exactly how to do it on XDA. It's forbidden according to their rules.
What I suggest is sending any member (myself included) a PM and try to get help that way. It's very easy to do.
USB debugging is not necessary, and Odin won't fix your dilemma.
just sayin'
listen to daddymikey
eigerzoom said:
what are you trying to do?
i think is the more relevant question here
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Im trying to get usb debuggin on. I want to flash back to stock using odin but my phone wont go into usb debugging mode.
If I turn on usb debugging and connect the usb cable nothing is happening. It doesn't say usb debugging up top.
If I go to try to unselect usb debugging while the cable is in it tells me "Attention: USB is connected. Remove the cable"
If I turn usb debuggin off, connect the cable and try turning it back on its giving me the same message. ""Attention: USB is connected. Remove the cable"
So my question is at the moment how do I turn on usb debugging.
I have to solve this tonight because tomorrow morning it needs to go to the coperate store
daddymikey1975 said:
the big deal is that you're in need of "repairing the MEID" on the phone.. it's jacked up and you need a solution to repair the MEID.. the solution is very easy however, we're not able to discuss exactly how to do it on XDA. It's forbidden according to their rules.
What I suggest is sending any member (myself included) a PM and try to get help that way. It's very easy to do.
USB debugging is not necessary, and Odin won't fix your dilemma.
just sayin'
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Modmyppc said:
Im trying to get usb debuggin on. I want to flash back to stock using odin but my phone wont go into usb debugging mode.
If I turn on usb debugging and connect the usb cable nothing is happening. It doesn't say usb debugging up top.
If I go to try to unselect usb debugging while the cable is in it tells me "Attention: USB is connected. Remove the cable"
If I turn usb debuggin off, connect the cable and try turning it back on its giving me the same message. ""Attention: USB is connected. Remove the cable"
So my question is at the moment how do I turn on usb debugging.
I have to solve this tonight because tomorrow morning it needs to go to the coperate store
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To get your phone recognized in order to use Odin, you don't need USB debugging..
1. shut the phone off
2. slide keyboard open
3. hold down '1' while powering on
4. when the yellow triangle shows up you're on 'download' mode.
This is the proper 'mode' to be in to use Odin.
USB debugging is for using 1 click root methods.
daddymikey1975 said:
To get your phone recognized in order to use Odin, you don't need USB debugging..
1. shut the phone off
2. slide keyboard open
3. hold down '1' while powering on
4. when the yellow triangle shows up you're on 'download' mode.
This is the proper 'mode' to be in to use Odin.
USB debugging is for using 1 click root methods.
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This is true. Do what daddymikey says. Once your phone is stock, let us know if your MEID in the phone and the one on the label are the same. A ROM flash before activation could have caused such a simple issue.
By the way, I don't think you can put insurance on a device that has been pre-owned, can you? Only with new devices purchased directly from them, right?... I know when I was working at "The Red-checkmark Network", they wouldn't let you do it. Can you with Sprint?
ArchangelRenzoku said:
This is true. Do what daddymikey says. Once your phone is stock, let us know if your MEID in the phone and the one on the label are the same. A ROM flash before activation could have caused such a simple issue.
By the way, I don't think you can put insurance on a device that has been pre-owned, can you? Only with new devices purchased directly from them, right?... I know when I was working at "The Red-checkmark Network", they wouldn't let you do it. Can you with Sprint?
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yes, yes you can.
archangelrenzoku said:
once your phone is stock, let us know if your meid in the phone and the one on the label are the same. A rom flash before activation could have caused such a simple issue.
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this is bs
please shut up and leave this thread immediately
you cannot ever alter your meid/esn with a rom/kernel/recovery
why would you even feel compelled to reply with suck lack of knowledge?

I think I cooked my USB functionality.

Hey gang. Wondering if you can help me with a strange issue I've got. I can't seem to connect my phone to my computer via USB. Wondering if anyone could help determine if there's a possibility of repair or not.
==Possibly relevant info==
Samsung Vibrant
Android 2.2 Froyo
Kernel version:
Build number: FROYO.UVKB5
==End relevant info==
So, my USB is acting up. Has been for the last few months, where although it charges when I plug into a computer, it's not connecting to allow data transfer. I haven't been too terribly worried, this happened before then cured itself when I did a factory reset. The thing that usually triggered it was when I tried connecting to my linux box in media player mode. The phone would just kinda lock up, I'd have to restart it and then USB wouldn't connect. But after doing the factory reset it was fine the first time. THIS time however, since I'd just left it stock now I'm itching to flash a custom rom but even though I've wiped the whole stupid phone totally clean, it still won't connect. I'm trying to follow a method on an article on dkszone.net called "Bypass E - Signature Verification Fail Issue On Vibrant Android 2.2".
So it seems I need USB for the debug mode.
What I think my main problem is, and where I need some help, is that I had purchased a super cheapwad USB car charger off of amazon for like 35 cents. Every time I connected to it, my phone would ask me if I wanted to connect using kies, media player mode, or data storage mode. I thought it was annoying but didn't really think it would harm anything. But now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably been pumping 5v into each pin on the USB port, whereas the USB functionality uses probably 3.3v, and I'm afraid I cooked something.
The random part here though is that about 5% of the time it does (sortof) connect. It brings up the USB options when I want to connect, brings up the icon saying it's using debug mode, etc. But my machine just reports that it didn't recognize the USB device. So, I'm thinking it's on the fritz, but figured I'd check here to see if I could possibly find a ray of hope.
Scooterx3 said:
So it seems I need USB for the debug mode.
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You can use ADB over tcpip. There's many a free widget to enable it on google play or Do it manually
Thanks for that, I had been wondering if there wasn't a way to do that over wifi. My issue is that sadly I haven't even rooted the phone. ADB over WiFi requires root, whether I do it manually or use one of those super sweet apps.
So anyways, guess what?
My brother in law has the same phone I do, and I grabbed his phone one day and plugged it into my computers and had the same problem as with my own, and I know he hadn't plugged into the same charger I had, hadn't tried the media mode on Linux like I had (which were what I thought were the big contributing factors). SO, I kept digging, found that I hadn't quite yet cleaned it properly. I'd tried my best to clean it but until I swabbed it well with some rubbing alcohol it wasn't as clean as it should've been.
Long story short, I'm backing everything up so I can start flashing roms.
Moral: just clean the dang thing really well

[Q] Formated Nexus 7 2012, now what?

Hello all!
I'm just guna say, this might get long winded so, TLDR, Nexus 7 has no OS, I can get into the boot loader, the only thing I can actually do is get into TWRP v2.8.01, computer doesn't recognize it, can't get it to even see a flash drive that I've formatted to Fat32, now what?
For those who want some background. I got my N7 refurbished from ebay, if that matters at all. First thing I did was update it to Kitkat and root it. Installed some apps and was happy with it for a few months. About a month or so ago it stopped connecting to the Google Play Store. I wasn't bothered by it too much. But as time goes on, I find new apps and would like to use them. But obviously can not.
So, just to be safe, I wrote down all the apps I still had on it just in case they didn't want to load back up. Did a factory reset, still couldn't connect. Looked online and cleared caches and stopped services. Still didn't work. When I went onto the GPS, heh, on my computer it said that I had no devices so that was a clue of some sort. I could still go onto Youtube and log in and use it just fine. Just nothing in the store. So I decided to try something else.
What that was was to clear all my data with TWRP. Went to put in my email and password, couldn't connect, tried another wifi connection, still no go. I was able to use it, but the Play Store still didn't want to play nice. So in a bit of, "rage" we'll call it. I formatted it and now I'm where I am now. With a tablet that won't boot, just sit at the Google logo for up to 5 mins, as long as I've let it sit there for anyway. I have downloaded the Nexus Root Kit and tried to use that, but my computer won't even see my N7 now. In the bootloader or TWRP. So I can't even get anything onto it now.
So, what now? Do I have a bricked tablet that won't do anything or is there something an Android Guru out there can help me with? I'd like to keep it. I mainly used it to read and for various videos.
I have posted on forums.androidcentral but after a week and almost 300 views, no one has made any comments. I'm sorry for my ignorance if I'm missing something.
Thanks! I shall be hoping for good news.
So, does ADB recognize your tablet or not when you type "fastboot devices"?
I take it you mean shift+right clicking in the platform tools folder, open command window here, and typing that into the command prompt? If so, then no, it doesn't show up.
Waslow said:
I take it you mean shift+right clicking in the platform tools folder, open command window here, and typing that into the command prompt? If so, then no, it doesn't show up.
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Can you go into the bootloader? Did you install the right drivers?
I can get into the boot loader just fine. Recovery sends me to TWRP 2.8.01. I've got the drivers from the Android SDK Manager, Rev. 11 apparently. Would that be any different from the standard drivers that get installed when you hook up the N7? Well, when it works?
Waslow said:
I can get into the boot loader just fine. Recovery sends me to TWRP 2.8.01. I've got the drivers from the Android SDK Manager, Rev. 11 apparently. Would that be any different from the standard drivers that get installed when you hook up the N7? Well, when it works?
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That is correct. Use this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48915118#post48915118
And if doesn't work check in device manager.
If it works flash the latest factory image and then you will be good to go
I've already had that installed and set up and nothing pops up in the device manager. I've also tried all the usb ports on my computer to no avail.
Waslow said:
I've already had that installed and set up and nothing pops up in the device manager. I've also tried all the usb ports on my computer to no avail.
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Then try the driver manual in nexus root toolkit
I can follow the instructions, but that doesn't resolve the fact that my computer can't see the Nexus .
go into device manager and delete every single entry that suggests anything to do with a phone, tablet, google device, nexus device, ETC. if you dont do that first, this will probably not work.
once you delete every single entry in there, go to the top command bar and somewhere in those menus is an option to show disconnected devices. delete everything again as above.
now, does your tablet still charge on the AC plugged into the wall? does it still charge when plugged into the computer usb? drivers are NOT required for usb to supply power. if so, the usb connector is probably OK. if not, your usb connector may be toast.
next, connect to the computer. does windows show any device connected? if not, try a different usb cable. report your findings back.
Sorry for the late reply.
There is nothing in the device manager related to my Nexus, which is odd, it had entries for flash drives, a camera, and my phone. All of which were in the disconnected devices. I got rid of just for the sake of it. Nexus charges just fine, either from the wall or any of my usb ports. If there is no way to make ANY computer see my Nexus, is it safe to say it's bricked?
I do have a cousin who's fluent in Linux if that means anything. I know that Android is a flavor of it. Might work better if both devices speak the same language. Grasping for straws I know.
Again, thanks for the help fwayfarer, GtrCraft, and Fobos531!
If I am reading right, you did NOT try a new USB CABLE yet, did you?
Try a known good USB cable, what I mean by that is try a cable you KNOW works for data transfer on another device and report back.
Connecting it to a Linux machine isn't going to make any difference in my opinion.
I have 2 cables and they transfer things just fine with my phone and my Kindle. I just downloaded everything off of both things, and transferred them back. No issue with the cables. I just popped open my Nexus and it looks like the usb connector and ribbon are fine. I did wiggle them a little but to no avail.
Pull the battery cable, smash the power button for a few minutes, reconnect and try again. It won't recognize a USB thumb drive in bootloader or recovery to my knowledge, BTW. I noticed you mentioned it not seeing one.
I unplugged the battery, hit the power switch for a while, plugged the battery back in, plugged the usb back in, nothing. Still nothing. I had read before that you can put the version of android you wanted on a flash drive. With an otg cable you could use that to update/install what you wanted.
You're probably right, I haven't tried using one in recovery for a long time. You didn't change the battery or anything recently did you?
Nope, haven't replaced anything in the Nexus. The only thing that I could think of that could be wrong is the usb connector. But for it to "fail" at the same time I formatted everything, too much of a coincidence.
Over a week bump
I ran into a similar problem about a year ago. Unless your tablet is connected to the computer you will not see it show up it the windows device manager. You should be able to connect your N7 to a work computer & it should go out for the drivers. If not, then you are Sol. You might have a blown main board.
The only thing my N7 does when I plug it in, is that it charges. That's the only thing I can get it to do. Well, this sucks. If I really have a bricked, or worse, tablet, it's still good for its screen and other bits.

Fully bricked Nexus 7 2012, not the same brick as always. Just read it.

I have read every single thread that exists on the internet about this problem, the bootloops, the faulty bootloaders, the wrong rooting and image installations, every single posible way to brick this piece of device that everyone seems to have problems with. Yet none of them has gave me a solution. First of all, it's my girlfrinds tablet, she told me that one day, she tried to upgrade the android software and while it was installing it, the tablet bricked. She was able to go to fastload mode (power + volume up) we've tried recovery mode, factory reset, every option there, nothing. She gave me the tablet, I plugged it on my pc and used Nexus Root Kit to install a new android software to the device. After a painful search of how to make the Kit recognize the tablet because usb debugging was not on, I was able to start the process of installing the new software. Yet, in the middle of the installation, the micro-usb moved a little bit and the tablet got disconected. The process was cancelled and the tablet screen froze. I turned the tablet off and that was when it just bricked and never wanted to turn back on. Neither with any combination of the buttons, nor while leaving it charging a long time, nor any possible solution the internet may have about this. Just fully totally and simply bricked. Yet, when I connect it to my pc (windows 7 ultimate 64 bits) sometimes, it reads it as an unknown device, sometimes it reads it as a random APX device, and when I install any kind of drivers that already exist on every thread that there is about it, it reads it as an ASUS Transforme Prime APX Interface, yet the tablet never displays anything, and I'm not able to access it in any way nor make any changes to it whatsoever. I live in a country were there is no google or asus techical support, and third-party technical supporters are dumb as f***. My girlfrind took the tablet to 2 other places before giving it to me and they said to her that "it didn't have any software installed" (which was wrong) and that "it was beyond repair" (which was also wrong). The only thing I want to know is: is there any way to fix it now? or do I just have a very nice and fancy paperweight in my hands.
Makatown said:
I have read every single thread that exists on the internet about this problem, the bootloops, the faulty bootloaders, the wrong rooting and image installations, every single posible way to brick this piece of device that everyone seems to have problems with. Yet none of them has gave me a solution. First of all, it's my girlfrinds tablet, she told me that one day, she tried to upgrade the android software and while it was installing it, the tablet bricked. She was able to go to fastload mode (power + volume up) we've tried recovery mode, factory reset, every option there, nothing. She gave me the tablet, I plugged it on my pc and used Nexus Root Kit to install a new android software to the device. After a painful search of how to make the Kit recognize the tablet because usb debugging was not on, I was able to start the process of installing the new software. Yet, in the middle of the installation, the micro-usb moved a little bit and the tablet got disconected. The process was cancelled and the tablet screen froze. I turned the tablet off and that was when it just bricked and never wanted to turn back on. Neither with any combination of the buttons, nor while leaving it charging a long time, nor any possible solution the internet may have about this. Just fully totally and simply bricked. Yet, when I connect it to my pc (windows 7 ultimate 64 bits) sometimes, it reads it as an unknown device, sometimes it reads it as a random APX device, and when I install any kind of drivers that already exist on every thread that there is about it, it reads it as an ASUS Transforme Prime APX Interface, yet the tablet never displays anything, and I'm not able to access it in any way nor make any changes to it whatsoever. I live in a country were there is no google or asus techical support, and third-party technical supporters are dumb as f***. My girlfrind took the tablet to 2 other places before giving it to me and they said to her that "it didn't have any software installed" (which was wrong) and that "it was beyond repair" (which was also wrong). The only thing I want to know is: is there any way to fix it now? or do I just have a very nice and fancy paperweight in my hands.
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Your thread will be moved to Nexus 7 Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting.Experts there may be able to help you
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Ha, yes...same boat and similar situation happened where USB became disconnected during bootloader flash. Surprised there haven't been any snarky comments made on your (and now my) situation. I have a totally non-responsive device now and Windows is also not recognizing the USB device (because it does not respond back when attempting to connect/mount). Looks like the only magic at this point would be cracking open and trying a completely different path to restoring, otherwise it is time to find a nice door needing a doorstop!

USB won't recognize.

Do I need some proprietary USB dongle accessory for my G5 Plus for it to connect to my PC? Because I've tried ten different cables over the weekend and the damn phone won't do anything but charge when I connect it to my PC. No dropdown MTP menu selection, no camera mode, nothing. My PC just whines about it not recognizing a USB device and my phone simply charges albeit slowly. I haven't updated my phone at all since I got it on Friday because I don't want to risk screwing root up. Should I try that? I just want to root my damn phone already.
Attempt at helping you, appeasing the karma gods
bizarroted said:
Do I need some proprietary USB dongle accessory for my G5 Plus for it to connect to my PC? Because I've tried ten different cables over the weekend and the damn phone won't do anything but charge when I connect it to my PC. No dropdown MTP menu selection, no camera mode, nothing. My PC just whines about it not recognizing a USB device and my phone simply charges albeit slowly. I haven't updated my phone at all since I got it on Friday because I don't want to risk screwing root up. Should I try that? I just want to root my damn phone already.
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Hi there: I'm currently soft-bricked, and trying to find my way back to life. I mention that because I can't step through what I'm about to say, it's coming from my human memory. I'm sure some subsequent poster will explain something, give attitude and tell us both how stupid we are, but that's just how it goes.
Assumptions I'm making: You're running windows on your PC, because you said "my pc whines...." sounds like windows to me!
So, as I recall, you need two things to get your pc to "see" your device in windows explorer.
1. Proper Drivers
2. A selection change in the MTP menu
For drivers, windows sometimes does this for you, it works sometimes depending on your windows flavor and your device brand. You can work this angle by looking at usb entries in device manager for yellow warnings or red exclamation marks to see if you're over the driver hurdle. Or you can search for installers of just the drivers for the Moto G5 plus, or you can install Motorola device manager, which installs the drivers.
So if you fix that, your pc won't whine when you plug the device in on usb, but you still can't see it in explorer without going from USB charging to "transfer files". I believe you have to pull the notifications shade down once or maybe even twice where you'll see a list. Because I've been rooted and had usb debugging enabled in the past mine had two entries, and it was the second one at the bottom where I could use it to go from "charging only" to "transfer files".
At that point, your pc should make the thump thump sound and your phone should appear under "this PC" in windows explorer.
To the gods of Android karma. Gimme a break, forgive me for my sins of the past and breathe life back into my primary communication device. Open my blind eyes and give me the understanding to ignore the noise and focus on the message. Lead me to the promised land as I remain your humble servant.
crea95ms said:
Hi there: I'm currently soft-bricked, and trying to find my way back to life. I mention that because I can't step through what I'm about to say, it's coming from my human memory. I'm sure some subsequent poster will explain something, give attitude and tell us both how stupid we are, but that's just how it goes.
Assumptions I'm making: You're running windows on your PC, because you said "my pc whines...." sounds like windows to me!
So, as I recall, you need two things to get your pc to "see" your device in windows explorer.
1. Proper Drivers
2. A selection change in the MTP menu
For drivers, windows sometimes does this for you, it works sometimes depending on your windows flavor and your device brand. You can work this angle by looking at usb entries in device manager for yellow warnings or red exclamation marks to see if you're over the driver hurdle. Or you can search for installers of just the drivers for the Moto G5 plus, or you can install Motorola device manager, which installs the drivers.
So if you fix that, your pc won't whine when you plug the device in on usb, but you still can't see it in explorer without going from USB charging to "transfer files". I believe you have to pull the notifications shade down once or maybe even twice where you'll see a list. Because I've been rooted and had usb debugging enabled in the past mine had two entries, and it was the second one at the bottom where I could use it to go from "charging only" to "transfer files".
At that point, your pc should make the thump thump sound and your phone should appear under "this PC" in windows explorer.
To the gods of Android karma. Gimme a break, forgive me for my sins of the past and breathe life back into my primary communication device. Open my blind eyes and give me the understanding to ignore the noise and focus on the message. Lead me to the promised land as I remain your humble servant.
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You assume correctly, win7 64bit. Oh I neglected to mention, I've already installed the drivers and the moto manager but my phone won't show me the MTP menu in the dropdown shade when I connect it to my PC via usb and my PC continues to give me the USB device not recognized prompt on my taskbar. I got it to work for half a minute with one cable on saturday but then my internet cut out before I could do anything. The cable stopped working right afterwards too. I already have USB debugging enabled and I haven't bothered to update the phone yet, I'm gonna go to best buy and try finding a new usb cable since all of the ones I have now are old or not meant for phones. I'd use the one my phone came with but I friggin left it at my friends house way up in gloucester and I really don't feel like driving for an hour when I could just get a new one right down the street, you feel me?
