I have an Allwinner T8 which had been working fine until yesterday. It's running stock firmware and unrooted. Yesterday coming home from work it started to boot loop. The radio would come on for a few seconds, then go off, the display constantly shoing the turning android.
I had hoped it was just hot as it was a very hot day, but was the same this morning. I've tried pressing the reset button to no avail, it just no longer plays a radio station as it's lost the stored stations.
I cannot seem to find a way to get into recovery mode, tried plugging in a USB keyboard and pressing "i" and CTRL-PrintScrn but nothing.
Can anyone offer any advice before it ends up as landfill?
I have the same problem with an Allwinner T8 team.
I have a 2016 jeep renegade sport plus. Supposedly the android team is a winca S300.
And it was in a loop, it does not start the system and it stays in the android logo.
I saw a way for the system to update itself.
1) the key must be connected - without starting - just making contact - power -
2) when the device reaches the android logo, it must be reset.
3) When the equipment is restarted, before the logo appears, the ignition key must be turned and removed.
4) After that, the start key must be reconnected. This should bring up an update banner.
The problem is finding that software, which should be previously installed on a flash drive.
Does anyone know how to get it?
Hi, I have a question, how can I do a hard reset to my unit? is an MCU1: HW8227L-3.3-SW0-1.9 WITH ANDROID 8.0, I already tried to do several YouTube tutorials but I could not, it brings two wires of key 1 and 2. try to change the logo and the wallpaper and after turning it off, it is no longer turned on normally because it does not even show the android logo and starts to restart.
I have a PX6 STM32 RK3399 - it was running the standard software that it was shipped with.
I did a 'Reset MCU' from the standard menu in my head unit to try and clear all the data from it. Unfortunately it didn't work. It started getting a corrupt boot logo then going blank. After many reboots it is now blank all the time. I can see the backlight is on, which goes off when use a pin on the reset button, but that is the most I get. I have tried holding down the reset button, trying to power/volume up buttons but nothing works. I had a look at the PX5 bricked thread, but I dont seem to have the pins which he has.
Are there any other ways to fix this? The USB doesn't seem to be powered/enabled.
Hi there,
After doing an upgrade my unit it stuck with a black screen and need to get into recovery mode in order to reload a working firmware.
Anyone any idea how to get there?
Tried the reset button for some time with and without home or on/off button and also removed the power source and pressed reset while putting power back but nothing seems to work
So i'm stuck for now :crying:
Any help?
Did you ever get your unit fixed? Did you try restarting with a USB plugged in with the firmware file on it?
No sorry... never got it working again. Had to send it back for a replacement unit.
I've been doing a lot of back and forth with their support on another issue and I've updated my MCU and software so many times now I thought maybe I'd be able to give you a hand.
Do you use any navigation apps on your Avant4? When I use ones that have voice navigation, the voice is getting truncated at the start and end of the directions. Some apps more than others and it seems to be related to those apps that use TTS (Text to Speech).
I'm using Waze via Android Auto. So i'm not having this problem.
So it runs from your phone and just displays on the Avant4? I have Waze running on the unit directly and it gets truncated.
I have al running on my phone and use a Android Auto box.
U can buy it from Avin USA. See website for all options on your Avant4.
wouterverboom said:
No sorry... never got it working again. Had to send it back for a replacement unit.
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If you hold the volume knob until it starts blinking then let go and hold it down again it will boot the unit into recovery mode.
Hello everyone,
I have a problem:
Out of nowhere, my Head Unit turn the music to the max volume, the button response after a maximum of 10 seconds, then I can turn down the volume. Also sometime, if I press anywhere on the screen, the radio turns off or restarts.
think is something related to the software.
Is there any update for this headunit? i attach some photos of the MCU and system version.
I tried to find the device's name/model and updates, but without success. (I've tried already factory reset).
thanks in advance for thinking along.
Greetz from Amsterdam
Hi, try first disconnecting canbus box if you have it at all on this device. Then start up head unit without canbus and wait for 30 sec then shut down headunit and car engine.
Connect canbus again on the back.
Start in contact mode of car, and as soon as unit starts start tapping on center of screen with all five fingers. When reovery mode activated it will proceed automatically and finish. (procedure will erase data and install again!)
Then try if errors and bugs are fixed.
Hello, just an update. Unfortunately this trick doesn't work. Is there a software update for it?
Ask your seller for solution, probably will be or you must do complete install / flash of ROM memory and install again everything.
Hey guys, I've been playing with my device, trying to set up a booting logo (to be mazda instead of android) and the device asked me to update and restart, so it completely froze. No button works, nothing works it's just a screen with green lines, you can see the pictures below. Only the RST hole that I can poke, but it just brings me back to the same thing when it restarts. There's nothing else I can do, so I found a software to update it, I've tried many, with a USB, it brings me to the updating screen but it doesn't move, I've waited for hours with different softwares. What can I do? Is there a better one I can use?
Thank you