Since Android 11 some apps stopped working in background - Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers

Every time i am driving my car i am using Blitzer for speed cameras and Amigo for warnings on the speed limit. Since i updated the S10+ with Android 11 i have noticed that as soon the display goes dark, both apps stop working. With this, i mean they both lose GPS connection so i do not receive any warning. Did not have any problem before the update, now i do not know what to do. I've tried everything. They are both NOT battery optimized, with all permissions granted, an still nothing works. What is worse is that even the GPS connection is not so stable as before. It takes a lot more time to get a GPS signal although i did not change any setting.
Does anyone had the same problems?
Thanks in advance!
Later edit
So, for those interested, i have solved the problem for both apps.
For Amigo (by TomTom) the solution i have found it was switching the Location permission from "Only when it's in use" to app to "Always". It started working again in the background.
For i have the solution by accident. The culprit was a Bixby routine that was suppose to start the app as soon as it was connecting to my car's bluetooth.
As soon as i started the app manually everything started to work again in the background.
I would like to point out again that both apps were working just fine until i have updated to Android 11.
Hope that my findings will help also someone else having similar problems.
Happy Easter !


[Q] Compass not working in GPS Status

I got my N10 about a week ago. Updated to 4.3, unlocked & rooted, still running stock ROM. When I run GPS Status, it gets a GPS lock pretty quickly however the compass doesn't work. It just points forward with no orientation or pitch/roll. I installed another compass app that I've used before & that doesn't work either. Is this happening for anyone else? I'm concerned it could be a hardware issue, but I did notice that when I use Google Maps, the compass seems to work and the orientation is fairly accurate. Google Sky Map works as well.
I've restarted the device several times. I've uninstalled/reinstalled GPS Status. I've wiped cache/dalvik. I want to assume it's just a app bug, but I haven't seen anyone else reporting it. And the app was updated just last week.
Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestion on other ways to test my N10 to rule out that it's a hardware issue?
Gps status
sharksfan7 said:
I got my N10 about a week ago. Updated to 4.3, unlocked & rooted, still running stock ROM. When I run GPS Status, it gets a GPS lock pretty quickly however the compass doesn't work. It just points forward with no orientation or pitch/roll. I installed another compass app that I've used before & that doesn't work either. Is this happening for anyone else? I'm concerned it could be a hardware issue, but I did notice that when I use Google Maps, the compass seems to work and the orientation is fairly accurate. Google Sky Map works as well.
I've restarted the device several times. I've uninstalled/reinstalled GPS Status. I've wiped cache/dalvik. I want to assume it's just a app bug, but I haven't seen anyone else reporting it. And the app was updated just last week.
Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestion on other ways to test my N10 to rule out that it's a hardware issue?
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I have the same problem on my Nexus 10. Upgraded to 4.3, device not rooted just stock. Have you found an answer?
southtynesider said:
I have the same problem on my Nexus 10. Upgraded to 4.3, device not rooted just stock. Have you found an answer?
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No I haven't. Even emailed the developer but never got a reply. However I discovered that if I go to Menu > Radar, the compass will release & rotate. Switch back to Status & it continues to work, at least until you close and restart the app. Hopefully if enough people report this, an update will fix it.
Gps status
sharksfan7 said:
No I haven't. Even emailed the developer but never got a reply. However I discovered that if I go to Menu > Radar, the compass will release & rotate. Switch back to Status & it continues to work, at least until you close and restart the app. Hopefully if enough people report this, an update will fix it.
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Thanks for your help. That works OK until you restart the app or reboot. At least I have a working fix and I'll put a comment on the developers web site. The app works fine on my Samsung S4 - maybe its a 4.3 related problem.
Thanks again.

[Q] Defy XT-535 GPS Problems

I have a Motorola XT-535 with ICS 4.0.4, and recently I did a factory reset, which ended in having basic android features in my phone (OS was fine, but there was no launcher, keyboard, Play store, etc.)...
I managed to install everything in my phone, and was glad to see that I had not any "spam" apps that were included in the chinese ICS update.
Problem is, I use Waze a lot, and now that I am using it, the GPS connects and disconnects frequently, and having lag while driving with GPS navigation on, something that didn´t happened before.
The thing is, GPS works, but can´t keep the connection steady with satellites or something and keeps disconnecting very frequently.
What do you recommend besides flashing again chinese ICS?
Thank you,

Bluetooth audio "stutter" on wake/unlock?

Recently picked up the 6P (still stock on lastest FW) and have only one issue with it.
When I am steaming audio over bluetooth in my car (usually using Play Music), if I wakeup/unlock the device, the audio stutters/lags for a good 5-10 seconds before going back to normal. Once awake, dragging down the notifications menu can cause a similar effect though less pronounced. If I turn the screen back off, it goes back to normal instantly.
I don't have any other BT devices to test this on, but I've not had this issue with any other androids in my car. I also don't see any "lag" issues anywhere else. Before I unlock and root this thing, any ideas on how to fix it on the stock rom, or is a custom rom not likely to fix this either?
Appreciate it.
codeman05 said:
Recently picked up the 6P (still stock on lastest FW) and have only one issue with it.
When I am steaming audio over bluetooth in my car (usually using Play Music), if I wakeup/unlock the device, the audio stutters/lags for a good 5-10 seconds before going back to normal. Once awake, dragging down the notifications menu can cause a similar effect though less pronounced. If I turn the screen back off, it goes back to normal instantly.
I don't have any other BT devices to test this on, but I've not had this issue with any other androids in my car. I also don't see any "lag" issues anywhere else. Before I unlock and root this thing, any ideas on how to fix it on the stock rom, or is a custom rom not likely to fix this either?
Appreciate it.
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It's a problem at the source code. It's says it's been fixed on Developer N preview 3. So when N is released publicly it should be fixed. Or you can join the beta program. I have preview 3 running now and it's pretty solid. I don't use bluetooth audio though, so I can't say if it is indeed fixed. If you do try it be sure to enable OEM unlocking in Android dev settings just to be sure you can save your device should anything happen. Also check the list of supported apps so if any app you rely isn't supported you can decide from there.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Gizmoe said:
It's a problem at the source code. It's says it's been fixed on Developer N preview 3. So when N is released publicly it should be fixed. Or you can join the beta program. I have preview 3 running now and it's pretty solid. I don't use bluetooth audio though, so I can't say if it is indeed fixed. If you do try it be sure to enable OEM unlocking in Android dev settings just to be sure you can save your device should anything happen. Also check the list of supported apps so if any app you rely isn't supported you can decide from there.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Gotcha, that's what I was afraid of. Will checkout the N Preview, thanks!
codeman05 said:
Recently picked up the 6P (still stock on lastest FW) and have only one issue with it.
When I am steaming audio over bluetooth in my car (usually using Play Music), if I wakeup/unlock the device, the audio stutters/lags for a good 5-10 seconds before going back to normal. Once awake, dragging down the notifications menu can cause a similar effect though less pronounced. If I turn the screen back off, it goes back to normal instantly.
I don't have any other BT devices to test this on, but I've not had this issue with any other androids in my car. I also don't see any "lag" issues anywhere else. Before I unlock and root this thing, any ideas on how to fix it on the stock rom, or is a custom rom not likely to fix this either?
Appreciate it.
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Hey! I just found this post. I have had the same issue on my 6P since receiving it in November. I was stock until just a few days ago, now just running 6.0.1 and xposed. The issue fixed itself right after I wiped and rooted, but is now back. This is odd because booting my phone into safe mode didn't fix the issue, so I'm thinking it's not caused by a specific app, although I'm yet to try it.
Since you mentioned you don't use other bluetooth devices, this problem ONLY exists for me in my car audio, a 2015 Chevy Cruze.
If you don't mind me asking, what car are you driving?
Shocknoble said:
Hey! I just found this post. I have had the same issue on my 6P since receiving it in November. I was stock until just a few days ago, now just running 6.0.1 and xposed. The issue fixed itself right after I wiped and rooted, but is now back. This is odd because booting my phone into safe mode didn't fix the issue, so I'm thinking it's not caused by a specific app, although I'm yet to try it.
Since you mentioned you don't use other bluetooth devices, this problem ONLY exists for me in my car audio, a 2015 Chevy Cruze.
If you don't mind me asking, what car are you driving?
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I have the exact same problem with my 2015 Chevy Volt nav / stereo system. I never noticed this issue until I updated to the Android N release a few days ago. It always happens when I turn on the screen. I rooted and went back to Android M, but the issue is still there. I'm guessing that's because my phone now has the latest baseband and radios instead of the older ones that did not have this Bluetooth problem. If you guys come up with a fix let me know. I'm thinking of flashing the Android M radios to see if that's the problem since I'm now running a custom Android M based ROM anyway. I tested the phone with my wife's 2016 Mazda CX5 and it has none of this screen on stuttering garbage.
UPDATE: I went ahead rooted, installed Pure Nexus ROM (6.0.1-20160821), installed ElementalX-N6P-1.21 kernel, flashed bootloader-angler-angler-03.54.img and radio-angler-angler-03.61.img from angler-mtc20f-factory-d62de11e.tgz, and after all that the issue is still there! What a complete waste of time. What I'm guessing might be the problem is I switched to Sprint on July 2016. Before that I was on T-Mobile and I never had this screen on stuttering issue. It seems there might be some type of interference here and it's possible it is a hardware design flaw since Google has not been able to fix the issue for quite some time. As of now I've switched to my LG G5 phone which has no Bluetooth issues with my Chevy Volt. If I don't find a fix soon I'll probably sell the Nexus 6P and wait for the newer Nexus devices.
FWIW, I have the same issue with my 2014 Chevy Cruze and my HTC 10. Ran across this thread while hunting down a solution (unsuccessfully, this far).
macmanui said:
FWIW, I have the same issue with my 2014 Chevy Cruze and my HTC 10. Ran across this thread while hunting down a solution (unsuccessfully, this far).
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I figured out that if I uncheck Message Access for my Chevy Volt under my phone's Bluetooth settings, the screen on stuttering is fixed!! Everything works flawlessly with my wife's Mazda CX5 so it must be a Bluetooth compatibility issue. Check it out and see if that resolves your HTC 10 issue with your Chevy. Good luck!
I have found a somewhat reliable fix - PLEASE tell me it works for you all as well.
Hopefully we are all familiar with the problem: A Nexus 6P ( Or whatever is the issue for you) is paired with my 2015 Chevy Cruze that I use to stream audio while commuting. The audio is more or less fine until the screen turns off/I lock the phone. Once I unlock the phone or a notification wakes the screen up, the audio stutters over my car speakers until I turn the screen back off, or 6-8 seconds has passed. This doesn't happen with any other device I own when paired to my car, and my phone doesn't have the same issue when paired with any other bluetooth receiver. I am on a rooted but otherwise stock 6P running 7.0.
I do not use my car for messages, only music/podcasts and phonecalls. I went into the bluetooth settings while driving ( I do not recommend you do this while your car is in motion) and noticed the stuttering was consistent the entire time I had the menu open. This prompted me to assume it must have something to do with the phone making other bluetooth actions while connected to my car, that my car didn't like.
I clicked on the gear for settings next to my car in the bluetooth paired devices list, which pops up the menu that lets you change the name of the device, and what it is used for. My options are: 'Phone Audio', 'Media Audio', 'Contact Sharing', and 'Message Access'. I denied message access to my car the last time it prompted me, but the last two on the list were still checked. I unchecked both of them, reset my phone, and crossed my fingers.
It works. It freaking works. It's not 100% and if I flip the screen on and off over and over again it'll still get a little wonky, but I no longer cringe when I have to unlock my car in the phone.
Will the rest of you give this a shot and let me know if you have similar luck? Best wishes!
---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------
mhajii210 said:
I figured out that if I uncheck Message Access for my Chevy Volt under my phone's Bluetooth settings, the screen on stuttering is fixed!! Everything works flawlessly with my wife's Mazda CX5 so it must be a Bluetooth compatibility issue. Check it out and see if that resolves your HTC 10 issue with your Chevy. Good luck!
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You're totally right. I discovered this on my own right about the same time you did apparently and I wanted to make sure it lasted before I made a post here. You deserve all the credit, I'm just so happy it's fixed. Now, I am curious if it'll still stutter a bit if you turn your screen on and off really quickly a few times?
---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 PM ----------
mhajii210 said:
I figured out that if I uncheck Message Access for my Chevy Volt under my phone's Bluetooth settings, the screen on stuttering is fixed!! Everything works flawlessly with my wife's Mazda CX5 so it must be a Bluetooth compatibility issue. Check it out and see if that resolves your HTC 10 issue with your Chevy. Good luck!
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You're totally right. I discovered this on my own right about the same time you did apparently and I wanted to make sure it lasted before I made a post here. You deserve all the credit, I'm just so happy it's fixed. Now, I am curious if it'll still stutter a bit if you turn your screen on and off really quickly a few times?
Seems that GM vehicles are a common denominator too! I have the stuttering with my 6P int my Holden Cruze. Didn't have the issue with my old Nexus 6 and don't have the issue with the 6P when making calls over BT. I haven't listened to as great deal of music from the 6P over BT except in the car so can't really compare there.
It's interesting to read a comment that it was going to be fixed in M preview 3 but even now in Marshmallow release the issue is still there.
Hi, been suffering with a stutter in my Mercedes every 20mins with a 5X on 7.0. Again, seems a common problem with Mercs. I tried EVERYTHING to fix this for months, including full phone wipes and flashes.
I just fixed my issue entirely, not sure if it will work for you guys, but I believe it is an issue with the BT bandwidth that the car is able to cope with. I turned off Phone Book and SMS Message Access services and my issue is gone. I think the phone is maxing the bandwidth with A2DP and as soon as a sync is requested for phone book or message = the problem arises.
Pica_Man said:
Hi, been suffering with a stutter in my Mercedes every 20mins with a 5X on 7.0. Again, seems a common problem with Mercs. I tried EVERYTHING to fix this for months, including full phone wipes and flashes.
I just fixed my issue entirely, not sure if it will work for you guys, but I believe it is an issue with the BT bandwidth that the car is able to cope with. I turned off Phone Book and SMS Message Access services and my issue is gone. I think the phone is maxing the bandwidth with A2DP and as soon as a sync is requested for phone book or message = the problem arises.
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Interesting. It certainly does feel like a bandwidth issue. I have a Moto360 and has tried turning that off but hadn't thought of turning phone functions off. I don't really want to do that either but will try it to confirm.
I turned off phonebook and SMS but it made no difference to me at all.
I have noticed a Terrible shutter from my device when paired to a portable BT speaker. at times the only fix is to turn the speaker off then back on. it is horrid.

Nougat update bug with smule app

I love the new update but it has made my experience with smule a living hell. It was working perfectly last night before the update then right after that's when I noticed issues with the app. Whenever I record the audio is skipping and stuttering and I am unable to record any songs. All of the other apps I have used have worked fine it's just this one app in particular that I am having an issue with. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling and the problem still persisted. I use this app often and i really hope I can fix it soon. I also tried clearing cache and data and that didn't work either. If anyone could help me i would really appreciate it thank you
You Aren't The Only One
I'm experiencing the same thing you are with Smule. Maybe it's compatibility changes after the update to Nougat. Smule needs to fix it asap
However, I feel it might take a awhile. It took them so long to get phones on sync with audio and now they have to start over. S8 Samsung users in the future will not be pleased if this is still a problem. Maybe we could find something in our settings that would help besides the application itself.
Here is some quick fix i found myself incidentally..
while recording if you realize the mic is not working, immidiately lock the screen then unlock it, the mic will be working after 2-3 second, sometime it takes to do another lock and unlock, then you can restart the song and mic will be working properly... this will continue for several song until th problem recur, then lock and unlock your phone again. for now this fix works for me

Android Auto full of bugs. Any solutions?

first of all, I love my Mi 9t. But I'm using android auto everyday and it is still full of bugs. First to paint a picture of my setup:
-Mi 9t Global
-Car: Skoda Fabia 2019, tried different USB Cables, everything works perfect with a Samsung Galaxy S9
List of Bugs:
1. Crashing of Media apps after disconnecting Android Auto
After disconnecting Android Auto the active media app crashes. I have to completly restart the app. Doesn't matter if using a podcast app like "antenna pod" or "podcast addicted" or "sportify". All of them are crashing.
2. Can not start media apps inside Android Auto
If the phone is connected to a car I'm not able to start any media app by using the cars display. There is just a message saying that the app isn't avaible at the moment. I have to pickup the phone and start the app directly on the phone.
3. Spontaneous crashes of Android Auto
Sometimes Android Auto just crashes out of nowhere. It automatically restarts after a few seconds, but after that I have to restart the media app by picking up the phone. (see bug number 2 and 1). It happens more frequently during calls.
4. Android Auto is lagy
It's not a bug, but in comparision to the Samsung Galaxy S9 Android Auto is a bit more lagy. It's not unusable but every command needs a few more moments then on the galaxy S9.
I tried different things to solve these problems. Using different usb cables, trying different media apps, changing the energy saving settings. Nothing helps so far.
These bugs are very annoying, therefore I thinking about using a custom rom or switchting to another brand. I got my Mi9t for a year now and these bugs are still not fixed. Some of them can lead to dangerous situations, because I have to pickup the phone during driving.
Does anybody having any ideas what else I can try. I don't want to do a factory reset now, because all the work I have to do setup the phone again. Does anybody else have similar problems?
Thank you all
Sorry, I am using Android Auto with Havoc 3.6 in an Audi Q3 and I don't have any of the issues. Works nice, no lag or crashes.
I even use AA Mirrow to get the TomTom app on my car's screen. Works most of the time as well.
I know this is not helpful, but just saying it's not the phone`s fault.
Thank you for your help. Now I have at least a recommendation for another rom I can try.
viper2035 said:
Thank you for your help. Now I have at least a recommendation for another rom I can try.
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If you are going to try another ROM then you need to backup your data.
I would suggest you try the MIUI 12.1 weekly ROM. I have been using it for well over a month now and it is relatively stable, almost completely ad-free, and it also includes the latest security updates for Android 10.
update firmware of your car's multimedia. I use AA everyday with lineage, but I have had miltiple ROMs without an issue

