I Need Stock KDZ for LGMS345? Is there a problem? - LG Leon Questions & Answers

Hi, I'm looking for LGMS345 stock fimware.
I'm having a very hard time finding the software online, is there a problem with downloading *old* LG stock firmware?
I have an old LG LEON MS345,
with MS345E (METROPCS)
stock firmware currently installed.
I'm looking for a copy of, both:
* MS345B (KDZ)
* MS345D (KDZ)
if you still have them on an easily accessible hard drive, can I get a copy from you?
I want to introduce a younger relative to XDA and teach them how to flash/root roms.
Please advise and Thanks,


Need Stock USA AT&T E980 .KDZ file

Hey guys, I'm looking for the stock USA AT&T E980 kdz file to use with LG's software to put onto the phone. I tried submitting this question in THIS topic, but I don't have 10 posts yet and am not allowed. They are both .zip files and I need the .kdz (don't know why they're the only zips on the whole page).
Trying to sell the phone, and need the stock rom.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: And yes, I've already downloaded the zips, and there are no .kdz files on them.
I need this KDZ too
iBlameLag said:
Hey guys, I'm looking for the stock USA AT&T E980 kdz file to use with LG's software to put onto the phone. I tried submitting this question in THIS topic, but I don't have 10 posts yet and am not allowed. They are both .zip files and I need the .kdz (don't know why they're the only zips on the whole page).
Trying to sell the phone, and need the stock rom.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: And yes, I've already downloaded the zips, and there are no .kdz files on them.
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Wrong device bro, but try searching more on the interwebz and then come back
http://storagecow.eu/index.php?dir=Xda/LG+Optimus+G+Pro/Stock/AT&T/ this and then choose BIN_LGE980AT-00-V10p-ATT-US-NOV-22-2013+... download and extract the file

[Q] LG G2 twrp failed

i get below message when i tried to install the stock ROM on LG G2 att version.
anybody has any idea??
what should i do..
i checked so many treads but i didn't get exact answer.
updating partition details ...
Sull SELinux support is present.
installing '/sdcard/D801210B_00.zip' ...
checking for MD5 file ...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found.
Errror flashing zip '/sdcard /D801210B_00.zip'
updating partition details ...
installing '/sdcard/D801210B_00.zip' ...
checking for MD5 file ...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found.
Errror flashing zip '/sdcard /D801210B_00.zip'
updating partition details ...
then i got failed from red color..
actually i tried to put D802 on D800..
use https when use URL
please help..
I don't understand what you were trying to do here but there are potentially a couple of issues here.
First, your text above reads D801210B_00.zip
That's not a typical naming convention for any of the variants, least of all a D800 or D802 that you were supposedly dealing with. I could perhaps see D80220B but your file has an extra character in it (the 1 following D80) which is strange.
Also, are you possibly trying to flash the stock firmware via custom recovery rather than a custom rom?
And lastly, why are you trying to flash a D802 firmware/rom onto a D800?
iowabowtech said:
I don't understand what you were trying to do here but there are potentially a couple of issues here.
First, your text above reads D801210B_00.zip
That's not a typical naming convention for any of the variants, least of all a D800 or D802 that you were supposedly dealing with. I could perhaps see D80220B but your file has an extra character in it (the 1 following D80) which is strange.
Also, are you possibly trying to flash the stock firmware via custom recovery rather than a custom rom?
And lastly, why are you trying to flash a D802 firmware/rom onto a D800?
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HI thank you for quick reply.
i was going to do is
flash stock D802 rom into D800 .. i see some post about that kind of flashings.
so i will be able to us other LTE bands.
i did this to my nexus 5 as well. that was a us version i made it as international version.
ok rom name is wrong that was my mistake.
i got rom from here . storagecow.eu/index.php?dir=Xda%2FLG+G2%2FStock%2FAsia+%26+SEA+D802%2F
please if you have any idea how to do it please explain.
i know you know
Kadafiz said:
HI thank you for quick reply.
i was going to do is
flash stock D802 rom into D800 .. i see some post about that kind of flashings.
so i will be able to us other LTE bands.
i did this to my nexus 5 as well. that was a us version i made it as international version.
ok rom name is wrong that was my mistake.
i got rom from here . storagecow.eu/index.php?dir=Xda%2FLG+G2%2FStock%2FAsia+%26+SEA+D802%2F
please if you have any idea how to do it please explain.
i know you know
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That is stock firmware (not flashable in recovery) as opposed to a custom rom based upon stock which one might find here on xda. Those are flashable in recovery. I can't speak much to custom rom cross compatibility as I don't run them much on this phone. I've been mostly stock, rooted + twrp since 2013.
iowabowtech said:
That is stock firmware (not flashable in recovery) as opposed to a custom rom based upon stock which one might find here on xda. Those are flashable in recovery. I can't speak much to custom rom cross compatibility as I don't run them much on this phone. I've been mostly stock, rooted + twrp since 2013.
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hi thnxx..
If any one knows how to replace D800 with D802 please reply.
Anyone know how to replace D800 with D802 ,
i just need to activate internation 4G bands.
i did something same on nexus 5 .

[FIX] Problems after trying to update to Lollipop

I was trying to update my LG G2 to Lollipop using German official release available since yesterday. The problem I'm having is that the firmware update mode goes to x % then I can see red text "Assert" in the second line and then phone restarts and shows 0% and doing nothing. LGFlashTool2014 is showing message that something went wrong (or similar) and I can try again. It's happening all the time - over and over - sometimes it's 30%, sometimes 60%. I was trying to back to KitKat using LG Mobile Support Tool - same situation. When I'm trying to restart my phone, it's restarting to download mode all the time :/
Please help
Ok, after about 4 hours I fixed it using TOT method (version D80210b for Europe). So if there's a problem with KDZ method, maybe anyone knows when - or if - it will be Lollipop version for TOT method?
So - after I bring my G2 to life using TOT method and older KitKat I thought I could try with Lollipop again. And now it works! Good morning to Lollipop! So I hope it might be helpful for others with similar problems
What I did exactly?
1. Trying to install Lollipop using KDZ method and something was going wrong all the time - keep restarting to download mode.
2. Performed hard reset.
3. Fixed problems by installing downgrade using TOT method.
4. Installed Lollipop using same file I was trying to use before and I chose Normal Flash method.
5. Good morning to Lollipop!
Hi im in the same situation,,, have you downloaded one of these http://storagecow.eu/index.php?dir=Xda/LG+G2/Stock/D802+tot/ using TOT method? which image have you used for lollipop? you can pm me if u want thx @edit have you used KDZ method to upgrade to lollipop? ty
I used LGD802AT-V10b-EUR-XX-SEP-07-2013-16G.exe (sorry, can't add links because I don't have 10+ posts ) For Lollipop I used KDZ method with official LG G2 image for Germany 16GB version
cudak666 said:
I used LGD802AT-V10b-EUR-XX-SEP-07-2013-16G.exe (sorry, can't add links because I don't have 10+ posts ) For Lollipop I used KDZ method with official LG G2 image for Germany 16GB version
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thank you very much dude!
Artic89 said:
thank you very much dude!
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No problem, hope it will help you
Guys... i have the D802 (European version) and i've installed a camera mod (xdabbe's 3.2). I've deleted the backup, so now i am stuck with it Will i be able to make the OTA update to Lollipop ?
thanks for the tip, worked for me.:good:
Problem whit usb otg after update to lolipop befor my phone see otg after do not see
ani idea?????

LG G2 d802t ( 32gb) ( Problem need help)

My LG G2 Was working very nice and then i install LGMobile Support Tool to upgrade my Device to lollipop. after update to lollipop my phone gone Mad. Dubble Tap problem in screen and sim not working on it. I need Rom to flash please suggest me rom i am newbie on this Hope Some Expert will help me
Phone made : Korea
Model : LG-D802T
Current County : Pakistan
Please help me i will really thank full to you
any help please ?
Download the stock KDZ from http://lg-firmware-rom.com/(or any other site by searching for 'lg firmware'. But this one is the best). You will need to give your IMEI number and then search on the site. It will provide you with a link to download the kdz file. Download it and then use LG Flash tool to install it. You can find the guide for flashing on xda. If all goes well you will boot into the latest OS available for your device in your country. However If for some reason u don't have lollipop for ur country, then you can install cloudyg2(based on lollipop 5.0.2. I am using it, its excellent). For that you can find the guide here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g2/general/complete-guide-convert-d802t-d802-t3184830 . Please do check my comments on the 2nd page of this link for correct installation without bootloops. Good luck
Thanks For the Reply
Problem solved By Market Dealer

LG Leon H340n root, revcovery and custom roms?

Hi all...
Just a quick question, I am sure someone will answer quickly and comprehensively. I have already used the search function on the forums and google but have not found a sure answer either way...
I have an LG Leon H340n the 4G LTE version. Originally a Vodafone UK Handset, unlocked with a code from ebay (not sure this info is relevant but I will put as much info on here as i can!)
Throughout use I have noticed its slowing down a LOT, so I thought id hunt down Cyanogen Rom or something else custom and speedy.
I am unable to find any roms that appear to be suitable for my handset (All are for different versions of the Leon, NOT H340n) and I am sure I can root it but am unsure as to which method of obtaining root would be the best?
Finally I would eventually need a Custom Recovery if I intended to install a Custom ROM (If one even exists!) so can someone recommend a good working version of CWM or TWRP or similar.
Thanks in advance!
If you have rooted the phone, you cannot update to V20 (marshmallow). And if you updated to V20, you cannot root any more.
Check in Roms, Kernels, etc
there should be some usable ROM for your phone. It's in Lg Leon Android Development. Try to search there. and if you don't understand what I am talking about, then here is the link
I want the custom rom Xenon HD ...could somone send me a link to download
