Okay, so I have a galaxy S8 950u. Originally US cellular but it's paid off and is unlocked. Have had no problems at all with using it with various carriers. I had it on sprint, MetroPCS, Google fi no problem. One day all of the sudden I quite having service. Was using MetroPCS at the time. It gets plenty of signal bars but won't have service. It doesn't let me register on the network. Anytime I use a gsm sim it doesn't do anything. It'll read the sim and everything but can't register it on the network etc. When I use a CDMA sim from like us cellular or sprint it gets lte etc while trying to register the network and in the status section will have all the right info and seems like it will work fine I just don't have an active CDMA sim to verify that but gsm sims will always say network unknown blah blah blah. I've tried everything I can think of from reflashing stock, and everything in between but still can't get it to work. I'm pasting my logcat of when I attempt to register the network. Am I doing something wrong or what?
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RIL-QMI (1818): BuildDataRegState: mSetLteRat : 0
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RIL-QMI (1818): BuildDataRegState: pref data tech reg 3
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RIL-QMI (1818): BuildDataRegState - VoPS: 0, EbSupport: 0, EmergencyBarring: 0, VoiceSupportOnLte: 0
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RIL-QMI (1818): mConsideredDataTechnology Valid: 1, Value: 0
08-17 02:49:56.812 D/RilRequest(4287): [6237]< SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RILD (1818): IpcTxNetGetDataRegState()
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RILD (1818): [E] TX: (M)NET_CMD (S)NET_REGIST (T)GET l:9 m:37 a:00 [ FF 03 ]
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(103)
08-17 02:49:56.812 E/RILD (1818): NET-MGR: EVENT_DATA_NET_REG_STATE_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.812 D/RILJ (4287): [6238]< OPERATOR [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.813 E/RILD (1818): UpdateLteVoiceSupportProperty(): ltevoicesupport_0 property set to 0 , ecsupport set to 0
08-17 02:49:56.813 E/RILD (1818): Init mOptionalRadioTech by mRat
08-17 02:49:56.819 E/RILD (1818): [E] RX: (M)NET_CMD (S)NET_REGIST (T)RESP l:14 m:00 a:00 [ 30 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ]
08-17 02:49:56.819 E/RILD (1818): IpcProtocol41::IpcRxNetRegState() lte no service feature turn off
08-17 02:49:56.820 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(103)
08-17 02:49:56.820 E/RILD (1818): NET-MGR: EVENT_DATA_NET_REG_STATE_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.820 E/RILD (1818): epdg was not regi.
08-17 02:49:56.821 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 21, peek : 21
08-17 02:49:56.821 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 20
08-17 02:49:56.821 E/RILD (1818): GetModemForSs: ss routing policy : ims
08-17 02:49:56.821 E/RILD (1818): IsRegistered - Feature: 0x01, RegiCondition: 0, CheckVoLTELimited: 0
08-17 02:49:56.821 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(20), handleEvent(100)
08-17 02:49:56.821 D/RILJ (4287): [6239]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {3, 0000, 00000000, 0, 0, 4, 0x0000, null, 0x00000000, null, null, 0, 3, 0} [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(100)
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): DoVoiceNetRegState():
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): IsRegisteredNetworkType(): netType[1] feature[00] state[0]
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RIL-QMI (1818): TxGetSysInfo: Cache hit!
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GetVoiceSysInfo: regState(13), voiceRte(3), isRte3gpp(1)
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cdmaCcsSupported: 0, SimulVoiceAndDataCapability Valid: 1, Value: 0
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RIL-QMI (1818): mReportedDataTechnology Valid: 0, Value: 0
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RIL-QMI (1818): BuildVoiceRegState - VoPS: 0, EbSupport: 0, EmergencyBarring: 0, Tac: 0, VoiceSupportOnLte: 0
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(101)
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): GNET-MGR: EVENT_VOICE_NET_REG_STATE_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.822 E/RILD (1818): IsRegistered - Feature: 0x0B, RegiCondition: 0, CheckVoLTELimited: 0
08-17 02:49:56.823 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.826 D/TelephonyManager(4287): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.ispsroaming value: false propVal=false
08-17 02:49:56.827 E/RILD (1818): SetEmergencyState(): mState= 13
08-17 02:49:56.827 E/RILD (1818): SetEmergencyState(): Use default value Feature::QmiSupported() : 1
08-17 02:49:56.828 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 20, peek : 20
08-17 02:49:56.828 E/RILD (1818): Can't open Hall IC Node. OnVoiceNetRegStateDone() Permission denied.
08-17 02:49:56.828 D/RILJ (4287): [6240]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {13, b792, 06aa2d3f, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0} [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.828 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 45
08-17 02:49:56.828 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(45), handleEvent(118)
08-17 02:49:56.828 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(118)
08-17 02:49:56.830 E/RILD (1818): DoGetNetSelectionMode():
08-17 02:49:56.831 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(119)
08-17 02:49:56.831 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 45, peek : 45
08-17 02:49:56.831 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.831 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.831 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.831 D/SST (4287): handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST setDataRegState=1 regState=3 dataRadioTechnology=0
08-17 02:49:56.832 D/RILJ (4287): [6241]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.832 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.832 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.832 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.832 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.832 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (117 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.834 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.834 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.835 D/RILJ (4287): [6242]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.835 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.836 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.836 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.837 D/RILJ (4287): [6243]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.837 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.838 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.839 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.839 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.839 D/RILJ (4287): [6244]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.840 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.841 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.844 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.844 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.845 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.845 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.845 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.845 D/RILJ (4287): [6245]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.846 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.846 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.846 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.846 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.847 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.848 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.849 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.849 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.849 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.849 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.849 D/RILJ (4287): [6246]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.849 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.849 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.850 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.850 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.850 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.850 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.850 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.851 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.851 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.852 D/RILJ (4287): [6247]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.852 E/RILD (1818): DoRouteOut - FW reqId : 109
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RILD (1818): Onprocessing: request id(109), handleEvent(159)
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(159)
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RILD (1818): DoGetCellInfoList():
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RIL-QMI (1818): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
08-17 02:49:56.853 E/RIL-QMI (1818): NotifyAsyncMessage Completed
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x43:QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO), indi(0), size(3156), err(0)
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): RxGetCellInfoList: Receive cell location info
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RILD (1818): Result(0), Error(0)
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): Total Cells found: 7
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): ConvertCellLocationToRilCellinfo()
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): GERAN consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.854 D/SubscriptionController(4287): getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=READY ordinal=5 slotIdx=0
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -108. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -115. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.854 D/SubscriptionManager(4287): getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=5 slotIdx=0
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -116. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.854 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -118. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RIL-QMI (1818): cellValue: -121. radioif: 0x5
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RIL-QMI (1818): UMTS consumed 7 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RIL-QMI (1818): CDMA consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RIL-QMI (1818): LTE consumed 0 cell slots
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RILD (1818): GLNET-MGR(3): evt(160)
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RILD (1818): NET_MGR: EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST_DONE
08-17 02:49:56.855 D/RILC (1818): responseCellInfoList: v6
08-17 02:49:56.855 E/RILD (1818): RequestComplete - req : 109, peek : 109
08-17 02:49:56.855 D/RILJ (4287): [6248]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
08-17 02:49:56.877 D/DCT-0/1 (4287): setInternalDataEnabled(true)
08-17 02:49:56.878 D/SST (4287): handlePollStateResult(); regState: 13, mNewLuRejCause: 0
08-17 02:49:56.878 D/SubscriptionController(4287): getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=READY ordinal=5 slotIdx=0
08-17 02:49:56.878 D/SubscriptionManager(4287): getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=5 slotIdx=0
08-17 02:49:56.878 D/SST (4287): Use Voice LAC for CellLocation LAC
08-17 02:49:56.878 D/SST (4287): Use Voice CID for CellLocation CID
08-17 02:49:56.880 I/SIMRecords(4287): [SIMRecords] getFakeHomeOn() simOper[******], getIMSI()[******]
08-17 02:49:56.880 D/SpnOverride(4287): [SpnOverride]
Still sounds blacklisted for some reason. But I had a load of signal issues on mine too. Why I ditched it. But I along the line had clone Imei from Samsung from a refurbished and repair of original unit. Maybe get into the hidden menus and check of the cert passes for imei
TheMadScientist said:
Still sounds blacklisted for some reason. But I had a load of signal issues on mine too. Why I ditched it. But I along the line had clone Imei from Samsung from a refurbished and repair of original unit. Maybe get into the hidden menus and check of the cert passes for imei
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Okay so it is blacklisted by sprint because I was on someone's plan and they didn't pay their bill or whatever but a few things about that confuse me. A. It was never a sprint phone to begin with. It's a US cellular phone that was paid in full which I have a receipt for. B. I had already left their sprint plan and was using MetroPCS on this phone before their plan got shot off. C. Even if it were blacklisted by sprint wouldn't I still be able to use it with a different carrier. A gsm one at least? Is there any way for me to get around this? I also have another parts S8 that I could clone the imei of but not sure how to do that so that it'll register on the network. I've tried different xposed modules and haven't got it to work so far. Any advice?
micahlynn29 said:
Okay so it is blacklisted by sprint because I was on someone's plan and they didn't pay their bill or whatever but a few things about that confuse me. A. It was never a sprint phone to begin with. It's a US cellular phone that was paid in full which I have a receipt for. B. I had already left their sprint plan and was using MetroPCS on this phone before their plan got shot off. C. Even if it were blacklisted by sprint wouldn't I still be able to use it with a different carrier. A gsm one at least? Is there any way for me to get around this? I also have another parts S8 that I could clone the imei of but not sure how to do that so that it'll register on the network. I've tried different xposed modules and haven't got it to work so far. Any advice?
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Pretty much no. All us carriers report to each other. We don't discuss imei clones changing and such on xda.
Motherboard swap is pretty much only way.
You need to contact sprint and tell them they made a mistake. You have the receipt. They have no right to black list it. Unless dude told them it was stolen or lost. Your quarrel is still with sprint specially if you got a receipt
TheMadScientist said:
Pretty much no. All us carriers report to each other. We don't discuss imei clones changing and such on xda.
Motherboard swap is pretty much only way.
You need to contact sprint and tell them they made a mistake. You have the receipt. They have no right to black list it. Unless dude told them it was stolen or lost. Your quarrel is still with sprint specially if you got a receipt
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Right that's what I don't understand. I've spoken with sprint. My phone was a byod on a friend's plan. I guess they bought several phones and didn't pay for them so they flagged all the phones on their account as fraudulent. OK I get that for all the phones they didn't pay for. But as I said my phone was never financed through them, I left their plan long before their account ever went bad. I have my proof of purchase through us cellular which I have even sent to them and they still won't unblacklist my phone. How can they do that?
micahlynn29 said:
Right that's what I don't understand. I've spoken with sprint. My phone was a byod on a friend's plan. I guess they bought several phones and didn't pay for them so they flagged all the phones on their account as fraudulent. OK I get that for all the phones they didn't pay for. But as I said my phone was never financed through them, I left their plan long before their account ever went bad. I have my proof of purchase through us cellular which I have even sent to them and they still won't unblacklist my phone. How can they do that?
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They can't. Take it higher. Take it to social media. Talk to more reps and ask for higher reps
Okay but here's where I get confused. When I put a CDMA sim it seems like it's gonna work fine but the sim I have isn't active so j can't actually text my theory but look at the difference in when I go to about phone then status with a gsm sim vs us cellular sim
TheMadScientist said:
They can't. Take it higher. Take it to social media. Talk to more reps and ask for higher reps
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Click to collapse
micahlynn29 said:
Okay but here's where I get confused. When I put a CDMA sim it seems like it's gonna work fine but the sim I have isn't active so j can't actually text my theory but look at the difference in when I go to about phone then status with a gsm sim vs us cellular sim
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You can try dfs CDMA tool software for windows set the device in usb settings to modem dm serial what ever it it near the bottom and you can look in the settings. I had to switch mine from nv only to ruim/nv. If its not set on ruim its not setup to do GSM based sim cards
---------- Post added at 09:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
But if it worked before I dont see that as a problem. Check the imei on black list sites just to confirm. They may have only barred it from sprint. But if they did black list it your basically out
I will try that right now. But I will say i know it used to be set up for gsm also because I've used it with metro and Google fi also just fine. That's what made me wonder if I screwed something up somewhere somehow..
TheMadScientist said:
You can try dfs CDMA tool software for windows set the device in usb settings to modem dm serial what ever it it near the bottom and you can look in the settings. I had to switch mine from nv only to ruim/nv. If its not set on ruim its not setup to do GSM based sim cards
---------- Post added at 09:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
But if it worked before I dont see that as a problem. Check the imei on black list sites just to confirm. They may have only barred it from sprint. But if they did black list it your basically out
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Click to collapse
Well it worked, everything was fine. I was literally just sitting there one day (not messing with settings or anything like that) and I lost connection. Not signal, I have full bars but no connection. Reflashed firmware, root, roms etc.
Hello all,
Thought I would give EE3.0 a spin, so I did the usual drill (backup, wipe, flash). The install happened without a hitch. Subsequent to the install I shutdown, transferred .apks from my SD/ext partition (to /data/app), and then rebooted. (Rather than fool around trying to figure out what EE3 wants to make a2sd happy)
I encountered a problem, however: failure of Gmail contacts to complete synchronization. I'm not sure it is an EE3 issue, because I don't see anyone in that thread complaining about (Gmail) synchronization.
The significant error that gets thrown (reported by ddms/logcat) is:
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): Writing exception to parcel
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): android.content.OperationApplicationException: Found value 13 when expected 10 for column version
I'm wondering if anybody has seen these types of synchronization errors before - perhaps resulting from app incompatibilities with the ROM system apps and core class behaviors.
I understand that I will get the usual prescriptive advice, "just start over and reload the ROM from scratch!" - but, I was looking for a little more insight than that. (Otherwise, I would have put this thread in the General forum).
More complete ddms output is below (note the looping behavior of Gmail sync).
06-19 15:56:14.122: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): stopSyncEvent: historyId=33
06-19 15:56:14.132: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 8 to: null
06-19 15:56:14.142: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle
06-19 15:56:14.152: VERBOSE/ContactsSyncAdapter(128): GDataFeedFetcher thread ended: mForcedClosed is true
06-19 15:56:14.162: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle: found sync candidate: authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 385793 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected]
06-19 15:56:14.162: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle: we are going to sync authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 385793 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected]
06-19 15:56:14.162: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): deleteFromPending: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts src=0 extras=Bundle[{}]
06-19 15:56:14.172: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): Truncating /data/system/sync/pending.bin
06-19 15:56:14.172: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): removing - [email protected]
06-19 15:56:14.172: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): no more pending!
06-19 15:56:14.172: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 2 to: null
06-19 15:56:14.182: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): insertStartSyncEvent: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts source=0
06-19 15:56:14.182: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): returning historyId 34
06-19 15:56:14.182: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 8 to: null
06-19 15:56:14.182: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): setActiveSync: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts src=0 extras=Bundle[{}]
06-19 15:56:14.192: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 4 to: [[email protected]]
06-19 15:56:14.192: INFO/SyncControl_Dialer(140): Sync active detected - Account: [[email protected]/com.google], authority: com.android.contacts
06-19 15:56:16.222: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 31522 objects / 1391256 bytes in 152ms
06-19 15:56:16.952: DEBUG/dalvikvm(140): GC freed 18915 objects / 854912 bytes in 161ms
06-19 15:56:17.502: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 10584 objects / 437504 bytes in 139ms
06-19 15:56:18.802: DEBUG/dalvikvm(78): GC freed 12316 objects / 1239040 bytes in 263ms
06-19 15:56:18.932: WARN/StatusBar(78): updateNetworkNameExt: mSimState = UNKNOWN
06-19 15:56:18.932: DEBUG/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(78): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = Verizon Wireless, spn = null
06-19 15:56:18.932: INFO/HtcLockScreen(78): -----refreshCarrierInfo plmn=Verizon Wireless,spn=null, service=0
06-19 15:56:19.022: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(78): onCellLocationChanged [9171,492780,-1716404,2,1]
06-19 15:56:19.022: DEBUG/LocationManagerService(78): CdmaCellLocation Available
06-19 15:56:19.922: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 5926 objects / 234968 bytes in 153ms
06-19 15:56:20.192: DEBUG/dalvikvm(140): GC freed 9859 objects / 416712 bytes in 114ms
06-19 15:56:20.882: ERROR/HtcContactsProvider2(140): PhoneDataRowHandler:update. no number/type specified...
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): Writing exception to parcel
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): android.content.OperationApplicationException: Found value 13 when expected 10 for column version
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProviderOperation.apply(ContentProviderOperation.java:244)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.SQLiteContentProvider.applyBatch(SQLiteContentProvider.java:200)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2.applyBatch(ContactsProvider2.java:2367)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.CContactsProvider2.applyBatch(CContactsProvider2.java:110)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.applyBatch(ContentProvider.java:169)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:197)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:287)
06-19 15:56:21.482: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
06-19 15:56:21.542: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): threadid=45 wakeup: interrupted
06-19 15:56:21.542: VERBOSE/ContactsSyncAdapter(128): GDataFeedFetcher thread ended: mForcedClosed is true
06-19 15:56:21.552: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): threadid=47 wakeup: interrupted
06-19 15:56:21.612: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled
06-19 15:56:21.612: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): setActiveSync: null
06-19 15:56:21.612: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 4 to: [[email protected]]
06-19 15:56:21.632: INFO/DumpStateReceiver(78): Added state dump to 1 crashes
06-19 15:56:21.642: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled: is a finished: operation authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 385793 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected], result SyncResult: stats [ numIoExceptions: 1 numUpdates: 19 numEntries: 20]
06-19 15:56:21.642: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): insertIntoPending: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts src=0 extras=Bundle[{}]
06-19 15:56:21.642: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): Appending to /data/system/sync/pending.bin
06-19 15:56:21.652: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 2 to: null
06-19 15:56:21.652: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): stopSyncEvent: historyId=34
06-19 15:56:21.652: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 8 to: null
06-19 15:56:21.662: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle
06-19 15:56:21.662: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle: found sync candidate: authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 393342 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected]
06-19 15:56:21.662: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runStateIdle: we are going to sync authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 393342 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected]
06-19 15:56:21.662: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): deleteFromPending: account=Account {[email protected].com, type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts src=0 extras=Bundle[{}]
06-19 15:56:21.662: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): Truncating /data/system/sync/pending.bin
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): removing - [email protected]
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): no more pending!
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 2 to: null
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): insertStartSyncEvent: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts source=0
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): returning historyId 35
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 8 to: null
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): setActiveSync: account=Account {[email protected], type=com.google} auth=com.android.contacts src=0 extras=Bundle[{}]
06-19 15:56:21.672: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 4 to: [[email protected]]
06-19 15:56:21.672: INFO/SyncControl_Dialer(140): Sync active detected - Account: [[email protected]/com.google], authority: com.android.contacts
06-19 15:56:23.392: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 37070 objects / 1624536 bytes in 149ms
06-19 15:56:24.532: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 9191 objects / 380904 bytes in 134ms
06-19 15:56:25.312: DEBUG/dalvikvm(140): GC freed 22766 objects / 1004848 bytes in 146ms
06-19 15:56:25.822: DEBUG/dalvikvm(128): GC freed 9113 objects / 364752 bytes in 138ms
06-19 15:56:26.972: ERROR/HtcContactsProvider2(140): PhoneDataRowHandler:update. no number/type specified...
06-19 15:56:27.512: DEBUG/dalvikvm(140): GC freed 8123 objects / 370128 bytes in 121ms
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): Writing exception to parcel
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): android.content.OperationApplicationException: Found value 13 when expected 10 for column version
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProviderOperation.apply(ContentProviderOperation.java:244)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.SQLiteContentProvider.applyBatch(SQLiteContentProvider.java:200)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2.applyBatch(ContactsProvider2.java:2367)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at com.android.providers.contacts.CContactsProvider2.applyBatch(CContactsProvider2.java:110)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.applyBatch(ContentProvider.java:169)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:197)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:287)
06-19 15:56:27.722: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(140): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
06-19 15:56:27.862: INFO/DumpStateReceiver(78): Added state dump to 1 crashes
06-19 15:56:27.932: VERBOSE/ContactsSyncAdapter(128): GDataFeedFetcher thread ended: mForcedClosed is true
06-19 15:56:27.942: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled
06-19 15:56:27.962: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): setActiveSync: null
06-19 15:56:27.972: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): reportChange 4 to: [[email protected]]
06-19 15:56:27.972: VERBOSE/SyncManager(78): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled: is a finished: operation authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: [] syncSource: 0 when: 393342 delay: 0 key: {authority: com.android.contacts account: Account {[email protected], type=com.google} extras: []} pendingOperation: [email protected], result SyncResult: stats [ numIoExceptions: 1 numUpdates: 19 numEntries: 20]
Never mind; Google is my friend.
Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications -> (scroll) Contacts Storage -> Clear data
did the trick; no FR required (duh.)
Great advice...worked for me!
I was just about to post something, then I thought, "let me search a little more...", and I found your post. It worked perfectly!
I upgraded to Fresh Evo with netarchy-toastmod- [email protected]#3 Kernel, and I love the performance of this thing now! So glad the fix doesn't involve reverting to anything...my phone has just saved me a few hundred bucks, because I don't need my laptop anymore!
I am not sure what happened. My Bluetooth was working fine. All of a sudden it stopped. When I press the bluetooth icon, i see that it is trying to turn on, but never goes fully "green".
I have done application updates and have rooted my phone and thats it. No special kernel, nothing else thats fancy. Here is an 'adb logcat' of what happens when I try to launch bluetooth:
I/BluetoothAdapter( 2229): ***** enable
I/BluetoothService( 2229): ***** enable
I/bluedroid( 2229): bt_enable
I/bluedroid( 2229): BTOFF_FMOFF_handling
I/bluedroid( 2229): BTOFF_FMOFF_handling : receiving BT_ON
I/bluedroid( 2229): Starting daemons...
I/bluedroid( 2229): Starting btld...
D/BTL-SERVER(16100): in set_aid_and_cap() pid:16100
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 6906): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
D/BTL-SERVER(16100): out set_aid_and_cap() pid:16100
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_btld_status: service.brcm.bt.btld=0
E/BTL-SERVER(16100): BTLD starting...
E/BTL-SERVER(16100): main: main :: BTLD starting
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_set_btld_status: service.brcm.bt.btld=1, ret=0
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btld_cfg_btld_pid : service.brcm.bt.btld_pid = 16100
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_set_btld_pid success : service.brcm.bt.btld_pid = 16100, ret = 0
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): BTE version BCM1200_MI_10.3.16.26
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): btld version BTL-ANDROID_PI_2.0.52 starting...
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): btla version BTL-ANDROID-Victory-R11-Sep 13 2010 ###########
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): Build time: Sep 13 2010 18:32:14
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): BTLD_OPTION_LPM_ENABLED: i=0x6 argc=0x7 lpm_enabled=1
I/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_bdaddr: BDA=F49F5497C7EE
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.patchfile] property_get failed (0)
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.3way_support] property_get failed (0)
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.bt_wake_polar] property_get failed (0)
I/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_lpm_params: service.brcm.bt.bt_wake_polar=1
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.host_wake_polar] property_get failed (0)
I/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_lpm_params: service.brcm.bt.host_wake_polar=1
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.pcm_clk] property_get failed (0)
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.pcm_ms_role] property_get failed (0)
I/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_contacts_db: service.brcm.bt.contacts_db=/data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Open opening /dev/s3c2410_serial0
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): sock = 6
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): Leaving USERIAL_Open
E/BTL_CFG (16100): WARNING: [service.brcm.bt.TRC_BTAPP] property_get failed (0)
D/BTLD (16100): [bttrc] using compile default trace settings
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Ioctl: Received USERIAL_OP_BAUD_WR ioctl 14
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signaled
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signal reseted
W/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): my_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 0x002dc6c0
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 3000000
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Open opening /dev/s3c2410_serial0
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): sock = 6
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): Leaving USERIAL_Open
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): Found patchfile: /system/bin/BCM4329B1_002.002.023.0417.0435.hcd
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): bte_main_rln_cplt: Downloading patchfile /system/bin/BCM4329B1_002.002.023.0417.0435.hcd
I/BTLD (16100): BCM2045_PRM_Init
I/BTLD (16100): Minidrv download completed
E/BTLD (16100): [hcis] Unknown HCI message type drop this byte 0x34
E/BTLD (16100): [hcis] Unknown HCI message type drop this byte 0x31
I/BTLD (16100): Launch RAM successful
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Ioctl: Received USERIAL_OP_BAUD_WR ioctl 7
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signaled
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signal reseted
W/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): my_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 0x0001c200
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 115200
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Open opening /dev/s3c2410_serial0
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): sock = 6
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): Leaving USERIAL_Open
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Ioctl: Received USERIAL_OP_BAUD_WR ioctl 14
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signaled
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signal reseted
W/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): my_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 0x002dc6c0
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 3000000
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Open opening /dev/s3c2410_serial0
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): sock = 6
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): Leaving USERIAL_Open
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): Setting local bd addr to F4:9F:54:97:C7:EE
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [DTUN]
W/BTLD (16100): BTAPP_enable_bta(): unsupported id: 28
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [TEST]
I/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_get_btport_redirection_enable: service.brcm.bt.btport_redir_on=
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [DUN]
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [SPP]
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [AG]
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [SCO]
W/BTLD (16100): BTAPP_enable_bta(): unsupported id: 20
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystem: Registered subsystem [PBS]
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_RegisterSubSystemMultiClnt: Registered subsystem [BTS]
I/bluedroid( 2229): BTLD start retry count 130/130
E/bluedroid( 2229): btld start timed out
I/bluedroid( 2229): New state is BTON_FMOFF_handling
D/BluetoothService( 2229): bt EnableThread giving up
I/bluedroid( 2229): bt_disable
I/bluedroid( 2229): BTON_FMOFF_handling
I/bluedroid( 2229): BTON_FMOFF_handling : receiving BT_OFF
I/bluedroid( 2229): Stopping daemons...
I/bluedroid( 2229): Stopping bluetoothd...
I/bluedroid( 2229): Stopping btld...
I/bluedroid( 2229): Wait until all daemons are stopped, or timed out...
I/bluedroid( 2229): bluetoothd has stopped
W/bluedroid( 2229): Daemon stop waiting count 1/130
I/bluedroid( 2229): Stopping daemons... Done!
I/bluedroid( 2229): New state is BTOFF_FMOFF_handling
W/BTLD (16100): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/BTLD (16100): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 6906): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
I/BTL-IFS (16100): main_server_thread: main_server_thread: bt shutdown while waiting for select
I/BTL-IFS (16100): close_all_open_sockets: Closing all open sockets
I/BTL-IFS (16100): main_server_thread: @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* main_server_thread - close(12)
I/BTL-IFS (16100): main_server_thread: BTL-IF server thread terminating...
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_ServerShutdown: BTL-IF Server shutting down...
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_ServerShutdown: BTL-IF Server shutdown complete.
I/BTL-IFS (16100): BTL_IF_UnregisterSubSystem: Unregistered subsystem [DTUN]
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Ioctl: Received USERIAL_OP_BAUD_WR ioctl 7
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Closing UART Port
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signaled
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signal reseted
W/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): my_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 0x0001c200
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): userial_change_rate: Attempting to reopen the UART Port at 115200
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): USERIAL_Open opening /dev/s3c2410_serial0
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): sock = 6
I/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): Leaving USERIAL_Open
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signaled
D/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): socket signal reseted
W/USERIAL_LINUX(16100): my_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btld_cfg_btld_pid : service.brcm.bt.btld_pid = 0
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_set_btld_pid success : service.brcm.bt.btld_pid = 0, ret = 0
V/BTL_CFG (16100): btl_cfg_set_btld_status: service.brcm.bt.btld=0, ret=0
I/BTL-SERVER(16100): ### Target baudrate is reset, now exit btld ###
So anyone know what gives. Looking at the logs it seems that it can't initialize a setting or sumthin'
Have you tried deleting/forgeting your headset and repairing the device? Sometimes simple is best.
I have no paired devices.
Sent from my Epic xda style. http://zedros.com
I still havent been able to get my bluetooth working. Anyone else having a problem with this? My bluetooth just 'stopped' working. I hit the bluetooth icon, it seems like it is beginning to launch, but then nothing happens. No freezes, lockups, etc... It just goes back to its original state like i never hit the bluetooth button to begin with. This is getting on my nerves as I like to transfer files via bluetooth when I am not connected via USB.
Same Problem
Yes, I'm having the same problem on a Samsung Fascinate, running 2.1
I am positive that, based on the log files, ... that this is a permissions issue. I am hoping that moving to 2.2 will fix it. Sprint/Samsung give me my update. I don't **** with HTC anymore because of the video hardware fiasco they had with the Kaiser. Don't b next. Lols
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
May b a missing configuration file as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Anyone figure this out? I am having this problem, too.
Happened to me too after 1-click root w/CWM (and a couple of other updates). Restoring initial backup after one-click root and clockwork did NOT fix this. I had to wipe and re-install DI18 stock rom in order to get bluetooth working again. Please note that I did not use any dev tools to troubleshoot.
It broke somewhere in this process:
1. 1-click root w/Clockwork
1a. backed up, restoring that backup with clockwork still had the problem, but I didn't originally notice the problem until later.
2. Tried to follow instructions for 2nd full root, but was getting permissions errors. Still had root, so I continued (never got this to work).
3. Installed ROM Manager
3a. ROM Manager for some reason was booting into stock recovery and not CWM. Could still get to CWM via Vol-down+shutter+power.
4. Installed Mobile AP mod.
All of this was on Saturday. didn't try bluetooth until monday when I discovered it was pooched - Bluetooth wouldn't turn on, either through touchwiz, or settings. It would look like it was turning on ('On', but grey, then turn off again).
Flashed back to stock DI18 and bluetooth is working again.
There is a setting in Android>Settings>Wireless & networks>Mobile Networks>Access Point Names where a user can specify the Authentication type for connecting to 3g, my device allows you to choose either PAP, CHAP, BOTH or NONE.
HOWEVER, while the GUI shows PAP in the APN setting, if such is selected, the debugger shows that the device is trying to authenticate through CHAP. I have attached the log for you to see.
Please let me know how I can force through hardcoding the use of PAP to make the HSPA connection. Also, the DNSs are bogus, which also puzzles me.
There is $50 dollars as an incentive for whoever makes this happen.
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=ac
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Mains
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=1
01-19 22:18:33.425: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(945): onDataConnectionStateChanged 10
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(945): default Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= CONNECTING, reason= apnChanged, apnTypeList= *
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/NetworkStateTracker(945): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=DISCONNECTED
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/ConnectivityService(945): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
01-19 22:18:33.575: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(945): updateNetworkState available info: NetworkInfo: type: MOBILE[UNKNOWN], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: apnChanged, extra: internet.movistar.mx, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: false
01-19 22:18:33.575: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(945): NetworkThread wait for 9223372036854775807ms
01-19 22:18:33.595: INFO/MediaUploader(1135): No need to wake up
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(945): onDataConnectionStateChanged 10
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(945): default Received state= CONNECTING, old= DISCONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= *
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/NetworkStateTracker(945): setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state=CONNECTING
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/ConnectivityService(945): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: CONNECTING/CONNECTING
01-19 22:18:35.335: INFO/pppd(1800): Serial connection established.
01-19 22:18:35.335: DEBUG/pppd(1800): using channel 7
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): [UEVENT] Sq: 1439 S: net A: 0 P: /devices/virtual/net/ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/net/ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): INTERFACE=ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): IFINDEX=9
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): No uevent handlers registered for 'net' subsystem
01-19 22:18:35.365: INFO/pppd(1800): Using interface ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.365: INFO/pppd(1800): Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1e53a172> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x12 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0xf88238> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x12 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0xf88238> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1e53a172> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP DiscReq id=0x13 magic=0xf88238]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <3a1477f1ae67d1c06633eef3a6ea709b>, name = "UMTS_CHAP_SRVR"]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <ebf1fb3e1003d2c0ea6e740043b60d28>, name = "CARD"]
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 ""]
01-19 22:18:36.395: INFO/pppd(1800): CHAP authentication succeeded
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
01-19 22:18:36.405: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x14 80 fd 01 01 00 0f 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00 15 03 2f]
01-19 22:18:37.408: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3> <ms-wins> <ms-wins>]
01-19 22:18:37.408: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
01-19 22:18:37.645: INFO/pppd(1800): Modem hangup
01-19 22:18:37.645: INFO/pppd(1800): Connection terminated.
I'll Paypal you if you can solve this. It's a difficult thing for me to do, should be easy for you devs...
Why would you want the less secure approach?
I know nothing of deving but chap is more secure.
Maybe your network provider is forcing it.
ur network provider forces one of the two(if any) , if you leave the said form empty , the phone will use network default
Happy to help
Add the following new file to /etc/ppp/ ---- Set ALL Permissions to Read/Execute
filename: options
<start of file contents>
#Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP.
#Don't agree to authenticate using PAP.
#Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Cryptographic
#Handshake Authentication Protocol] authentication.
#Don't agree to authenticate using CHAP.
#---<End of File>---
<end of file contents>
In root directory /etc/ppp/peers/ modify mcli-gsm
Add the line item at the bottom:
---- Confirm ALL Permissions set to Read/Execute
http://d-h.st/7F3 VirginBroadbandAndroidSupport.zip 8kb
File is for Virgin Mobile Australia Broadband Data Only as an example. You can change your APN settings as needed
The more user friendly installation howto is listed below: this howto requires the four files in the above zip file.
Using ES File explorer from play.google.com enable root explorer access, mout file system as writable, enable to root all enabelded. All Root settings are listed under ES explorer settings.
Before overwritting anyfile make a backup copy simply by changing the filename extension to .bak
Using ES file explorer navigate to /system/etc/ rename apns-conf.xml to apns-conf.bak
copy apns-conf.xml to /system/etc/ set permissions to rw- r-- r--
Using ES file explorer navigate to /system/etc/ppp/peers/ rename mcli-gsm to mcli-gsm.bak
copy mcli-gsm to /system/etc/ppp/peers/ set permissions to r-x r-x r-x
copy options to /system/etc/ppp/ set permissions to r-x r-x r-x
apples2apples said:
There is a setting in Android>Settings>Wireless & networks>Mobile Networks>Access Point Names where a user can specify the Authentication type for connecting to 3g, my device allows you to choose either PAP, CHAP, BOTH or NONE.
HOWEVER, while the GUI shows PAP in the APN setting, if such is selected, the debugger shows that the device is trying to authenticate through CHAP. I have attached the log for you to see.
Please let me know how I can force through hardcoding the use of PAP to make the HSPA connection. Also, the DNSs are bogus, which also puzzles me.
There is $50 dollars as an incentive for whoever makes this happen.
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=ac
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Mains
01-19 22:18:07.665: DEBUG/vold(880): POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=1
01-19 22:18:33.425: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(945): onDataConnectionStateChanged 10
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(945): default Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= CONNECTING, reason= apnChanged, apnTypeList= *
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/NetworkStateTracker(945): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=DISCONNECTED
01-19 22:18:33.465: DEBUG/ConnectivityService(945): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
01-19 22:18:33.575: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(945): updateNetworkState available info: NetworkInfo: type: MOBILE[UNKNOWN], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: apnChanged, extra: internet.movistar.mx, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: false
01-19 22:18:33.575: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(945): NetworkThread wait for 9223372036854775807ms
01-19 22:18:33.595: INFO/MediaUploader(1135): No need to wake up
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(945): onDataConnectionStateChanged 10
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(945): default Received state= CONNECTING, old= DISCONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= *
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/NetworkStateTracker(945): setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state=CONNECTING
01-19 22:18:33.705: DEBUG/ConnectivityService(945): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: CONNECTING/CONNECTING
01-19 22:18:35.335: INFO/pppd(1800): Serial connection established.
01-19 22:18:35.335: DEBUG/pppd(1800): using channel 7
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): [UEVENT] Sq: 1439 S: net A: 0 P: /devices/virtual/net/ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/net/ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): INTERFACE=ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): IFINDEX=9
01-19 22:18:35.355: DEBUG/vold(880): No uevent handlers registered for 'net' subsystem
01-19 22:18:35.365: INFO/pppd(1800): Using interface ppp0
01-19 22:18:35.365: INFO/pppd(1800): Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1e53a172> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x12 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0xf88238> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x12 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0xf88238> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.375: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1e53a172> <pcomp> <accomp>]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP DiscReq id=0x13 magic=0xf88238]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <3a1477f1ae67d1c06633eef3a6ea709b>, name = "UMTS_CHAP_SRVR"]
01-19 22:18:36.385: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <ebf1fb3e1003d2c0ea6e740043b60d28>, name = "CARD"]
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 ""]
01-19 22:18:36.395: INFO/pppd(1800): CHAP authentication succeeded
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
01-19 22:18:36.395: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
01-19 22:18:36.405: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x14 80 fd 01 01 00 0f 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00 15 03 2f]
01-19 22:18:37.408: DEBUG/pppd(1800): rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3> <ms-wins> <ms-wins>]
01-19 22:18:37.408: DEBUG/pppd(1800): sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
01-19 22:18:37.645: INFO/pppd(1800): Modem hangup
01-19 22:18:37.645: INFO/pppd(1800): Connection terminated.
I'll Paypal you if you can solve this. It's a difficult thing for me to do, should be easy for you devs...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've build new ROM from CM6 Sources and everything works except making outgoing call (I can answer a incoming call). Calling stuck on "Dialing", when I end call, it stuck on "Hanging up", and I can't exit this.
This is log from adb logcat (from booting to make call):
E/GlsClient-query( 1652): at aB.f.run(Unknown Source)
E/GlsClient-query( 1652): at aH.d.run(Unknown Source)
I/BootReceiver( 1666): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTE
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Start proc com.google.android.apps.uploader for broadc
ast com.google.android.apps.uploader/.ConnectivityBroadcastReceiver: pid=1687 ui
d=10051 gids={3003}
D/MediaScannerService( 1541): start scanning volume external
V/MediaProvider( 1541): /mnt/sdcard volume ID: 996875024
I/ActivityThread( 1687): Publishing provider com.google.android.apps.uploader: c
I/ActivityThread( 1687): Publishing provider com.google.photos.provider.Album: c
D/MediaUploader( 1687): UploaderApplication.onCreate
D/MediaUploader( 1687): nonWifiLimit=20971520, default=20971520
I/MediaUploader( 1687): No need to wake up
I/BootReceiver( 1666): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNE
V/MediaProvider( 1541): deleting obsolete album art /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com
V/MediaProvider( 1541): Attached volume: external
D/MediaScanner( 1541): prescan time: 54ms
D/MediaScanner( 1541): scan time: 945ms
D/MediaScanner( 1541): postscan time: 0ms
D/MediaScanner( 1541): total time: 999ms
I/BootReceiver( 1666): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNE
D/MediaScannerService( 1541): done scanning volume external
I/CacheService( 1666): Starting CacheService
I/CacheService( 1666): Preparing DiskCache for all thumbnails.
D/dalvikvm( 1666): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 7867 objects / 435808 bytes in 61ms
I/CacheService( 1666): DiskCache ready for all thumbnails.
D/WifiService( 1246): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2
D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1609): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKA
GE_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.stk flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.voicediale
r/.VoiceDialerReceiver (has extras) }
V/RecognizerEngine( 1609): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/com.android.voice
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1246): pokeWakelock(5000)
D/dalvikvm( 1246): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13710 objects / 734544 bytes in 131ms
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1246): pokeWakelock(5000)
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1388): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1388): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): getMobileDataEnabled returning true
D/WifiService( 1246): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2
W/InputManagerService( 1246): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.contacts/.ContactsLaunchActivity }
I/dalvikvm( 1381): Jit: resizing JitTable from 512 to 1024
D/dalvikvm( 1381): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6812 objects / 361336 bytes in 99ms
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Displayed activity com.android.contacts/.ContactsLaunc
hActivity: 633 ms (total 633 ms)
E/dhcpcd ( 1480): timed out
I/WifiStateTracker( 1246): DhcpHandler: DHCP request failed: DHCP result was fai
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=8
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove key
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=8
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=8]
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=8]
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: COMPLETED ==> DORMANT
D/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1381): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1381): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.
W/AudioFlinger( 1153): write blocked for 209 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 0xb
D/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Disabling interface
D/NetworkStateTracker( 1246): setDetailed state, old =OBTAINING_IPADDR and new s
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): New network state is DISCONNECTED
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: DORMANT ==> DORMANT
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/FAILED
V/ConnectivityService( 1246): Attempt to connect to WIFI failed.
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): getMobileDataEnabled returning true
D/DataConnectionTracker( 1377): enableApnType(default), isApnTypeActive = false
and state = IDLE
D/DataConnectionTracker( 1377): type not available
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
D/Tethering( 1246): Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
D/Tethering( 1246): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
E/HierarchicalStateMachine( 1246): TetherMaster - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
I/GTalkService( 1425): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- connectivity changed
I/GTalkService( 1425): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- start GTalk service ---
I/MediaUploader( 1687): No need to wake up
D/GpsLocationProvider( 1246): updateNetworkState unavailable info: NetworkInfo:
type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/FAILED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none),
roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
D/GTalkService( 1425): [GTalkService.1] ### onCreate ###
D/GTalkService( 1425): [GTalkService.1] setBackgroundDataWithLock: mBackgroundDa
D/GTalkService( 1425): [GTalkService.1] onStartCommand: found 0 connections, for
ce audit connections...
D/GoogleLoginService( 1425): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthen
ticator cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.loginservice.GoogleLoginService }
W/GoogleLoginService( 1425): Device has no accounts: sending Intent { act=com.go
ogle.android.gsf.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_MISSING }
D/GTalkService( 1425): [GTalkService.15] account missing
D/GTalkService( 1425): [GTalkService.16] account missing
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): wpa_driver_priv_driver_cmd failed_
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2]
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: DORMANT ==> SCANNING
D/NetworkStateTracker( 1246): setDetailed state, old =FAILED and new state=SCANN
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): Dropping ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): Trying to associate with 00:23:69:c0:ce:a6 (SSID='APG'
freq=2422 MHz)
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [Trying to associate with 00:23:69:c0:ce:a6 (SSID='A
PG' freq=2422 MHz)]
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3]
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> ASSOCIATING
D/NetworkStateTracker( 1246): setDetailed state, old =SCANNING and new state=CON
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTING/CONNECTING
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4]
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATING ==> ASSOCIATED
D/NetworkStateTracker( 1246): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=C
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): Associated with 00:23:69:c0:ce:a6
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7
I/wpa_supplicant( 1376): CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:23:69:c0:ce:a6
completed (reauth) [id=0 id_str=]
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [Associated with 00:23:69:c0:ce:a6]
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7]
V/WifiMonitor( 1246): Event [CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:23:69:c0:ce
:a6 completed (reauth) [id=0 id_str=]]
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATED ==> COMPLETED
V/WifiStateTracker( 1246): New network state is CONNECTED
D/NetworkStateTracker( 1246): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=O
D/ConnectivityService( 1246): Dropping ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTING/O
D/WifiStateTracker( 1246): DhcpHandler: DHCP request started
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
I/dun_service( 1158): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 1158): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
D/Sensors ( 1246): sPending
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=tel:665570477 flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.phone/.Privileg
edOutgoingCallBroadcaster }
V/OutgoingCallBroadcaster( 1377): onCreate: this = com.android.phone.OutgoingCal
[email protected], icicle = null
V/OutgoingCallBroadcaster( 1377): - getIntent() = Intent { act=android.intent.a
ction.CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=tel:665570477 flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.phone/.Pr
ivilegedOutgoingCallBroadcaster }
V/OutgoingCallBroadcaster( 1377): - configuration = { scale=1.0 imsi=260/6 loc=
pl_PL touch=3 keys=2/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=18 uiMode=17 seq=3}
D/PhoneApp( 1377): pulse screen lock
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): checkAndCopyPhoneProviderExtras: some or all extras are mis
V/OutgoingCallBroadcaster( 1377): Broadcasting intent Intent { act=android.inten
t.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL (has extras) }.
V/OutgoingCallReceiver( 1377): doReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.NEW
_OUTGOING_CALL (has extras) }
V/OutgoingCallReceiver( 1377): CALL to 665570477 proceeding.
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): checkAndCopyPhoneProviderExtras: some or all extras are mis
V/OutgoingCallReceiver( 1377): doReceive(): calling startActivity: Intent { act=
android.intent.action.CALL dat=tel:665570477 flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.phon
e/.InCallScreen (has extras) }
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
CALL dat=tel:665570477 flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.phone/.InCallScreen (has e
xtras) }
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onCreate()... this = [email protected]
W/ResourceType( 1377): getEntry failing because entryIndex 65 is beyond type ent
ryCount 1
D/InCallScreen( 1377): initInCallTouchUi()...
D/ManageConferenceUtils( 1377): ManageConferenceUtils constructor...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - Full touch device! Found dialerView: com.android.phone
[email protected]
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking inten
D/InCallScreen( 1377): internalResolveIntent: action=android.intent.action.CALL
I/AudioService( 1246): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phon
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 1153): setMode(IN_CALL)
D/AudioFlinger( 1153): setParameters(): io 1, keyvalue routing=1, tid 1222, call
ing tid 1153
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 1153): Routing audio to Handset
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 1153): rpc_snd_set_device(0, 0, 0)
I/AudioFlinger( 1153): setFmVolume 73
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onCreate(): mInCallInitialStatus = SUCCESS
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onCreate(): exit
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onResume()...
D/PhoneApp( 1377): disable status bar
D/PhoneApp( 1377): StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND
D/StatusBar( 1246): DISABLE_EXPAND: yes
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - onResume: initial status = SUCCESS
D/InCallScreen( 1377): setInCallScreenMode: NORMAL
W/BluetoothHeadset( 1377): Proxy not attached to service
D/InCallScreen( 1377): syncWithPhoneState()...
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): dumpCallState():
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - Phone: Handler{2fa7c738}, name = GSM, state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - FG call: DIALING isAlive true isRinging false isDialing
true isIdle false hasConnections true
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - BG call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing f
alse isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - RINGING call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDial
ing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - hasRingingCall false hasActiveCall true hasHoldingCall
false allLinesTaken false
D/PhoneUtils( 1377): - Ringer state: false
D/InCallScreen( 1377): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/dalvikvm( 1377): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5875 objects / 339272 bytes in 76ms
W/BluetoothHeadset( 1377): Proxy not attached to service
I/power ( 1246): *** set_screen_state 1
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDial
ing true, showingDisc false)
D/CallNotifier( 1377): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 1377): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 1377): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDial
ing true, showingDisc false)
D/CallNotifier( 1377): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 1377): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 1377): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDial
ing true, showingDisc false)
D/CallNotifier( 1377): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 1377): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 1377): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDial
ing true, showingDisc false)
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1381): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/ActivityManager( 1246): Displayed activity com.android.phone/.InCallScreen: 94
0 ms (total 1014 ms)
D/InCallScreen( 1377): handleOnscreenButtonClick(id 2131099758)...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): internalHangup()...
I/dalvikvm( 1377): Jit: resizing JitTable from 512 to 1024
D/CallNotifier( 1377): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 1377): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 1377): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/InCallScreen( 1377): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 1377): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDial
ing false, showingDisc true)
D/InCallScreen( 1377): handleOnscreenButtonClick(id 2131099758)...
D/InCallScreen( 1377): internalHangup()...
Devs, help me, bcos I can't fix this
i'm on a porting roll
i'm now trying to port Oxygen ROM from HTC Desire. (personal use)
i followed this guide (that i ported 3 ROMs using it).
i can't make the phone boot, it hangs at the boot IMAGE.
here's the logcat (DDMS):
09-04 13:18:54.980: D/AndroidRuntime(1409): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
09-04 13:18:54.980: I/AndroidRuntime(1409): Heap size: -Xmx64m
09-04 13:18:54.980: D/AndroidRuntime(1409): CheckJNI is OFF
09-04 13:18:54.980: D/dalvikvm(1409): creating instr width table
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.splitThemePackage:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.detachThemePath:(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.attachThemePath:(Ljava/lang/String;)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageCount:()I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageName:(I)Ljava/lang/String;
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageId:(I)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.addRedirectionsNative:(I)V
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.clearRedirectionsNative:()V
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.generateStyleRedirections:(III)Z
09-04 13:18:55.030: E/JNIHelp(1409): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/content/res/AssetManager'
09-04 13:18:55.030: E/AndroidRuntime(1409): Unable to register all android natives
09-04 13:18:55.030: I/ServiceManager(1261): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
09-04 13:18:55.030: I/ServiceManager(1261): service 'media.player' died
09-04 13:18:55.030: I/ServiceManager(1261): service 'media.camera' died
09-04 13:18:55.030: I/ServiceManager(1261): service 'media.audio_policy' died
09-04 13:18:55.060: I/Netd(1411): Netd 1.0 starting
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/(1410): ServiceManager: 0xad50
09-04 13:18:55.210: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): msm_mixer_open: Opening the device
09-04 13:18:55.210: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): msm_mixer_count:mixer_cnt = 35
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[0] = [handset_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 0
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: handset_rx:index = 0, dev_id: 0
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 0
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[1] = [handset_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 1
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: handset_tx:index = 1, dev_id: 1
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 6 for device 1
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[2] = [headset_stereo_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 2
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: headset_stereo_rx:index = 2, dev_id: 2
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 2
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[3] = [headset_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[4] = [headset_mono_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 4
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: headset_mono_tx:index = 4, dev_id: 4
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 6 for device 4
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[5] = [fmradio_handset_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 5
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: fmradio_handset_rx:index = 5, dev_id: 5
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 17 for device 5
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[6] = [speaker_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 6
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: speaker_mono_rx:index = 6, dev_id: 6
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 6
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[7] = [fmradio_speaker_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 7
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: fmradio_speaker_rx:index = 7, dev_id: 7
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 17 for device 7
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[8] = [fmradio_headset_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 8
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: fmradio_headset_rx:index = 8, dev_id: 8
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 17 for device 8
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[9] = [tty_headset_mono_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 9
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: tty_headset_mono_tx:index = 9, dev_id: 9
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 38 for device 9
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[10] = [tty_headset_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 10
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: tty_headset_mono_rx:index = 10, dev_id: 10
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 37 for device 10
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[11] = [speaker_mono_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.210: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 11
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: speaker_mono_tx:index = 11, dev_id: 11
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 6 for device 11
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[12] = [headset_speaker_stereo_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 12
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: headset_speaker_stereo_rx:index = 12, dev_id: 12
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 12
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[13] = [usb_headset_stereo_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 13
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: usb_headset_stereo_rx:index = 13, dev_id: 13
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 13
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[14] = [hac_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 14
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: hac_mono_rx:index = 14, dev_id: 14
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 14
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[15] = [alt_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 15
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: alt_mono_rx:index = 15, dev_id: 15
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 5 for device 15
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[16] = [handset_vr_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 16
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: handset_vr_tx:index = 16, dev_id: 16
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 0,capablity = 6 for device 16
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[17] = [headset_vr_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[18] = [dual_mic_stereo_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[19] = [gan_lite_handset_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[20] = [gan_lite_speaker_mono_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[21] = [bt_sco_rx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 17
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: bt_sco_rx:index = 17, dev_id: 21
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 1,capablity = 5 for device 21
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): ******* name[22] = [bt_sco_tx] *********
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): index = 18
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Found device: bt_sco_tx:index = 18, dev_id: 22
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): class ID = 1,capablity = 6 for device 22
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): libhtc_acoustic.so(7x30 platform) version
09-04 13:18:55.220: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): int android::support_audience(), support_a1026: 0
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): Open /system/etc/AdieHWCodec.csv success.
09-04 13:18:55.220: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): Vision_HTC_20100721
09-04 13:18:55.220: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [1] dev_name = handset_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=26, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.220: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.220: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [2] dev_name = handset_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.220: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=26, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [3] dev_name = handset_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [4] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [5] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 16000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=16000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [6] dev_name = handset_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [7] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [8] dev_name = headset_stereo_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=28, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [9] dev_name = headset_stereo_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=28, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [10] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [11] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.230: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [12] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [13] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [14] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [15] dev_name = speaker_mono_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [16] dev_name = speaker_mono_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [17] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [18] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [19] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=16000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [20] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.240: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [21] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.240: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=25, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [22] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=28, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [23] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=28, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [24] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=24, freq=8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [25] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 16000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=24, freq=16000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [26] dev_name = fmradio_headset_rx
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=18, freq=0
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [27] dev_name = fmradio_speaker_rx
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=18, freq=0
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [28] dev_name = headset_speaker_stereo_rx
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=33, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): [29] dev_name = fmtx_headset
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): parse freq 48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): act_size=28, freq=48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: E/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE failed -1
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: handset_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_stereo_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.250: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_stereo_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_mono_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_mono_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_mono_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_rx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_tx_midi_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_tx_midi_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: speaker_mono_tx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_48000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_8000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_16000
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: fmradio_headset_rx
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: fmradio_speaker_rx
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: headset_speaker_stereo_rx
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): adie device name: fmtx_headset
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): Success on updating adie setting
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): open /system/etc/AudioBTID.csv success.
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/HTC Acoustic(1410): BT ID table version: VN_HTC_20100719
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): int android::support_audience(), support_a1026: 0
09-04 13:18:55.260: V/HTC Acoustic(1410): property path with CID = ro.ril.enable.amr.wideband.HTC-ITA
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): update_acdb_table, return 0
09-04 13:18:55.260: E/HTC Acoustic(1410): failed to open A2051 CSV files /system/etc/TPA2051_CFG.csv.
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Speaker amplifies tpa2051 is not supported
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): int android::support_codec_aic3254(), support_aic3254: 0
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): AIC3254 DSP is not supported
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/HTC Acoustic(1410): int android::support_back_mic(), support_back_mic: 0
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): HTC DualMic is not supported
09-04 13:18:55.260: D/AudioHardwareInterface(1410): setMode(NORMAL)
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Set master volume to 7.
09-04 13:18:55.260: I/CameraService(1410): CameraService started (pid=1410)
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): AudioHardware::openOutputStream
09-04 13:18:55.270: I/AudioFlinger(1410): AudioFlinger's thread 0x120c0 ready to run
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::standby()
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioFlinger(1410): setParameters(): io 1, keyvalue routing=2, tid 1416, calling tid 1410
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): doRouting()
09-04 13:18:55.270: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Routing audio to Speakerphone
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): new_rx = 6
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): new_tx = 11
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): updateDeviceInfo: E rx_device 6 and tx_device 11
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): No active voicecall/playback, disabling cur_rx 65535
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): No active voicecall/recording, disabling cur_tx 65535
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): updateDeviceInfo: X cur_rx 6 cur_tx 11
09-04 13:18:55.270: D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
09-04 13:18:55.270: I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): Setting in-call volume to 100 (available range is 0 to 100)
09-04 13:18:55.270: E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): msm_set_voice_rx_vol(100) failed errno = 1
and warn filter:
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.splitThemePackage:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.detachThemePath:(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.attachThemePath:(Ljava/lang/String;)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageCount:()I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageName:(I)Ljava/lang/String;
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.getBasePackageId:(I)I
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.addRedirectionsNative:(I)V
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.clearRedirectionsNative:()V
09-04 13:18:55.030: W/dalvikvm(1409): ERROR: Unable to find decl for native Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;.generateStyleRedirections:(III)Z
09-04 13:18:55.030: E/JNIHelp(1409): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/content/res/AssetManager'
09-04 13:18:55.030: E/AndroidRuntime(1409): Unable to register all android natives
09-04 13:18:55.250: E/HTC Acoustic(1410): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE failed -1
09-04 13:18:55.260: E/HTC Acoustic(1410): failed to open A2051 CSV files /system/etc/TPA2051_CFG.csv.
09-04 13:18:55.270: E/AudioHardwareMSM7X30(1410): msm_set_voice_rx_vol(100) failed errno = 1
please tell me what i'm missing... is it the kernel? some libs?
i tried with ported's libandroid_runtime.so, and with base's libandroid_runtime.so (which is CM7.2).