Verizon Android 10 system update 5 unavailable - Moto Z4 Guides, News, & Discussion

So I understand OTAs hot different places differently. However the website contains a tool called system update configuration or something that the site says to use when you don't receive the OTA.
nothing has worked so far I've talked over 15 hours on another phone with several level 1 techs and 3 or 4 level 2.
The first level 2 had me wipe everything (factory reset) and he falls it would update then. Well it didn't do he said my phone was borked and sent a refurbished one which arrived today.
So I go through setup not emailing anything all the way no location no Google account no location etc. I added wifi when done. Still no update. Both phones day I'm up to date.
Verizon's site clearly says the latest image is Andy 10 and Feb secure patch and starts with Q.q. O was told many bull**** stories the biggest one was that my phone wasn't at risk and was secure. They days if my phone says it's up to date then I don't need anything. I called bull feces and asked if she pulled that line from her anus.
Well talked more and finally after several hours of her going back and forth with her super she said it was Motorola's fault.
I then explained that Moto releases an image which goes to big red for the addition of trashware then release it to their customers.
Any way she kept saying she couldn't point me to the location of the system image nor could she send it to my device and therefore couldn't help me. I slept why the windows update app didn't work and got no reply.
I'm stopped to call Motorola because she said they're tier 3 support..
We'll see more to come..


Sprint HTC Hero Complete Failure

Picked up a brand new Sprint HTC Hero on Monday (10/12/9) and within about a day it had stopped working entirely and was swapped out by a Sprint Repair Technician for another brand new one. I wanted to share the issues/experience.
Having spent an entire day fiddling about with the device, I noticed a couple of processes freaking out and needing to be forcibly shut down. I found out that this was because it had 0 internal memory left. I think that this was because I set up my gmail app to sync absolutely all my email to my phone, which obviously took up all the memory.
Without really taking too much time to think, I just decided to do a hard reset of my phone and restore it to factory settings. All seemed to go fine.
But the next day I was noticing that I wasn't not able to receive text messages. I was still able to make/receive call, and send texts, just not receive texts.
Everything worked perfectly prior to the reset: could make and receive both calls and texts, browse the internet etc. - the only thing that wasn't quite working was the bluetooth connection to my car: it was able to pair fine, but anytime it tried to do anything e.g. make a call/play music via bluetooth, the connection would die. However, a bluetooth connection to just a regular headset worked flawlessly.
I spoke to Sprint Customer Service on & off for about 2 hours. They tried refreshing the text messaging service on their end a few times. They also had me check that my phone was correctly programmed: the MDN number had actually reverted back to the temp number I was given (I was porting a number over from TMob). However, even after correcting this MDN number, it still did not work.
I was tempted to just go and get a replacement from the Sprint Store, but there was a repair center about 5 minutes away. Very helpful guy there (who actually ended up staying an hour after his shift was supposed to end) took a look at it.
He was able to replicate the problem exactly as described above. He decided to transfer the number to a different phone (a palm treo I think), and all the test text messages came flooding down. Although this would point to an issue with the phone, this could not rule out a network issue (for reasons that he did explain, but I can't quite remember). He then tried a hard reset himself: didnt do anything.
Finally, he told me that he had a new Hero sitting in the back. He tried setting up this new phone with my number and it worked perfectly.
So in short, my phone is heading to Kansas City (Sprint HQ from what I understand) to be broken down and examined.
Sprint repair guy said he had never seen anything like it before.
Want to also mention that both the Sprint Store salesmen and repair guy were the most helpful people Ive ever met. My salesman was actually on vacation: when i called the store to report the issue, they called him and he called me...very impressive. The repair guy also went above and beyond to keep me informed on the progress (as I was waiting while he worked on it), not to mention him working overtime.
I literally ported over last week from Tmobile and have been blown away by their service.
Just wanted to share the story. Feel free to get in touch if you want me to elaborate on anything.
The brand new replacement phone has done the EXACT same thing.
Contacted the sprint repair tech. He says that sprint techs have a private internal forum and that the issue has been reported in the past (one of the reports was from a sprint employee who experienced identical problems (on Oct 8th - prior to launch).
From what Ive been told, the internal memory being full is the first symptom of the issue and that android processes begin to be forcibly shut down, and then txt messages cannot be received. Apparantly Sprint/HTC have an idea of what may be causing the issue but have not been more specific than that on the internal forum.
I'm getting my Hero swapped out for a brand new one (for the 3rd time) after work today. I've been advised to keep high-end feature use to a minimum (e.g. google contact/mail/calendar sync etc) until he has heard back from his development team.
Your title is quite misleading. Still happy it worked out for you in the end.
Yah your title is pretty terrible IMO for the post content.
Glad it worked out for you. I had a similar issue and had to have the device re-provisioned which didn't work, reset the device after the re-provision and it worked without issues since.
I have had mine for a while and installed around 60 apps on it yesterday all while surfing the net and texting. Before I went to bed I power cycled my phone and it was searching for service. Didn't have time to troubleshoot it until today noticed it was force closing several different things randomly and said I was out of memory. I uninstalled several programs and had around 30 mb free and still random force closings and no service.
Ended up doing a factory reset which seemed to fix the issue as I can receive calls and surf the market and internet but I'm not receiving text. As a matter of fact people said they were responding to my texts last night yet I never received any of them despite being able to surf the market and play games on my phone.
So now I'm wondering if my hero is jacked up as well and I'm wondering if it's related to using up all the memory on the device but I'd think doing a factory reset should have fixed everything but it seems like something isn't getting fixed correctly as I just had someone send me a text to test my theory and I haven't received it yet I can still do everything else on my phone.
If you are auto closing everything without setting up exceptions you will have issues. My radio stack became unresponsive after auto closing everything and I had to go through the system files that were running one by one to place them on the exclusion list otherwise it would keep happening. Now no issues.
I had the same issues with not getting txt msgs at first. I told the sprint rep and he simply tokd me to reset my phone...and it works great since then
Update to Original Message - Brand New Replacement Hero w/ Identical Issues
Yeah, the title may have initially been misleading, but it turns out its spot on.
The brand new replacement phone has done the EXACT same thing.
Contacted the sprint repair tech. He says that sprint techs have a private internal forum and that the issue has been reported in the past (one of the reports was from a sprint employee who experienced identical problems (on Oct 8th - prior to launch).
From what Ive been told, the internal memory being full is the first symptom of the issue and that android processes begin to be forcibly shut down, and then txt messages cannot be received. Apparantly Sprint/HTC have an idea of what may be causing the issue but have not been more specific than that on the internal forum.
I'm getting my Hero swapped out for a brand new one (for the 3rd time) after work today. I've been advised to keep high-end feature use to a minimum (e.g. google contact/mail/calendar sync etc) until he has heard back from his development team.
I will keep you all posted (if any of you are at all interested). I never usually post my boring issues on forums, but I thought this was pretty interesting given how new the CDMA Hero is.
Yes pllease keep us updated as i had the same issues as you did until i resetted my phone. I hope an update will fix the issue
lawsofpower48 said:
Yes pllease keep us updated as i had the same issues as you did until i resetted my phone. I hope an update will fix the issue
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were you able to receive text messages after the reset? if so your problem is different to mine as a reset doesn't fix it at all
dom2114 said:
were you able to receive text messages after the reset? if so your problem is different to mine as a reset doesn't fix it at all
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Ya after reset my phone has been fine.
3rd Update - 3rd Replacement Hero
So I've just picked up my 3rd phone. The previous 2 are being sent off to Sprint HQ so they can determine exactly what is going on.
Apparently (as I think I mentioned previously), Sprint HQ have a very good idea as to whats going on but a) need to confirm it and b) wont tell the Sprint repair tech what they're thinking. In an email that HQ sent to the tech, they said:
“We should be hearing about a resolution shortly and I can check in with him later on today. I would simply let your customer know that this is the highest priority at development and they are close to a resolution.”
In the mean time, I've been advised not to install any non-standard apps i.e. anything but facebook/google. The tech has a feeling its down to one of the 2 memory management apps I used, Advanced TaskKiller Free and TaskKiller Free. Apparently the Sprint employee that I mentioned earlier that had this issue was also using a TaskKiller app. I was also advised not to set up any Microsoft exchange accounts as some problems have been reported, but I dont think its anything really to do with this (however, I'm following his advice all the same).
Should be hearing something from the tech guy early next week and will post the feedback.
mine is doing the exact same thing!!! i thought is was that nobody has texted me in the last couple of days but i was dead wrong..... im gonna try to uninstall task killer free and reboot to see if thats the problem.... if not, then back to the Sprint Store
Thats what happens when Sprint decides to patch up Android with CDMA support rather than waite for native in 1.6
You guys aren't just killing all the tasks when you are running these programs are you?
Aridon said:
If you are auto closing everything without setting up exceptions you will have issues. My radio stack became unresponsive after auto closing everything and I had to go through the system files that were running one by one to place them on the exclusion list otherwise it would keep happening. Now no issues.
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where can i acces this exlusion list?? and which files should i include?
Rootwind said:
You guys aren't just killing all the tasks when you are running these programs are you?
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i was till i heard it was the problem.... but i uninstalled the task killer and rebooted already and it still not receives...
has anybody bother to update there prl and profile? being that it was sitting in the box for a month or so.sprint has updated there prl recently and that may fix the issue...
reddick said:
has anybody bother to update there prl and profile? being that it was sitting in the box for a month or so.sprint has updated there prl recently and that may fix the issue...
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i did.... still same issue
I had to reset my phone twice today just to get the internet connection back. Android is a joke or maybe its just sprint. Im moving back to winmo as soon as hd2 is here in the US.
I can assure you it is not Android, but Sprints implementation of Android on the Hero. Hopefully we'll get a 1.6 update soon. Hang in there, it'll be worth the wait.
i hope so. i really miss bluetooth transfer and exchange server is constantly on i want to be able to set peek times. i also want me notifications to repeat until i acknowledge them. missed call only works or missed calls and sms.
katmandu421 said:
I can assure you it is not Android, but Sprints implementation of Android on the Hero. Hopefully we'll get a 1.6 update soon. Hang in there, it'll be worth the wait.
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I have reset my phone three times now and still not working. I can assure you this has nothing to do with the network as I'm still able to receive calls and emails hence not the network but what I believe to be HTC. Let me clarify, I believe I have either installed an app that corrupted my ability to receive sms text or somehow messed my phone up however it's the phone itself that's not erasing all info when I do a reset like it should.
I still have audio files from sound boards I installed when I initially got the phone that are still present after four factory resets that shouldn't be. This is a phone issue and not a network issue. Sadly the phone is so new there isn't a rom I can flash to that would fix the issue as whatever I did to my phone a factory reset isn't fixing it. It's that simple, if HTC made it to where a factory reset put the phone back to the original state then I wouldn't have this issue or files present from 3-4 factory resets ago....
This is frustrating :O

Android OS eating massive amounts of data on S7 Edge?

I spoke with Bell Mobility four times tonight, and Samsung four times tonight. I would write the details of each call, but I'm just gonna explain my problem. I know I'm not nearly experienced as anyone here, but I thought my info may be useful.
My Android OS is using disgusting amounts of data. I have a 1 gb limit (thanks Canada) that I pay eighty bucks a month for. My data cycle started over as of today - and it turns out that when I used my phone today to use Facebook on data, I used 35 MB for Facebook. Not too bad, I knew it would happen. But the Android OS in the same amount of time used 70MB. This is with background data off, and as many things and syncs and whatever disabled as well. When I click Android OS, it tells me that it is all background data, even though the background data is turned off.
Spoke with Bell and Samsung tonight, they kept referring me to each other. I did a weird safe-mode restart with troubleshooting with Samsung and two full factory resets of my device. Still the same problem. Before I made this post I did it a third time, turned on data, opened up Google Chrome and searched then samsung. 10 MB of Android OS background data immediately used.
Has anyone had experience with this? What is going on? Samsung tells me "data is not our fault" and Bell says "it's the Android OS. Call Samsung".
One Samsung employee told me to call Google. I asked the number, he told me to go onto and google "Google support phone number" and it would be the first thing there. Needless to say I never did find this vague support number.
I am on US Cellular and I think I may be seeing this as well
Sent from my SM-G935R4 using XDA Free mobile app
I spoke to a lady who told me that she was limited in what she could say due to calls being recorded - but it was a known issue, they had received multiple calls, but are not able to discuss it and are being told to deny knowing about it as of know. She told me she was letting me know because she could see how badly it affected my data last month. She told me to check back in a few weeks, and until then there was nothing that could be done.
Which version of the firmware are you on
Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
Android 6.0.1
I'm on Etisalat middle east, and not a problem... used 240Mb so far and Adroid OS chewed 4.19 Mb.
I have a rooted phone and lot of freezed apps though
Well I'm sending this from work and in the time it takes me to turn on data, open up the thread, refresh, and reply my android OS is eating through 10-15 Mb. Back on the phones after work I suppose

Device not showing on adb devices

I'm trying to root my LG v20 and it looks like I'm already stuck on the first step... When I run adb devices nothing happens
I have usb debugger on
EDIT: all drivers are updated, tried on multiple devices and none would connect
People come here all the time asking that.... the short answer is "you're patched." You accepted the April update and it patched your phone. You cannot root. Sorry. I had this happen to me on a previous device. Like if you buy your phone in the store, you need to take it from the hands of the sales person and tell them that you prefer to do all the setup yourself, because they are going to try to apply the update. "ok you're all set, I even checked for and applied all updates for you!!" yaaaay you ****ing piece of ****. Anyway what I remember noticing right away is that my phone would not be seen by ADB just like you're saying. Again sorry man.
Also, when you come asking questions like that you'll need to be more specific.... like do you have Att? Sprint? Verison?
Go Check your Phone. Go to About Phone > Software Info > Software Version > as for the ATT version you have to be on "H91010l" I already had this happen to me and I ended up having the phone stolen so I called asurion and cashed in my insurance for a new phone. As of 1 month ago they are still sending phones out with the old software. I can attest to this. If your ATT phone says H91010m you're patched.
So what you CAN do..... report your phone stolen.... pay the insurance deductible (mine is 250 dollars!!!! holy ****! But I guess they give you a 50% discount if you have not had an insurance claim in like a year or something, so best of to you!) They ARE in fact sending the replacement phones out with old software. If you do choose to do this, you need to disable automatic updates first off (this WONT actually stop them from forcing the update but do it anyway). Enable Developer Options > inside there you can disable automatic updates. This should give you some time. Once you ARE rooted they will keep trying to send you the update file anyway. When that happens you have to boot into recovery and clear the delvik and cache and then when you reboot, if it was saying "phone will reboot to install update" before, now it will say "update corrupted." This lasted me about a month and then they did it again.
Actually when I got it was still on the December update, and I eventually got it to work. All I had to do was install LG Drivers.
I actually got far into the rooting process until I flashed superSU and it all went South. Fortanetly I just got back from the AT&T Store with a new one from the warranty, thank God and **** rooting.

Bricked Nokia 6 after February update, anyone else?

I updated my Nokia 6 early yesterday morning, February 21st. The update was 1,7GB in total, don't know what it consisted of. The update came to my phone through standard automated update check, I got a notification to connect to WiFi, I did, the update downloaded and installed.
Apparently, it was the Android Pie update, though I didn't look that closely.
So, 100% stock ROM, no mods, fully official update method. No tricks. Connected to wall, 100% battery.
After the update the phone booted and asked to reboot to install operator updates. I'm not quite sure the exact wording of the message pop-up, but that's what it asked as far as I can remember. I agreed to reboot, the phone shut down, and never came back to life again.
It won't respond to any key presses. It's completely bricked.
I'm going to get it fixed in a shop, where it'll go to have its display changed anyway. I'm writing this here to ask, has anyone else had troubles with the update? It was rolled out in Finland apparently February 21st or 20th, or then I haven't reacted to the notification before. I'm quite unhappy with the state of the matters, since it seems to be the official update that bricked my phone.
So, anyone had any troubles with Android Pie update?
Mine bricked 2 days ago after the same Android pie update, 1.7 GB. I have tried flashing to no avail. Currently looking for ways to restore a bricked Nokia 6 TA-1021.
rwaithera said:
Mine bricked 2 days ago after the same Android pie update, 1.7 GB. I have tried flashing to no avail. Currently looking for ways to restore a bricked Nokia 6 TA-1021.
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According to the service personnel, a small wonder happened when they plugged in my TA-1021 - the device started right up. It's quite extraordinary claim, since my phone was connected to my charger when it shut down, and it was showing 100% battery.
I have no reason for this, only speculation. The only explanation I can come up with outside of some divine intervention is, that the phone did not shut down after all. Instead, it was stuck on some loop with screen off and buttons inoperative. When it finally ran out of battery, it responded right away when it received more power.
I did not try and flash my phone myself. Nor did they flash it in the shop. It wasn't necessary, the phone is now fully functional.
Maybe try to plug it in briefly and see what happens. If nothing, then just unplug it again and try another time tomorrow. Btw. HMD Global's chat support was very responsive, so I highly recommend contacting them if you suspect that your case was caused by the updater itself.
Mine didn't get bricked, but it started having issues with Google accounts. After the update, all apps which use my Google account to login had login errors & I couldn't add Google accounts onto the device. I manually synced the account, removed the account & tried to add it again (shows a "sorry something went wrong" message everytime I try to add an account), wiped the cache, even factory reset it, but nothing helped. I finally had to spend some time learning how to downgrade it & was able to add accounts on the device again. But after I updated my device with Android 9 (V6.12) again, the issue came back.
my all google apps arent working on TA-1000
mine is completely bricked. wont turn on at all. TA-1033.
Is there anyway to fix this?

Android 10 Share Crash

I just got the OTA update from AT&T for my V35 to Android 10. Now, whenever I try to Share from an app and the system Share panel is invoked, the Share panel starts to populate and then crashes and often takes the app with it. The only app that I can Share from now appears to be Firefox, but that doesn't appear to use the system Share but has its own.
Any ideas what could be going on? This is happening for my and my wife's phones (both V35). I contacted AT&T chat support and all they gave me was canned answers and then ended the chat; useless.
UPDATE 1: I found the problem with both phones is GroupMe. On the one phone I was able to get things working again by clearing the cache and data for GroupMe, uninstalling it, reinstalling it, and logging back in. For the other phone, this didn't work. I can Share when GroupMe isn't logged in, but once I log in, the Share crashes while populating. The only difference between the working phone and broken phone is that the working phone has a GroupMe account linked with Microsoft and the non-working phone has its GroupMe account linked with Google. So, it appears that a Google-account-GroupMe + Android 10 + Share is the broken combination. Now I'm really at a loss here.
UPDATE 2: Apparently I'm not the only one:
UPDATE 3: While GroupMe logged in with Microsoft was allowing Share to work on my phone for a while, Share has since stopped working while I'm logged into GroupMe. When I delete the data for GroupMe, I can share again. I've emailed GroupMe support about this matter and will report back. I'm currently running the latest version of GroupMe from the Play store: 5.47.4, released May 19, 2020
UPDATE 4: I've chatted with AT&T support a few more times. The first time was with Oliver, and that didn't go very well. I did manage to get a case number though. I was told that update V350AWM20i would be pushed to my phone in the next 24 hours which would fix the issue; I already have V350AWM30c, which is newer. I then spoke with Mike in a second chat session (which I started because Oliver hung up on me) and was told that my case has been escalated and I should at least hear back from AT&T in 24 hours. I'll keep updating this.
For sure GroupMe shouldn't be causing Android to crash, but Android shouldn't crash because of a bad app. IMO, both parties are at fault here.
UPDATE 5: I contacted AT&T today (they didn't contact me as they said they would) and they now say that I'll have a resolution by the 27th. GroupMe hasn't returned my request for support.
UPDATE 6: I contacted AT&T yesterday, the 26th, and they said that an update that would be pushed to my phone to fix the problem. They didn't know the version of the update that would be pushed. The update never came. Today, the 27th, I contacted AT&T again and they said that my case was closed and the the update was pushed. They said they pushed the latest version of Android Pie to my phone. So, here we go again. They decided they would re-open the case and would investigate my issue. For some reason they were under the impression that I opened a support ticket to get an update to Android 10. No one that I spoke with today could even tell me what my issue was, even after they read this post. I was transferred to another support agent where I sat for about an hour before quitting the chat. I only saw "Agent is typing..." and "Agent stopped typing" once, after about 45 minutes, but no actual interaction from the agent.
In other news, GroupMe has started replying to my request for support and apparently they can't open x265-encoded videos of a screen recording I took of the problem that they requested. I've sent them an x264-encoded screen recording to see where this goes.
UPDATE 7: I ended up calling AT&T support (866-344-6217) and spoke with a very helpful person who was able to correctly identify the problem and is escalating it to others, possibly LG, to see if the problem can be addressed. A remote control session was done with my phone where the problem was clearly reproduced. Such was the case even after clearing various cache and data for the app, web view, and system. I was informed that the problem will likely be solved by a hard reset of my phone. Apart from the obvious reason why I don't want to do that, the fact that this affects two of my phones the same indicates that it is an endemic software problem that should be addressed less this roll-out causes more problems for others. Since my phone has such a reliable reproduction and I need to schedule time to reset my phone, I'm holding off on doing this until I hear back about the escalations that AT&T is taking, which I'm expecting today, the 28th based on our conversation.
If anyone knows how to contact LG on this matter, or even AOSP, I'm all ears. It still should never be the case that a logged-in app should be able to crash the Share function in Android.
UPDATE 8: I just (8:49 am CST, May 28th) received a text message from AT&T saying that they were closing my "Urgent Case"; I was never called to inquire if my issue was resolved. Hopefully I'll still get the phone call I was promised later today.
UPDATE 9: I heard back from AT&T and they continue to work the issue. For reference, the model of my device is LM-V350AWM and it is SIM unlocked.
UPDATE 10: Microsoft GroupMe released an update to version 5.47.5 today which resolved the problem on my wife's phone. Thus, there are two solutions to this problem: 1) the comment below about turning off and on "Direct Share", and 2) installing the update for GroupMe. The reason why any installed app could cause the Android system to crash is still beyond me and hopefully is something that AT&T, Google, and LG can work out.
This happened to me last nite. I'm still on 9. Drove me cray untill I rebooted. Now I have some random app stop pop-ups, but sharing is fine.
Sent from my LM-V350ULM using Tapatalk
I had a similar issue. I had to disable the "direct share" and "nearby devices" under settings > network > sharing panel.
Oddly enough after verifying this fixed my issue I was able to re-enable them and sharing was still working.
wizardofwoz said:
I had a similar issue. I had to disable the "direct share" and "nearby devices" under settings > network > sharing panel.
Oddly enough after verifying this fixed my issue I was able to re-enable them and sharing was still working.
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This absolutely worked. I'll continue watching to see if the problem returns as GroupMe contacts work their way back into my Direct Share list. I do find it strange this came up after the upgrade. It seems that the upgrade process didn't reset/flush something related to the list of contacts related to GroupMe.
