How to get keyboard from old phone to a new one? - Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers

Hi, I just bought my mom a new Galaxy S10+.
Her last phone was LG G4, and we tried every keyboard.
She can't write normally and can't get used to new keyboard.
We tried so many different keyboards from Google play and they don't fit as well..
Is there any way to get LG G4 keyboard into Galaxy S10+?
Or AT LEAST something that identical?
I tried to search all over the internet, including here on XDA, and found only broken and old links that even if I could download them I don't think would be able to work on Android 10..
This is my first post so if any user or mod thinks this post should be in another forum, please tell me!
I need help urgently.
Thank you friends, I appreciate it very much.

Try Google keyboard


New to Creating Themes

Hi guys!
I just got a brand the new htc Tilt 2 from AT&T recently, sad to say I use to be an owner of a nice Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, and couldn't afford the new X2 that I was hoping to get. But I heard the Tilt 2 was a good alternative for what I'm looking for in a phone.
Anyways I managed to get rid of the unnecessary items that AT&T nukes onto their phones but now I was wondering if you guys could help me out here.
Now I know about Windows Mobile's website about making themes but as fate would have it, it does nothing for me =(
So I was wondering if you guys have another alternative program I can use (I tried asking for help via window's website but they're of no help whatsoever) to create my own themes for my phone. Also I was wondering if there was such a program for the TF3D since AT&T has their darn logo all over my phone ><;;;;
Any help would be of great use. Thanks guys!
Hi There,
Read Read Read... LL
Please see below - this should help you!
Have Fun!

Help? New to this!

Hey Guys!
Okay, I have noticed that in a lot of these forums people have asked for help on how to Flash, load a new ROM, etc on to their phones. Yet I have not seen any responses back to any of these posts. So, I am asking for help on this. I have no clue on how to do any of this, and when there are directions, I am not sure what a lot of it means. Im military give me a break. haha.
My dilemma is: I have just bought a HTC HD mini in Asia where I am at, obviously you all know that the language is proprietary to the country (IE China). Mine is in Chinese. I can Speak some Chinese, but damn I cannot read it. As ya'll know HTC support sux and they just tell you sorry for the inconvenience have a great day!
All I want to do is load a English ROM onto this phone so I can use it. I dont care about the warranty, or losing loaded software already on the device.
I dont want to have to take it back and be with out a phone while I am here.
Can someone please help me out?
Also, another thing that sux, I have a MAC. So, work arounds on how to get these cabs etc to load into my phone via this OS, would be great. (yes, I can load Windows on here, but I cannot download it form the net cuz if IP address and if bought at a store here, they are also in Chinese).
Any help is much appreciated.
im not too sure about MAC compatibility, but all u need to change your phone to enlgihs is right here:

Broken korean font

Hey guys, I tried posting in the miui development thread but I guess I don't have enough posts under my belt and I figured this is the next best thing. I'm currently running miui 1.8.26 and starting from 1.8.15(I think) The korean font on all of my apps shows up completely broken (just rows of squares). Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, all the forums etc. The keyboard comes up, though one of the letters is a square, and I can type. Can anyone think of any fixes for this? I also posted in the miui forums but it's not nearly as active as xda so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Any help??
Yah. same here. I installed Revolover 2.5.1 in Asus TF 101. I am really loving it and you guys are awesome. but, there is an interesting thing is that the korean font set is only broken among othere major asian font sets such as chinese, japapnes, Thai and so forth. anybody can take a look into it? I am not a developer but it seems to me that there was a codepage error for korean at the final compilation...? ^^;
Asus Transformer 101
I am not sure what program you installed to type and read korean. I don't use korean as much so it might not help. Have you check your settings?

[Q&A] [MOD][PORT] LG G3 Keyboard

Q&A for [MOD][PORT] LG G3 Keyboard
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [MOD][PORT] LG G3 Keyboard. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
Could you please update it, ( version 5.0.3x ).
G2 keyboard on my G3
Evening all. I just upgraded my G2 to a G3. I'm very sad to see a different keyboard on my G3. Is there any way to get the question mark, exclamation point, commas, etc at the top of the keyboard like the G2 had? Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks for this LG G3 Keyboard Cloudyfa
Hello, I'd like to ask the developer or any person that has to do with developing and might know the answer.
I'm a lithuanian and I just love this keyboard layout, style and height control and so on but it would be even more perfect if I could replace the numbers on the top with lithuanian letters. We have it same on QWERTY PC keyboards going
1 - ą
2 - č
3 - ę
4 - ė
5 - į
6 - š
7 - ų
8 - ū
So is it possible to mod the keyboard for myself or make a request to developer to get this implemented?
Qremote for D605 (LG L9 2)
can you port a qremote from G3 to L9 2, because on d605 only 3 options are anvaible(tv, blu-ray DVD,....) and small list for tv devices and others, it has Quickset SDK lite, but LG g3 i think it has full sdk version. Can you port it and for stock ROM your G3 Keyboard works perfect on rooted Stock K.K 4.4.2
How can i go in immersive mode while I use this keyboard?
looking good, must try
Anyone have the source for the LG G3 keyboard? I would like to modify a few things myself, then recompile. Thanks =)
Just installed it, works fine on my oneplus so far ! Thanks.
Just wish it had the emoji prediction like in swiftkey, too.
Lollipop version
Can you update it pls?
Great LG G3 keyboard. Thanks for the port. I only have one issue... When I try to use Boyc code, I get a FC. Any ideas??
Workin great on Lollipop 5.1! But what changes between apk and flash on rom with lollipop??
diHello my name is Buck
I'd like to take a second to thank you for your work and what you do to make my phone and Android more enjoyable! Thank you, I appreciate your work.
you are the authority on the LG G3 keyboard port. everybody that offers it has taken your work and put their themes or installer to it. (I've probably tried them all lol) ok that being said... I'm wondering if you have a different version of it? I'm not sure which variant you ported but it's different then the version that came on my Verizon g3.
the symbols on the keys are laid out different and the haptic feedback isn't working and the one thing that's bugging me the most is that when you push the enter key it sends what text you have typed instead of dropping down and starting a new paragraph in the same text. this drives me nuts lol. is there anyway to fix this or do you have a different version? Something else nobody has gotten right is the camera. do you possibly have a port of that too?
Thanks for taking the time
Switched to GS6 :'c
Welp, I've been using this keyboard on my G2 for the longest time, but now I'm wondering if there's any hope for me on my new phone (galaxy s6)
i have the same problem on z2 LP
i have the same problem on z2 LP !
any solutions >?
are you doing any updates to this port?
thanks for taking the time

Need help with installed ROM

I've installed the Myarom S7 experience ROM from HTC mania. Fantastic ROM except for a few annoying things that I wouldn't mind getting sorted if possible just wondering if anyone here could help me fix a few of the issues?
Biggest issue is camera app is buggy. It's using the note 4 camera app though the live stream mode is available not sure how or why though when I try streaming it just says "starting stream" and does nothing. The problem is though that the modes don't work like selective focus works (though it did restart the phone the first time I tried it but hasn't happened since) and slow motion mode works. If I try downloading modes they install fine but take dual camera for example, I click on it and I just get a blue screen with a title bar up the top saying "dual camera" no errors or anything. Anyone know how to fix this?
Next issue is action memo link to action doesn't recognize text. I've tried updating input languages and I only have one selected but no avail. When I click on link to action it just says "recognition failed". And my last issue is that S-pen handwriting mode isn't available. If I go into keyboard settings there's no option for the S-pen detection to automatically switch to the handwriting mode so I can't access it at all. I tried installing the S6 keyboard but still no luck. Anyone got anyway to fix any of theses issues, especially the camera one?
Do you people bother reading rules before posting, starting a new thread in a development forum?? You can ask your question in Mya Rom forum?? The ROM is not officially posted here so why ask questions here?? Reading Helps believe me.... face palm
sPEADy said:
Do you people bother reading rules before posting, starting a new thread in a development forum?? You can ask your question in Mya Rom forum?? The ROM is not officially posted here so why ask questions here?? Reading Helps believe me.... face palm
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For one I can't be asked to sign up to HTCmania that I'd most likely hardly ever use seeing as it's mainly all Spanish and Google translate, while it does a mediocre job can still be hard to figure out what people are on about. Second of all, again it's Spanish and even if I use Google translate I have no way of confirming that it's translated properly because I can't speak or read Spanish. Lastly I figured there would probably be more devs on XDA that could possibly help me out.

