AUTOMATER for ROMs - Android Software Development

AUTOMATER​One command automation for most things​
Well, being a ROM developer/maintainer, we spend time in uselessly cloning trees, giving build commands, going through build logs to see where the error is and in the end upload the files and manually get links. And there is no denying that all of this is time consuming. So I made a program to do all of this automagically for you
This program can do:
Trigger the build of your ROM
Send message about the build status
Upload the build and target files to any SFTP client
Send you the direct download links
Send the build log
If the build fails, abort other statements, and send you trimmed build logs
Clean everything and restore the server to the previous state
Can be integrated with Jenkins to provide 1 click builds
Some other miscellanous functionality
Now, moving on to how to use it. This needs you to clone the given source into the scripts folder, which should be located inside the ROM directory. Also, the script assumes that you have clone your ROM sources inside a folder placed in the home directory.
The script is executed by the command :
devicename="yourdevicebuildname" bash scripts/CI/
You need to add some stuff in the file located inside the scripts/CI folder before you can actually use this. They are:
Your telegram CHAT_ID, the place where you will recive all the info
Your BOT API KEY, make a bot through BotFather on Telegram and paste the key
Your SFTP client username, I prefer Sourceforge
Your SFTP client password, once again, I prefer Sourceforge
If you want some other client, you have to alter the and where you can write the client name of your choice.
Also, this script is pre-configured for CygnusOS. So naturally, you will want it for your ROM, to replace the variables, you can just run
sed -i -e "s/cygnus/your_rom_name/g" $(grep -RI cygnus $(ls)) && sed -i -e "s/Cygnus/Your_rom_name/g" $(grep -RI Cygnus $(ls))
Find the "." and replace it with out/target/product/"+devicename+"/ "
Also, edit the localfilepath to "out/target/product/"+devicename+"/"+name
That's it guys! Now just take a deep breath and leave it all, the script will do everything for you and even remove the generated zip! Yeah, make clean if that's what you wanna hear :laugh:
Hit the thanks button if you find this helpful
Also, if you wanna support me, buy me a cup of coffee
XDA:DevDB Information
AUTOMATER for ROMs, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Source Code: [url][/URL]
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v1.0
Stable Release Date: 2020-04-02
Created 2020-04-02
Last Updated 2020-04-02

Congratulations !!!

Great work

Ragy747 said:
Great work
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blitzfire3 said:
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U Too

great work sir, and thanks.

Peru as heck


Shadow53's Custom C-Apps Package Builder

Have you ever wanted to flash the Cyanogen Apps package, only to find that you didn't want all of the apps that were included? Perhaps you like your dialer app, or you don't trust the TrueCaller integration. Maybe you want the Theme Store, but not the new Gallery. Maybe you just want to get rid of CyanogenStats and CMLogger because you're paranoid. Whatever the case, I've got the tool for you!
*Canned Applause*
Behold, I give you this, the program I put together because I wanted to do exactly that: modify the C-Apps package. Just run the program. It downloads the package for you, unpacks it, modifies it, repacks it, and places it in your user's home directory for use.
This program comes with no warranty, implied or otherwise, so on and so forth. I am not responsible for broken things. Use at your own peril.
Beware: This version does not check for inter-app dependencies, so if keeping the new Dialer but the old InCallUI breaks your phone, that's on you. Make sure you know what you are doing as far as that goes. This tool merely helps you.
I have tested this program as best as I can and everything seems to be working correctly. Still, things happen and I can't test for every case. If something bad happens, let me know either here or, more preferably, in the GitHub Issues.
To run this program, make sure you have Java installed and open Command Prompt or a Terminal Emulator and navigate to the directory where the .jar file is located. For those who don't know, this involves using the `cd` command to change directories and `dir` (Windows) or `ls` (Mac/Linux) to list files in the current directory. Then run the file with the command:
java -jar ModCApps.jar
Other note: I have read through the Cyanogen Terms of Use and do not believe that this project violates them in any way. If I am wrong, let me know and I will take this down. I make no profit from the project, save any thanks people may give me.
Releases on GitHub
XDA:DevDB Information
ModCApps, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.1.0
Beta Release Date: 2016-05-05
Created 2016-05-06
Last Updated 2016-05-06

[GUIDE]A Noob Guide On Building Your Own Custom Kernel on WIN10 (ARM & ARM64 & MTK)

[GUIDE]A Noob Guide On Building Your Own Custom Kernel on WIN10 (ARM & ARM64 & MTK)
This is a guide to build your own custom kernel. Although I'm still a "noob" at this,
I've struggled a lot to build one as all the guides which I followed were not very clear.
So I hope this will be clear enough and as noob friendly as possible!​
You will learn how to:
- Build a kernel for arm and mediatek devices on windows 10
- Add feature
- Basic use of git
Prerequise :
- Updated windows 10 64bits (falls creators update)
- A decent computer with a decent internet speed
- Space on your HDD The minimum space for a kernel source (and its compiled code) is about 2 GB
- Minimal linux knowledge (Terminal, Commands etc)
- Your Brain
- And finally patience
Installing ubuntu :
1 - Go in Settings -> Update and Security -> For developers and turn on developers mode then
2 - go in Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On Or Off and enable Windows subsystem for linux
3 - Reboot your computer
4 - launch linux subsystem now and let it download all it need and set up your password (remember it ! you'll need this password later)
5 - Go in microsoft app store and download Ubunutu by canonical group limited
6 - Open ubuntu (a windows with your name and computer name wil appear), congrats you installed ubuntu on windows 10 !
Seting up you environment :
1 - Type "apt-get update" (will update all repo for apps and dependencies)
From here it is nearly the same as my previous guide, but be careful there is some little changes
2 - Type "sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2" (will install all dependencies to build kernel)
3 - Check if dependencies are correctly installed :
- Then type "gcc"
If "gcc" is already installed, you should see "gcc : fatal error : no input file"
- Then type "make"
If "make" is already installed, you should see "make: *** no target specified and no makefile found. stop."
- Then type "git"
If "git" is already installed, you should see bunch of basic git commands
Now you're almost ready to start building your kernel!
There are several types of toolchains (GCC, Linaro and few custom made ones)
Warning : Not every single device kernel will boot (or even compiles) with older or newer GCC
- For ARM:
We'll be using GCC 4.7 in this tutorial (link : )
-Open terminal and type: "mkdir kernel"(Type the name you want, I used "kernel")
-Then type "cd kernel" (the name which you used above)
-Then type "git clone"
-Wait till it finishes.
- For ARM 64:
For ARM 64 you need a 64 bit kernel compiler (there's "aarch64" in the name for telling that's a 64 bit compiler)
Exemple :
Now you have to find a github that contains your kernel source.
Search on Google or XDA to find a kernel github repo for your device.
A kernel github looks like this: ""
On the upper left side you can see branch: completed by a name
These are the different versions of the kernel/project (generally can be for testing, android version etc)
- /arch/arm/configs : contains the config files for device (where you add option like new governors, features etc)
- /output/arch/arm/boot/ : Where zimage is stored (will explain that later)
- : Script to make the building much easier (will explain how it works later)
- /arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-linaro_5.2-2015.11-2 : I put the toolchain in my kernel source making it easier to find (your kernel's toolchain name may be different)
If you don't have your kernel source yet, you need to download it.
Open terminal and make sure that you are in "kernel" folder (the one you previously created)
Then type in terminal : "git clone "URL of the github kernel" -b "name of the branch" "
For Example : "git clone -b xenomTW"
Good! Now you have your kernel source!
For an easier way you can go to the location using your file explorer to : "/home/"name of your session"/kernel"
You'll see two folders (The Toolchain and The Kernel Source)
Go into your kernel source folder.
- For ARM:
Copy paste this:
export ARCH=arm
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export ARCH=arm: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc)
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- mkdir output: Create a directory for storing compiled zimage
- make -C $(pwd) O=output : Defining defconfig for guiding kernel compilation (will explain later)
- make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output: where the building start, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
- cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage: This one is for moving image into the second path (thanks @Has.007 for this infromation)
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Example :
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-linaro_5.2-2015.11-2/bin/arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output msm8974_sec_defconfig VARIANT_DEFCONFIG=msm8974_sec_ks01_skt_defconfig SELINUX_DEFCONFIG=selinux_defconfig
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage
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- For ARM 64:
Copy paste this:
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE="path to your toolchain" (it have to end by something like "nameofarch-something-")
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export ARCH=arm64: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc)
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- mkdir output: Create a directory for storing compiled zimage
- make -C $(pwd) O=output : Defining defconfig for guiding kernel compilation (will explain later)
- make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output: where the building start, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
- cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage: This one is for moving image into the second path (thanks @Has.007 for this infromation)
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Example :
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.8-2013.07-1_linux\bin\aarch64-linux-gnu-
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output msm8974_sec_defconfig VARIANT_DEFCONFIG=msm8974_sec_ks01_skt_defconfig SELINUX_DEFCONFIG=selinux_defconfig
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage
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- For Mediatek:
Copy paste this:
export CROSS_COMPILE="path to your toolchain" (it have to end by something like "nameofarch-something-")
make "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- export ARCH=arm ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc) "ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=" is for specifying which mediatek platform it is
- make _defconfig : Defining which defconfig to use (will explain later)
- make -j4: where the building starts, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
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Example :
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi-
export ARCH=arm ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=mt6580
make pixi4_4_8g1g_defconfig
make -j4
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When these step are done make sure you are in kernel folder in terminal and type "sudo bash" then type your password you set up in first launch of linux subsytem
(sudo is important, windows 10 ubuntu seems to handle permission differently than native ubuntu)
The compilation have started
If it compiles without any problems:
Wait till it finishes (it'll say something like "zimage is ready")
If you followed arm and arm64:
Then go to "/Output/arch/arm/boot/" to find your zimage.
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If you followed mediatek:
Then go to "/arch/arm/boot/" to find your zimage.
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Caution : Not all kernel build Zimage, it can build image or other compressed image
If in case you have any errors:
Check and see what it says, generally it'll tell you where the error is.
If the text is going too fast reduce the -j number as explained above.
For reference I compile with an AMD Phenom X4 3.4GHz,Samsung HDD and 8GB of RAM and it takes around 10min to build
It is recommanded to type in the terminal "make clean" and "make mrproper" before compiling again​
You have 2 solutions here:
1) You can use @osm0sis anykernel method, which is explainded here: "" (A huge shoutout to him!)
2) You can unpack the boot.img (from the same rom (CM, touchwizz,sense etc) and android version) and swap Zimage in it explained here : "" (thanks again to @osm0sis !)
Before flashing the kernel which you've made, backup your "stock" boot.img and Then flash your kernel and see if it boots!
Here starts the most interesting part! Now let's see how it works:
Basically you can add: Governors, IO Schedulers, Overclock the CPU & Many Tweaks...
Checkout the github section (Section 7) to see how to add them properly.
Here's an exemple for adding a governor (this one is called Intellimm) :
The text in the blue box is the commit description (generally tells you about the changelog, general information and who originally made the commit)
The other text boxes tell you about where and which files have been modified/changed.
Everything in green indicates what has been added.
Everything in red indicates what has been deleted.
We can see in the first 2 text boxes that in "arch/arm/configs/" "msm8974_sec_defconfig" and "cm_msm8974_sec_defconfig" have been modified.
Between the lines 140 and 141 of this files this text has been added : "CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_INTELLIMM=y"
(This line is for enabling Intellimm when you're compiling your kernel)
Same technique applies to the other text boxes (what has been added and deleted and it's location)
Depending on the features you add, more or less files can be modified, added or deleted.
So to sum it up, a Commit let's you see all the changes which have been made and everything else!
For this, I'll direct you over to this awsome guide made by @eagleeyetom !
The Rules as they apply on XDA
As XDA has no legal power to uphold the GPL (and frankly we want to stay as far away from doing so as possible), we can’t force any of our users to abide by the GPL. However it is in XDA’s interests as well as the interests of our developer-base to ensure all GPL-derived materials hosted or linked on XDA comply fully with the GPL.
GPL-derived materials that do not come with the complete sources used to compile the GPL components are considered warez, and will be treated as such under forum rule 6 and 9.
If you use GPL components, but do not make any modifications to them whatsoever, you should provide a link to the original source of your GPL code.
Sources accompanying a release should be complete, and contain all the necessary source code for any modules, scripts or definition files. Complete sources will be defined as those which compile correctly and completely against the platform for which the software is distributed, and which contain any and all modifications made to the released General Public Licenced code. The source code supplied should be the exact version for which the source code is being requested, complete with all modifications.
EXAMPLE: Here’s a bit of code that could be used as a template to post your releases
<Kernel Or Author Name> <Kernel Nr>:
The Very Quick Summary of General Public License (GPL)
The text of the GPL Licence itself will be used to reach any final conclusion regarding any disputes over GPL Licenced materials. The above is a summary of what XDA expects of members using GPL code, and the complete text can be read at the GNU website.
The GPL states that anyone who modifies GPL licenced code is required to make available the sources used to compile it. This is to further improve and encourage collaborative work, as well as to ensure that the best code possible is produced, and to encourage peer-review of all work. This benefits both developers and end users in numerous ways, including:
Allowing anyone to verify the code they are trusting with their data, and its authenticity
Encouraging community collaboration to produce faster fixes and updates, and better code
Helping bring new developments from other devices and fields to your own, letting you benefit from new code that wouldn’t have been available without this sharing.
The GPL imparts great freedom for GPL end users. It ensures innovation is never stifled and no project is dependent upon any single developer.
It is in everyone’s interest for the GPL to be adhered to, as it gives us all better ROMs, better transparency, and a better atmosphere for developers to work together to make great code.
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- @ravish_919 : For testing and correcting this guide
- @karkasss : As my friend and support
- @gugu0das : For helping me a lot when I tried to build my kernel
- @eagleeyetom : For his awsome github guide
- @osm0sis For his aswsome anykernel solution
- @kirito9 : Huge thanks to him for providing mediatek guide !
- @F4uzan : Huge thanks to him for giving me a lot of useful information to fill this guide !
- @sunilpaulmathew : For providing an advanced method to rename your kernel ! (again)
- @nathanchance : For a proper kernel naming method
- @RendyAK and @DroidThug : For correcting me about "#!/bin/bash"
- @ahmed.ismael : For helping me, giving feedback and his huge support !
- Microsoft and canonical for the windows linux subsystem documentation
- All the developers for their hard work !
- XDA and The Community!
1. You can use a copy of a defconfig file with different setup :
Usage : Use a "stock" one and use another one with esperimental feature for testing without altering original defconfig
Exemple : copy "stock" defconfig and in copied one add a governor see if it compile and work
How to do : Create a second with modified defconfig name !
2. Change kernel name and version :
Simple method :​Edit this line "CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-" after - in your defconfig
Exemple : CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-XenomTW-3.2.6"
Advanced methods :​
Method 1 :
1. Go in Makefile in the root folder of your kernel source
2. Add
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Exemple :
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
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Caution ! Never touch or edit VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION !
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Method 2 :
1. Go in "scripts/mkcompile_h"
2. Add
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3. Solve problem with PATH :
If you encounter "IS YOUR PATH CORRECT" problem try in terminal :
"export PATH="pathtotoolchainlocation"/bin:$PATH"
Exemple : export PATH=/home/3lambda/kernel/M8_Kernel/arm-eabi-4.7/bin:$PATH
4. Access ubuntu folders :
Path location to ubuntu folder is : C:\Users"NAME"\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs\home
Caution ! Editing files here directly from windows may break permission, you'll have to fix them if so (look on google on how to)
More to come...
Edit and update are coming, I may have forgot things let me know
Feed back also appreciated
highly appreciated
thank you
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
would result in the following output:
nathanchance said:
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
would result in the following output:
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Thanks for pointing this out
I'll take a look when I'll have time
Nice! Been looking for something like this. XDA feed brought me here.
is it necessary do in win10? or you can simply do it in linux pc without WIN10?
thanks for the post!
tobarreh said:
is it necessary do in win10? or you can simply do it in linux pc without WIN10?
thanks for the post!
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it should be done on linux
but windows can handle linux as a subsystem now so the guide for people like me who is dumb enough to use windows
seriously skip the ubuntu installation steps on sindows and start building your kernel by following the other steps :good:
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
nathanchance said:
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
would result in the following output:
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I personally like to define "LINUX_COMPILE_BY" and "LINUX_COMPILE_HOST" in "scripts/mkcompile_h" just like in this commit by @franciscofranco. By adding this
would display "[email protected]"
3lambda said:
Thanks for pointing this out
I'll take a look when I'll have time
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Added new kernel naming method by @nathanchance and @sunilpaulmathew, huge thanks to them !
I'll need feedback see if some of these steps aren't clear or if I forgot things
I may also add a video soon and maybe screenshots
Stay tuned
sunilpaulmathew said:
I personally like to define "LINUX_COMPILE_BY" and "LINUX_COMPILE_HOST" in "scripts/mkcompile_h" just like in this commit by @franciscofranco. By adding this
would display "[email protected]"
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He stopped doing that after I pointed out the same thing can be achieved without any source code edits (since it would change it for everyone building your source)
export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=francisco
export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=franco
If I downloaded a zip file of my source code, how do I extract it, since this is no longer just cloning from Git?
link is dead . please update this part of the guide as it is the most important part for me . Thanks for this awesome guide. more updates to come
I'm really looking forward to any and all updates on this thread. I'm old and loosing my mind and all my "Re-Memories" too, so I need all the help I can get.... LOL
permission denied
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
kwshl said:
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
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execute with 'sudo' make
otonieru said:
execute with 'sudo' make
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that doesn't help, i did
kwshl said:
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
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did you place it by doing a git clone or do a cp command ?
this will lessen the nuisance i hope
otonieru said:
did you place it by doing a git clone or do a cp command ?
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[email protected]:/mnt/g/linux/oreo# bash
make: execvp: /home/kwshl/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc: Permission denied
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
HOSTCC scripts/basic/bin2c

Debian Buster WSL2 Kernel / ROM Builder [replaces VM]

Okay I don't have enough time to update this whole description, no one volunteered to host the VM so now I only have a Debian Buster WSL2 (Windows 10 latest) build environment. You can make kernels and ROMs from it. It has a built in XFCE4 and all the features listed below. It will build kernels for you from source and place them in AnyKernel3 zip files ready for flashing in the ~/ directory. Build scripts are provided for Op8T 5G custom and GPUOC RadioActive Kernels from my GitHub (modded for performance + battery). You can use this guide and get full audio and a GUI and all you need to build.
Try out this build for Debian Buster for WSL2:
First you need to ensure you are on a recent build of Windows, go to windows Updates in settings and download the latest.
Next open a Powershell Command Prompt in Admin mode. Type:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform -NoRestart
Restart your PC, then get back into an Admin Powershell prompt and type:
wsl --set-default-version 2
Next you can download this tar.gz distribution, it's quite big (6GB zipped -> 14GB unzipped). Apparently you can import a tar.gz directly, so I changed it from a .zip file to .gz:
Easily move WSL distributions between Windows 10 machines with import and export!
wsl --import <DistributionName> <InstallLocation> <Full path to .tar/.tar.gz FileName>
After import, you should type: login: user password: user (also the sudo password) change the Global Git settings to your own email and username.
Open the command line.
Set your username: git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
Set your email address: git config --global "[email protected]"
Then if you want to set up SSH between your WSL2 instance and NoMachine, download NoMachine here for your host PC: then follow the steps to generate an SSH key, which will be located at ~/.ssh.
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096
Use the directory default ~/.ssh/
Then copy this file: ~/.ssh/ to ~/.nx/config/authorized.crt
In the NoMachine GUI, you should select Configuration, Use a key based authentication key which you provide, then provide the path to the private key \\wsl$\debian\home\user\.ssh\id_rsa and check the box Import the key to the connection file.
To get to the XFCE4 GUI, you should type login: user password: user, then run /
It will post the IPV6 address you need to enter into the configuration into NoMachine on Windows 10. It changes every time you open it (WSL2 problem).
Now you should be able to connect to the GUI and use all the dev tools built in. Or you can just use the command line if you're more comfortable there. You'll probably need to do some more Googling to get everything setup the way you like. There are 2 examples in this file for an Op8T RadioActive modded kernel from my GitHub repos with a ./ script you can use to see how to build a kernel. It it fully automatic. It will generate the zip specified in that file in the ~/ directory which can be flashed to a device via EX Kernel Manager or FK Kernel Manager. Best of luck!
Great job mate. I hope this is the kick off and boost up kernel development on the MI9 ??
Now THAT is what XDA is all about.
I'd like to get in to this type of development but simply don't have the personal time right now.
Hope this helps boost community support a bit.
This must've taken some time. Hats off to you sir.
kickassdave said:
Now THAT is what XDA is all about.
I'd like to get in to this type of development but simply don't have the personal time right now.
Hope this helps boost community support a bit.
This must've taken some time. Hats off to you sir.
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Thanks Dave - this is the absolute easiest way to build a kernel. Yes it took forever to get working, a lot had to do with bad Xiaomi source code and Android 9 package requirements for building kernels. You can simply download, install, click Goto Build, click on QClang8_Build, copy/paste it's text from Geany into the open terminal, sit back and wait for the build to finish. Then once it completes, you click on Built Kernels and you have your image ready. A few more steps obviously outlined in the post to transfer to the host machine (cp Image-dtb /media/sf_VMxfer) and pack via Android Image Kitchen, copy to the device, and flash via TWRP. Most features require Magisk patching as well to enable altering in a kernel manager. The mentioned repo (mrslezak) has Fsync toggle, 830GPU overclock, and F2FS file system support (Mauro TWRP has just enabled it, so I'm using it now). I should note as well that this kernel has only been tested on MIUI and builds thus far (anything based on Xiaomi MIUI should work - MIUI Global Dev, China Dev,, MiGlobe, RevolutionOS, etc. as long as it is Android Pie).
I'm waiting on others to jump on board!!!! Hopefully it happens
Excellent guide, will work for almost all pie devices!
Great work OP :highfive:
Hi, @mslezak @acervenky Can you help me to build kernel for Stock Miui 10 for K20/Mi9t . I followed your guide setup all requirement i just changed the device code name from cepheus to davinci everything went well kernel complied and also created the boot.img with AIK but after flash it is through back me to recovery.
Can you Please help me with this.
@acervenky fixed that by applying the patch in the Desktop Mi9_Build_Tools/Required_Patches_to_Compile_Xiaomi_Source/cosmin_kernel-module.c copy that to /kernel/module.c, he can chime in here. Or check out his repo he has one on Github that compiles already QUAX kernel I believe with a bunch of stuff added already over stock.
Good job. Compiled a kernel for mi9t pro (raphael) with your detailed guide.
Can you help with "make modules" command?
I need to make xt_HL.ko module, but it not compiling ((
Not needed anymore, made it successfully.
Can you compile q kernels with this?
asgardpark said:
Can you compile q kernels with this?
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Yes! Just don't replace .dtsi and module.c files for now.
New Q build VM coming soon. GCC10 x64 and Arter97 GCC9 x32 toolchain.
Just a notice here I have a VM almost ready to upload that can build Mi9 source. It's a ton of patches to stock code but I'll setup a repo with them already applied.
Can i use anykernel to make a flashable zip? Or do i have to use a diffrent approach?!voJEGIRC!r4FcV6zUlVbFExcidhL9JmgVZlu3IscYH-S5XlnTUJI Android Q VM - expands to 40gb on your hard drive so you don't run out of space. Builds a GCC10 patched version of Xiaomi Cepheus and Raphael kernels from my repo, forked from Xiaomi and commits outlining every step needed to get it to build.
Yes AnyKernel3 is the easiest
asgardpark said:
Can i use anykernel to make a flashable zip? Or do i have to use a diffrent approach?
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Sure AnyKernel3 is easy, take someone's kernel zip, insert your Image-gz.dtb or Image-dtb into the root of the zip, delete the other kernel, and you should be able to flash it.
got some compile errors today when i tried your wm
/home/user/toolchains/aarch64-linux-elf/bin/aarch64-linux-elf-ar: kernel/resource.o: No such file or directory
I'd first try a: make clean; and: make mrproper;....
But here's more info:
Double click the GoTo Build icon, a terminal will open in the source directory. Then in the terminal: cp /home/user/Desktop/Build GCC10 .; chmod +x "Build GCC10"; ./"Build GCC10"; Once done the kernel will be in /home/user/Cepheus-Raphael-Q-GCC10/out/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz-dtb. /out9TP/ for Raphael, just substitute the build script you need.
If it then still won't build, you'll have to grab the repo again. Type: git pull
Or the safest is a complete re-download: cd ..; rm -rf Cepheus-Raphael-Q-GCC10; git clone --depth=1 and repeat the prior copying of the build script to the source directory.
I tested this last night and it worked. If I tried to just drag the script into a terminal window it failed. There could be some dirty files in there not sure how that happened, but deleting and cloning again definitely works. I built both Cepheus and Raphael kernels last night in the VM off a fresh clone of the repo. I'd update I but it literally takes 6hrs + since the files are huge and take forever to compress and upload to Mega. And I have to delete so much off my VM and SSD just to do it. This way you learn something too
I first drag n dropped the file when i got the error, then i remembered when i compiled kernels for my raspberry pi's it also failed if i draged n dropped my build script so i did it the proper way and it worked
Thanks for your WM it's working great
mslezak said:!voJEGIRC!r4FcV6zUlVbFExcidhL9JmgVZlu3IscYH-S5XlnTUJI Android Q VM - expands to 40gb on your hard drive so you don't run out of space. Builds a GCC10 patched version of Xiaomi Cepheus and Raphael kernels from my repo, forked from Xiaomi and commits outlining every step needed to get it to build.
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Could you upload the VM to Google Driver? Thank you!
q659503934 said:
Could you upload the VM to Google Driver? Thank you!
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Yeah if you buy me Google drive space I'd be more than happy to upload to Google Drive. I'm out of space man. If you run Windows 10 Preview WSL2 I have a 3.2GB build that kills everything else out there.
mslezak said:
Yeah if you buy me Google drive space I'd be more than happy to upload to Google Drive. I'm out of space man. If you run Windows 10 Preview WSL2 I have a 3.2GB build that kills everything else out there.
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Do you have WSL2 tar file that can build Kernel?

[GUIDE] Porting Kernel Source to Snapdragon Device

Some OEMs violating GPL licenses and won't publish linux kernel sources for their Android devices.
On this post I’ll explain how to port kernel source to any android device.
Maybe you can port kernel sources to other SoCs with similiar ways but I've explained qcom way.
What do we need ?
A Computer which has Linux or Mac installation.
Device to test.
Let’s Start, Shall we ?
First of all we need to take dmesg of stock kernel using adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt command. (I recommend you to take it while device is booting)
You got dmesg ? Nice. Open it with any text editor and search for “hardware” or “machine” and note the result to somewhere. By doing this we’ll get the name of device-tree-blobs.
Download android image kitchen and extract it to somewhere.
Now hold and move your device’s stock boot.img to unpackimg.(bat/sh)
Now your stock kernel got extracted to split_img/boot.img-zImage. After this line I will referance this file as “stock kernel”
Fetch split-appended-dtb using git clone command. We’ll use this tool to extract dtb from stock kernel.
Copy stock kernel to split-appended-dtb-mac folder.
Now we will extract dtb(device-tree-blobs) from stock kernel. If you are on Linux use ./split-appended-dtb boot.img-zImage command for Mac use ./split-appended-dtb-mac boot.img-zImage command.
Now we have bunch of files named dtbdump_xx.dtb. We have to find out which one our device uses. Use grep -r <machine name that we found at step 2> . to find out which dtb our device using. (Write different parts of machine name to find out)
Install dtc using apt install device-tree-compiler command.
Let’s say it turns out dtbdump_21.dtb is the right one. We have to decompile dtb file to dts using dtc -I dtb -O dts -o extracted.dts dtbdump_21.dtb command.
Now we have to extract defconfig from stock kernel.
Use wget && chmod a+x extract-ikconfig command to download necessary tool.
Use ./extract-ikconfig boot.img-zImage > extracted_defconfig to get defconfig from stock kernel.
Now we got what we need, we need to download kernel source to start porting to our device.
After this point I’ll start to explain as porting to Qualcomm device but almost same on other system-on-chips.
Go to Settings -> About Phone -> and note “Kernel version”
We need to download soc manufacturer’s sources. From here find msm-X.X that matching with your phone and copy link of it.
And from here find tag matching your chipset and write it down somewhere.
Use git clone <sources from 2 steps up> -b <tag>
Now enter to msm-X.X folder.
Copy extracted_defconfig to arch/<your device's architecture>/configs/ folder.
If your device is arm64 copy extracted.dts to arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ if this directory doesn’t exist copy to arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom/ folder. (If you have 3.x qcom device skip the arm64 part and copy it directly into arm)
Open “Makefile” file in arch/arm(64)/boot/dts/qcom/ and add extracted.dts to the line matching with your chipset.
It’s time to import drivers. After this step I cannot help you because every devices’ hardware isn’t same but I can give some tactics.
To get driver names you can read dts file or install any device info app from Google Play Store etc.
Search these names and GitHub you can find files and commits which will help you to add drivers.
You did all of these without my help ? Excellent! Now it’s time to build kernel. I suggest you to use @natchanchance 's kernel compilation guide.
After compiling kernel. Copy compiled kernel to split_img folder which mentioned at early of this tutorial. rename it to boot.img-zImage and double click repackimg.( and you have new file named image-new.img.
Boot it using fastboot boot image-new.img command and if everything is working you can use fastboot flash boot image-new.img to use it permanently.
Leave a comment here about your questions. I'll try to reply all of them.
Planned to make a guide video about it but I don't have much time. Keep checking this thread may I post soon.
Thanks Dude!
This is very useful guide especially fir those who want to port the kernel source.
Thanks man. I am following your guide.
Thanks ?
While looking for matching dtbdump file I got a match in all four files for PMI8996, which file should I use?
"We have to decompile dtb file to dts using dtc" stuck at this step.
Any help on which "App" to use to find driver names..
ataberkozen said:
It’s time to import drivers. After this step I cannot help you because every devices’ hardware isn’t same but I can give some tactics.
To get driver names you can read dts file or install any device info app from Google Play Store etc.
Search these names and GitHub you can find files and commits which will help you to add drivers.
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I've found another way to find hardware info using hwinfo tool inside termux. The trick is to use it with root permissions.
Install hwinfo in termux:
apt-get install hwinfo
Run it with root permission tee into a text file:
su -c $(which hwinfo) | tee hwinfo.txt


Hi, my name is Varun, during the times I was building I faced some trouble building, and I thought it would be helpful if I put together a guide that covers every aspect of building. Many roms fundamentally differ so this is a generic guide, but when it comes to modifying device specific files you are going to have to refer to your rom developer or your device tree maintainer.
I see a lot of lead devs referring to older guides on xda, and felt like there should be a good reference thats more recent.
I have heavily depended upon Nathan Chance's Guide which can be found HERE. I feel like this may be a little intimidating for new builders hence this thread. I will slowly upload screenshots here as I find time. But for now this is what I have. You can find my guide HERE. If there are any changes to be made in this thread then it also needs to be changed on gh, so please do comment or make a pr and fix what is requested.
Table of Contents
1) Getting started
2) Prerequisites
3) Understanding the DOC
4) Preparing Linux environment
5) Getting the source
6) Getting device specific files
7) Building
• This guide will help you understand the basics of rom building.
• You must have exprience with linux and terminal
• You must read everything at least once
• If you get stuck at any step, google is your best friend.
If you still struggle, these are places you can get help
1) This thread
2) GitHub
3) Other XDA threads
4) Telegram (Your SOC groups or Android Builders Help)
• Build only if you have time to spare, never rush through the learning stage
• Never think about skipping a step
• If you are planning to modify a ROM, always ask for permission
• If you are planning on including other peoples work in your rom always ask for permission
• Your system should have at least 8GB RAM and 4 cores (Use Zram for 8gb ram devices)
• Strong internet connection. You will be downloading 50GB+ worth of files
• Ubuntu - this should be installed alongside a primary OS. NOT VM
• Minimum 250GB of free disk space (you can sync 1 ROMs and build for 3 devices at once)
• Git - Read some documentation
• Command Line - get yourself familiar, learn with CodeAcademy
Understanding This Doc
• Notes with background information will be given in italics
is used to represent a command that is run from terminal
• Now the you have finished setting up, a special environment is required for building.
• Preparing the environment is as easy as double clicking .exe in Windows or .dmg in MacOS
thanks to developer Akhil N.
• We need to clone his scripts (installer) from his GitHub
A script is a file which contains multiple commands that run sequentially when executed
git clone
• This should copy the scripts to directory /home/username/scripts
• Cd into the directory called setup
cd scripts/setup
• List out directory
• Find the file that corresponds to our Linux build. Since we are using Ubuntu it will be
For other Distros refer to the readme that has also been cloned
• Run the script
• Setup GitHub using on screen instructions
• Congratulations you set up your computer for building
• Go back the previous dir that you were originally on (/home/username)
cd will always take you to home/username
• This is probably one of the worst steps, you have to wait a while
• GCloud users will be able to download source in 15 minutes
• Other users may have to wait longer (depends on internet connection speed)
• Make a directory for your ROM
mkdir “ROMNAME”
this will make folder in directory home/username/romname
• Cd in and initiate repository, this basically tells your computer where to download source files from.
The repository initiation command can be found on the GitHub page under “manifest” then scroll down to
repo initialisation and copy command
• It should look like
repo init -u git:// -b 10.0
1) Linux users can paste into terminal using Ctrl + Shift + V
2) Linux users can copy from terminal using Ctrl + Shift + C
3) GCloud users can paste into window using Ctrl + V
4) GCloud users can copy from window simply by highlighting
5) GCloud users using ssh from terminal can just follow terminal commands
• Once repo is initialised, you can begin download using
repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all)
• Let everything download
• As most of you know the kernel acts as the translator between the OS and your actual hardware
• The files mentioned above are android version specific and will only work with that android
• The developer for your device aka dt maintainer will have these files on their GitHub and its
usually linked at the end of the op of other rom threads in the source code section
• You have to make sure that the rom version you downloaded matches up
• If the device tree is for an older version then wait until your dev. releases the latest trees, if no
developer is working on your device then it is possible to modify the tree to work with newer
version of android but it may take some effort.
• In case your tree doesnt match with the rom version that you have downloaded, the easiest and best option is
to scrap everything and download the source version that your tree is designed for
• To scrap everything, use
rm -rf “folder containing rom"
• To modify the init command to download an older version you need to pick out the branch you
need (the branch is basically the version the newer version is added to a new branch)
• Change the init command after -b to include desired branch. For example
repo init -b ten to repo init -b seven
• To get the device specific files, we need to fork them to your GitHub.
Find the stuff (kernel vendor device tree hardware) and fork them
Forking basically copies them to your GitHub
• At this point we need to know if we need to modify the device tree as some ROMs don’t require
you to modify it (CrDroid)(LOS)
• Some roms require only partial modifications, this is rom specific so I wont be going too much into detail
• If modification is required follow these steps , otherwise skip to the end of this section
• After forking we need to modify the files we will do this from the browser for ease of
•There are three files that need modification and they are located your device tree
• Some tree developers may split your device tree into two parts if there is more than one phone
running the same SOC, so keep an eye out for that. (devices that have the same soc are like the op3/op3t and the op7/op7p)
• The files that we need to modify are under your "device codename" device tree, not "device SOC-common" device tree.
• For example; we need to go to "device_samsung_crownlte" tree not "device_samsung_universal9810-common"
• In here the three files that need modification are
1) Android
2) lineage.dependencies
3) lineage_"device codename".mk (
• First open Here replace wherever you see lineage with name of ROM in lowercase only.
• Second, open lineage and rename file to "romname".dependencies (ecample: aim.dependencies)
• Third, open lineage_"codename".mk and rename to "romname"_"codename".mk and replace
lineage with "romname in the code. (Remember,use lowercase)
If you are building an older version of android make sure you branch out the right branch for your trees
People who do not need to modify can join us here
• Now that all your files are in your GitHub, we need to download them
• There are two easy ways
1) Fast and easy Room Service
2) Slow and boring manual cloning
• Room Service
1) cd into .repo from romsource
cd .repo
2) Make directory local_manifests
mkdir local_manifests
3) Make room service file
nano roomservice.xml
(follow next bullet point on how to make roomservice.xml)
4) Return to ROM folder
cd && cd "romfolder"
• Making the roomservice.xml is as easy as copy paste.
and copy and paste it into a text editor and edit it then paste it into the terminal window (step 3 in above point)
Hint for Device Tree
Example: link= userabc/repositories/device_samsung/crownlte (location on github)
path= device/samsung/crownlte (Where it should download to)
remote= github (where files are stored)
revision= branchname (which version you want)
• Resync Repo like I mentioned before
repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all)
• Run
. build/
• Then
brunch codename
• Make sure to clean build by running this in between builds
make clobber && make clean
• If you are using a slow system and want to improve build speeds, use the following command
for making partially clean builds for incremental updates
make installclean
• Building without cleaning is called dirty building and is never advised and do not do this unless
you know what you are doing
• Repo sync will keep your rom and device specific files that have been deined in roomservice up to date
All threads on XDA
All guides on Github
All devs found on Telegram
If you want specific credits plz do notify me!
XDA:DevDB Information
BUILDING ANDROID, ROM for all devices (see above for details)
ROM OS Version: Android 10
ROM Firmware Required: NOOB
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2020-10-03
Last Updated 2020-10-03
I need rom porting guide for android 10....can you make thread on it?
I tried the tutorial, after the step repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all). I get message error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-24): Decryption has failed.
i can't finish compiling because java.lang.outofmemoryerror : heap size but i have already set the heap size to 8gb

