[GUIDE] HOW TO BUILD ANDROID FROM SOURCE [2020 Edition] - Android Software Development

Hi, my name is Varun, during the times I was building I faced some trouble building, and I thought it would be helpful if I put together a guide that covers every aspect of building. Many roms fundamentally differ so this is a generic guide, but when it comes to modifying device specific files you are going to have to refer to your rom developer or your device tree maintainer.
I see a lot of lead devs referring to older guides on xda, and felt like there should be a good reference thats more recent.
I have heavily depended upon Nathan Chance's Guide which can be found HERE. I feel like this may be a little intimidating for new builders hence this thread. I will slowly upload screenshots here as I find time. But for now this is what I have. You can find my guide HERE. If there are any changes to be made in this thread then it also needs to be changed on gh, so please do comment or make a pr and fix what is requested.
Table of Contents
1) Getting started
2) Prerequisites
3) Understanding the DOC
4) Preparing Linux environment
5) Getting the source
6) Getting device specific files
7) Building
• This guide will help you understand the basics of rom building.
• You must have exprience with linux and terminal
• You must read everything at least once
• If you get stuck at any step, google is your best friend.
If you still struggle, these are places you can get help
1) This thread
2) GitHub
3) Other XDA threads
4) Telegram (Your SOC groups or Android Builders Help)
• Build only if you have time to spare, never rush through the learning stage
• Never think about skipping a step
• If you are planning to modify a ROM, always ask for permission
• If you are planning on including other peoples work in your rom always ask for permission
• Your system should have at least 8GB RAM and 4 cores (Use Zram for 8gb ram devices)
• Strong internet connection. You will be downloading 50GB+ worth of files
• Ubuntu - this should be installed alongside a primary OS. NOT VM
• Minimum 250GB of free disk space (you can sync 1 ROMs and build for 3 devices at once)
• Git - Read some documentation
• Command Line - get yourself familiar, learn with CodeAcademy
Understanding This Doc
• Notes with background information will be given in italics
is used to represent a command that is run from terminal
• Now the you have finished setting up, a special environment is required for building.
• Preparing the environment is as easy as double clicking .exe in Windows or .dmg in MacOS
thanks to developer Akhil N.
• We need to clone his scripts (installer) from his GitHub
A script is a file which contains multiple commands that run sequentially when executed
git clone https://github.com/akhilnarang/scripts
• This should copy the scripts to directory /home/username/scripts
• Cd into the directory called setup
cd scripts/setup
• List out directory
• Find the file that corresponds to our Linux build. Since we are using Ubuntu it will be android_build_env.sh
For other Distros refer to the readme that has also been cloned
• Run the script
. android_build_env.sh
• Setup GitHub using on screen instructions
• Congratulations you set up your computer for building
• Go back the previous dir that you were originally on (/home/username)
cd will always take you to home/username
• This is probably one of the worst steps, you have to wait a while
• GCloud users will be able to download source in 15 minutes
• Other users may have to wait longer (depends on internet connection speed)
• Make a directory for your ROM
mkdir “ROMNAME”
this will make folder in directory home/username/romname
• Cd in and initiate repository, this basically tells your computer where to download source files from.
The repository initiation command can be found on the GitHub page under “manifest” then scroll down to
repo initialisation and copy command
• It should look like
repo init -u git://github.com/crdroidandroid/android.git -b 10.0
1) Linux users can paste into terminal using Ctrl + Shift + V
2) Linux users can copy from terminal using Ctrl + Shift + C
3) GCloud users can paste into window using Ctrl + V
4) GCloud users can copy from window simply by highlighting
5) GCloud users using ssh from terminal can just follow terminal commands
• Once repo is initialised, you can begin download using
repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all)
• Let everything download
• As most of you know the kernel acts as the translator between the OS and your actual hardware
• The files mentioned above are android version specific and will only work with that android
• The developer for your device aka dt maintainer will have these files on their GitHub and its
usually linked at the end of the op of other rom threads in the source code section
• You have to make sure that the rom version you downloaded matches up
• If the device tree is for an older version then wait until your dev. releases the latest trees, if no
developer is working on your device then it is possible to modify the tree to work with newer
version of android but it may take some effort.
• In case your tree doesnt match with the rom version that you have downloaded, the easiest and best option is
to scrap everything and download the source version that your tree is designed for
• To scrap everything, use
rm -rf “folder containing rom"
• To modify the init command to download an older version you need to pick out the branch you
need (the branch is basically the version the newer version is added to a new branch)
• Change the init command after -b to include desired branch. For example
repo init -b ten to repo init -b seven
• To get the device specific files, we need to fork them to your GitHub.
Find the stuff (kernel vendor device tree hardware) and fork them
Forking basically copies them to your GitHub
• At this point we need to know if we need to modify the device tree as some ROMs don’t require
you to modify it (CrDroid)(LOS)
• Some roms require only partial modifications, this is rom specific so I wont be going too much into detail
• If modification is required follow these steps , otherwise skip to the end of this section
• After forking we need to modify the files we will do this from the browser for ease of
•There are three files that need modification and they are located your device tree
• Some tree developers may split your device tree into two parts if there is more than one phone
running the same SOC, so keep an eye out for that. (devices that have the same soc are like the op3/op3t and the op7/op7p)
• The files that we need to modify are under your "device codename" device tree, not "device SOC-common" device tree.
• For example; we need to go to "device_samsung_crownlte" tree not "device_samsung_universal9810-common"
• In here the three files that need modification are
1) Android Products.mk
2) lineage.dependencies
3) lineage_"device codename".mk (example:lineage_crownlte.mk)
• First open AndriodProducts.mk Here replace wherever you see lineage with name of ROM in lowercase only.
• Second, open lineage dependencies.mk and rename file to "romname".dependencies (ecample: aim.dependencies)
• Third, open lineage_"codename".mk and rename to "romname"_"codename".mk and replace
lineage with "romname in the code. (Remember,use lowercase)
If you are building an older version of android make sure you branch out the right branch for your trees
People who do not need to modify can join us here
• Now that all your files are in your GitHub, we need to download them
• There are two easy ways
1) Fast and easy Room Service
2) Slow and boring manual cloning
• Room Service
1) cd into .repo from romsource
cd .repo
2) Make directory local_manifests
mkdir local_manifests
3) Make room service file
nano roomservice.xml
(follow next bullet point on how to make roomservice.xml)
4) Return to ROM folder
cd && cd "romfolder"
• Making the roomservice.xml is as easy as copy paste.
and copy and paste it into a text editor and edit it then paste it into the terminal window (step 3 in above point)
Hint for Device Tree
Example: link= userabc/repositories/device_samsung/crownlte (location on github)
path= device/samsung/crownlte (Where it should download to)
remote= github (where files are stored)
revision= branchname (which version you want)
• Resync Repo like I mentioned before
repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all)
• Run
. build/envsetup.sh
• Then
brunch codename
• Make sure to clean build by running this in between builds
make clobber && make clean
• If you are using a slow system and want to improve build speeds, use the following command
for making partially clean builds for incremental updates
make installclean
• Building without cleaning is called dirty building and is never advised and do not do this unless
you know what you are doing
• Repo sync will keep your rom and device specific files that have been deined in roomservice up to date
All threads on XDA
All guides on Github
All devs found on Telegram
If you want specific credits plz do notify me!
XDA:DevDB Information
BUILDING ANDROID, ROM for all devices (see above for details)
ROM OS Version: Android 10
ROM Firmware Required: NOOB
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2020-10-03
Last Updated 2020-10-03

I need rom porting guide for android 10....can you make thread on it?

I tried the tutorial, after the step repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all). I get message error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-24): Decryption has failed.

i can't finish compiling because java.lang.outofmemoryerror : heap size but i have already set the heap size to 8gb


[SCRIPTSET v2.6][02/28/2012] Build native GNU/Linux applications: the easy way

New: SANE (USB Scanner backend and drivers) - OTG equipped device needed to work for this - YES, Scanner Access Now possible and Easy with your phone
This can (in combination with tesseract-ocr) be very useful to recognize text from scanned images.
For pictures see also http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=23046120&postcount=187
Update 01/30/2012: Now with a small android app (ScriptStarter) to start services and other shell scripts easily from the GUI. See bottom of the post.
With this bash script your are able to build relatively easy from source a lot of native software (over 90 at the moment) from the GNU/Linux community for your Android phone and you will have
the good experience with free software.
All these tools and programs are not "apps for the GUI" for Android but native running command line tools "under the surface" of your Android GUI like the kernel and other services.
Don't ask me if it makes any sense to install program xy (like MySQL) on a phone. This is your decision. It's possible, so try it and see what you can do with it.
Note: I tested most of the compiled software on a Samsung Galaxy S2 (my phone). I cannot test it on a variety of phones because I have no mobile phone shop...
Currently buildable with this scripts (abstract, see the full list in package_selection.conf):
PHP 5.3.10 (with almost all extensions and XCache)
MySQL 5.5.19 (if you want a full database server on your phone...)
lighttpd 1.4.30
OpenSSH 5.9p1
OpenSSL 1.0.0f
Samba 3.6.3
cURL 7.23.1
bash 4.2
BusyBox 1.19.3
ImageMagick 6.7.4-10
OpenVPN 2.2.2
Python 2.7.2
Node.js 0.6.7
git 1.7.9
Wget 1.13.4
Rsync 3.0.9
Midnight Commander 4.8.1
Pure-FTPd 1.0.35
screen 4.0.3
iptables 1.4.10 (without bionic bug "getnetbyaddr()" and with iptables-save/restore!)
BIND 9.8.1-P1
Lua 5.2.0
Ruby 1.9.3-p0
usbutils 004
MTDUtils latest git
GCC 4.6.2 (c, c++)
GNU Coreutils 8.14, Binutils 2.22, Findutils 4.4.2, Inetutils 1.8
QEMU 0.15.1
SANE 1.0.22
tesseract-ocr 3.01
a lot of libraries, development tools and other useful programs
automatic download and untar the cross-compilers (if not already done) for cross compiling
automatic download and untar the source packages (if not already done), that you have selected
solve dependences and reserves additional needed packages
apply patches to the sources if necessary
build them, "install" them in a folder for later "ready to transfer" to your phone and stripes the binaries and libraries to reduce the filesize if selected
autogenerate a tar file and adb push the file to device if selected
allows you to use well-known software like PHP, MySQL, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, bash and lighttpd on your phone (see the full list in file package_selection.conf, see attachement)
scripting and development on your phone
no limits with BusyBox (without want to be derogative, BusyBox is a wonderful tool), full featured tools like Coreutils, Binutils etc.
build scripts are expandable with other or newer packages you eventual want to have
Q: Do I need native GNU/Linux programs and what is that?
A: If you do not know what native Linux applications are, then stop here - you don't need them.
Q: What can I do with these tools?
A: Many things. As a developer you can use the libraries to include them in Android GUI apps, as user you can start for example a webserver on your phone and write some HTML or PHP pages
just for fun or replace BusyBox with full featured tools (or only some commands).
Some tools are also very useful to find network errors, check the network traffic and many more.
Q: What do I need?
A: A Linux installation (VM or real), some Linux knowledge and a little bit time to read all instructions carefully. A rooted Android device with enouth free memory (ext2/3/4 formatted)
See README for details.
Q: Costs?
A: Nothing. The scripts are Open Source (GPL v3), the packages are GPL licensed or under a similar license. The cross-compilers are Open Source or free to use for non-profit purposes.
But I would be pleased if I get a donation and/or a press on the "Thanks button", if the scripts are useful for you. It was a long and hard work...
Note: The attachement scriptset-x.yy.zip is double packed (inside .bz2), because I want preserve the right settings of the scripts.
Selected the desired packages in the config file
Adjust the compiler settings for your phone
Run the build script to download and compile the software
Copy the generated TAR files to your phone or let "adb" this do for you and unpack them in the prepared sysroot folder
For more information please read the instructions in "README"
Please let me also know if you have any problems or if you have questions or further suggestions.
Thanks go to the Open Source community and a lot of people/webpages with hints about cross-compiling software.
01/14/2012 First public release v0.9
01/14/2012 Update: Removed unneeded big patch for ncurses
01/15/2012 Release of v1.0
Update: Fixed build of gcc. Note: the header files are not copied automatically with the script.
If you want to compile on your phone, set TAR_HEADERS=1 in configuraton.conf
Typos: some translations corrected in build.sh
01/16/2012 Release of v1.1
Update: Removed building of fsck from util-linux-ng, it's in e2fsprogs
Update: ISC Cron / vixie cron: set correct paths in pathnames.h before compiling
Enhancement: More detailed explanation of device specific compiler settings with list of possible values
Update: Removed dependence e2fsprogs libs from e2fsprogs
01/17/2012 Release of v1.2
Update: Build of zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit, unzip, unzipsfx and funzip now possible without errors
01/17/2012 Release of v1.3
Update: Added Node.js
Typos: some translations and language errors corrected in build.sh and README (sorry, I'm not a native English speaker...)
01/18/2012 Release of v1.4
Fixed TMP_PATH in PHP extension XCache (mmap.c) to prevent startup warning
Fixed BusyBox problems with static build against glibc ("__getpagesize" segfault with ping, traceroute and other networking parts)
and added some BusyBox patches.
BusyBox is now dynamic linked, so don't replace the system BusyBox with this build, because of missing mount/paths to libraries at phone startup
01/20/2012 Release of v1.5
Update: Cleanup in scripts and separation of configuration and code. Now it's only necessary to edit configuration.conf and package_selection.conf
Update: Added gzip
Update: Added experimental adb push to device if the device is connected and permissions are ok
Update: Check for installed programs. Script now exists on check failure to minimize errors while compiling.
01/21/2012 Release of v1.6
Bugfix: MySQL build could fail if gen_lex_hash could not generate the file sql/lex_hash.h in pass 2
Update: adb push should now work, check for connected device (and possible multiple devices) and check for right permissions to use the device
Enhancement: Even more explanation of device specific compiler flags and some hints to find the right settings.
01/21/2012 Release of v1.7
Enhancement: To eliminate sure a failing MySQL build, with every new run the source folder will be removed before completely
Enhancement: file version is now strictly checked (the host version must be the same as the cross version)
Some minor changes and filechecks (e.g. autoconf)
01/23/2012 Release of v1.8
Bugfix: Python has SQLite dependencies and SQLite must be ready before Python configure/make
Bugfix: In certain circumstances the optimizer settings get lost
Bugfix: Removed --enable-multibyte from bash, no chance to use it with NDK
01/24/2012 Release of v1.9
Update: Added ngIRCd (Please read the comment for this server, because of running as root)
Update: Sorted the links and package names in the config a little bit...
01/26/2012 Release of v2.0
Bugfix: OpenSSH wants to touch /var/empty while compiling, should be fixed --with-privsep-path now set (thanks to member dateno1 for his reports of such warnings/errors)
Bugfix: Removed a wrong CFLAG -I path from NDK config (only useful for me, really useless for others...)
Enhancement: Example for a user db for Pure-FTPd virtual user database in README (please use virtual users, it's the best and easiest solution)
Update: OpenSSH build need ssh-keygen for the generation of the default keys, added this info to README and the package selection
Bugfix: Not really a bugfix, but some installers don't set the right permissions of libraries in the sysroot folder, so set them global in the final task
Bugfix: Removed --with-lastlog=$TARGET_SYSROOT/var/log/lastlog from OpenSSH and added --with-lastlog=no, I don't know why this is not working and throws a warning, but we can live without it...
Enhancement: Added option to choose the sysroot variant from the CodeSourcery libs: v5TE (default), v4T (old), thumb2 (v7, fastest if supported by the phone)
Enhancement: Added option to tar the headers for development on the device with CodeSourcery (hint: always set rpath in LDFLAGS to make use of the CodeSourcery libs)
01/26/2012 Release of v2.1
Update: Added getcap/setcap and libraries from wishlist, needs libtoolize. Note: This is in a testing stage, kernel and filesystem support needed!
01/30/2012 Added a ScriptStarter app
09/02/2012 Release of v2.2
Update: Local compilation of static "tic" from ncurses for buildhost, if ncurses installation is missing
Enhancement: "downloading only" mode without compiling the packages (and force download)
Enhancement: some parameters for starting the script with additional functions (show with ./build.sh help)
Enhancement: more logging and outputs
Enhancement: language specs, all outputs can be changed to other languages in build.sh
Update: Added dosfstools
Update: Added Ruby
Update: Added example configs and starter scripts for Samba and OpenSSH
Update: Use of http-URLs if possible and update of some broken external links since last release
Bugfix: util-linux-ng needs gettext, added dependence
Bugfix: Added parameter to Samba to solve user/group settings and socket_wrapper support to set path vars at runtime
Update: Changed PHP version to 5.3.10, Samba to 3.6.3 and git to 1.7.9
02/11/2012 internal Release v2.3
Bugfix: openVPN patch for /dev/tun and links to ip/netstat/ifconfig/route, see hints for symlinks
02/16/2012 internal Release v2.4
02/25/2012 Release of v2.5
Update: Added LAME
Update: Added experimental CUPS
Update: Changed PNG version to 1.5.9
Update: Added Net-SNMP
Update: Added Netpbm
Update: Added PNG 1.2.47 for Netpbm and phpSANE
Update: Added LibTIFF
Update: Added SANE (USB Scanner backend and drivers) - OTG equipped device needed to work for this - YES, Scanner Access Now possible and Easy with your phone
Update: Split patches for bash (4.1 and 4.2) for better and easier (automatic) inclusion of original patches
02/28/2012 Release of v2.6
Update: Added Cuneiform OCR
Update: Added tesseract-ocr (see hints for more details howto use it)
02/03/2012 Added a small ScriptStarter for the GUI. With this app, written with JQuery, PhoneGap and Java (wrapper to execute the shell scripts) it's possible to start for example the lighttpd web server, Pure-FTPd or MySQL from within the Android GUI without a terminal and read the output. If a script needs root access, there is a checkbox to allow this. For this to work, copy the script sush in the script folder. All scripts ending with .sh can be started (please choose after the first start your script folder on the device to add the scripts to the selection, normally your [SYSROOT]/sbin folder).
Three buttons (start, stop and status) are predefined for start-stop-status scripts, there is also a parameter input field for more start values.
Free GPL v3 source code also included (Eclipse project). Please don't expect too much eye-candy. The GUI could be much better, but my CSS skills are very limited...
I added a few example scripts in the zip file, for example a battery stats reader. Before starting these scripts, have a look in the source code to be sure that they are compatible with your device.
Update 0.97 02/03/2012: Now the stderr is also printed in the output window
Update 0.99 02/10/2012: Replaced scrolling api with a much better solution (jScrollPane) for the output window. Not the real Android scroll feeling, but it's usable.
Thanks! I would hit the Thanks button, but I am on my mobile atm.
Sent from MIUI powered phone
Someone tried it? Problems?
Please, I need your feedback...
Sounds interesting, I'll try once I get back home and share feedback here
now i try to all packages for test
i will test on cortex a8 (motolora xt720)
TARGET_MARCH="armv7-a" (not work on armv7 )
it make dynamic binarys but i don't want dymanic type (because it difficult to divide one thing and maybe not work on android's libs)
how can i make static type?
ps : oh...it has so many comile error (even can't read or count all)
dateno1 said:
i will test on cortex a8 (motolora xt720)
TARGET_MARCH="armv7-a" (not work on armv7 )
it make dynamic binarys but i don't want dymanic type (because it difficult to divide one thing and maybe not work on android's libs)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I hope I understand your question. Why not dynamic?
Yes, you have to set the parameters for your mobile phone. For TARGET_MARCH try "armv7", for TARGET_MFLOAT "softfp" and for TARGET_MFPU "vfp" but check this last setting carefully for this phone.
It's very hard to build a full static binary (and sometimes nearly impossible) and it's also hard to build against bionic (with NDK). I had no good experience with it . A lot of compiler runs wasn't sucessful. Edit: I also had for example massive problems with openssl. I couldn't find a way to build it with NDK or static and then build other programs like cURL with openssl support.
Static binaries are also too big and not necessary. For this we have a sysroot environment to be independent from bionic and without the restrictions. The compiled libs and binaries are linked to the CodeSourcery glibc and have set the custom "rpath" for the dynamic loader. That's no problem I think.
that's simple
if someone want to make some binary for all version of android (even same cpu) it will not work well (defend on basic lib(ex : libc) is ok but complex things will not work)
i know make static type binary is very difficult but it valable
dateno1 said:
that's simple
if someone want to make some binary for all version of android (even same cpu) it will not work well (defend on basic lib(ex : libc) is ok but complex things will not work)
i know make static type binary is very difficult but it valable
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Click to collapse
You are right, if you want to build a "portable" binary, you have to set very safe settings, like TARGET_MARCH="armv5", the full list is in the "README". But it's not my main target to offer a solution that is easy portable to other phones, instead you can build the software with optimizations for your phone to "get the best" for it
smitna said:
You are right, if you want to build a "portable" binary, you have to set very safe settings, like TARGET_MARCH="armv5", the full list is in the "README". But it's not my main target to offer a solution that is easy portable to other phones, instead you can build the software with optimizations for your phone to "get the best" for it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just i want to add some more function on the phone
thanks for patch files
I want to try this, to install some apps(most interested fro mc), but I don' t wanna change my sd card.
Can I use phone' s /data partition as mysysroot directory? I have 1.5GB space available on data partition, it is 2GB all.
And If yes, I must create the dir: /data/mysyroot? And where to create this dir on pc? On root directory of my linux system?
dancer_69 said:
I want to try this, to install some apps(most interested fro mc), but I don' t wanna change my sd card.
Can I use phone' s /data partition as mysysroot directory? I have 1.5GB space available on data partition, it is 2GB all.
And If yes, I must create the dir: /data/mysyroot? And where to create this dir on pc? On root directory of my linux system?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can use the /data partition. Just create a new folder, for example /data/sysroot. On your PC you have to create the same temporary with full user rights. This is not your working dir for building. Create a new dir in /home/user and unpack the files there. In settings insert the /data/sysroot as TARGET_SYSROOT and change the other settings for your phone and choose mc=yes. Then start the ./build.sh
Thanks for your quick answer.
Just to make clear because my english understanding is not in a high level
I must create the /data/sysroot dir under "/"(root directory) on linux pc with superuser rights?
dancer_69 said:
Thanks for your quick answer.
Just to make clear because my english understanding is not in a high level
I must create the /data/sysroot dir under "/"(root directory) on linux pc with superuser rights?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, that is right. But this is the only step you need to do as root or better with root rights. After this work as usual as user.
oh it can't make mysql
package selection : mysql only
target directory (prefix) : /sddata/mysql (on sdext on my system)
then run ./build.sh 2> error.txt
it is my error messages
sorry you can see this link only today (my mistake)
this setting can make some binary and lib run on my phone but fail to make gcc or mysql (when i try gcc it just fail to making gcc only (other things were made) )
dateno1 said:
package selection : mysql only
target directory (prefix) : /sddata/mysql (on sdext on my system)
then run ./build.sh 2> error.txt
it is my error messages
sorry you can see this link only today (my mistake)
this setting can make some binary and lib run on my phone but fail to make gcc or mysql (when i try gcc it just fail to making gcc only (other things were made) )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please notice first, that you should not run this script as root!!
Then there is something wrong with the build of the first needed packages:
- The script cannot find the readline sources. Do you have a subfolder readline-6.2 in folder sources in your builddir? Same for the other source folders. The script first downloads the packages to folder packages, extract the tars in folder sources, repeated for all selections.
(look at line 67 in your log: ./build.sh: 1402: cd: Python-2.7.2: No such file or directory)
- You have no "xz", install it first and make sure, that the other necessary packages are installed. MySQL and gcc are "two pass" compilations and this builds generating temporary binaries, runable on your linux pc. So you need all for a successful compilation of such binaries like gcc, make, python etc. on your linux machine. If you are using Ubuntu, then install the "meta-package" build-essential, look in the README.
Do you have the other unpacking tools like gunzip etc. Please install also "bison"
You should do following steps:
1. First select only the necessary packages (see above), all others to no.
2. If zlib, python, readline an the others are cross-compiled (without errors) and the libraries are in ./sysroot/lib, then deselect them (=no) and select mysql=yes and start a second run with ./build.sh
smitna said:
Please notice first, that you should not run this script as root!!
Then there is something wrong with the build of the first needed packages:
- The script cannot find the readline sources. Do you have a subfolder readline-6.2 in folder sources in your builddir? Same for the other source folders. The script first downloads the packages to folder packages, extract the tars in folder sources, repeated for all selections.
(look at line 67 in your log: ./build.sh: 1402: cd: Python-2.7.2: No such file or directory)
- You have no "xz", install it first and make sure, that the other necessary packages are installed. MySQL and gcc are "two pass" compilations and this builds generating temporary binaries, runable on your linux pc. So you need all for a successful compilation of such binaries like gcc, make, python etc. on your linux machine. If you are using Ubuntu, then install the "meta-package" build-essential, look in the README.
Do you have the other unpacking tools like gunzip etc. Please install also "bison"
You should do following steps:
1. First select only the necessary packages (see above), all others to no.
2. If zlib, python, readline an the others are cross-compiled (without errors) and the libraries are in ./sysroot/lib, then deselect them (=no) and select mysql=yes and start a second run with ./build.sh
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i'm not edit necessary part
i just edit mysql=no => mysql=yes
ok try to install packages and run as not root
dateno1 said:
i'm not edit necessary part
i just edit mysql=no => mysql=yes
ok try to install packages and run as not root
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Good luck!
If you can wait a little bit:
In a short time I release a new version with better error and program checks and some small bug fixes. With this version it's not longer necessary to edit the build.sh, it's now all in only two separated configuration files (configuration and package selection).
hmm...fail to compile mysql again
with this error
note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4
full error log on http://pastebin.com/jd1Pw9Xw
dateno1 said:
with this error
note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4
full error log on http://pastebin.com/jd1Pw9Xw
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Hello dateno1,
first: you have *NOT* changed to a user account as promised
The va_list is only a note, not an error, no problem (but ask the MySQL devs why they haven't adapted the code to gcc 4.6.1).
Your Python cross binaries and libraries are not ok (from you broken first build?). Please start from a "fresh state" (delete the folder sources/Python-2.7.2 and sysroot) or start from a total clean state.
Please use the latest 1.5 version of the script because of the xargs warnings at the end
Delete the complete sysroot folder, there are some folders not in place (data and docs). There is a script remove_all_files.sh
Start this script in your buildroot with ./remove_all_files.sh to remove all files and symlinks in subfolder sysroot.
Edit: delete the sysroot folder complete, there are some other missing folders from your first build!
Start again with ./build.sh and activated packages (the "ALWAYS NEEDED" one and MySQL)
smitna said:
Hello dateno1,
first: you have *NOT* changed to a user account as promised
The va_list is only a note, not an error, no problem (but ask the MySQL devs why they haven't adapted the code to gcc 4.6.1).
Your Python cross binaries and libraries are not ok (from you broken first build?). Please start from a "fresh state" (delete the folder sources/Python-2.7.2 and sysroot) or start from a total clean state.
Please use the latest 1.5 version of the script because of the xargs warnings at the end
Delete the complete sysroot folder, there are some folders not in place (data and docs). There is a script remove_all_files.sh
Start this script in your buildroot with ./remove_all_files.sh to remove all files and symlinks in subfolder sysroot.
Edit: delete the sysroot folder complete, there are some other missing folders from your first build!
Start again with ./build.sh and activated packages (the "ALWAYS NEEDED" one and MySQL)
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make new account (compile.compile) and use su -c "./build.sh" compile
i think it work (compiled file's owner is changed to compile.compile)
now i delete almost files and folders (exclude android-ndk, readline-6.2, toolchains) and retrying...oh failed (attach new log (full) )
'를 위해 할 일이 없습니다' mean 'no job for~'
'오류' mean 'error'

[EXPERIMENTAL/TOOLS/GUIDE/ADV.] Toolchain gcc 4.6.3 Cygwin/Linux/OSX; kernel builds

The following contains binaries, and instructions for use of an experimental newer toolchain than those included in the android pre-built package.
This is provided to allow existing linux kernel developers experiment with the updated version of GCC (besides the complicated building instructions the code just has a small patch for a known issue with android and 4.6.* otherwise is directly from GNU (see build information below)
The packages I'm also providing to help developers current on windows (With cygwin but no other virtual environment) to start exploring android Linux kernel development for their devices. (In addition to a OSX toolchain for more advanced mac users)
due to the slight differences between kernels on different devices this How To is intended to be used for advanced users who can adjust for the differences required for the devices specific kernel.
I may add additional guides to this thread if I find a need for them.
[size=+1]Binary Toolchains[/size]
I have two versions of a GCC-4.6.3 toolchain
1) For x86 linux: toolchain-4.6.3.tar.bz2 (Sha1: c8c57aba6ad92e9acddf29ba8620ba880be09a81)
2) For Cygwin (windows): toolchain-4.6.3.cygwin.tar.bz2 (Sha1: 6947e1c1ba95195019f542eb8ba0708667b63eca)
3) For OSX (mac/darwin): toolchain-4.6.3.darwin.tar.bz2 (Sha1: 9a977f0672863fdd9501383a6ad1e30723281f68)
[size=-1]> The linux version was built via this script: http://pastebin.com/b2dZ8YtG (or in the included toolchain_notes.txt)
> The cygwin/darwin version uses the same source however has a slightly modified script (see the included toolchain_notes.txt for the updated script)[/size]
[size=+1]System Requirements[/size]
Note I have a 64bit debian linux box, and a 64bit version of WIndows7 Pro running cygwin, while I believe these binaries ought to be compatible with all x86 linux and cygwin installs these have not been tested by a wide number of people yet.
> Linux users: If you have a working android build environment likely no additional requirements are needed. In addition you must build any kernel/android utilities from a case sensitive filesystem or disk image.
> OSx users: the cygwin packages will give you an idea of what is required, please also see the README in the tar.bz2 about manually installing elf.h
> Cygwin users: as its unlikely you have compiled a kernel with cygwin up to this point you may wish to ensure the following packages are installed (as well as any cygwin recommends to be used with them):
Cygwin users must also set their NTFS file partition to allow case sensitive files:
To do this open regedit and change:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\obcaseinsensitive
to 0
after this reboot and the NTFS kernel will allow cygwin to use case sensitive files (ie 'AbC' and 'aBc' as two different files)​
[size=+1]Advanced Kernel Building Guide[/size]
Since may devices are slightly different this can only be a high level kernel building guide
Please ask for any specific directions from the current kernel maintainer.
To most people who have built kernels before this will look familiar, the most important part is preparing your local environment to use the new toolchain,
1) If you have not already download the tar.bz2 above, (pick the one for the computer you are preparing to build kernels on)
2) extract the file (for the sake of this guide I will assume it is extracted into a ~/android directory)
ie on cygwin you might:
mkdir -p ~/android
cd ~/android
tar -xjvf toolchain-4.6.3.cygwin.tar.bz2
Note: steps one and two are just properly installing the toolchain, you will not need
to repeat them to build a different kernel.
2.b) OSX Only: check elf.h
open ~/android/toolchain-4.6.3/README in a text editor and check if elf.h is installed, otherwise manually install it as per the readme
3) fetch your kernel source into the ~/android directory and change into the
source codes root directory
(this can be via a git repo or tarball)
example if you wanted my ACER a100/a500 source you might run:
git clone git://github.com/ezterry/AcerTabKernel.git
cd AcerTabKernel
change this to match the source you are fetching
4) In the root directory of the kernel source (~/android/AcerTabKernel in the about a100/a500 example) update the environment for the cross compiler
add the toolchain to your path:
export PATH=$HOME/android/toolchain-4.6.3/bin:$PATH​
set the cross compile:
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi-
export KERNEL_DIR=`pwd`​
(this will need to be done once for each terminal you use to run any of the following make commands)
5) Grab your configuration
From the device:
adb pull /proc/config.gz
gzip -dc config.gz > .config
or from a prepared configuration if it's included in your code base by running
make _defconfig
example for the a100/a500 code base is 'make vangogh_defconfig' for the a100 and 'make picasso_defconfig' for the a500
6) Customize configuration
just run menuconfig and use the UI to update settings
make menuconfig​
7) building the kernel (zImage)
This is normal at this point with 'make -j'
so for a quad core CPU you can run
make -j5​
(note: the wrong number in the -j argument will not harm the build but may slow down the building process by either using too few threads or needing to keep track of too many)
8) If it worked you will now have the kernel in arch/arm/boot/zImage
this can be injected into the boot.img (as the kernel, using an existing ramdisk) as is
If it failed for your kernel your kernel source may need one of the common patches
9) Building modules
the following will prepare the modules in subdirectory mod:
make modules
rm -rf mod
mkdir mod
cp `find ./ | grep .ko$` modules.order mod/​
After these commands [if no errors] you can simply copy the contents of mod/ to /system/lib/modules on your device, note it is recommended usually to remove the existing contents of /system/lib/modules unless there is a closed source module required from the previous build despite the new kernel.
[size=+1]Common Patches Required[/size]
If your kernel has not been built for the new toolchain or on cygwin before you may require some of these common patchs: (I've thus far only tested this on my Acer A100/A500 source)
wireless/bcm4329 for GCC-4.6.3:
linux kernel module patch for cygwin (broken elf.h):
Error compiling security/smc/bridge_pub2sec.S (I required the cygwin elf patch and this patch to build the Franco galaxy nexus kernel)
(use 'git am 0001-Fix-build-error-with-4.6.3-toolchain-smc-0.patch' to apply)
OSX stat patches (fixes errors between GNU and BSD stat):
Errors loading newly built modules (modules appear to build cleanly but wont install):
simply add -fno-pic to CFLAGS_MODULE
(I can add others here if highlighted to me, and as I find them)
[size=+1]Other Toolchain uses[/size]
The linux toolchain can be used to build android components, however this requires various manipulation to the android /build git repository as currently various other toolchains have hard coded paths into the prebuilt repo. If you intend to incorporate this into your build it may be best to inject the toolchain into your prebuilt repo rather than expect your users to download the links above, ensure to keep the compile notes as it explains how to get the source code to the toolchains)
On cygwin/osx it may also be possible to build android applications however I've not yet tested this as the scripts to make a proper build are complex when attempted outside the android build tree.
Excellent!!! thanks Man!!! Has been looking for one of these
Added in the OSX version of the toolchain (and some related patches)
Also if you are having problems with your modules built with this toolchain a CFLAG fixes it. (see note in common patches)
FINALLY!!! Great Instructions followed them to the T and BAM got my kernel compiled!!!
wow your toolchain is so small, many thanks, just compiled a kernel for my LG P500 gonna test it, thanks again
Bookmarked for testing when I wake up...
I can almost put: "Building under Windows is not currently supported." (quote from google), unofficially at least, out of my mind...
I have been spoiled by Windows for far too long I fear, my attempt for this last week at getting Linux setup and building CM9 has been nothing but a complete FAILURE, too many single line entrys for different distributions/package combo's, commands I dont know and cant find because of wildcard portions of them and lack of understanding, and not enough scripts like the wonderful Compile CM9 script someone put up (cant run it because all the pre-req's arent setup).
Good god Ill be jumping for joy if this works tomorrow on WinBlows!
EDIT: never mind, problem solved, what I need to know now won't be solved here
I wish i knew how to go about doing this..
Thanks For ........... i Really need It .........
Hammerfest said:
Bookmarked for testing when I wake up...
I can almost put: "Building under Windows is not currently supported." (quote from google), unofficially at least, out of my mind...
I have been spoiled by Windows for far too long I fear, my attempt for this last week at getting Linux setup and building CM9 has been nothing but a complete FAILURE, too many single line entrys for different distributions/package combo's, commands I dont know and cant find because of wildcard portions of them and lack of understanding, and not enough scripts like the wonderful Compile CM9 script someone put up (cant run it because all the pre-req's arent setup).
Good god Ill be jumping for joy if this works tomorrow on WinBlows!
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If you succeed tell me how to do it in a more familiar way
I get errors regading the processor not being supported?
brfield said:
I get errors regading the processor not being supported?
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Sorry I can't support devs that have not learned cut copy and paste.
You probably forgot to export some of the environment variables or are just trying to run a arm binary on your PC and or a x86 binary on your arm device.
But why am I guessing? Why don't we know what you tried to run and what the actual text of the error was.. what type of kernel you tried to build, what you are running?
These packages are for developers if you feel like using them its time to learn to how to trouble shoot a problem and write a ticket to explain said problem clearly to others with at least some information to give us a chance to understand.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Great guide. Have the bcm4329 wireless module, so followed the tips and everything compiled and works!
one question,how to compiled android kernel with -O3 optimization?
jxxhwy said:
one question,how to compiled android kernel with -O3 optimization?
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Um, in general its recommended you don't:
-O3 is not recommended for the kernel as many low level parts require the assembly code generated to remain as is and not be optimized as will be by some of the options -O3 enables thus likely reducing the stability of your kernel.
That said the menuconfig has an option to optimize for size (-Os) if enabled else -O2
For other optimization (including tuning for your cpu) you can add them to the CFLAGS_KERNEL/CFLAGS_MODULE in the make file.)
For -O3 like functionality you could add the increment to the line:
-finline-functions, -funswitch-loops, -fpredictive-commoning, -fgcse-after-reload, -ftreel-vectorize, -ftree-partial-pre and -fipa-cp-clone
-Ofast is -O3 with -ffast-math as well
If you do build with all the -O3 or-Ofast options ensure you test the kernel for stability and run some benchmarks. (as it may not actually be faster depending on the cache misses)
The first option I'd start pruning was the one mentioned in my reference below -fgcse-after-reload.
If you really insist on -O3 rather than just adding the optimization you want that are not in O2,it can be added also in the Makefile where the configure flag is checked and its added to KBUILD_CFLAGS
Obviously all and any of this is at your own risk, anything that breaks you have to find a way to fix it.
Gcc optimize options:
Talk of O3 and the kernel (not android specific)
ezterry,thank you very much!
I want to build cm9 kernel using toolchain 4.6.3.
How to replace the default GCC 4.4.3 to 4.6.3 version?
BTW,I use the way -- make bootimage
jxxhwy said:
ezterry,thank you very much!
I want to build cm9 kernel using toolchain 4.6.3.
How to replace the default GCC 4.4.3 to 4.6.3 version?
BTW,I use the way -- make bootimage
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If you are asking in a cm9 build tree.. its a pain, best is to update the cm kernel makefile to point the build chain temporarily.
If you mean just to compile by hand as described in the op
Once the kernel is compiled find an anykernel update.zip or manually use mkbootimg or fastboot to merge it with the ram disk. Cm9 targets mkbootimg and unpackbootimg (if I'm not mistaken) will build the applications to unpack your current (or the default cm9) boot image and re-create them with your custom kernel built from hand.
Now,I runing script file:
#Let's make sure the environment is clean and ready to compile the kernel
echo "Cleaning house!!"
make mrproper
echo "House cleaned, lets build a kernel!!!"
# Lets set the kernel defconfig
echo "defconfig = cyanogenmod_iprj_defconfig"
make ARCH=arm cyanogenmod_iprj_defconfig
# Let's build a kernel
echo "Now compiling kernel, go get a soda! "
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=~/Android/sourcecm9/cm9/toolchain-4.6.3/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- make zImage -j4
if [ -f arch/arm/boot/zImage ]; then
echo "Plague has been compiled!!! You can find it in arch/arm/boot/zImage"
echo "Kernel did not compile, please check for errors!!"
but,I got some error output:
/home/xxx/cm9/toolchain-4.6.3/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld: cannot find usr/initramfs_data.o: No such file or directory
thanks again!!!
I think that means there is an issue with your config..
Most android kernels require initramfs, but don't specify a file, as its provided by the bootloader.. However in your case it is trying to embed it into the kernel.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
ezterry said:
I think that means there is an issue with your config..
Most android kernels require initramfs, but don't specify a file, as its provided by the bootloader.. However in your case it is trying to embed it into the kernel.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
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issue has been resolved by myslef.Thanks for your time.

[Q] Question on Building

Hey guys, I downloaded the LG D800 lollipop source files from the opensource LG site, and I was trying to build it.
From my understanding, the instructions.
1. Android build
- Download original android source code ( Lollipop 5.0.1_r1 ) from http://source.android.com
- Untar opensource packages of LGD800_L_Android.tar.gz into downloaded android source directory
a) tar -xvzf LGD800_L_Android.tar.gz
- And, merge the source into the android source code
- Run following scripts to build android
a) source build/envsetup.sh
b) lunch 1
c) make -j4
- When you compile the android source code, you have to add google original prebuilt source(toolchain) into the android directory.
- After build, you can find output at out/target/product/generic
2. Kernel Build
- Uncompress using following command at the android directory
tar xvzf LGD800_L_Kernel.tar.gz
- When you compile the kernel source code, you have to add google original prebuilt source(toolchain) into the android directory.
- Run following scripts to build kernel
a) cd kernel
b) export PATH=$PATH:tools/lz4demo
c) make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=../prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi- g2-att-perf_defconfig zImage -j4
* "-j4" : The number, 4, is the number of multiple jobs to be invoked simultaneously.
* lz4demo : More information can be found at "https://code.google.com/p/lz4/"
- After build, you can find the build image(zImage) at arch/arm/boot/
3. how to build chromium34_lge (vendor\lge\external\chromium34_lge\src),
please refer to README.txt at the folder mentioned above.
say to build the AOSP_ARM generic image.
I am building it now, and it did include the make files for the vendor directories. But I am wondering if this is actually going to work, and if it's missing anything?
If someone has ever done this before, and can accurately describe the process I would appreciate it.
I understand it as download android>extract the files to that directory and "Merge"(Overwrite?) the files, then run the envsetup, lunch for AOSP_ARM and make.
I don't understand what this line means "When you compile the android source code, you have to add google original prebuilt source(toolchain) into the android directory."
I also don't understand what the Chromium34_LGE thing is, and what it's for.
If anyone can shine some information on this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Download site instructions, file size, and Linux knowledge
Silentwidow said:
Hey guys, I downloaded the LG D800 lollipop source files from the opensource LG site, and I was trying to build it.
- Download original android source code ( Lollipop 5.0.1_r1 ) from http://source.android.com
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Go to http://opensource.lge.com, and search for LGD800. The downloaded file named LGD800_Lollipop_Android_D800_v30f.zip is a 633,894KB file containing LGD800_L_Android.tar.gz 505,244 KB and LGD800_L_Kernel.tar.gz 133,042 KB. When both are extracted the result is over 2GB of files and folders.
To build you'll need a Linux OS and be very knowledgeable with Linux commands and file structures.
As for a prebuilt, there is one buried in the folders at LGD800_L_Android.tar.gz\LGD800_L_Android.tar\android\vendor\lge\prebuilt\LGBackup\tar\LGBackup_tar.zip\
I don't know if there is another prebuilt in the LGD800_L_Kernel.tar.gz because I didn't look. Linux is far out of my reach, so I'll stay away from build scripts and makefiles...etc..

[Guide] Compiling iPerf3

This is a guide on compiling iPerf3 for the Zenfone 2 (x86-64 architecture). iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6). For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters.
Requirements :-
1) A recent Linux distro (I use Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS) running x86-64.
2) Development tools i.e. C compiler, linker, etc... all the necessary tools to run configure, make, etc..
3) iPerf3 source code - latest as of this post is 3.0.11.
4) Small patch to source code to make it work on Android. iperf-3.0.11-android-patch.
Steps :-
(1) Extract the source code to a directory of its own :-
tar xzf iperf-3.0.11-source.tar.gz
cd iperf-3.0.11
(2) Patch the source :-
patch -p1 < ../iperf-3.0.11-android-patch
(3) Run configure :-
(4) Run make :-
(5) If all goes well, you will end up with a dynamically linked binary which is not what we want on the Android device. We will have to delete this and build a statically linked binary.
rm src/iperf3
(6) Edit src/Makefile and look for the line :-
iperf3_CFLAGS = -g
and replace it with :-
iperf3_CFLAGS = -g -all-static
(7) Now, run make again for the final time :-
(8) Strip the binary & verify it is a static binary :-
strip src/iperf3
file src/iperf3
That's it! just copy the iperf3 binary file to your Android device and move it to your /system/xbin or whatever directory in your PATH.
Hope it works for you guys. I'll be happy to help out anyone who needs more details.
UPDATE 2015-08-12 :
Here's a link to a precompiled & stripped binary. https://goo.gl/Q1l1yh
Can you please share binary file. I don't have development enviroment.
harpreet.s said:
Can you please share binary file. I don't have development enviroment.
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I've added a link to a compiled binary. Use at your own risk
could you share instruction how to build iperf for arm?
because now it compiled for x86
By any chance do you know how to compile a static binary for windows? The instructions you provided worked great I compiled a static binary for MAC and linux and android. now I could use one for windows
Compile 3.1.7, 3.2 and 3.3 for Android
Hi there,
I am new to Android Development. I have a need to compile iPerf 3.1.7, 3.2 and 3.3 for android. I see that a patch file is required in the reading here. Could you elaborate perhaps on what the patch does? I assume i will need to create something similar for 3.1.7, 3.2 and 3.3. Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

[GUIDE]A Noob Guide On Building Your Own Custom Kernel on WIN10 (ARM & ARM64 & MTK)

[GUIDE]A Noob Guide On Building Your Own Custom Kernel on WIN10 (ARM & ARM64 & MTK)
This is a guide to build your own custom kernel. Although I'm still a "noob" at this,
I've struggled a lot to build one as all the guides which I followed were not very clear.
So I hope this will be clear enough and as noob friendly as possible!​
You will learn how to:
- Build a kernel for arm and mediatek devices on windows 10
- Add feature
- Basic use of git
Prerequise :
- Updated windows 10 64bits (falls creators update)
- A decent computer with a decent internet speed
- Space on your HDD The minimum space for a kernel source (and its compiled code) is about 2 GB
- Minimal linux knowledge (Terminal, Commands etc)
- Your Brain
- And finally patience
Installing ubuntu :
1 - Go in Settings -> Update and Security -> For developers and turn on developers mode then
2 - go in Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On Or Off and enable Windows subsystem for linux
3 - Reboot your computer
4 - launch linux subsystem now and let it download all it need and set up your password (remember it ! you'll need this password later)
5 - Go in microsoft app store and download Ubunutu by canonical group limited
6 - Open ubuntu (a windows with your name and computer name wil appear), congrats you installed ubuntu on windows 10 !
Seting up you environment :
1 - Type "apt-get update" (will update all repo for apps and dependencies)
From here it is nearly the same as my previous guide, but be careful there is some little changes
2 - Type "sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2" (will install all dependencies to build kernel)
3 - Check if dependencies are correctly installed :
- Then type "gcc"
If "gcc" is already installed, you should see "gcc : fatal error : no input file"
- Then type "make"
If "make" is already installed, you should see "make: *** no target specified and no makefile found. stop."
- Then type "git"
If "git" is already installed, you should see bunch of basic git commands
Now you're almost ready to start building your kernel!
There are several types of toolchains (GCC, Linaro and few custom made ones)
Warning : Not every single device kernel will boot (or even compiles) with older or newer GCC
- For ARM:
We'll be using GCC 4.7 in this tutorial (link : https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7/ )
-Open terminal and type: "mkdir kernel"(Type the name you want, I used "kernel")
-Then type "cd kernel" (the name which you used above)
-Then type "git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7"
-Wait till it finishes.
- For ARM 64:
For ARM 64 you need a 64 bit kernel compiler (there's "aarch64" in the name for telling that's a 64 bit compiler)
Exemple : https://releases.linaro.org/archive/13.07/components/toolchain/binaries/gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.8-2013.07-1_linux.tar.xz
Now you have to find a github that contains your kernel source.
Search on Google or XDA to find a kernel github repo for your device.
A kernel github looks like this: "https://github.com/atxoxx/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974/tree/xenomTW"
On the upper left side you can see branch: completed by a name
These are the different versions of the kernel/project (generally can be for testing, android version etc)
- /arch/arm/configs : contains the config files for device (where you add option like new governors, features etc)
- /output/arch/arm/boot/ : Where zimage is stored (will explain that later)
- build.sh : Script to make the building much easier (will explain how it works later)
- /arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-linaro_5.2-2015.11-2 : I put the toolchain in my kernel source making it easier to find (your kernel's toolchain name may be different)
If you don't have your kernel source yet, you need to download it.
Open terminal and make sure that you are in "kernel" folder (the one you previously created)
Then type in terminal : "git clone "URL of the github kernel" -b "name of the branch" "
For Example : "git clone https://github.com/atxoxx/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974 -b xenomTW"
Good! Now you have your kernel source!
For an easier way you can go to the location using your file explorer to : "/home/"name of your session"/kernel"
You'll see two folders (The Toolchain and The Kernel Source)
Go into your kernel source folder.
- For ARM:
Copy paste this:
export ARCH=arm
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export ARCH=arm: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc)
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- mkdir output: Create a directory for storing compiled zimage
- make -C $(pwd) O=output : Defining defconfig for guiding kernel compilation (will explain later)
- make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output: where the building start, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
- cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage: This one is for moving image into the second path (thanks @Has.007 for this infromation)
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Example :
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-linaro_5.2-2015.11-2/bin/arm-cortex-linux-gnueabi-
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output msm8974_sec_defconfig VARIANT_DEFCONFIG=msm8974_sec_ks01_skt_defconfig SELINUX_DEFCONFIG=selinux_defconfig
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage
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- For ARM 64:
Copy paste this:
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE="path to your toolchain" (it have to end by something like "nameofarch-something-")
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export ARCH=arm64: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc)
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- mkdir output: Create a directory for storing compiled zimage
- make -C $(pwd) O=output : Defining defconfig for guiding kernel compilation (will explain later)
- make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output: where the building start, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
- cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage: This one is for moving image into the second path (thanks @Has.007 for this infromation)
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Example :
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.8-2013.07-1_linux\bin\aarch64-linux-gnu-
mkdir output
make -C $(pwd) O=output msm8974_sec_defconfig VARIANT_DEFCONFIG=msm8974_sec_ks01_skt_defconfig SELINUX_DEFCONFIG=selinux_defconfig
make -j4 -C $(pwd) O=output
cp output/arch/arm/boot/Image $(pwd)/arch/arm/boot/zImage
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- For Mediatek:
Copy paste this:
export CROSS_COMPILE="path to your toolchain" (it have to end by something like "nameofarch-something-")
make "name of defconfig and variant if needed"
make -j4
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- #!/bin/bash: Tells the script to run in shell command
- export CROSS_COMPILE= : Locate where the toolchain is, it has to match the exact path to it and the dash ("-") in the end is really important ! (Almost everyone makes an error at this part!!!)
- export ARCH=arm ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=: Defining which kernel architecture type it is (For example arm64 etc) "ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=" is for specifying which mediatek platform it is
- make _defconfig : Defining which defconfig to use (will explain later)
- make -j4: where the building starts, "-j4" is how fast it'll compile, you have to setup this number according to your CPU !
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Example :
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi-
export ARCH=arm ARCH_MTK_PLATFORM=mt6580
make pixi4_4_8g1g_defconfig
make -j4
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When these step are done make sure you are in kernel folder in terminal and type "sudo bash build.sh" then type your password you set up in first launch of linux subsytem
(sudo is important, windows 10 ubuntu seems to handle permission differently than native ubuntu)
The compilation have started
If it compiles without any problems:
Wait till it finishes (it'll say something like "zimage is ready")
If you followed arm and arm64:
Then go to "/Output/arch/arm/boot/" to find your zimage.
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If you followed mediatek:
Then go to "/arch/arm/boot/" to find your zimage.
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Caution : Not all kernel build Zimage, it can build image or other compressed image
If in case you have any errors:
Check and see what it says, generally it'll tell you where the error is.
If the text is going too fast reduce the -j number as explained above.
For reference I compile with an AMD Phenom X4 3.4GHz,Samsung HDD and 8GB of RAM and it takes around 10min to build
It is recommanded to type in the terminal "make clean" and "make mrproper" before compiling again​
You have 2 solutions here:
1) You can use @osm0sis anykernel method, which is explainded here: "https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2670512" (A huge shoutout to him!)
2) You can unpack the boot.img (from the same rom (CM, touchwizz,sense etc) and android version) and swap Zimage in it explained here : "https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2073775" (thanks again to @osm0sis !)
Before flashing the kernel which you've made, backup your "stock" boot.img and Then flash your kernel and see if it boots!
Here starts the most interesting part! Now let's see how it works:
Basically you can add: Governors, IO Schedulers, Overclock the CPU & Many Tweaks...
Checkout the github section (Section 7) to see how to add them properly.
Here's an exemple for adding a governor (this one is called Intellimm) : https://github.com/gugu0das/android...mmit/7186ee60c171b06ea3a027e8383be392d3186bb1
The text in the blue box is the commit description (generally tells you about the changelog, general information and who originally made the commit)
The other text boxes tell you about where and which files have been modified/changed.
Everything in green indicates what has been added.
Everything in red indicates what has been deleted.
We can see in the first 2 text boxes that in "arch/arm/configs/" "msm8974_sec_defconfig" and "cm_msm8974_sec_defconfig" have been modified.
Between the lines 140 and 141 of this files this text has been added : "CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_INTELLIMM=y"
(This line is for enabling Intellimm when you're compiling your kernel)
Same technique applies to the other text boxes (what has been added and deleted and it's location)
Depending on the features you add, more or less files can be modified, added or deleted.
So to sum it up, a Commit let's you see all the changes which have been made and everything else!
For this, I'll direct you over to this awsome guide made by @eagleeyetom !
The Rules as they apply on XDA
As XDA has no legal power to uphold the GPL (and frankly we want to stay as far away from doing so as possible), we can’t force any of our users to abide by the GPL. However it is in XDA’s interests as well as the interests of our developer-base to ensure all GPL-derived materials hosted or linked on XDA comply fully with the GPL.
GPL-derived materials that do not come with the complete sources used to compile the GPL components are considered warez, and will be treated as such under forum rule 6 and 9.
If you use GPL components, but do not make any modifications to them whatsoever, you should provide a link to the original source of your GPL code.
Sources accompanying a release should be complete, and contain all the necessary source code for any modules, scripts or definition files. Complete sources will be defined as those which compile correctly and completely against the platform for which the software is distributed, and which contain any and all modifications made to the released General Public Licenced code. The source code supplied should be the exact version for which the source code is being requested, complete with all modifications.
EXAMPLE: Here’s a bit of code that could be used as a template to post your releases
<Kernel Or Author Name> <Kernel Nr>:
The Very Quick Summary of General Public License (GPL)
The text of the GPL Licence itself will be used to reach any final conclusion regarding any disputes over GPL Licenced materials. The above is a summary of what XDA expects of members using GPL code, and the complete text can be read at the GNU website.
The GPL states that anyone who modifies GPL licenced code is required to make available the sources used to compile it. This is to further improve and encourage collaborative work, as well as to ensure that the best code possible is produced, and to encourage peer-review of all work. This benefits both developers and end users in numerous ways, including:
Allowing anyone to verify the code they are trusting with their data, and its authenticity
Encouraging community collaboration to produce faster fixes and updates, and better code
Helping bring new developments from other devices and fields to your own, letting you benefit from new code that wouldn’t have been available without this sharing.
The GPL imparts great freedom for GPL end users. It ensures innovation is never stifled and no project is dependent upon any single developer.
It is in everyone’s interest for the GPL to be adhered to, as it gives us all better ROMs, better transparency, and a better atmosphere for developers to work together to make great code.
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- @ravish_919 : For testing and correcting this guide
- @karkasss : As my friend and support
- @gugu0das : For helping me a lot when I tried to build my kernel
- @eagleeyetom : For his awsome github guide
- @osm0sis For his aswsome anykernel solution
- @kirito9 : Huge thanks to him for providing mediatek guide !
- @F4uzan : Huge thanks to him for giving me a lot of useful information to fill this guide !
- @sunilpaulmathew : For providing an advanced method to rename your kernel ! (again)
- @nathanchance : For a proper kernel naming method
- @RendyAK and @DroidThug : For correcting me about "#!/bin/bash"
- @ahmed.ismael : For helping me, giving feedback and his huge support !
- Microsoft and canonical for the windows linux subsystem documentation
- All the developers for their hard work !
- XDA and The Community!
1. You can use a copy of a defconfig file with different setup :
Usage : Use a "stock" one and use another one with esperimental feature for testing without altering original defconfig
Exemple : copy "stock" defconfig and in copied one add a governor see if it compile and work
How to do : Create a second build.sh with modified defconfig name !
2. Change kernel name and version :
Simple method :​Edit this line "CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-" after - in your defconfig
Exemple : CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-XenomTW-3.2.6"
Advanced methods :​
Method 1 :
1. Go in Makefile in the root folder of your kernel source
2. Add
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Exemple :
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
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Caution ! Never touch or edit VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION !
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Method 2 :
1. Go in "scripts/mkcompile_h"
2. Add
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3. Solve problem with PATH :
If you encounter "IS YOUR PATH CORRECT" problem try in terminal :
"export PATH="pathtotoolchainlocation"/bin:$PATH"
Exemple : export PATH=/home/3lambda/kernel/M8_Kernel/arm-eabi-4.7/bin:$PATH
4. Access ubuntu folders :
Path location to ubuntu folder is : C:\Users"NAME"\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs\home
Caution ! Editing files here directly from windows may break permission, you'll have to fix them if so (look on google on how to)
More to come...
Edit and update are coming, I may have forgot things let me know
Feed back also appreciated
highly appreciated
thank you
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
would result in the following output:
nathanchance said:
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
would result in the following output:
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Thanks for pointing this out
I'll take a look when I'll have time
Nice! Been looking for something like this. XDA feed brought me here.
is it necessary do in win10? or you can simply do it in linux pc without WIN10?
thanks for the post!
tobarreh said:
is it necessary do in win10? or you can simply do it in linux pc without WIN10?
thanks for the post!
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it should be done on linux
but windows can handle linux as a subsystem now so the guide for people like me who is dumb enough to use windows
seriously skip the ubuntu installation steps on sindows and start building your kernel by following the other steps :good:
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
nathanchance said:
Good guide although I would say the advanced method for changing the kernel name is making totally unnecessary edits to the source code. There is already a framework in place for configuring the version string however you want. Editing EXTRAVERSION could result in conflicts during stable merges. The version gets generated in the following order:
VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, and EXTRAVERSION are set in the main Makefile, the first three should never be touched. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and LOCALVERSION should be what the user sets.
For example:
export LOCALVERSION="-v1.00"
would result in the following output:
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I personally like to define "LINUX_COMPILE_BY" and "LINUX_COMPILE_HOST" in "scripts/mkcompile_h" just like in this commit by @franciscofranco. By adding this
would display "[email protected]"
3lambda said:
Thanks for pointing this out
I'll take a look when I'll have time
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Added new kernel naming method by @nathanchance and @sunilpaulmathew, huge thanks to them !
I'll need feedback see if some of these steps aren't clear or if I forgot things
I may also add a video soon and maybe screenshots
Stay tuned
sunilpaulmathew said:
I personally like to define "LINUX_COMPILE_BY" and "LINUX_COMPILE_HOST" in "scripts/mkcompile_h" just like in this commit by @franciscofranco. By adding this
would display "[email protected]"
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He stopped doing that after I pointed out the same thing can be achieved without any source code edits (since it would change it for everyone building your source)
export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=francisco
export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=franco
From: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/scripts/mkcompile_h
If I downloaded a zip file of my source code, how do I extract it, since this is no longer just cloning from Git?
link is dead . please update this part of the guide as it is the most important part for me . Thanks for this awesome guide. more updates to come
I'm really looking forward to any and all updates on this thread. I'm old and loosing my mind and all my "Re-Memories" too, so I need all the help I can get.... LOL
permission denied
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
kwshl said:
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
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execute with 'sudo' make
otonieru said:
execute with 'sudo' make
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that doesn't help, i did
kwshl said:
* placed the toolchain in home folder *
when i initiate compilation it says permission denied
how do i fix?
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did you place it by doing a git clone or do a cp command ?
this will lessen the nuisance i hope
otonieru said:
did you place it by doing a git clone or do a cp command ?
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[email protected]:/mnt/g/linux/oreo# bash k.sh
make: execvp: /home/kwshl/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc: Permission denied
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
HOSTCC scripts/basic/bin2c
