[HOWTO] Oneplus 7T Pro (McLaren) files & howtos - OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren Questions & Answers

Hi guys,
received the McLaren Edition last Friday but unfortunately, I could only start to ruin it today
Here you find some files for rooting and booting, also currently uploading (will take some time) the OnePlus7TProOxygen_14.E.07_OTA_007_all_1910120134_0d7b44417dc0457.zip (as _14.I.07_ already available from this forum)
I will also upload some howtos just to have it in one place if needed...

How did you obtain the full ROM zip file?

Oxygen OS 10.0.3BA Full ota link

Do you know whether there will be any problems with the McLaren Edition using regular Oxygen OS ROM?

HDash said:
How did you obtain the full ROM zip file?
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After you have installed the OTA, do NOT reboot.
Connect the phone to a computer and save the zip from the .Ota folder.
Then you can reboot...

overker said:
Do you know whether there will be any problems with the McLaren Edition using regular Oxygen OS ROM?
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We ARE using the "regular" ROM, as the McLaren is identified by the ROM during the flashing.

yourmate said:
We ARE using the "regular" ROM, as the McLaren is identified by the ROM during the flashing.
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Thanks! I just wanted to be sure before I flash my phone.

overker said:
Thanks! I just wanted to be sure before I flash my phone.
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Is the file works on the regular 7t pro?

jyhtai said:
Is the file works on the regular 7t pro?
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Yes, it does.

any updates on the how-to?

So just to be clear....this file will work for the TMobile McLaren 5g??

headcreepz said:
So just to be clear....this file will work for the TMobile McLaren 5g??
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i doubt it, only way to root is to sim unlock it and then enable oem unlock to unlock the bootloader

yenkoPR said:
i doubt it, only way to root is to sim unlock it and then enable oem unlock to unlock the bootloader
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I'm aware of that...I'm sim unlocked and should get my bootloader unlock code on 19th.

can you grab your modem?

josheee12 said:
can you grab your modem?
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Is it just a fastboot command?

I am sim and bootloader unlocked on my T-Mobile Mclaren 5g.
What’s the fast boot command to pull the modem?
How do you want me to share it?

tanman21 said:
I am sim and bootloader unlocked on my T-Mobile Mclaren 5g.
What’s the fast boot command to pull the modem?
How do you want me to share it?
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I just went through this process last night. I also made a guide over in the questions forum. The commands are listed there.


xt1609 Stock Rom/Files Request

I need to flash (from bootloader, which is locked) the original xt1609 Verizon rom. The only place that has a copy that I have found is FileFactory, and that download currently says that it will take over 7 hours for a 1.2gb file.
Does anyone else have a copy of it? Thanks!
Edit: 7 hours indeed, but I have the files. If anyone is interested in it post a comment and I'll upload.
YuiChan said:
I need to flash (from bootloader, which is locked) the original xt1609 Verizon rom. The only place that has a copy that I have found is FileFactory, and that download currently says that it will take over 7 hours for a 1.2gb file.
Does anyone else have a copy of it? Thanks!
Edit: 7 hours indeed, but I have the files. If anyone is interested in it post a comment and I'll upload.
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Just saw your post.
Wish I had seen it earlier.
If you ever need to download the firmware for the xt1609 you can use the following link. They have all the moto firmwares. I just downloaded the stock xt1609 firmware from my phone in less than 10 minutes.
https://firmware.center/firmware/Motorola/Moto G Play/Stock/
classic757 said:
Just saw your post.
Wish I had seen it earlier.
If you ever need to download the firmware for the xt1609 you can use the following link. They have all the moto firmwares. I just downloaded the stock xt1609 firmware from my phone in less than 10 minutes.
https://firmware.center/firmware/Motorola/Moto G Play/Stock/
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RIP me I guess. Thanks for this. Covers more than just Moto as well which is nice. I'll probably be using this more often.
YuiChan said:
RIP me I guess. Thanks for this. Covers more than just Moto as well which is nice. I'll probably be using this more often.
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No problem.
Glad to be able to help.
Xt1609 unlocked
Hey Guys i unlocked the moto g4 play xt1609 by purchasing unlock code and when i entered the code it worked but i need to know can i use GSM sim in that or not . thanks in advance
Guri1998 said:
Hey Guys i unlocked the moto g4 play xt1609 by purchasing unlock code and when i entered the code it worked but i need to know can i use GSM sim in that or not . thanks in advance
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You can put a GSM SIM in but it will only get LTE bands 2, 4 and 5. You won't be able to get bands 12 or 17 (primary T-Mobile and AT&T LTE bands). You also won't get any 2G or 3G GSM signals so cellular talk and text won't work.
unlock LTE bands
bw 1 said:
it will only get LTE bands 2, 4 and 5.
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Is it possible to unlock AT&T and TMOBILE bands?
ra1dn said:
Is it possible to unlock AT&T and TMOBILE bands?
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Yes, just get the XT1607.
bw 1 said:
just get the XT1607.
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rgr dat! :laugh:
classic757 said:
Just saw your post.
Wish I had seen it earlier.
If you ever need to download the firmware for the xt1609 you can use the following link. They have all the moto firmwares. I just downloaded the stock xt1609 firmware from my phone in less than 10 minutes.
https://firmware.center/firmware/Motorola/Moto G Play/Stock/
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Unfortunately, the file is moved. Any other link?!!
alshanu said:
Unfortunately, the file is moved. Any other link?!!
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Here you go:
Hope this helps.
classic757 said:
Here you go:
Hope this helps.
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thank you. Could you provide me with the adb command to flash xt1609. there are tutorials for flashing non-Verizon variants but not for xt1609
alshanu said:
thank you. Could you provide me with the adb command to flash xt1609. there are tutorials for flashing non-Verizon variants but not for xt1609
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Not sure if there is a Verizon-variant tutorial for theG4 play but you should be able to use any generic G4 play tutorial for flashing firmware. I would assume that if any adb command did not pertain to your specific variant, that particular command would return a fail error but would not stop the rest of the adb commands from being successfully performed so you should be able to flash the firmware successfully.
Or you could just simply use only the adb commands that pertain to your firmware file and leave the rest out.
classic757 said:
Not sure if there is a Verizon-variant tutorial for theG4 play but you should be able to use any generic G4 play tutorial for flashing firmware. I would assume that if any adb command did not pertain to your specific variant, that particular command would return a fail error but would not stop the rest of the adb commands from being successfully performed so you should be able to flash the firmware successfully.
Or you could just simply use only the adb commands that pertain to your firmware file and leave the rest out.
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There are some more files to flash on xt1609, unfortunately they are not mentioned in any of the available tutorials.
alshanu said:
There are some more files to flash on xt1609, unfortunately they are not mentioned in any of the available tutorials.
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Then you just use the command "fastboot flash" and flash each file in the xt1609 firmware by name separately.
classic757 said:
Then you just use the command "fastboot flash" and flash each file in the xt1609 firmware by name separately.
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Is there any problem if I entered the command in the wrong sequence?
alshanu said:
Is there any problem if I entered the command in the wrong sequence?
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To avoid any potential problems, I would flash the firmware files in the sequence they are listed in.
If you have already started flashing and did not flash in the sequential order the files are listed in, you can start over from the beginning (DO NOT reboot your phone) while still in fastboot mode and just flash the first file listed, then the second file, and so on. This will correct any mistake you may have made.
Once you have successfully flashed all the firmware files
just fastboot command "fastboot reboot" and you should be good to go.
classic757 said:
To avoid any potential problems, I would flash the firmware files in the sequence they are listed in.
If you have already started flashing and did not flash in the sequential order the files are listed in, you can start over from the beginning (DO NOT reboot your phone) while still in fastboot mode and just flash the first file listed, then the second file, and so on. This will correct any mistake you may have made.
Once you have successfully flashed all the firmware files
just fastboot command "fastboot reboot" and you should be good to go.
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Okay, I'll do as you recommend. Do you think it's possible to get the radio of xt1907? I saw someone had flashed the radio from xt1907 on xt1609 and managed to get both voice and data.
alshanu said:
Okay, I'll do as you recommend. Do you think it's possible to get the radio of xt1907? I saw someone had flashed the radio from xt1907 on xt1609 and managed to get both voice and data.
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Not sure about that one.
Why would you want to do that?
classic757 said:
Not sure about that one.
Why would you want to do that?
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I'm not from the US, in order to activate voice call, the phone need to be used in Verizon network for at least 30days. that's why I'm doing all these things.

Device unlock app tmobile?

I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
juancastro86 said:
I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
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You'll have to revert to the TMO Rom in order to use the TMO unlock app. It won't run on the international version.
juancastro86 said:
I need to get the device unlocked app working on the converted TMobile version. The app will not load and crash.
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Have you tried the sun unlock guide? Got lucky and worked on mine when the app wouldn't unlock my phone.
You can do either revert back or use the guide on here to sim unlock but no easy task since either or you gotta put in the work.
Dr8ven said:
You can do either revert back or use the guide on here to sim unlock but no easy task since either or you gotta put in the work.
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Do you have the link for that. Thanks
juancastro86 said:
Do you have the link for that. Thanks
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Just in case the link 8snt working for whatever reason ...it's in the guide section of the forum

T-Mobile 9.0.16 to custom Android 10 ROM?

Just got my 6T today and it updated, but since this is the T-Mobile variant, it is still on Android 9. OOS version is 9.0.16. I want to flash a custom Android 10 ROM but cannot figure out where to go from here.
Is the Bootloader Unlocked?
DarthVader said:
Is the Bootloader Unlocked?
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I don't think so. But I DID just convert to the International ROM using this procedure.
GuyInDogSuit said:
I don't think so. But I DID just convert to the International ROM using this procedure.
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Then just follow this guide https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-6t/how-to/guide-sim-bootloader-unlock-root-t3921795
This will show you what you need to do to unlock the bootloader and also the sim if you haven't unlocked that.
from 9.011 you can upgrade to 9.0.17 and then 10.0.3
I actually did all that a few days ago, but I'm now having connection issues. The mobile signal drops quite often and when it reconnects it's never on LTE, it's always H+ or E. It stays like that until I reboot.

Open Beta 1 Mclaren

Hello guys, hope ur all good.
My question was , is there a way to flash the openbeta 1 on a tmobile McLaren op7tpro ?
I saw on reddit someone had done it successfuly , but i dont know how that would work
albaniandroid said:
Hello guys, hope ur all good.
My question was , is there a way to flash the openbeta 1 on a tmobile McLaren op7tpro ?
I saw on reddit someone had done it successfuly , but i dont know how that would work
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Are you sure it was on a McLaren 5G? It sounds unlikely that it's been successfully done. Could you link to that post?
champ784 said:
Are you sure it was on a McLaren 5G? It sounds unlikely that it's been successfully done. Could you link to that post?
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Im starting to realize it is for the European Mclaren smh
albaniandroid said:
Im starting to realize it is for the European Mclaren smh
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Yeah, sadly that device model indicates a different one than ours.. oh well
You would have to convert your device to Global similar to how it was done with the 7 Pro first. Then you should apply the beta 2. You will need MSM tool and the ops file for global model HD1917 (it is linked in another thread). You do not need to have bootloader unlocked to do this process. Warning: You might lose 5G capability by doing this. I have not tested it yet because we are only at beta 2. When we get to beta 7 or 8 then I might consider it.
photolarry said:
You would have to convert your device to Global similar to how it was done with the 7 Pro first. Then you should apply the beta 2. You will need MSM tool and the ops file for global model HD1917 (it is linked in another thread). You do not need to have bootloader unlocked to do this process. Warning: You might lose 5G capability by doing this. I have not tested it yet because we are only at beta 2. When we get to beta 7 or 8 then I might consider it.
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Do u know if anyone has tested the global version on the Tmobile version yet? From what i have seen people try but no one has succeded.
Dont know
albaniandroid said:
Do u know if anyone has tested the global version on the Tmobile version yet? From what i have seen people try but no one has succeded.
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I do not know. There is no thread about converting so I would guess nobody wants to try. Sorry. I gave you instructions how to do it if you wish to try yourself.
Are you advanced enough to convert back and forth using the MSM tool? Have you used it on any oneplus phone before? It is basically like ODIN for Samsung. Flashes factory images.
If you want step by step instructions , message me.
photolarry said:
I do not know. There is no thread about converting so I would guess nobody wants to try. Sorry. I gave you instructions how to do it if you wish to try yourself.
Are you advanced enough to convert back and forth using the MSM tool? Have you used it on any oneplus phone before? It is basically like ODIN for Samsung. Flashes factory images.
If you want step by step instructions , message me.
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I think i am i have used it before on my op3 and 6,6t, but I'll wait a little more maybe something comes up..
Thanks though
New security features implemented by OnePlus makes it not possible to convert the new phones. Currently there is no way to get around this new security feature until an exploit can be found. I have read opinions that suggest OnePlus is doing this to force people to buy directly from them. Either way it is sad!
This phone was already difficult to work with and now this.

Clarification question regarding rebranding a tmo 6t.

I've had my 6t for a while now. When I got it I followed this guide, https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-flash-twrp-root-nandroid-efs-backup.3851789/ , and all was good until I tried to update. Everything continued to work but it broke root. ( I later learned I shouldn't have tried to run the OTA.)
Anyway. I'd like to get rid of the T-MO branded ROM. I just need some clarification. I'm on 10.3.4 currently. SIM and bootloader are unlocked. TWRP is installed. So that being said do I have to follow the MSMDownload guide and convert to international, then go about updating to current, or can I just grab the most recent oxygen or lineage release and flash that ( preferably OxygenOS)? I assume that since my bootloader is already unlocked I can just flash from TWRP, but I've seen conflicting comments. From what I can tell I have flash everything to both slots, is that correct? Do I need to upgrade TWRP? Finally re-flash Magisk for root.
My end goal is just a non T-MO branded OxygenOS that I can update. From what I've seen I can do local upgrade once running OxygenOS. Is there a specific process for upgrading oxygenos once its running. I've seen you have to remove Magisk modules etc before running it.
You pretty much got everything down as you said. Convert, Update to current, and you are golden. If you want to try LOS then that is in a completely different ballpark.
@j1tters Here's how I converted my T-Mobile 6t to global. Hope this helps.
T-Mobile 6T to International Conversion (WITHOUT unlocked bootloader/SIM unlock!)
In the previous thread, we discussed a method to convert T-Mobile 6T's to the international variant, sort of, but it required an unlocked bootloader, which itself requires a SIM unlock which T-Mobile gives people a hard time about. However, it...
Huskied said:
You pretty much got everything down as you said. Convert, Update to current, and you are golden. If you want to try LOS then that is in a completely different ballpark.
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Thank you.
flash713 said:
@j1tters Here's how I converted my T-Mobile 6t to global. Hope this helps.
T-Mobile 6T to International Conversion (WITHOUT unlocked bootloader/SIM unlock!)
In the previous thread, we discussed a method to convert T-Mobile 6T's to the international variant, sort of, but it required an unlocked bootloader, which itself requires a SIM unlock which T-Mobile gives people a hard time about. However, it...
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Thanks, that post was helpful. Was smooth sailing until trying to get it to boot into twrp via fastboot. Reboots and just sits at the fastboot screen. Not sure if there is an issue with twrp-3.4.0-11 for fajita. Tried also. Same issue.
Going to try updating with Oxygen Updater then see if its happier with twrp..
Is there a specific version of TWRP I need to get it to boot?
Got twrp taken care of but I'm a bit confused by magjisk v22. Looks like flashing from recovery isnt the preferred way anymore?
j1tters said:
Got twrp taken care of but I'm a bit confused by magjisk v22. Looks like flashing from recovery isnt the preferred way anymore?
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Rename the magisk22.apk to magisk.22.zip and yes it can then be flashed in twrp.
flash713 said:
Rename the magisk22.apk to magisk.22.zip and yes it can then be flashed in twrp.
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Thanks! I saw that but it says that's the "old" way.
j1tters said:
Thanks! I saw that but it says that's the "old" way.
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Try it. It works for me on all roms.
flash713 said:
Try it. It works for me on all roms.
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Worked perfectly, thank you again! Oh man how I missed adaway!.
