No keys now no sound also - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

First a week ago i picked up my s7 edge g935f on 8.0 im in the u.k and the return and recents buttons wouldn't work i tried all kinds im having to use the virtual keys, now i have ringtone, alarms, notification sound but no sound on calls unless i put it on speaker and its still bad, no music will play or sound on videos, now i just used a hidden code to go see info on touch keys and its not even there, ive put two screenshots of how it should look with keys button in middle and mine with it missing, any help would be amazing, thenk you in advance.
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Nobody ?
Nobody know how i can fix this ? If nobody in here knows i've got no chance i've had galaxys since the s3 but i've had enough now, i'm so sick of ota updates supposedly to better your phone putting more problems instead, i've had enough, i had no problems with s3, s4,s5, but the more the phone is meant to improve and the more you pay for it the worse they get, NEVER getting another galaxy.


Help! I've opened the power button cap to try to fix it, any ideas?

Hey all
After two months of treating my HD like a newborn puppy, I left it alone for one minute at a friend's house and someone spilt drink all over it
All is well (eventually...) except for the power button. It acts like it's permently pushed down, so I always have the pop-up 'Are you shure you want to shut down?" and I can't suspend/wake up/turn off the phone (apart from workarounds) or even leave the phone turned off without removing the battery.
I've read old posts on this, and was following some advice from, but I yanked the button up waaayyyy high! (see pic!)
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Anyway, I want to try any tips before pushing the button-cap back on. Has anyone seen the insides enough to suggest where to stick a pin/lever it back up etc etc?
If it makes a difference, the end nearest the 'white' bit is pushed down into the device a bit - is this its natural pose or is that my problem>
Cheers for any help, hopefully one of you beautiful XDA'ers will have some help, a beer if anyone performs me a miracle!

An App Develope request, to solve no FFC problem

My HD2 is a great phone, wheather when its a WM6.5, or after I rooted to Android. I mean, come on, its been on the market for like 3yrs.
The only thing that sucks is the absent of a Front Face Camera
I found this idea below, which inspire me to make a similar thing to it.
However, the image will be upside down, with my little Periscope .
Is that possible someone make an app that make my camera does upside down?
There are some stock roms that has the problem with upside down camera, If someone could make a repair file out of it, I guess someone else could use those problematic file to create an app, that would automatically sub the original camera setting files into the upside down one, once you are done with your video chat, you could go back and reset it normal.
Possible ? I'm confident many of us are willing to make a donation, and the concept doesn't sound very challenging ( sorry, I'm not a com. sci, major )
I wish I know how to write apps.
Any input?
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Weird lines on screen

Well, it started yesterday and it keeps driving me nuts. It's present both in the system as well as 4ext or even the splash screen so it is definitely a hardware issue. Is there any way to get rid of them because my contract ends in november but I was going to stay with my DHD and get myself a PS3 (very nice offer from my carrier)
It looks like that, it's not a screenshot but it looks exactly like that:
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what seems to be an officer problem?
the faint horizontal lines on the screen. That is only a picture but live they also flicker.
You could try replacing the screen yourself, but it could happen that the gpu is the problem, in which case you can't do anything on your own...
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
I remember having the same issue right after I bought my DHD and I remember rooting and reflashing it helped I recently changed my Radio software, you think it might have anything to do?
It's not hardware. I get it on the current versions of the 3 kernel. Synergy said it was to do with fb (not sure what it is) and he's working on it.
FB....hmmm....frame buffer (only thing that comes to mind except FaceBook) Anyway you're a life saviour man! I was worried that I will have to get a new phone.

Rogers S5 Lollipop lock screen block text

I updated to 5.0 a while back when Rogers rereleased it, and every once in a while the numbers/letters on the lockscreen keypad will turn to white blocks. The lock screen is the only place that this happens.
Anyone know what's wrong/how to fix it besides rebooting the phone?
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Anyone has a better solution than reboot?
It is appearing on T-Mobile I-9505, I-9515 and G-900F.
Do you use SwiftKey? My girlfriends Canadian GS5 is doing this as well, when I searched the internet I found a reference with regards to SwiftKey not playing 100% nice with Lollipop and causing this blockyness on the lock screen. So far there has been no fix other than reboot... She's been a couple of months now with this annoyance, but luckily it doesn't seem to affect the usability, you just have to know which numbers are which Side note: I have a Nexus 5 and use Swiftkey but don't have this problem.
This is apparently just a general lollipop issue, not really tied to anything just a glitch in android, i dont know a fix just thought id throw that out there.
Sent from my Tw5ted SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Smart Swipe Gestures?

How do i get the half circle, spinning quick shortcut wheel to appear on the bottom left of my phone? My wife and i both have the USA T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus and her phone is the only one that does it. If you swipe upwards diagonally, from the bottom left or right corner, then the quick access wheel appears. This only works on my wifes phone. We both got them at the same time, unboxed them together and she doesnt have the smart swipe app installed from the Galaxy store, but yet her phone does it without problems. There has to be a setting on my phone that can be changed to get this to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i have a picture i took of her screen on my phone but not sure how to share it on here.
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It's not a Samsung pre-installed app. You can read here and find what is yours
Thank you for the information. So it sounds like my wife must have an app installed on her phone that contains this feature, yes/no? Second, whatever apps contain this feature, it looks like everone is trying to get rid of it. That option wont appear on my phone because i dont have any apps that support that swipe gesture?

