Weird lines on screen - Desire HD General

Well, it started yesterday and it keeps driving me nuts. It's present both in the system as well as 4ext or even the splash screen so it is definitely a hardware issue. Is there any way to get rid of them because my contract ends in november but I was going to stay with my DHD and get myself a PS3 (very nice offer from my carrier)
It looks like that, it's not a screenshot but it looks exactly like that:
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what seems to be an officer problem?

the faint horizontal lines on the screen. That is only a picture but live they also flicker.

You could try replacing the screen yourself, but it could happen that the gpu is the problem, in which case you can't do anything on your own...
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app

I remember having the same issue right after I bought my DHD and I remember rooting and reflashing it helped I recently changed my Radio software, you think it might have anything to do?

It's not hardware. I get it on the current versions of the 3 kernel. Synergy said it was to do with fb (not sure what it is) and he's working on it.

FB....hmmm....frame buffer (only thing that comes to mind except FaceBook) Anyway you're a life saviour man! I was worried that I will have to get a new phone.


GSM 'Brick' background on CDMA?

Hey all, I'd like to know how I can get the 'brick' style background on all my tabs like the GSM version of the phone has. I have the Sprint version of the phone and it includes a black background.
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iixnullxii said:
Hey all, I'd like to know how I can get the 'brick' style background on all my tabs like the GSM version of the phone has. I have the Sprint version of the phone and it includes a black background.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will see what i can do... I have to find which manila files to change...
but it will take a while, don't have the time right now...
Maybe someone else will beat me to it!?
Awesome ^_^
Well, there is a thread called "no bricks" which does exactly the opposite. I don't like the bricks
So, before applying that patch, i backed up my original bricks file, which should work for you.
Here you go (untested though! Make sure you back up the file too):
my "bricks" don't look as good as the pic above. mine are more round and spaced further. that does look way better.

Graphic artifacts randomly appearing

I know the Vega is supposed to be cheap and the screen not the best but for what it is I really like it. However, I've noticed quite a few times now when I'll be doing something or when I pick certain things that I get lots of graphic artifacts on the screen in the form of long lines. It goes away as soon as I leave whatever made it happen and it is repeatable in some cases such as loading a profile image on TweetDeck.
I've got a badly shot blurry photo of the artifacts on the screen but it's clear enough to show what I'm referring to. If anyone has any information on this or, I hope not, think that this may be a problem that will get worse in time please let me know! I've intentionally left this as a full view of the screen to lower blurryvision, it's the lines all over the lower half or left half if held in landscape but this is pretty random and can be anywhere on the screen.
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It is a known issue in the 1.08 version at least, and in the 1.09. They're bothersome, but I have never read that these artifacts can create any long-term problems on the device. There's no reason to panic AFAIK.

[Q] Black spots on nook color screen

today when I powered on my nook color I noticed it has big black two spots and some distorted lines. Here is the image:
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It also looks like the screen cracked (white aslant line), though I have to say the front glass is perfectly fine (not even a scratch). I haven't used it for about a week and I don't remember having it dropped during that time. Does anyone know what is it? Is it even possible to have broken LCD with front glass being untouched?
I'm in Europe right now but I have valid warranty - does anyone know if there is any B&S support here or I have to send it to my family in US?
Wow looks pretty ****ed up.
Wish I could tell you whats wrong but to tell the truth, the best thing I could give you is a guess...
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Yup. You're screen is pooched. You can try and find a 3rd party screen replacement overseas, but your best bet is to send it back to the states and see if you can get it repaired or replaced under warranty.

Rogers S5 Lollipop lock screen block text

I updated to 5.0 a while back when Rogers rereleased it, and every once in a while the numbers/letters on the lockscreen keypad will turn to white blocks. The lock screen is the only place that this happens.
Anyone know what's wrong/how to fix it besides rebooting the phone?
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Anyone has a better solution than reboot?
It is appearing on T-Mobile I-9505, I-9515 and G-900F.
Do you use SwiftKey? My girlfriends Canadian GS5 is doing this as well, when I searched the internet I found a reference with regards to SwiftKey not playing 100% nice with Lollipop and causing this blockyness on the lock screen. So far there has been no fix other than reboot... She's been a couple of months now with this annoyance, but luckily it doesn't seem to affect the usability, you just have to know which numbers are which Side note: I have a Nexus 5 and use Swiftkey but don't have this problem.
This is apparently just a general lollipop issue, not really tied to anything just a glitch in android, i dont know a fix just thought id throw that out there.
Sent from my Tw5ted SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Nothing but scrambled pixels on screen

Phone suddenly ended up like this.
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Doesn't matter if you go to recovery or download mode, it can't display anything else other than that. Is it a hardware problem? If so, what could be the cause?
I think I have the same problem as you, but I can go into download mode and recovery. Another problem also is that my phone also randomly becomes frozen with similar scrambled pixels that while in the middle of a task (i.e. browsing the web, social media, etc.) I would like to ask you, how long have you had this phone for and have you rooted it? Because this problem occurred a few weeks after I rooted it. It could be either rooting it (which triggers KNOX, which is a fuse or something which blows, so it cannot be undone) or a battery issue since my phone is approaching 3 years. It is in light of recent events concerning Apple and with slowing down their phones to prevent things like this. However, I am purely speculating but yeah. As of now, I am not aware of any fix and am pretty sure this is a hardware issue since I have flashed many custom ROMs with no success. (Sorry this is a long read. )
It's definately a hardware issue.

