Weird sounds on mi9t - Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T Questions & Answers

Sometimes phone makes weird sounds like notification of something while there is no opened app.But i checked everything in setting and i couldnt find anything wrong.Anyone faced with a problem like this ?

you probably got a notification, but it was murdered by MIUI. It happens sometimes...

Same on my Mi9t, no custom rom installed.

How can we solve this ?

Any fix for this problem?
I make factory reset.
Sent from my Mi 9T using Tapatalk


No sound bug 2.2 froyo! Anybody else? Work around, besides sbf'n?

I had this problem when I installed a leaked version of 2.1 on my eris! No sound, and can't hear who is on the other end. Have to reboot in order for x to act like a phone. This happening to anybody else?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Theres no known issue that ive heard of with people losing their sound completely.. are you currently using either of these 2 options:
Double-tap to Silence -or- Smart Profile -Face Down to Vibrate
if so that may be the cause. These 2 are know to cause problems with both ringtone sounds and other issues. The only fix is a complete wipe to factory defaults.
Another thing it could be is... are you using a restore program to restore all you apps after upgrading to froyo?? does this program also restore system settings?? Maybe it faulted some settings.. If so, then do a factory reset and dont use that program.
just my 2 cents.
Same problem Here!
It only works for the first call. The next one will have no sound. Have to restart the phone to use it again.
The problem persists even if I use it in 2G only mode
This has happened to my phone only twice. It's like the earpiece goes out. The rest of the phone works fine though. Only solution I've found is rebooting.

Screen turns randomly off for about 0.1 sec?

Hey all,
I recently noticed that the screen of my i9505 turns off randomly once or twice a day (6h screen on time) for about 0.1 sec. It turns back on automatically. It happens randomly, when I'm texting or using Facebook or whatever. Does anyone knows what this is and why it happens?
re: random blinking
swa100 said:
Hey all,
I recently noticed that the screen of my i9505 turns off randomly once or twice a day (6h screen on time) for about 0.1 sec. It turns back on automatically. It happens randomly, when I'm texting or using Facebook or whatever. Does anyone knows what this is and why it happens?
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If you are using any custom roms then I would suggest to make
a nandroid backup in recovery mode before doing anything else.
After you created a backup Odin flash the stock original firmware
for your phone which can be downloaded from
If the phone still blinks on/off randomly then you will know that the
problem is not software related, but some kind of glitch in the phone.
If doing the above solves your problem, then just flash a different and
better custom rom which is designed for your specific phone model......
Good luck.
I have the same problem. Sometimes when I am reading a book the screen turn off randomly. I have original rom and I have never put another one. Anyone knows how to solve it?
Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk
rpboronat said:
I have the same problem. Sometimes when I am reading a book the screen turn off randomly. I have original rom and I have never put another one. Anyone knows how to solve it?
Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk
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Same here! Stock 4.3 ROM, rooted. It just happens once or twice a day. It isn't really annoying or something, it's just that I'm scared that it is part of a bigger problem that will cause my screen to die later.
I've installed a xposed framework exploit yesterdayafternoon, didn't noticed the screen blinking again. It turns off the s-cover view (mode, whatever it's called). Let's hope this will solve the problem, cause my knox warranty is 0x1.....
edit: here's a link to the thread: I don't know if it's the same problem as we have, since we have a 9505, but it's worth trying.
If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!
swa100 said:
I've installed a xposed framework exploit yesterdayafternoon, didn't noticed the screen blinking again. It turns off the s-cover view (mode, whatever it's called). Let's hope this will solve the problem, cause my knox warranty is 0x1.....
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The screen just turned off for about for 0.3 sec again. So this is not the solution.. anyone?

My phone restarts itself at night, is yours also behave like this?

I have a weird problem with my note 4. It restarts itself 2-3 times but only at night. It starts at about 3, 4 am and then every hour or so until 7 am. I hear the buzz on every restart. Also my gear fit connects and disconnects every time with a vibration buzz. It drives me nuts!
Do you have the same problem?
I already tried a factory reset, also disabled the automatic sync to the servers. Also formatted the SD card inside the phone and tried to remove it completely but the phone still restarted at night.
I went to the Samsung center- they sent it to the lab and the lab said that the phone does not have any problem at all- but they did not check it at night.
I'm on the latest firmware N910FXXU1ANJ4
Can you help me? What could be the problem? what can I do???
If it happens again...get a video recorder..record the it to samsung..demand a replacement. My device had no problems what so ever when it was completely stock, or after rooting or when using custom rom.
Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
That is so odd...! What if you tried to video record the phone restarting and show it to the service centre? Maybe with a timestamp so you can stitch together the restarts and demonstrate what happens every night.
iR¡[email protected]!* from i9505 via Tapatalk 4
I will do what you suggest . I will record the phone on video and show them what it does. This is not normal if I'm the only one who have that problem.
Hope you can exchange a new one
I dont have that problem
I will sue them. This is the only way. Because they are like wall. not possible to prove that you are right
i have same issue but try to factory reset it. remove the sd card if you using one. and noticed it. i work evening shift thats why i noticed my phone boot itself . now after i factory reset o havent encounter any auto restart .
jebjebss said:
i have same issue but try to factory reset it. remove the sd card if you using one. and noticed it. i work evening shift thats why i noticed my phone boot itself . now after i factory reset o havent encounter any auto restart .
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I did a factory reset. Also removed the SD card and checked. It does the same thing.
On Friday I bought N910c in Poland. I'm having absolutely same problem as you. Factory reset didn't fix the issue (((
Googling for a soluton...
meleha said:
On Friday I bought N910c in Poland. I'm having absolutely same problem as you. Factory reset didn't fix the issue (((
Googling for a soluton...
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I don't think that there is a solution. There is something wrong with the phone because not all the units faulty. Tonight i will film the phone on video camera to prove it and sue the company. They refusing to refund my money because they claim that the phone does not have any problem.
I have got that issue, but it just turn off by itself while recharging at night
I'm having the same problem with my Moto X 2014. It reboots itself only at nights one or more times. I've trying everything without any success. Did you manage to fix yours?
Do you have any memory management software installed? Some of them kick in when phone is not used for longer time and maybe it deletes something what causes phone to reboot?
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
If it's only at night whilst charging, it could just be an overheat problem.
Sent from my SM-N910F

Lag when unlocking.

I have a problem. When I wake my phone with my view cover. It stays a little square effort a while and when this lag occurs in can't unlock until the lag is gone !
Anyone else got the same? Thinking about doing a factory reset. .
Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Look at my thread. I have the same problem with the g928c. It is getting really annoying. I have already tried a factory reset

Phone freezes from time to time

Ok, lately having some weird behaviour and wonder if anyone else is suffering this. Sometimes when I get a notificationad try to unlock the screen it just stays black.It seems to still work but the screen isn not showing anything, only thing I can do is to hard reset it by holding the pwoer button after a restart it behaves normal again... Tried factory resetting it but no change... Anythign else I could try?
micleftic said:
Ok, lately having some weird behaviour and wonder if anyone else is suffering this. Sometimes when I get a notificationad try to unlock the screen it just stays black.It seems to still work but the screen isn not showing anything, only thing I can do is to hard reset it by holding the pwoer button after a restart it behaves normal again... Tried factory resetting it but no change... Anythign else I could try?
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That is because you have turned on the Ambien screen. But I have problems with the proximity sensor and too much time the apps stoped and some things like that
Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
Yeah, I am having similar issue too. My Mi A1 is now getting lagging now. Really disappointed, because its getting worst day by day.
True.. My ambient display is disabled and still i face regular (atleast once a day, sometimes more) freezes.. Only a reboot can recover the device.. Really irritating!
you are right, esp if you try to open within a few second upon whatsapp message arriv
vigo45 said:
That is because you have turned on the Ambien screen. But I have problems with the proximity sensor and too much time the apps stoped and some things like that
Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk
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you are right, esp if you try to open within a few second upon whatsapp message arrives (through fingerprint), the screen becomes unresponsive but phone works on background. Happened quite a few times now, somehow I would find approx. where could be the restart button and press for restart, quite strange, don't know what to do?!!!
I experience this issue only once (when I tried enabling Ambient display). With Ambient display off, I didn't have a single freeze or app crash. I reboot phone every few days due to updated Magisk/Xposed modules, maybe it helps a bit..?
Since the November update I am also getting freezes and some lag, which is very disappointing. So you are saying that if I turn of ambient display it will take care of the random freezing?
