SM-T280 Need help tying to compile stock kernel - Samsung Galaxy Tab A series Questions & Answers

I'm trying to compile the stock Samsung Kernel for my SM-T280 (Android 5.1.1) because I plan to make some modifications later on. The build currently just stops with no obvious error message I could debug from.
In file included from include/soc/sprd/sci_glb_regs.h:169:0,
from drivers/usb/gadget/dwc_otg/usb_hw.c:23:
include/soc/sprd/./chip_x30g/__regs_ap_apb.h:69:0: warning: "BIT_CKG_SOFT_RST" redefined [enabled by default]
#define BIT_CKG_SOFT_RST ( BIT(18) )
In file included from include/soc/sprd/sci_glb_regs.h:154:0,
from drivers/usb/gadget/dwc_otg/usb_hw.c:23:
include/soc/sprd/./chip_x30g/__regs_aon_apb_tshark3.h:153:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
#define BIT_CKG_SOFT_RST ( BIT(22) )
LD drivers/usb/gadget/dwc_otg/dwc_otg.o
LD drivers/usb/gadget/dwc_otg/built-in.o
LD drivers/usb/gadget/built-in.o
LD drivers/usb/built-in.o
LD drivers/built-in.o
To make things easy to reproduce, I use Docker:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get -y install make gcc python wget abootimg unzip curl \
&& apt-get clean
# Go to
# Click Branch "master"
# Download [tgz]
COPY arm-eabi-4.8-refs_heads_master.tar.gz /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz
# Go to
# Search "T280XXU0AQA4"
# Download ""
COPY /data/
ENV PATH /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/data/arm-eabi/bin
RUN mkdir /data/arm-eabi \
&& mkdir /data/src \
&& tar -xf /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz -C /data/arm-eabi/ \
&& unzip /data/ -d /data \
&& tar -xf /data/Kernel.tar.gz -C /data/src/ \
&& rm /data/ \
&& rm /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz \
&& rm /data/Kernel.tar.gz
WORKDIR /data/src
RUN make mrproper \
&& make gtexswifi-dt_defconfig \
&& make -j4 zImage
#RUN abootimg -u /data/boot.img -k /data/src/arch/arm/boot/zImage
The description Samsung provides to compile the kernel is pretty poor. I already tried different toolchains (tag "android-5.1.1_r38" instead of "master") and "ubuntu:16.04" as base image. states the Kernel source for SM-T285 provided by Samsung is actually broken... Maybe this one too? I have almost no experience in compiling anything on linux, so I'm stuck for now. (I tried the same with a stock Android Kernel for a Nexus 7 and it worked.)
Help would be appreciated

Okay... After hours of trying different software packages used in , I found that "bc" was missing. Now it compiles :victory:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get -y install make gcc python wget abootimg unzip curl [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]bc[/COLOR][/B] \
&& apt-get clean
# Go to
# Click Tag "android-5.1.1_r38"
# Download [tgz]
COPY arm-eabi-4.8-26e93f6af47f7bd3a9beb5c102a5f45e19bfa38a.tar.gz /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz
# Go to
# Search "T280XXU0AQA4"
# Download ""
COPY /data/
ENV PATH /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/data/arm-eabi/bin
RUN mkdir /data/arm-eabi \
&& mkdir /data/src \
&& tar -xf /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz -C /data/arm-eabi/ \
&& unzip /data/ -d /data \
&& tar -xf /data/Kernel.tar.gz -C /data/src/ \
&& rm /data/ \
&& rm /data/arm-eabi.tar.gz \
&& rm /data/Kernel.tar.gz
WORKDIR /data/src
RUN make mrproper \
&& make gtexswifi-dt_defconfig \
&& make -j4 zImage
Edit: Just wanted to let you know that I now also generated a boot.img successfully and it actually booted my recompiled kernel.
To create a boot.img out of zImage I used and a original boot.img I created from my device using TWRP.
degas-unpackbootimg -i /data/boot.img -o /data/boot
degas-mkbootimg --kernel /data/src/arch/arm/boot/zImage --ramdisk /data/boot/boot.img-ramdisk.gz --cmdline "console=ttyS1,115200n8" --dt /data/boot/boot.img-dt --signature /data/boot/boot.img-signature -o /data/boot-mkbootimg.img
mkT280bootimg -i /data/boot-mkbootimg.img -o /data/boot-mkt280.img
The image created by degas-mkbootimg won't boot. Using mkT280bootimg OR on it will create an image that boots.
I've used TWRP again to flash the image.

hey bud sorry for bumping up the post...i have sm-t280 and im trying to install it as my car stereo. currently i have problems with otg host with charging at the same time. do you have any solution or advice?


[Guide] Building CyanogenMod 7 (CM7) on Mac OSX Lion

This is a guide to build your own CM7 on Mac OSX Lion. I can't guarantee 100% that this will work for everyone, but it worked for me. I want to thank Paul from Modaco, CyanogenMod team, Batista Harahap, ahbeng, and anyone else I can't remember atm.
1. Download and install Xcode, Java Mac OS X 10.5 SDK (later versions don't seem to work)
2. I recommend uninstalling existing MacPorts (using the codes below) and then install a fresh copy just to be safe.
$ sudo port -fp uninstall --follow-dependents installed
$ sudo rm -rf /opt/local /Applications/DarwinPorts /Applications/MacPorts /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* /Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg /Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg /Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup /Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 ~/.macports
3. Follow these steps below to teleport String errors at compile time
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
* press ]]
* press i
* Append # at the beginning of the line
* Press Enter
* Add the following lines
* Press Esc
* Type :wq and press enter
4. Update Macports and install the necessary packages and revert gmake to 3.81 (This takes a long time)
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 sudo port install gmake libsdl git-core gnupg e2fsprogs gsed curl libiptcdata xorg-libX* pngcrush findutils
$ sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gsed /opt/local/bin/sed
$ sudo ln -s /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/find /opt/local/bin/find
$ vi /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
$ mkdir /Users/Shared/dports
$ cd /Users/Shared/dports
$ svn co --revision 50980 devel/gmake/
$ portindex /Users/Shared/dports
$ sudo port install gmake @3.81
5. comment a line in one of Darwin’s C Library to get rid of compile time errors
$ sudo vi /usr/include/string.h
* Press :143
* Press i
* Append //
* Press Esc
* Type :wq!
* Press enter
6. Add a symlink for 10.5 SDKs
$ sudo ln -s /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
7. Create a sparseimage with a Case Sensitive FS
a. Open the Disk Utility (/Applications/Utilities/Disk
b. Click on New Image.
c. Save as "cyanogenmod.sparseimage" and set the following parameters as followed:
d. Name: "cyanogenmod"
e. Size: 15 GB is minimum recommended (A sparseimage will save unused space)
f. Format: Mac OS Extended (CASE-SENSITIVE, Journaled)
g. Encryption: none, Partition- Single Apple Partition Map
h. Image Format: Sparse Disk Image (this will save you disk space)
i. Save this wherever you like, and then double-click the sparseimage file to mount.
j. Your workspace will be: /Volumes/cyanogenmod/
8. Macports version of e2fsprogs will fail to compile, download the source and compile it yourself
$ mkdir -p ~/src
$ cd ~/src
$ git clone
$ cd e2fsprogs
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local
$ make -j4 && sudo make install
9. Set up the pre-requisites for CyanogenMod to compile, there are
$ cd /Volumes/cyanogenMod
$ mkdir -p bin
$ curl > bin/repo
$ chmod a+x bin/repo
$ mkdir -p android/system/
$ PATH=${PATH}:/Volumes/cyanogenmod/bin:
$ echo "PATH=\${PATH}:/Volumes/cyanogenmod/bin:" >> ~/.profile
10. Clone CyanogenMod repository into our sparse image (This takes a long time)
$ cd /Volumes/cyanogenmod/android/system
$ repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
$ repo sync
11. Now to get all closed source binaries from the device and into our device build folder (replace *company* and *model* with the device you want e.g. /lge/p990)
$ cd /Volumes/cyanogenmod/android/system/device/*company*/*model*
$ ./
12. ROMManager is a requirement for CyanogenMod
$ /Volumes/cyanogenmod/android/system/vendor/cyanogen/get-rommanager
13. edit cm source to make it compile on lion
Add lines in red to android/system/external/elfutils/config-compat-darwin.h:
static inline size_t strnlen (const char *__string, size_t __maxlen)

int len = 0;
while (__maxlen-- && *__string++)

return len;
Comment out every line in android/system/external/qemu/
# the following test is made to detect that we were called
# through the 'm' or 'mm' build commands. if not, we use the

# standard QEMU Makefile
#ifeq ($(DEFAULT_GOAL),droid)
# LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
# include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
# include Makefile.qemu
14. Now here comes the real fun, let’s compile CyanogenMod. (replace *model* with the device you want e.g. cyanogen_p990)
$ cd /Volumes/gingerbread/android/system/
$ cp ./vendor/cyanogen/products/cyanogen_*model*.mk ./
$ . build/
$ lunch cyanogen_*model*-eng
$ make -j`sysctl -an hw.logicalcpu` bacon
If the build was successful, there should be an in the /android/system/out/target/product/*model* folder.
If you were successful, go get yourself a treat.

[GUIDE] Compile CM9 for the Thunderbolt

The purpose of this guide is to show the steps required to compile CM9 specifically for the Thunderbolt. This may be adapted for other ROMs in the future. However, I will not describe how to setup your development environment as that information changes based on distribution versions and has been done many times over. A few good references are here, with an example of mine at the end of this post:
CyanogenMod Wiki - Learning to Build CyanogenMod
CyanogenMod Build Guide for Nexus 7 (Use as an example)
My goal is to aid others in development as the steps to get everything working on the Thunderbolt are not straight-forward unless you know what they are. Even though I had plenty of sources when I started, I still had to spend many hours to get them working. The camera and radio need some extra steps, but those are now streamlined for both my benefit and everyone else's.
I added these steps on gist.github as scripts, although I have not tested them as such. It would be best if you do each line at a time to better understand what you're doing.
Build CM9 Thunderbolt - First Time Only
Build CM9 Thunderbolt - Subsequent Builds
For the first build only:
mkdir android
cd android/
repo init -u git:// -b ics
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
wget -O .repo/local_manifests/cm_mecha.xml
repo sync
# Cherry-pick frameworks/base/libs/ui commit from Twisted
cd frameworks/base/ && git fetch refs/changes/85/13285/8 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD && cd ../..
# checkout branch in local trees
repo start ics device/htc/common device/htc/mecha device/htc/msm7x30-common hardware/qcom/camera kernel/htc/mecha-3.0 packages/apps/Camera vendor/htc/mecha vendor/htc/mecha-radio
# download prebuilts
cd vendor/cm/
cd ../..
. build/
lunch cm_mecha-userdebug
# Make build then rebuild with radio - read script in vendor/htc/mecha-radio if interested
mka bacon && . vendor/htc/mecha-radio/
For subsequent builds:
repo sync
# Cherry-pick frameworks/base/libs/ui commit from Twisted
cd frameworks/base/ && git fetch refs/changes/85/13285/8 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD && cd ../..
. build/
lunch cm_mecha-userdebug
# Make build then rebuild with radio - read script in vendor/htc/mecha-radio if interested
mka bacon && . vendor/htc/mecha-radio/
How I set up the build environment on Xubuntu 13.04 64-bit - Gist.github:
echo "Install Android Development Tools and Dependencies"
sudo apt-get install -y android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z1-dev pngcrush schedtool g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib schedtool libc6-dev-i386 ccache
echo "Link zconf.h to fix Android compile issues in 13.04"
ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/zconf.h /usr/include
echo "Installing Development Tools"
sudo apt-get install -y meld gedit-plugins git gitk gtkhash
echo "Customize .bashrc"
echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "ccache -M 20G > /dev/null 2>&1" >> ~/.bashrc
# these locations will be different for you, depending on where you installed the SDK
# echo "export PATH=${PATH}:~/Documents/Development/bin:~/Documents/Development/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64/sdk/tools:~/Documents/Development/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64/sdk/platform-tools"
Just a note; for the sake of newbs you may want to include instructions on getting the repo script as it doesn't just work OOB.
remote object '/system/lib/' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/a225p5_pm4.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/a225_pfp.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/a225_pm4.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/a300_pfp.fw' does not exist
remote object '/system/etc/firmware/a300_pm4.fw' does not exist
I got this when running ./ although all other files extracted fine, and I'm assuming at the very least is 100% necessary.
You are correct, is especially needed. You can either copy the files manually or modify the script and extract the ROM zip to a folder to copy the files locally instead of using ADB. Change 'adb pull' to 'cp' and modify the path of the first parameter to the ROM zip folder.
I referenced a couple other guides that help you get the development set up, even the repo bin. That information changes, has been done over many times, and isn't as useful in the long run unless I micro-manage this guide. If I get a chance I might flesh this out a little, but I'm not sure how much of a desire there is for this. I'll help where I can, though.
I updated the OP with fixes to make sure everything works automatically. You no longer have to use the script (or setup adb) since I made a vendor repo to include all of those files for you. Thanks to santod and others for pointing out a number of problems.
Note: As of 2013-06-29 CM9 is in a broken state as we're getting the kernel and stock OTA blobs to work properly.

[CLOSED][How to][Build CMB ROMS][TF300T][Mint64bit]

This will guide you thought the setup of Mint. The setup of your build environment, and finely the output of a flashable CMB ROM for your 700
First anything that starts with a bullet point is just for your reference.. Do not copy these things into your bash window...
Anything that is a code is copied one line at a time into your bash window and than enter
Now Install Mint 64 bit and a PC.. We will need at least a 250 GB hard drive...
This is a work in progress so let me know if anyone has any questions...
You can Find Mint here Click Me
Update System
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Build Env
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev pngcrush schedtool libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc android-tools-fastboot android-tools-adb
sudo apt-get install g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib meld ia32-libs lzop ccache gedit
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/system
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
gedit ~/.bashrc
Copy & Paste at bottom of bashrc on its own line
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b kk4.4
You will be prompt to give your email and name just follow the steps on screen
Prepare to wait for a massive download 3 to 10 hours depending on your internet speed...
repo sync
cd ~/android/system/vendor/cmb
echo "deb precise main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src precise main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886
apt-get update
apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-set-default
gedit ~/.bashrc
Copy & Paste at bottom of bashrc on its own line
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR=~/ccache
source ~/.bashrc
ccache -M 50G
Building a ROM
cd ~/android/system
Make sure your in sync with the repo, you will do this every time right before you build.
repo sync
source build/
Pick the number of the rom you would like to build
I maintain the 700,300,m7vzw so those are the only ones I can help with
the -j* is how may cpu cores you would like to give to the build process
So -j2 would tell the build process that you have 2 core you would like to use to build
make clean && make bacon -j2
The flash-able zip will be in the out folder of your build directory
XDA:DevDB Information
How to build CMB ROM for your TF300T, a Tool/Utility for the Asus Transformer TF300T
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-01-17
Last Updated 2014-01-17
CMB github Click Me
ASOP Click Me
CM wiki Click Me
Java Click Me
Download Tab
I posted a downloadable .txt file, so you don't have to have a browser open, for the process.. The download is available in the download tab at the top of every page of this forum... Thx as always lj

[Guide] Build MoKee Rom 7.1.2 For Samsung T700/T705/T800/T805

How To Build MoKee Rom For Exynos5420 Device (7.1.2)​Support Device :
klimtwifi # Samsung T700
klimtlte # Samsung T705
chagallwifi # Samsung T800
chagalllte # Samsung T805
chagallltetmo # Samsung T807T
ha3g # Samsung Note3 (N900)
Step 1: Setting Up A Compile Environment
You must have a 64-bit environment.
A Linux computer should have 8 GB RAM or more, otherwise build errors may occur.
Ubuntu 16.04
These instructions should work for other version of Ubuntu and most other Debian-based systems.
Install build packages
Open a terminal (ctrl + alt + t). First install the necessary packages; copy paste the code below and hit enter.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git ccache automake lzop bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 g++-multilib python-networkx libxml2-utils bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool dpkg-dev liblz4-tool make optipng maven bc pngquant imagemagick yasm libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/mokee
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Add bin to PATH
echo "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Configure git:
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Your Name"
Move to build directory and sync the source code:
cd ~/mokee
repo init -u -b mokee-7.1.2
repo sync -j8 -f --no-clone-bundle
Let's configure ccache too. It will reduce the build time to 40% after first build
echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
~/mokee/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 25G
25G means it will use upto 25 gb of disk space for ccaching. Atleast 10 gb is recommended. But if you want to compile for more devices, use more space for ccache.
Step 2: Compiling For Your Device
# MoKee Rom For Samsung Exynos5420 Chips Device
To initialize your local repository using the MoKee trees, use a command like this:
repo init -u -b mokee-7.1.2
Then to sync up:
repo sync
Start Work
To work faster, we introduced a new build script to help you start compiling.
First, go to the root path of your project. We assume that your source is under
cd /mokee
then feel free to use the build script:
. build/
lunch mk_klimtwifi # T700
lunch mk_klimtlte # T705
lunch mk_chagallwifi # T800
lunch mk_chagalllte # T805
lunch mk_chagallltetmo # T807T
lunch mk_ha3g # N900
mka bacon -j8
The script is interactive so everything else is self-explanatory.
MoKee Rom Team:
Exynos5420 Team:
LineageOs Team:

Need help building a SM-T355 (gt58lte) LineageOS ROM

I am a noob. I am trying to build LineageOS 18.1 for gt58ltedo.
Repositories :
Manifest :
gt58lte manifest for lineage-18.1
gt58lte manifest for lineage-18.1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Device Tree :
GitHub - user20482020/android_device_samsung_msm8916-common: Common MSM8916 tree for Samsung devices
Common MSM8916 tree for Samsung devices. Contribute to user20482020/android_device_samsung_msm8916-common development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - Galaxy-MSM8916/android_device_samsung_gte-common
Contribute to Galaxy-MSM8916/android_device_samsung_gte-common development by creating an account on GitHub.
lineage-18.1-gt58lte branch :
GitHub - user20482020/device_samsung_gt58lte
Contribute to user20482020/device_samsung_gt58lte development by creating an account on GitHub.
Kernel :
GitHub - user20482020/android_kernel_samsung_msm8916: MSM8916/MSM8929/MSM8939 kernel for Samsung devices.
MSM8916/MSM8929/MSM8939 kernel for Samsung devices. - GitHub - user20482020/android_kernel_samsung_msm8916: MSM8916/MSM8929/MSM8939 kernel for Samsung devices.
Vendor Blobs :
GitHub - user20482020/vendor_samsung_msm8916-common
Contribute to user20482020/vendor_samsung_msm8916-common development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - retiredtab/android_vendor_samsung_gte-common
Contribute to retiredtab/android_vendor_samsung_gte-common development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - user20482020/android_vendor_samsung_gt58lte
Contribute to user20482020/android_vendor_samsung_gt58lte development by creating an account on GitHub.
Where can I find ? On my device I have but no ?
user655362020 said:
I using roomservice.xml file from
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you are going to use my roomservice.xml, upload that to your github as well so I can see what you are doing. Obviously, you will have to change some things that are gt58wifi specific to gt58ltedo.
user655362020 said:
Where can I find ? On my device I have but no ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can rename it when you do copy. For example,
vendor/samsung/gt58ltedo/proprietary/lib/hw/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/lib/hw/ \
See how it's copied and renamed above?
BTW, in your first build, you will likely face stuck at boot animation problems. I highly suggest you build an "eng" build when you do a brunch or make. That way, the OS will start adbd right away and you can run
adb logcat -C
right away to see log messages.
I run
I explain more in this thread. I helped someone who has never built LineageOS before. A lot of the questions you may have might be answered there are already so please give that a read.
In addition, the SM-T555 is the bigger brother to SM-T355 so you might be able to use code or look at his code for clues as the two should be very similar.
retiredtab said:
If you are going to use my roomservice.xml, upload that to your github as well so I can see what you are doing. Obviously, you will have to change some things that are gt58wifi specific to gt58ltedo.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Uploading it as attachment. I intend to change the account of repositories. I'll upload manifest to a repo after that.
retiredtab said:
If you are going to use my roomservice.xml, upload that to your github as well so I can see what you are doing. Obviously, you will have to change some things that are gt58wifi specific to gt58ltedo.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I modified the 1st post to include link for the roomservice.xml.
retiredtab said:
You can rename it when you do copy. For example,
vendor/samsung/gt58ltedo/proprietary/lib/hw/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/lib/hw/ \
See how it's copied and renamed above?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I missed that. Thanks.
retiredtab said:
BTW, in your first build, you will likely face stuck at boot animation problems. I highly suggest you build an "eng" build when you do a brunch or make. That way, the OS will start adbd right away and you can run
adb logcat -C
right away to see log messages.
I run
I explain more in this thread. I helped someone who has never built LineageOS before. A lot of the questions you may have might be answered there are already so please give that a read.
In addition, the SM-T555 is the bigger brother to SM-T355 so you might be able to use code or look at his code for clues as the two should be very similar.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The debugging tips from that thread will be super useful. Plus a similar device that has RIL will be helpful too. Thanks.
retiredtab said:
If you are going to use my roomservice.xml, upload that to your github as well so I can see what you are doing. Obviously, you will have to change some things that are gt58wifi specific to gt58ltedo.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is no /media/source/lineageos/out/soong/.temp/tmpjgPF4J/content/apex_payload.img. Any ideas ?
[ 95% 800/839] //art/build/ apex (image)
FAILED: out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/
rm -rf out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && (mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/adbconnection/libadbconnection/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/art_postinstall_hook/android_arm_armv8-a/art_postinstall_hook out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/art_preinstall_hook/android_arm_armv8-a/art_preinstall_hook out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/art_preinstall_hook_boot/android_arm_armv8-a/art_preinstall_hook_boot out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/art_preinstall_hook_system_server/android_arm_armv8-a/art_preinstall_hook_system_server out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/art_prepostinstall_utils/android_arm_armv8-a/art_prepostinstall_utils out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/compiler/libart-compiler/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dalvikvm/dalvikvm/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && ln -s dalvikvm32 out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dex2oat/dex2oat/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dexlayout/libart-dexlayout/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dexlist/dexlist/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dexoptanalyzer/dexoptanalyzer/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/disassembler/libart-disassembler/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/dt_fd_forward/libdt_fd_forward/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libartbase/libartbase/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libartpalette/libartpalette/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libdexfile/libdexfile/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libdexfile/libdexfile_external/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libdexfile/libdexfile_support/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/libprofile/libprofile/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/oatdump/oatdump/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/openjdkjvm/libopenjdkjvm/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/openjdkjvmti/libopenjdkjvmti/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/profman/profman/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/runtime/libart/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/art/sigchainlib/libsigchain/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libc/libc/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libc/malloc_debug/libc_malloc_debug/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libc/malloc_hooks/libc_malloc_hooks/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libdl/libdl/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/libm/libm/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/bionic/linker/linker/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && ln -s linker out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/dalvik/dexdump/dexdump/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/apache-xml/apache-xml/android_common/dex-withres-aligned/apache-xml.jar out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/boringssl/libcrypto/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/bouncycastle/bouncycastle/android_common/hiddenapi/bouncycastle.jar out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/chromium-libpac/libpac/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/expat/libexpat/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/icu/icu4c/source/common/libicuuc/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/icu/icu4c/source/i18n/libicui18n/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/icu/icu4c/source/stubdata/apex_icu.dat/android_arm_armv8-a_core/icudt63l.dat out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/icu/libandroidicu/libandroidicu/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/libcxx/libc++/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/lzma/C/liblzma/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/oj-libjdwp/libdt_socket/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/oj-libjdwp/libjdwp/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/oj-libjdwp/libnpt/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/okhttp/okhttp/android_common/hiddenapi/okhttp.jar out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/vixl/libvixl/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/external/zlib/libz/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/core-libart/android_common/dex-withres-aligned/core-libart.jar out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/core-oj/android_common/dex-withres-aligned/core-oj.jar out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/libandroidio/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/libjavacore/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/libopenjdk/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/libnativehelper/libnativehelper/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/base/libbase/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/libbacktrace/libbacktrace/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/libnativebridge/libnativebridge/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/libnativeloader/libnativeloader/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/libunwindstack/libunwindstack/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/core/libziparchive/libziparchive/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/timezone/output_data/apex_tz_version/android_arm_armv8-a_core/tz_version out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/timezone/output_data/apex_tzdata/android_arm_armv8-a_core/tzdata out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && mkdir -p out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && cp out/soong/.intermediates/system/timezone/output_data/apex_tzlookup.xml/android_arm_armv8-a_core/tzlookup.xml out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ && APEXER_TOOL_PATH=out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin:prebuilts/sdk/tools/linux/bin out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer --force --manifest art/build/apex/manifest.json --file_contexts system/sepolicy/apex/ --canned_fs_config out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ --payload_type image --key art/build/apex/ --pubkey art/build/apex/ --target_sdk_version 29 --assets_dir out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/ out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 72, in _run_code
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 12, in <module>
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 72, in _run_code
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 4419, in <module>
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 4254, in run
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 4344, in add_hashtree_footer
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 3385, in add_hashtree_footer
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 2797, in _generate_vbmeta_blob
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 405, in encode_rsa_key
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/", line 367, in __init__
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 394, in __init__
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 1047, in _execute_child
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/internal/stdlib/", line 72, in _run_code
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/", line 12, in <module>
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/internal/stdlib/", line 72, in _run_code
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/", line 427, in <module>
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/", line 420, in main
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/", line 305, in CreateApex
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/", line 107, in RunCommand
AssertionError: Failed to execute: out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool add_hashtree_footer --do_not_generate_fec --algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 --key art/build/apex/ --prop --salt e3980a7e51b32d0673a26fd105adf0ca55d783b39739c21439499b713829e8b9 --image /media/source/lineageos/out/soong/.temp/tmpjgPF4J/content/apex_payload.img
[ 95% 804/839] Building Kernel Config
make: Entering directory '/media/source/lineageos/kernel/samsung/msm8916'
GEN /media/source/lineageos/out/target/product/gt58ltedo/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
arch/arm/Kconfig:1666:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1672:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1675:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1681:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:777:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:779:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:787:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:790:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:792:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_defconfig:94:warning: override: reassigning to symbol IP_MULTICAST
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_defconfig:226:warning: override: reassigning to symbol NET_EMATCH
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_defconfig:573:warning: override: reassigning to symbol INPUT_MISC
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_defconfig:574:warning: override: reassigning to symbol INPUT_GPIO
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_defconfig:731:warning: unexpected data
warning: (SND_SOC_QDSP6V2) selects SND_SOC_MSM_QDSP6V2_INTF which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && MSM_QDSP6_APRV2)
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8084 && SND_SOC_MSM8X16 && SND_SOC_MSM8909 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_CPE which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && SND_SOC_WCD_CPE)
warning: (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT && ARCH_MSM8909 && ARCH_MSM8916 && ARCH_MSM8610 && ARCH_MSM8226) selects DEVFREQ_GOV_MSM_BW_HWMON which has unmet direct dependencies (PM_DEVFREQ && (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT || ARCH_MSM_BIMC_BWMON))
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:4:warning: override: reassigning to symbol EXT4_FS_SECURITY
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:5:warning: override: reassigning to symbol AUDIT
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:7:warning: override: reassigning to symbol SECURITY
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:8:warning: override: reassigning to symbol LSM_MMAP_MIN_ADDR
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:9:warning: override: reassigning to symbol SECURITY_NETWORK
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:13:warning: symbol value 'y' invalid for SECURITY_SELINUX_CHECKREQPROT_VALUE
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:15:warning: override: reassigning to symbol NF_CONNTRACK_SECMARK
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:16:warning: override: reassigning to symbol NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_CONNSECMARK
arch/arm/configs/selinux_defconfig:18:warning: override: reassigning to symbol IP_NF_SECURITY
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_gt58lte_aus_defconfig:17:warning: override: reassigning to symbol USB_HOST_NOTIFY
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_gt58lte_aus_defconfig:65:warning: override: reassigning to symbol SENSORS
arch/arm/configs/msm8916_sec_gt58lte_aus_defconfig:85:warning: override: reassigning to symbol MSM_EEPROM
warning: (SND_SOC_QDSP6V2) selects SND_SOC_MSM_QDSP6V2_INTF which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && MSM_QDSP6_APRV2)
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8084 && SND_SOC_MSM8X16 && SND_SOC_MSM8909 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_CPE which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && SND_SOC_WCD_CPE)
warning: (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT && ARCH_MSM8909 && ARCH_MSM8916 && ARCH_MSM8610 && ARCH_MSM8226) selects DEVFREQ_GOV_MSM_BW_HWMON which has unmet direct dependencies (PM_DEVFREQ && (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT || ARCH_MSM_BIMC_BWMON))
# configuration written to .config
make: Leaving directory '/media/source/lineageos/kernel/samsung/msm8916'
make: Entering directory '/media/source/lineageos/kernel/samsung/msm8916'
GEN /media/source/lineageos/out/target/product/gt58ltedo/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
scripts/kconfig/conf --savedefconfig=defconfig Kconfig
arch/arm/Kconfig:1666:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1672:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1675:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
arch/arm/Kconfig:1681:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:777:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:779:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:787:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:790:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/misc/Kconfig:792:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
warning: (SND_SOC_QDSP6V2) selects SND_SOC_MSM_QDSP6V2_INTF which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && MSM_QDSP6_APRV2)
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8084 && SND_SOC_MSM8X16 && SND_SOC_MSM8909 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_CPE which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && SND_SOC_WCD_CPE)
warning: (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT && ARCH_MSM8909 && ARCH_MSM8916 && ARCH_MSM8610 && ARCH_MSM8226) selects DEVFREQ_GOV_MSM_BW_HWMON which has unmet direct dependencies (PM_DEVFREQ && (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT || ARCH_MSM_BIMC_BWMON))
warning: (SND_SOC_QDSP6V2) selects SND_SOC_MSM_QDSP6V2_INTF which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && MSM_QDSP6_APRV2)
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8084 && SND_SOC_MSM8X16 && SND_SOC_MSM8909 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_CPE which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND && !M68K && !UML && SND && SND_SOC && SND_SOC_WCD_CPE)
warning: (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT && ARCH_MSM8909 && ARCH_MSM8916 && ARCH_MSM8610 && ARCH_MSM8226) selects DEVFREQ_GOV_MSM_BW_HWMON which has unmet direct dependencies (PM_DEVFREQ && (ARCH_MSM_KRAIT || ARCH_MSM_BIMC_BWMON))
make: Leaving directory '/media/source/lineageos/kernel/samsung/msm8916'
11:16:56 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (06:40 (mm:ss)) ####
retiredtab said:
If you are going to use my roomservice.xml, upload that to your github as well so I can see what you are doing. Obviously, you will have to change some things that are gt58wifi specific to gt58ltedo.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I used the crdroid-9.0 branch to create the device tree. Do you still use the crdroid-9.0 branch ?
user655362020 said:
There is no /media/source/lineageos/out/soong/.temp/tmpjgPF4J/content/apex_payload.img. Any ideas ?
[ 95% 800/839] //art/build/ apex (image)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/source/lineageos/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/apexer/internal/stdlib/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
#### failed to build some targets (06:40 (mm:ss)) ####
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There's something strange with the above. On my 17.1 gt58wifi build, my directory shows
[email protected]:/media/l/gt58wifi/17/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin$ ls -al avbtool
-rwxrwxr-x 1 l l 28148198 Apr 12 00:02 avbtool
$ file avbtool
avbtool: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, with debug_info, not stripped
$ file apexer
apexer: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, with debug_info, not stripped
whereas your shows avbtool and apexer has a directory.
I'm wondering if your manifest.xml is somehow messing up the make? I suggest removing lines 4 to 20, doing a complete repo sync and a make clean (start over) and then your brunch or make command.
user655362020 said:
I used the crdroid-9.0 branch to create the device tree. Do you still use the crdroid-9.0 branch ?
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When I made 17.1 or Android 10, I used the crdroid-9.0 branch beause at that time there was no 10.0 branch and when there was, too many things got moved around so I stuck with 9.0. Either 9.0 or 10.0 is fine as long as you know how to change and move things around.
What desktop OS are you using? If linux, what distro? If Windows, are you using WSL version 2?
retiredtab said:
What desktop OS are you using? If linux, what distro? If Windows, are you using WSL version 2?
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Bare-metal Fedora 34
retiredtab said:
I'm wondering if your manifest.xml is somehow messing up the make? I suggest removing lines 4 to 20, doing a complete repo sync and a make clean (start over) and then your brunch or make command.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did that. It still fails at the same step.
There were a few more warnings (?) in both builds :
[ 53% 353/660] Target boot image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img
patch boot out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img.lok
cp: bad 'out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img.lok': No such file or directory
Made boot image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img
[ 55% 366/660] ----- Making recovery image ------
patch recovery out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img.lok
cp: bad 'out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img.lok': No such file or directory
Made recovery image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img
retiredtab said:
whereas your shows avbtool and apexer has a directory.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Actually python trace shows where in the source file the error occured. I too have avbtool and apexer in out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin directory as single file.
I tried enabling dm-verity in kernel config (required by apex image according to It still fails.
retiredtab said:
I'm wondering if your manifest.xml is somehow messing up the make? I suggest removing lines 4 to 20, doing a complete repo sync and a make clean (start over) and then your brunch or make command.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
what command do you use to build ?
I am using source build/ && lunch lineage_gt58ltedo-userdebug && mka
Maybe Relevant
PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES= hardware/qcom-caf/msm8916
Also were you trying to compile TWRP for T350/T355 ? If yes, then can you provide the link for twrp device tree ?
=== apex_payload.img ===
So I cloned my 17.1 gt58wifi mechnical hard drive (250GB) to another drive using dd. Then, I took your roomservice.xml, did a repo sync to your directories as per roomservice and compiled the rom.
Package Complete: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/
#### build completed successfully (01:30:21 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
The reason I cloned my gt58wifi is so I don't have to recompile 80,000 files from scratch as a brand new make takes around 9.5 hours. The gt58wifi and gt58ltedo share similar code and libraries so I'm able to save 8 hours of compiling.
When I switched to your roomservice.xml, it had to recompile about 17,000s and took 1.5 hours as shown above. At this point, I'm not willing
to do a make clean which means my machine will be compiling for 9.5 hours.
I highly doubt the image produced will boot into OS since it's your first draft of all the code, but it completed without any apex_payload.img errors.
However, by default, LineageOS builds a recovery.img (similar to TWRP, but with less functionality and UI is different). That file is only 11MB
and if you want, I can send you this file and you can try loading onto your recovery partition. If it doesn't boot into recovery partition, that's
a sure sign that it won't boot into full LineageOS.
If recovery.img fails, you can always reflash it with TWRP if that's what you are presently running. If you don't know how to flash recovery and
get into download mode, please do some research. It's not difficult, but first time people will panic and then possibly make a huge mistake possibly creating a bricked device.
The messages below show up in my compile, but I see them all the time.
[ 77% 11670/15082] Target boot image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img
patch boot out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img.lok
cp: bad 'out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img.lok': No such file or directory
Made boot image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/boot.img
[ 79% 11948/15082] ----- Making recovery image ------
patch recovery out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img.lok
cp: bad 'out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img.lok': No such file or directory
Made recovery image: out/target/product/gt58ltedo/recovery.img
Here's what I suggest. If you have a spare 250GB hard drive, load Lubuntu 20.04. All the LineageOS build instructions that I see are written for an Ubuntu environment and there may be a missing library or some functionality that doesn't work on Fedora? I do all my builds on Lubuntu 20.04. A 250GB drive is enough to hold Lubuntu (only about 6GB) and your build.
If you want to keep trying Fedora, then take a look at
and figure out what library you may be missing. I'm not a Fedora user and the last time I tried it was in 2014 so I cannot help you with Fedora questions.
=== twrp ===
If you can't build the LineageOS, you can try building the TWRP. It's a lot easier and faster (only about 8,000 files total instead of 80,000).
I did not build TWRP for SM-T350. Nubianprince did and his code is at
GitHub - Nubianprince/android_device_samsung_gt58wifi at twrp
Device tree for Samsung Galaxy SM-T350. Contribute to Nubianprince/android_device_samsung_gt58wifi development by creating an account on GitHub.
If you can get a working TWRP for your device, then that will help you build the full LineageOS. Again, you must know how to flash the recovery partition because there's a good chance your first TWRP won't work.
=== dm-verity ===
You shouldn't have to enable it. It's disabled in kernel as per
android_device_samsung_msm8916-common/ at lineage-17.1 · Galaxy-MSM8916/android_device_samsung_msm8916-common
Common MSM8916 tree for Samsung devices. Contribute to Galaxy-MSM8916/android_device_samsung_msm8916-common development by creating an account on GitHub.
android_kernel_samsung_msm8916/msm8916_sec_defconfig at lineage-17.1 · Galaxy-MSM8916/android_kernel_samsung_msm8916
MSM8916/MSM8929/MSM8939 kernel for Samsung devices. - android_kernel_samsung_msm8916/msm8916_sec_defconfig at lineage-17.1 · Galaxy-MSM8916/android_kernel_samsung_msm8916
=== commands to build ===
Because I have a slow machine with limited memory, I use
. build/
breakfast gt58ltedo
TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng make -j2 bacon (as per post #5)
recovery.img zipped.
Removed by me.

