Anyone have hotspot active on Metro? - Moto G5 Plus Questions & Answers

Thinking about switching to MetroPCS. I got the dreaded hotspot warning from Cricket, and I've been meaning to make the switch anyway.
To be clear, I'm asking if it's possible to unlock the hotspot feature on my phone without paying for the service. I have the build.prop line and the adb dun line which is how I got it working on Cricket. But I've heard Metro may have additional bypasses.
The plan I want to switch to is the 4 lines for $100 which does not include hotspot. I use about 20gb a month.


[Q] Wifi tether? (Liberated Aria Froyo Series FR008)

I want to know, does wifi tethering on this rom need that extra tethering plan from at&t, or does it work with my regular data plan. Don't want to start using it and having at&t charging me double what im paying now just to use the data i have the way i want >.<
ilive12 said:
I want to know, does wifi tethering on this rom need that extra tethering plan from at&t, or does it work with my regular data plan. Don't want to start using it and having at&t charging me double what im paying now just to use the data i have the way i want >.<
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With Liberated FR008 the wifi tethering uses the phone's data connection and does not require the AT&T tethering package.
Liberated will allow you to to tether, but you might want to watch out for a notice from AT&T. If they somehow figure out you're tethering, they automatically switch you to the tethered plan.
Ok, thanks both of you. I don't think i will get the message considering I only have a 200 mb data plan, and the only place i will use the tether is my iPod touch. Plus i dont think anybody using android has gotten the message yet, just iPhone users.

Verizon Unlimited dataplan and tethering (internet sharing)

Can anyone with HTC 8X or Nokia 822 confirm what happens when you turn on internet sharing with an unlimited data plan? Does it prompt you to call Verizon to activate a tethering plan? Or does it just work?
Its tells me to call Verizon and 822... I have rooted galaxy nexus I use for tethering
Sent from my RM-845_nam_vzw_100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Carries suck.
This kind of stuff irks me. Why do they charge you more to use the exact same data?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wrexus said:
Can anyone with HTC 8X or Nokia 822 confirm what happens when you turn on internet sharing with an unlimited data plan? Does it prompt you to call Verizon to activate a tethering plan? Or does it just work?
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I have a brand-new 8X. when I turn on IS, it says "connection not shared - Internet sharing isn't currently allowed." However I am not on the new all-share unlimited plan until the 20th, so maybe that's why.
I have a VZ unlimited data plan and after changing some settings, it just works.. before you get the agreement page to add it to your plan, but after going into edit mode: M.I.P. profile > DUN NM the info has your number @dun.vzw... just take out the dun and save.. but I have an HTC trophy... so may not be the same..
Is there any way to create an App that does this? Verizon recently lost a suit from the FCC that forced them to allow tethering apps from the android market for android phones. FoxFi and others now allow tethering no matter what plan you have.
If the access exists within WP8 it would be sweet to do the same thing, even if it has to be developer unlocked.
I was just coming here to find out if this was possible. I currently have a 32gb SIII and am getting ready to trade it for a 8X but need this to work. I am not willing to give up my unlimited plan though...
can we sue ATT, Verizon for tethering lock?
HTC_FUZE said:
can we sue ATT, Verizon for tethering lock?
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No we can't sue them about the lock. The reason they were able to go after them was because they blocked an app from the marketplace from working on their network.
That violated the agreement they signed with the FCC when they acquired the 700MHZ block which says “shall not deny, limit, or restrict the ability of their customers to use the devices and application of their choice.”
So only Verizon is beholden to this and it would only apply to them blocking devices or apps. You might notice that devices part is pretty interesting
Quest1onz said:
I have a VZ unlimited data plan and after changing some settings, it just works.. before you get the agreement page to add it to your plan, but after going into edit mode: M.I.P. profile > DUN NM the info has your number @dun.vzw... just take out the dun and save.. but I have an HTC trophy... so may not be the same..
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I have the HTC 8x and would love to get Internet Sharing working. Where is the "agreement page"?

Cricket Unlimited Hotspot

Has anyone had any luck getting the hotspot to work with crickets unlimited plan. It's not a huge deal, I have hotspot on work phone and at home, just wanted to get it going if it was possible.
I have crickets unlimited plan and this had worked out of the box on my last phone, an Asus- but on this phone I get an error message. I don't want to root.
Also, I have the Amazon 32gb model.

How to get wifi calling + hotspot on UDP (VZW)????

I have the old unlimited plan (VZW grandfathered plan). I want to be able to hotpot as well as get wifi calling (I am often in an area with poor coverage).
I heard you can hotspot with an unlocked S8/note etc. but most of the posts say you loose advanced/wifi calling and can only get advanced calling if you install the verizon ROM.
Been scouring the forums -- has anyone figured out how to get wifi calling and hotspot with the old VZW UDP??? I really need both!
Thanks a bunch!
I was able to use hotspot on unlocked Verizon S8 G950U phone it was in the pull-down menu, but I read all VZW phones come unlocked these days. Also, I used to be on the grandfathered plan and switched to StraightTalk Wireless which resells the Verizon Network unlimited data for $55/mo!
I have a new VZW S8 and still have my GUDP..
All i want is Wi-Fi Hotspot unlocked.. to the point where I'm thinking about starting a bounty thread..
Anyone.... Please....
Maybe this thread will help you get Hotspot working...
El Genio Malvado said:
I have a new VZW S8 and still have my GUDP..
All i want is Wi-Fi Hotspot unlocked.. to the point where I'm thinking about starting a bounty thread..
Anyone.... Please....
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Slow tethering (<200Kbps), APN options grayed out, PdaNet not working, T-Mobile

My T-Mobile 6T has been great so far, but when I used the hotspot earlier today I was disappointed by the wireless tethering speeds. I popped the SIM card back into my old phone (unlocked Mate 9) and, although wireless speeds were slower overall, the tethering was much faster. I attempted to edit the APN settings, but everything was grayed out. I was able to add my own APN, but when attempting to enter 'APN type' received a message saying "Carrier does not allow adding APNs of type dun." Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? Is T-Mobile trying to get me to pay more for 4G tethering by somehow slowing my hotspot to below 3G speeds? Would the international ROM be able to circumvent this?
if you're paying for 4G tethering, then call T mobile and ask for help
If you're trying to steal it without paying for it, thats a different story
wase4711 said:
if you're paying for 4G tethering, then call T mobile and ask for help
If you're trying to steal it without paying for it, thats a different story
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Not trying to steal 4G, just wondering why the 6T's hotspot is slow much slower than my old phone when the the phone itself is so much more capable. My Mate 9 gets closer to full 3G speeds (500Kbps) when tethering.
The only stealing that would be going on is the carrier trying to get him to pay for the same data twice.
