Charging to 80% only (usb pd) - Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers

So I get this funny little issue when charging with my usb pd charger.
The S10+ only charges to 80% then stops. I have to unplug then plug it back in again to get it to start charging to 100%.
Have no issues with the stock charger (will continue to use that for the time being).
I suspect it has something to do with the battery protection. But I've not got a clue. Any thoughts?
The usb pd wall charger I'm using is a ravpower 36w (max) unit.


Battery/Charging Problems

I just recently bought a wall charger since I lost the original one a while back. I've been charging via USB this whole time (maybe 6-8 months now). Anyway, when I charge with the wall charger, it'll say 100% and the green light would turn on (instead of the orange/amber for charging) so I assume that it's done. As soon as I unplug it, it drops maybe like 20-30%.
Is this a problem with the charger? Or the battery itself? I don't think it's battery since I've never had this problem when I would charge via USB. Could it be that my phone's just not used to being charged with a wall charger? Maybe because it's being charged faster with the wall charger that it's "used to" with USB? Any thoughts would be great.
No there's nothing wrong with your phone,if it gets charged via usb,then its fine.Fault is with your new wall charger,is it compatible with your phones specifications ? is it the original recommended or from other third party manufacturer ?. Wall charger must output a charge of 1.0 amp to fully get the pda battery,less then 1.0 amp will not charge the battery. Check this out,ok

Charger provides 1000 mA, yet phone only takes 500.

I bought a wall charger for my N1 today. I was searching for one with 1000 mA output so the phone would charge twice as fast, but after having it on for a long time and seeing that it was only 22% charged, I looked at the battery status and it said "USB". I unplugged it, plugged the stock adapter and it said "AC", and started to charge at the usual speed.
Is there a way to have wall chargers that are NOT the ones provided by HTC charge at a normal speed? thanks!
Interesting... it happens the same thing with an iPhone charger, which have the same output characteristics as the stock charger. I never thought looking at the battery status
FWIW, you can easily see if your phone is charging fast or slow by installing the quick system info app (AC=fast, USB=slow).
I'm using the 1000 mA charger with the USB to micro USB cable that came bundled with the phone. Might it be the cable limiting the power?
I've been trying to figure this out too...
I bought a USB car charger to charge my phone in the car whilst driving.
However even with my phone on standby it still loses power.... I don't know whether it's because I'm using the USB cable or the charger is inferior.
It is rated a 1000mA (the charger).
I bought the HTC car charger from expansys.. bit costly at around £20 for a charger but it works perfectly for me. Drove 4 hours with copilot running, and battery remained perfectly charged
As well as the stock charger, I often use a pikie USB charger with a Nokia micro USB cable... phone reports an AC charger in use.

EEE Pad doesn't charge

i've got a big problem...
I've bougt a used EEE Pad with Prime 1.7 and it doesn't charge.
I tried USB-PC, the original AC Adapter and one from artwizz.
The Pad has 13% power, wenn i put it off and plug it in it reboots like it's charging but it says: 13% remaining please plug in...
What should i do?
Thanks in advance!
Try leaving it charging for a while with screen off. If when you turn it on after several hours the battery has charged a little, then the charger is only delivering 5V and not the 15v needed for fast charging. The 15V is triggered by an gnd connection on pin 7 of the USB connector from the TF. Are you using any kind of USB extension? Std USB 2.0 extensions will not work. If all else fails get a Dynex DX-UA universal camera charger ( most electronics big box stores) and set output for 11-12 V.
I had the same issue couple of weeks ago (I posted here as well) and even got an RMA from Asus to send it in; but I didn't have to. In my case the battery was empty and when I plug in the adapter it would work but would not charge - the battery had an exclamation point on it and would not change to the "lightning bolt" indicating that it is charging. Since it works from adapter, that most likely means that adapter is ok. I also have a dock and when I plugged the adapter into the dock, the dock was charging so I knew that adapter is good. However, TF was not charging regardless if it was docked or not so I thought my battery died. The day before I sent it in for RMA I had it completely off and plugged in for a day or so. After that when I turned it on the battery showed full charge and it has been charging fine since then with no issues. So as Rumbleweed suggested below, as long as your adapter is good, turn your TF off completely and leave it plugged in overnight or longer. See what happens.
Good luck.
Will the Transformer show charging with 12V and 1500 Ampere?
At the moment it charges with a 5V 1 Ampere wenn its off.
The original adapter seems to be defect, but it works two days ago...
I've orderd a cheap 5V 2A to charge it over night. I found on amazon an adapter with 12V and 1,5 Ampere. Will it charge with it wenn i use it?
The original adapter costs 39€ and with a RMA i've to send the whole tab.
edit: An adapter with 12V and 1,5 Ampere should be working?
Mine has stopped charging today while the TF in on. It's only charging when the TF is off.
It will be soon three months I have it and it's the first time it does that.
When I touch the adapter, it's hot as it used to be before today.
I've tried to power it off and on many times.
hi all
i change my charger today ... same stuff, seems recurent problem.

Charging and Battery issues

Hello XDA!.
I'm new here, but oh well.
My Galaxy S5, Is having charging issues, comes and goes.
Using the Ampere app I'm measuring the charging speed.
Charging with stock AC Charger - 450mA - USB Charging, It won't charge at full speed 1.8 - 2.0A.
Charging with an Aukey Superspeed charger - 1.8A, Charges fine but sometimes stuck at 450mA USB Speed.
Charging with Anker Powercore 20400mAh . 450mA, USB Speed?.
I've switched between three different batteries, all of them does this, sometimes the phone simply tells me that the battery is dead, and it won't charge. ( Note: Phone won't charge but turns on with cable in).
What can I do?, buy a new phone?

Please Help me - my cube-i7-book wont charge (Wall charger & Usb-c charger )

Hey guys
First, I hope I'm asking at the right forum. I searched at xda and it seems to be closest that fits. If there is a need to transfer it to different forum please do or let me know there to.
Than, I have a big problem and I do hope you can help me with- my Cube-i7-Book don't charge not by the Wall charger nor by the Usb-c charger.
I read a lot about the coube-I7-book and just before they started talking about the new one I bought it (+original keyboard). It arrived and I start using it about 3 moons ago.
1. Last moons I bought a Aukey fast USB desk charger (charge other devises ) and try to charge my cube-I7-book with the USB-c cable I got with my LG smartphone. It looks like the charger is connected but it doesn't charge (I try again and again).
2. Last night my cube-I7-book buttery was very low. I connected it to the wall charger as I always do and went to sleep. In the morning I took a look at the cubeI7-book. I was surprise to see it was still charging. I let it to continue charging. At the evening I checked again. It got 61% and stop charging. I re connect it to the charger and to a different wall socket - there was no reaction. I restart the cubeI7 book -nothing.
3. Could the problem is in the wall charger? If so what different charger l have to look for in order to check?
4. If it's not the charger, what can it be and what can I do to make it work? It is a new device and I really want it to work.
5. What about the USB-c charging? Why isn't it working? Can I do something about it?
Thank you for your help,
Did you manage to fix your problem. I have the same issue. Did you try to use a macbook usb-c charger, instead of a phone usb-c charger?
Only just seeing this, sounds odd. USB charging works well for me (although sometimes I need to unplug and replug the cable if charging doesn't start right away). You need to make sure that your USB c charger provides "power delivery " and in particular, I think, 12v charging, maybe 9v is also OK, but the standard 5v that some USB chargers provide is definitely not enough.
You may have a look at the forum on, there's a subforum for the i7 book with wire a few people active.

