Viper FX for any Pie ROM (100% working) - Lenovo ZUK Z2 (Plus) Guides, News, & Discussion

For people who are facing viperfx not working issue ... Here is the working viperfx for any pie rom download via attached link and flash via magisk .....

Material version as system app doesn't work
Could you write your bootloader, twrp, magisk and magisk manager versions, maybe additional modules you use like audio compatibility?

shepvrd said:
Material version as system app doesn't work
Could you write your bootloader, twrp, magisk and magisk manager versions, maybe additional modules you use like audio compatibility?
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Im using magisk 18 and i think you previously tried to install viper that's why it isn't installing ... Try to clean flash rom flash magisk and flash this viper module after first boot cleanly....


ViPER4ANDROID not working properly on MOTO G4 PLUS.

I have rooted the device, and currently using Nougat RR ROM. But ViperDD is not working properly on device. Busybox also installed, the driver status shows Abnormal. Any Solution for it.
Uninstall Viper driver, reboot and then go to /system/vendor/etc and rename audio_effects.conf as audio_effects.conf.bak, go back to Viper app and try to install the driver or just check the driver status, should work with that
uday_kruk said:
I have rooted the device, and currently using Nougat RR ROM. But ViperDD is not working properly on device. Busybox also installed, the driver status shows Abnormal. Any Solution for it.
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I would also check that your kernel is set to permissive, not enforcing. Heard that causes problems as well.
Also, you might like to install SuperSU from XDA rather than using the inbuilt CM root, as it appears to resolve the Abnormal error you're seeing. (credit:
The stable SuperSU is here I've installed the TWRP version of SuperSU on my XT1642 Plus on RR 5.8.0 24/01/2017 build (after making a backup in TWRP) and flashed Viper4Arise (i think it's based on Viper4Android), which works well
uday_kruk said:
<snip> Any Solution for it.
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The Arise Sound System zip flash works much better:
But they leave out the critical step of modifying the arise_customize.prop file and placing it in internal storage
BEFORE you flash (SMH).
If you use Magisk, ViPER4Android works flawlessly on nougat ROMs using the ViPER4Android for Magisk v14 module found within the downloads section of Magisk Manager, just install and reboot, nothing more required.

Viper4Android for Moto G5 Plus

I tried installing the viper4Android on moto G5 Plus India variant and installed the driver.
I have already installed busybox and rooted with su.
But the viper4Android is not processing the audio when played through poweramp player. Also I have made the required audio settings in poweramp.
Any help in this regard is appreciated.
Which su you flashed?
22sumit said:
I tried installing the viper4Android on moto G5 Plus India variant and installed the driver.
I have already installed busybox and rooted with su.
But the viper4Android is not processing the audio when played through poweramp player. Also I have made the required audio settings in poweramp.
Any help in this regard is appreciated.
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pankajgavri said:
Which su you flashed?
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Chainfire SU 2.79.
Got v4A working but need to manually restart it each time I plug in earphone.
22sumit said:
Chainfire SU 2.79.
Got v4A working but need to manually restart it each time I plug in earphone.
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I got it to work with Magisk v11.6 using this zip - Arise Magisk Compatibility Module v2.2 LS
cant seem to find the source thread though.
No need to restart everytime.
deepakdtg said:
I got it to work with Magisk v11.6 using this zip - Arise Magisk Compatibility Module v2.2 LS
cant seem to find the source thread though.
No need to restart everytime.
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Did you ever get it working better with superSU? I couldn't get it to work at all.
roygbiv859 said:
Did you ever get it working better with superSU? I couldn't get it to work at all.
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Well, I flashed superSU after uninstalling magisk, the V4A app that I flashed earlier still worked fine. So, I didn't bother to check if it worked on a clean install.
same problem at me. i've tried any version of v4a but nothing work. Suggestions?
I have same problem with SuperSU 2.79. always have to exit viper then restart to begin processing. Makes no difference with which Music player i use it always stops processing. Didnt have this problem on aexop ROM though. I also tried using magisk but had same result with failure to keep processing enabled.
Ramrod71 said:
I have same problem with SuperSU 2.79. always have to exit viper then restart to begin processing. Makes no difference with which Music player i use it always stops processing. Didnt have this problem on aexop ROM though. I also tried using magisk but had same result with failure to keep processing enabled.
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Did you installed viper4android magisk module? I also noticed that on some roms audio modification magisk module causes problems with viper.
washoq said:
Did you installed viper4android magisk module? I also noticed that on some roms audio modification magisk module causes problems with viper.
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i've tried whit magisk. Magisk doesn't work and then i have used classic method. Is this the problem?
Marco2701 said:
i've tried whit magisk. Magisk doesn't work and then i have used classic method. Is this the problem?
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I don't know, maybe. I am using Magisk v13 + Busybox by osm0sis (magisk module) + Viper4Android FX (magisk module) + Viper4Android v2.5.0.5 (flashable zip).
I also have FX Compatible Mode set to Compatible in Viper settings and Music FX disabled. My current ROM is Pure Nexus.
The Arise Sound System zip flash install works much better:
But they leave out the critical step of modifying the arise_customize.prop file and placing it in internal storage
BEFORE you flash (SMH).
...but I'm having the same issue - no processing, then it works, then not.
MediaMonkey Pro is my music player, and I really don't want to use another one.
Have you tried using a different music app like the Google one. Always found it a struggle with power amp.
Most of the magisk modules will fail on the moto g5 plus. You need to flash a custom kernel in order for the modules to work, including magisk hide.
Marco2701 said:
i've tried whit magisk. Magisk doesn't work and then i have used classic method. Is this the problem?
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I'm on RR nougat final. Can you give me a working process to install viper4android on my Moto G5 plus which has presently TWRP+Magisk 16.0.
Yeshu_bablu said:
I'm on RR nougat final. Can you give me a working process to install viper4android on my Moto G5 plus which has presently TWRP+Magisk 16.0.
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Disregard the posts from a long time ago and install this (see screenshot) from the Downloads section of Magisk (for me it appears in Modules because it's installed), it's very easy and works perfectly.
Dahenjo said:
Disregard the posts from a long time ago and install this (see screenshot) from the Downloads section of Magisk (for me it appears in Modules because it's installed), it's very easy and works perfectly.
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Thank you for the reply. It seems Viper is not working properly even if I did it in your method. Should I uninstall audio fx?
Yeshu_bablu said:
Thank you for the reply. It seems Viper is not working properly even if I did it in your method. Should I uninstall audio fx?
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Yes, you must have something conflicting, possibly from already trying other versions but hard to tell what. I've been using either that or the one by ShadySquirrel (also in Magisk/Downloads) for several months on dozens of installs of the popular nougat & oreo ROMs with zero issues.
Try a fresh install after full wipe (dalvik/system/data/cache) - install only ROM + gapps (no custom kernels until after Viper is working) - boot once to system/desktop to make sure all is ok but don't install anything yet from playstore/SD/etc - install Magisk in TWRP, reboot system - open Magisk, do any requested updates, check safetynet fully passes (if not install safetynet fix or will get errors trying to install from Downloads) - find Viper in Downloads, choose to install (not download), when finished choose reboot - open/configure Viper, check on something very basic like default music player, should be working - keep checking as you install apps/kernels/etc so that in case something conflicts you'll know what.

[GUIDE] How to install ARISE sound on 8.0 Magisk

UPDATE 1-07-18, This guide is now OUTDATED, for android 8.1, please reference this guide
Install ARISE on android 8.0 oreo passing safetynet
I am not responsible if you break or damage your device in any way​Hi XDA, this is how to install ARISE on google pixel/XL using Magisk
Safetynet is passed on this installation, V4A drivers are working​
Prerequisites:"]Arise aroma installer
Magisk v14 or greater
Arise magisk compatibility module
SE linux permissive Magisk module
Root your device using Magisk using HOMEBOY76's Guide step 9
Open Magisk Manager and install osm0sis's Busybox. It should be in the downloads repo
Go into TWRP
Install the SE Linux permissive module zip (installing Magisk modules works on TWRP)
Install ARISE aroma (install any audio mods you want V4A is recommended) (ICE sound breaks Android O's speakers, so skip all of the ICE sound profiles)
Make sure you skip the SE Linux permissive script, remove Deep audio buffer and repair SDCARD permissions
Install the ARISE Magisk module zip
Reboot and enjoy a better sound quality
I want to thank TopJohnWu, Jamesoolee, HOMEBOY76, the ARISE team, Jman420, Zack, and Ghost for making this possible
Great! Can confirm. V4a working with magisk! Had to install the permissive script through magisk. In twrp gave me error mounting system.
Check out my ultimate audio guide if you want stereo speakers
kingbri said:
Check out my ultimate audio guide if you want stereo speakers
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Donric13 said:
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oops, here is the link
Has anyone experienced a lost of sound system wide when using custom kernel, Gov, and I/O sched?
Thanks for this. Do you know if the Magisk permissive script passes safety net?
If not, can it be toggled easily?
kingbri said:
Check out my ultimate audio guide if you want stereo speakers
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For magisk systemless root and passing safetynet?
Donric13 said:
Had to install the permissive script through magisk. In twrp gave me error mounting system.
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Same issue here using latest TWRP.
djide said:
For magisk systemless root and passing safetynet?
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Yes. Safety net checker shows green. So it should work (i don't use it).
The permissive module does pass safetynet, mine is intact
kingbri said:
The permissive module does pass safetynet, mine is intact
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Great, thanks!
Does this install still require you to delete apps from system/app in order to get to at least 400mb of free space?
Sent from my Pixel XL using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Donric13 said:
Great! Can confirm. V4a working with magisk! Had to install the permissive script through magisk. In twrp gave me error mounting system.
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Followed the steps and installed v4a but its not working. No sound difference and the status says it's abnormal.... Any help would be appreciated
djide said:
Followed the steps and installed v4a but its not working. No sound difference and the status says it's abnormal.... Any help would be appreciated
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Before installation i deleted some apps with filemanager in twrp (gmail, chrome, hangout, talkback) to get more system space. Then i followed exactly the steps of kingbri. Must say i only installed minimum of arise mod (core and deep buffer remove, nothing else). Before installation i dirty flashed stock image and deinstalled supersu.
Donric13 said:
Before installation i deleted some apps with filemanager in twrp (gmail, chrome, hangout, talkback) to get more system space. Then i followed exactly the steps of kingbri. Must say i only installed minimum of arise mod (core and deep buffer remove, nothing else). Before installation i dirty flashed stock image and deinstalled supersu.
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I am using Magisk not supersu but still that shouldn't matter. Oh well
I have a ton of system space, so I dunno
djide said:
I am using Magisk not supersu but still that shouldn't matter. Oh well
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Before i had supersu. That is why i deinstalled supersu before installing magisk.... With supersu v4a was only working in full permissive mode.... Thought maybe you took the same way...
If you are having any problems, feel free to dm me. I will try to solve them (not always a guaranteed fix)

Magisk hell resolved??!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!??

im new at thisxda stuff but i am 90 percent sure i figured out how to keep magisk from uninstalling after a reboot... YOU MAY NEED TO UNINSTALL MAGISK AND ALL MODULES BEFORE DOING THIS USING MAGISK UNINSTALLER basically you have to also install an older version of supersu and it has to be an aroma installer and install as SYSTEM also make a backup of the boot.img just incase you get bricked if you install the supersu app it will say su binary occupied but install should stay install supersu aroma (2.78v2) from before and possibly after magisk install...only tested with magisk 16.2 beta channel and regular install not patched boot on Axon 7 with RR 8.1 weekly 6.0.0 20180225 (us variant) but should work on others probably...let me know how this goes for you
If anyone has a better way to get magisk to hold after a few restarts please let me know
sidenote:this supersu does work with magisk not installed and definately keeps root
(stock boot.img is in initial zip for custom rom) select intall imgs in twrp and flash the boot partition as needed)
works for me without problems after last 2 years on any Rom.
dont know what you doing wrong?!
I cant get to bypass safetynet V: other than that root works fine
J0nhy said:
I cant get to bypass safetynet V: other than that root works fine
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this actually fixed sn for me without the fix installed
Ever tried magisk v15.3? I never had problems with uninstalling, but everything above 15.3 won't pass safety net,at least for me/on stock nougat b10 rom.
desu1337 said:
Ever tried magisk v15.3? I never had problems with uninstalling, but everything above 15.3 won't pass safety net,at least for me/on stock nougat b10 rom.
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Maybe on stock should work on l8r versions tho...
try this already
also cant have xposed installed with the sn fix


Does anyone know if Viper4Android magisk module is working for the OnePlus 8 Pro? It hasn't been updated since 2019 and I was wanting to install it without having to install a custom kernel
dgunn said:
Does anyone know if Viper4Android magisk module is working for the OnePlus 8 Pro? It hasn't been updated since 2019 and I was wanting to install it without having to install a custom kernel
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Can confirm it works. Install module and reboot. Open Viper4Android, install driver and reboot.
Working fine right after.
cas1991 said:
Can confirm it works. Install module and reboot. Open Viper4Android, install driver and reboot.
Working fine right after.
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I have tried the magisk module and it is not working properly. It freezes up trying to install the driver and then it does not show that it is processing. Once I restart the device it tells me I need to install the driver again which freezes up and then does not work. I have installed it about five times now with no luck. It really really needs to be updated
dgunn said:
I have tried the magisk module and it is not working properly. It freezes up trying to install the driver and then it does not show that it is processing. Once I restart the device it tells me I need to install the driver again which freezes up and then does not work. I have installed it about five times now with no luck. It really really needs to be updated
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This works
Works for me just make sure audio modification library is uninstalled and reboot, then install from magisk, reboot, install driver, reboot, profit!
Doesnt work for me, i have busybox, magiskhide props, miui 10 sounds, and systemless hosts installed. When i try to download viper, Magisk vanishes. If i download and try to add the module from a zip, Magisk crashes by just... vanishing....
PMad said:
Doesnt work for me, i have busybox, magiskhide props, miui 10 sounds, and systemless hosts installed. When i try to download viper, Magisk vanishes. If i download and try to add the module from a zip, Magisk crashes by just... vanishing....
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Have you tried the above attached module?
PMad said:
Doesnt work for me, i have busybox, magiskhide props, miui 10 sounds, and systemless hosts installed. When i try to download viper, Magisk vanishes. If i download and try to add the module from a zip, Magisk crashes by just... vanishing....
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Hi, on my previous device, I experienced this and, either upgraded the apk, or downgraded the apk by uninstalling (magisk apk), reinstalling older version, & reboot. You can find all the released apks on APKMirror. I'm personally using the EXOS magisk ROM, which has options for viper and Dolby Atmos(w/ EQ), with the module Audio Modification Library.
Just flash the zip on magisk manager, reboot , open viper, install the drivers , reboot , done..
Samuel Holland said:
Hi, on my previous device, I experienced this and, either upgraded the apk, or downgraded the apk by uninstalling (magisk apk), reinstalling older version, & reboot. You can find all the released apks on APKMirror. I'm personally using the EXOS magisk ROM, which has options for viper and Dolby Atmos(w/ EQ), with the module Audio Modification Library.
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Is yours working ok via the EXOS rom? I also have that installed but Viper won't process unless I have "Attach audio effects" toggled on in settings. On other phones, I've had to toggle this on and off right after and it would work, but with current setup, I have to leave it on for it to work. That may be causing problems with it not processing using youtube for me.
Do you have installed audio modification library?
Is viper4android working on the lastest OTA and magisk?
xXx no limits has this as an option and I can assure you it works.
It was working with ob1 but ob2 has been a no go. I've tried over and over but it ain't happening.
dladz said:
xXx no limits has this as an option and I can assure you it works.
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I can confirm that it works.
Navyvet63 said:
It was working with ob1 but ob2 has been a no go. I've tried over and over but it ain't happening.
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Working great on ob2 for me
I think I will try downgrading to ob1, install v4a then upgrade to ob2.
On ob2, magisk install fails for me once trying to download latest apk
pocholo36 said:
On ob2, magisk install fails for me once trying to download latest apk
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You need the viperfx for Android 11 zip. .
Just flash it on magisk...and is ready
cultofluna said:
You need the viperfx for Android 11 zip. .
Just flash it on magisk...and is ready
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I don't know, maybe something to do with my vpn ..
Is the Android 11 one the zip in this thread?
