[how to fix bugs in custom rom][qualcomm] - Android Software Development

symlink("/system/lib/modules/pronto/pronto_wlan.ko", "/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko");

text Copy No Work In APKS
My phone is G5520 Oreo 8.1.0
I copy Right Text in Browsers And System apks (like notepad) And paste it no problem
But i cann't Copy text In telegram or watsapp and instagram URL link and ect Apk
My Rom is Custom I Think That there is bug on it
And My phone is root
Pls help me to how fix it


[TOOL] SystemUI flash and reboot

Hi, i've created this tool because when you push SystemUI.apk in /system/app the apk crash and it doesn't reboot itself!
So, i've searched how to reboot the single apk without rebooting the device because rebooting the device you waste time.
You can do it using adb:
adb shell am startservice -n com.android.systemui/.statusbar.StatusBarService
But i've tried to write a batch file (for WINDOWS) to automate some things.
At the moment the features are very essential but for me it's usefull.
The features are:
Push a modded SystemUI.apk in /system/app
Push a modded SystemUI.apk and reboot only the statusbar
Reboot only the statusbar
Reboot the device
If you have some ideas of new features... I'm here!
GDrive link, directlink
Download the file and unzip it
Open the .bat file
Read the istruction and select the desidered option
Android developers for adb.exe
If you find some issues in my tool, please tell me... i'll try to fix it!
Sorry for my simply (and bad?) english!
Very usefull!
Good job! :good:
Can u help me?
I hve note 3(sm-n9005)
My systemui has stopped working
Right now i am without status bar and lockscreen and helluva lot other things.
After installing this,can i get all these things back?

[TOOL] Multiple BLOB retreiver

So, I just built a CM11 for my XT1022 based on @JackpotClavin trees. I found a difficulty in setting up RIL (although Bluetooth was working fine).
I thought maybe, the vendor blobs were a mismatch and they need to be replaced by the stock KK4.4.4 ones.
I found a proprietary-blobs.txt in the vendor directory( again thanks to @JackpotClavin) but the problem was the files list was huge and it would be insane to manually fetch those files
Hence, I wrote a small python script to fetch the vendor blobs from my phone recursively.
The only changes you need to make on the script is to change the paths of proprietary-blobs.txt (path_list variable) and the *croot* path (croot_path variable).
I hope in this way, I am a little helpful to my fellow members in this community
The code:
#don't forget to put the / at the beginning and the end
croot_path="<specify croot_path"
print("Invalid file path")
for x in a:
b=os.system("adb pull "+a[0].replace("\n","")+" "+croot_path+os.path.split(x)[0].replace("\n",""))
print("Job done!")
print("Total files to retreive: "+len(a))
print("No. of retreived files: "+count)

[Q] Fixing the navbar detection issue

There are a couple of people whose navigation bar on their N4 isn't working. I'm talking about this.
Found a github repository which contains the fix (credits to gkraynov) for all stock releases: https://github.com/gkraynov/nexus-4-navfix
I've recently installed this ROM, which has a different build number (LMY48G), so this solution would not work for me, because stock 5.1.1 has LMY47V.
The fix (source): https://android-review.googlesource...droid/systemui/statusbar/policy/DeadZone.java
My steps were:
1.) Decompiled the SystemUI.apk with apktool (to get to the smali file):
java -jar apktool.jar d SystemUI.apk
Here's the decompiled source in a zip file.
2.) Decompiled the same apk with http://www.decompileandroid.com/ to get the java source
3.) Compared the source of the fix with corresponding smali and java file, like in this image.
4.) Recompiled with:
java -jar apktool.jar b SystemUI
5.) Pushed the apk back to the phone:
- set root access for adb and apps on phone under developer settings
- adb root
- adb remount
- adb push SystemUI.apk /system/priv-app/SystemUI.apk
After that I rebooted the phone, which didn't display the navbar anymore, so I've must have made a mistake somewhere.
Can someone, please, take a look and tell me, what I did wrong? I have zero experience with this.
You can share files you edit?
You didn't set perms right. Reboot to recovery and fix permissions or just change the permissions to
I also want to wear a custom rom , but the nav bar I do not work , if you can help ?
Can anyone compile this source with android 6.0 marshmallow
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I tried, I've tried to edit Deadzon.java but I am confused as to restore the file to dex for compile into apk again
I did the same thing using TMA to decompile and to update and got the same issue.
No more NAVBAR.
Any clue?
It appears that the code edit it`s not correct.
Using another tool http://bytecodeviewer.com/ to reverse engineer it appears wrong.
I am also newbie at this.
Can someone help?
same here
I have encountered the same issue with my N4.
To fix it, I tried a stock reset. Did not work.
Than I granted myself root access, installed CyanogenMod, which then allowed me to use the "pie"-Navigation, which works great.
I also found out, because of the full screen option etc., that the area of the screen of the broken navigation bar should be working, as it appears to work in different apps in landscape-mode.
So... My problem is now that I can't try out the patch you writing about because now I am using CM13, not the Stock Version which the fixes are referring to.
I am really new to all this ROM stuff (all I know about it is from this very day) - So, is there a way of applying this way of fixing the navigation bar to CM13?
Thank you.
Sackhaar said:
I have encountered the same issue with my N4.
To fix it, I tried a stock reset. Did not work.
Than I granted myself root access, installed CyanogenMod, which then allowed me to use the "pie"-Navigation, which works great.
I also found out, because of the full screen option etc., that the area of the screen of the broken navigation bar should be working, as it appears to work in different apps in landscape-mode.
So... My problem is now that I can't try out the patch you writing about because now I am using CM13, not the Stock Version which the fixes are referring to.
I am really new to all this ROM stuff (all I know about it is from this very day) - So, is there a way of applying this way of fixing the navigation bar to CM13?
Thank you.
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I am facing the same issue.
But I am trying to create the patch for Paranoid Rom. If I suceed I think the same concept can be use for any other rom.
Hi all..
does anyone want to help me to update this patch for Lineage OS??

[GUIDE] How to make GSIs overlay file for your phone

Hello, when you using phh's GSIs, you may found bugs on auto brightness, battery usage data, etc (e.g: Xiaomi, Huawei, etc.). For this, you can make an overlay files for your mobiles.
framework-res.apk on your stock rom. (It may on /system/framework/framework-res.apk)
apktool (to extract framework-res.apk)
git (to clone repo)
Linux (to build overlay files)
1. Fork phhusson/vendor_hardware_overlay on GitHub.
2. Clone Repository which you forked, and make a new branch for your works.
3. Copy a device which similar for your device, and rename it to your own device.
4. Edit <Your device>/Android.mk (Just modify the contents of the brackets, same as below)
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := treble-overlay-[Manufacturer of your device]-[Name of your device]
include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
5. Edit <Your device>/AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="me.phh.treble.overlay.[Manufacturer of your device].[Name of your device]"
<overlay android:targetPackage="android"
android:requiredSystemPropertyValue="+[write as similar format]*"
android:priority="[Take next number of last used]"
android:isStatic="true" />
If you don't know how to take androidriority, you can execute this commands to list priority which used already:
cd [Path of repository]
find -name AndroidManifest.xml |while read manifest;do packagename="$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//manifest' -v @package -n $manifest)";priority="$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//overlay' -v @android:priority -n $manifest)";echo -e "$priority\t$packagename";done|more
(the single line command split here, just for viewing or making a shell script):
find -name AndroidManifest.xml |while read manifest;do
packagename="$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//manifest' -v @package -n $manifest)";
priority="$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//overlay' -v @android:priority -n $manifest)";
echo -e "$priority\t$packagename";
It will print a list for you (unsorted), and you just take an unused priority.
You can find device fingerprint on /vendor/build.prop, or execute following commands (on your device or adb shell):
getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint
If you can't find ro.vendor.build.fingerprint, you can find ro.vendor.product.name or ro.product.vendor.device, then change android:requiredSystemPropertyName and android:requiredSystemPropertyValue what you found.
Huawei seems to use ro.hw.oemName to detect phone, and others manufacturer maybe have their own detection, too. But it should be unique for other phones with same manufacturer.
(It's NOT recommended unless your device don't have ro.vendor.build.fingerprint.)
6. Extract framework-res.apk with apktool on another side. (to avoid commited by mistake)
7. Replace <Your device>/res/xml/power_profile.xml to which power_profile.xml for your device.
It will on <Extracted framework-res.apk>/res/xml/power_profile.xml.
Or you can find whoever's device tree, it may have this file, too.
8. Edit <Your device>/res/values/config.xml
Find each key on following files what for your device:
[Extracted framework-res.apk]/res/values/arrays.xml
[Extracted framework-res.apk]/res/values/bools.xml
[Extracted framework-res.apk]/res/values/fractions.xml
[Extracted framework-res.apk]/res/values/integers.xml
And then replace values into <Your device>/res/values/config.xml
9. Add your device into <Path of repository>/overlay.mk
Just write like other lines.
10. Build overlays
Just execute following commands:
chmod u+x [Path of repository]/build/build.sh
[Path of repository]/build/build.sh
If You get this, Do what it said:
Please install aapt (apt install aapt should do)
Or if you get this:
OpenJDK Server VM warning: You have loaded library /root/overlay/vendor_hardware_overlay/build/signapk/libconscrypt_openjdk_jni.so which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.get_cipher_names(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
at org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.get_cipher_names(Native Method)
at org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.<clinit>(NativeCrypto.java:764)
at org.conscrypt.OpenSSLProvider.<init>(OpenSSLProvider.java:56)
at org.conscrypt.OpenSSLProvider.<init>(OpenSSLProvider.java:49)
at com.android.signapk.SignApk.main(SignApk.java:942)
I have no solution, either. Try to build on another computer.
11. Test overlay with tests.sh and yourself
For general checks (symtax, etc.), just execute following command:
chmod u+x [Path of repository]/tests/tests.sh
[Path of repository]/tests/tests.sh
You should fix errors what reported for your device, and then restart from step 10.
If it reported errors but not for your device, just ignore it.
When check passed, you can find overlay file on <Path of repository>/build/treble-overlay-<Manufacturer of your device>-<Name of your device>.apk, just copy it into your phone's /system/overlay/, and set permission to rw-r--r-- / 0644.
And then reboot your phone to test your overlay.
12. If it works for your device, don't forget to perform a pull request for phhusson/vendor_hardware_overlay, to support his awesome works.
Thanks for the guide @minadzuki
but i'm getting this error after step 10:
(core dumped) aapt package -f -F ${name}-unsigned.apk -M $path/AndroidManifest.xml -S $path/res -I android.jar
even when i try to build for existing devices I got the same error
king1990 said:
Thanks for the guide @minadzuki
but i'm getting this error after step 10:
(core dumped) aapt package -f -F ${name}-unsigned.apk -M $path/AndroidManifest.xml -S $path/res -I android.jar
even when i try to build for existing devices I got the same error
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Oh...I forgot this, sorry.
Because I haven't encountered this error, so I don't have a way to solve it, either. (I tried to built it on three remote servers only)
And...is it cause segment fault?
Or you can try to install google-android-build-tools instead of aapt. (because I can't find aapt on archlinux but found this)
Very nice guide, thanks!
I'll link it as part of a "how to contribute"
For aapt, there is an aapt included in the git. If it doesn't work for you (like @king1990's segfault), know that the one included in the git has the lowest priority. It will pick up aapt from the system first.
(but then you'll need to have a system-wide aapt).
Or if you have an Android SDK somewhere, you can set your PATH to include it.
Edit: I just realized that what I just described might actually be the issue. If there is a system-wide aapt, it will use the libc++ in the git, which would explain the crash.
I fixed this case in my current git.
If there is a system-wide aapt it will use it.
If for some reason, system-wide aapt isn't suitable, you can run build.sh with --local-aapt to force the use of the in-git aapt (i.e. it will have higher priority than system's so no conflict should happen)
king1990 said:
Thanks for the guide @minadzuki
but i'm getting this error after step 10:
(core dumped) aapt package -f -F ${name}-unsigned.apk -M $path/AndroidManifest.xml -S $path/res -I android.jar
even when i try to build for existing devices I got the same error
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Could you check again with latest git?
If it still doesn't work, can you try to call build.sh --local-aapt ?
@phhusson Thanks now it working fine and building without faults
I have few questions regarding the AndroidManifest.xml :
1- for android:requiredSystemPropertyValue how do I know which name to use ? is it trial and error ?
2- for androidriority does matter which number I choose ?
3- some vendors have this overlay (framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk) under "vendor/overlay". Does is affect the device overlay in system/overlay ?
4- to install the overlay is it just as @minadzuki says ?
and thanks again for your great work
king1990 said:
@phhusson Thanks now it working fine and building without faults
I have few questions regarding the AndroidManifest.xml :
1- for android:requiredSystemPropertyValue how do I know which name to use ? is it trial and error ?
2- for androidriority does matter which number I choose ?
3- some vendors have this overlay (framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk) under "vendor/overlay". Does is affect the device overlay in system/overlay ?
4- to install the overlay is it just as @minadzuki says ?
and thanks again for your great work
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1. For example, Xiaomi Mi 6X has this fingerprint:
So you can take xiaomi/wayne to use, and android:requiredSystemPropertyValue will be: +xiaomi/wayne*
2. it will affect to build images, or affect the detection on System. If you got this:
F: .xxx/AndroidManifest.xml: priority xx conflicts with another manifest
You just take next number and try again, until now priority 53 has been taken (without pull request), you can take priority since 54.
3. Sorry, I don't know for this.
4. Yes, just simply copy and permission change.
king1990 said:
@phhusson Thanks now it working fine and building without faults
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3- some vendors have this overlay (framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk) under "vendor/overlay". Does is affect the device overlay in system/overlay ?
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overlays in /system/overlay and /vendor/overlay are the same thing, and on my GSI both are loaded, so yes it affects it.
But if your vendor has a framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk, you probably don't need an overlay file for your phone, because it's already there.
(Please note that /system/overlay doesn't exist in AOSP, that's a change specific to my ROM, and custom ROMs based on it. AOSP only has /vendor/overlay)
@minadzuki Thanks for answering my questions. @phhusson its clear now , I don't know if this is related to your treble approach or not but some GSI ROMs refuse to go the minimum value in the brightness curve no mater what value I set in the curve, it never achieved.
is this treble or ROM related ?
king1990 said:
@minadzuki Thanks for answering my questions. @phhusson its clear now , I don't know if this is related to your treble approach or not but some GSI ROMs refuse to go the minimum value in the brightness curve no mater what value I set in the curve, it never achieved.
is this treble or ROM related ?
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Brightness is a bit complex on Android Pie... (well it already was before, but it got even worse)
Do you have a link to your current overlay, so I can take a look at which code path you'd go to?
What's the lowest backlight value you get in /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness or /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness?
Also what's your device? Does it have extended brightness range? (what's the value of getprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness // is it a samsung device?)
phhusson said:
Brightness is a bit complex on Android Pie... (well it already was before, but it got even worse)
Do you have a link to your current overlay, so I can take a look at which code path you'd go to?
What's the lowest backlight value you get in /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness or /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness?
Also what's your device? Does it have extended brightness range? (what's the value of getprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness // is it a samsung device?)
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for overlay this the extracted files from the overlay apk (my device is Axon7)
The lowest backlight is 10 (once manually edit it to 1 it goes to really dim brightness)
what I don't understand that I already built two GSI ROMs one is DU13 & other Liquid pie both report the same backlight light value at 10 at minimum value but in DU its very dim and in liquid its still bright ?!
The command did not give back any information so I assume we don't extended brightness range.
Edit : it was overlay problem , fixed after modifying it
I tried to create an overlay for my Honor View 10 (Berkeley)
Is there a list of recommended settings to copy over from the stock ROM? I started with copying everything listed in tests/knownKeys and it seems to work
There's a power_profile.xml in the framework-res.apk I dumped from my stock ROM but the battery capacity is set to 1000 instead of 3750. Is that right?
There's also a power_profile_test.xml in there with a much more sane value of 3000 mAh. Should I use this one instead?
Copperhead100 said:
I tried to create an overlay for my Honor View 10 (Berkeley)
Is there a list of recommended settings to copy over from the stock ROM? I started with copying everything listed in tests/knownKeys and it seems to work
There's a power_profile.xml in the framework-res.apk I dumped from my stock ROM but the battery capacity is set to 1000 instead of 3750. Is that right?
There's also a power_profile_test.xml in there with a much more sane value of 3000 mAh. Should I use this one instead?
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I don't have any Huawei phones, sorry.
Maybe you can referrer /Huawei/kirin970/CLT or /Huawei/kirin970/EML, Honor V10 maybe have its OEM name and called "BKL"
Copperhead100 said:
I tried to create an overlay for my Honor View 10 (Berkeley)
Is there a list of recommended settings to copy over from the stock ROM? I started with copying everything listed in tests/knownKeys and it seems to work
There's a power_profile.xml in the framework-res.apk I dumped from my stock ROM but the battery capacity is set to 1000 instead of 3750. Is that right?
There's also a power_profile_test.xml in there with a much more sane value of 3000 mAh. Should I use this one instead?
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On Huawei, you'll find real power_profile.xml somewhere in /odm or /product. I'd say /product/etc/power_profile.xml
phhusson said:
On Huawei, you'll find real power_profile.xml somewhere in /odm or /product. I'd say /product/etc/power_profile.xml
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Thanks. It's actually /product/etc/xml/power_profile.xml
There's a new pull request incoming
is it possible to create an overlay in Widows usingGIT for Windows?
is it possible to create an overlay in Widows usingGIT for Windows?
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Yes, you can write source code everywhere (don't forget to replace CRLF to LF), but maybe you should build it on Linux, or you have a way to build it on Windows (e.g.: WSL, Mingw, etc.)
@minadzuki I can't find a config.xml in my framework-res.apk, am I missing something? or that gets created somehow in the process?
another question
on step 5 you say to edit AndroidManifext.xml, does that means delete everything in it and copy paste what you put on the code box? or just add that at the end of the xml file?
@minadzuki I can't find a config.xml in my framework-res.apk, am I missing something? or that gets created somehow in the process?
another question
on step 5 you say to edit AndroidManifext.xml, does that means delete everything in it and copy paste what you put on the code box? or just add that at the end of the xml file?
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framework-res.apk doesn't contain config.xml, it split into several files: arrays.xml, bools.xml, fraction.xml, integers.xml. just create config.xml or copy from other devices and find values on these files (to replace it).
and step 5, just replace values which for your device, like what other devices wrote.
minadzuki said:
framework-res.apk doesn't contain config.xml, it split into several files: arrays.xml, bools.xml, fraction.xml, integers.xml. just create config.xml or copy from other devices and find values on these files (to replace it).
and step 5, just replace values which for your device, like what other devices wrote.
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thanks for the response but I am really lost here those 4 xml has way to much data in it, should I just copy everything to config.xml?
to be honest what I am trying to fix are 2 things the battery stats not showing and the auto brightness and brightness slider and if the led light is fixable by an overlay that too, I can provide you all the files needed could you build it for me please? my device is an HTC U12+
thanks for the response but I am really lost here those 4 xml has way to much data in it, should I just copy everything to config.xml?
to be honest what I am trying to fix are 2 things the battery stats not showing and the auto brightness and brightness slider and if the led light is fixable by an overlay that too, I can provide you all the files needed could you build it for me please? my device is an HTC U12+
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you can check like this:
then take values from those 4 xmls.

[NX531J]{Nubia-Z11}{BETA development}{OREO}Hydrogen Os 5.0.2

I´m not responsible for your phone, all what you do is on your own risk
Backup your data
made by ORG from Nubia forums
if someone has a link to his github page please share it with me i will add it here.
Requesting help to fix Camera and Audio files.
What works:
4G,3G,2G working
NFC (still has small glitches)
other basic functions
what does not work
Audio through audio jack
no ringtone volume during calls
NOTE: delete this file after flashing using twrp file manager to fix factory reset error
mount system
wifi: mount system
paste WLAN.ko in
Download link
kernal version:3.18.71-perf
Source code:UNKNOWN(if someone has the link to the source please share)
taken from oneplus 3.
Thread closed as duplicate of https://forum.xda-developers.com/general/help/zte-nubia-z11-hydrogen-os-oreo-8-0-t3879007.

