LS 15.1 bug on charging on KLTEDV - LineageOS News & Discussion

When i charge the phone while its off after few hours, its stucks on 92% *btw my battery health is good* i already resets my battery stats but i still encounter the same problem. How to fix it? :/
*sorry for bad english*

Have you let the battery drain to 0%, recently?
Every few months it might be good practice to do a full 100% -> 0% -> 100% cycle to get the battery information reading correctly.

這種情形並不是手機或電池問題,我是嘗試過很多方法後得到的結論,跟ROM有關,Android 8開始第3方ROM都有這問題,充到100%重開機後馬上剩92%甚至90%,建議你慎選Android版本,RR-N-v5.8.5 最OK,希望對你有幫助!
Mod translation
This situation is not a phone or battery problem, I have tried many ways to get the conclusion, it is related to the ROM, Android 8 onwards, third party ROMs have this problem, charging to 100% and restarting the phone immediately after 92% or even 90%, suggest you choose the Android version carefully, RR-N-v5.8.5 is the most OK, hope it will help you!


Battery inaccurate after boot

Hi all
since a week or so i have a strange problem with my sgs and i hope you can help me to fix it
Everything works just fine (battery is accurate) until i switch off / reboot the phone
but at next boot the battery reports a very low value
(e.g. the phone has 55% battery left and after the reboot it reports only 8%)
with Froyo 2.2.1 (Speedmod Kernel) it would stay at that level until the battery has really drained to that point
With GB (JVQ - Galaxian Kernel) the battery percentage increases slowly
What i tried so far:
first of all, i deleted the battery stats for a few times and because that didn't work i upgraded to JVQ (with repartitioning and all), but that didn't solve the problem either
i don't really know what to do anymore and i hope someone can help me
Just do a few drain/ charge cycles and that should sort it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
First off, wiping batterystats.bin alone won't help.
Try this:
1. Charge to 100% until it says unplug charger.
2. Wipe batterystats.bin from recovery, unplug and then reboot
3. Drain your phone's battery until it shuts itself down
4. Charge to 100% without interrupting the charge
5. Enjoy :3
thanks for the quick replay!
unfortunately thats basically what i have already done
since the problem happened the first time, i have charged the phone at least 5 times and wiped the battery stats for 2 or 3 times right after charging the phone to 100%
its true that normally i don't drain the battery completely, but yesterday i have done just that and than let the phone charge overnight - but that didn't solve the problem
i will try to fully discharge the phone a few more times and load the battery while the phone is switched off
still i hope someone has an other suggestion how to solve this annoying problem
lol - stop deleting the batterystats.bin for starters.
The batterystats needs to indentify the top and bottom markers such as 0% - 100%, delete it ONCE.
Firstly, turn the phone off, charge the phone to 100%, bump charge it, till 100% truely.
This means, unplug...then plug it in again until you keep getting 100% show up.
Boot up into recovery then delete the batterystats.bin.
Use it heavy, activate everything and drain it. Make sure it is compeltely drained, try turning the phone back on, take the battery out for about 2 mins, try turning it on again, if it doesnt turn on, you've drained it.
Plug your charger in, do not turn the phone on, let it charge to 100%, again, bump charge it until 100% truely full, turn the phone on and let it run its natural course this time.
Do not delete the batterystats.bin again, you will have to repeat the process, it will take a good 2/3 times of charge/discharge for the stats to settle.
Hopefully helps dude! Good luck
thanks pidz!
just to clarify: i have had my sgs for a half year now and i never wiped the battery stats until last week
But i haven't tried bump charging jet - i really don't like that process as it is bad for the battery but might be worth a try, thanks
it usually happens with non original batteries. did you changed a battery? or maybe you got a fake one with you phone?

Battery not getting fully charged

Hi Guys,
When I charge my wildfire for even 5 hours, it will show the percentage as some 85%(may vary time to time,but below 90%).And if you keep on charging for hours it will increase by 1% in an hour.This is not a normal behavior.This problem started after up gradation to Froyo.I hope this is a problem with battery calibration and not the battery.Even I found in Google that many others facing the same issue.They have suggested some steps.Going to recovery menu and do something.But it does not help for me.
Can someone help on this.
Same problem. Can't find out the cause. Charging percentage shows lower in the course of few monthes.
R u rooted
please specify ur phone config..........
i seem to have a similar problem. In my case the percentage can be as low as 67% when charged fully. If i reboot the device after charging it shows that 100% of battery is charged, but then i experience an instant drop of power somewhere in between 60% and 30% of battery. The next charging after reboot also charges only to 67%.
The phone is not rooted and runs stock froyo. Every battery application shows that battery health is great.
i appreciate any help on this.
i have the same problem.
my phone configuration:
hboot 1.01
froyo stock rom
can u help us? i have several times wiped the battery stats. but this didn't solve the problem.
I too had same issue...Since it was within warranty (less than 1 yr), i unrooted d fone and went to d service center. they found out that it motherboard issue and got it replaced for free...
I tried many other techniques, but no use. So check wid service center if within warranty

battery from 100% to 10% in 20 minutes

today i woke up and unplugged my nexus from charging.the battery was 100%
after 20 min,with all turned off,wifi 3g etc,i made a call.after finishing the call message came in my screen..."please charge your device,10% battery"
wow...i said,something is wrong,my eyes are wrong.i turned off,then on again,but battery still was at 10%...
after that i charged again...
anyone had the same problem?here in a forum in greece,2 people had the same problem..i have to say i am rooted and paranoid rom...
So first thing is to figure out is a hardware or software problem. Is your battery prematurely going bad? Or has some sort of software you installed caused this bug.
So if you do a full factory reset, putting stock kernel, and stock android os on it, then you can see if it was software or hardware, i.e. if it happens again it is a hardware problem, and if it doesn't then it probably was a bug with the rom you are using.
There's a small bug in the Nexus 4 that causes it to sometimes read off wrong battery values. Usually a reboot fixes this. So unless the same thing happens again, I would assume it's just an unharmful bug . A tip to see whether it's been actual usage or a bug that "drained" or drained your battery: go into android's battery settings. If the graph is running in a straight line from 100% to 10%, it's likely that it wasn't usage but a bug that simply read the wrong battery values. If it's actual usuage that drained the battery, the graph should show a more fuzzy, not-so-straight line.
Happens sometimes the other way, 10% to 100% in about seconds.

[Q] Battery level drops after offline charger

Hi all, i have the following problem with a Redmi 4 Prime with latest MIUI stable:
- Offline charged, shows 100%, remove charger, turn it on and battery level drops to 80/70%
- Charged while on, rises to 100% then drains normally
I've never encountered this problem on any Xiaomi device, maybe replacing the battery is a good idea?
Happened the same installing a new Pie ported Rom. I'm trying with battery calibration [root] to solve the problem. In my opinion it's not a battery problem, but only a wrong battery statistic/calibration parameters on the phone.
giouncino said:
Happened the same installing a new Pie ported Rom. I'm trying with battery calibration [root] to solve the problem. In my opinion it's not a battery problem, but only a wrong battery statistic/calibration parameters on the phone.
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Me too tryng to address issue using battery calibration. Idk if Xiaomi phones got a "fuel gauge chip" like Samsung
Did you solve the problem?
I'm still struggling with it....
Solved here!
Charged while on till 100%
Calibrated battery with app
Discharged to 10%
Charged while off till 98% and turned on and... 98%!
So it was a bad batterystats file

Battery Problems need help

Hello guys, im having a battery issues, its draining too fast, and my phone just turn off when it reach 15%, i flashed custom rom, to see if that solve my problem, and i notice something really wierd, the system said is charged to 100% (battery percentage on system) but when i go to TWRP, it said it is only 75% charge, i recently change my battery so it is not a battery problem, so there is any way to re calibrate the battery to get full normal charge?
Sorry for my english.
