Overall love - Xiaomi Mi Play Real Life Review

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the Xiaomi Mi Play, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the Xiaomi Mi Play is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

Im glad i bought it.
So after taking great care of my s7 edge over the years i owned it. After unlocking the bootloader and once debloated it hummed. Sadly it fell 3inches and shattered the screen of my s7edge.. So i saw this Mi Play on sale for 109$ with purchase of full insurance for a year i bought it. Ive never had Xaomi device and didnt know what to expect. It has 4g ram 64gb hd stock 2 sim trays and a gpu thats not bad. So the phone arrived and the packaging was nice(no real manual). The device is so slim it looks like its smaller then my s7 or evn my j6. Its not... The screen is larger then both devices , its just a slim phone. It looks great and the screen is very vivid and sharp so its nice for small fonts. The Miui software is simply a layer over Andriod that tries to integrate itself with failure. If you use it you will be advertised to while browsing your files,changing resolution,setting screenlock options. As a warning remove or disable Miui asap. After a few days i had it how i wanted it and havnt seen an ad sense. It runs better then my s7 in everyday use by far. No lag at all ever, and it plays Terriaria mobile perfectly . I like that i can just touch the fingerprint button and not have to wait for the screen to come on. Its a nice phone and its gonna be wide open here soon guys. Currently with full control with root and i could see me using this phone for another year or 2. In all im glad i got it, i really enjoy this phone and since theres nobody else saying so i figured i should say something .


Overall love

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the Samsung Galaxy S9, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the Samsung Galaxy S9 is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
XDA_RealLifeReview said:
Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the Samsung Galaxy S9, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the Samsung Galaxy S9 is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
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Samsung Galaxy S9 is a new experience
Just had a chance to use review unit of s9 . Camera and sound has some improvement but really disappointed that battery is still same size and has not changed since s7 ... S7 edge camera is still very much capable and if u just want to upgrade from s7 or s8 for camera then its not worth it in my opinion
Rajaasim1980 said:
Just had a chance to use review unit of s9 . Camera and sound has some improvement but really disappointed that battery is still same size and has not changed since s7 ... S7 edge camera is still very much capable and if u just want to upgrade from s7 or s8 for camera then its not worth it in my opinion
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Well, the cpu efficiency has changed... more ram is added, so 3500 could actually work out definitely better than s8 plus... which isnt bad on battery,
The Galaxy S9 is my first Android Phone and I switched from an iPhone 7 to it.
This Mobile is absolutely Genius. I just love it. The Dual Sim Option was the reson for the switch but after 2 days I can say I love all the features the Galaxy S9 has. I can recommend a switch to everyone.
Dual SIM? is it the regular device?
Muc_Tim said:
The Galaxy S9 is my first Android Phone and I switched from an iPhone 7 to it.
This Mobile is absolutely Genius. I just love it. The Dual Sim Option was the reson for the switch but after 2 days I can say I love all the features the Galaxy S9 has. I can recommend a switch to everyone.
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ate you using the standrd version?
is dual sim option available for all versions?
ronitbi said:
ate you using the standrd version?
is dual sim option available for all versions?
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Dual sim is a special version of the unlocked model (or maybe the standard version of the unlocked one, I haven't checked this year). You are able to slot a second sim in place of the SD card if you want to.
After 2 days, I can say I am really impressed with everything except the battery life, and I know that will get better as it stabilizes and I am not tweaking it constantly. I am especially impressed with the new speakers and the Atmos surround - the best movie sound I have heard on a phone yet!
I got the mobile from my carrier and they said they only have dual sim phones.
Love it!
Switched over from an iPhone 6S. I borrowed a Pixel (original) and then a very old Droid Maxx (painful!)
First 48 hours with the S9 Snapdragon have been really good, I think I actually prefer TouchWiz over vanilla Android Oreo on the Pixel.
Hardware quality is outstanding. I'm in love with the screen. AOD sounded like it would waste a lot of battery but doesn't seem to. It's really useful and keeps me from turning my phone on all the time to see if there are messages.
Bixby isn't awful, but I wish it worked with Signal for messaging. I will have to see if there's some way to make the two work together.
My biggest gripe is that annoying `high volume` warning that can't be disabled. I'm streaming to my car, the signal is supposed to be set to 100%.
Yes it is love, it is possible to love a phone you attached full day and night
It's soooo gooood! I came from an S6 so the improvements are nuts. I was asking myself if loving a phone was possible just yesterday
beekir said:
My biggest gripe is that annoying `high volume` warning that can't be disabled. I'm streaming to my car, the signal is supposed to be set to 100%.
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That right there is a loss of sale for SAMSUNG from me. To this day, it is my most annoying feature on my current phone. I want to punch the idiot who put this feature on the phones with no option of disabling.
kendoka15 said:
It's soooo gooood! I came from an S6 so the improvements are nuts. I was asking myself if loving a phone was possible just yesterday
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Coming from an S7, and the phone is a whole other thing, from design, speed, Infinity screen, etc. Really liking it so far!
Coming from phones like the HTC m8 and lg g5, I'm loving the Samsung rom. I do a few things to my phone such as get rid of the stock keyboard for the Google one, trash the stock launchers and do something like Nova or evie.
Things I find to be improvement over the phones I had before are the screen, sound, cameras, vibration feel, look of the phone, the water resistant rating, and the list could go on.
Battery life for me so far has been great. I know coming from an s7-8 might not feel like a large jump but compared to other phones it's a great choice.
One thing I don't like so far is knox. Every other phone I had has been fine to root and keeping features no problem.
Got the s9 last week. First Samsung phone. Kept away because of the infamous lag of touchwiz until a friend told me lag has gone after oreo update on his 8+.
Had a fully customized 6p before. I can't believe how good this phone feels. Nothing wanting and I no longer have the urge to unlock and root, something I've always done straight after getting a new phone.
There's also a promotional 2 year warranty period. Amazing. Tried the plus but don't get the affinity I have for this one.
tl;dr loving my S9
Finally pulled the trigger last week monday and got myself an S9 unlocked. Also helped that my local Best Buy was tossing in the Gear 360 for free with purchase. I also purchased a Speck Presidio Clear case for the phone but the coral blue is really nice when the back isn't smudged to the point that I'm running the phone naked: the only case I'm using for it atm is a microfiber sunglasses sack which I slide the phone into when pocketing it and place the phone on top of when setting it down on something like a table or countertop. Helps keep the glass decently clean and pretty much minimizes potential foreign particulates in my pockets scratching the glass.
That being said, this is the first phone I've had where the honeymoon period for me went by as fast as the end of the 2nd day of having the device.
TerrySanchez said:
Yes it is love, it is possible to love a phone you attached full day and night
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Definitely! If you use your phone a lot it can be one of your best friends. Good camera, great design, right usability. I believe there is a million reasons why you can love your phone.
It's not love, it's attachment
You cannot love an inanimate object, you can however become so attached and reliant on one that you cannot imagine being without it, but it is not love
If you really 'love' your phone, you need locking up
I "loved" my S7, but the second I got my S9 I sold my S7, if I really loved it, I would still have it, I would still use it, I would carry it with me everywhere, I would think about it constantly, there would be no way I could allow a stranger to own it
Not love, attachment, which instantly dies when it is upgraded to a better model
Hi all,
I've upgraded from an S6 to the S9. The current trade-in promotion got me convinced, I've got a recycling discount on the S6 and a carrier discount so that smoothed the deal.
I was positively surprised by the lack of bloat on the device, it even let me choose which apps to install during the setup. I disabled all the Samsung apps. The usual bloat like Onedrive, Word, Facebook, Dropbox remained.
Its an EU device, so Exynos and ISOCELL, but I'm quite satisfied.
My S6 served me 2 years and should've been able to serve longer if it'd stop overheating, hence the upgrade. Looking forward to having the S9 for at least the same lifespan.
Like the phone and everything about it, EXCEPT that the battery sux bigtime.. I'm coming from a Huawei with a much larger battery and the S9 isn't lasting one day at all..

Overall love

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I like it but I don't love it, especially because videos are horrible in 4k and stabilization is very bad
Tempted by this phone. Currently have a OnePlus 5t, but love Xiaomi phones and MIUI. Not sure whether to jump on this or hold out for a Mi 8 SE.
L0cke said:
Tempted by this phone. Currently have a OnePlus 5t, but love Xiaomi phones and MIUI. Not sure whether to jump on this or hold out for a Mi 8 SE.
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Go for the 2s, no notch and the hardware is the same as the M8
L0cke said:
Tempted by this phone. Currently have a OnePlus 5t, but love Xiaomi phones and MIUI. Not sure whether to jump on this or hold out for a Mi 8 SE.
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I also used to own a 5T and just sold it for a Xiaomi mi mix 2s.
As someone who LOVES stock android, Oxygen OS will always be my favorite mobile OS. After owning 3 different OnePlus Devices, it was hard to go for a Xiaomi....
But the Mi mix 2s has been an AWESOME device so far. Battery life is on par with my 5t. The screen is incredible , the no bezel design is beautiful and I think it is best done on the Mi mix 2s. ( I hate notches). Although it is not amoled, the screen is very good and it works great. MIUI is not as snappy as Oxygen OS, but its still light years ahead of touchwiz and Crapsung experience.
I personally really like wireless charging, and its nice to have it on the Mi Mix 2s. The phone design is my all time favorite. I love the weight of the ceramic and It is hands down the best looking device I have ever seen. However not having a headphone jack is absolute ****.....Dont get me started on that.
The back 2 cameras are stellar and its the main reason I went with the Mi Mix 2s.... As someone who rarely uses the front camera, the quality is really good for a 5mp shooter, but if you are someone who uses it a lot, this phone might not be for you....
Overall, if you can find it for $500usd or less, I think this is the best phone for the price on the market. :good:
I just wondered about something that i saw in xiaomi's forum,i wrote a poat and i was rly angry of this bug collection that i bought(mix2s) and 1 answer just came and said we didnt launch mi mix2s in india and we cant help you????
im not indian, i was just set the region th india th get updates and im from iran!!!!
the phone have just 1 thing, the camera and every thing else about it is disappointing.
i wish i had bought a samsung like always but i wanted to try some thing new, and i made my worst choice in my life.
sometimes when u unlock the phone its take about 5 6 7 secs to load when switch between spaces it will kill u buy laaaags and delay
im really tired if this **** in my hands ????
and i will not ever never post anything on xiaomi forums.
daWINchi said:
I just wondered about something that i saw in xiaomi's forum,i wrote a poat and i was rly angry of this bug collection that i bought(mix2s) and 1 answer just came and said we didnt launch mi mix2s in india and we cant help you
im not indian, i was just set the region th india th get updates and im from iran!!!!
the phone have just 1 thing, the camera and every thing else about it is disappointing.
i wish i had bought a samsung like always but i wanted to try some thing new, and i made my worst choice in my life.
sometimes when u unlock the phone its take about 5 6 7 secs to load when switch between spaces it will kill u buy laaaags and delay
im really tired if this **** in my hands
and i will not ever never post anything on xiaomi forums.
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Bug collection??? ?????????? Funny, i bought this phone 5 months ago and no bug whatsoever. I love it, its fast, nice display, great battery, great camera, beautiful and unique design, its the total package for me ??? for 400€ in europe its unrivalled, and right now can be bought for 350€ wich is just incredible compared to everything out there ???
Beautiful phone
yes, looks great!
but recently xiaomi broke modem software and as phone is not much usable
still looks good, especially when You need to use older phone to call someone.
ninikninik said:
yes, looks great!
but recently xiaomi broke modem software and as phone is not much usable
still looks good, especially when You need to use older phone to call someone.
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down grade then to a previous one
If only the bezzel (with the front camera) would be on top, it would be a great phone.
I usually give goog things for granted so focusing on the bad:
bottom selfie camera
shiny-way-too-slippery ceramic back (would love a mate version)
no widevine L1 support
no microSD
no 3.5 jack
About the last two dont care so much since i have bluetooth earphones and got an OTG flashdrive (couldnt get the 128 GB version cause out of stock).
ceramic and widevine are not so bad but the selfie camera just kills it. Is such a hazzle to use. if you use it as is you get a massive neck/chin resulting in an awful perspective, and if you rotate the phone say bye to fingerprint shutter and forget whatsapp video call.
Just as someone said before, like it, yeah, love it, NOPE
xumixu said:
down grade then to a previous one
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Yep, I needed to to that several times before to be connected before discovered that this was broken in early 2019 ROMs.
Phone with regular OTA updates and stable official ROM is just unusable, that forced me to unlock and flash. It's shame to brake main functionality of device :/ You can't expect from users to force them to flash phone. You should not force them to use old ROM to make or receive call.
I replaced my old phone to get decent camera, speed and B20 connectivity, but was sure to still have basic gsm, bt and wifi fuctionalities. Yep, cam was not broken
For $300 brand new I have no complaints. Was looking for a notch less phone with a decent camera and good battery life, this phone hits the spot. I rarely take selfie so I don't mind with its front camera. Oh and it has snapdragon 845 chip.
help me anyone mix 2s user
my phone is brick with lockbootloader i tried to flash via miflash (point test) but unlucky have no authorized account someone please help to fix my mix 2s >.<:angel::crying::crying:
I'm very happy with this phone. I bought it new two months ago at a very good price (128gb version), and I'm using it with Nova Launcher and all the Google apps I can manage to install on it instead of the Xiaomi ones (I don't like them). I have no complains so far: no lag, good amount of RAM to keep my apps working in the background, nice screen (right now I still prefer a good IPS versus any Amoled), nice cameras.
And for the odd placement of the selfie camera, I just have installed a little app called 'Rotation' and with a touch in a widget, it forces full rotation so I can turn the phone it to put the camera in the upper, and all will rotate accordingly (android himself, and all the apps). If anything, the selfie camera himself could be better (more angle and better resolution, like the Mi 8 one).
I purchase Mi9se, I use for 2 months and I return it to amazon, because the screen lag...
I write fast and every time the phone just do nothing...
I remember the POCO, I use like a week and I return it....
With mi9se almost have the same issue... Is not software is the screen...
So, I buy this Mix 2s, the only think I don't like is the weight but I understand it...
The poco was 180g, the Mi9se 155g and my old Mi5 127g , Mix2s 190g is heavy but with the weight the you will have to take care more your phone every time...
I don't like Notch, I prefer water drop or nothing..
I like a phone the size of your hand not more.... Like the new phones, are very BIG..
Is like to have to DICKS °lol sorry
Its been 3 days with my Mix2s and I feel fine
I obviously liked it better Mi9se(6gb/64gb) $ 350USD less weight and better cameras, AMOLED...
But I don't care, for the price I pay is fine... 6gb/128gb - $ 312 USD mexico
Mi Mix 2s 6/64
Is this still worth it in 2020? Its currently around €150
AleksandarAce said:
Mi Mix 2s 6/64
Is this still worth it in 2020? Its currently around €150
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Could you please send the link?

Overall love

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the , all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
My short review of redmi K20 Pro / Mi 9T Pro in croatian language (there are video and photo samples): https://android.bswireless.hr/2019/09/xiaomi-mi-9t-pro-odnosno-redmi-k20-pro-najpovoljniji-mobitel-s-najbrzim-snapdragon-procesorom/
I've had and used this device (9T Pro 6/128 Black, M1903F11G) for a bit over a week now. My previous phone was almost 5 years old (HTC M8), so for me this is a huge upgrade in every way. It is fast and beautiful and takes great pictures even in difficult conditions. Finally I have an AMOLED screen again and it is gorgeous.
I have not unlocked, rooted, modded the device yet. Running MiUI PFKEUXM. I plan to keep it stock for a month or so just to make sure that any gripes I might have with MiUI are not just a matter of getting used to. I will probably put Lineage OS on it.
All in all I love the device a lot. It looks good and feels good in the hand. I have not used other modern devices, so I can't really compare. Instead I will list nags / negative things, then you can decide whether these are things you care about.
- Pop-up camera.
This feels like it would be a weak point, as it is the only moving part. It probably also makes it less dust and water proof.
I don't use face unlock and I don't take selfies, so I don't care too much about this. I like that the screen has no notch in it.
- It does not have stereo speakers.
Dual front facing speakers on the M8 were much better, but came at a cost of screen real estate.
I care about this a little bit, but for media I mostly use headphones anyway and for alarms, notifications, etc.. this does not matter.
- Finger print scanner response is inconsistent.
Most of the time it works very quickly (less than half a second) but sometimes it takes longer or I have to lift my finger and try again.
This is my first device with FPS so maybe this is normal. I like the idea of FPS on the back (Motorola, LG, ...) but I can't tell from experience whether this is actually better.
- The FM radio has no RDS and the reception is not very good.
I am probably one of the few people that care about FM radio.
- Lack of SD card slot
...but with 128GB internal storage that should not be a problem. On other devices that did have SD card slots I have always used them to expand internal storage, never as removable storage.
love it!
touch of jobo said:
This is my first device with FPS so maybe this is normal. I like the idea of FPS on the back (Motorola, LG, ...) but I can't tell from experience whether this is actually better.
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I had a fingerprint scanner on the back on my previous phone and this is one of the main reason I wanted to switch to a phone with a fingerprint scanner under the screen.
I use my phone a lot at work and most of time it’s lying on the desk, so each time I wanted to either use my phone, check message/mails or anything else, I had to grab the phone and put my finger on the back in order to unlock it and that was very inconvenient, especially when you do this 50/100 times a day.
Now I only have to put my finger on the screen and that’s it, don’t even have to move the phone, I like it much better, even though fingerprint scanner under the screen is not as quick as the one on the back.
Love it. I handed some devices with notch and I couldn't stand it. It may look strange but even the asymmetric bezels in mi 9t pro hurts my brain. Lol.
Switched from a Huawei P20 Lite to European MI 9T PRO and it's a huge improvement.
- no notch
- better display
- updated hardware (resolves tasks much faster)
- better camera
- larger battery
- no expandable memory
- MIUI still strange to me (would've loved stock like OnePlus)
Overall I love it
Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using Tapatalk
In the middle of switching from a Mi Max 3. Not fully switching until I can unlock and root it.
Pluses -
LIttle bit faster than the Max but not enough that I'd not go back.
Better camera.
Cons -
No sd slot. First phone I've had without and not sure I like it.
Tiny screen. The Max series has been perfect for me and this is a major decider as to whether I keep it as I read a lot of pdfs and movie watching.
Unknown - battery life. Tiny battery in comparison and I'm used to 13+ hrs SOT so this could be another decider.
Meh - amoled isn't as much of an improvement as I'd been expecting after 2 years with lcd.
Had a zte zmax pro for years... talk about an upgrade! i did days of research, and continuously went up and up the chain of cost until I felt like I landed at the sweet spot for price and modern performance with the Mi 9T Pro. Just before ordering I realized AMOLED has "OLED" in it :highfive:. I live in the US so after showing coworkers they were shocked. One even commented how they basically paid 3 times as much for a phone that is similar (at best) than mine. Yup :victory:
Overall am amazed by the quality and performance as you can imagine. Now just looking for a daily driver to stick with. So far MIUI isn't bad, but I'd like to see whats out there. Thanks to the devs who continue to work on what they love, and allow us to use our devices to their fullest potential.
Love it too
all I need is no notch and it does , that's all
For the price, phone is really great . It's super fast, quality is good. My main complaint is lack of sd card slot, but it's not really big problem

Overall love

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the Redmi Note 8 Pro, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the Redmi Note 8 Pro is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I love my RN7,now falling in love in my RN8 pro..
It's amazing..and yes.. you can love your phone ?
Love speed, camera, battery. For me personally it's far better then my former phone (Mi Mix 2s)
Little cons:
- notification LED is far too small
- backside is too slippery (I won't use it without a case)
Display.. this is the perfect size and I love this phone..
Battery.. ?
I have ordered the phone 6/128 variant, will get tomorrow or day after. I'm excited but worrisome about the camera result at the same time. Let's see
Mine should also arrive tomorrow. I went with 6/64 variant, but that's good enough for me. Will report after a couple of days of use.
This is a really good phone at a really good price.
I just love the battery charging speed in this price segment.
I got my phone today and reading mode is turned off still at night, my display seems yellowish.
Check the screenshot.
This phone is everything I expected and more. The only few cons are overshadowed by it's price. Guess everyone was wrong about G90T. No oveeheating, smooth peeformance all the way. Also... more than decent primary shooter, great battery life,... Glad I went for this over P20 Lite. And cheaper too. Now only thing left is the wait until MIUI 11.
my good old Samsung Note 4 broke down, now I also have a Redmi Note 8 Pro, I love the phone too xD
Phone is awesome
Note 8 Pro Love
Had my phone a couple of days - upgraded from redmi note 7. So far loving it, seems really quick and glad to now have NFC. Face unlock is very quick and the main camera seems to be good - more testing needed though. Only annoying thing is lack of HD playback on Netflix.
I like this phone. Good quality, very fast, and battery life is amazing. My biggest downfall is lacking immediate bootloader unlock and lack of ROMs. I am hoping this phone will become more free and capable of customization.
The phone is really good and fast, apart from few problems, everything else is love. Camera is having some real issues and those for sure are due to software. Hardware for the main camera is the same as Realme XT then why improved video quality for XT? Xiaomi needs to improve the camera software so that you can rate this phone 10/10.
USA version that works with AT&T
Can any verify if RN8 / Pro will support AT&T LTE?
thorflea said:
Can any verify if RN8 / Pro will support AT&T LTE?
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If your carrier have LTE, phone support it.
I have 4G+ with my provider. Telenor
By far the best 230$ I've ever spent on a device. Just updated to miui 11 they def made some great improvements. My gf has a big gig note 9 she's like I want a RN8 pro her daughter has a S8 plus she's ordering one today. The camera and fluidness with this phone is amazing. Say what you want but this mediatek soc gets things done. There's rumors of a SD 730g series RN 8 pro but it's not going to happen it's a rumor so people are waiting for that variant to come out. Lol enjoy your wait.
Hello! Do you have information when the pixel experience firmware comes out on Redmi Note 8 Pro?
Bought it online China set China rom with installed Google 8/126, tried to find indian version due to dedicated sd card but not available. Previously owns mi max prime with global rom and it was easy to play with because google is available.
With RN8P china set/rom i had to explore deeply especially when using the browser which automatically give us several option either using baidu or sm (dun know what is this). Even cant use in app purchase at first which makes me feel little disappointed and ready to unlock and install global rom :laugh: and already download the software to start the operation
Luckily, after exploring in the phone i can change the browser in english permanently (unless i reset it) and also watched in youtube how to enable in app purchase if using china rom.
Now i feel happy because the replacement of my loyal mi max prime is up to my standard
Camera: Excellent with lot of option (i'm not expert but it looks great) dont need gcam...for now
Speed/Charging: Fast response
Network: Sometime I've got 4+ even though my line is supporting up to 4g only
Memory: Great, 126gb is my minimum standard requirement, can expand it using sd card
Keyboard: I'm using xperia
Gaming: Not a fan for heavy games for android. Got only Clash of Clans and Candy Crush...yeah just 2:laugh: but kind noticed the changing in temperature at back body.
Sound: Loud and clear, need to memorized that the ear speaker hole is just at the top edge
Processor: MTK? SD? nah....i'm not an expert
Satisfaction: Human never satisfied..just call it enough to sustain at least 2 years from now

Overall love

Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the ASUS ROG Phone 3, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the ASUS ROG Phone 3 is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
The best phone I had sees the Sony Xperia Z Ultra. It feels sturdy and I like the heaviness (I am the kind of guy who add the keyboard extension to an Xbox controller for make it heavier). The battery doesn't drain on heavy use nether does it feel like a toaster in the hands. It is the smoothest experience I ever had.
I am not fan of cameras on phone, it can't compare to a true camera. So not having the best camera on this phone is not a problem. It does the job I need it to do.
Black crush is a bit annoying in some cases but I am sure it'll be fixed and I didn't experienced it often. Before this phone I had a Galaxy note 2, Galaxy S7 edge, HTC U Ultra and a Galaxy note 10 plus on hands but none of this phone gave me a woah effect. Until I got my hands on this phone.
Only regret is that this phone will never have a big community, so there will not have much things going on this forum. But even so I am a proud owner of this of the rog phone 3.
5* from me
XDA_RealLifeReview said:
Yes, yes, it's possible to love a phone. Heck, you sleep next to it, don't you? Rate this thread to indicate your love for the ASUS ROG Phone 3, all things considered. A higher rating indicates that the ASUS ROG Phone 3 is an incredible phone that you enjoy tremendously. You love it.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
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I had a Xiaomi Mi 9 before this phone, and I like the ROG Phone 3 a lot more!
Even the cameras are better than the Mi 9's cameras, which means good enough for me.
As @bASKOU wrote, the ROG 3 is quite sturdy and heavy - that's fine! -, and it's quite well balanced, so you can use it one handed (plus there is a dedicated option for this too), the 6Ah battery is a WIN, coupled with the SD865+ SoC you can't deplete it in a day - I charge it once in like 3 or even 4 days!
Yeah, it's a niche phone, it will never be the tinkerers' dream, there won't be dozens of custom ROMs and kernels for it - but for me it's also not a problem, since it has stock Android 10 (let's hope that ASUS will update it soon to Android 11 ), and the stock launcher is snappy enough (still, I'm using Nova Launcher Prime, since I love it!).
The 144Hz display is good enough, even if it has black crush visible here and there - that's also not a dealbreaker for me.
I bought the 12/128GB Tencent version with the global ROM, which I was able to update to the latest global (WW) ROM - everything's fine, there are no stutters, everything feels buttery smooth...
So let's sum it: I love my ROG Phone 3, it's the phone of my dreams, it ticks all the checkboxes for me.
I'm coming off a Oneplus 7T, which is a great little phone.
The Rog 3 has made me forget about it completely (well almost, nostalgia aside).
Have definitely fallen hard for this device.
More so than any other phone I've owned (despite its short comings).
I look forward to a good couple of years, using my new Rog 3.
