Top Trends that Will Direct Mobile App Development in 2019 and Beyond - General Marketing & SEO

As we are nearing 2019, With the integration of emerging technologies like IoT and AR, mobile apps are going to become more powerful and useful than ever in 2019. Let's go through key mobile app development trends like:
1. AI will be mainstreamed
2. iBeacons will be stronger
3. Android Instant Apps will prevail
Many more are set to direct the mobile app development in 2019.

Yes, I agree with you. Everything you described will influence on mobile app development in 2019. In mobile marketing, i think, the tendency will change too. The importance of mobile app store oprimization will rise, I think. It's the same as with SEO for sites.

Ever since the release of the first smartphone back in 1994, nobody predicted that smartphones will become such an integral part of everyone’s lives. At present, there are 2.1 billion mobile users worldwide, and the number is predicted to cross 5 billion by the end of 2019, according to a report by Statista.
People are spending more time online as smartphones now come with fast internet access. According to a recently conducted survey, the average Briton checks his/her mobile phone every 12 minutes while the average American spends almost 2.5 hours a day on a smartphone.
Another statistic by comScore Future Digital demonstrates that users spend 80-90% of their time on mobile apps rather than websites. This certainly proves that smartphones have a system of their own, different from computers & laptops. So, it won’t be wrong saying that mobile app development has become an effective way of reaching our potential prospects.
The biggest question that arises here is: What has 2019 in store for mobile app development? Let’s have a detailed look at the forthcoming trends that will rule the mobile app development world in 2019. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
1. Custom Mobile App
2. Mobile Payments
3. Wearable Apps
4. App Security
5. Internet of Things

Top Tends of Mobile App Development in 2019
So yet another year is on the verge of completion, and we are on the threshold of welcoming 2019. You might say that there is no significant change in your life but we cannot mention the same statement for the mobile app industry and technology. The mobile applications and devices have gone through a constant evolution where one saw the advent of new trends and improvement of the
existing ones.
Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out For in 2019
1. Internet of Things to Gain More Ground
Internet of Things or IoT has already created much buzz around the world and will continue to take guard further up. It has boosted a varied group of industry verticals including healthcare, e-commerce, construction, and transportation, etc. and it will improve the ecosystem with its penetration in the retail industry, real estate, and development of smarter cities. The experts expect IoT to solve the menace of traffic snarls and problem of vehicle parking.
2. AR and VR: the Hyped Technologies
A new phrase has been coined for the AR and VR technology ‘Beyond the Screen’, which has indeed created a huge influence over the audience in the recent years. The futuristic AR and VR technology is not only grooming and augmenting the popular advanced gaming apps, but have also created a hype around the social media platforms.
The recent example was that of the Pokémon Go based on the AR technology. However, with social media giants like Instagram and Snapchat implementing this innovation, the user engagement has surged and the apps have certainly become more interactive.
3. Chatbots to Gain Significance
Today chatbots have become an integral part of most of the on-demand apps, which allows you to respond quickly in real-time to your customers. They are virtual assistants and does not involve human-to-human interaction.
4. Growth of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
The term Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning isn’t alien to tech lovers anymore. In fact, the AI has been successful in creating a huge influence simplifying the services and the bidding process. When it gets collaborated with machine learning, it can do wonders to any business in getting valuable data and real-time analytics.
5. The Roll-out of Instant Apps
As such the instant apps came into existence in 2016 and within the span of these two years, they have gone increasingly popular. These are the native mobile apps that you don’t need to download. And to tell you more, they are user-friendly, convenient including having a smaller size.
6. Influence of Wearable Apps
As people are moving towards trendy technologies, we are witnessing innovative ideas getting executed. The instance of wearable apps can be put forward with that view.
So, whether you are doing physical workouts and exercises every morning or going for a cycling session at gym, the wearable apps will help in sending data about how much distance you covered and amount of calorie burnt.
7. Mobile Payment on the Higher Side
The next year 2019 will also see the increase in the number of mobile payment apps as most banks are now offering mobile banking services.

crisstyris said:
As we are nearing 2019, With the integration of emerging technologies like IoT and AR, mobile apps are going to become more powerful and useful than ever in 2019. Let's go through key mobile app development trends like:
1. AI will be mainstreamed
2. iBeacons will be stronger
3. Android Instant Apps will prevail
Many more are set to direct mobile app development in 2019.
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Fortunately for us, things have become way easier nowadays. And as we complete another revolution around the sun, there are surely many new technological advancements that we will see in 2020 as well.
We are growing and changing at a fast pace, and nobody has ever really been able to stop growth, right? This is especially true when it comes to mobile apps and other related technologies.
I would like to add some more trends for mobile app development:
Big Data
App Development For Foldable Phones
Voice Search And AI Chatbots
Cloud Computing
5G Services
One of my friends who is working in Space-O Canada writes about " mobile app development trends 2020 ". All you need to do is just go to google and type mobile app development trends 2020, find and you'll get all your answers. Go check out the latest trends, and thank me later.

digital marketing
According to Statista, mobile apps are supposed to generate around $189 Billion US dollars in revenues.
Not only that, but many experts have already said that the mobile app development industry is one of the fastest growing industries and that it shows no signs of slowing down in future as well.
1- The era of AR/VR has just started!
AR and VR, both are cool! There is no doubt about that. But in 2020, their use cases will not be limited to just gaming applications anymore.
2. Smart things – the new age of mobile-connected smart objects
The word ‘smart things’ or the ‘smart objects’ was originally created by a relatively new technology – Internet of Things.
Also known as IoT, it is basically a network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, electronics, and software which are all interconnected within the network itself.

Top 12 Mobile App Development Trends in 2020
crisstyris said:
As we are nearing 2019, With the integration of emerging technologies like IoT and AR, mobile apps are going to become more powerful and useful than ever in 2019. Let's go through key mobile app development trends like:
1. AI will be mainstreamed
2. iBeacons will be stronger
3. Android Instant Apps will prevail
Many more are set to direct the mobile app development in 2019.
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We live in a fast-paced world in which as humans we crave any technology that would help us speed up on all sorts of levels, whether it’s professionally or personally. Good or bad (which is another long debate) the society grows at a rapid speed, and as every business requirement enhances, so does mobile app development companies. Speaking of technology, the things which were once called illusions or fictions has now not only become a reality but has also become the smartest solutions to our needs. Starting from the creation of the oldest Greek Analogue Computers to SuperComputers that are known for satellite and space research along with mobile apps providing Artificial Intelligence (AI) making them every business owner’s dream come true.
As of 2019 statistics, there are 299.24 million smartphone users just in India (which keeps increasing every day). Every business is harnessing the power of technology through the mobile app industry in order to transfigure their existence. The mobile apps are enhancing at a rapid rate in order to out-turn a better, painless and easy user experience. With billions of users moving towards mobile applications, new trends are expected to come to light. Here are the top trends that will pioneer in 2020:
For more information, you can read my blog on

Hmm, this is an interesting question. 2020 was a hard year, but some companies had windfall revenues for that time. Outsource companies, developers, and SEO keep growing. As I see, Blockchain, AI, IOT, and machine learning will be the most popular in 2021. VR and mobile app chatbots are also very popular. If you want to find more about mobile app development you can visit cause I read a lot of interesting things about IOS and Android development there. By the way, can someone recommend a good mobile backend refresher course?


Threat to HTC?

Microsoft and Nokia have just announced a broad partnership which could possibly mean a big threat to HTC.
What do you guys think about this?
Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
Microsoft blog editor
10 Feb 2011 8:51 PM
Today in London, our two companies announced plans for a broad strategic partnership that combines the respective strengths of our companies and builds a new global mobile ecosystem. The partnership increases our scale, which will result in significant benefits for consumers, developers, mobile operators and businesses around the world. We both are incredibly excited about the journey we are on together.
While the specific details of the deal are being worked out, here’s a quick summary of what we are working towards:
• Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader.
• Nokia will help drive and define the future of Windows Phone. Nokia will contribute its expertise on hardware design, language support, and help bring Windows Phone to a larger range of price points, market segments and geographies.
• Nokia and Microsoft will closely collaborate on development, joint marketing initiatives and a shared development roadmap to align on the future evolution of mobile products.
• Bing will power Nokia’s search services across Nokia devices and services, giving customers access to Bing’s next generation search capabilities. Microsoft adCenter will provide search advertising services on Nokia’s line of devices and services.
• Nokia Maps will be a core part of Microsoft’s mapping services. For example, Maps would be integrated with Microsoft’s Bing search engine and AdCenter advertising platform to form a unique local search and advertising experience
• Nokia’s extensive operator billing agreements will make it easier for consumers to purchase Nokia Windows Phone services in countries where credit-card use is low.
• Microsoft development tools will be used to create applications to run on Nokia Windows Phones, allowing developers to easily leverage the ecosystem’s global reach.
• Microsoft will continue to invest in the development of Windows Phone and cloud services so customers can do more with their phone, across their work and personal lives.
• Nokia’s content and application store will be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience.
We each bring incredible assets to the table. Nokia’s history of innovation in the hardware space, global hardware scale, strong history of intellectual property creation and navigation assets are second to none. Microsoft is a leader in software and services; the company’s incredible expertise in platform creation forms the opportunity for its billions of customers and millions of partners to get more out of their devices.
Together, we have some of the world’s most admired brands, including Windows, Office, Bing, Xbox Live, NAVTEQ and Nokia. We also have a shared understanding of what it takes to build and sustain a mobile ecosystem, which includes the entire experience from the device to the software to the applications, services and the marketplace.
Today, the battle is moving from one of mobile devices to one of mobile ecosystems, and our strengths here are complementary. Ecosystems thrive when they reach scale, when they are fueled by energy and innovation and when they provide benefits and value to each person or company who participates. This is what we are creating; this is our vision; this is the work we are driving from this day forward.
There are other mobile ecosystems. We will disrupt them.
There will be challenges. We will overcome them.
Success requires speed. We will be swift.
Together, we see the opportunity, and we have the will, the resources and the drive to succeed.
Stephen Elop, CEO, NOKIA and Steve Ballmer, CEO, MICROSOFT
I think this will help wp7 become a major competitor of android and iphone. It will bring some competition to HTC, but that's what brings innovation and creativity. HTC will be fine. We might be seeing some nice devices from nokia... and nokia devices have always been pretty hackable. So whether this is good or bad for HTC, I think this will be good for us consumers.
• Nokia will help drive and define the future of Windows Phone. Nokia will contribute its expertise on hardware design, language support, and help bring Windows Phone to a larger range of price points, market segments and geographies.
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I'm guessing by "Larger range of price points" they mostly mean cheaper phones. While budget phones have traditionally been one of Nokia's strong points, I think it's not necessarily a good idea for Microsoft to use WP7 for this. Given the hardware requirements for WP7, they simply won't be able to beat Android there. At the same time, they will most likely be eroding WP7's image as a premium experience. This, to me, seems like a huge mistake.
• Nokia and Microsoft will closely collaborate on development, joint marketing initiatives and a shared development roadmap to align on the future evolution of mobile products.
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Great! I can't wait for Nokia to add the same magical touch to WP7 that made their own flagship phones, like the N97, such a joy to use!
• Nokia’s content and application store will be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience.
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They're not talking about that OVI stuff, are they? A more compelling consumer experience, really? From what I can see, Microsoft's Marketplace is doing quite well as it is.
Overall, I see this as a desperate move by both players involved. Nokia has failed utterly to bring something worthwhile to the smartphone market in the past years. I'm guessing Microsoft is just desperate to put more WP7 hardware out there - right now, it seems that for every WP7 phone, the same manufacturer will have at least 10 Android phones in its line-up.
I like this. Nokia is still a huge player. And both could benefit from this.
Nokia is known for its great and robust hardware.
Nokia could bring a n95 like device, with a larger screen, slide out nummeric or qwerty keyboard and carl zeiss optics, where HTC has to do it with other camera lenses.
Good move all round.
I think it is a good move allround remember Nokia own NAVTEQ
the leading global provider of maps, traffic and location data.
It’s not like they can put out cheep W7P, due to the minimum speck Microsoft has I am looking forward to a high end W7P in about a year, when my contract runs out.
WP7 may be superior to Apple iOS when used by the novice consumer. Nokia does create marvelous hardware.
Together, they may give Apple and Google a real run for the money.
I think the best thing for us is real competion in the market.
Plus I really hope that the new WP7 will grow strong in time - after all the having choice is the best thing for us - the consumers.
Btw. I found this thing on the net no so long ago - wonder if this will be real
looks pretty nice and apparently it's designed by a design studio from poland
I would change the term "threat" from the thread title to "chance".
HTC has been the strongest fighter for the Windows Mobile platform, and they are the strongest competitor with Windows Phone 7, too.
Microsoft won´t be that stupid to endanger that valuable long-term partnership.
In the opposite, I do believe the new partnership between MS and Nokia might bring a certain boost to WP7. But then again, 2 big losers in the same ship doesn´t mean this makes everything a winner. Both of them missed too many opportunities for too much time.
Problem is usually, they are too big, too slow, too far away from us, the users.
In the sum, HTC might be one of the bigger winners on the long run.

Why should we bother with Firefox OS?

I love Mozilla, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like there is really any point to Firefox OS.
Other than flaming me, could you please list some specifics as to why it's beneficial?
I've talked to a lot of people in person about it and they all seem to talk about potential to grow like Android. The main problem I see with this is that whereas Android filled an obvious gap in the market, Firefox OS is trying to carve a niche in now heavily fortified waters. The fact that Windows Mobile both says they'll be happy for 1% of the market, buys off Nokia and pays off devs to port apps, it should be a pretty clear sign this will be a major challenge for Mozilla when a company with a scrooge mcduck tower of cash is piling money on the issue and still getting limited results.
For the record, I'm going to install it on my of my old devices just to play around with it but in the meantime if anyone could pose a good argument for Firefox OS then I'd all ears. It'd be nice to know the time I'll spend setting it up is worth more than just curiosity and Mozilla sympathy.
Or just flame me and call me a noob
in my opinion, we definitely need firefox os. if it will be of any advantage for your user experience, is heavily dependent of its success. but it's the only smartphone os, that uses a really open approach. since most apps are shortcuts for browsing to a certain web page on your smartphone, basing the whole os on a browsing engine makes a lot of sense. and it makes lots of things easier for devs.
It seems promising to have a fully custoimizable and open source OS for low end phones. FOS could extend the lifetime of many phones which is a nice perspective instead of throwing away functional hardware.
FirefoxOS is:
Customisable, free
Hardware UN-requiring
This means that low end phones can use the fos because they don't need powerful hardware, and poorer people in countries like Brazil or Ghana can use modern phones for little price. It's not really meant for our newer phones high-end.
defender of the Open Web
Most important is that Firefox OS seems to be the most tangible defence to keep our Open Web environment from becoming closed. With Firefox OS, the millions of new users from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Central / South America who are now just starting to buy low cost smart-phones will enjoy using, coding and Creating in Java and HTML 5, and be free to ignore 5.1 with its restrictions such as DRM.
Right now, the Web, Free and Open as we know it seems to be dying! Here's what Danny Obrien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote on October 2 (link to full article after the quote):-
… where you cannot cut and paste text; where your browser can’t “Save As…” an image; where the “allowed” uses of saved files are monitored beyond the browser; where JavaScript is sealed away in opaque tombs; and maybe even where we can no longer effectively “View Source” on some sites, is a very different Web from the one we have today. It’s a Web where user agents—browsers—must navigate a nest of enforced duties every time they visit a page.
I think why people should bother with B2G/Firefox OS is because it's not as complicated as Android - Android has a bunch of stuff that most of the time people won't even bother using so that's one benefit with B2G... Apart from the fact that it's not very hardware dependent, it's also simple and fast and aims at open source which Android seems to be lacking nowadays...
Because no Google there..
Sent from my GT-N5110 using xda app-developers app
Because we like to evolve, have choices and detest monopoly (imagineyou turning into an android ;p)
Becouse is extra
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda app-developers app
No google, is the point!
I would love to see FireFox as an mobile /tablet platform, because it has given middleware which can run webapps. which i feel is far better than any other achievement unlike any other platform where middleware are heavy sometimes VM's to run app in UI. Firefox gives ability to run apps with PC like standards(HTML5, CSS3) etc.
i personally tested and best thing is there search is quite competing with google search for Android. try one .
Lot of other competeres try making webapps as there UI framework but fais may be because there inexperience, i am hoping Firefox with there vast knowledge can create a ecosystem where mobile ui/ PC ui will became synonyms. in that case nothing except a good webkit will solve all issues. till then we can wait.
amorley said:
I love Mozilla, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like there is really any point to Firefox OS.
Other than flaming me, could you please list some specifics as to why it's beneficial?
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In 2002 and 2003, the world was saying the same thing about Mozilla's browser. What's the point? IE 6 was pretty amazing (seriously!) when it came out and most Web developers I talked to were happy to have one target client. That sentiment was very different after 2005 when Firefox demonstrated to the world that the Web was stagnating. Most Web developers changed their tunes and started demanding Microsoft release newer versions with modern capabilities and erase IE 6 from the face of the Earth.
Mozilla is a non-profit dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with Web technology while putting users at the center of their computing experience. We are here with no other agenda. We're not trying to sell ads. We're not trying to sell hardware. We're not trying to grow subscribers. We're trying to put users in more control and to expand the possibilities for the best operating system ever created -- the Web.
That's enough reason for me.
- Asa
(15 year Mozilla veteran)
As a developer I love it because I don't need to code twice (at best) if I want my app to work on multiple devices, screen sizes, OSs, future OSs, etc. The WEB is the platform so my app can easily intercomunicate with other webapps regardless of their underlying technology, because the WEB has standards. This will result in better and rich apps with better and rich services WITHOUT being enslaved by any platform/SDK specifics.
FirefoxOS is the next common-sense step on mobile technology and I'm pretty sure we are going to see Boot2Webkit, Boot2Blink, from the other companies... and if we don't, we will see more companies following the same fate as Nokia, Microsoft...
amorley said:
I love Mozilla, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like there is really any point to Firefox OS.
Other than flaming me, could you please list some specifics as to why it's beneficial?
I've talked to a lot of people in person about it and they all seem to talk about potential to grow like Android. The main problem I see with this is that whereas Android filled an obvious gap in the market, Firefox OS is trying to carve a niche in now heavily fortified waters. The fact that Windows Mobile both says they'll be happy for 1% of the market, buys off Nokia and pays off devs to port apps, it should be a pretty clear sign this will be a major challenge for Mozilla when a company with a scrooge mcduck tower of cash is piling money on the issue and still getting limited results.
For the record, I'm going to install it on my of my old devices just to play around with it but in the meantime if anyone could pose a good argument for Firefox OS then I'd all ears. It'd be nice to know the time I'll spend setting it up is worth more than just curiosity and Mozilla sympathy.
Or just flame me and call me a noob
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Because Mozilla is helping build a internet the world needs and has been for years. Mozilla is also the most privacy focused company making software and has won awards backing that.
I've been trying hard to get our teams to develop for it but there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for it in China...
I have the Mozilla Flame phone and currently it's stable version is Firefox OS 2.0 and honestly, the improvements they've made make FFOS more unique and beneficial for the user. It's almost up to scratch, just a one or two releases and the features will be there. The speed already is there.
to be free from the grasps of a company who spys on your every move
As a user since version 1.0 on a ZTE Open, I have to say that I don't see a single compelling reason for an end-user to buy a FFXOS device, other than possibly price (debatable: many Android handsets fall into nearly the same price point, and the Lumia 520 is basically the same price as the ZTE Open C and better in every possible regard).
I get that it is an incredibly important vision that Mozilla have for the future of HTML5 and apps, but that matters most on the back end for developers and those who provide apps and services. I also understand that Mozilla have made great efforts to ensure that Open WebAPI is as painless as possible for developers to use, and that using very few lines of code, you can write powerful solutions. These are all fantastic things, and the web and technology in general stand to benefit massively from this.
However, from a purely end-user point of view, I find the UI/UX to be lagging severely behind every other platform, not to mention the relatively poor functionality of the stock apps. They do nothing other platforms don't do better.
The performance is abysmal, even on the Flame, and the battery life fluctuates wildly and does not impress me at all given my usage pattern.
I've filed endless amounts of suggestions for expansion and improvements to UI/UX and 99% of the time am met with blind reticence.
The feel I get is not that this is a platform for everyone by everyone, but a platform for a very small subset of the population (which if you analyze what the platform ships with stock and how they market it, Mozilla seems to have no idea who this population is) controlled by a team with a death-grip on it, fingers in their ears, blindfolds on, chanting "This is perfect, this is perfect, you don't know what you're talking about!".
People's tepid response to the platform and its slow adoption rate should stand as testimony to the fact that the platform is far from perfect.
****, the keyboard STILL sucks complete ass even on v2.2 nightly. Something as fundamental as the primary ****ing input method still isn't even done half-assed correct, so what do you think the rest of the experience is like?
Such a frustrating platform... I really wanted this to be the Phoenix that takes the principles and ideals of webOS from the ashes and sets the world of technology on fire, but it looks more like a poof of smoke at this point.
I'll continue daily-driving the Flame, I'll continue filing bugs and suggestions, and I'll likely continue to pull my hair out in frustration. Hopefully at some point all of my frustration will amount to something positive and I'll be able to whole-heartedly endorse this platform to other end-users and evangelize for it. Currently, that is not even a remote possibility.
Because we should be more principled and not support companies that pay no tax.
I wonder how many people are actually using FFOS as their only phone.
I have a ZTE Open, I am downloading and compiling FFOS builds once every few weeks, hack around just for fun.
But I have an Android for my daily use.

Until things change, Android and business won't mix.

I have the 2012 Note 10.1 for personal use and have come to the unfortunate resolution that Android just isn't going to cut it from a business perspective. I am not putting the full blame on either the manufacturers or Android itself but without timely updates to a specific platform, I can not justify the use of these in a production environment. There is no way company can justify replacing their hardware yearly, or regularly, in order to get the latest features and security fixes that are provided in updates. Ignoring the additional features for the time being, from a security stand point there has to be a way to patch the devices in a timely manner. The additional features being provided drives the developers to migrate to the newer operating systems and leaving the old systems behind. A lot of times this creates a huge disadvantage in the fact you can run a particular application on one Android device but is unsupported on another.
Now to be fair. I am focusing on Android in this post but have tested Microsoft and iPad devices as well. All have certain advantages and disadvantages but the clear loser so far has been Android. If Android is going to survive in the business world, the manufacturers are going to have to step up and maintain their products actively for at least the full two years of their life expectancy.Android itself will have to hold the manufacturers accountable for keeping their devices maintained. From a personal use perspective, I think it is a great platform and love my Note 10.1. Would I like to see it get updated, I would love to see 4.4.2 on the device to allow me to run application I need that are no longer compatible with 4.1.2. However, I require vulnerability patches in a timely manner and that just isn't happening.
My last job had hired a full time developer to build a custom ROM and patch or update when needed for all the tablets being used on the floor. This approach worked for them because there was only one model in use across all departments.
You should blame Samsung for the late major update for GT-N80XX.
Android actively pushing regular update (minor & major).
Actually Samsung also pushing regular update, but it's only 1 major update (ICS to JB) & some minor/security updates.
If a business used the nexus tablets, they wouldn't have this problem.
theatomizer90 said:
If a business used the nexus tablets, they wouldn't have this problem.
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Not necessarily true. Most current android version is 4.4.4 while my N7 LTE still sits at 4.4.3 with no update even spoken of. So if a business has data enabled tablets, they're still behind current version.
What OP posted doesn't really apply to large businesses. Between KNOX and other third party equivalents sensitive data is sandboxed and doesn't rely on the core B2C version of the OS to protect it. As much as Google may see Android's potential in the business environment no one I know in IT at a bunch of Fortune 1K companies is looking at mobile OS's (either Android or iOS) to replace desktop/laptops as "standard" issue. Tablet and smartphone apps have niche opportunities (commercial pilot manuals and logs, flight attendant passenger service tools, gate agent/hotel staff roaming terminals, sales people inventory access, remote staff automated forms, etc.) but migrating the entire enterprise to mobile architecture just doesn't make sense. So Android can't lose anything it never had and, outside Google's wishes, isn't seriously considered for. The lack of Chromebook adoption by the enterprise demonstrates their disinterest.
BarryH_GEG said:
What OP posted doesn't really apply to large businesses. Between KNOX and other third party equivalents sensitive data is sandboxed and doesn't rely on the core B2C version of the OS to protect it. As much as Google may see Android's potential in the business environment no one I know in IT at a bunch of Fortune 1K companies is looking at mobile OS's (either Android or iOS) to replace desktop/laptops as "standard" issue. Tablet and smartphone apps have niche opportunities (commercial pilot manuals and logs, flight attendant passenger service tools, gate agent/hotel staff roaming terminals, sales people inventory access, remote staff automated forms, etc.) but migrating the entire enterprise to mobile architecture just doesn't make sense. So Android can't lose anything it never had and, outside Google's wishes, isn't seriously considered for. The lack of Chromebook adoption by the enterprise demonstrates their disinterest.
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Not sure if I totally agree with the application only being a niche market. I work for a call center and find that the tablets are becoming an indispensable tool. We have people walking the floor with these devices and using them to keep track of various statistics as well as using them to report potential issues. The ability to pull up data about current client information to respond in an almost instant manner has shaped things drastically. Having a sandbox is really great for protecting certain information, such as email, etc.. but can not protect the device data in flux, such as web browser content. If the system is compromised and access to the file system is obtained then all the data previously obtained becomes available to the attacker. Some measure can be made such as requiring Citrix as your primary form of connectivity but you are only pushing the security back to another device. The focus of this article was to point out the shortcomings of the this tablet as it pertains to the lack of updates.
Don't get me wrong, I truly love Android and will continue to use it as a personal device. However, there is no way I can risk releasing these devices into a production environment without the proper support. And yes, I blame the manufacturer for release and forget, and I blame Android for not enforcing the manufactures to keep these update. It is crucial to both parties to work together and produce something that is not just desirable but maintained for a reasonable amount of time. If Android could come up with a way to provide updates to devices directly and bypass the manufacturer they would have an unbeatable platform.
Zeab said:
Not sure if I totally agree with the application only being a niche market. I work for a call center and find that the tablets are becoming an indispensable tool. We have people walking the floor with these devices and using them to keep track of various statistics as well as using them to report potential issues. The ability to pull up data about current client information to respond in an almost instant manner has shaped things drastically. Having a sandbox is really great for protecting certain information, such as email, etc.. but can not protect the device data in flux, such as web browser content. If the system is compromised and access to the file system is obtained then all the data previously obtained becomes available to the attacker. Some measure can be made such as requiring Citrix as your primary form of connectivity but you are only pushing the security back to another device. The focus of this article was to point out the shortcomings of the this tablet as it pertains to the lack of updates.
Don't get me wrong, I truly love Android and will continue to use it as a personal device. However, there is no way I can risk releasing these devices into a production environment without the proper support. And yes, I blame the manufacturer for release and forget, and I blame Android for not enforcing the manufactures to keep these update. It is crucial to both parties to work together and produce something that is not just desirable but maintained for a reasonable amount of time. If Android could come up with a way to provide updates to devices directly and bypass the manufacturer they would have an unbeatable platform.
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Anytime a serious security breach that can be used from without to effect changes on a device have come to light I have seen updates come out on all my tablets and phones, which is blessedly rare. Android does not operate in the way you are thinking. There is no need to constantly shove out security updates like windows. The system is pretty well secure unless you unsecure it yourself, new versions of the OS usually just add functions, however there is a current (when is there not?) RUMOR of a adobe bug on all versions of android lower than 4.0. Personally I still prefere windows for business simply because of ease of function and with baytrail cpu's and even more promising hardware coming this year I find no reason not to use windows for hard business needs if your business can benefit from tablet use. There are a plethora of cheap windows tablets coming and the current hp omni 10 is powerful enough to suit any light tablet buisness needs for just 299.00 if your business needs more power pay the premium for a surface pro with a full on i3,5,7 cpu fully capable of doing the work of a high end laptop. All that said, I feel Android is if anything more secure than a windows machine. Nothing comes in unless you invite it. Updates not needed until such time as Android can add base functionality in the realm of windows 7, and it is close imho.
Check the trends
Have to agree with Zeab. The university I work for is now supporting apple mobile devices but not android. And despite my having pressured for some support, what support is was for android devices is disappearing. Why ?
Android from one device to the next is different enough to make support difficult if not impossible. Providing advice on connections to secure servers and use of common software falls foul of the same issue.
Android device manufacturers have attempted to sequester their market by creating difference, but all they'll achieve is failure. Add to that the early obsolescence they have engineered and android is dying, even as its market share grows!
We now as a family have windows, apple and android devices. If I include TVs and media devices the list lengthens. The only option that provides continuity of operating system and software, and longer term support with updates is Apple. Given the way Microsoft has gone off the rails with windows 8.1 (I really do believe that OSs should make my computing experience easier, not harder), I think we will be going Apple in the future.

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About SunnySideApp
We’re a bunch of dreamers and coders who are fascinated with the idea that one day mobile devices are so prevalent and powerful that they have become the PCs that we have today – and that we are already seeing a glimpse of this future as shipments of mobile devices overtake PCs, people getting engaged more in mobile, and organizations around the world cramming to port bits and pieces of their day-to-day operations into mobile apps to reach both consumers and staff.
We are so excited to see this future unfold so we have taken the leap and challenged ourselves to build something truly meaningful in a world that has increasingly become mobile. is a mobile application development platform that allows both technical and non-technical users create awesome mobile applications directly from any mobile device, and without writing single line of code. But it isn’t your ordinary D-I-Y mobile app builder. Trust us. Sign-up for BETA and see for yourself when we launch.

Top 7 mobile app development trends of 2018

Based on the apps which mobile users are actively using, the 2018 trends in mobile app development can be determined. The patterns of app use and the popularity of the latest technology help in these predictions.
We are in the beginning of 2018. This is the time of year when iOS and Android developers review the analytical data of mobile app development to see what has gotten popular over the last 12 months. That way, they can see where the next app development trends in the app industry are likely going to be in 2018. If you want to understand what mobile app developers are going to be up to next year, you must first understand how dependent people currently are on their apps.
Think about what you do throughout each day, from when you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep at night. Do you go on your favorite messenger app first thing in the morning? Perhaps you check your Facebook profile and other social media accounts through apps on your phone. You may later listen to your favorite music app on the way to work and then binge watch movies on Netflix at night. Each one of these actions represents an app you are using.
Furthermore, there are technologies trending which are being combined with these applications to create something totally revolutionary. How far are these mobile app development trends going to go in 2018? We at ANODA mobile development agency
Most of the popular mobile applications of today already have AI technology in them somewhere. Audiences love it when an app is intelligent enough to adapt to their input. But as AI continues to get more advanced in many other industries, it may very well put more people out of work because their labor will be performed by robots. One of the biggest job sectors to get hit hard over the next 10 years will be the customer service departments of companies.
Companies integrate Machine Learning and AI into their own apps because it increases their productivity and it lowers their total operating expenses. Not only has AI helped automate customer service, they’ve also made significant changes in the automobile industry as well as the healthcare industry.
Here are statistics which prove that AI apps are likely going to be the biggest 2018 trend in mobile app development.
According to Juniper Research, chatbots will save companies more than $8 billion per year between now and 2022. This is an increase from the $20 million that it was in 2017.
According to Gartner, chatbots are going to be responsible for 85% of the customer service performed by companies before 2020.
According to an IDC report, ¾ of all employees who are actively engaging with enterprise applications are going to get AI personal assistants to help boost their productivity and efficiency by the year 2019.
You will be seeing more developers creating mobile wallet apps with added security, due to the demand. This will allow users to conduct encrypted monetary transactions right through their mobile phone. The prediction of this trend is due to the increase in the number of internet booking systems and purchases. Apple Pay on the iOS 11 is working toward an option for peer-to-peer payment.
Tracking graphs can help you determine future trends in this area. The user adoption rate in 2016 showed a nonstop increase in the user percentage.
Storage space is often a problem for mobile phone users because they have so many applications that they want to download and use. Plus, when you use a lot of these apps, it adds even more data to your phone’s storage. All this data usage adds up quickly and then you’ll be forced to uninstall something to make up for it.
With cloud-based apps, this problem is solved because users can store their app data on a dedicated cloud server. By doing this, the storage space on their own phone is not used up. When you have multiple apps using this technology, it allows users to be able to download a lot more apps onto their phone than they could before.
After more companies integrate cloud technology into their apps, this will spark a rise in enterprise mobility. You can already see the statistics which show that cloud apps are being used more often.
Mobile traffic on cloud-based apps is expected to rise by 90% until the year 2019. The compound annual growth rate is 60%. The rise in traffic can likely be attributed to social media networking, web browsing, online gaming, audio streaming, and video streaming.
There is already augmented reality technology integrated into social media apps and gaming apps. A good example is the very popular social media platform known as Snapchat, which uses this technology. As more people use Snapchat, it creates an incentive for mobile app development companies to develop AR technology for their apps.
Another social media app which uses this technology is Instagram. However, they’re already planning to enhance their app by making it even more engaging for users. They are likely going to make it just like other apps which allow users to interact with augmented reality technology. Also, virtual reality is going to be very popular as wearable apps become a more common thing.
In 2014, augmented reality was first starting to become popular. Ever since then, it has quickly found its way to the mobile app industry and is predicted to completely transform it in 2018. According to Statista, by 2019, there will be over 5 billion AR mobile applications.
More people are using wearables than ever before. This technology first became popular within the healthcare niche because wearable apps allowed users to track their exercise routines, heartbeats, eating rituals, and so on. As these wearables become more fashionable in appearance, mobile app developers will be creating new apps for smartphones in 2018.
You will see the manufacturers of iPhones and Android smartphones creating applications for their phones which can synchronize and integrate with more wearable technology. Therefore, wearables are going to trend right along with mobile app development in the year 2018.
Here are some statistics for the wearables and smartphone markets:
Employers that encourage their employees to use wearables has increased their productivity by 8.5% and their job satisfaction by 3.5%.
In 2014, there were 29 million wearables that sold. In 2018, the number of sales is expected to go up to 172 million. That would mean there’d be roughly 350 million users around the world with wearables.
A report by Business Intelligence shows there will be a 35% increase in the wearables market by 2019.
In 2017, the IoT technologies seemed to be placed in many different industries. But that doesn’t mean it can’t continue to trend to the point where you find internet-connected devices in virtually everything. Physical retail stores have even used the internet of things concept to compete in this new age of digital technology.
There are more real estate agencies and companies using this Internet of things technology to construct smart buildings, smart parking lots, and smart cities with sensors everywhere. In the education industry, there are more schools using the IoT technology to allow parents and teachers to connect with each other, so they know what is happening at home and at school.
The healthcare industry has used the internet of things technologies in many ways. It has allowed patients to talk with doctors remotely and for doctors to operate on patients and treat them remotely.
This mobile app development trend will keep going in 2018. You will see much more powerful IoT apps for people to use. Right now, there are researchers who want to integrate the internet of things technology with automation technology. It is predicted that this integration will be a big trend in mobile app development next year.
According to Cisco, there will be 50 billion mobile devices connected to the internet around the world by the year 2020.
Faster mobile applications and websites are always going to be better. As users and search engines like Google become increasingly impatient towards these things, the rise of Accelerated Mobile Pages has emerged.
AMP has already allowed mobile users to load web pages quickly. Google has also stated that they’re going to provide mobile users with a special mobile search box to search for mobile-friendly websites. If businesses optimize their own websites to be mobile-friendly, they’ll get listed in this mobile search index on Google.
AMPs have the power to load pages quickly, reduce the number of bounces, attract more traffic, raise CTRs, and increase search engine ranking. You won’t even need to use sitemaps.
With the mobile app development world seeing all these new technologies, things certainly look brighter for iOS and Android apps in the future. The year of 2018 will see a huge boom in the mobile app industry, especially with very innovative apps which will keep people hooked to their smartphones.
“Talking about trends, especially in, there is huge fluctuation and invention goes that reveal in years”
Like for an example, if I talk about a current year (2018), there is the lot of trending things you can notice while you are exploring or surfing.
A remembrance points that you all will agree on the topic of ‘mobile app development trend’...! Let seek
1. Android Instant Application
2. VR and AR mobile Apps
3. Internet Of Things
4. Invention in Mobile Payments
5. Cloud-Oriented Mobile Apps
6. Mobile App Security
Well, these are the just glimpse of impression; want to know its deep words check it here - Android Application Development Trends in 2018: What should you expect?
I would like to add else:
1. Face detection and tracking
2. Enhanced push notifications
2018 is the year of innovation and development where the maximum market is rashly captured by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence (AI).
An era of beyond expectation services where most of the users bound with technologies picking with Artificial Intelligence (AI).
But to know who plays well with the question mark for all enterprises.
Thinking of who plays well with AI...I guess so.
Off course by MOBILE, where a majority of the trusted customers rely on android & iOS Operating System.
Well talking about Trends, certainly you are curious to know what iOS remain to offer in this year.
So far, we have noticed and discussed the latest trends in an Internet of Things, Mobile Application Development, and as well as wearable devices. Then, how we can overlook iOS Application Development that will remain in the limelight of 2018?
It is important to the iOS developers to constantly stay connected with the latest trends and updates to take first mover advantages.
Jump to the iOS Application Development Trends, let see what exactly game winner iOS offer in 2018.
1. More Programming with New Swift 4
Inspired by effective programming language APPLE develop Swift 4 which build on the strength of swift 3. The ultimate aim of swift 4 is to deliver great, robust, and scalable source code.
And the most effective thing to this programming language is that it will not consume more memory of a device.
2. Advancement in AI, Ok Google and Siri
As you know APPLE well played with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as with Siri too.
There is no doubt Siri brought major boost Artificial Intelligence (AI) and greatly learning what people speaking and searching for.
It salient gives answers to the important questions. Not only giving answers but it quietly offers GPS pin which helps you to get access with various services.
3. Check What’s New in Machine Language.
It is important to the app developer to connect with trending Machine Language. It helps them to add effective and updated core ML into their applications.
Do you know...?
The most effective and impressive use of ML code is used in developing games.
Thus, we can say that it raises the platform for the game-changing industry.
4. AR and ARkit
Augmented Reality (AR) and ARkit is the base platform for mobile app developers. It helps them to develop 3D and Virtual-Reality Based mobile applications.
Developing apps for AR and VR is the radix platform to earn wider success and more even to delight customers.
5. Move Faster With Apple Pay
APPLE introduces another faster pace of application known as ‘APPLE PAY’.
It is the acronym to say that – “Pay faster, Move faster”.
APPLE PAY is a user-friendly digital online payment wallet for iOS user which can pay money faster and also move faster.
It supports all iOS series of Operation system like; iPhone, iPad, iOS watches, and for Mac laptops too.
6. Innovation In Hybrid Apps
Within the passage time of technology, hybrid applications are the top and snick applications which are most demanded in the market.
It is getting wide attention and subsequent by new advanced tools of including Native Script and React Native.
Looking.... for a reliable hybrid application development company. Contact Orion infosolutions is an affluent hybrid app development company in India.
7. Upgradation In File Management
The initial release of IOS 11 comes with many packed bundles. One of the most efficient features of IOS 11 is its memory management with the proper file extension.
This helps the user to store their data online. Mean to say, it is a cloud-based application allows users to store their data online.
8. home Kit Hub
Talking about Home Kit Hub or Home is the ultimate example of innovation and creation that have been developed to solve the home automation problems.
This is probably called future technology solutions, so an app developer can leverage the success by developing applications in the future.
And for sure, this will bring solutions for home automation.
9. Changes in iPad Application
However, change in chipset process with every new development which affects the iPad app for more battery life.
Changes took place in the competitive world for survival. To survive in the market Apple regularly customizes and updates the application to get connected with customers.
Alexis Hale said:
App Store Optimization is one of the trends of 2018. It is some kind of process of improving the mobile apps’ visibility in an App Store. Just like Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is for websites, app store optimization is for mobile apps. To be specific, it includes the process of ranking apps via keyword search in an app store and pushes the app into top charts. With this method, apps will rank higher in search results and get into top charts, which will drive more installs.
Importance of ASO
Apparently, it is driving one important point here: ASO is extremely significant, because not only apps are big business, but also customers are willing to search for those apps. Some research reports that more than 63% of app customers prefer browsing in the app store to discover new apps.
Another reason why ASO is getting more important – apps can benefit from it a lot. You can optimize App via companies like KeenMobi or Mopeak.
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You described the process without many words. Fully agree with you! ASO is an important part of any mobile app. It helps people to find your mobile application easier. Also, right ASO can attract more customers and make your mobile app more popular. The same picture with web-pages and sites, as It was described at the first comment.
Latest trends in mobile app development
Ever since the release of the first smartphone back in 1994, nobody predicted that smartphones will become such an integral part of everyone’s lives. At present, there are 2.1 billion mobile users worldwide, and the number is predicted to cross 5 billion by the end of 2019, according to a report by Statista.
People are spending more time online as smartphones now come with fast internet access. According to a recently conducted survey, the average Briton checks his/her mobile phone every 12 minutes while the average American spends almost 2.5 hours a day on a smartphone.
Another statistic by comScore Future Digital demonstrates that users spend 80-90% of their time on mobile apps rather than websites. This certainly proves that smartphones have a system of their own, different from computers & laptops. So, it won’t be wrong saying that mobile app development has become an effective way of reaching our potential prospects.
The biggest question that arises here is: What has 2019 in store for mobile app development? Let’s have a detailed look at the forthcoming trends that will rule the mobile app development world in 2019. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
1) Custom Mobile App
Although websites are designed to be mobile friendly and responsive, apps are easier to operate as they provide a better user experience. Customized mobile apps have gained a firm grip over the past few years, and in 2019, this trend is going to be at a higher peak.
Not only bigger companies like Amazon, Flipkart, and Alibaba are investing heavily in mobile apps but also smaller players are partnering actively with app makers to increase their customer base and user experience through mobile apps.
If you’re looking for a perfect mobile app that will take your business up a notch, then it’s always the best option to hire a reputed mobile app development company. Choosing the right firm could help you generate massive revenue as you tap newer markets.
2) Mobile Payments
When we talk about mobile payments, people nowadays are more comfortable and confident in making online transactions. If you want a successful payment gateway for your mobile app then you must have at least three or four methods of making payment online such as mobile wallets, credit or debit cards, net banking, gift cards, etc. Doing this could make you stand out among other players in the mobile app development industry.
3) Wearable Apps
According to CSS Insights latest forecast, the number of wearable devices will surpass 245 million units in 2019 from 85 million units in 2015. This certainly means that the wearable industry will worth USD33 billion by the end of 2019. Simply put, the demand for wearable has increased dramatically over the last few years, and there’s no sign of that impetus slowing down any time soon.
Presently, all wearable devices are synchronized with smartphones. So, the apps must be paired with each other. Wearable apps provide new opportunities but businesses must evolve to make the most of these opportunities. Currently, smartwatches and fitness gadgets are the most popular wearable apps than the others, but it is predicted that other apps will too catch up soon.
4) App Security
Below are some questions that might arise in your mind while installing an app on your smartphone:
• Will my private data be secure with this app?
• Can someone hack my data stored in the app?
• Will my data get misused?
• Does the app need my data?
• Will this app slow down my phone?
Mobile App Development Companies need to confront these complaints if they want their app to succeed. Nowadays, only those mobile apps succeed that ensure users that their information is protected, and their privacy is not compromised by any means.
5) Internet of Things
A network of interconnected smart devices is known as the Internet of Things. The above discussion states that smartphones need to be connected to wearable devices. IoT involves lots of sensors, software and special circuits built into other smart devices, which can be developed by mobile app developers.
The IoT market has been growing at a rapid pace and will reach USD457 billion by 2020, as per a report by GrowthEnabler. The increase in the number of IoT devices and networks will significantly increase the demand for feature-rich apps.
Summing Up
The mobile app development industry witness numerous interesting trends every year, and this year is also expected to be the same. Keep reading our blog for the latest updates about mobile app development, latest trends and much more. For more insights on how Debut Infotech can help you develop a robust, intuitive mobile app for your business.
For a free consultation, call us at 1-703-537-5009. We’d love to understand your business goals and help achieve them.
good list of mob app development trends. Thanks for the useful tips.

