Is here the slow motion port like google pixel 2?????? - Nokia 5 Questions & Answers

Hlw devs is it possible to devlop the slow motion mod on nokia 5 like ios nd pixel plzz replyy

Nokia 5 I think can slow down 4x videos. But only on 480p. Chip doesn't allow anything else. If hardware cannot do it, software will not be able to force it.
It would be like flying. Your mind cannot force your body to fly.


[Req]Slow Motion Recording/editing app or z2 timeshift port

So i recently got a s5 and unfortunately the slow motion feature on the s5 camera is not in the same level of functionality as its compitotors, like the z2 or m8 (and iphone 5s). I wanted the ability to record the video at the higer fps and then edit which part i wanted in slow motion.
The m8 does this, although cuts the sound (which im actually fine with), and the z2 also does this but keeping the sound and slowing it down also.
So my question or request is: Is there a app, mod or the possibility of one, or even a port of the z2 camera recording( i have seen some features of xperia cameras imported, but not this one), that will do this on the s5?
A user here on the forum suggested to me the app reAction, which does have the slow down effect, but it doesn't slow down a lot and not in the speed that i would like.
Thank you!
No one? :/ what i wanted basicly is an app that records 120fps but can also play it back at regular speed or that doesnt process it to slow down and so i can at least do that in the computer (i guess this is more of a question than request). Or maybe a way to do this with the samsung camera app and a mod, because its in the app that the slow down is made after shooting from what i understood.
What i would really like is a port of the z2 camera or to functions like it or even the m8 that lets you edit. the speeds after. Is a port of any of those possible at all?
Same here. I'm looking for that kind of app. Nothing found yet
I actually just found an app today that it kinda does this, but at the same time it doesnt.
Its called kinemaster and its a video editor that lets you edit the speed of the video and select/make cuts on the video and then slow does down. Problem is that it can only do that with videos of 30fps, even if you have a higher fps video it either wont read it or just give you a message that will scale it down to 30fps. The end result isn't bad but its not really the same thing.
Also, the app is free on the play store and they used to have a paid and free version but now switched to free version but with a subscription a month and what that will do is remove the water marker that the app puts on the corner of the video in the free version. So, it kinda does it but at the same time it doesnt.
It would be much better for the end result to just have a app that would either edit or record it with higher fps and then we can edit that file on the phone. Something like the iphone 5s, or even in the android world the m8 and z2 do(z2 even keeps the sound and slows it down also, but if we could get this even without sound would be great).
The one I found, that of course is not same as having the port from Z2 that it's much easier and faster, is AndroidStudio. Check it out. I always use this one to slow/fast parts of any video
Thanks for the suggestion! I tried it and its indeed easier to select which part is slowed down and it doesn't give that watermark on the videos.
Still not the same as on devices like z2 or m8 (not to mention iphone), but at least is something. I have been looking online, especially on xda which is more reliable, to see if there is a port of the feature of any of these, especially the m8 since some apps were already ported, but no luck.
We would probably need both the camera app and gallery of the m8. From the z2 i think just the camera would be enough since from what i have seen that edit is done there after recording.
I still don't get why Samsung, from all brands with so much features and gimmicks, would just give a video editor or something to edit 120fps to slow down some parts.
Yes, totally. I hope they realize this and they make it. If you have any news about the M8 let me know.
We need to get a huge thread going to get attention
There is a thread in the Note 4 app section where a dev was able to vastly improve the quality of the stock Note 4 app. The software is already there in this time-shift app, all we need is a dev or a few to get into it and get it working. I'm not sure where we would get the most attention but if enough of us get together and request this feature somebody has to take notice. I'm willing to start a bounty and add 100 bucks to it. Here is my thread below, if you guys want to add your support that would be great or if anyone else has an idea of a better way to get some attention I'm all ears.
---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------
There is a thread in the Note 4 app section where a dev was able to vastly improve the quality of the stock Note 4 app. The software is already there in this time-shift app, all we need is a dev or a few to get into it and get it working. I'm not sure where we would get the most attention but if enough of us get together and request this feature somebody has to take notice. I'm willing to start a bounty and add 100 bucks to it. Here is my thread below, if you guys want to add your support that would be great or if anyone else has an idea of a better way to get some attention I'm all ears.

Will google ever fix the camera app? :/

Why is it so hard for google to fix the camera app and the camera quality issues that plague android? I was expecting them to fix it with the 5.1 update , but no luck, if you ask apple fans why they think the iphone is superior , the only thing they have going for them is camera quality. All I'm asking is that they reduce the time it takes to take a HDR+ picture , because without HDR+ the nexus 6 camera is kinda meh, implement an auto HDR+ mode, let us actually use burst mode, timelapse, that's pretty much it.... I don't want to install 3 different camera apps to get features that should be stock ...
Chad_Petree said:
Why is it so hard for google to fix the camera app and the camera quality issues that plague android? I was expecting them to fix it with the 5.1 update , but no luck, if you ask apple fans why they think the iphone is superior , the only thing they have going for them is camera quality. All I'm asking is that they reduce the time it takes to take a HDR+ picture , because without HDR+ the nexus 6 camera is kinda meh, implement an auto HDR+ mode, let us actually use burst mode, timelapse, that's pretty much it.... I don't want to install 3 different camera apps to get features that should be stock ...
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Totally agree, nexus 6 is finally a google phone with a good sensor and lens, and they ruin it with a camera app stuck in 2012.
Things missing:
- 60 fps video
- auto HDR
- HDR Video
- burst mode
- slow motion
- manual settings for ISO and shutter speed
- touch focus & manual focus during videos
- stutter free zoom
- stereo sound recording
I hear you I'm not very pleased with the situation either. I did download a program just for burst mode (Perfectly Clear) something that was standard on my galaxy S3 2 + years ago. The focus hunting in video mode is infuriating also.
I also agree about the iPhone. I was looking through my friend's new iPhone 6 and was playing with apps and camera like lame, lame, lame, wow this camera app is nice and slow mo!
Sent from my Nexus 6
I want a quick picture may use the camera app.
I do not have the time or care enough about taking pictures to learn what half the terms mean.
Take a picture, capture a moment .... looks good enough to me.
Really if they had Auto HDR .... whatever that is I can not see me using it.
Just go with the defaults.
If anything I never go for the highest resolution do not want to fill my internal memory or cloud storage with pictures.
Now I read many threads where people that want to take professional looking pictures just buy a third party app, think Camera 2 was recommended.
The iPhone Camera app maybe better but with Android you are free to try other apps.
The problem is the 3rd party apps suck at doing it (HDR, Burst, etc) and some excel at one thing so you end up having 4 camera apps that don't do what the iPhone camera does pretty well in one app. It is not like you can't run other camera apps on your iPhone either!
Don't be an Android fanboi/apologist please. Good grief!
I don't think its being an android fanboy or apologist to say a person has a differing opinion than yours. I use HDR on my N6 ALL THE TIME.
Quality is fine for me. I'm not looking to become some great camera phone photographer. I just want to capture a quick moment. I've used quite a few camera apps and, in the end, I find it doesn't matter to me. It all looks good to me.
Point, shoot, upload... MAYBE stream through Chromecast for family. You prefer a better camera set of functions, others, including myself, think the camera is just fine because it fits what we do with our cameras.
It not like anyone is slinging mud at you and telling you to go get an iPhone.. Don't be that guy that throws mud because someone has a differing opinion than you.
So just to be clear... your opinion is the camera app is "good enough" and we all should be fine with that? Oh well then O.K. No reason to improve it then. What's next?
Edit: YOU HAVE A NOTE 4??? Get the f*** out of here you are not using Google camera!!! If I had a Note 4 I would not be complaining either! It arguably takes better pictures than the iPhone :good:
DebianDog said:
So just to be clear... your opinion is the camera app is "good enough" and we all should be fine with that? Oh well then O.K. No reason to improve it then. What's next?
Edit: YOU HAVE A NOTE 4??? Get the f*** out of here you are not using Google camera!!!
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u do realize u can download the google camera from the play store right? Also its just a phone with a camera. you want quality pics buy a real camera. Gotta love the complainers over something very small. There is nothing wrong with the camera. Get real. Jeez
Auto HDR would also help people who don't want to spend time learning to take pictures.
I think we need an easy to use and fast camera app, which also adds options for those who want to get the best out of the camera. The new Lumia Camera 5 is doing this pretty good i think.
Title of thread: Will google ever fix the camera app
People agree it sucks. It runs from acceptable to horrendous. We are labeled complainers? Why is it so much to ask that Google has a "good" camera by default then if I want manual controls or other features I use another app?
Yes, if I want to take a lot of good pictures I will break out my DSLR but functionally my Galaxy S3 was better than what came in my Nexus 6.
DebianDog said:
Title of thread: Will google ever fix the camera app
People agree it sucks. It runs from acceptable to horrendous. We are labeled complainers? Why is it so much to ask that Google has a "good" camera by default then if I want manual controls or other features I use another app?
Yes, if I want to take a lot of good pictures I will break out my DSLR but functionally my Galaxy S3 was better than what came in my Nexus 6.
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Its very simple to them having a acceptable os running would be far more important than any apks. You cant sit there and tell me u rather have a good camera over the os. If so thats a stupid thought. A camera app can be fixed very easily by downloading another from the playstore. So again this small issue that people are having with the google camera is what it is A SMALL ISSUE.
Not quite sure i agree with all the people saying " you can just download another app " ?? you can't
Not if you want 120fps slow motion
or 60fps.
italia0101 said:
Not quite sure i agree with all the people saying " you can just download another app " ?? you can't
Not if you want 120fps slow motion
or 60fps.
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You cant....oh here u go. Sure can
Oh look google camera 2nd one on the list.
the_rooter said:
You cant....oh here u go. Sure can
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Thanks for that massive list of camera apps... none of which give 60fps or 120fps slow motion?
italia0101 said:
Thanks for that massive list of camera apps... none of which give 60fps or 120fps slow motion?
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its a phone are u serious? if your looking for a camera with a phone then go to windows
The nexus 6 is a phone with a camera. Besides even in your post u stated u cant download another app. Right there proves u wrong.
the_rooter said:
its a phone are u serious? if your looking for a camera with a phone then go to windows
The nexus 6 is a phone with a camera. Besides even in your post u stated u cant download another app. Right there proves u wrong.
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Lol ok, you need to take the fanboy hat off. Firstly i've had every Nexus phone since the Nexus S , love them, but the camera app is just poor and lacking features.
Oh and go back and read my post again, i said ... not if you want 60fps or 120fps slow motion. ( which btw the OnePlus One can do with the same sensor!) .. get off your high horse
"its a phone are u serious? if your looking for a camera with a phone then go to windows"
This is beyond stupid, how many Android phones out there have MUCH better camera apps than Nexus branded devices ???? ?nearly all of them
The fanboy in you is shocking.
italia0101 said:
Lol ok, you need to take the fanboy hat off. Firstly i've had every Nexus phone since the Nexus S , love them, but the camera app is just poor and lacking features.
Oh and go back and read my post again, i said ... not if you want 60fps or 120fps slow motion... get off your high horse .
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Far from a fan boy. Just getting ridiculous with people complaining about a non issue. How is the camera lacking features when it was provided just recently? the google camera is new back in april 2014. So no sure what u mean by poor and lacking features. If thats the case then the google now launcher and is poor and lacking features. Do some research fanboy
the_rooter said:
Far from a fan boy. Just getting ridiculous with people complaining about a non issue. How is the camera lacking features when it was provided just recently? the google camera is new back in april 2014. So no sure what u mean by poor and lacking features. If thats the case then the google now launcher and is poor and lacking features. Do some research fanboy
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Lol you're making yourself look ridiculous.
So apparently because it was given to us in April 2014 means its perfect? LOL
HTC, Samsung , Sony, OnePlus ( Oneplus btw has the same damn sensor so its 100% capable ) ... All of their Android devices offer :
Slow motion
HDR in video
better autofocus while recording video
The list is actually pretty long from whats lacking on the Nexus camera app, sorry but if you can't see that , you're straight up blind, either physically or mentally
italia0101 said:
Lol you're making yourself look ridiculous.
So apparently because it was given to us in April 2014 means its perfect? LOL
HTC, Samsung , Sony, OnePlus ... All of their Android devices offer :
Slow motion
HDR in video
better autofocus while recording video
The list is actually pretty long from whats lacking on the Nexus camera app, sorry but if you can't see that , there's no point in taking to you.
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your the one complaining about a non issue. google makes apps/os as simple as possible. Again research before u continue to complain about a non issue. Your a joke dude thinking that google left out features. there is a reason why. Simplicity.
Have a great day
Ps. Never said its perfect, but its not bad as most people state it is. I rather have simplicity over a camera with features I wont use.
the_rooter said:
your the one complaining about a non issue. google makes apps/os as simple as possible. Again research before u continue to complain about a non issue. Your a joke dude thinking that google left out features. there is a reason why. Simplicity.
Have a great day
Ps. Never said its perfect, but its not bad as most people state it is. I rather have simplicity over a camera with features I wont use.
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LOL , cheers, needed that laugh

want record slow motion video with samsung galaxy a7

Hello to big family xda developers
A question ;I have Samsung galaxy a7 and facing a big shortage in default camera app
Camera can’t record slow motion and I can’t see any option like 60 fps record and…
I try to solved this problem by app like slow pro,slow motion video fx and any app like this
But this app can’t record more than 30fps only slow motion normal frame that didn’t thing I looking 4
even in some app I apply 60fps but output still 30f
even try to install s5 camera app but didn't install and htc cam not running lg cam not work correctly
I want know I can record 60 fps video? Introduce me app
lollipop/no root
XDA Visitor said:
Hello to big family xda developers
A question ;I have Samsung galaxy a7 and facing a big shortage in default camera app
Camera can’t record slow motion and I can’t see any option like 60 fps record and…
I try to solved this problem by app like slow pro,slow motion video fx and any app like this
But this app can’t record more than 30fps only slow motion normal frame that didn’t thing I looking 4
even in some app I apply 60fps but output still 30f
even try to install s5 camera app but didn't install and htc cam not running lg cam not work correctly
I want know I can record 60 fps video? Introduce me app
lollipop/no root
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Hello, and thank you for using XDA Assist!
It's probably a limitation of the camera itself, not dictated by any camera app.
At any rate (to see if I can prove myself wrong), I am connecting this thread to the forum your device experts can be found:
> Samsung Galaxy A Series > Galaxy A3, A5, A7, A8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting
Please note, to respond to replies, you will need to be registered for an XDA account.
Hope this helps, and good luck!

Foward facing slow motion ? NOPEEE

So i just got the s7E and am doing plenty of expirementing with it...
Now im coming from the LGG3 and OP2 and one feature about the G3 camera i loved was the foward facing slow motion ability (lets me capture great vaping shots)
Now i know the S7E has a pretty bad ass ability of capturing and editing slow mo for the main camera.... but for anyone who wants slow mo with the "selfie cam" natively, are they out of luck?
Im not seeing any available download options for it either... helpz

Is it possible to record sound in slow motion like for N6P?

Nexus 6P has this but Axon 7 apparently does not? Would love to be proven wrong.
It's in the camera app.
Just look at the screenshots. There are some other camera modes too
Slow motion WITH SOUND
masong397 said:
It's in the camera app.
Just look at the screenshots. There are some other camera modes too
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Please read the title again. He asked about SOUND in slow motion.
I have been searching for this also. From what I've been reading there are only a limited number of android devices which are capable of recording sound in slow motion. It is pretty much the Nexus phones and the Pixel phones and a few Samsung Galaxys. The Google phones use the Google Camera app which records it.
I have also tried many apps to record in slow motion with sound, but none do, or even record true slow motion for that matter, probably because this phone doesn't support the Camera2 API.
I've tried changing the framerate in Open Camera and it's not supported. I've tried loading old versions of the Google Camera.
With the emphasis ZTE places on the audio features on this phone it's disappointing that audio is missing from the slow motion feature. If there is any way to record a slow motion video with sound or even another app which can record more than 30fps with sound please share, thanks!
ldodge417 said:
Please read the title again. He asked about SOUND in slow motion.
I have been searching for this also. From what I've been reading there are only a limited number of android devices which are capable of recording sound in slow motion. It is pretty much the Nexus phones and the Pixel phones and a few Samsung Galaxys. The Google phones use the Google Camera app which records it.
I have also tried many apps to record in slow motion with sound, but none do, or even record true slow motion for that matter, probably because this phone doesn't support the Camera2 API.
I've tried changing the framerate in Open Camera and it's not supported. I've tried loading old versions of the Google Camera.
With the emphasis ZTE places on the audio features on this phone it's disappointing that audio is missing from the slow motion feature. If there is any way to record a slow motion video with sound or even another app which can record more than 30fps with sound please share, thanks!
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My bad. Sorry about that. I was trying to be helpful... Anyway I've been using the slow motion and did realize no sound... Kind of a bummer...
masong397 said:
My bad. Sorry about that. I was trying to be helpful... Anyway I've been using the slow motion and did realize no sound... Kind of a bummer...
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No worries, didn't mean to sound harsh. Your screenshots were helpful. Hopefully ZTE will release an update enabling sound, or at least enabling Camera2 API support.
Its a shame, because the slow motion videos look great but sound is really cool with them.

