Is it dead? (97% battery shutdown) - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Couldn't find this exact shut down thing and none of the recent spate of 0% all of a sudden threads covers the 97% battery shutdown aspect to this. I ramble a bit, bare with me.
Had the nexus 10 from new (fk knows how long - 6+ years?)
Replaced the battery from a reputable supplier maybe 9months ago.
All has been good.
I installed lineage 14 and life was better.
Its essentially a youtube,iplayer, email terminal now.
Past few nights it just started shutting down. (fully charged)
Sometimes when switching Youtube videos, sometimes just skipping forward.
It worked for a bit whilst plugged in but even that isn't happening any more.
Its behaving like the battery is empty but when plugged in the battery indicator says full.
I have just tried to reflash. Got new lineage on it through twrp.
Boots to recovery and then I'm just trying to put gappsPICO on and it shuts down again, and thats whilst its plugged in!
Wont boot through to lineage setup even (i know it would fail/dead screen without gapps but I thought I'd try)
*Live update*
I deleted the battery stats file and it was still showing full charge but whilst typing its changed its mind and is accepting a charge!
Hope it was just the battery stats file (means I've just scrubbed it for no good reason other than that new lineage is better lineage right?)
Assuming the battery doesn't over charge and blow up and that the shutdown behaviour continues - this smells like a hardware fault right? A.k.A R.I.P Manta?
Wow, rambling. Sorry

Charged overnight. Reflashed and even got gappsPICO on as well.
Started to setup firstboot and the issue came back.
Thermally related hardware fault is my guess.
What's the current options for a similar product? High Res screen, doesn't need to game, nougat or later OS.
I thought there would be a cheap option but all I can find are things like the Samsung galaxy Tab 2. 300quid...
What say you?

Maybe helps.
olly230 said:
Couldn't find this exact shut down thing and none of the recent spate of 0% all of a sudden threads covers the 97% battery shutdown aspect to this. I ramble a bit, bare with me.
Had the nexus 10 from new (fk knows how long - 6+ years?)
Replaced the battery from a reputable supplier maybe 9months ago.
All has been good.
I installed lineage 14 and life was better.
Its essentially a youtube,iplayer, email terminal now.
Past few nights it just started shutting down. (fully charged)
Sometimes when switching Youtube videos, sometimes just skipping forward.
It worked for a bit whilst plugged in but even that isn't happening any more.
Its behaving like the battery is empty but when plugged in the battery indicator says full.
I have just tried to reflash. Got new lineage on it through twrp.
Boots to recovery and then I'm just trying to put gappsPICO on and it shuts down again, and thats whilst its plugged in!
Wont boot through to lineage setup even (i know it would fail/dead screen without gapps but I thought I'd try)
*Live update*
I deleted the battery stats file and it was still showing full charge but whilst typing its changed its mind and is accepting a charge!
Hope it was just the battery stats file (means I've just scrubbed it for no good reason other than that new lineage is better lineage right?)
Assuming the battery doesn't over charge and blow up and that the shutdown behaviour continues - this smells like a hardware fault right? A.k.A R.I.P Manta?
Wow, rambling. Sorry
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--- Hi i used/tried 4 new batteries until i gave up hope. One day i started to feel that i have to get my nexus 10 working so i started testing different stuff. My fix was, dont use any rom/kernel that is 3.4.67. Use 3.4.113 using roms or install that kernel. I hope this helps and please tell me if it helps

Do I need to kind a rom based on it or can I just flash a new one?

olly230 said:
Do I need to kind a rom based on it or can I just flash a new one?
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Hi, try rhis 5.8.5 resurection remix for nexus 10
Fingers crossed

Nah its terminal.
Screen now flickers whilst in recovery.
3 finger salute works
I can flash in new recovery ok.
I can navigate recovery menus fine, change interface settings but the miute I ask it to actually do anything, wipe, set for sideload or flash zip already on the device it flickers then dies.
Poor thing

Who'd have thunk it. Replacement battery died after 9 months.
Put the old one in ( cracking it open being the last resort)
Back in business.
Lineage 15.1 and oreo.
Boom, back in the game.


Anyone else with this problem...?

Hello all,
I bought the HD a couple of months after it first was released and have never had this problem until about 3 days ago, where my phone has started to suddenly "die" even with ample battery life in it. When I reboot it, it simply starts to reboot then dies again as if the battery is dead, however, when I plug it into the charger, it shows that it has over half to almost full battery life. So the problem can not be that the battery is simply dying. What could be causing this problem? I have ample free main storage and program memory and it occurs even when there is only one program running or even when I'm just in the middle of a call.
Can anyone help me solve this problem? I have tons of medical programs in my phone which took forever to install and don't want to hard reset the phone, especially if that is not even the solution to the problem. Help?
Same thing happened to me, but my phone gets some water. I had to dry it and wait a month. Then it worked fine. If your phone hasn't took any water the problem must be elsewhere.
One question, it dies even if attached to the power? or only on battery?
If it dies only on battery then could be the battery not working properly.
Batteries do weird stuff when they're dead. If it works OK on power but not on battery, chances are the battery is indeed on its way out. If you don't want to do a hard reset, a replacement battery on ebay is cheap and worth trying.
I have exactly the same behavior. I changed of Rom, different build, each time running Task29, but it is always the same thing :
- when charged, phone never dies
- when on battery, it randomly dies but always when phone is awake
I think too it may come from the battery, so I just ordered a new one, and I'll keep you up to date.
Yea, so far it has occurred about 4 times, always when it's not plugged in however the battery meter shows alof of battery time left. I'm thinking it's the battery too, it just sucks to have to pay so much for an OEM battery. Oh well, thanks for the help everyone.
so I received my new battery this morning.
After some phone calls and some far so good ! I'll tell you if something's change in the next days, but it seems changing the battery is the solution.
Mine started doing similar things. Guess I will order a battery too. Which one did you get?
Well I got the exact same one I had previously : an official htc touch hd battery.
Part number : 35H00120-01M.
I hope this one will last until I really want to change my phone .
Any more issues since replacing the battery?
still no issues so far. I am really happy because as the battery is new, my phone last much longer than before.
Same here. Got the new battery yesterday and it's back to it's old self. Now it should last me until the dual core processor Android devices come out next year.
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
I don't know about you, but I played quite a lot with my phone, trying a lot of ROM, for a while, even beta ones, and I tried to overclock it. Often the phone would heat up a lot. It may have be hard on the battery.
Right now I am using a stable rom of NRG from last month, with the new battery, and everything is fine. The phone never heat, and I happy for now.
Like Marksm, I am waiting for Android dual core phones or at least based on Tegra 2.
ANTO_AN said:
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
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As pointed out in above posts, a change in battery appears to have rectified issue
been there done that. Didnt work, i got a new phone but i would really like to keep this.

Power related issue

I'm finding that sometimes when I plug in the tablet to charge even if they battery is almost full, as soon as I plug it in it will think the battery is at 0% and start shutting down.
When I power it on and look at the battery stats it shows that the battery went to zero and then goes back up to were it was before the shutdown.
Also another issue is that the battery status will say its not charging even though it's not plugged in and the level never goes down even after a reboot. I find to fix it I need to go into a custom recovery and reset the battery stats for it to return to normal for a few hours.
I'm running on the stock image.
Its annoying, but I'm hoping that the next update will fix this.
Can't say I've ever experienced such an issue, on any device. If your looking for a fix, perhaps reflashing the factory image completely might help (I don't understand the battery stats file too much, but I would think a reflash would probably replace that file, and fix the problem).
sparcvx said:
I'm finding that sometimes when I plug in the tablet to charge even if they battery is almost full, as soon as I plug it in it will think the battery is at 0% and start shutting down.
When I power it on and look at the battery stats it shows that the battery went to zero and then goes back up to were it was before the shutdown.
Also another issue is that the battery status will say its not charging even though it's not plugged in and the level never goes down even after a reboot. I find to fix it I need to go into a custom recovery and reset the battery stats for it to return to normal for a few hours.
I'm running on the stock image.
Its annoying, but I'm hoping that the next update will fix this.
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I thought I was the only one with these problems. Never had these issues on my Galaxy Nexus. Now on the N10 I have the first problem you mentioned + battery % not moving until I reboot the unit (Random). Very annoying...I called Google Play support and after doing some test told me that they'll send my a new unit.
Note: I've flashed the Google image and I still had the issue (seems less frequent)...Sometimes I can have the % correctly refreshed and sometimes it stops after a few minutes.
I've attached screenshots of the problems...(1st image) Long straight lines were when I was actually using the device!! Cut in graph = reboot
Second image: both problems, check out the spike a 0%!! when plugging usb cable
psytrancer said:
I thought I was the only one with these problems. Never had these issues on my Galaxy Nexus. Now on the N10 I have the first problem you mentioned + battery % not moving until I reboot the unit (Random). Very annoying...I called Google Play support and after doing some test told me that they'll send my a new unit.
Note: I've flashed the Google image and I still had the issue (seems less frequent)...Sometimes I can have the % correctly refreshed and sometimes it stops after a few minutes.
I've attached screenshots of the problems...(1st image) Long straight lines were when I was actually using the device!! Cut in graph = reboot
Second image: both problems, check out the spike a 0%!! when plugging usb cable
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I have the same issue and my replacement is on it's way.
So I called support and I'm getting a replacement device.
I've been searching everywhere, thanks to this thread now I know I'm not the only one having these exact same issues. Looks like I'll be making a call to Google Support
Probably a software issue to be addressed in a later update.
Are these issues still present on the replacement devices?
OldOlson said:
Are these issues still present on the replacement devices?
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So far not happened on my replacement device. Went from 70% to almost 10%. Still testing. Also wakeup time is normal. I think it was hardware related.
EDIT: on my 3rd day and this new device always correctly reports battery life. Definitely hardware.
psytrancer said:
So far not happened on my replacement device. Went from 70% to almost 10%. Still testing. Also wakeup time is normal. I think it was hardware related.
EDIT: on my 3rd day and this new device always correctly reports battery life. Definitely hardware.
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I'm having the exact same issue with battery % not updating at random times and then sometimes the n10 claims 0% battery after recharging overnight and promptly turns itself off. Did the replacement unit fix this for you?
StephenMSmith said:
I'm having the exact same issue with battery % not updating at random times and then sometimes the n10 claims 0% battery after recharging overnight and promptly turns itself off. Did the replacement unit fix this for you?
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Yes my replacement unit is perfect. On my fourth day now and no issues whatsoever. My first unit was doing it day 1.
psytrancer said:
Yes my replacement unit is perfect. On my fourth day now and no issues whatsoever. My first unit was doing it day 1.
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I got my replacement unit 4 days ago and the problem is definitely gone! On my first device it also happened since day one.
My Nexus 10 just started doing this after a reboot last night, I guess I'll have to ring support and get a replacement.
I'm running a custom kernel, recovery and unlocked bootloader. Do I have to flash back to complete stock before I send it in?
Cheers guys
I'm not sure if I have this issue, but my N10 is definitely acting strange.. I put it in my bag this morning on 42% charge and when I took it out in the afternoon it was dead (I thought I might have hit it to something and damaged it), but when I plugged it in it started to charge after a few minutes from 0%. Then it rebooted after like 5 minutes without me touching it and it's charging for now. The battery stats don't show a drop to 0%, the graph ends at 42..
I've had this device for around 3 months now and never encountered this issue before, so I'm not sure if it's really a hardware issue, but I'd be quite disappointed if I had to get a replacement as this one is a really good one in terms of the other common issues (bleed, throttling, creak).

Bootloop Related To Battery Percentage?!

It's my brother's phone. out of nowhere, it started boot-looping. I tried everything I know to fix it, I was pretty sure it's a hardware issue once i saw it. It keeps trying to boot, some times it passes the google logo to the colored dots but with a very slow-motioned animation, then it boot-loops again. sometimes it boots though but once I try to put the google account and stuff it boot-loops again.
I started by clearing cache and data. I tried then installing the last factory image, when it didn't work I tried also last month's image and MM image, nothing worked. I went on and tried PureNexus, LineageOs, and a punch of kernels.
I left the phone boot-looping over night and when I woke up it was booted. The battery was 5% so I connected the charger and started putting my account and fingerprint. Suddenly it boot looped again at 12% battery. I unplugged the charger and left the phone. It kept boot-looping for a while the booted up with 10% battery. I didn't try to charge it again and everything went smoothly. I started trying the stock roms again, even the beta 7.1.2, I'm now sure that it only boot-loops above 10% battery, lower that 10% it works like a charm even with games and heat.
I know it's a long A$$ post but I'm not sorry ?. What do you guys think of that issue? anyone else had the same problem?
Hrmmm... Try disabling battery saver all together. A similar situation I had with my Pixel XL. Good luck. I miss my 6P!...:crying:
nagoo1 said:
It's my brother's phone. out if nowhere, it started bootlooping.
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Fastboot format userdata, system and cache then install NOF27B full image using flash-all.bat.
v12xke said:
Fastboot format userdata, system and cache then install NOF27B full image using flash-all.bat.
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Isn't NOF27B a PIXEL rom? ... If yuo mean N4F26T for nexus 6p, then I sadly tried that. I did it with twrp recovery though.
nagoo1 said:
Isn't NOF27B a PIXEL rom? ... If yuo mean N4F26T for nexus 6p, then I sadly tried that. I did it with twrp recovery though.
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Yes, sorry N4F26T. You cannot install a full image with TWRP. You need to fastboot format your cache, userdata and system partitions (not wipe with TWRP) and then fastboot flash the full Google image (not the OTA) using flash-all. bat.
v12xke said:
Yes, sorry N4F26T. You cannot install a full image with TWRP. You need to fastboot format your cache, userdata and system partitions (not wipe with TWRP) and then fastboot flash the full Google image (not the OTA) using flash-all. bat.
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I meant that I wiped everything with twrp then flashed factory image with Flash-all. I don't know if formatting with fastboot will make a difference but I will try it, hope it works.
Thanks man
nagoo1 said:
I meant that I wiped everything with twrp then flashed factory image with Flash-all. I don't know if formatting with fastboot will make a difference but I will try it, hope it works.
Thanks man
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Yes, formatting is different than wipe. Note any errors during the formatting. Cap your screen if you get any. Good luck.
v12xke said:
Yes, formatting is different than wipe. Note any errors during the formatting. Cap your screen if you get any. Good luck.
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I tried formatting, got no errors, and the same freakin boot-loop. The thing is we bought this phone from USA and the warranty expired 3 weeks ago :s .. anyways, if you have any other ideas plz suggest
Your case is different from (almost) all others. People with the BLOD have no recovery mode and you are using TWRP with no issues. A few have recovery but cannot format userdata or cache and get terminal errors attempting to format. You say the phone works normally under 10% but not above. Maybe there is something wrong with the battery? Try running an app called Accubattery. Once installed, charge the phone from below 10% until the APP tells you the phone is full. Don't go by what the phone says. Don't take it off the charger until Accubattery tells you it is full. After doing this check under the "Health" tab for the estimated battery capacity.
v12xke said:
Your case is different from (almost) all others. People with the BLOD have no recovery mode and you are using TWRP with no issues. A few have recovery but cannot format userdata or cache and get terminal errors attempting to format. You say the phone works normally under 10% but not above. Maybe there is something wrong with the battery? Try running an app called Accubattery. Once installed, charge the phone from below 10% until the APP tells you the phone is full. Don't go by what the phone says. Don't take it off the charger until Accubattery tells you it is full. After doing this check under the "Health" tab for the estimated battery capacity.
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Thanks for replying. I'd like to try your method but I don't think it's gonna work for me as the phone starts bootlooping after the 10% mark and the app wouldn't stop it from doing that. I also think that battery health is OK because if I keep charging it up to a 100% while off then try to boot it, it keeps bootlooping for about 5 hours until it reaches 10% then boots normally.
I don't know if I said this before, sometimes it boots up at a higher percentage but as soon as I start using it (open any thing or even swipe left and right), it bootloops again till it reaches 10%
I tend to believe that it's a ram issue as I've seen this before in other phones, PCs and Laptops, but what does any thing have to do with this 10% battery??????
nagoo1 said:
I don't know if I said this before, sometimes it boots up at a higher percentage but as soon as I start using it (open any thing or even swipe left and right), it bootloops again till it reaches 10%
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Did you watch the kernel logs? dmesg and after reboot /proc/last_kmsg (which will be empty unfortunately if RAM stops being powered)
rchtk said:
Did you watch the kernel logs? dmesg and after reboot /proc/last_kmsg (which will be empty unfortunately if RAM stops being powered)
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Never done this before, I'll look it up and try to get it. I think I saw an option in twrp to copy logs.
nagoo1 said:
It's my brother's phone. out of nowhere, it started boot-looping. I tried everything I know to fix it, I was pretty sure it's a hardware issue once i saw it. It keeps trying to boot, some times it passes the google logo to the colored dots but with a very slow-motioned animation, then it boot-loops again. sometimes it boots though but once I try to put the google account and stuff it boot-loops again.
I started by clearing cache and data. I tried then installing the last factory image, when it didn't work I tried also last month's image and MM image, nothing worked. I went on and tried PureNexus, LineageOs, and a punch of kernels.
I left the phone boot-looping over night and when I woke up it was booted. The battery was 5% so I connected the charger and started putting my account and fingerprint. Suddenly it boot looped again at 12% battery. I unplugged the charger and left the phone. It kept boot-looping for a while the booted up with 10% battery. I didn't try to charge it again and everything went smoothly. I started trying the stock roms again, even the beta 7.1.2, I'm now sure that it only boot-loops above 10% battery, lower that 10% it works like a charm even with games and heat.
I know it's a long A$$ post but I'm not sorry . What do you guys think of that issue? anyone else had the same problem?
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happened to me just now, been bootlooping since morning, phone was being charged alternately with my wall charger and usb connected to my charger, in the middle of me trying to find a solution, so the phone was adequately charged. finally getting tired of the whole trial and error i forgot to charge and was busy restoring my old recoveries when an oct 2016 backup suddenly started booting with the running colored dots and when the security screen came in and the phone died because of low battery. I had tried the same backup before but it didnt boot. can this be true ? that the bootloops are battery related..
My bootloader shows Battery as OK and i can access TWRP recovery.
anikadam said:
happened to me just now, been bootlooping since morning, phone was being charged alternately with my wall charger and usb connected to my charger, in the middle of me trying to find a solution, so the phone was adequately charged. finally getting tired of the whole trial and error i forgot to charge and was busy restoring my old recoveries when an oct 2016 backup suddenly started booting with the running colored dots and when the security screen came in and the phone died because of low battery. I had tried the same backup before but it didnt boot. can this be true ? that the bootloops are battery related..
My bootloader shows Battery as OK and i can access TWRP recovery.
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Seems to be the same issue. I hope we both can find a solution for this.
Here are two dmesg.log I got from TWRP, I got one below 10% and one above 10% (bootlooping). I really don't know what to do with these, so we'll need some experience here
Edit: too much characters for the post, I'll attach them instead
I hope this is actually what you guys are looking for.
View attachment 4089615
View attachment 4089616
It actually sounds like you might have a hardware issue where if the phone gets too hot from running or charging the phone bootloops. This could be because of damaged memory, a damaged CPU or damaged connections to the motherboard. The phone might work at 10% or less because the phone is running cooler when the battery is close to running out since the phone is trying to preserve what is left of the charge. I seriously doubt that there is anything you can do software wise to fix that phone. You could bring it into a repair shop. Frequently they give free estimates on a repair. Good luck.
jhs39 said:
It actually sounds like you might have a hardware issue where if the phone gets too hot from running or charging the phone bootloops. This could be because of damaged memory, a damaged CPU or damaged connections to the motherboard. The phone might work at 10% or less because the phone is running cooler when the battery is close to running out since the phone is trying to preserve what is left of the charge. I seriously doubt that there is anything you can do software wise to fix that phone. You could bring it into a repair shop. Frequently they give free estimates on a repair. Good luck.
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Yeah I think it's a HW failure too, but what makes it work without any issues under 10%? keep in mind that sometimes I leave it bootloop for hours before it reaches 10% and boots-up, which means the device is hot. Also, if i leave it to cool down with airplane mode for a while, it keeps working. I even tried playing asphalt till the phone reached 0% and shut down. It has nothing to do with heat i think, which means its not connection issue like we used to see in graphics cards before.
I just wanna know what gets triggered under 10% that makes the phone work normally? it's not battery saving mode cause i've tried it, but I'm pretty sure something changes at exactly 10% that makes it work.
I don't have a service center that I can trust over here, I called them and they told me they will try flashing the SW (not free of-course) and that if ti's not SW then they will change the main board for almost the same price as a new phone :laugh:
I could be wrong but I think the battery saver feature basically turns off your radios and reduces brightness so you can still make calls for as long as possible. But I think even with that off your phone likely consumes less energy when the battery is down to 10% because the cpu cores will no longer operate at full strength. You might be able to use the phone somewhat if you install Francos kernel and use the most battery restraining governor settings possible to keep the phone cooler and processor use at the minemum but even if that worked you would basically be turning the 6P into the equivalent of a hundred dollar phone usability wise so it's kind of pointless. I asked a repair shop here what it would cost to replace the motherboard and they said it was essentially replacing the whole phone and wouldn't make sense cost wise. I don't think any of these 6Ps will be around in a few years. It doesn't seem like they were built to last.
I knew it wouldn't work, but I had to try
I found a thread over here that fixes bootloop for a certain situation, i knew it wouldn't work but i tried it anyways.
Following the guide I have to Restore a backup through TWRP, It further proved that It's a HW issue when it kept freezing and rebooting when trying to restore. I left the battery drain till it reached 10% then tried to restore again and it worked and booted up, but again when I tried to charge beyond 10% it bootlooped :crying:
jhs39 said:
I could be wrong but I think the battery saver feature basically turns off your radios and reduces brightness so you can still make calls for as long as possible. But I think even with that off your phone likely consumes less energy when the battery is down to 10% because the cpu cores will no longer operate at full strength. You might be able to use the phone somewhat if you install Francos kernel and use the most battery restraining governor settings possible to keep the phone cooler and processor use at the minemum but even if that worked you would basically be turning the 6P into the equivalent of a hundred dollar phone usability wise so it's kind of pointless. I asked a repair shop here what it would cost to replace the motherboard and they said it was essentially replacing the whole phone and wouldn't make sense cost wise. I don't think any of these 6Ps will be around in a few years. It doesn't seem like they were built to last.
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Nice Idea, but I don't know which kernel manager to use with franco & what settings would be best for limiting cpu. if there's a topic about that please point it to me or give me ur thoughts

Another strange battery thread

yes i know: another battery thread. But tbh i havn't seen a thread with a similar problem description so far. Im using a Note 3 SM-9005
After my Note3 got super slow with normal samsung rom, i decided to flash it and install LineageOS 14.X. It works amazing! Feelt like a super new phone to me. Just some problems with rotation but i could life with that. One year later my battery started to drain faster. But a while after that i could fully charge my phone, watch some YT videos (like 20min overall) and then the phone just goes off. Its super hot near camera (processor i guess?) after turning it on again it was at 1%. 1 Month ago i tried to finaly fix it by flashing to LineageOS 15.X (Android 8.1) but the problem is still the same. And now its not just videos, if the phone screen is on for more then 20min it will turn off (even if it says 50%)
But not enough.
- After shutting down automaticly, it start itself again and shutdown again and so on. Until i plugin a charger then it stops doing it (or if i remove the battery).
- If im just listining to music it works fine (no screen on time), but while listining music in freezes for 1 up to 3 seccends (on avg every 10s one "freeze")
- It can happen after 5min of usage after charging it to 100% or i can listin to music for over 70min, than can have it in my pocket for 9 hrs, can hear music again for 70min and it still works (all of that with less to none SOT)
I havnt tried so much tbh, cuz i always thought it is a battery problem. But the new battery I got 2 days ago still has the exact same problem. I've read something about save mode and I booted it in save mode and the phone didnt get hot (not even warm!) with 20min SOT browsing (had no time to test it more). But the only apps that I have installed are Spotify, Firefox, WhatsApp and the Blizzard Auth.
Now i tested using a calibrate battery app (my phone isnt rooted but the app said it worked) and now im charging it up to 100% again to test it. But I dont think it worked.
Anyone here with more ideas I could try?
One full wipe and install stock rom .
Charge battery and test over two weeks .
Calibration app NO thats fake it does not and cannot calibrate a battery ( see multiple posts )
Its just the usual battery question and a search answers your question .
How long have you been using that battery? Get a new battery and your problem is solved.
I had similar problems with battery charging to 100% and suddenly going down to 50% and suddenly switching off. Changed battery and all was well again.
amin12345 said:
How long have you been using that battery? Get a new battery and your problem is solved.
I had similar problems with battery charging to 100% and suddenly going down to 50% and suddenly switching off. Changed battery and all was well again.
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I just bought a new battery. TBH it defenetly cant be a good one for that cheap price. But I just flashed back to Stock Rom. With the old battery same problem, but with the new one it works good so far. nearly all bugs that came up the last few month are gone. While setting it up, the phone got really hot (it had to work pritty hard i guess to update everything). This is why JJEgan mentioned to use it for atleast a week i guess.
But an important question: is it possible to flash back to a new version again after like a week? Or am i now forced to use this stone age version of Android. (I guess all samsung apps can be removed if i decied to root the phone)

Battery percentage issue on z17s

Yesterday I was using my Nubia z17s as always and before going to bed I decided to charge it, since battery was at around 20%.
When I connected the charger, the screen went off and it didn't wake up, no matter what I did, although I could feel the fingerprint scanner vibration when I used any of the registered fingers. So I decided to hard reboot the phone by keeping the power button pressed.
To my surprise, when the phone booted again, the battery percentage showed 3%. I left it charging overnight and now it's working but the battery percentage is stuck on 3%. I'm pretty sure it's more than that, since I've been using the phone for more than 6 hours and the battery percentage hasn't dropped a bit, and the phone is working (I've made an received a few calls).
A guy at work suggested letting the battery drain completely until the point the phone shuts itself down, and then charging the phone up to 100% while off, so the battery is calibrated and the percentage is fixed. But I've always heard that it's not a good idea to let a battery drain so much. Another problem is that I fear not being able to charge the phone again once the battery gets below 3%.
Any ideas? The phone is running latest Mokee 9 Premium.
Thanks in advance.
Remove "batterystats.bin" in the System folder
Tomcar said:
Remove "batterystats.bin" in the System folder
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I had already tried that. But deleting that file just resets the battery usage statistics. It has nothing to do with the battery percentage
It seems to me that you will have to make a full data backup and perform a factory reset.
ps and which firmware in use?
Hi, I forgot replying.
I finally got the phone up and running again, and the issue seemed to be firmware related.
I was running the phone on Android Pie based Mokee ROM. I finally let the phone discharge until it shut down and charged it while off. Battery got up to 100% and the phone seemed to work fine. But, a few weeks later, something similar happened again, so I reverted to the stock firmware (still stuck at Android 7.1.1) and the battery issues went away.
I recently tested the Android 10 based Mokee and found that it reports battery level very differently than the stock firmware. Before flashing TWRP and the Mokee ROM, the phone was showing 88% battery left. Just after booting Mokee, the phone had apperently dropped to 78% and I also felt quite a huge battery drain. And it had only taken me around 5 minutes to install the recovery and firmware. So I guess the Mokee firmware doesn't handle the battery very well on Nubia z17s. It's a pity, since all the rest works very well, and I quite liked the Android 10 experience. On the other side, I was unable to make Magisk work under Android 10, and Google Pay is a must for me now, so I once again went back to stock firmware.
