Error trying to unlock LG G6 (H870) bootloader - LG G6 Questions and Answers

I'm having difficulties trying to unlock the bootloader of my LG G6, after I enter all the data on my device (including the device id and the IMEI), this error appears: (look at the attached image)
My model: H870 (7.0) Stock

Your model is the H870 from brazil, only the european H870 and the unlocked version US977 ( I think is that model) can have bootloader unlock. Sorry for you but you cannot root or unlock the bootloader at the time I am writting this post.


Help me pls HOW to unlock LG g6 sk-telecom

Help me pls HOW to unlock LG g6 sk-telecom
Medel :: G600L
I need help too
Can sm1 help me, I tried to unlock the bootloader, but when i type adb reboot bootloader, it shows no devices/emulator found...
ZkPro1991 said:
Can sm1 help me, I tried to unlock the bootloader, but when i type adb reboot bootloader, it shows no devices/emulator found...
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how to unlock the locked network brow ?
The only models you can unlock are the US997 and EU H870.

FOTA on unlocked (re-locked) bootloader

I am having an unlocked LG G6 (US997) model. I requested unlock code, unlocked the bootloader and since then relocked the bootloader and flashed a kdz (US99720b) file. Since then I have not received any OTA updates. Does it not send OTA updates if the bootloader is unlocked even once. Right now locked.

succesfully converted h871 to us997

So back story, i used lg g6 last year and since there was no root i switched to huawei mate 10 pro and planned on sending g6 to a friend out of country and i was looking again yesterday if there was root but still none and i stumbled upon a thread about converting it to canadian h873 with 20g firmware and then to us997 20c september kdz and was able to boot back and able to connect to att and t mobile, havent tried BL unlock or root as us997 is unlocked model and i am finally happy that this g6 has some use, for anyone interested search in xda and you should find that thread and links for downloads.
Well after converting h871 to us997 using lgup and patched dll i am still not able to start fastboot, PC recognises device in adb and adb commands work fine but when i type adb reboot bootloader it boots to fastboot screen but my PC doesnt recognise it and fastboot device or any other fastboot commands not working but volte an att and wifi calling on t moblle working great, checked them to make and gauranteed to work but still unable to bootloader unlock, does anyone know another method, thanks.

converting H870K back to H870 (or fake it)

Is there a way to edit the build.prop to rename the phone model from h870K to h870 without root?
I bought a H870 an thought it was european to unlock bootloader.
it showed H870 on the phonesettings software/hardware info menu
I made an update via uppercut/lgup to v30b and now it shows h870K
the IMEI is an australian. used file H87030b_00_OPEN_EU_OP_1105.kdz

Unlocking bootloader on an unsupported LG G6 H870

So basicly i tried to unlock the Bootloader on my LG G6 H870 and on the lg developers website when i try to get the unlock.bin file a message pops up says my phone is unsupported although its on the supported list.
So is there any other way i could unlock the Bootloader?
