xposed on 8.1 - Nokia 6 Questions & Answers

i installed xposed in my nokia 6 oreo 8.1
and xposed app say it actived
but programes did't work with xposed
help please

You probably need root access
hemwahdan said:
i installed xposed in my nokia 6 oreo 8.1
and xposed app say it actived
but programes did't work with xposed
help please
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I think you need to have rooted yournokia 6 before the xposed app will work


Greenify donate version

Is it working for you? Although I have installed xsposed framework it still says that the module has not been acyivated yet...while I have activated it. Not sure if there are others facing same problem out there....
caribouxda said:
Is it working for you? Although I have installed xsposed framework it still says that the module has not been acyivated yet...while I have activated it. Not sure if there are others facing same problem out there....
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I think if you check the Xposed Framework thread... you'll find that Xposed is not yet KitKat friendly.
Greenify on it's own is running fine for me though.
caribouxda said:
Is it working for you? Although I have installed xsposed framework it still says that the module has not been acyivated yet...while I have activated it. Not sure if there are others facing same problem out there....
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Nothing that runs off the xposed module is working at the moment. The developer is waiting to get his phone (nexus 5) in order to update it. On the greenify app thread the developer introduced a work around update for xposed that will enable it to work with KitKat. Go in there and download it abs you'll be able to use any xposed module.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Xposed on 5.1.1

Any one tried installing xposed on 5.1.1....?? Its still in alpha phase just want to know whether it works....thanks in advanve....
yup, it works partially... use the latest 64bit flashable zip & xposed installer.
Greenify, lucky patcher, gravitybox seems to work fine...
iswapneel said:
Any one tried installing xposed on 5.1.1....?? Its still in alpha phase just want to know whether it works....thanks in advanve....
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It worked beautifully for me. I used sdk22 for flashing the xposed framework. I am on SOKP release R# from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/yureka/development/l-5-1-t3085984
Press thanks it it helped
Gravitybox has caused bootloop.....its nt supported i guess.... Rest workin fine....thanks....
latest gravitybox works...
Can anyone confirm does it work on CMOS lollipop provided by YU yureka.
And can anybody guide hot to install xposed framework
Thanks in adv
i tried 64bit zip file....but after flashing it was failed .... can you give the link nd i am using custom Rom Tesla
iswapneel said:
Any one tried installing xposed on 5.1.1....?? Its still in alpha phase just want to know whether it works....thanks in advanve....
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you should use twrp 64bit reocvery to flash that zip files and remember xposed lolipop version is diffrent. its apk is also diffrent compare to KitKat download xposed arm64 SDK 21 for L 5.0.2 and xposed arm64 SDK 22 for L 5.1.1
use xposed alpha 4 apk for controlling xposed modules
Sent from my AO5510 using XDA Free mobile app
Framework installed, but not active!
Hi! I am using Yu Yureka running Android 5.1.1. I have rooted the device, flashed the arm64 version and installed the Xposed (3.0_alpha4) apk. The app however says "Xposed framework Version 86 is installed, but not active. Check log for details". Any solutions for that? The logs in the framework indicates an error saying no such file found. Anybody else having this problem?
---------- Post added at 07:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 AM ----------
An update: In other forums, I have found an advice to delete a file at root/data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/conf (using a root explorer) and reboot. I find no file to delete there!
Space in the system seems to be the issue
Guys, I deleted a few useless system apps->removed the framework and rebooted->reinstalled the framework....and Xposed is active!

Is Xposed Framework working in MIUI 9 Nougat?

Has anyone tried it?
I'm wondering if this module would work:
Xposed Framework is working on miui 9 with this version : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=889964283620758119
About that module , i don't really know it will work
alexmanu1 said:
Xposed Framework is working on miui 9 with this version : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=889964283620758119
About that module , i don't really know it will work
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Thank you!

xPosed Framework on Oreo?

Hello friends,
is it possible to install xposed framework on LG G6 running Oreo? If yes, is there a guide topic for how to do it?
I especially want xposed framework to use Youtube Background Playback modification. Is there a way to run youtube in background without xposed framework? Thanks for your answers.
ndroid1562 said:
Hello friends,
is it possible to install xposed framework on LG G6 running Oreo? If yes, is there a guide topic for how to do it?
I especially want xposed framework to use Youtube Background Playback modification. Is there a way to run youtube in background without xposed framework? Thanks for your answers.
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Magisk module youtube vanced it is a good option and you can pass safetynet
mprovi_15 said:
Magisk module youtube vanced it is a good option and you can pass safetynet
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Is it working on oreo? Is there an "How-to-topic" for installing magisk?
Download the latest version of iytbp & microg. No root required and its much better than any xposed mod I've ever used to emulate the same result (background playback etc)
Just Google: iytbp xda
ndroid1562 said:
Hello friends,
is it possible to install xposed framework on LG G6 running Oreo? If yes, is there a guide topic for how to do it?
I especially want xposed framework to use Youtube Background Playback modification. Is there a way to run youtube in background without xposed framework? Thanks for your answers.
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Installing Oreo now, ill test it myself and report back with results, but it appears it is working... (https://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g6/how-to/lg-g6-stock-oreo-root-xposed-t3795323/page2)
Edit: Cant install without stock recovery, cant find stock recovery.... attempting to download kdz and extract it...
Edit 2: Thanks Zefie, dirty flashed v20a zip, mostly everything working!
I installed xposed magisk module and xposed works perfectly.
cpu frequencies get locked for me if i install xposed, it only goes to 1500Mhz so it gets very laggy, when i unistall xposed it takes a while, but get's back to full power in a cuple of minutes
ndroid1562 said:
Hello friends,
is it possible to install xposed framework on LG G6 running Oreo? If yes, is there a guide topic for how to do it?
I especially want xposed framework to use Youtube Background Playback modification. Is there a way to run youtube in background without xposed framework? Thanks for your answers.
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Can confirm, Xpsoed framework works fine for me aswell (SDK 26 from Magisk modules), some issues with FSBI, but seems to be on the apps end, everything else seems to works fine (Adaway for youtube, Dimensions Changer, XPrivacy Lua, and Xstana), not having problems with locked cpu clocks as mentioned.
So is there a topic for how to install magisk and xposed framework on our devices? I don't want to damage my LG G6 :/
ndroid1562 said:
So is there a topic for how to install magisk and xposed framework on our devices? I don't want to damage my LG G6 :/
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Its pretty simple, (I believe the process is the same between H870 and US997).
Install magisk (if you dont have it already its just a matter of flashing the Magisk V16.0 zip in TWRP or similar recovery).
Go to 'downloads' tab in magisk, search for 'Xpsoed'.
Install the one by rovo89 titled "Xposed Framework (SDK 26)". *Note* I have tried the version that is supposed to work on multiple sdks, it installs with no issue but no apps can connect the the framework...
Open Xposed Installer app (if not installed, just search for DVDandroid's Xposed Installer
I tried this on my recently flashed LG G6 Oreo 8.00 and the phone took ages to start up and basically froze. It was quite laggy so I uninstalled it within Magisk

Edxposed beta working on g8142!!!

I tested out this edxposed for pie everyone is raging about. Works pretty good. Ha vent had any boot loops like the beta 3 on the official xposed. Gravity box works pretty good for just being released. I would make sure you have a magisk uninstaller just in case it doesn't like your device.
Also make sure running riru core v11 most up to date one
I'v including all things needed to get you going
so pretty exciting news for those who love xposed and gravity box!!
edxpose installer:
Edxposed framework:
Riru core:
Working great on 8141 also instlled two days ago when sew GravityBox for pie
Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
super working exposed g8141
Are you using xperia rom? or custom rom? cause im going to buy a xperia 10, so i want to know. thanks
Anyone got gravitybox working on 9.0?
saved-j said:
Anyone got gravitybox working on 9.0?
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Anyone who tried.... 9.0 beta version has been out and working for ages
saved-j said:
Anyone got gravitybox working on 9.0?
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If you have already acquired root and have magisk, you can try this.If you have already acquired root and have magisk, you can try this. I don't have a gravity toolbox installed, but I use some modules.
TaiChi-A framework to use Xposed modules with or without Root/Unlock bootloader, supportting Android 5.0 ~ 9.0.
