DVP11 - Any ideas what's going on with this screen? - Venue Pro General

I know the odds of anyone even seeing this thread are probably slim, but oh well, worth a shot I guess. We got this DVP 11 (5130 model) a few months ago from a customer who needed a password removed and wanted to upgrade to Win10. No problem (well, one problem, but I'll deal with that later...)
Anyway, about a week later the customer brought it back, saying that "the screen's all white." He said he didn't know exactly *what* all he'd done to it, but that there was a better-than-likely chance that he had screwed something up by either dicking around with settings, or possibly by damaging something when he decided to open the tablet up and poke around inside for god knows what reason. Anyway, you can see the result in the pics below. My initial thought was simply that he'd damaged the video cable, as I'd seen a similar sort of thing before where that was the culprit, but it looks fine and a new replacement cable didn't solve the problem either. Anyway, it got sat aside and the guy never came back to claim it. I forgot we even had it until stumbling across it again the other night, but alas, I'm still stumped. I certainly don't *think* this is a software-related issue - HDMI output is fine - but I guess weirder things have happened. Is there some kind of backlight controller that's gone out? I can't seem to find any other examples of this problem, so it seems like a freak occurrence if so. Another unusual thing is that the "white" effect kinda lessens the longer it's on, as you can see in the pics - almost reminds me of an old CRT TV that needed to "warm up" first. (The pics make it look less noticeable than it actually is though - it never entirely goes away and is still more of a visual hinderance than it appears to be. The last pics were taken approx. 2-3 hours after the first ones.)
Any ideas what's going on?


Screen fading to white ongoing issue- MONEY AHEAD!

Hi all,
I need help,suggestions,anything with an issue I've had for a while. Since the time I started loading WM6 the screen has been randomly fading to white. I have LSVW latest rom 22/4 SE and 1.40.10 radio and 1.40oli although it doesn't matter what rom you load. I tried going back to WM5 and its better but now still fades to white as well.
on advise from oli and legolas I purchased a new battery but still have the same issue.
I have dropped my phone once which resulted in a crack to the right of the DEL/CR keys so could it be a HW issue and if you think so is it one I could open up the phone and fix?
Any and all help appreciated
Im updating to
LVSW 4-23 Full, Radio, SPL 2.10.Oli, IPL 1.04
seeing if any difference comes out.
This is not the first time this issue has been reported:
The conclusion is that it's hardware related. It may be as simple as one of the internal ribbon connectors having a less than firm connection. It may be brought on my anything from physical movement or pressure to internal pressure if the device gats warm. However, it is possible that there is a failing component. IMHO, a case of take it for replacement/repair or first check connectors if your brave and not worried about a warranty.
mikechannon said:
This is not the first time this issue has been reported:
The conclusion is that it's hardware related. It may be as simple as one of the internal ribbon connectors having a less than firm connection. It may be brought on my anything from physical movement or pressure to internal pressure if the device gats warm. However, it is possible that there is a failing component. IMHO, a case of take it for replacement/repair or first check connectors if your brave and not worried about a warranty.
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HHmmm interesting thread .. the only issue i have out of that is the fade to white one.
Maybe Hardware .. i got the phone off ebay and now it has a crack in it .. so i dare say it isnt under warranty any more. (even though its a max of 6 months old).
It may also be software. I experienced the WSOD on my JASJAM when playing with the GPS-related DLL's. Once this problem appeared when switching on the camera. The screen would turn white and soft reset would not fix this, only power off/on would sort it out. Seems that the drivers do not reset (some of) the hardware to a known state on boot.
Had EXACTLY the same problem. Hoped it would be a software problem. Hard-reset a few times to no avail. Upgraded to a couple of the WM6 ROMs. No change. I did notice that when it was cool it tended not to happen, but after being on the phone a couple minutes or using the PDA for a while, it would do it AGAIN.
One weird thing I noticed was that if I did a Soft-reset and held down the Left Soft-key, I could "force" it to fade to white on start-up! VERY WEIRD.
I finally bit the bullet, and sent it back to Telstra to get it sorted. Didn't want to void warranty myself.
It has been just over 2 weeks since I sent it off, and They have sent this reply...
This phone is currently waiting on a part which was ordered yesterday. Some parts have already been issued but needs further repair.
From: LJ Boyd [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2007 2:18 PM
To: ! TMS Customer Service
Subject: RE: Imate JASJAM Problem
Hello, I am emailing about an I-Mate JASJAM phone I sent for repairs early last week (tel # xxx ).
Can you please update me as to status of this repair, as the Telstra shop did not provide me with a second phone while I await return/repair/replacement of the phone.
So, I guess it IS a hardware problem. But then again, that kind of reply, sounds a bit "dodgy" as it doesn't seem to "technical" does it?
Hope this helps.
jyetara said:
So, I guess it IS a hardware problem. But then again, that kind of reply, sounds a bit "dodgy" as it doesn't seem to "technical" does it?
Hope this helps.
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Their reply was not very technical - does not surprise me however. The people who repair these devices are usually faced with some component/connection/screen or a m/board that needs replaced. They often fail to take account of something as basic as the case pressing on the screen or other components - particularly when device is warm. So they replace the component they think is faulty and then discover the problem is still there. With this issue in particular I think that there are no faulty components just the case is a fraction of a millimetre too tight for the internal components and hence swapping out parts can have no effect. With this fault I advise people to go for a replacement not a repair if possible.
NB: This issue should not be confused with white screen that may appear after installing particular software or when an application crashes, or when the flashing of a new ROM goes wrong! The hardware issue arises most commonly when the device gets warm or put another way goes white after maybe 10 minutes of use and will continue to go white even after hard reset.
I have this same problem! =(
My phone screen recently (4-5 days ago) started to go white. I never saw this happen with my own eyes but when i picked up my phone and its sleeping i push the power button to get to an all white screen. I can hear noises when i touch the screen but no image other than white. I can solve this by removing the battery and putting it back in, then my scren works fine....its not verry often just like 1-3 times a day.
I want to try a hard reset but have a question first: My phone is unlocked by the ebay guy i got it from, will a hard reset lock my phone back to Cingular?
Next i want to try upgrading my ROM and Radio and anything else...im looking in the wiki for instructions on how to do this. Any help? What else shouls i upgrade?
Ive only had my Hermes for around 2 months so im new to much of this.
I recently purchased a Used Imate Jasjam (Ex Telstra Australia) with this issue.
I pulled the unit apart, and reseated and pressed the Power and LCD Display Data Cables... attempting to ensure they were firmly fastened.
I then upgraded to LVSW's Latest WM6 Release.
I have had the Phone go to White once in that timeframe since. I brought it back by pressing the power button of, then one again.
I don't feel that it's really a "100%" Faulty Part... Because it works fine othertimes. It almost seems as if connections or a Data Cable has an Issue.
I'm intending tonight and using the Phone over the weekend to see if the issue continues to occur.
Well, got my phone back after a bit over 3 weeks I think? I kept ringing the repair center and emailing. Finally they said it was ready, and was sent back to the shop I bought it from. Rang the shop "no it's not here yet, we will ring you"... now the repair centre to the shop is a 20 min drive... on the 3rd, I rang again at 1pm and "no it's not here yet, we will ring you when it arrives." At this point I was really getting p*ed off. So I went to the shop, and demanded, and guess what was AT the Shop?!?!?!
Anyway, after 1 friggin day, I have lost the Red & Green phone buttons! As of tonight the whole bottom section no longer work, and the screen has gone white again.
The repair report listed 3 things replaced...one was a "bezel" another was a "poly" something. I will get the report a list the replaced bits if anyone likes, but their descriptions are kind of strange if ya ask me.
Anyway, I have to send the phone back for repairs again, which could take another 3 weeks +, which I think is completely PATHETIC OF TELSTRA, especially for the fact they dont give the same phone or even similar to "loan" while I wait for my defective $1300 phone to get "repaired"... (more like 'fiddled with' & "yeah, she'll be right mate"...
My girlfriends phone was having the same problem. Try popping out your SD card and putting the phone into/out of sleep and see if that brings back a visible screen. Thats how we determined her situation was a hardware problem and not a problem with the rom.
jyetara said:
Well, got my phone back after a bit over 3 weeks I think? I kept ringing the repair center and emailing. Finally they said it was ready, and was sent back to the shop I bought it from. Rang the shop "no it's not here yet, we will ring you"... now the repair centre to the shop is a 20 min drive... on the 3rd, I rang again at 1pm and "no it's not here yet, we will ring you when it arrives." At this point I was really getting p*ed off. So I went to the shop, and demanded, and guess what was AT the Shop?!?!?!
Anyway, after 1 friggin day, I have lost the Red & Green phone buttons! As of tonight the whole bottom section no longer work, and the screen has gone white again.
The repair report listed 3 things replaced...one was a "bezel" another was a "poly" something. I will get the report a list the replaced bits if anyone likes, but their descriptions are kind of strange if ya ask me.
Anyway, I have to send the phone back for repairs again, which could take another 3 weeks +, which I think is completely PATHETIC OF TELSTRA, especially for the fact they dont give the same phone or even similar to "loan" while I wait for my defective $1300 phone to get "repaired"... (more like 'fiddled with' & "yeah, she'll be right mate"...
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Yes, sadly this is kind of predictable as I said in an earlier post in this thread:
This is why, as I said, get a replacement not a repair if possible. My view is that the individual components are fine but connectors come loose or the heat generated causes pressure to be put on the screen etc So it's a problem with some cases and how the innards in some cases get squeezed. So off course changing the top poly board, connectors, bezel gasket, may by pot luck make a difference but is just as likely to make no difference at all.
Status Report:
After having my phone playing Video's Through the Night (My Way of a "Stress Test" to Generate Heat) I woke up the find the screen to be "almost completely" White.
Usually its gone completely, however in this instance I was able to see the icons through the whitewash.
I put the phone into sleep and back out and the Display is fine again.
Being that these phones are much easier to pull apart and put back together than my old JasJar I might to do some further experimentation.
I think the issue will have something to do with either one of the following
- Heat
- Pressure on the LCD from Parts Around it
- Faulty Ribbon or Power Leads to the LCD
My suggestions
- In the Case of Heat... I'll run the Same Test, with the Phone Directly in front of a small airconditioning unit I have.
- In the Case of Pressure, I'm going to look and see if I can place some extra Insulation Tape or Similar on the Phone to relieve this
- I wish I could find somewhere to buy the Replacement Ribbon Cables but I don't know where I can get them in Australia... any ideas?
VolarisPtyLtd said:
Status Report:
After having my phone playing Video's Through the Night (My Way of a "Stress Test" to Generate Heat) I woke up the find the screen to be "almost completely" White.
Usually its gone completely, however in this instance I was able to see the icons through the whitewash.
I put the phone into sleep and back out and the Display is fine again.
Being that these phones are much easier to pull apart and put back together than my old JasJar I might to do some further experimentation.
I think the issue will have something to do with either one of the following
- Heat
- Pressure on the LCD from Parts Around it
- Faulty Ribbon or Power Leads to the LCD
My suggestions
- In the Case of Heat... I'll run the Same Test, with the Phone Directly in front of a small airconditioning unit I have.
- In the Case of Pressure, I'm going to look and see if I can place some extra Insulation Tape or Similar on the Phone to relieve this
- I wish I could find somewhere to buy the Replacement Ribbon Cables but I don't know where I can get them in Australia... any ideas?
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We wait to see. Mind you one guy on these boards found he could get half an hour from his device if he put it in the freezer for a while - so I'm not sure that air-con will be strong enough!!!
Well Results.....
After pulling apart the unit and reconnected, I think I found my cause to simply be excess pressure.
I've removed the "Black Plastic" Micro SD Card from its Blanking Plate.
Since I've done this... not one White Screen Whatsoever.
I don't use an SD Card, so the issue is resolved for me, however it is very interesting.
Could be Pressure or Heat (Small Hole Might Increase Airflow/Allow for Greater Dissapation or something)
Hi folks,
i've also small experience with this "white screen" issue and just wanted to inform you about it.
I got the device from my former boss who did already complain about this "white screen" issue on his O² XDA trion with original ROM. (honestly i did not really believe him due to my experience with couple of other devices so after i got the device i was just wondering - ok back to the facts).
I installed on Friday the Windows Mobile VI Pro - BLACK 2.5 Release and until today it was running (as far as i remember expect one time) nearly perfect w/o white screens. About 45min ago, i flashed the device with BLACK 3.0 Release and got until now about 5-10 times a white screen.
I assume this is not a hardware ONLY issue but indeed very strange.
I'll go back to 2.5 and will look forward if i get again the white screen or it'll be ok.
Cheers so far
FaCeOff said:
Hi folks,
i've also small experience with this "white screen" issue and just wanted to inform you about it.
I got the device from my former boss who did already complain about this "white screen" issue on his O² XDA trion with original ROM. (honestly i did not really believe him due to my experience with couple of other devices so after i got the device i was just wondering - ok back to the facts).
I installed on Friday the Windows Mobile VI Pro - BLACK 2.5 Release and until today it was running (as far as i remember expect one time) nearly perfect w/o white screens. About 45min ago, i flashed the device with BLACK 3.0 Release and got until now about 5-10 times a white screen.
I assume this is not a hardware ONLY issue but indeed very strange.
I'll go back to 2.5 and will look forward if i get again the white screen or it'll be ok.
Cheers so far
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You are right to ask the question "is it hardware or software".
We know a white screens can arise if folk duff up flashing a new ROM.
We know there is a hardware caused white screen that comes and goes often when device gets warm.
But there maybe white screens caused by some kinds of crashing software or a buggy ROM etc
Crucially in terms of finding a cure will be distiguishing between these.
2 for most people is easy - take it back and get a replacement.
1 is a matter for the ROM upgrading and fixing boards
3 is a case of trying different ROMs testing 3 party software by selective installation until the problem starts or stops.
In your case I am worried that this is a number 2 device as it did sometimes get the problem before you flashed the ROM and now it's worse. It may only be worse because this particular ROM is generating more heat and consequently more white screens. (see explanations elsewhere).
I suppose if it's an occasional problem you might live with it but otherwise it's replacement at best and repair as a rather dodgy alternative.
Hey Mike,
well, before flashing the device with a custom ROM, in my opinion it was really difficult to use it.
By flashing it with V 2.5, it was very good usable and with V 3.0 it returned to become more unusable. Nevertheless, i upgraded 10min ago with HARD-SPL-V7 and it's running fine now (i've been wating with downgrading to V 2.5. If it returns to become unstable, i will downgrade to V 2.5 again.
I'll keep you informed.
yes for this particular "white screen" issue it will be useful to hear how things go - thanks
White screen - in my case definitely a hardware issue
Hi folks,
i was testing and playing around with my Hermes and today i found the problem (very funny because now i can't reproduce it anymore but just read ahead).
Today i was playing around and after pressing by accident on the case of the Hermes, the screen appeared disappeared and changed into white.
Please download the video i recorded from the attached link - you'll see that it was able to reproduce it by tapping on the case:
Please use VLC or MPC (additional codecs required) to watch the movie.
Honestly i'm not sure if this can be reproduced by anyone but this makes the whole situation much more clear.
Any feedback is welcome.

8525 Dead? NO! Wait yes?

Okay here's my fun little scenario that I searched for and hadn't come across anyone with the same scenario. Phone was working fine one day and next it would only display a white screen, thought something went wrong with the software. Tried a reset, tried a hard reset, tried a flash started getting some screen showing and then distorting and whiteing out also on startup would get crackled sound. Tried a few more resets and so on. Removed the battery for 3 seconds-20mins-8plus hours still having a problem. Distortion gets worse when pushing the battery in the back it seems and will eventually just go to white screen. Now I had bought a new battery recently and just for kicks threw it in, seemed to eliminate my problems. Except now as I just for kicks again am charging my old battery in the cradle along with the phone and the new battery it seems to be having similar issue although it hasn't been nearly as bad as before. Now I just took the "bad" battery off the charger and it seems to be just fine in the cradle at this moment, nevermind it's flickering again. Is more poor little Hermes on it's death bed, please tell me no. I paid $200 on it being used from a company who only warranties it for 14 days, I am almost at 30 now. I bought an warranty with it being used and all however they wont help me untill I reach 60 days I guess so I may be out of luck for 30 days before I might get it fixed or my money back. Sucks too because I switched to the $40 data plan with AT&T about 5 days ago and now I guess will be paying for something I can't really use. Okay it seems as though with random pressure on the back seems to cause it. I'm leaning towards some sort of a battery contact issue perhaps? What should I do to clean/fix the contacts?
For those that wonder why I just seemed to rant about my broken phone and seemingly figured out the problem on my own and are wondering why I am still posting all of it the answer is simple: To benefit someone else who may be experienceing the same problem or who may read it and have the problem down the road they will know what they should do. That and it's late and I'm tired
the screen issue is known to be caused by the D-pad connector coming undone
Okay I had run into that as a possibility however would that affect the sound to make it crackle? Also in experimenting some more this morning with the "old" battery in place it seems to be much much more sensitive to pressure, almost to the point of holding it in the palm of your hand causes the screen to go nutty and wash out to white screen and come back etc.. However with the new battery in its much more stable and I need to apply more pressure in order for it to reproduce these symptoms. I know you've been a member for longer than me and you also work for AT&T however my gut feeling is something else may be the culprit here. I tried recording a video using my backup phone last night except I couldn't seem to get it uploaded to show what the screen is doing. Oh well I really want use of the phone but I also don't want to void the warranty, namely my extra warranty which I can't file a claim for the next month.

X2 screen problem

I know this is the X1 thread, but the X2 one isn't running yet, so i kinda didn't have a choice. I've had my X2 for a bit more than a month now, working normally, but a few minutes ago I turned it on and there's these wierd vertical lines over the screen, as if there's columns where the pixels aren't turning on fully. The effect is worse at the top and bottom of the screen, kinda getting better in an oval in the middle. Dows anyone ahve any ideas on what has happened, and/or how I can fix it?
if a reset doesnt sort it out then its broken. since its only a month old then it should be well within its warranty.
Reset definitely didn't sort it out, I tried that many times. It eventually came good though about 16 hours later, sort of faded out. I was thinking it might have been a temperature thing, but the desk it was sitting on at work isn't in the sun or directly under the air conditioner or anything. Either way, if someone else has the same problem, know that all is not lost!
could of been temperature or moisture. lets hope it never comes back!! you sure noone sneaked in and accidently sat on it or anything?? lol

[Q] Any way to clear screen? Frozen, rooted, need to return. Any ideas?

I rooted my NST a long while back. It slowly started dying over time but I was lazy, didn't bother to unroot and swap it in a timely manner (got the extended warranty) and now it is stuck "Off", as in won't start. That wouldn't matter, only it froze with the rooted navigation icons that button savior brings up showing on the screen! Oops.
In additional to the existing problems (sticking buttons, dead region on screen etc.) the battery indicator started showing a question mark two days ago. A while later it died and wouldn't start. I tried charging, of course, and lots of long power button presses, but the only life I've seen is when I took the card out: at that moment it went through a normal startup... and promptly died showing the stock Home screen with the additional icons overlayed as if I'd triggered the "button savior" app.
Anyone have any ideas of a way to clear the screen? Any suggestions on getting it to boot? I saw I can't crack the case without removing the telltale on the torx screw under the power button.
I don't want to walk into the store and have them decline to swap because it is rooted, even though the problems it has are physical.
Thanks for any suggestions, and for providing the original instructions I used to root - made it worthwhile to get the device in the first place!
My first thought was to just borrow somebody's working Nook and plug your display in long enough to set some image.
But that would make you lose the little sticker on your Torx screw.
OTOH, would they really check that? Certainly not in the store.
I was wondering if an external high voltage would be enough to influence the little pearl spheres.
Renate NST, thanks for the suggestions. As it turned out, I just went ahead and tried returning it in the store. This is one case where seriously horrible employee attitude actually helped!
The short version:
they swapped it with no problems and you're right, they wouldn't have noticed the torx telltale missing!
Long version:
I found the screen is surprisingly resistant to damage. Out of curiosity I tried a hair dryer, impacts, magnet. Then again, a 100 lbs dog's claw on the screen had left a small unresponsive region a while back. I didn't think any of those would work, but thought I'd try - why not? won't "hurt" to hurt it. Couldn't think of a good way to get a charge to the screen.
I arranged a swap at the store by calling the central number. I got the email saying the device was on hold and headed out. The store called while I was on the way there (left voicemail - was driving afterall) saying they had no refurbished ones in stock. I went ahead anyhow, hoping I'd get a new one instead. No luck, they had the refurbished ones. I don't know what that was about.
They didn't even look at it. For that matter, they hardly looked at me. I asked one person, who argued with another about who would help me (no other customers needing help - just didn't want to help). I won't bother you with details, but the attitudes of all there were rather amazingly bad. I am slow to blame employees for the problems encountered shopping - normally it is the company I fault - but all three employees there spent much more effort arguing about who would have to help me than actually swapping the nook. They never once looked at it, didn't even ask what was broken about it, and I certainly could have gotten away with opening it up and, I don't know, taking a spare battery or whatever out of it. Oh well. Live and learn.
Now to see what the status of rooting is. I got the original one within a couple days of the first instrucitons on rooting hitting the web, seems things have changed a bit... so glad this forum is here.
At Worst...
You can do the "hard reset". Charge you NST totally and press the energy button for 60 seconds.

Shaky/crazy touch sensitivity

Hi guys, first post.
Would first like to say that this forum has been really helpful for anything Android related as I always end up on it from googling.
Anyway, after having said that I google, I could not find anyone here with this similar problem I have. At least, I'm not sure how to describe it, but I've made a video.
My touch screen's sensitivity goes haywire sometimes. It's worse on the right side of the screen, and nearly non-existent on the left.
It is virtually eliminated by a simple screen off/screen on, but starts to happen randomly later.
Makes me wonder if it's software related? Though since no one else is experiencing it as far as I've googled, I'm thinking it's hardware but I really hope not.
Anyway, here's some youtube video (just add the youtube URL at the beginning; can't post links since I'm a new user). It's most evident when I'm trying to move large widgets. You'll see me try to either hold the widget still or drag it around, which result in erratic movement/touch-releases/home screen changes. The second one is worse:
I really don't want the hassle of returning and playing a gamble considering all the fiasco there is with lifted screens and what not; everything is fine, no dead pixels, and this isn't that of a major problem. I bought this at a local Walmart and have until the 18th till my 14 days are over; after that it's ASUS warranty. I was thinking of just bearing with this since it's minor and arrange a warranty service once craziness ends later in the year but I'm not sure how that'll go either.
Also, if someone else has or knows of this kind of problem, can you kindly redirect me? Since this problem is hard to explain in words, it's also hard to google it.
FA1 said:
Hi guys, first post.
Would first like to say that this forum has been really helpful for anything Android related as I always end up on it from googling.
Anyway, after having said that I google, I could not find anyone here with this similar problem I have. At least, I'm not sure how to describe it, but I've made a video.
My touch screen's sensitivity goes haywire sometimes. It's worse on the right side of the screen, and nearly non-existent on the left.
It is virtually eliminated by a simple screen off/screen on, but starts to happen randomly later.
Makes me wonder if it's software related? Though since no one else is experiencing it as far as I've googled, I'm thinking it's hardware but I really hope not.
Anyway, here's some youtube video (just add the youtube URL at the beginning; can't post links since I'm a new user). It's most evident when I'm trying to move large widgets. You'll see me try to either hold the widget still or drag it around, which result in erratic movement/touch-releases/home screen changes. The second one is worse:
I really don't want the hassle of returning and playing a gamble considering all the fiasco there is with lifted screens and what not; everything is fine, no dead pixels, and this isn't that of a major problem. I bought this at a local Walmart and have until the 18th till my 14 days are over; after that it's ASUS warranty. I was thinking of just bearing with this since it's minor and arrange a warranty service once craziness ends later in the year but I'm not sure how that'll go either.
Also, if someone else has or knows of this kind of problem, can you kindly redirect me? Since this problem is hard to explain in words, it's also hard to google it.
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I have the exact same issue. My first Nexus was fine but I had the issue of only one channel on the headphone jack. Didn't matter how hard I pushed in the plug. The replacement jumps all over the place a reboot seems to help for a bit so I don't know that it is hardware but a wipe of the device didn't help.
---------- Post added at 01:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ----------
For what it is worth, I just called Google and they are going to send me a new one. The lady that assisted me stated that she has had a few complaints with this issue and that they just replace it. N7 #3 should be on the way in a couple days. For some reason she said that the device wasn't set up properly in my profile so it will add a couple days to the process because of the long weekend.
Not a big deal. I have lived with it for a while now. At least they appear to be taking care of it and I wasn't transferred to Asus. At least yet.

