Downgrading from Leaked Oreo to Stock Nougat?? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Hi all, kind of a newbie query i want to install s9 rom by sac23 which is oreo rom, I want to confirm if I install this rom and later wants to go back to stock nougat will it be possible, If yes will it be via odin by downloading latest stock firmware from sammobile, or i can restore also from my nandroid backup of my nougat rom. My fone is now at nougat january security patch level build number NRD90M.G935FXXS2DRAA which is latest for my region. I also want to ask can i install sac23 s9 port directly over nougat by fromatting data, cache & system etc. Thanks in advance for the guidance


Cant access security settings on lollipop roms after reverting from marshmallow

I flashed the phoenix hydrogen rom and the firmware patch, I didn't like hydrogen and wanted to revert back. I used The first aid method posted by deletescape to get my bootloader etc... back to lollipop and flashed skydragon 3.3 which i was running before. now i cant access the security settings on any lollipop roms, not even my stock backup. can someone please help me with this.
No 1st aid. You need tp flash 5.1.1 revert back patch.

Back to Lollipop rom stock

Hi, i have a problem, i installed CrDroid Rom marshmallow, but the telephone and call don't work.
Now, can i install lollipop rom stock? via Odin? Please help
Good luck.

Is it possible to update firmware with custom rom installed?

Hey guys, i searched a lot, on google and xda, but i think i couldn't find the answer to my question.
I have the latest unofficial LineageOS 8.1.0 Oreo installed, with TWRP.
At home my phone is losing wifi signal every few minutes and then it reconnects again, as far as i know this was already a problem with stock Samsung ROM installed. Now, since i rooted and installed TWRP and LOS i ask myself, if there is a possibility to update latest firmware / modem / booloader without wiping the device, respectively flash the whole Samsung stock ROM with Odin and root / the device again?
To be simple: Is it possible to flash extracted parts of the official Samsung FW package with odin or flashfire to update wifi modem / firmware without losing data and wipe my installed LOS rom?
All i could find was how to do this with official rooted samsung ROM but not how to update with an installed custom rom?
Maybe somebody can help me out here Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I found that somebody made twrp flashable modem and bootloader files! Thatd awesome, you can find the thread here:
BatZzn said:
Hey guys, i searched a lot, on google and xda, but i think i couldn't find the answer to my question.
I have the latest unofficial LineageOS 8.1.0 Oreo installed, with TWRP.
At home my phone is losing wifi signal every few minutes and then it reconnects again, as far as i know this was already a problem with stock Samsung ROM installed. Now, since i rooted and installed TWRP and LOS i ask myself, if there is a possibility to update latest firmware / modem / booloader without wiping the device, respectively flash the whole Samsung stock ROM with Odin and root / the device again?
To be simple: Is it possible to flash extracted parts of the official Samsung FW package with odin or flashfire to update wifi modem / firmware without losing data and wipe my installed LOS rom?
All i could find was how to do this with official rooted samsung ROM but not how to update with an installed custom rom?
Maybe somebody can help me out here Thanks in advance!
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I think you can update the bootloader and modem without wiping anything. Just flash thru odin. I'm on a custom rom by the way.

About updating sm-j730f/DS from Android 7.0 to Android 8.1 ?

Good evening, I have some questions taking into account that I am not an expert.
Beginning I own a sm-j730f/ds version Android 7.0 rooted by Magisk, 17.1 stock rom for Egypt:
1-Is it possible to update to Android 8.1 stock ROM for UAE
2. Are there any special steps to update or the normal way is enough by Odin
3-Does root with magisk work without twrp method
And thanks in advance.
good afternoon friend you can help me .. so I wanted the back-up of j7 pro .70 twrp without root because I was upgrade to version 8.1 and to have several errors and I can not go back to version 7.0 only by backup
My dear friend, I am sorry unfortunately I can not help, because my device contains root magisk plus that TWRP does not work on my device.
Question why you want to return to Android 7.0. Have you encountered a problem with the new update?

Can I downgrade to Nougat (Android 7) if I installed the Oreo update?

if so, which version or file should I use?
thanks in advance.
@josuemf: Downgrading is easy peasy, no issues at all. You can even go all the way back to Marshmallow if you want. Just flash a stock ROM EDL of your choice.
