help - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answers

i bought my samsung 2 years ago and i unlock it. but i am here in malaysia. now my phone is stock to its stock version is there any way to update it?


[Q] N910C no lollipop yet. Why

Hi everyone I'm just wondering why I haven't gotten my lollipop update for my Note 4 yet. I just bought this phone 2 days ago and it came with kitkat 4.4.2 on it. I live in Jackson City, New Jersey. Thank you. Additionally, the phone is unlocked.
[email protected] said:
Hi everyone I'm just wondering why I haven't gotten my lollipop update for my Note 4 yet. I just bought this phone 2 days ago and it came with kitkat 4.4.2 on it. I live in Jackson City, New Jersey. Thank you. Additionally, the phone is unlocked.
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There is lollipop android 5.0.1
Flash it via odin
Just search before posting
Do i need to root? I have no idea at all
No odin is official
Just watch youtube or go to Q&A section

wanna help about unlocking with SSU-Sprint Samsung Unlocker

Hi guys
Yesterday I got my SPRINT galaxy note 4 which I bought from ebay, I'm not in USA and I want to unlock it. There is app called SSU to unlock sprint galaxy note 4 for international use but it require kitkat or lollipop custom rom to unlock phone. But unfortunately phone came with 5.0.1
So now i want to flash custom rom to unlock it. Anyway I prefer stock rom so that I can backup and restore after unlock it, So guys I wanna know what are the good custom roms to do that process. ?
Many thanks in advance
any idea ?

Samsung Galaxy S5 Active on 4.4.2

I recently bought an S5 Active off of Ebay and I'm using the bring your own phone plan on cricket wireless. Currently my phone is on 4.4.2 kit kat, and I know that lollipop has been released for a while, but my phone tells me that it is up to date. Is there any way I can update? I'm completely new to the world of ROMS and all this other stuff, so any help would be appreciated!
I asked this question on toms hardware and got a response saying
"definitely do not upgrade your phone over the air if you have 4.4.2 and it is a galaxy s5.
s5's that are on 4.4.2 kitkat are not bootloader locked and are highly desireable in aftermarket sale. your best bet if you "want" lollipop is to root and do a custom rom like cyanogen 12/13. i think there is even a 6.0 marshmellow rom too.
otherwise if you upgrade to stock over the air 5.0+ you will be bootloader locked, unable to ever revert back to kitkat, and unable to root and do a custom rom. 9 months later and nobody has cracked the bootloader and at this point it is likely nobody ever will with 6.0 marshmellow around the corner.
because of that your phone is probably worth $50-100 more than a 5.0+ s5 for that reason... there are those out there that would love to get their hands on your phone and root it and will pay more since you are still on kitkat and fully unlocked."
Honestly, I have no idea what that means so if anybody could help me out I would greatly appreciate it!

Unroot Galaxy Note3 with no sim card present: is it possible?

I have just bought a new Galaxy S7 Edge (one year late, I know, but I have reasons!) and also have a Galaxy Note3 SM-N900.
The Note3 has been rooted since I bought it about 3.5 years ago. However, I would like to unroot it and install a stock ROM. I can do all that no problem.
My question to you is: Can I unroot the Note3 and install the stock ROM WITHOUT having a sim card inserted?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes as sim has nothing at all to do with root .

Update my sim unlocked Sprint Galaxy S7 to stock Nougat will lock it again?

Hi guys,
First i need to say my android knowledge is less coz i am a guy who coming to android from iOS backyard. I recently bought a Samsung galaxy S7 in Singapore. I bought it from a generic shop(not from official Samsung shop)
Unfortunately I got to know from Samsung, this phone is a sim unlock phone which is originally belongs to Sprint USA. Currently It's running Android 6.0.1 and I can use my local Singapore sim. When I check the IMEI number from the web it says the model is "Galaxy S7 G930P". But within the phone settings it says the model number is "SM-G930F".
My question is, If i manually update to stock Android 7 by using Odin tool, will the phone is lock again? Help is highly appreciated

