Have you tried other governors for better battery life? Other kernels? What worked? - Google Pixel 2 XL Guides, News, & Discussion

I have now started testing a little - first with changing the governors (with Kernel Adiutor) from the default (which seems to be schedutil) to other combinations (on my old OP3T conservative on the Big cores and interactive on the Little ones was looking like a very good compromise, but the BluSpark kernel also had some options for touch boost that don't seem to be active on the stock Taimen kernel; also on OP3T making both conservative would save even more battery power but you would get lag on gapless music and other similar stuff).
What worked best for you?

Changing the governor on your p2xl!?!
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Why would you do that? Battery works great

TBH I've been told by at least a couple kernel devs that the current schedulers are so optimised it's not really worth messing with them.

Triscuit said:
TBH I've been told by at least a couple kernel devs that the current schedulers are so optimised it's not really worth messing with them.
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Couldn't agree more with your post. When Flash, Flar2, and DespairFactor tell me to leave it at stock settings.....I listen! :good:

Go with the developers stock defaults....


[Q] SAD!! Why is my Antutu Benchmark is too low?

My first attempt on Antutu scored 20k, 2nd 21k and last 20k. Btw, I'm using cyanogenmod lastest nightly with this custom kernel and also fauxclock.
Here are my clock settings:
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My last attempt scored like this:
and compared to other LG G2:
I'm little worried about the result that my device had. I think it is really low.
Can someone share their OC/GPU/UV settings that will be good at gaming but not that hot?
Thanks in advance and hope you can help me guys.
Does your device still run swiftly?
Benchmarks are pretty to look at, when you have nice scores. But in reality they are meaningless.
Just my opinion of coarse.
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Read the lastest pages of the kernel thread I (we) speak about thermal throttling... Maybe your CPU can't handle the overclock to 2,5 Ghz too...
Plus AOSP/CM rom scores always lower than stock, I mean compared with LG rom.
You are complaining in your other thread about CPU temp and you are overclock to 2,5 Ghz for benchs...
Why does it even matter? Benchmarks are lame.

[Q] Battery Life & Performance

Hey guys, im going to be joining the Nexus 4 Community soon, and u will see me alot, i will also try and develop some stuff for it,
However at the moment im preparing my self for it, by doing extensive reasearch on how to pro-long the nexus 4 battery life while maintaining performance.
After all my research i have found that alot of people recommend P.A & Franco Kernel for long battery life
However ive gone through alot of roms and what i want is the Purity Rom and another Kernel (no offence to any other devs, but Franco's Kernel seems to be a bit sluggish...) So what kernel can i use (i wanted to use Matr1x Kernel... however its stuck on 4.3)
So basically my main question is what Kernel can i use with Purity rom that will keep 6+ hours of screen on time and etc.. with good performance
If u think 6+ Hours is impossible, have a look:
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Thanks in advance, i hope no one is offended...

HUGE battery drain, WTF is this wakelock?!?!?!!

I've searched and can't find anything. I've installed multiple apps to help figure it out, but it never gets better. The pics say it all... what the hell is going on? I have flashed multiple ROMs and it never gets better. And yes, I wipe and do a clean install every time. This event6/irq thing is killing me. The phone never goes into deep sleep.
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@strodda there are maybe more wcd9xxx-irq related things but if you read this file
which is also getting used for compiling then you will read also about PM_locks wakelocks. I also believe that it's getting used for some audio related things but I am not sure and I am too tired to find it out. I don't know or it's normal cause I never use any other app to see what apps were the most intensive for the battery then the included feature in settings.
If you have any audio mods, I suggest to turn them off/turn them a bit down since setting audio quality high on viper4android or some other sound mods are asking for alot of cpu usage, just like on games.
I also suggest to try Dorimanx Kernel or some other kernel in the development forum.

Z3C sw best practices

I just put together a brief description of apps/settings I use on my Z3C.
Please, feel free to add your comments and tips.
EDIT: A'ight, everything clear now
romcio47 said:
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Yes, with missing link it looks really weird Sorry for that, it's fixed now
One thing I have to say - you really depend on many customization options... totally different type of usage if compared to what I expect from my Z3C.
I only use stock apps, stock launcher and no serious mods except some Xposed ones which are essential for me to use my phone daily.
Maybe it's because it was always difficult for me to set up everything and I had no time to test different setups... I'm that kind of lazy guy
Anyway I don't really have too much to say about your setup but you provided nice description of your apps and settings!
'Cause I was bored waiting for the next beta of MM, I decided to implement your suggestions. You're right, these make for a nice Android experience on my Z3c. I'm curious to see what effect there is on battery.

Which ROM Best for XT1575 T-Mobile

Am running a variation of stock rooted with Frankenclark Kernel. I've not particularly tweaked this phone, nor do I have exposed. I've noticed a decided slow down sluggishness, especially evident when I used the Google search bar, or need to type something in. I am using Nova Launcher and also SwiftKey keyboard. I realize that there may be some service etc.. that's creating issues, but very hard to figure it out at this point. Before I give up on the phone in general (the camera is not great, and also battery life is "eh") I'd like to give a shot at an alternate ROM. Am thinking the combination of a wipe and a new ROM might breathe some new life into this. I just flashed PureNexus on my aging Nexus 7 2013 and so far it seems to have made a big difference.
Any recommendations? I am not especially using the phone for games, nor do I really need to tweak this (e.g. Nova's tweaks are good enough).
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Every ROM is build to work good with all carriers.
BrokenOS or Dirty Unicorns... Have to Google them as neither is on XDA anymore, but both are rock solid.
only reason im on trupure/ frankenclark is because of KCAL, i can add more saturation and the screen looks amazing

