WLAN don't work - Lenovo A6000/Plus Questions & Answers

i used custom rom paranoid 4.6beta (OS KK). before i instal custom kernel WLAN is worked properly, but after i flashing custom kernel WLAN can't be turn on. please help me! how to fix this bug. ( i was try to instal the kernel in another rom based KK and it's wored) i'm sorry i bad in english.

1. Take a backup(Select Boot, Recrovery, System)
2. Install other ROM
3. Backup(Modern, EFS)
4. Recrovery your ROM
5. Recrovery Modern, EFS
6. Clear backups
7. Wipe Cache
8. Reboot
9. Open Wifi
10. Connect to a Wifi
11. Done.


[Q] Question about MS2Ginger

I'm currently running CM10.2 by Engle_Mars but I would like to try MS2Ginger 5. ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1931968 )
I've read the thread but can't really find some concrete information as to the installation steps. Do I need to install both the rom and the kernel listed in that thread?
I have the latest kernel: SPKernelR6+UP.7z (16.05 - New Revision! <Rev6>) and the v5 Rom.
In cm10.2 Do I just reboot to recovery, install the kernel, install the rom, wipe data/cache, reboot?
norgar00 said:
I'm currently running CM10.2 by Engle_Mars but I would like to try MS2Ginger 5. ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1931968 )
I've read the thread but can't really find some concrete information as to the installation steps. Do I need to install both the rom and the kernel listed in that thread?
I have the latest kernel: SPKernelR6+UP.7z (16.05 - New Revision! <Rev6>) and the v5 Rom.
In cm10.2 Do I just reboot to recovery, install the kernel, install the rom, wipe data/cache, reboot?
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You dont need to install kernel from MSGinger thread. It is working with stock one without any problem
0. Extract rom to /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
1. you must format data and cache to ext3 - you can do that from bootmenu
2. boot to recovery and flash this recovery: http://www.mediafire.com/?i1rcie7tf4y6rmu
because CM10.2 has TWRP recovery and it cant recover CWM nandroid backups
3. Boot to CWM based Recovery.
4. Restore the ROM.
5. Reboot , boot again to CWM
6. Now Wipe Data & Cache.
Thank you!

hey i need some help installing a rom to my gs4

1. Download latest Hyperdrive Rom version
2. Download Compatibility pack for your carrier
3. Reboot into Recovery
4. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
5. Wipe cache and dalvik cache
6. Install Rom and choose your correct carrier
7. Install Compatibility Pack directly after flashing rom
8. Then Reboot (First Boot may take up to 10 mins)
9. Enter your Carriers APN (if needed)
10. Let Phone sit for 10 minutes
11. Reboot again
12 Enjoy!
are the instructions.... how do I do step number 6?????im so confused
can someone maybe get on teamviewer to help me out with the please?! add me on Skype:jtbartman
or pm me please
Just boot into the ss recovery do your wipes, flash the rom and then flash the modules. Then boot into your system
what recovery are you using

[GUIDE] Install Lineage OS 14.1 on Redmi Note 3 (No in call audio issue fixed)

Hello guys, this is my first guide here. So as the title says, I will show you how to install Lineage OS on your Redmi Note 3 device (kenzo).
So before following the guide, your device should have a unlocked bootloader and TWRP recovery.
I will also tell you how to fix in calls audio issue if you are facing it after installing Lineage OS 14.1
So let's begin.
First download the rom (refer to the official thread).
Download Cm14.1 firmware for kenzo (you can find it in the same rom thread)
Download Gapps (any package like micro or nano)
1- Boot to TWRP recovery.
2- Go to wipe menu. Wipe system, data, dalvik cache and cache.
3- Now go to mount, and mount cust and persist.
4- Go to install. Select the firmware zip file you had downloaded. Install it. (This fixes in call audio problem)
5- After installing it you can unmount cust and persist from the mount menu.
6- After it flash the official Lineage OS rom which you had downloaded. (Install menu, zip)
7- After rom is flashed, flash Gapps package. (Install menu, zip)
8- After flashing Gapps, go to wipe and wipe cache, dalvik cache.
9- Reboot your device
First Reboot will take a while so don't panic... Download Google camera if you want a more stable camera (since stock is quite buggy).. Also you can use Umang's Flashlight fix for the buggy Flashlight button.
Just in case you want to root the device, just download root add-on (found in official thread)
Enjoy the experience.. ?
xzy99 said:
Hello guys, this is my first guide here. So as the title says, I will show you how to install Lineage OS on your Redmi Note 3 device (kenzo).
So before following the guide, your device should have a unlocked bootloader and TWRP recovery.
I will also tell you how to fix in calls audio issue if you are facing it after installing Lineage OS 14.1
So let's begin.
First download the rom (refer to the official thread).
Download Cm14.1 firmware for kenzo (you can find it in the same rom thread)
Download Gapps (any package like micro or nano)
1- Boot to TWRP recovery.
2- Go to wipe menu. Wipe system, data, dalvik cache and cache.
3- Now go to mount, and mount cust and persist.
4- Go to install. Select the firmware zip file you had downloaded. Install it. (This fixes in call audio problem)
5- After installing it you can unmount cust and persist from the mount menu.
6- After it flash the official Lineage OS rom which you had downloaded. (Install menu, zip)
7- After rom is flashed, flash Gapps package. (Install menu, zip)
8- After flashing Gapps, go to wipe and wipe cache, dalvik cache.
9- Reboot your device
First Reboot will take a while so don't panic... Download Google camera if you want a more stable camera (since stock is quite buggy).. Also you can use Umang's Flashlight fix for the buggy Flashlight button.
Just in case you want to root the device, just download root add-on (found in official thread)
Enjoy the experience..
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it this a joke? this looks like a chinese copy of a guide posted 1 week ago and is only 2 posts under this:
what is your intention?
@massan1 I hope you have eyes through which you can read properly. No offence brother. Well, I didn't copy it. Plus that guide is made for those who have locked bootloader. Second, I am posting this for those who want to clean install Lineage OS with the call audio fix. So, if you believe I have copied it , just keep believing it.
Keep burning.. I'll get ice packs for you. Thanks.
I was on cm 13 before flashing lineage OS 14.1..Now the issue iam facing is that while making calls without headphones the both myself and other person won't hear a thing. On reverting back to cm 13 everything works fine. Currently on nightly 07.02.2107
r28 said:
I was on cm 13 before flashing lineage OS 14.1..Now the issue iam facing is that while making calls without headphones the both myself and other person won't hear a thing. On reverting back to cm 13 everything works fine. Currently on nightly 07.02.2107
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just flash upgraded firmware or change build.prop:
Raaj52 said:
This is not a build.prop issue!! In order to work with the old firmware (patched one) you have to make fluence to none, this is done when you use patched VoLTE. If you make fluence to none the latest MM firmwares won't give sound in call, many are getting no sound because they are using the old patched firmware. Since the native VoLTE is fixed no need of the old firmware and you don't need to change fluence to none. Just flash the latest firmware and you are good to go.
Still doubt? OK then I need to tell you one more thing, The first patch for VoLTE for MIUI MM was made by me (you can check that in MIUI Global forum) and sudeep made a firmware.zip with my NON-HLOS.bin and I can see that the same is copied in the firmware.zip, in order to get fluence working in the patched firmware it should have used with the correct adspso.bin.
Many are thinking that changing firmware is useless but in reality it comes with lot of stability fixes, so I recommend everyone to update your firmware to the latest one instead of all this build.prop editing craps.
What is the problem if I edit build.prop? --> You have to edit your build.prop whenever you flash a ROM, you can't avoid it unless you flash the latest firmware.
Why I am so confident? --> Because I know what is firmware and How does it work!
If you have "no sound in calls" issue even after you change the firmware I recommend a clean mi flash tool flashing with the latest MIUI ROM (because it will fix all your partition related stuffs, instability issues)
@abhishek987 @akhilnarang could you please add the "solution for no sound in calls is to flash the latest firmware" in your first post?
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First and foremost , i am not the developer nor do i take any credit for the rom.
I have personally tested the rom and found no bugs except that the camera flash doesn't work through the camera app, but works through the flashlight.
I am making this thread because i couldn't find anything anywhere.
The only other bugs is that the selinux is disabled meaning viper4android won't work.
I have the 16gb 4g variant , so i can't say if it will work on the 8gb variant. And obviously i take no responsibility if something happens to your device . Proceed at your own risk.
There is MIUI8 by the same developer , wait for me to check it then i will provide the download link.
daffalaam : for providing the rom link .
bsklari : for complete rom development.
Rom OS version: 6.0.1
Rom linux version:3.10.x
Based on: BlissPop
Status : Final Build
1) Go to settings -> about device -> click on build number till you have unlocked developer mode
2) Enable Unknown source in security settings
3) Install kingroot.apk from the archive and root your device (sometimes you have to try 2,3 times before you get root )
4) Enable OEM unlocking in developer mode , and plug your device to pc , go to A2020a40 unlock and click unlock bootloader.bat and wait for it .Backup your data before this because it will be deleted.
5) After the device reboots got to twrp1 and run flashtwrp.bat and press 1 after everything is done.
6) Copy blisspop.zip and gapps pico to your sdcard and plug your device to the pc and run runtwrp.bat from twrp1 folder.
7) Twrp starts in another language choose second option on the right and select english , the nselect never show again and swipe to get into twrp.
8) Go to backup select storage as external sdcard , and backup everything.
9) After backup is done go to wipe and wipe everything except external sdcard.
10) Flash Blisspop.zip -> wipe cache and dalvik -> flash gapps pico -> wipe cache and dalvik -> flash supersu zip from chainfire's site -> wipe cache and dalvik-> reboot device.
11) Enjoy.
Google Drive:
Thank me if you found this post helpful
reupload please

[GUIDE] CorvusOS for J7 Prime

As you all may know, CorvusOS is one of the most popular custom ROM At the moment, and the developers known as "Tipz Team Builds" Have made it compatible for J7 Prime!
(IMPORTANT!!, There are currently lots of bugs in CorvusOs, so i recommend waiting for a stable release, if you wanna install it then im not responsible for any damages done to your phone, i warned you!)
(Please as always take a nandroid backup of your phone as with any other custom rom installation!)
Credits :
Tipz Team Builds original thread : https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/gsi-beta-11-phh-corvusos-v16-8-avalon.4212765/
Downloads :
Treblue : https://www.mediafire.com/file/xskqacpul8glpfx/Treblue_v2.0.zip/file
NikGAPPS : https://www.mediafire.com/file/fk3xv8xr8i2bxrt/NikGapps-basic-arm64-11-20201231-signed.zip/file
CorvusOS : https://sourceforge.net/projects/ti...e-25082021-Beta-Official-0000.img.xz/download
Installation :
*I cannot stress this enough, Please always take a nandroid backup of your phone when installing a custom rom!*
1. Download all of the above
2. Boot into custom recovery
3. Wipe : Cache, Dalvik Cache, Data, System, Vendor *DO NOT WIPE INTERNAL STORAGE*
4. Extract the CorvusOs*version*.img.xz as .xz
5. Flash the extracted CorvusOs as system image
6. After flashing CorvusOs, Mount System and vendor, *If you can't mount it, Reboot into recovery again*, After mounting Flash Treblue
7. After flashing treblue Flash NikGAPPS
8. Wait for it to finish
9. To confirm it works reboot into recovery and look at terminal, it should say something like "Custom ROM (TREBLE) CorvusOs"
10. Now reboot into system and enjoy!!
After installation it should reboot a few times, let it rest for 5-10 minutes
Credits are given above, please give me suggestions on how to improve my guide!
Also, if you are gonna update to the latest version, do not download ones with "gapps" in their name, also the file must have either vndklite or nonlite on the file, so it looks something like this
CorvusOs-*version*-treble-arm64-vndklite/nonlite-*DATE OF RELEASE*-Beta/Stable-Official-0000.img.xz
